HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/03/01 SPECIAL MEETING OF T~E CtlY PLANNING COMMISSION C3MMiSSJON
March 1, 1966
A ',pec:~a' ~c:,r!~g of the City Pianr,,!n9 Comm]:~s on wars held at 3:30 porn. on the above
d~te !ti ,-ke Cou:ci! Cha~ber:s~ C!v~c Center, w~th the fo~]ow]~9 marchers present:
~Fzewar~ ¥,:.de~,....~h~son~ Aoams, and Guye,'~ Abse-~t: w~th previous ~otif~cat~on:
M~9ene! ~] C~ ty Attorney Z~ndber9, and Principal Engineer ] ~rshmsn.
n t~e sbsey:ce o: [~rms~ Stevess3n~ ~[ce-Chs]rms'~ Stewart presided over the
m~ e t ~ c9~
~'%~%.~ HEAR~N~ ~ C)';~]der~.t~on of Proposed Warehouse Buildings on Tidelands Avenue
Foot of "G" Street
O]rec~7" cf i': ~]rg Warre~ explained the reqd~Te~er~ts of the Tidelands zone, which
srea~ %'~thougP ?,ow under the Port D]str~ct jurisdiction, is subject to Chu]a V[sta
zc5~n9 resc'~[ct~r~. Ary proposed use ]s subject to ~ pdbl]c hearin9 held by both
t,,e C¢.~mm~sz,~,n .e:'~c[ ~ reporE to the COL'nell for f~na'~ approva]. Fh~S is the first
use proposed t: be developed co the t[de[ands~ The request ]s for three warehouse
eu~ '~d~ags w~:c;'~ w]}~ be constructed by Goidee CoR~trucf[o~ C~pa~y aEd leased by
t%,e go~7 C>rpcr'a[~,3~. O:recto~ Warre~-~ then d~scus:~ed tFe pl)t pl~, del[neatin9
the e~ev{-tion ~f ~h~ build~n~s and the fJoor plen~ He not. cd the paved area and the
re:-~a~[,~n9 ~np~v~d a~ea~. There wil] be one bu[~din9 fro~ti~g on ~deiar~ds Avenuc;
co-.:-tTuci:~r! o~ the bu~ Idlngs w~ll be of t~t,up co~c~ete. The st~ff finds the use
"~r s be~'~9 the z~me end p'~sce as advertised, the public hearing was opened.
M~. ~, ~ez,~fi~, rep:'e::e~t[~g Go]den Construct[on gompany: showed a detailed p~ot plan,
ot~x9 the propcseJ streets a~d warehouse buildings.
'4~ M~t:c~% <gtef:f, repre:~e?~t~ng Rohr Corporat[o~ commented t~t th~s p%3n was
-~cceptsb}e t~ the Po~t D~st~ct~
?,~rma': pr~ tern St:ewaT~ oue:[~t[oned the proposed pa~'~ag, M"~, La,don noted on the
p!gt pL:,,': the a,r'e~ fo: the pa"k~r, 9 stating it w~ll be a:ou~d the buildings.
~embeT Jo~::',:c:: a~ked about the number o~ space~ a~d wketber ~l: meets wi Eh the
p~ov~ot of: ~:Fe o"d~q~'-,ce~ Hr~ Lendon assured tFe (:~mm~'.'s~on ~hat they w]]l provide
~)re are~' f)r ~,~rk~'qg than ~hat required by the C't~.
h~'. Koi:~,ff exp~;~:~ed the oper~t~o~ of the w~rehou,~es declaring two of the buildings
wou d be gF;c~; sn~ the o~e:er bu~dlng somewhat larger. 'There w:~i be relatively
few e¢~p';Vee3 work~ ¢g ~ these bb~d ngs over the next f~ftee:~ to twenty-five years.
C~a~r~'¢~ pro t~ Stewart asked ~f the~e was a~y cFa'~'c¢ that these buS,dings would be
L,~6d err someth;rlg ~ther t:ham th~s us, e someday. M'. ~oteff sa~d they wouid not
bec~u:;e t~ey are beirg designed p;~marl!y for th~,~ pu?pos6 and special equipment is
be~:9 ;'-ct:3,1';ed :',pec~fi~a'~y for this purpose. <e deck.red that the smaller buildings
wo.~d 5c .:t:r~ol~y u$ed fo storage purposes where~¢ tke large bu~]dln9 ~li be a
- mmzer]~l:s-h~:~,dl g ~,~:i~idir~g which will be e'qt[re'ly a:~tom.ted with respect to the
equipage' to U' ~c:,O frDm st~cKs of ~ter~zls otto ~c~ ard ~o~d~ng tr~,ve]ing
zeki C'[e~' r'~:; m~.e ~ w~l[ then be tcarspDrted f'om the ~:erge bdi]d~ng across
"' de~',a~ Ave-~c ~,:rd )-,to the Rohr r ~- , ' '
' ' p em~:e~, tr:e bu d~-,g',s w~l be one-story.
