HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/03/07 M]NL;TES OF A REF~ULAR MEEi~iNc~ OF l'd'E Li~"~ PLAM~[~ COMM!SS~0N 0~ C~,~iA 'JiSFA CAL!FORNiA March 7, 1966 [r:e ~eg~,~ :~eeti;90~ the Cty Planning Commis:~o~ w~ ~e~d on t~e ~:bove date at 7 p.m~ ~ t"¢ ~*c~l ~amber~ C~v]c Center, with the fo~ ow~r.g members p~esent: ~t~.,~n~or'~, S~ew~rt Sm~th~ '~ade~, Adams, and Guyer. Absent: w~t~ prioy qot~flcat~on: Mem~r cm :~o . A~;~ ~rese~t: Director of PJa-tq ~9 W~'e;r~ F~r'~ng ~;~ft~man C :'y Attarney ". reoe:rg, and Pr]~cipal E~g~neer Har shman. M~.C '.~e::.~ye~; ~:?~':e: o~: the meeting of February ~ ,, ;966, be approved as L~;'~:~NA'. L~:: F~?]~ - PC~L.~C HEARING: Grace Fellowship C~crch = Nort~e~,~t Cor~er ;-,turtn Avenue and "D" Street I USe Of Dwe'.l]nq for Church Services re a~p'~c'..~tion wa~ :'ead ~ which a request was made fo, permission to use the ex~.~t[-~ dwe~l~,,g at tr.e northeast corner of Fourth Ave~rzue and "D" Street for church ~rect~r ~f P'~ ~n~ng Warren '~dbm~tted a plot plan noting the ~ocat~on and adjacent land ute, A c,~ta t~on~l use permit was granted at th~s location for amother church use ~n 1963 b~t ~,e pe,rm]t w~:' never exercised, lhe appl~c~-:.~t w;~'~ be using tee l~ving room of the, dwe~. ~g for religious services and the appl[cat~o:; st~tes that the congregation w ~i epp~o~ ;n'~e 35. The church uses granted for th~s l~c,~t]on ~n the past have always ~ee' te-por~rv o~et ."]d ~t [~ assumed that this one wi(I be also. The number of ;~k~:~g :~,'cc; R~;F:o~]ed w~1! serve their purpo:e. Mr. Warr~r~ t~,e~ reviewed the r6com- ~-d~,t~nE: rr-:: r~*f wou(~ halve for approval. ~ f being tr~, z ,~e an~ pqace ~s adverLised, the publ c ~ear~ng was opened. W~I~ :ar-.~ t~ e~stor~ and the Counselor of the Church spoke in favor of the reques~ '~ey d~:c~ e0 the c~ndit~or requiring paving stating th~s would be f~nar:cially d~ff~~ c~], t~ d) ~ ]c'e they ,are a very small congregation. Actb~]~y, t~ w~ ~ be e school of ministry - tr~nlng men for the ministry - and they ~o~,~ req~e~', th,:t they be allowed up to 70 member~, which:, they added, wes the figure ~pp' ,cd by ?e ~mm~.~[on for the last applicant. Membe~ A~ems ;,~.ed h~ many persons could be accommoda[ed ~a this dwelq~g. '~e applicators st;~ted 70 could be, very comfortmbly. D~rector Warren noted that they :~q~e~ed 35 orr their ,pp~lcet~on, as their maximum. He added that if the applicants a~ :~e to go up to 70 they m~st provide parking :-'paces for this qumber. '~.e p~ ]c:,'-~[ ~em,~'ked that they had no intention of br;ng~Tg ~.~ traffic here; they ~dr~ w~:~t ?:is f;~dre for the r potential gr~th~ ~f ex~eryo~6 comes, there wili be ::hoc* q5 c~r~ end th s would mean 7 cars on the street aL the very most. They plan to ~ave 3 ¢'.erv~ce~ a week, arid the Pa~'tor will be ~[v[,".g im the dwelling. ~emDer Vaden co,anted that th~s Jocat~on ~s on a very ~eev~ly trave'~ed area, and one c~ ~e b~gge~t prob~em~ here Js ~o get the cars off the street. ~fere bei-:g ro ~urther' comment~ either for or against, tFe hearing was declared closed. ¢irect.~r Warre commented that if th~s were the first t~me such a request were before ?e Commis~ i~3~, ~ coded be considered as a temporary u:se; however, this becomes ~lmost ~ perm~-e : u~ b.