HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/07/18July 18, 1966 the above d;~te w~th the Vaden, Ad~ms ~nd Guy~r~ Harshmam STATEMENT Mr. Eugene York. APPRO'~AL OF~:M ~ N,u"' "~b- O~rector of' F'~hn~:~9 beceuse the appl' '~r~ the ~oc,at~o~, ad~ce~t setback on r, +~ ., ~ the s~me r,,~t:m~c:k ~-:: the or by a public p~rk~n9 Jot: which wou~,d~:t serve /:his ~ompleted, The Comm~ s s ~c,~ Member' The" and what: f~ *'",(:re be~g ~o further com~t, e~t~er for o~ ag~,~r,::,r, the hea~ng w~; ? better s~ou~4 be c!e~,~ly :r'~ff[c c~ Ch~rma~ pre, t~,~ 5:ew::~t: d~k.~..red he red ~ objectio~ to the remov~f of tb,~, g~=ir~6~ ~b, at ~t wo~ld ~ct~at~ better erve t~e ~-,te~-:ded u~e of tre b~d~g~ 3, A p~ve:d ccess dri;v~, ~ r~]m~m O¢ 12 fee[ ~'~ w~dth, betweer~ the a',Ley ,-:id the Le~d:z.~e plh~r :~;~:~ be .~:;bm~tt(-d for z,t,atf: Fer, ce t~ be con~tr,~cted or t'e 3 ~de c:f tF~ p~rk~r~g lot (fence be replaced w~th ope:n~%g for 1. lrJat ~he gr¢~nt~g of the c~d~t~o~¢li u;e pe-m,',t w[~] r, ot be .~ater~t~y de~'~me-~t lJ Motion p~s:sed b'y the f~iloM-.~ vote, AY'ES: Members Ad~m~;, :~y~r, ~ork~ ~o~s;o~t~, ':t~w~:r,t, ,~r:d Veda NOES: Member A~SENT: 4o;::,~ a coed]t~or~¢'~ ~:se pe;rm~t:~ p~ov~dfd prope~ f~r:d~-~9s ~r,.: made, This 9~c,s the' change~ FULrt~er, the ~ots [' tbS:; area ~re t~)o sh:~,o~ for typ[c,~ c:)m~rc:~ ~ t~ere ~s riot ~'oo~ for e c:_,~i'rc~a~, e t,:,b~ ;':~te:~t ~rd requ~r'ed offstreet a~y of these ~ots? ~ ~s Yv~de'~,ged ~y 6e:,.,~ c~e:s~: betwee~ Sm~t:h a:cd off,ce use. Member Ad,ms :~t:ctcd J'e fe]~ t:ket co:',d~t]or, wou~d ~mpo~;e ~r, uqr'e<-:~c'r.b~e the '-ppl recomme.*dat[o-, ::ho¢[d be r~de t:o the Co :cc~ i. gett:~n9 the ~}?ey M,proYed. fl~'. ~ rs~::~e~ sa~d ~ co;;~d be applied go~rJg to pay for it:. ::i~ fe:~t: the best way t:o heY, tale ]t would be a'l'ley betweeR ~':~': a~:d 0 ~s 3treat ~:q the 500 block to be paved ~s :soo~ as cf geYr ¢'¢rd Se'tb;c:k ¢rc,~r. 20~ LO lend cses. ]'~:s dwe~i~ w~I~ b~ s~p;~rat~d F{--,~q the ~,)mme~ci,~:~ ~:r~s,-~ b¢ ~bout : 30 :]~e:~ O~ t~ ::~J~ Of t~J~- h~s been re=de w~e'eby the owners w~'~ dedicate 5 more to the re~ef property from T*e Com~s~: on d ;c..;;sed L~¢e h~ght of * build,rig ~n the c~merc:[~ zo-e wk,~c:~ wou~d be west o~ th~" dwe~ ,~g. ~¢~ feT;e~ :;t:.