HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/02/07 H]q~TES O? A R[~Ut.AR MEETINC OF r~E C;TY 2L.ANNIN6 COMMISS~3N February 7, 1966 'Tree regaler meeting of the City Fl~mr]ng Co.mists!or: was he"d on the ebove date '~ne ,.')cr, c~l Ch~-',~mber, Civ]c Center~ at 7 P.M.: w[th the f>Jl~Jng members present:: Ste~,e:.so:r;~ ?tewert~ Smith, Adams:, ~nd Guyer. Absent (w~h FrOot not]ce): Members ,~r:sa~r a~A:l ',~de~. Also present: ~ ]rector of Plann:n9 Werren, Assoc~ete P'~anner M~n9? e~;J~, Principal Engineer r]~rshm~n, C~ty Attorney L~nd~erg ~rd ~ss~stant ~a~rner l'errelt. AF?P~LAL ~F' M~NL'TES MSL',: (..,~Fer~Adem:s) M~nutes of the ~et~n9 of January 17, t966 Se epproved, as mailed. C:~',~t'T],~AI. LiSE PERMIT - PU~L.~C }~EAR~NG: (Cont~d) ~outhe~:st: Cor'n~r of Fourth Avenue and '~H" Street - 3ohn D. McK~r:r, ey Se~ v:ce St:at,on D~rector of 2!~.'nr.]n9 Werren noted th~:t t:h]s ~tem snd the Va~r~'~ce wh:ch follows were cont:~nL:ed from the meet~n9 of December 6, 1965, to allc~: t:he (]t:'y Councll t~ t:o Pe¢~:" the ~ppeal on the rezon~n9 de~l ~v the Com,rfiss~.-. -;oweve~, the :-ppe~:'[ ~¢o~s before the Council a~t their ~et~r.9 tomorr~ r, lg-~ (Fe~-r.,~ry 8); he wbu~d (~c'D~,~nd~ therefore, t~sf t~e~:e., m,~]tt:ers be once ~9~::n c:ontJr, ued to the ~et:n9 ;f Febr?ary 21, 1966. ~'-7~ ~e~-,9 ~.e ~ end place ~s ~]dveTt~sed~ ~he public he~r:~g w~s op~ed. M~":C [:d~'~%-l.~e~ Continue public heem~ng unt~ the meeting of F'eEr~-~ 21, ~966. - Reduction ~r, Setback ~r~d ~:cr'ease ~n S~gn E~z~ ~h~s te~r~g the ~'~,e ~nd piece ~ e~dve~t~sed~ the pub'~c MS3~ ~Adr-,mz'~,,uF,~,r~ Cont~ue public he?~ng unt~ the ~et~ng of ~ehr~=ry 2~ ]966. ~'~7 ~S ~:~:&F'~,Z: F'ercy W~ters - 3~7 '~D'~ ~t~'e, et - Req':est for Tempor-,r'~ wr~"'~er of gr-r~ge Regu~re~:r.t 'lhe ~pp'J~c~'t~on w~n re~d ~n which a reqve~t w~ m~de for perm~os~o~ to remove the ex'stUn9 g~rage w~thout rep'~c~r~g ~t fo~ ~-: ~e~d eot to exceed f~ve ye~rr~ or until ~ isector of P~}.-m[n9 W~rren submitted :~ pL;t p~sn not]rig the loc~t~or,. He exp~[ned g'zrege ~o:~',,~ h~:ve so be removed. The 8ppl~cey':l-s Gte r.o,~ a'.sk[i~ for ¢ deferment of t:,e ;:onstructFon of =: r:~ 9Ere'ge on the premfnes for 8 period of five yeers or until ~' ' t'~' ' prs, F. erty r~gh~ of the '.~ppl~:~r~. :.' :Id ~ ~e:,,, one ~,ff ic:h wocld no~ ?~t::r:.:k fr:~.~ 7.0' feet to) ~ fee~ :~,:.'::¢r' ,~.fP:~..; ~.:~::.qg Wt-:r:r'cr:,~.¢.~".,. :~ ~ :: F:':':" P']r~n noting '~f 5 feet. It is feasible that r, street ,¢~.~,uld come through here someday to connect to Hilltop; the staff study of th~n area ~nd~ceted that the lots would h~ve to be ':;:d~v~ded ~n the m~nner in which the ~pp~cr:at proposes to build, therefore, the request ~eems reasonable. D~rector Warr6~n t~,6~ r~t:ed the conditions of ¢~pprova~ recommerded by the st~ff. ~r. W~]]]~m h]arshman, Princip~J Engineer, auggested ~ co~d]~ ~berebv the of ~.be f]f%t parcel would have to p~t ~:'~ 3 :;]de~aJk on 6orte Mf:r'~8; c=rbs p,'',]Ag ¢~re already ~n, but not the mr.~s be~g the t:~me ~nd piece aa ~dvert~sed, the pubt[c he~']r,9 .;; ; ~r. F;~] ~ook, the 8ppiJc~m:, stated he ~]]] not be develop]rog 2,c, d3, 4~d therefore, ~rector W;~rren ~ nd ~ *.:3 :ed that the ~r;";~"e e-~:;e~t should be de~c'-;ted ~t once a~d ~mpr'oved ,.~; e¢,~c~ lot ~S de'valopud. Ch?'.r~m 5tever.s)n questioned the co.';d~t~on of sldew~'~k inst~]l~t:~n on Lot .'