~c.eu~e of the numerou~ requests. ~t carrot be called a non-conforming ~ e so p~tk~rg ~ co-~for:~ance w~th the ordinance m~st be prov]ded. As to parking, t~ ~s ~t tn~ ~r~ter~ect]on of a major street and w~t~ the other cnurch adjacent to thi~ o~-,e aEd o~e acro~ the street, both coa~d make this same request. The applicant c~ cot ~ccommod~te p~Tk[ng for 70 per'son~ at this ;oc~t~on - ~o variance fr~ ordinance r'equireme~ts ha~ been ~equested. V~c~-Oh~ 'r~ Stewart comme;r~ted o,~ the Director's remarks concerning the repeated use of t~s ~ocst[o- for church purposes. He felt, however, that the City should do everyth[r,g they can to provide for this type of use and imposing a condition to pave ~Pe lot is roe much of a hards~',ip; the Commission should waive this requirement. Mr. W~i]~am ~arshman, PrirJcipa] Engineer, declared ~ perm~:~ent pavement should be A.C.; for a temporary use, decompossed granite with a certair~ amount of penetration would last for at Jea:,t two year's. ~emfer Adams ~oted that chis use has been 9ranted ~n the past without imposing the pavan9 couldSt[oR; however, he now feels that there should be some pavin9 here and the sp~'ces marked. Director Warren indicated it would have to be some form of durable surface ~f ~[: ~s to be mar'ked. Member Vaden moved that the conditional use permit be approved subject to the con- d]tio~s outWOrked by the Planning Director and that the paving be acceptable to the City Engineer. Mr. Harshma~ noted that the paving should be for a temporary use ss approved by the C~ty E~gJneer. V~ce~Ch~rm~-~ Stewart fell the Commission shouJd i-crease the number to 50 persons :nstead of 35; thee it was u~reasonable to expect that ~J'~ the people have to park in t~e '(ot - 'so,ne of txem can park in the street. Member V~der~ declared the Commission ...;bou]d back up t~e ord~r,~nce. Director Warren comme.~ted that if the Commlss~on should co,~s~der more than 35 persons, they should state ~ the;r ~ecommendation to the Council that s~e attempt of offstreet parkin9 be made. {ha~rm~n Stevenson s~99ested the motion state ~t should be ~imited to 35 persons or h~9,err depepdit}g on the add~t~ona'~ parkin9 spaces they can provide. Member Va~e"} stated he wou,]d revise his motion. MSUC: (gr~deE~dy~T) Approval of the request: subject to the fo]lowin9 conditions: ~e C"~'rrch at:er~d~r'.ce shal~ be 'J~m~ted to 50 members p~o/~ded offstreet parkln9 car~ be provided ~ accordance with the zon~n9 ordinance ~n a manner acceptable to the staff. the p~tk~9 scheme sha~ be altered to conform w~th the ;ayout presented by the staff 3. The p~k~9 ]~ot shall h~ve a temporary pavin9 of a dursbie surface subject to the spec~f~cat~or.s of the C~ty Engineer 4. A'~'~ p~rk~r'9 spaces shaJ'~ be clearly marked. -2- S~-ce t~e use ~:¢ temporary, the ~arge tree in the pa,¢k].~g area shai! be retained. 6. 6ec;~u:~;e :~f pr:)x;!m]ty of the property to a reside, ntl;ai area, evening ~ctlvities 7. Th~:'.; u~e sha'l,I be ~m;ted to a period not to 6xceed 2 years. F~?dings ~ ~ ~oJi~s: i. f~a[ the gr'?t ;;g 0¢ the conditionai use permit w~i ~ot b~ mater~ally detrl- mer~ to the pdbl c hea~th, safety or well;ere. Nor:e of the factors delineated i', ~e zo~g ordlr:e~ce wou~d be sign~f~c8p~tly p~ese~t. 2. ~, char'acter~st~cs of the use proposed are re6~onabiy compatibie with the types of use pe,'m~t:ted ~ t~e surrounding area. There are two other churches in the ~m~d~,4te, are? a-d the property ~s ~t a heav~3y traveled ~r~tersectlo~,~. /A¢[A~(CE' - P~r:,. C ;~EAR NU: Shelby a~d Mar~e Curr~e - 302 LeMire Dr'~ve - Request for ?;etback Reduct ~on D~rector ,f ~i,~rfir, g Warren stated th~s was Cou~c~]I~o~tiated. The original appli- cyt~or, fi~s~ c,~me before the Commis~;ion on December 6, 1965 requesting a variance from t:~e garage requirement and that they be ~i¢~ed to construct a carport insEead of a garage. T'he (omm~ssion de~ied th~s request, a~d i~ was subsequently appealed to the City Cou'¢c~'l. They referred this matter back to the 6ommiss!on a~d the staff ~o study the prob!em determining whereby a garage couid be accommodated some place o'~ their ~ot wi~t a set:back reduction, ~f poss~ble. Tr.e staff hay d~scdssed this proposal with the applicant, and the variance being dis- cussed tonight ~ll be for a red~ct~o~ ir~ sldeyard setback to zero for the purpose of locating t~e~r garage. Director Warren submitted ~ pl~ot plan not:~g the location of the proposed garage, adding that there will be aq ~deqcate driveway to it. The size of t~e pTopo*ed 9a-a9e ~i~ be 20' x 20~. 'r,~:,~ be~g cr:e t~me ~d p~ace as advertised, the pubt~c hearing was opened. T~e app'~car, ts;, ~;~e~by and Marie Cuttle, stated they were present to answer any Member ,&~;ler que¢¢t~oned the reaction of the people who own the adjacent vacant M~. Ct~'~e exp~a~:ed the ~ot was now be~g sold ~r~d that thane was apparently ~o obj~ct~o-. '3~p'ectof Warre~ stated the property owner;; were sepal 8 notice of the There be~9 *o f~ther (ommeqt, e~ther for or ~g~nst, the hearing was declared clo.~ed. Member Adams deck,fed that this was a very h~ppy sol~tlo~ for this problem, and that ~t o.r:f:orms to the ~equlreme~ts of a M~t; Ad~ms,-Stewyrt~ Va~a~ce be approved for setback ~eductlon in order to locate and cor:~t~cct ~s 20~ x 20 [400 square foot) garage co~-,ir~ected to the house and located w~h or:e co,~ner to.~cP~ng the ~ide property !~ne and 6' from the rear property line. ;~' g**r,~9e ~:~J be. constructed in accordaoce w~th the plot plan submitted with the ~pp'~ 1. lhere ~,re pr~ct'c~ differences and unnece%s~ry hard.¢.h~ps within the meaning o+' Ord~:-,a'~c~ Ko. 398 ~:~ amended wb~ch would rest, t ~n the strict complfance of the prov~ ~or::-; of s<!d ord~na-~ce. So ~:ated as delineated be'law. 2. l~e~e ?e except ona'l c~ircumstances and conditions ~pp~c,able to the property he'e~n ~volved or the ~,~tended use thereof that do ;~ot app;y generall¢ to p~operty o¢ class of uses ~n the same zone. The co~f~gbcat~on of the lot and the d~s~g~ of the house d~ct:~;te this area as the o~ly logical building site for a 9~rage. '~ecause of the steep topography to the ~;outb, the ~ntent of the ordinance for ~deqd~te ~Jgh[ ~d a~r' will still be 3. The gr'ant~g of th]s variance ~s ~eces~ary for the preservation of the sub- =;ta*t~al prapercy r~ght of the aDpllcar:L A substantial ~nvestment has been placed ~.~¢ the or~gJr~'; conversion amd tv, e r:ew locatio'q is the oniy piece left o,,' t~e Jot ta Oog[c,~!"y I]ocate the new g~rege. 4. ]~'~nt~rg t~s variance wi]i not be materially detrimental to the public welfare ~r' ~rjur~ou~ to the property JmprovemenLs ~n the zone or d~strict in which said property ~; ~oc~ted. Although th[s garage appr'ox~m~teiy 75 feet from the front property ~ne. ~n addition, the lot to the we%~ [% vacant at this time and large enough to locate a~y buildings away from th~s s~de yard, ~f des]red. FinAL MAP - ~::o~ day Estates Subd~v~s]on, Uo[t No. i: D;rec/or of ~l,~r:q~n9 Warren ~ubmitted t. ne map exp]ai~mg that t:n[s was the first u~[t of the toLe~ develop~nt approved by the Commission,, kn~m as the Jaehn Annexa- rio';. !it c~,~ta r% 31 ~ots ~r;d ~ located just ~outk of Loma Verde School and on the east s~de of k,~;it~,~ ¢r[ve. Thi-' first unit w;il involve a portion of Orange Avenue ~,-!d two cu~-'de'-s~r::~. ~he staff race,ends, ~pproval w~th a few cond]tions which Mr. Warren exp;a:ne,d. Mr. Warr'e~ t~,,en d]scu:,~ed the alignment of Orange Avenue tt. eting th~5 w~s qce::t;oqed at the time of the aonexa"~3'q hearing. ?ia ]~d~caced the proposed a]~g~me-,t o¢ the city ~d thaL of the County and t:ke San Diego Gas & Electric ']ght-of-wey. Re ;dded th~ matter w~Oil probably age'n be d~cbs~ed at the Council mee~]rg whet, th~5 map [~ considered. ~S.C ;3uae,r-~¢~Je':i Reco~end approval of the f;r:a] map sub[ecl to the followin9 t. ~rce ~ tentative romp for th~s subdivision w::¢ approved pr[or to enactment of 3rd~*~rce 956, t:~,e ~*st¢,~Jation of undergrou,qd ct;i~[~es is qot mandatory. How- ever, ~z ~;[r'o';gt~ recommended that the subdivider pi;:ce h[s utilities under~ ground ~r~ accordance with Ordinance No. 2. ~'ke fica me, p sr~l~ not be submitted for Council actioq urtt]l ali feea are paid ~nd 2Ii nece~.~ry deeds, slope r~ghts and e,~se~ct~ as required by the City Eng~-,ee* have been d¢;~Vered to the C~ty. Z'ENTA[[fE ~AF -, L.oma '~erde Subd]v]s]on Df¢ector' of P]~n¢~,-g War~en s~,bmitted the tentative map no~,~ng the iocation as the east s~de of r~!top Or~ve adjacent to the Loma '¢erde School and containing 1.~ acres. The '!ot~¢ w~e 9f-:ded and left by the school when ~t wa~ developed; there w~ll be 8 lots front~n9 on ! ~l~top Dr~ve. lbe developer ~s sub[e-cf to the underground utilities requ!remer~t for '~.~.', ~division. Director Warren th, e.~ noted the conditions of approval :;uggesti~g also tk=.t tre subdivider construct e far, ce along ~11 but the H~lltop Or]va ';~de s~ce ~t ~s ~.d;~:e~t to the school and in .fuch c~,se~ problems w]th adjacent p~ygro~nd ~ct~v~t:es ~requent~y result after the hou~e::~ ere occupied. Mr. Fraak Wh[t~r~gto~, the ~ubdivider, felt the fence~ ,~:: the present time, was ~n u?re~onabie request - that he does propose to construct fences after the ho~s are up. ~r'. W~r'-e-~ ~ndic,~ted the condition was riot unre,~soq~b~e - tk~t it was a rare ;'ubd~v[S[o~ ~od~y that d,id not construct fences around the properties. He added thi>~ c~n ~e dor~e ~t the t~me the building permits were ~ssued. ~,?. W~tt~gt~n :,,:~d he objects to the co~dit~on of the ~rderground wiring. He ?taCed that: t~'e :~E,reet ~mprovemcnts have already been put in here~ the street is paved, amd the poles .