~'e C~mm ~,,~' ~,e~? d~:scus:.~ed the required p~ki~g Fo'~ the az'aa. &~rector Warren
st3ted t. hst p~e r~:s, r:~ d]~cd.: ,)r3 w~th ~ohr~ do Jar, C)~;:,~:r~ct[o' Company a~zd the
Fort reg:~rd :~g p'rk~,rg fo'~ th~s ar~ iC was their fc~'iing tk~t there w~s more than
~nougk area fo~' p rk~rg here~ The City ord r:~%;e doe: set forth a r~t[o for parMng
for thi:: t/pa ~f u:se~ ~t ~.s expected that th~ appl]c~rt~ w'~ meet th~s figure end
~-~ ' Mr. W~rren added that
de~ ]aesre ,ne sp~ces :3 f~c~ ~ irate the use of' the psrk~r,g~
~e i:.-th~:~r ~.ddc~ th?t tka :~t~ff ~d d'~c'~ ..... ,,';'~ed the u~Jps~ved ~r'e~s w]th the applicants,
~rd p~,~nted out :~ th~m ~ff3t Jt would be ~mpe:t~r~ h3 co%:~der ~esthet~cs [~ ~ny
~ - " ~ -L,~9 ed
~; g~[;r~g t,~ ~tt'-~ ;:}':dustry. he st~ff ho3 ': '- ~':' th;~t th~s open area be covered
r~y :,~3':~ i v~,:9 ~,-Du;:d cove'~ ~nd p~,Im tree~; these (:;u a be planted every 50 to ~00
feet. ~t wo:;:~ be the :~z_:-ff s ~u99est'~o~ that the 'g~)mm ',sf~ make th~: a recom~
'r~'ds~;]on o the touT~]~. AC present~ t~ere [~ ro :~pec:~fic pig'n available as to
wF~t: ~':,:e:'v~ w:)u]d be appropriate to p ~t perm Erees. ,; ~:~, however, could be
vorked o,J~ by [ks ';t~ff axd the appl~c~r,t.
, ; ~ a~d whe~.heF pc3v[s~on was n~de
vype3 of trucks tk:~: w~ d be coming [r~fo r ,- ered
-- to: t~:~ i~:. W'S,rten ~o[cal. ed that it ~as; th~::t more than enough area will be
paved [o ber,ze b~z'~ tke parking ~eeds ~d adequ~te fa, c~ f]t:ies w~] be provided for
the dock~:'~g-rd 'o.~rg
J~r~ ~oteff d~c]ared th~t b"deF tie ]ease Rohr k,~s w~ th the Co]de~ Construction Company,
t~oflde~ w~]~ p:ov[,de f~dequ?~e ~,~nd2cap[ng on ~he area ~r]d Rohr ha, s to maintain it.
;~c w~b~d '~9~:r: li~ke ~:~~.=r,'~ _ u e the staff and Comm~ss~o~ that adequate offstreet
pe~k~g :]r'c'~ wD~]d 3e pr,)v~de,J~ a~d that the~'e ~[:' also no problem as to landscaping.
~% k,oteff :;t.~;:e;d tbev are very anxious Lo gel the epprov,~,l of the Commission on
tko':: so th~c they ca~: 9c: t~;s under w~y.
~embe" ~:-~e"~ f:Ued ~ the .~ v]~on of [ng~eer~ng ~a~ :aC[slUed ~[th thi~
,~%~ ~] ~l~'r~ :~:::':,Fm~nr3~ Pr~:c~p[1 Eng neer~ :':tateJ tha~ ~he basic t~de~ands area
d~e!~ped j:z,[ ~ ~J+:t' che Port D~str~c~ pcop~e severa',~ years ego~ The street grades
ae _ cr~ ~ Street nave been app~'oved by E:~g[r~eer~":g. te develop~nt
,n . the rec3mmendat om~ of t~e P]~'-i-~g ~
d]3cu:~'~3~ w ~ l:~e ty Eqgineer t~-3t have bee:: he~d tm,~
t,,c~ '~ ~ ,'or: ~ed;c::ted ~;treet a;:d ~ot the ci:ty 3 Tespons~b~!J,~ty at th~s time,
~ ~F At!:3, rney r 7q,Jberg stated trat the C~ty ~[~ ~h¢,.,~ed here ~:~of~r :'¢ Po~ce ard
; reF ";"'~'~:"-~-c g~, ~:'d that he beq~eve:: that tF~,_ ;~Je~a:tds Averve w~ i be dedicated
co the p;:b]~c ver¢
,cry ~,,cpp~ t3 see t:h[s cr, e brought ~nto thc t~de?,:r~ds; he ~s in favor of
There being ~o fcrt~er comment, either for or agairst~ the hearing was declared
MSUC (,~ohnso~Vaden~ That a recommendation for approval of three warehouse buildings
for T~de~a;~ds Avenue south of "G" Street, as submitted, be forwarded to the Council
w~th the fo!!ow~g co~'~ditio~s:
1. That offstTe~t parking be provided ~n accordance wi~h zoning ordinance require-
me~ts ~or th~s type of use.
2. That ~¥' unoaved areas resu!ting from ~he paving of p~rki;~g and circulation
arecs, such as that adjacent to buildings or adj8ceqt to the streets, be
!~dscaped with some type of livir~g ground cover. That palm trees or an
acceptable alternate be planted adjacent to street frontage at 50 foot intervals.
MSbC (Guyer-Vaden) Meeting adjourn to March 77 1966.
Respectfully submitted,