HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/08/15August 15, 1966 r,.:,,;;I w ~ :~:r!-~ p,r6:(.!t; Curet, ':.)rk Johr;o' ~:~'d Ad~m$. Absent: (w~t:h previous ~.: ~:, 3.' ..' p.?-- -: gl: rte p:'op(.,rty up~, which the cor'~iescent hospital, ~n R"3 ~gt~ wou~d ;'~:-¢~ ...y-: ;k~ ::~?~ ~,¢..~:;; ~hy ~;gn~f~c:~:*t ch:.:ge ~r:, the proposed freew~y off-r~mp P.~i.J'..T'; ~ ~9 ~e~oi:;~ti ): o~ :he C~t¢ F~a;n':~'~9 t:omm~ss~on Rec~nmending to C~ty ~,' ~C A~ ;.;;'. '.,'¢:.;~ Cou:c~ tk,e Ct ::r~ge of Zore f~om C-I-[' to R-3-'D for the Property South oF 3on~t:~ Road E~st o¢ ~5~ Adjacent to Sandalwood Dr~ve p~.~t~ the use p:if'~ :.;d fo, r th,.~ prope;"ty, ez.J~] ~"~ e~m~['t~ :ethie pos ~b~il~ty c": a ~,'estw~rd progression of strip co¢,¢~:.~c~ t zoner:9 4r, d e:~J~c;t~: tie ,¢¢s~grmer. t of two zo{.es for the same use on the ~e: ~p~;~c~t~ot wa~- ~e~d ~" w~ c~ .~ t:~QJ~st ~ m:~d~ t) ce[r:*t:~uct arid operate a service USeo ;ie sa(d th~s matter w~s cor~t~r~.ed to this meez~i-~g at the reqJest of the ~6 5~te ~r~vo~ves e p~rt~e~'~y ~mp~o~ed ~r,opp~,g c:eqte~ whdch ~s zo~ed C-N a~d a Sp~edee-M:~'t sto~e. A~;oc~te c~?;er Margane~ ~:oted tke ~6" reta~g wa~ ~t the rr. ar )f ~ee property which the eppiic~:nt$ w~ ~ be ccc truct~ng. ~;e the;; referred to apptica-:t;:~ proposed p~o~ p~8~' ~'d 5Jbm~;t:e~ a p~r. a.~ recommended by the stoff ~nvolved 8 few cher~ge¢~ wk~ch ~e ~m~ [omm~:'~oc, di~cu~;sed the ~,sr;dsc~p~ng plenr~ ~ proposed by the applicant :.nd recommer~ded by the ?~s be~rg the time a'd p~,ce as fdvert~sed¥ the publ;c hearing was ope'*ed. to~$ w~th the ststf :~:J ti-,<:-, fo~<erded t:he~ to the Company's Eng~'peer]r~g Departm;nt ~a¢~%9 :di c:~¢e t~e b~Sd~,~g woutd present a very cramped area at ~h6 rear of the building *¢~ ch ~,;¢~d ~mper veh¢c~, ;~ch a~ the waste t(dck ~:'d trash truck, from 6]';zer~n9 the would'~ t: :~urf~ce. ~,r~ Re~mo(:d co'~mected t~at ~t wa., a 2MO gallon waste truck, which -e ~dded th:E w~th the ~taff~ recom~,e;~datlo¢, thc't: s~e form of v~ne, perhaps ~vy, p~ted alo:rg the re~a;~ng wadi, woutd r~ot 1leave 'i5 fern: ~r: actuality. Mr. Adam~ ~h~[ mov~:g the bu~d~-g no'~h would hampez vehicle:; fro~ e:nt:er~qg the w~ik area~ c ~ o~ ~d ~Membe~ tok'J¢o?, felt the waste truck a-d the trb h truck cod~d operate from the cora, er of A~;;oc?a'e P~,:;'~ec' Me~g~e~; co¢'qe.,n~d ov the p~,~'~t~g ~'1~g the wadi. ~e ~nd~cated ~t w}~¢d t~k~: ~p approx~m~te~ ~ to z feet of space, t~te pta;,t~-~g beir~9 someth~[':g that would -;g tre w-,i~ On e~%wer t~ ~ q~,~,.'t~o",, ~e exp~red :that the wall should be a . re~u~ ~,] t;,e p'ie~ting area in front to give rDaf~ ' i.