~r'e s~ready installed aJon9 R~l]top Dr~ve. Ne declared it was an un- re.::~ot~e req,e~t t:o hs~ve to 9o and take down poles already installed and to put in cmd~rgrou,r~d wJr~n9. Ne commented that he had th~s same. problem with his tract ]n [mper~ :Peach ~r}d with the }.ff.A., ~nd th.~t the7 waived the requirement. 'A Mr. Warren s~d r~ di cc~$r~¢ed [h~s with a represen*~,tive of the F.H. . today, a~d the requirement wo~d probes,7 be imposed by them. The su~d~v;s[on to the south is 9oir~9 to have urder9rou~nd w~rin9 6~thou9h they are no~ required to do so: also, it is our dnde~stand~n9 that tk.e Fubd~v~sio~ to the west in the County will have under9round dt~litJes~ M! Wa re~ :~dicated the c~ty has to start ~omewhere and should exercise ~*ery posslb]e opportunity to under9round utilities. Hember Adams co~ented that the applicant can apply to the Council for a variance from the ordinance. ~t~s a r'equ~rement of the ord~arce and the Commi~;sJon could not wD~ve the prov[s~o~ by recommendin9 approval of the map. City Attorney Lindber9 a9reed~ staten9 s public hearin9 would have to be called. F~e property owners ~n the sur- rou~d~r~9 area have to be 9[ve~ an opportu~ity to voice their opinions on it. M~U,3 (S~e:w,~rt-vede~) gecommend approval of the tentative m.~p subject to the follow[n9 1. Ali ut~tles shall be installed und~r9round ~n conformity w~th recently ~ppreved Ord[~ar~ce ~956. ~:. At the time bu~]di~9 permits ~re issued, fences muse be gonstruc:ted alon9 the r:orth, e~st arid south bouedar]es of the subdivision. 3. A!~ slope~, sFfi~ be p]s:~ted and 9r~ded ~ accorda~qce w]th the spec]fJcatJons or~ ~'~]e ~ the P~amrt~-,9 Department a~d P!frm~c9 Comm~ss~o~ re~o!ut]on. ~c.Q~;g~; ~'~R E~;L<~ ]N U: C0~D~T'~0~ L JSE PERM. i Nort~ F~rk Mortgage Company - ~e_ Office A letter from the No,'th Park Mo~-t9a9e Company was read J~ which Lhey requested an exLet;sJo~ of o~e year o~ tk.,e[r conditional use permit to use o-;e of the model homes f.~ a _~ ,es off]ce. Hcmber Adams commer~ted that it was i~ the i~terest of: the c~ty to facilitate the r-e~]n9 of the rest of ~he homes in this area. ~45~: (Stewert-Aoems) One year extension be reco~erded for approval. -5" _ P;~.,'q~rq ~w ~ ~el2r_ed to ~taria~ces Member Adam: ,~a,O ~,r~ excerpt from a ~3peech given by Mr. ~e~ ~ well-known Planning ~tto~,~'ey, ~* t~e ~%t So~ D~ego Pla~og Congress meet~:~g. Mt. Lateen discussed toe _tte P~q~ ~W whic~ pevm, t.~ a P 0~g Comm~s~o~ to gr~t a v~r~a~ce only when ~pec~::'J c~cumsta~ce~ ~pp'J[ceb~e to the property, includ~[og s[ze, shape, topography, i~(,,.~ oc etc~, wrere the ~:tr~ct ~ppl~catio~ of the zo?i~g ordinance deprives s~ch p~operty of ire privileges er~oyed by other pr'opert~es Jr~ t~e v~c~ity under identicaJ z:,~,r~g cJ~ss~f~cet~?-'. A variance gra~ted should be s~bject to sach co~dJtions t~at wo;]d '~oL co~<t~ t~te ~pec ~dJ privJ leges consistent wi th the ~ ~m[ tat ions ~pon whicr, ot~r propert~e~ were s~te~t:ed. Mr. Adams felt that th~s provision establishes a J~m;tat~o~ ap~,~ t~e powers of a city to grant varlance~. . ~'ty Attorney Li~dberg stated that he concurs w~ch the I~ng~age of this State Plann[ng Acz ~oweve-, t~e Comm~s~op m~t recognize that p~a~nJ~g and zoning are local mun~c~p~'~ ~ffafrs ~od Cn~]a V~:~ta is a c~arter c~tv which has a specific ordinance e:~tabl~n~rg var]farce procedures. ThJ¢ ~ compJ]c~t:ed by the fact that the City also ~fs ~ ~pec'~f c o d r.a~ce adoptiqg the State PJanr~i~g Ac~. ~io~efu]]~, tr~e State Legis- lature ~ ~tempt,ng to establish guide ]i,~es in th~s .