HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/08/01 '+e regainer meeting of t~e City Plum' i't9 £:omm~s]~-. w~s h=id or t~e abo*e date w~ th the Atto?~ef i '~d3e~9, A:ssoc ~te Planner August 1, 1966 ~ur~Tg of tre dump;, thx~ d~mp% M..C (3Lye~oh~:~o~ ~e=~g be continued to the m,ee[~r~g of A,~g~s~ ~5, ~966, P~.~_[C -:AF':~g :' Proposed L:h~:nge of .~etb~ck t:rom Z5 re:et ,rd 5 feet to 20 fee~ - ..der o,"e ~w~e~h.'p, t~e. Melb:od ~t Cr~urc~ :~ ~om~',~on. ~pprov~d ~n ~dalt o" [o the '~ cn, c;;r~h b. Jd'r9 w~ck p[~ce' ~t a:t ~ 20 foot '~etbac~ l~:,r~ ~ tr.e ~ ~* .,.q.e of IYe ~t~ff, t~e iom,~'~.' ' 'et fo~ pub/:~c ~e;-r~r~g t~st geLb~CK a~o'~g fmj~ ert~re ~ength be set ~t ~' ~dea~fte ~:et.b~,ck to h6,ndie tke 'l,~rge bu~id..q9 arid ~-ave .come ope~ ~pace aro~n~ [t. -e ,:~ c.::;sed t~s w~t~ the ~q]ster ~r~ ce~'t~]~ member~; of t~e ch~rcC: and they felt *here ~¢':',u~d be no problem. L:t;m;~teiy ~t i~; hoped trot z~e c~merc~,'~l zoning wl~ be '4 f ted from th J~¢ prope'r t y and some ot ~er zone moJr e ~ppropr ~ ~ Ce be app i ~ed. ~ :~ beJ'~g t'e :~me etd p]~:ce ,:~; advert~::e~,, ~he p,ub~( beer Jrg ~e~ opened. ~-:ere be :9 :r~o co~':t, eHker for or ,~gf n ~, zhe ne~r;.-g ~¢s, deck,red closed. Hez,ber ~dr~ comme~ed thst tK~s w~::s not ;¢ co,'troversh~] metter ~-, it m~kes sense -', ~ ew 2f tr:e type of deve]op,~ent o~, the property - }~rge ck~rch complexes ,equate ~ 9re:ate,,' seLback [n~' o:rd;r:~,ry ' "develop~nL. FE:.;,:_::¢X; ~.. ~15 ~ * of the C(Ly FJlanr,~i':g Comm[:~fon Rec~mer~d~ng to ,% ( ,~'~d~m~~ J~?o'~ t~e C~y ~'ouqc(~ t~e ~ge of ~etb~ck fo~ t~t Froperty So;,tF of '~ '''~ St~eet~ ~;t of *'~[,~J Avenue r<-~d ':9: be ~:s foi]'~ows: ,-. ~'r:e c~*:rge of setbeck w]i~ ~s~u~:'e th~, furt~e- development of the s~te w~'J~ ocauF ~, ~, maFcer co~s~¢,ter:t w~Th the Cfty::~ p~ liDsophy on ckurch :~:~te d~ve~opment. b. Bec~,~e of the bulk ~nd helgk~ of most church structur~: ~,~, 8dequ~te setb~ck ~ nece~,~:,r'y to preserve ~est~et}c v~ue~; 3in the ~re~. m~ter p~ for deveiopment w~l ~ i ;~.~. C -~[~ - Az:endme,~t to the Zor~ng 3r'd~.~ce - ",-,,,:-:' ;m end Prezo'*~ng Frocedure:~ ;eg~rd~;9 t:~e p:e,~emt prezo.-,i[~g e,-~d ]r,[erim zor:~-.g procedures e:tab~s~,ed by t~e a~ '~nce. ~t w,es po ~ted out t~,t ~ t,e ~:~t se:~ ~om of t~e eg~s~tur'e, the State p~ .r~ ~g Ac[ w~:: ,~mexded p~ov~d~9 ~ method ~or p~ezo~',9 ~ni~c:orpor~'zcd reft;tory f~:o:~}"g ~ c}ty f,;,r t~e pu"'pose of dete~m~n9 t~e zo.* ,-~9 ~r,:t wou',d ~pp:y to prope~ty ,,~ t~,e e~ent of a-mex~qg to tke (~zy. ~.,r pg'e~;eqt procedure doe:~ tot ~erm,~'~r~t zon '}g to terT~to,ry upo:} t~e d:,te of an-ex~<]or - ~t p~3c:es dt ]7, ac: interim z~.~e fo~ a ~'e~or,~b]e per~od of I.~'~e~ ~t we~ t"~e~efore, ~.