~:::ed the bu~d~ng~ could 9o ~5 feet ;~ a could be ~mpos¢,d ~f d~tmed rear y~rd setback, ~;~ce ¢t~ tf~ ";~v(*9'~ w~] be o~ th~~ s~de of the Pou~: ~here the p¢.tio w~l~ be erected. Cra~m::n pro tern Stewart noted zb;:t d~e to the s~ze of the ~ot~ they ~o f:,ve co-- s~de~,~b~y mo-~, open area than a,: average lot. ~ere being '¢o further commert, e~ther FO'¢ oz ~g'~r~t, t¢~,~, ~,¢r~ng w ; dec]a;'ed /~5 feet, subject to the p~o~ p~m:. on F~nd~ngs be ~ here~n ~nvo~ved o[f the ~'~;:(:*d~¢d u:;~~ t~,ereof theft do r-.or apply generally to property some 30: ~el~ e~rd 75 d~st~;n~: fro'e the bottom of slope to ~he h:.,;se. ~:~ ~dd~tion; the lot h¢:5 ~ 3,000 ~qu,,re fo~ re:~; ~ar'd o~' a t:~a:r:,g~::r~sh;~pcd co;r,~r to the 3. Orar,t r~g th '¢ ,,~¢~::ce ~-, ~ece:~ary fo~ ~he pre~=r.'.,t[on of the while r~erving .*he purpose~~ ~f the ordie,:mc'e, i~e ?pp]~u~nt desire,; ~s 9re,:~er d~st,~mce between t:-~e :~idew~'rlk ~.]?~d g~:~r <ge door. property ~,, tocrf..*ed, :;]~.ze the propert~ c~osest ~_o the p~'ce~ [~ q~e:~;"~cr~ [:~: 30 feet PUSL!C FEAR~N3 ~ 'vAR~A;~CE: ~:qcent & g~rb,;,~ra Whel.m = 7~5 F~rst Averue - for W~:~ver of G,~g~ R~qu~rc:z~.~t T~e ~pp~icst~o~ w~s re::d ~ir: wh~c~ 4~ request: ~s z~de for permissio~ to waive the garage req~ ~emerjt. ~rec:~r of: P]ern[~9 W,:r~e~ s~m~cted ~ p~ot p~ ;~ot~9 the ]oc.~'c~on. ~e thr~t ~ si~9]e-fem~'*y dwe~ii~'~9',% w[tr~ cecte,~r'~ except~o~u.~, ~ R~I zoqes are req,~:~ to have *;, 2-c:~" 9~r~e~ T~,e pp][c,=mt pre~e]t:~y h,~s ~J two~c,3r 9¢~r,~9e wr,~ch ~: does parking are~, lie ~as ,,* ~,~: m~$ur~9 ~75: x ~72' w~th ~mother porc~o~ 70~ x attached to the southe,~ster ty corr~er of :ne 'LOt. A curved driveway exists ~ of the house which pro~]de:': park~9 for 6 to 8 c~r". D~rector Wa~r'e~ chef: r'ev]ewed the st ff"s reco~e-,dat~or~:: of approval. Member Ad::,ms ~sked ]f the pre:~e~t driveway ~s w~de e~o~:g;' to pe~miit c~r to ~other. Mr. Warre~ ~a~d ~t Thins be~g the t~me ~nd piece r:,s advert~seJ~ t~e public he:r~,~9 w~-s Mr. '~]r~cet~t: Whe]4 ~¢ the app~c~¢ht, st~t:ed he needs t~e extrs r}o;~ for ~:;~zozher because of t:~s 9~'c~th of r~s f~m~y', ~[e ~r,t:erpret:~ the ord~rJ,:qne: c~; a req~re~qt for providing :';tor~g6 .~hd ;t~te: he k,:,s a sep~r,~qte b~ld~g for th~s p~rpose, ~s w~r9 [o comply w~t:h the ord~z:E,nce ~;t:et~r,9 t:h~¢; bu~]d~r,g w~[ ~ ~w~y:' be used for Mr, W~et.sr~ rem~r~k,=d t~J~.* f~. ~¢;::; pg~:,:ted a few ora:-~ge trees o~ the ~orth s~d~ property wh~ch~ whe~ growr, w: shield part of the dr~vew~y from those, of t h~-~ t There b,e~n9 no further c~:-~sle::rt~ e:~the~ For or again:~t, the hearing w~s declmr'ed othsr p~operty C~ty Att:o~rne¢ Li~dberg e:xp; :,~e;d t~: ex~:;t:f~g requ~e~e't: for a 9::r,'-~ge or the dhff~cu;J~ prob'~em of keep;n9 the (~r:~, off the h~ dr~vewey, Member Joh~sobq ~d~crted that the present ]endscape screener:9 suff~c~e~ ~ o~y wh8~ th~s ~, take~ ~ow~, or th8 tree~ d~e, some other screening ~f~utd be t:o ~e bro_g~t up to the s~d~,rds d,¢termi'~ed by the C~ty Engi-;eer. I~ There are pr~c't~c~ d;ffe,enc65 ~d u~ece:~=ry hard,,~ps w~?,~~, the me~:g of Ord~'-:-?ce ~,o, 398 ar ~me~ed w~c~ wou~d re~ul~ ~n th(; str ct comp]iarce of tre ~(re~ rv)]ved or the ~nte~Ct~d us~ thereof that do mot 8pp~y generally to property or c~ss of urea, in the sa~ zor!e. %t~ property h~s ¢ i,~rge rem~',-c rcu]er dr~,,ew,- provided ~n 8 ~eprr,~te d~tached bu~'Jd~g (~pprox~,~tely 250 squ4elre feet) p~u:~ a 200 property r~ght of [he ¢~pp~c ~t, The de:~gq of the rozse ~s :-,~ch that the o~ the north by Ea:~t: 'LP" Street ,orad on 5he e~.:st by the propoced 805 ~:;d ~reew-.y. ~t co~t~[zJ:~ i504 acres ¢.rd w~]~ be d~v~ded into 59 ~o~:'~, :~ngie-f;~m[ M.. Warre~ t:heq .~ev~ewed the c,>~d~t~on~ of ~pproval. ~r~p~i E;r~g~e,-:r c:ommerted o'~ and exp]~,~*;ed tr:e corr,:d~t:;on impo;ed by ?,~ ~r.g~re:er~r~g The Comm~,.~o-, diisc;'~sed t:~ proFo~ed ai~gr,men~ of the 805 ~re~w=:v staff = that h~, h~:~ work¢:.d w~th the, staff o~ th1[:;; m'-~p. cond ~ T~,=t ~ot Z85 be ~JqC~e~sed t:o a m~n~m~m d~pt~, o~ lOG fee[, ~f: po~:.'~b~e. ~hat z;efore c~,p~,:tio~ of U~t 8, ~¢::c~: : N co:nstr¢,t:c:ted f~t~ ~dth t~"Od9~, t:~ C~v~on of Er, g~neer~rg. 3. The :;u~'d~ider ?~; ~'1 pr'o',~de written e~v~de:-c:e from the D~v~:::~or tk.~t :~iJe e':~t:~r ~y ~ ~,':e of the e~..terly ti~e~ of: ~ts: =,*:d the fiin~shed gtr~.'t~o'~ o+ ~,,e futdce 805 1tweet: br'dge over F~'eewa; 805 [p ~'de~ ~o p~m co~p~let~o~ of ~t 9 o~ t~,~ ~:!rector of F~b r~ir9 W~,rren ~m~tted the f~a~ m~,p of Cn~t ~o~ 2 ~ot~.g the ~oc~z~or~ a~ be~:g ¢:~:xt or' ~ top Dr~ve~ ~o~n of 8r~mge Avenue, ard co~t~ r~g 45 ~ot~.~ ~nY: ~:~ ~ ~ n~ pre:e~,tly ur~d~r construe: o:q~ Mr. Warren d~scu~'sed ~oc~~, co~d be determ~¢ed ~d left tn L'n~t N9~ $, ~'~,(~oF W~,r~e~ ~greed location, Request by ~' r¢z Met~di :t t*crch for Ap~:ro,,el' o¢ N~"se,ry Play Area - 7~0 ~t~rd the Comm~-;s~o~ ~nd~c:;~'ed %h~t 5hoLId futu;re deveiopmemt: occur, the p~a~ wou~d of :~m outd~r r~ursery p~ay aree; tk~s pi'opo~e~ ere,3 w~'lJ be er, c~osed by ch~l~nk fence w~th a hedge pl;-:rted ~or,,g the Third A'~e~ue frontage~ Th:!;:s w'~ the pe:rmace~t looter"on a~d ~ 5 foot ~,~cback s row e:st~b~J~: ~ed~ ~ne ~taff wo¢iid t',~:t th~s ~ursery 8, re8 w~]~ be =. perm,~,ne~t t~g for the c~urck~ it w~ be pare~t.~ drop their cq~dren off 8: the ~l ~,~o,.~m', o~ ~he~r w~y to the ch~r~,k, The Com~q~ttee fee~s th,~,t, tn~:s ~c"d be t~e mo.~ co~v6'J~ent ~re~a for the nut:cry p'~ay c'lim~ oct: ~tte~r th,~ setbsck here~ they w~ be p~.r,*~qg ¢~ ~r~bery ~or~g t~'~ feqce ord~n~::e ~n,fl feel tke ~er~t:~, just;fy the bec~;;e of t:he boc~io~, of th~i,~ p~po%ed ~ur~-ery e, re,~,~ ~er: the ,c :b*~ck, ~,:e this p~y Member ~"k po~'te~ o,,~ ?,~; r::w~eT~ ~ s~e propo~;ed ord ~;,~r:ce do6s it ca,¢port:s a:~ "t:wo-c?r" csrport:~, L:~ty Attorney L~'z:~be~g stcted t~,~s w~ :~ ~.~,:: I~be~i~ze:: ~t to the extent tk~::t: t~,e prope, rty ow-:er c:~n bu~Id ~ C~t~ Att:er'er L~r~be~g stated that ~t (.: n;~ped tF~t ~r¢, :-::~d~ ~or. t,) the w;~8 csrry a ~t(:~8 more weight th~L the s mp~e b~,:'~ket regu!az~o~ for ,- ~f w(: ~,f~ to j~t~fy ~t ~de" t~e p~ce power. Wr,et;he'~ we fe(;]l req~:r~ir9 enclosed two-o=~; g~r~ge ~s go~ f:or (:r~t¢ V~st~, we-:['e: faced w~tb the f~,,:t carport to g~/e the City ~:ome st~,'~J~ng ~:: co;;rt ~r: t:ho:~e m~ny ~st,~:c;e,~ where people ~;eve c:o~verted tn:elf g,~r~'ge: with<)~,t a building permit end they could state ~r~ court Lh,lt m'W6 Cou~d~:"t: get: ~ bu~ ~d~"g perm( t ~ec~use yo:. wou'ldr~: t ~. ~'~ us to [omm~su o~ sho,u',d ho~d to the fa, et th [ tPer~ ~hou~d be ~ff-street parking; there a(e ,~cihy, m~ ¢ ~*:~c:e:5 ~; ~e: C~ f:~ where t%= p~op]c-: wr,,,~ w,~t ¢_o corvert th,e~r that t:Fe Comm~?~ ,;,n: ~h~iJosopF¢ [~.. tk:e pc,, ,,.r':~ ~'-'S bee~ that: ~ tends to e] ~m~t:e ~8 parking ~ot e:ffec~ of u~,:she'~t:ered ~eh~c~e$ deveiop~,d ~;re:~ , Because of the type of h~[~.~d, development cow c:o~'$~te~tly covering the two or' three c,:,;, per home w~ cor~tr~c~ed. ,3~ec~o~ W~cre~: ~ta:.ed t:h~t the :]oc:~on wou~d apprc,;,¢8 ~ ~ that oq6 fp~ce per ur~t be covered. C~ty Attorr,ey L~'~dberg sta~ed t~ere ~¢ me';'~t ~n r=t. zempt[~g to we[g~ th[~=--~ c*~Pe ot p~rk~9 ir, residential zones,, w;;~her ~t b~ R-~ cr F=3, bu(: R-t zone, it w~:~ nece'~,a~? to prevent j~%t he¢~ng e peved p~rk~r~g create a whole ';ow of pa~k~ng ~¢ts "'{ a residential:, s[,qg~e-f~m;lly in an R=3 zore~ you a're going '~o have ~: sgb~taint~0 amount: of park~r;g c~C:e w~,~ they ,'npo:e t:k :~:':e req~;]'~mt z,:::~ ,ir r~ c~q'.;e h,:tve ;::y of them h d t:h..:n the oth~*r o!rd~h~:ce¢ '~,',ty Ai~,~fr~x,~,y ~ ~dberg ¢t '~ed they :;rep we~f',r~.~ 8~9ht, ;:;r, etc. It ;:', di;~f~cuit::, roweve,", to Iog¢c poi'ice protect~o,~ ~e~,~e~ F be,r':~, ~:'Ked ,~+': ~Fe ~¢,~,, ,¢,~:"'¢';'' wo¢i:]¢ ,req;i;,re ~h. . the: peop,]e co~ve:rt ~he,ir Member Guyot pointed out tko h<z~-..rd and d~s, ngers noted by the Building Insp~;ctor to ~-~ the people convert~ng their g~r~ges ~t:kout a building permit - that of moving FESOL~TOON N% ~12 F.e~:;o ~t~ of tke C~ty Plarm~ng C~m~ss[on Recommending M~C (~de~d~z,s) ta t~e C~ ty ~o~mc~l the Adoption of ~n 0rd~A.'-mce Amend ~ng C~:p~er 33~ Section 33.16 of: the Ch~l~ V~st:~ C~ty Code, Re? t~ng to the Requirements f~r Two-Car Garbages in the E-'J Zo~ s I. The ~mmiss~o~ f~nds that public ~eces~ty~ a~r.ve~'ence~ ge~er~t welfare g~d zoning pr.~ct~ce requlre the ~.:z:~md'ren~: ~o the zo~lr~g ~ember Roberts s~ggested that ;-~ st::~te~r't be ~s~e to rte Cou~c~'~ thut the essences that thls ord~:-J~,~ce~ '~fter ~dopt~on~ w~ll be enforced. D~scussior, -Froposed F'rezonlng ~=.~d Onter~m Zo;~lr'g Procedure'.;° D',rector of Pl~nr'~ng W,'-~rre~ st~sted the pres~t prezon~ng ~.nd ~terlm zor,~r,g procedures w~th the ch~mges ~ the State P~rJ~g 18WS, Yhe stsff ~$ generally ~n conc~rre~:c~ ~n the case of 8~ ~ppeel, Presently, th~s ta~es ~ 4/5 vote of the C~unc~l r~-~ther t:~,~ just the m,~jor~ty--th~s proposed procedure wou~d chef, ge th~s provls~ to st;to '% m~jor[ty of the Cocr, c~ M~,~ber Ada~r,s dec~=~red he w~,s ~ot ~n f~vor of ~t ~c~d ~:',ked for the re:3Q~ beht:~d ~t. s~p]y 3t~t:6d tk¢_t ~f the Cou'-JC[l ~,'.o;hE*s to ~$od~fy or ~-.~d 4-,'n ~ct~o~ of the Pl'.~m~ng Comm]ss]on, it mc*,y do so b~t f~rnt m=st: se~d b~ck to the Comm]sslon the F~t:ter under cor~s~der~t*,or, for =, report. ~h]s report to be de'~]vered b~ck to the Council 40 d~ys. M~ny ~ttosr'eys ~hro~gh,'~t the S%&'ze fe~;:'J that t~s extraordinary vote ~lleg~. ~'r,~s ~eg]s'~st~'ve body ~s tko or,~y body th&t c;-~ 8dopt a~ or~r~e:~ce, simple ~.~jor'Jty vot~ ~' o~e would be t:~,~ ¢,-;~dr~er:t of the budget sfter ~ts ~dopt~on; others wodld be where they ~re ,.dopt~nB emorgency me;ss;res. Mr. %]ndberg ~t ~s uz:~q;e to zo~(ing ;::o d¢~pr~xe ~he Counc~ ~::h:: r~g~t to exercise ~ts legislative c~t;es, snd ::'%t of t:k8 ch~.~rt~r c~t~es ~3v8 subsequ~r.t~y ~,r:ded their ord~er~ce t?.st the ~eg~sl"t~ve body st~t~ retains ~ts Cunct~orJ. Uo,¢ever, the Commission, which recommends tm¢ ~ctlor~, sh~ild st~l h,=ve the r[ghL to rev~e'w ~ proposed ok, mr;ge which t~e Co~c~ ~r~ter~ds to m~ke ~, their action. ,. ,,¢: ,- ~ ;~i,?~ ~t:, ;'~:;; h~t:e,r co.'id fo:m bo~e,¢ ~t c:irb:4de5 a~d q.est~o'ed whether trois wou~d ~e¢~ the ~,*,me owner wou~d h,¢ve ,o t ~e ge,-; 1966=62, workshop Meeti sett~q9 up a workshop ~e,L~,~g ¢o~r :'c- Corm~0,~:~,~,'rs t:o d~ ;cu":: t~ few zorir,'tg pro=