~.~,~e betwee~ the '~ e,r~ reaper t ~ ve ~ y ~ t he '' - ~ ,d~r~9 as proposed, ~...~c.~.'~ :, '~" F~c.3"'r:,~.:~d ~''-"'~. ~,f the cord~t~n~ us~ permit subject, to tke * ~ ' ! ~ :. '- 'j O~arqe Averue be reduced to 4 feet the ?~edscepe pi ~r~er or~ He,rose AvexL;e be reduced to ~ fee~. ~' -,~ b~ '~ :" -' ~ .... - :~t 6~: t:he t~u.0:4 ,'-~ ~ ~, which w~t~ adequately ha~d~e :r?'~:~n~h9 wa',~ ~:~::,'~u~ b~ (,:~4~ ' ~ ~ ,, :,:i,r.t~:,~ ~ .:; r"z~d t~ perm~z w~~' ~ .- ~::~ ~ -}k be ~:aterJ~lly detr~raemt~ _ : ~..~, ,~.. ¢~7 the '~ p~opo~:~d ~ze ..... ~l' e~=o.=~,y comp~tible with the types ~.p~. u:.= ..... . was re.~d ~-, which a reque~st ~s m<:de for red~ctio~ ir, setbacks for ~r~ -:k~, he~ght :~r~:+~ of s~g;'~s on .~:~ propz, sed :service stat~on site at :~ .~e~ ~,~ate~" ~" ~ ' ' tP.e ~pp~ ~CL f~t"'J' request a~ pr,~.p~e~e ~ igc% ~; fi,re 'i~) - the .rd ce permits one° r~':~"i :~reb' ,of tFe prcFo~'~ r~g:~-' wo~d be 77 square feet - the ~'e'~ e'r~ ~;~r:~ted to 50 ~;q:;;~r~ t~e~ ';f L~g;'~ 8r6~:, ;~'r. Mar~g~ne~i de~oted the oc8~1o~ not:ed ~-*6~,r t:yp~cal ider;t~f~:;'t;;o,~ :;~g ,doe, s ~e' olve but n,:~ve riot requested ~t in '¢ ~ * +; '- co~¢p&re:2 the restr~c:t~on:5 ~ the ~;;',~ z~r~e to theft of the C-N zor~e one~J:;~ ~,: ;- .... . ~.~ .... :,,_ ~t aJre~ a;d Mr. Adams dd¢,d~ the Comm,~s%~on should I~m~t tr]e hetgr, t req_~r~,T~¢ft ~¢ 20 f:6et f';~ they a~e request~9 22 feet;. At th,~s particular' cotter w~,*re the ~o]e w~'~ b~': ],)c~ted, they h~ve t~'o ~:rea I[g~:ts, If they are required ~:~ ,":~ ~-~i~ = :,:: 2'3 t,'~ot ~g;(, ~t wou'~d cut off :~pprox]mate~y 90 ~ of t~e effect[ve~e¢:~ i!~g~t~g oc the ~te wouJd b~, so d"¢'ected &s to sb~ne directly upon the station and ?--ce be~,::g ro further com,~-3t, (: tkeLr fo~ or ag~r:st¢ the he~r~g ws~ declared _,g,=, ¢tc,, approved by the Comm~ss]o~ fort th]~; ~:.,:,'tJO'~ w~t s, et the ~t~,J~rd ¢, ' ~ ,~ t~e, oLFec neighborhood shopping centers C:q zoo:e:;, ,~?,,d ?:~t t~e Com?:~s::,!o'*: shou'ld t~y' to h..e the 20 foot height maint:ai~ed ~Je~l:~f~::t~r: .