~r. ~ook cl*,~m(,d he was not the ~,~ner of th[:¢ p3rcel :.;'nd f:e~t h6 should not be the ]~rs. Jean J~odm+:n, real estcite 8gent:, stated th~:t ~n order t:o ob¢:; ~ ~r, F'kA they must h~ve a separate dr~vew--~y to carve each lot. b~rector ~;-,r~-e:-u ~.¢ ~d not understand the cond:t~o*s f the fqne~c~ng, but felt t:~r, ¢rob'lem be ~orked out by the staff and ~:he app]~c;~nt end st~]l provide ,~4:cess 8ccept3ble to ~r. C~r'ence R~tter', t25 Cor}:e M~f~e Avenue,, st~ted he was the ~ner of p;.:,fce~ ~'n:~ that he granted the ea2ement to the r~8;¢ property owner so ~hat ~;: oou'Jd be oaf t:o ~.he City for dedication. H~* q;zeat~oned the requirement /% ¢:[de~¢alk ~ :,:r,d~ng ~:':,out the ~essh~p o¢ Lot ¢I whic:h he thought be'~onge,d s~ .~r. ,%ok. ~e-r,~er Ad, ms asked if there were any rqef:%:s of getting ;,: s~de~'~k h6r~ ~he'~ the Mr. L.U~e C~r, pbelt, 26 "D~: Street, s~d he co:eld ~ot :nde'"ntand the M~th t~s Flower Street. E~rec:tor ~;'r'e~ s~:,~t:ed ~t would if & 20 roof: ea~;ement: resommer, ded by the staff was ~¢~th their f~na:~cing until such t~ as the C~ty :~:ccep(s the offer of dedication; th~s c,':r: b~ ,~oaked out among themse~w5. ~,.'L; ('T'Ce:~¢:(rt,-Suyer) Vnr~;;c~ be granted subj.;ct to the follow~ng condit~on~: -3= !. The re~cc:tion ir, rear yard :;etb~:ck g,~c.r r~.::,~" be 10 feet, gppl!eF, on'[y to the p ~ce'~ marked //2 on the ~t:~e~ched m:~p. ~ r:e~, :~te ':~pp~cat:]o~ w~t'~ be required %ctusc;k fha'il be 20 feet. m;.; 7c:e o¢ ,~ b4,'~'Jd;r9 hwreJn ~rv*2lved of the ~ntended use t:f~t~::of that do not apply gene(~¢¢¢ to property or cl~:'~s of uses in the sa~ zorf. [,e 'Jot cont~TJ¢ ~dequate ~ve¢: t:,~ d;,~,~de ',~t:o 8i00 ~;qdare foot: lots (psrcel¢ ~2 ?d ¢3'¢. ~'*, edd;t:~o~, the prc~2~;=:d p¢~::hed '¢,¢~th i~t'~e problem. !?e prop(:oed e3:';ement: request:6:d :; ;5 fc~t:, b~t :~iter :;~;;:~e feet (70~ x e $fJ~t: adding t:o the value: of the e'; ~e ~e,]. ]~'~ addJt:]on, the red~,ict~or; 4. ,:r'~-~;:~qg such var'~ance w~l~ ~ot: be m.~::eri'.'~y detrimental to the public welfare ~:: ~,~:y ~:~ loc,~l.ed, s~r:c6 the ~ot:s ~.a t~ ~'~-:a ;:~ce generally oF the same size ~nd ° : ~ ~ s~ w~l]l he in e:~,:e:'[; ,~f t~,e r~Qu~rements of the ord~r.~-?}ce, even i')'9h tn,~, ?'e~r /etd w~ll be reduced to i~0 fee~ ~n one er'ea~ the 3esres~ ho~se w~ b,: ])~e ~0 ~eet o.r more a,~ay. A c)mp.s]'a~3e de~.e~op~t ~' edj~ce~t on the Ae,:.~:~t for Approv~'~ of Kome '~ ~ .~ Fe,:':T[t .~ ,~e~'.'y !'ok~.?,~m~ =. 680 Me~rose (=.'; O~e ',I/ath H.P. E~sco Eleci;r; · b;. 3~e E~g'~ehard; Surtout O~e>, (c) One E~g.lehardt: 'Water Bath: [d) Or~e [SR ~;'¢tr'asonR: C'te,~rer fer '-;e',e~ ~ of: the denth~fs Jn :~'~]:2; h~ever: he wou'ld be de'~','e-.~ -:.g ¢:~d p~_~ .-,~ ~:fferf:erenc'e with H~.=~f e,r 7'~ev~;~o'q sets. (-~) One 1/8~:h ~SP. E;r~e'sco Fie. t."~c ~;C} 3~e En ~e~J,';Krdt' Water B~t'h P~ ce , ParK, t~tey :~rt~t of b~re¢:tor :-.md A~'tern~te for '~966 F'i-:r:ring Congress of P'i~-;~-ing We.}rren ~)oted the ~[r'e.:~:o' .:~pp~',~?ed by the Co~m]s:'f[on ~:~t ye~rr ~e::~r': of F~r,d~ngs - Razor,rig r~t: NortF~er;: {:~'~e~' of Second ~d P~om;a~ S'~-eets ~"~ re:p.o~¥':: oF f~d:.~9s w~s re~d ~n wg~(:~ t:he Commission de~,d a ~.'~;"9~ of zone from k. i~ ~:'3 for tNe northwest (o~'r~er of Se~:.%)d ~'~l~t~:} 3}-] setback from 25 f~e:t: o 20 feet os both Paloma? $t~'e~:;. ~td ?eco~:d Avenue. ~ [.:;~"~g Comm~$:-:~o;'~ ~et~ng to d~: .-:us~ the po]:~t~c~J :d~e~g ~d~¢:';~ted that the subje:? of g~-7'~ge'.~ ~:~: ;Gj/e~.=.~d~.~s) Meet~n9 adjou~'n ~:o Febr~'y 2'~, 1966. Res pec:~f u Se~ re:t:~ry