~re~ which wou?d eliminate the use variance ~d bring cities back to the sound ba~;~s of planning and zoning concepts. Mr. ~[ndberg added that the c~ty ~tii] controls the matter of their ~n ordinance, since [t ~. a specific ord[nanc:e howe~er, he st,'Ii mai,tta:~s that the use variance ~ conf![c~ w~t~: the State Jaw ~r:d the corsen~us of ~he peop'Je invoived. br~dergrouad Ct~t ~e~ber Vade.:] discussed the subject of underground uti l it e~ whereby proposed sub- d~vf~:[o,"~ have the overhead utilities in:, sdc~ as tn the ca~e toh[ght (Loma Verde~. Fe re'it t:~e ~ g~ego Gas & Electric C~pany should be c~are of the ordinance so that t~ey won t go ~heed and pdt ~La the uLJlJty poles. D~rectof ~e~frem stated tPey are well aware of the ordinance since they wrote and rewrote ~t to suit tqem~;e~¥e~. The only control t~e C~ty has [~ th~oug~ this subdivision ord{narce; ~owe~,er, t~e poles [~ this p~rt[cu]ar subdivision went [~ before we had this ord~ nance. Ne~ber Adams: m ~ ~r e t oined the uti~'l[ty poles at the new subd~vis~or; at First and "KH Streets (~aje'st~c ~er'~ce~ ~e st~ed he talked to t~e gent~emeq T. Fe[e and was [nformed that uqdergro~nd dL~]t~es wodJd have cost ~8000. fO~ L~e ~2 'Jots. ]he ut[lit:y poles are set ~n ~r~)r~t ~)f the ho~ hece~ whereas~ ~r~ Adams added, they should have been set in back of t~e ~o~. ~e felt the C:Jty should h~ve Pome control over this sort of thing. ],(~ecto: N~fre' ,remarked that tn some cases~ it is not ract~ca~ p ~ to set the poles back, since qu ze ~ few ~ubd~v[sion~ have moved Lo the h~'~]~:Jde ia~ds. Hember Adams stated ~e rea~zea ~h.~[ and ~n th~s particuJar subdivision, ~t w~s pcact[caJ; the poles stal~ed ~ere are a detriff~,qt to the value of the proper tfe~, Director ~arren stated that the proposed ~ w :e zo~)~,g ordinance would require a cor~ditionaJ use permit for utility fac:~)[t[e~ cot ~ subd)v)s)ons. HSUC (Vader..~tewa,r[') Heet:[n9 ~djourn to ~arch 2], ~966. ~eet:~K~g adjourned at 8:15 p.m~ R spectfu~jy subm~ted, ~ Sec,'e t~ r'y APPROVAl OF M~NUTES Member Adams referred to a statement on page 6 of the m~nute~ ~n 'reference to pJann]~9 laws on variances in which he was quoted as statir~9 t:k8t the provisJo~ "estab(~shes a limitation upon the powers of a city to gr~z varJsrces~"" ~'~e asked that th~s be omitted as it did not express his thoughts o~ tke m~tLer~ rgth,~r, he felt the City Attorney should provide the Commission w[Lh gu~d~r~ce on tr~s matter. Mab~C (Guyer-Stewart) Minutes of March ~ and 7 be approved w~th [k,e suggested change. .,',i~op ~eJ9hts Subdivls~o~. /~, l/. ~t/_ ~ Member Adams commented that at a previous mee~ir,g, he z, gid he was to~d it would cost $8,000° to put in under9oued utilities i;n this subd~visior. ~e recently noted that t~e ~igure of $3,000. was quoted by Mr~ Pembettor of tt,e ~ar; Cie9o Gas & Electric ,o~pa~W as the total cost of th~s i~st3~atio~. F~ requested that the m~nutes re~ect