~,~:~ <:ri ::n:~d ': d~tfere~*t street. Member ~ork ~ndJcated ,'~t-e= '.sca r:he ,>~ppllsc, at get the Z7 sqJm'e foot of s~gns for the total ~r;d ~r.t:ed L:hls w~s t: ~, tod~y; b~( w~th ['~;ture development of the area ,':,r~=~h:e ~c a:pproved :s ~¢q=ssted. C~rc:'~rst:~,'ses fr~r hh,~ setb.:c:k ~,-d~ct~c,n = because of the shallow depth ;~T~:,,,'~: :::':. : ']::~' !h~, :, ~:~:.~_:~f~:_ -' 'Th,.; .:t; t:f f~nds it dlfflcult to find re3tr~c-:~d ~r, tf',~; s :,r:;'.er. Ad~ cx"st',~:g service stations within the thai wo_~d p:oF¢~'~y ~d*n~t[fy t~e~r' F~'[:]cu~ar service, station, i~" la~bo: ~ 653 ';~' Ct'feet:, Apt, C "' Reqcest to g-3 eve~opTr~ert W; k:*,~ geq~red ~,treet Fro"~tage ;a ~3-2 Zo?'e f~2,' '¢~;:~dw~y, :',ub~eque~t:ly~ go~r::g a~so to the two th~: ~ot ~,~:}~d be ~(,er'ved by a proper me~ns, either by crr~:;g~re:%~ or'; t ,e, p opt:'rty, }uch a system ~s now on the proF, e,rty, ~, w~.nted t~,e ~.o~m~:¢%~on -wale of the fact that there the rr:e~re,:¢~ ;~wer ~.:~ tP~: we<~t wars approx~matdy 600 feet f,c,~ ore p~operr'y ow,:-::,~' ~, f~n,a~ce this erJt[re project. of ~ -~ "i' ' F '; d~F; u:~ed the :~wer. ~e s~d he t,e~ked to the :,,,. even w: t to t~e r~c~?~e,~ :~ o~t~ce w~th respect to s~e of them ~nd four'd the pc~. ~,, of the ec~se~nt, the Me;~,be¢ ~o";so,': ou~:stiot~-:,d w;'et~er th~ w2d~d 'require ar: ~l]=weethe~ driveway si:zee the gdd:t~o? w~;t be (,:t;.~t'¢'uct~:d ,~p~?,r,:}x~mete;v ~]50 feet from tPe st:~eeb ~e :,u99ested f~"c'e *0' p"[:~C¢ ~T:% M~? :,ro~,;, declared :k~[ :~=:~e ~ o~'?y apFrox~ma,,:[iy 26 feet P.%~t ':AF ,:, ~ P~'o¢ :;ed 9~:~ ~:;:,ce ~: t~b~ m'[~g F~,x¢ Plain Zor,~=,9 ~ '~: to:: ~e~t ~,~ e,~ ~::b~ ,'ah a: d Fr(:-,~e the ra[~ cL,x'el which }~, ;'~eeded to meet ~:o be, ~L:=cted ~o 6x~ [~rg zae::, ~pp"icsr:~e t2 the re [r~ct~ve zone; suc~ suppiemert,~ ~i;m t~ti::: ~S des~gr:ed to p¢e,~rt th4 ~'e¢ of ~fe end excessive damage to property Liz:,d~rg decl~r~,d th=t, as the :omm~ss~e~-,, k,r,o~s:, ~ f~ood control pro~ect ]s pro= ~.e[L~in regu!e~o,c:.~ mb.;t be: ~T~p,z,~fe.Ji in order to q~:l~fy for reL~burse~nt of F'ederel f~-:ds ;o coT:d~r;;~t:~,2.,, of the, ~,,ree to b~: taken for t~ flood control project. are~ ~,~¢c* wTtJ be alfa{tree i,y tk,~; f~ogd co~:ro~ cr-~m~e:~; they will also carry their bu~ld~rg r=,$t'rtc*~or.s on up '?e ,,~!ey. i~,s ~; s~m.