~9ge;ted tk:~t 5ect~o~ 33.74 of Lhe g ty Code ~e ~me~,ded re9~rJ~9 prezor~n9 to b~ ~9 it ~nto 'J~:r:e ~cn the State Finn-: xg Acf ::,-:= to make ~t: possible to k,~ve fu~'] he~r~r,~gs before the ~:o~m~ssion mr.d ~)~'*.f i w~,~(~ wo~"6 beco~ effective e~;J permeqect or t.~ dante tr:;/$ territory interim zon~n9 w~ch s to impose a tempo~'a,ry zone f3~ a brief per[od of time ~s L ,Je~ the Ste'e F;l~mn~ng Act arjd t~i[s propo~;ed zoc~,n9, the Court ,1~ wit;out hoid~r:g t. he hJe~ri '}9: ~efo,re t~e Corem ss]o'~ or the ~o~nc~J , co~d adopt by 4/5 tote tc,]~3 emergerJcy ~;ter~m zo,': r~9 :such zon~n9 wod:ld ~,ot be efJect~ve urt~] 90 days after adopt[om ~t wo~,~ prov~de: h~evez, th,&t 6~fter proper t'~ot~ce ~d pub;~c hear]c9, ~e Counc[~ could exte~a tk :; ~ter~m zor4~9 for ~ per~od ot o~e ye~r~ O,r:e e~te?~on o~y is a;Jlowed, ~'td the-} the perme':e~t zoq]~9 would h~e to be adopted. I[~ the ~r, tere3t of ~e,-~th~ ~'~fety or welfare, it ~; r~ecess~,ry ~omet~mes to ,move r~p~d~y a~d adopt eme~rgc'xc/ ord ~a~ce, ~:~;~ orJ~;,~nce sh~]d ~t~te a de~e t'me ar}d 7or merely state ?~e, re is ~cc~,,~,io.-al '~eed to adopt ord r~ces o~ ~r~ emergency b~.?. to ~c o~r~odat~ des~r~:b e or prever, t ~qde,~ r~b~e b, ~,rezo~ '.g ~ ~:¢~ de~r~b]e pr or to ~:~}:ex,:tie'~ tc ~::~t ~: property owner A ~ez~er ~ro~ ~?u F~uJ Cook w~ re~ ~n whce ~e req~e¢,te~ ~ ~mo~t~ exteh~o~ of t~me ,mr ~e ~-r~arce 9~a,~ted h~m on February 7~ ~966~ ~,e o~t o~ ,xo~ 66~5~ ~z:d e[so that c~:J;t or, ~5 rea~r~r.g p~v~g of tKe eese~e.-~t, De ze~p~'~r~[v weived. ':e t~t~ ?~: [: t~e a~a~ys~ of the req,~e~t~ *z¢ ~'-:~ff determ~.'~e~ tkat ~ we~ ~og]ca~ ~easo'~b~e and t~et temporary p~v~.':g s~o~ld De ~ sro"t per;od of t~me~ a!~d ~f he ~s required to p=ve the dr~vew:,y ~ow, ~z wou~d be ;~a~:*=: ~tewart qJest~o;zed the poss~b ;~ty of e~Tgency vehicles, such ,a~, f~re trucks 9::::ng acces~ :o t~e dwe'~C,-~g, uie ~qd~cate, J ~%~:: t~e [;o,~i~57 o~] would h,,~ve to be of ~ te~por~Ty pav~-:g wk,~ck ~s ~, coup'Je ~r:c*,e; of iE.6. w:t"~ a top ~' m~xed with a~ *~t. ed tri~ wou~d be sat~:~factoFy to p*ope~ty back ~ Fabrcary w~(vJ th,~ request wa:~ pT~e:r:ted, ~-~:rm~ 5;,:ewaft de:rifted tr ~s w~s 8' ease,~,~t., a~ 8sk~,r:g for c~ro ~,qd gutter wo~d ~ve been a,,-, 'imposition.. Membe~ JoF:~oq &eYed wr, st the cond~t~o~q wou,ld be betwee:~ the pav~2g ~5nd the property. ~r. ~arsfm~:~: ~ ~d[cated ~t wo~ld be just a ~mpie edge o¢ p,:veme~t. ~e reiterated te ~ w~:~, ; te, mpora,y peveme,rt :~ aot r:eces~a~;JV r~c~mer:ded by the [ng~rneer[r~g Membe~ JoF~or: ques~:~oned w~ar wou~d happen ~ater w~e:, f Jower S:::eet goes through - w~d the p~operty ~er be a~sessed fo;~ that ~mproveme'nt~ ~treez eveT doe~ go through, tF,e property ow!ne'r ~ou~d agr~,e to pay h',s pro-rated ~embe? jo,-son ~_~'k~d f~ ~:: the ~r~nt;me,, the [::ope,Fry ow:er wou d b~ ',!~b]e to ma~q~ ~-:g~'e~'r ~'9 ~.~ wr~tte, r: :~.t.?qdard:~ o~ t~ ~ t~ey ~ r~wever, wor k~'qg ~;i*~ the F~s;" rg Le.~'-t~ert or: th[~;; tr~refore, ~t:~ver the ' ~e.'~b~ Ad~,~ -~ed ::f t~,e reque?: fo~ defe~r~ of pub~ ~mp~-o,,ements wa5 ~jnctuded ~n t'reet ~.~er' tkey ~ r. ot 5~ke to) do t~i~ bec~:u::e +heze i~5 the ter:de~cy that ~t tSere ~; f.rom the -~orth. Memte~ zo~k rev ewed the sugg~t[o'~ tk=t w~e'~ ~ower ftreet re~.,J~ to go through. M~,. ~ook wouOd have to ded~ct~-:te th:[.~ e,: ;~r(:r~, p~Y F~ 5",are the c,a?b, 9~tta~ end sJdewa'~k:~ et ~east fo:; t~'~ Pa~f of the :~ feet. '-/~ou~d ~lowe~ St~ee': rot go tk'ro~-9~ tte,~ he wou~d suggest that t~,e ~p~:ant p~t ~ pe'm,~ne':t: pa~ <,g t-a r~-~,~ ~ew~t q.e:~T]o~ed wFether the app~c~rJL ~/}te d~d to p~ve the ~.~emeint ~*: Lot 3~ M~ ~ok stated ;t was ~o~ ~s ,, ' , ~ ~ ' At:to~r:ey ir ]berg stated ~.<~ of two '(~ j-~.~:~:, of compacted d~compz;td g/-:? ~t~: the ::.p one: ~:ch of which ] r~ ::' ~ ~f~..;~ t~ p~j ~,~ w~, :-i:,9 j,~f:ce P' ~ ,,'] :: tO bc ~ ~t-~'J~J t~ tre ' ~,-~ r.:[ : uFa:t: ,:;.c~ p,:v[~g to b~ ~ : ~ 1o;,: ~: e,d~,c~nt p-ope~r ~y c:~:;: ~ to ~'~i ,;mp-ovez~ent of ,, .... ~:, pu,'p,0,~e~ :"] thc z~ : 'g pdt Da;~ o~ t~]s p,'ropert~, of a'-;d Adjace~ to * .... ~ :' z.:,:~g wF, c~ * = be attached ~ ~ch, tFe c~.'~7)e~ weFe provided srJ the~ ~t wo,~'~a be ~f.-J. l?e st<~ff w:~,~ rec:o~e~d t~::iz be set ¢o~ public: hee~ng fo~ A~:~t ~5, ~i7~ :j~ tLe me.e~me, the stsff wou~d 9~ve ,,~t ;f~c:at~or to everyone ~h,ey fe.:e~ ,~ut~ be iT;re, Wed, ~.¢er though th~s ,'s not a w: tte"~ -~' eve ~equ reme,r~ ~;o tb.5, t t~ere w~'J be good p~b~c;ty st ~e Cc~m'iss~o::, E s t=,b ~h,ng ::r~d6r d~:~cuss~¢r,, the "~m~so~c,~x ~ev~ew~,d :~:h6 50 a,:d ~00 v~ar ¢lood ~ Cty At~o~e'y L~:dber9 re;rer~t:ed t:fet the order?ce proposed ~ow estabi~s'~es the two . n -.~4 at t~ t me t~s ~s ?mpo:~ed upon any p~operty~ ~t w~l be f',~d p~ie~n zoo.es, ~ ......... . . detailed studies ,' t; the 50 year a,nd }00 year stud~e~. G~rect:cr' war~a": ~.;:ated tFe staff 'w~} k, eve a map de~J]ne{t~c9 ?,e precise locations to .- ~ ord~ ~:~ cor:s'~:s[,~ ,t w;th or~e that ~at~.~r, a6 C'~ty ~ ~pu ~9 pretty much the essence ],-~ ad:p~:icg this ord~nsnce ~r~ order to ~:6e:t .¢t~;~:e ~,7.¢' ~ederal requ~rememts. ~ cectoy Weir (; : fe'~t the C~ty was or'. the t~me gfty Atto,:~'e/ '-"ndber9 e~:ph, as~zed tr,mat th~s w~-; ~; ~c,'~n9 o¢c,~',~;,',c~ snd ,;~w based upon ~ '~ of ~he State or ~:e,~e~a~ go~rt.. (eqdested that a descr~pl'~o~''. of the property, etc., be sent to each Comm~~' ~e,, a~t t:re tLne the age:nda;s a,re m~.~ed 'Lo cb, om. :3[re.~tor Warre~' stated 5tsff w~ ~tt'empt to do th~; if the future.. Mb,L~( (~oberts =~or'sor~) Me;er~ ng ~djour;~ to A~g~z.t /5, 1966,