HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1965/11/15 ORIGINAL
November 15, 1965
nhe reguiar adjourned meeting w~s held by the City Planning Commission on the
above date in the Cou~c;i C~mbers, Civic Center, with the following members
present Stevenson, ~tew~r~, Smit~, Adam~ and Guyer. Absent: Johnson and Vaden.
Aiso present: Director of Pl~,¢ning W,~,rren, Associate Planner Manganelli, Junior
Planner Lee, Planr~ir, g br~ft~ma~ irlsh, City Attorney Lindberg, and Principa]
Engineer Harshman.
~PPR0b~L OF' M~NuTE~
MSdC (Ouyer - Stewart) MimJtes of November I, i965, be approved, as mailed,
Prezon;n~ a~ the Proposed Inter~.ection of Orange Avenue and Hilltop Drive to
Director o[ Planning Warren submit[ed a pint pJan noting the location and adjacent
land u~e. A letter from Mr. Wa;fret A. Frome, Jr the applicant, was read in
which he requested the prezoning to C~ for a proposed service station site at
the northwest corner of the intersection and another service station site and a
neighborhood shopping center site at the southwest intersection of Orange Avenue
and ~lltop Drive,
D~rector Warren presented ~'~ ~rea map ~howing existing neighborhood shopplng
center si~es: 3 acres at the southeast corner of Rienstra Street and Hilltop
Drfve, just lO00 feet to the north; the 6~ acre~ zoned for a shopping center
within the Princes~ Manor subdivision, approximately 4000 feet away; the II
Core shopping center site on the east 3ida of lhi~d Avenue between Palomar and
Qu~ntard, approximately I mile a~&y.
he noted thi~ area w~s pare of the Jaehn Annexation which is now pending and
awaiting a pubJic hearing by the City Council,
TPi) being the time and p~ce =~ ~dverti~ed. the public he, ring was opened.
Mr I ~efebrve, iO600 N~teJ~ 3treet, nnahei,n, California, representing Mr.
Frome, who ~s the contract purche~ser of the property, stating they are purchasing
~pproximately 20 acret from Mr. naeri:, presen~ owner of subject property, and
~ouid request that the Commission piace [he supplemental 'ID~' zone on the property.
i4e. 0ecJared the property w~_~ best ~,~ ted [or commercial development since it
¢;'-'~. [oc~ted ~t ap ~nter~ecL~c),~ w~th ~ propote,J m~jor highway.
"e grad;rg fo~ H~ Lop Dr ~'e .,~ be dore L~V Mr Jaehns in the near Future as
L~ey ~re propo~'g ~o ~edUc~ ~00 fe~[ O~ ~.'g~ Of w~y for L~e ~mprovemen~ of
g,'~nge Avenue zke ~e%t gf ~e p~'op~r!y ~ i b~ %ubdiv~ded into singJe'-f~m iV
O~rec~or ~erce, remerked tF~t Or,;i-ge Aven~6 w ~J go through aL the time of the
~,~bd~v?sior~ development, z~rd ~ !,top brivc ~ ready to go now.
'ced& ~ilJ b6 for ~om6 t ~]]( ~:, come He ss~d the Commission should be mindful
of overdeveloping - h~v g t~;¢ :.nopp4~:g c6.%~c, rt 8pprox~mateJy 1000 feel from
(Zd~m~ - GuTe~r) Rez~; cg ce d6:~]ed for the fo;~o'~ ng reasons:
ne e ~ ~,ncqu~te provsc ~: for such ne ghborhooa
Fo.o~c~ ~',~ ~, ce ~i2.~ -' 661 ~od 663 0¢i Mar ~¢en~e - R~eclue~t to 6c:ild on ~r~
~. recto' ~ o~.~rg W~r','e~' reviewed the m~tt~r ~t~ti~'g ~t w~s postponed ~rom ~he
~.~t ~r~"g ~o t~e ~t~f~ coc~ ~tu~y [he ~re~ for possible redeveiopment~ Most
.~ ~r~ or: ~ t~ a,'e~, ~o~t~r ~,O00 ~qu~re feet or more; t~s I~ the on y
; ,:~j ct- t ';~[ ~F~ :~tr~ r~ 290 feet deep, ~nd for the mo~t p~rt, tNe
~ ~, ~rd ~be ?t-,fl hes co ~ dered sever~,~ poss o]e pl~s for redevelopment.
~n~ -g e ~:-m~ ~y ;~ ~e ~ f;' to ~t~te that a[~m~et~r~g of the res, de~ts ~ the
f~ - · ~h~t ~ome ~orm of development couid t~e p~ce at the
~dded that ~t w ? .: o e
v~r~r~ce ~K~rg fgr r~z)r~ng tO R-J-~-~5
~'t~ ee~ ng tee ~me ~,qd p~;~ce, the co~t~rb~d public hear~,g w~s opened.
Mr. PeLer ~eGreaf, 665 Oe~ Mar A~enbe, st~:ted LFe petlt~on w~s signed by ali
Mr R~ck~rd Soho[let, 646 ~el M~;r, sL ted he ]~ved ~n th~s area for 15 years
~nd would ~trongiy request that t~e crar~cter of the area be retained, which is
tFe com~ensb$ of op~,~io~) of the wko~e ne~ghborhoad ~e ~ouid f~vorr, bJy recommend
Lne ~.ger Jot zor~:g fo~ th~ ~r~ ~o th? Eh~y w~il be ~ssured of ~rge lots ~no
Hr, ee R~ It, ~pe~k cg f3r Mr K~:g. '~t~:t:ed ~h6 people in the are~ 8re m~s~n~
formed. :['6 oeiy logical way to ~cve,~op th6 ~,re~ ,.ou]d be through ]ot sp~¢,
to 6xpe(t /, redevelopmer'r v;t:,u~d b( ;~f~:~ hie; ~ot 8~ the peopie w~]J get
property o~" er ~hcd t,) p [ hii :'-'" ~. , ne co,4d provide a ~5 foot easement , thus
x~.'e~ c'elr, g r'O fLrt.~er comrr~rt, e!ther for or ~,g~, qst, th6 he,.ring was
M~,b~r 6~yer comm~qted t~sT tp~ io~ '~.pl t j~t wo~idr:~t be comp.~t~bl~ with tke
.< O~ the ne~ borhoodl
~'o9~ ~: ~?~;:~ to JntroS~(~ ¢b~3 proFo~,~d Lyp:~ Of development ~o this ne~g~bor-
i;~' JE3 t/ d~/~:;opi~6 t fo' rn~¢t pie-f~:m;~y u~¢ ~r &d~,m~ :added th~,t gra:ntin9
~;~C :~d~,m: = 6~yef) ~, ,~r,ce b6 den~ed for the f~iowing re~sor:~
neighborhood de~rf ~o m~tsI¢ the prese~t charscter o¢ the ~r69, 8nd hsv
~8q~e:ted t~;~t (ezor,~ng b~ ,n4ti~ted to m~¢Jntsin ex ~t~n9 Jot
3, h~,t u~m;~te~y ,¢, deve~opme'~t ~,~vo'tv~ng the reef ends of the~e ~¢ep ~ots
'-- ~,~ requested, would g, et ~ precedert not [r, the best over,~ ~?terest of ~he
W r 3 xo~ -435 ~nd 435-A '~O btreet - RegJeSL [o ~pl,t Parce~ into Two Sub-
required (30 ~,e~.~¢~,~ l~e p~epo~ed ~de y~rd: ~'~! ~ 4 feet.
re(~or o¢ P~a~'?,,:g W{,~re~ ~ubm; ted e plo( pier not[pg the iocet[or adjacent
~qd u:e e~d zoning 7he p~rce~ con~[~i 8pprox~m8te~y i4,000 squ~re feet ~nd
[~ z~n~'d R-3; if pi t, on~ p~,;~ ~,~] (o~;r, 6300 ~que~e {eet and ther other
~ '1i tt ]~- over 7000 cqu~,F6 ~eeT
mjb, :tir~et ~m:, M~r~, ,-dded thct ~p ~:t['g the ier,d ~nd getting permane,~t owners
¢~ce-Chairman Stewart questioned wry two house were built on property zoned
Rij, to which po immediate reply was
There being no further comment, eithi for or against, the hearing was cJosed,
Member Adams commented that t~ose tots will be there for a long time, after the
h3use~ sre gone, er~d he felt it would be unfortunate to create such lots, that
wou!d be difficult to redevelop.
~ce~C~a~rman Stewart declared tbs property would make a fine R"3 development
sometime ~n the future, a:,qd creating a lot split at this time would depreciate
the value of the ~ot~. He is opposed to creat~ing two substandard lots
MSJC (S~ewart-Guyer) Var~a~c~ be ~enied for the following reasons:
No hardship was showq t~al would ]d~tify ~ lot split.
Th~ s!ngle-family home~ on this. p~rcel ~re obviously only interim-use,
u~tim~,~e~y, the best use for [h~ property, and the most likely use,
will1 be multiple-famiiy development.
3. That because th~ p~'c~: is ~n ~,n R-3 zone and the use on it is apparently
interim, there ~ppear to be no exceptional circumstances inw3lved.
.~g_uthwes~ern Corporatioo - Southeast Corner of Center Street and Fourth Avenue -
Action on Park~n~ Requirements.
D,rector of Planning Warren submitted the plot plan noting the location and review-
~ng the project. The Commission has held two public hearings and
the matter; this wes contir:ued from the last hearing to order that the parking
problem be analyzed by the staff, ~tbdying the experiences of other cities with
comparable situatior]$, lne ~taff h~s studied this situation along with the Traffic
Epgineer and has written flatters of ~pquiry to several large cities; to date the
response has been sparse w th, no reply coming as yet from the AlPO Advisory
Service. By totaJi:ng the irOividu~l requirements, the number of spaces that wouid
be required wouid be 7651 Fowever, ~ir~ce a'tt of the uses would not require parking
aL the same t~me, t~e Staff h~.~ determined that 46! parking spaces would be
required tandem p~ rki~g ~o~id r!ot be used uniess attendants will be there at
a!l tim~s, and unicos thc p~:,,:'k'ng w[li be free-o~-charge.
M:( Kenneth Lee, Juraor ff'ia,~t,er, d~cussed the study he made of this parking
situation, he stst~d he ~d the Traffic Engineer checked parking in complexes
similar to [his oI~e ~t 9-~O ~,~m~, 3 p m~ and 5 P. m.. which they had determined
[o be the most cri~ua! per,ods. ~ the early morning check, the apartments were
less than 50~ p~r unit, s~ i2 noon, they were the same, at 5 oJcJock the
siEu~tion became critic, at w~th the apartme,~ts running from 7~/ to 130~ on a 1
to 1 bas~s Mr 'Lee compared the parking to that of the J8 story apartment in
Es ]olla, other high ri:~e =pa~[ment~ and to the Fresro City ordinance. Jn
arriving at ~he 46i parkir,,g space figure, the fol'iowing criteria was used:
L~ f~ec, rs o* o~5fce (Sq,O00
this bu Idlng w~tmOu~ ~ncre8~ng these reqd;rements by 60 pe,'kiCg spaces
, 4t ~ ,mpo~s~ble to determ, ne when Ibis room would be in use.
Mr ~ee t~,en dIscus~ed Lr'e 5~ze o~ the ~te!]s ste~rg th~t 8~ feet was ~n
absolute ~,~¢,imu¢, For ~he ~;dth, and ;,, ~i projects checked, ~hey could not
4t the J-:: meet;lng Mr ~erreira ;rd~c~ted he c*~uld prov;d6 492 park~rg spaces;
e¢;de-.ce t~,~.t eve~ th~;¢ reduced qumber c~r be provided. Mr. Warren asked that
~re revised pie~s be %ubm, tied ~.;how ng how these parking accommodations c~:n be
p~ov~6d; t~at ~Fe steel c~-~Dt make soy defCn~te recommendation to tFe Comm~ssio~
Me,~ber Ad~m:~ sgreed, ;t~,t~-,g the ~pp~c~ct shsu4~ t~,ke the figure of 461 aod see
dS6] prov;ded ~he~e~¢, the ~ppi~cant wou~d r, 6ed Lo provide 32~ spaces. He remerke¢
Mr Ferre[re discussed the park[n9 o*~ Center Street aqd the need for the reduction
in setbacK, th ~ plum wa.~ d['~:cu~d *;',d Hr. W~rree i:qdicated some form of Jandl
The par~ing plan was ag.~[0 d~scssse~ ~t length by the Commission. Member Adams
declare::J ,t should be scrt back to :taff for study and recommendation.
empha;lzeo th6 f~,ct th~,t ~he tkiii% should be ~6~ m~4~mum width for al~ cars
6xcep: Eh6 ~m~i, ~ -'poct~ C,:' tre~-e sh, o~'¢d be 8:
:ret[or ~err6.; q~e ~. ¢ e~ :pp'o¢;'~ of ¢~gns for the project and asked
* ~ (2, '' :p~c~::f f~r p~,rk¢¢g; (3) ~ta!i width~ to
bcp ~:'ted
some f~g~re to ~ork o': ~cmber ~d:~m decCa, red they cod]d not,
for tP~ pr3ject h~ve bee~ ct~ gea ,~u m,::ny t~me~: verbai ~y that t~ere
,'~" 6, 1965, LO
P ~ ~ W~ re' _bm tted a p o: p:~' not ri9 [he ]OC;~tio~ of the new
d~ei~/n9 :o be co-~[r~cted : Lbe ~3 :: verge :u$~ vls]on. The residence
of ~i~9~e~sto-y co~-~tr.c~ ,,or',. ~t~cco w;[b wo~d s~d~n9 and shake shi~gie roof
Mr we, fret declared tr-:s ~s Erie amc type of Cor5trdction and style of b~tdfn
MSCE ~d~:,e - ~:tew~r~,, Mpp~ov~:, of pt:-~ fe~ resider~ce o Lot ~. Eor, i~a Verde
'h( ¢e~o<: of f~,'~d -'S ¢~*,3 ;, wh ck ¢ <:F~e~ w~¢: e~de by W A Frome for
f~c~[~y re;;identiai de,~ei~..,prre~
~J~ (Guyer ~ ~te~rt) ~epor~ of f rd~r, gs t~ be approved and sent to C~ty
Respe(:~ fully 5ubmi t led,
~./~r:cie I~, Ful~.c;z (Mm)~r
~ec retary