~er to our propo, sed w'se:reby t:hey woui~ be pro,-:~b]~;~;g dweil[m:gs, apr~rt:q~';nts, theaters, schools, etc,, ~ t~e flood h~z~rd r¢~ ~e.i¢,r ,re:mcved to t~e S~t~sT:sct~OLq gf the County E~g~r;eer. ~:r:~' p~op~;~ed zc~g ord!~r~;,-.g.e i;; ~ proper o;ne under our FoX,ce p~ers s~nce ~t does h~ve tre pr,)peLr reg~l.~.t~or:;; t:,, %~f~gu~['d i,~fe ~[d pr~p:~;rty'. Or:ce th~s ordina,:ce ~dopteJ, ~h;e:'~ co~s~der~t~,2r w~ b---; g~ve~': ~.c¢ SL"eeS [:0 wbiich it would ~pply, t~r:!h.e~g ;~d he sup, p,~'se~ i:~:s wou'~d f~,rst b~ imposed o-~ th~s project area e~erge~cy ord~':ce. We ~r'e w~-;'J'~ w~t~;[': ~',¢=* 90 d~y per~od in which the State *k::t .:¢ zor?'~,g w,~s b~.~ ~ applleJ to ar/ prope~'t/ b:t rather, oroly trme text of the s 6ei"~9 the ti~'~,~ ~r;d p,.~-: .::; ~dwrt~sed, the public ~-~er~ng w~s opened. ~a;'vir: 6~stsfr:;o:;. ow~e," of pr~[erty at Fou;'th and I~(;'" StreeE, questioned how th~s zor:~tg would affect %rr:]ture store in th~s location, 2ity A,,torr;e¢ Lindber9 ~':d~cated ~hrt th~ s, to~,e wou~d be ir¢ th,*-, ~ess ~e~tr~ct~ve zore which wo~bd pefmlt the COL' ;~:rUC;t:~O: Cf e]'ly type g¢[!d"rg other t~%,m a . _,:,~dent~a~ dwetlJi ,g. Abe 5~n~r, sto:t:[~ fe w~s par t-ow~s,r of the 9~ acre~ of v~ca~t !and west of the Trave~odge T~-~r:r' r~,:'k d¢:':d ~ast )f Robert ~lall] :::tore, d~scusseJ his plans for a tr..e::'~ p~: ::5 !o t~:e C tf c,':~,:)ee(~ fotr pYobiem$ ~.i dl.:.~:zge p~rk]~g, otc. , and that ::-,)'is d~::;cu.;~ed :~b:.";:d,).-::ii;Jj .. ' ..~¢~ '~ ~treet, '~orth of this property, and putting .... --~- .:. he fe~t the: p'rop.2sed or'd~nce was too ambiguous p!~ ', but ~*~,e'* a persor: h~; ~c~u~,'(d ~ p~,~ce of proper~y o~er a period of 35 . :.,~ ~:x~t be: ~,;weJ, it ]s not the: best u~e A,it:)rr:,e~'L,, ;dc*' ,-~ .....'r' ed' :f.~t c;~ ~e.r *~a.. F-2 zon~::g, ,,~r. Sin,2r w,auld be permitted /we, zD~e:~ i~'-,fe'd here- the ~'-~ e~:d :'-2, ~':J M',~':-'~ .,:, '3rk c:~m~' ~::sfl :~: +~ .... ~"' ~ z:q~g ~"fl ' ~:t~:d '~ + ~'t would ~ot be ~pp]~ed~ t~ Wh-t w~ t ;~ :,:ow tqe f~o~d ~o;:'t:o ,ch~ne] b~t ~r-;r they dz,:'*'~ , ~i~o C"~rle:.:, ~er::.c?~ 2510 fact ilO~ Street, Nat~o:-~al City, owners of property in q~rte~ ~ect~n ~5~, betwee~ ~t~o:';~ A ~'~ue ~,nd ~?~a~:d A'.'e~ue ~r, a zone which he co7:te~p~e:.~ w~ he de~,i~gred for F-~ ~J F-2 zo:~ ,9. 'e quest:~oned specific ,1"eve'~ ,['memt:; be:*,9 ~l~(~ed tn t~ i~2 zo~,~]:;9 ~f tk~ey we?e zoned as such 8 years ~9o,, ~t(~ ~y [omp~y~, et~. M,r. :~dbe~9 ~nJ~. ted t~::y wod~d sl~ be permitted to be M , ~er::(~ :~p3ke of F~F? A,',:.::~ be~ .9 ,;ccepfed as ~ ded~.'~ted street by the C~ty property ag:s~:~ M flo~d~r~g ~ ~e' V~ey, wo~}:d ~hat be: der:~ed et th~s t:]me? F'e [~y',e~t~ ~o:~ ~t, T~s ~,.~ ~: S20O OOO ~x~:~: tme~t .:'"~J he represe:-~ts ]~0 investors ~n b~.~ $40,000 ~=~ acre. ,~e: f..rtk~er re['".~k~ tF=t the Corps of E.-~g~r, eers studied this ~mr=~ choir 6 years ago ~z:~d d~d :~ot *~nd e~ough just~f~catlo:~ to b~ld e cha~e] Cit~ ~ttorne~ g~ndberg scatee Mr. ~'ersch h~t up~q ~ p~m~ry po~t Pere ,- as long as the ~:}r~ rema~ u,r]deve~oped e:'J :Fere s no d:mage ~rom flood~9 that will create greet cost to tke o~ers, yoa ~9q-~e the p~ob~]em. Or, ce deve]op~e~t occurs a'nd density ~creases, the~ t~e flocd k~z~rd ~:creases~ N~ the 3o~p~ of Eng~:'~eers comes ~r~ with a propo,=~ for t~e f~ood c<~,'~t:o~ c~:,~re] w~L:h ~s only to preserve ~qd protect the ~r~peruy ~w;ers gd~c~:'~t t; ~h:e ch~r~}el w~:> ~,re ~}ot g;~t~g Eo be p~y~r.9 the $~0~000,000 or :,o 'u" t~t cha ::*e'!; the b~de:~ w~l~ be ~,'-'~l~:g o~ the tax p~yers i~ general. M~. h~sc.~ asked tr;a~ he' b~: p~cv~ded w~th ~h~ ~ :r,es of ci~:ie~ having flood pJalln zor.~ng or~r*:~ce~ e;~:gteJ ~,'~qg [Le ~ast 4 to 5 year t~;,t he cer check on~ and clearly see Mr, d= ~¢:so,~ ~:;;ked wk~r, tni:; c:~','}e] wou~d be go~n9 ~-~ ~,~d how w~de it w~ll be at the ;o;:t', ~ :~ h:~gh~r,d ~,~c:,t~o::, M,.~ ~r~dbe~9 st~ed ~t wo~id be going in about i972, w '~ be ~¢~¢ox~m~te;y ~CO fe.e~: Low~ve.r~ :,t t~:[: ~oc~L~o;'~:, tk:~re is a freeway go~r:9 ~n ';~ the :]ght~of-'~-y w~['~ be "e~r (v ~000 Mr. L,;,~k W[~sor~, owner of the ~: )pe,rty ~r~ the 2o~te 'u :i'~ey~ steted his object:~ors to ?e ord~ e~ce~ ~e st::ted ~t w:: too F~c5 of a "p~g ~n the poke" because there w~,~ ~:o , ,~re be~:-g :-~ fu:tFer c :w~e~, .:~ e.~ther ::>r or :=~g~r:~[:~ ~he he.ar~9 w,~s dec~red t6e prope, rt~e~, etc. ,4e $t:,ted ~e u:~,de:~stE:~j~ the d~e is c~st oq t:h~s ¢*,d whether =~..~ ~r;d proFer~y zo~ne the:se particular ~'e=s 8~: the d~rect~o:-: of the 5t~:te ~f the ,;~t'~ dac~drd ;.or t:o participate ~n exert'else of the pol[c~;~ power, .,:~:~ ~ )o,~'J be do:~e in contemp~ist~on of the protect[on p~a~'¢e:d tk,e t~me ~m~; ~q,/o~i'¢,~ ~:' en,~ct:~r¢9 ar: J~d~nsr~e ,3:cc:eptable t:o the St~ v. progressed ih th~s uwer :~etwater Valley we -de~ .,.J by the pre;em E:r:g~;3ee[-'~hg st;d~e$ ~':'~d ordinance could be ~.dopted ., p=rticu¢,;, are8. ~n the upper was mc~e to c:o..t r:.e E:.?e m~tt(:r b,;~t~ the ;'~ext ~)6et~r:g. ~q~ty Attorn(y Lit:tiber9 de(.:!i~ej the o[,'d~n~'c=, ,~Jst: be ¢~ effec:t by Ccto:er ~ to ~e,t the State's t~me ~r~, ',O, E:~Ke:d CF some sort of ELrfey could be made to determine more spec~f~cagly the bo~,-ds~e$ of this zon¢,~9. .,d p¢';:,~,bly be do'~e ~f they received consid~rabte help ~.u. ler rJJted ~be: ~nter~st: ge, rqe.rat:e:d t:c.r*~ght, etd suggested 8 po~t- P,o:'e~e;':t t:o the text meet~-,,g :.;) that more t~me a~d effort cw~,d be spent on the ord~:-E,-ce; ~so, tkey ¢~ou"]d k4~e a fu~li me~Ue~s~[p pre.sent. Member J.oh~son asked they wou~d be abiJ6 t~ 'see ~ m.'~p spec~f~cal'jy d.~,f~r~-~g tho bou¢'~d~r~es of the es app[~(;d to t~s ,:;,¢d[r,::':ce~ Mr. :~rr;~n-,~4,'n decide:red t:h*:~ they could not possibly de:F~re the bo~r~d..,,¢~es f:o[,' tP~ w~:<~ae Member ~ork c©mmer:Led t~t app,y~F;g tho'.re zores to certain arenas would come under cep~r~te :,~dir:~:ce - t~at this ~c,u~ld first be appJ[eJ to the lower Valley. City Atto'~rey L~:~erg ~g-~]r' exp~ed t~at they ~ d~sc~s~ng only reguletioqs ton~g~.t e-:~ .tot: ~pF,~y~r'g ~he propoz~d zor,~r,g t:o 8ry specific ~re:~s, Because ot the time ]~m~t~t~o~ it m~st first be epp"~ed to t~e ~ower Va['Jey, a~d since this zoning must ~e '-~pp~l~ed Lz~]F~rm'~y~ ~t wo~d tske appFox[m~te~y 4 mo~tgs to ~ year to complete stad~e~,~ p~3~:c h~ar~:rg~ etc, o ~n order to f, pp~y tr~s zo~in9 to the upper Valley. ;966. ::~ ~'9 ;:~-xt ~egc~¢r ;*eet:~r:9 :~:t:e to Sept:embeT 7, 1966 RE$O/;;~3*~ Nd. 421 Mee:":~g of Sep(embe~r 5, 'J966 8~d ~;old~ng the Next Meeting September 7, ~966 A[::xoc'~te PJ~r'~r H~g~z~e~]]~ ~c~ed ~h~ ~e ~t~ ~ry to ~rr~nge ~ ~or'kshop meeting for t~e ~eek oi ~egux~ 2~ ~n o~der that ~he Comm~s$]ort~r~ c~u]d rev]~ ~he ne~ proposed z,:~xi:9 ~rd~':,~r~ce. ~e ~:d~c.~t6d tkat tre ~ecr~t~ry will c~ll the Cor~iss~oners. 3~A: CJMM3N~CATI ~,e'rbeT ~t,h;';cr noted that the: Master P~en has now been aJopted for over a year~ (:~F:-:::: pro-te~ 6uy'er sLgge:sted +his be brodght up ct the next i,,S.'~' (o~ ;:)~-Ad~r:'O "~eet~9 ,~dso.'r:'~d s~r~e d~e. Mee~in~ adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary