HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/03/21 MINUTES OF A REGULAR ADJOURNED MEE~iN~ CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CH~A V~STA~ CAL!FORN1A March 21, 1966 The regular adjourned meeting of the City Plan~ng Commi~sio~ w~a held or~ the above date in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, with the fo;~w~og members present: Stevenson, Stewart, Johnson, Vaden, Adams, a~d Guyer. Ab;erst: with previous notification - Member Smith. Also present; D~rector of Planning Warren, Associate Planner Manganelli, Jun~or Planner Lee, Planning Draftsman ~r~sh, City Atto?ney Lindberg, and Principal Engineer Harshman. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Adams referred to a statement on page 6 of the minutes i~ ~efe~e~ce to planning laws on variances in which he was quoted as stat~g t~at the provisio~ "establishes a limitation upon the powers of a city to gran~ ~ari;~:nces.'~ i-!e asked t~at this be omitted as it did not express his thoughts on the matzer~ rather, he felt the City Attorney should provide the Commiss~o~ with guidance on ~his matter. MSUC (Guyer-Stewart) Minutes of March 1 and 7 be approved, with the suggested change. REZONING - PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont'd) Southeast Corner Bonita Road and Sandalwood Drive - Shell Oil Company and Frank Ferreira - R-3-D to C-1 Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan noting the location of the proposed rezoning and the adjacent land use. He reviewed the matter whereby ~he applicants are requesting rezonlng primarily for a gasollne service stat~on. At the previous meeting, the Commission continued the matter in order to obtain a firm statement from the Division of Highways concerning the preci:se location of the Freeway, access ramps and frontage roads~ Mr. Warre~ stated he has received a letter signed by E. R~ Settle, Assistant District Engi~eer~ Divisio~ of h~ghways, and a map delineating the alignment of Route 805 and the ramp tecationso They pein[ out that the frontage road, as shown (connecting Vista Drive subject to change. Director Warren then noted the areas designated as tour~stic~mmercial zoning. He discussed the uses allowed in this zone and pointed o~t the sta~f'~ recommendation for the areas to be zoned T-C at this intersection - approximately l~ acres. Member Vaden questioned the commercial acreage delineated nor:he~st of the inter- change on the General Plan. Mr. Warren stated they show about 20 acres; however, there has been no attempt to define a specific amount o~ zoning; it merely suggests an area of use. This being the time and place as advertised, the continued pubiic hear;~g was reopened. Mr~ Frank Ferrelra, 3715 Putter Drive, Bonita, showed a rendering of the proposed service station. He discussed the exterior construction of the proposed buildiag stating it will be one of the finest in San D~ego County~ M~. Ferrelra 'added that they feel there is a great potential in the Valley - it could become another Miss:on Valley. He then discussed his plans for ~he area south of this parcel stating he -I- plans to build some iow-density multiple units which could ~¢rve ~ e buffer between the residential and the commerciaJo Th~s area ]s ~n the u~ioue po~it!o,r~ o~ being able to be seen at least a mile down the Freeway. A deve~opme,;t here could be Town & Country type whereby it could be converted to a mot:e~ ditions would warrant the change. Mr. Ferre~re declared t!~e ;ivi$ioa of ~;!ghway$ does not have a conventional interchange here - ~t is ~ di~mo';J ~nte~ch~ge w~ich ]s s~bject to further refinement. ~e spoke again of the del~¥ re w~z p~ t~rough by the Division of Highways sometime ago, and their pr~mise row to w:~rk with him any development. Mr. Ferreira then discussed the proposed convalescent home to the east of this area declaring that this was a commercial e~te~prise wkiich may ~,eve trucks coming and going 24 hours a day. Mr. Ferre]re the~ ~efer:rf,d t~ his petition which he presented at the last meeting signed by aojace~,,t prope~'ty owr~ers favoring th~s request. He commented that the distance betweee this proposed service station and the convalescent home would be approximately 150 ~ 200 feet and the ~osd betweeq these sites will be paved and dedicated. Mr. Ray PowerS, 48]3 Bancroft ~rive, La Mesa~ C~i~for~,,i~ ~epreser~'~g S~.e~l 0~1 Company, spoke of the construction of the service station commeqti~g th:t it wi,] be the most "sophisticated" stat~om in the Couhty. T~ere w~l] be adequate ~!er~dscaplng with a sprinkler system installed, and a fence wi!! be erected et tFe rear of the property in order to act as a screen to the resJdentlal ~rea. He dec,iaree this type of business was not obnoxious in any residential area. There being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing wa~ deck,zed closed. Member Vaden d~scussed the proposed tour~st-commerciai zoning in ~k, is area, and commented that, as an individual, he felt Jt wouJd r;ot be ~n the best zoning practice to rezone this parcel for a service ~;tation site, s~ce the: convalescent home doesn't seem to be situated proper~y with this type of propozed zot!~g. Ele added that the Commission wou]d be wrong in not recommendir~g the re!ocat!o~ oF th~s convalescent home. Chairman Stevenson commenting on a buffer zone, remarked tr;az ~partment~ would serve as a better buffer between residential and the tour~st-commerciai tk~ the service station would. Member Vaden spoke highly of the tourist-commercial zone proposed For this area indicating that the Commission should g~ve this a lot oF t~oug~c ;;i~ce it would "put Chuia Vista on the mapo'~ [he Commission discussed the County zoning in this area. MT. Warrec stated !t wes presently zoned for singJe-family resldential~ foweve,, ~fte~ the freeway is constructed, it could go to commercia! devefopme~t. ~e saiid ~e Jiccu:ssed w~t~ the applicant the possibility of relocating the service scat~o~ to the co;~va~escent home site and vice versa. Vice-Chairman Stewart felt chis home skoa~d be on the perimeter of the tourist-commercial zone and not within it. He asked ~f any negotiations had been made. Mr. Ferreira stated he has ~ot ~uggesxed relocation to the owners of the proposed convalescent home as yet; presently, they are hav[ng engineering problems and it would be to their advantage to relocate either to the south or to the west. Jhe Commission then discussed the proposed frontage ro~d~ Member Johnson remarked that ~e would have less objection to the request if the frort~ge road was defiqitely established. Director Warren commented that the Commission m~y be putting too much significance on this frontage road - the service statio~ ]s mo;e related to off- ramp than a frontage road would be that will just be carrying local traffic, Che - definite location of the frontage road will be up to the property owner affected and the City. Mr. Ferrelra stated he could definitely assure the Commission that this road would be brought in as he proposes ito Member Adams spoke of the proposed convalescent home ~n this area stating these places are not quiet places - quite a bit of activity is going on inside and outside. The Highway construction is another three to four years off and plan~i~g for the adjacent commercial development should probably not proceed any earlier than I year before construction takes place~ Member Adams felt a good many m~stakes could be made by granting a small patch of commercial zoning at this partlcul~r time. Mr. Ferreira claimed the topography on the staff-proposed tourist-commerclai area varied by about 60 feet which would make a poor tourist-commercial area~ Mr.Warren indicated there would be a change in topography and grading would be necessary which would occur regardless of this applicant's request. The question is should we reserve 8, l0 or 20 acres here; when and where should it be? Vice-Chairman Stewart commented that he would feel better about the matter if the frontage road were definitely established. Mr. Ferreira noted the area he proposes for the frontage road stating the Commission can condition the rezoning on this~ if they wish. He added that he has an option on most of that are~ in the County designated to tourist-commercial development. He would l~ke to start development soon on the Town and Country project so that the landscaping wil1 be mature when the freeway goes through. - Director Warren cautioned the Commission against rezon~ng any large acreage for commercial in this area before the tourist-commercial zoning ~s created; otherwise, proper controls were not available. Member Guyer questioned the applicant about any possible object,on to having the "D" zone attached. Mr. Ferrelra stated he would be happy to have The Commission discussed the frontage road. City Attorney L[ndberg stated it would be d(fficult to impose a condition upon the applicant to provide this road ~nasmuch as it is on property other than that covered by the zone change or conditional use permit request. Member Adams commented that when the convalescent home goes in, the~ the street would have to be improved, and this would insure the road going in. The only thing under consideration now is the extension of the road to provide access to the proposed service station site. According to the City Attorney, to impose a condition whereby the applicant must now provide this frontage road wouid not be a reasonable one. Member Guyer suggested the applicant talk to the owners of the proposed convalescent home to try to arrange some sort of negotiation whereby they would relocate their proposed hospita] to the site of the proposed service statlon~ Th~s would serve as a much better buffer between the residential and tourist-commercial. Member Adams felt they needed a little more ~ime to digest al~ this information, and suggested the matter be continued until the next meeting. -3- Member Johnson asked for the staff's comments o~ the t~ur~st-commercia~ acreage in this area. Director Warren stated it can take on a~y number of acres - the plan submitted tonight is a conservative estimate; at this part~cdlsr time, circumstances are not well enough defined for precise pJan~]ng. Tile traffic generated on this Freeway will be, to a large extent~ the traffic from San D]ego to Tijuana~ Vice-Chairman Stewart said the demand here will co:~tro! the amount of rezoning that should take place here~ Mr. Dennis Wittman, Engineer for the convalescent home project~ stated there is some urgency in the development of the proposed home, and any delay would hold his men up on this project. MSUC (Adams-Johnson) Matter be continued to the meeting of April 4~ J966 in order that the applicant meet with the owners of the proposed convalescent home east of this area in order to investigate the possibility of moving their proposed project to another site to eliminate a conflict with a pote~tla! ~odr~st.-co~merc~J area. CONDiTiONAL USE PERMIT - PUBLIC HEARING: (Cont'd) Sheil Oil Compar:~ a~d Frank Ferreira - Southeast Corner Bonita Road and Sandalwood Drive ~ Service Station ~n Proposed C-1 MSUC (Stewart-Guyer) Hearin9 be continued until the meetin9 of April 4, ~966. VARIANCE - PUBLIC HEARING: Frank L, Whlttin9ton - 290 '"K" Street R-3 Use on R-i P,roperty The application was read in which permission was asked to construct a 25 u~it apartment complex and a reduction in front setback from 25 feet to 15 feet° Director of Planning Warren submitted a plot plan ~oti~g the location, adjacent land use and zoning. He explained the applicant's multiple family development to the east is at a density of 1 unit per 4000 square feet~ [he proposed epartme~t building will be two-story construction. The Commission m~y reca]~ sometime ago considering a request for 27 units on this site; that pla~o provided parki~:g a~d access on the site. The applicant's plan contemplates an easemen: or: adjacent property to the west for access to his development~ Mr. Kenneth Lee, Junior Planner, discussed several alternate concepts of developI ment ranging in density from 20 to 25 units. To provide the ope~t, space requested by the staff, the applicant will have his access drive o~ adjacent property. For purposes of calculating density, he will now have 120~ x 290' or 34,800 square feet which wil! give him a density of 1 unit per 1400 square feet of la~d area. Mr. Lee said he felt that 25 units on this property can now be worked out w]th 38 parking spaces and sti]l assure adequate usable open space~ This being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Mr~ Frank L~ Whittington, 697 Third Avenue, the applicant, d~scussed a proposal whereby he will be grading out an area in the back of his apartments on the east, for storage purposes - cars, boats, etc., and this space can also be used by the residents of this proposed apartment buildJng. Mr. Whittington stated that if he could not obtain the easement to the west, he would "f'lip" h!s apartmen~ plans over and utilize the driveway on the east instead~ He felt that as Jo~g as he can put in 25 units here and supply the required parkim9, this should be sufficient~ -4- Mr. Warren discussed the Commission's decision sometime ago to ~ezone th~s area to R-3-B-2 or 1 unit per 2000 square feet of land area which wouild give the applicant 15 units. Mr. Warren declared the staff wi]] go along with the project on this area that is properly designed and can be accommodated on the parcel~ Vice-Chairman Stewart commented that the driveway to the east is a~so part of the parking for the apsrtments to the east, and questioned the applicant as to how he plans to make up these spaces should he have to use this dr'~veway. Member Guyer suggested the Commission grant the applicant the approval for 25 units and ]et him work this out with the staff. Director Warren stated this density - 1400 square feet per unit - would not work unless the applicant obtains the use of the easement to the west as this is what makes the 25 units feasible~ Mrs. Werner Schurlg, 255 San Miguel Dr[ve, stated her ite~ghbors were not ~formed of this proposed development, and asked for a postponement so that They could be notified and attend the meeting. Vice-Chairman Stewart exp~e~neo t~,ey weren't notified because they do not llve within 300 feet of the proposed development. Mrs Schurig indicated they wouldn't object if the structure was ~ one-story one. Mr. Warren commented that this was a s~gnificant consideration in the applicant's development to the east since it was an R-3 use in the middle of ~ s~ng~e-fam[ly residential development, and great care was taken that ic would be compatible. This proposed development is between C-2 and R-3 deve!oped property arid not very closely related to San M[guel Drive. Mr. Lee reviewed the llst of cond tions. Mr. Whittingtor stated he had ~o objection to any of them. The Comm~sslon then discussed paving the easement. Mr~ Lee stated this would have to be done according to the specifications of the City Engineer for R-3 lots. mh~r~ being no further comment, either for or against, the hearing was declared APPRovAL OF MINUTES Member Adams COmmer~ted that he made the mot~c,r approvin9 the ~,ar~ce for Fr~k L~ Whi~ttingto~ (page 5) arid it was Seconded by Member Guyer, MSUC (Adams-Guyer) Minutes of March 21, 1~66, be approved with the Sugge;ted char, ge~ (a) elevations and floor plans ut a,, ........ :_ (b) detailed site plan (c) detailed landscape plan (d) the 32 foot easement to the west of said property is permanently available to this parcel and is used in some site plan approved by Commission and staff; the easement to be paved accord!ng to standards approved by the City Engineer. 2. That all signs shall be in conformance with R-3 regulations -, The design and location of said sign shall appear on the elevatio~ and p~ot plan drawings. 3. Two (2) street trees to be planted in the par kway~ -5- Findings be as follows: 1, That there are practica! differences and unnecessary hardships within the mean~n9 of Ordinance No. 398 as amended which would result in the strict com- pliance of the provisions of said ordinance. So stated ~s delineated below~ 2. That there are exceptional circumstances and co~ditio~a applicable to the property herein involved or the intended use thereof that do r~ot apply 9~nerally to property or class of uses in the same zone. The property ir adjacent to commercial property on the west and south and multiple-family on the east, Sdch p:~operty is of such size and configuration that it would be impr~ct~ca~ to develop R-I because of adjacent uses. The setback reduction to 15 feet will be comp~L~b~e witr the 20 foot setback ~n the Jot to the east and the 5 foot setback or~ the property to t~e west. 3. The granting of such variance is necessary for' the preser,,at~on of t~e substantial property right of the applicant, With2ct the variance, the applicant wou~d be restricted to one dwelling on a large parcel betwee~ R-3 a~d commercial use. 4. Granting th]s variance w~ll not be materiaily detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property improvements i~ the zone or' district in which said property is located. Granting this variance would hoc be mater~al~ly detrimental to the property or use in the area since a simiiar use of property i~ ex[stiRg on the adjacent parcel to the east. SUBDIViSiON - Tentative Map of Chula Vista Gardens Director of Planning Warren submitted the map noting the Iocat~o~ as south of Naples between the proposed interstate 805 Freeway and Melrose A'~'ec~e~ ffh~s ~s a vacant area of rough topography and with only a half-street existing on Naplea which will serve as one access. Nacion Avenue will be extended, and the subdivision wilt have 3 stub streets, it will be a slngte-family deveiopmei*t of t5£ lo~s ~ minimum lot size of 7,000 square feet, There is a question now as to what is going to happen to the adjacent property since complete deve!opment would be dependent upon a balance of cut and flll; the staff has talked to some of the adjacent owr~e-s about this. The Commission should also take into consideration the future of ~ptes Street~ Member Johnson recommended that Naples Street be finished off ~n this area, Mr. Warren referred to the list of conditions impo:~ed by the staff and the Engineering Department. Mr. Wittman, the subdivider, stated he is in complete agreement with the conditions. Vice-Chairmao Stewart questioned the cost of improving ~apieSo M?. Warre~ stated th]s would require further study and more comments from ~he Engir:eer~r~g Oepartmeoto tt is obvious that the City will have a half-street here For sometime unless it takes the initiative to correct thb problem. ~f the land adjacenc to the south and east of Naples ~s going to be developed with single-family use~ !t w~ll require expensive grading and drainage facilities. Member Vaden commented that there are 152 lots in this subdivision and it would be a sad mistake, traffic-wise, unless the C~ty can come up with *he improvemenL of Naples now to make it a complete right-of-way. -61 Mr. Wittman declared that he has secured the property n,~:xt to the church so that a portion of Oxford Street will be improved and p~vedo O'igir~a~iy? he owned 15 acres here, and he has since acquired additional land ~ order to get t~e sort of design and pattern that would be beneficial to the area. Member Adams discussed Oxford Street, east of Hilltop ~ve which he felt was a poor street, but heavily-traveled. Mr. Wittman declared t~is wa~ ~ ~tandard 36 foot street, curb to curb. Mr. Warren reiterated that because a subdivision is taking place here which, although not directly related, may complica~the development of Naples Street, it ~s up to the CommJssion to point out to the Council that the problem ~s sti~t there and wilt increase - some action should be taken to force improvement of Naples Street, but not by this subdivider. MSUC (Guyer~Stewart)Tentative map be recommended for approval subject to the following conditions: I. Al~ slopes shall be graded and pla2ted in accordaPce wic~ speci- fications on file in the Planning Department. 2.Grading plans shall be submitted prior to apF,'sval of the map. 3. Those lots adjacent to the proposed freeway ~ i h~ve ~ lot depth of 100 feet and meet the elevatio~ a~ set forth by State Division of P[ghwaySo The f~al map s~ait refiect ~e p~o- posed freeway right-of-way line. 4. ?he southern extreme of Nacion shall have a rad~'z '~ app'oved by the Engineering Department ~ such the:t the pr~p~]~ed aiig~mer:t to the south can be met. O~ East Oxford Street east of Neptune Ave~ue existizg ~idewa~K shall be removed and replaced in a mono~th!c On Nolan Avenue the warp from separate to mo'~]i:thic ~dewa!k shall be accomplished in a manner app,roved by Lhe L[ty 7- The structural section for Naples Street ~haii be 3~' of A.C. 4" m~n[mum A.B~ 8. A portion of East Oxford Street west of Nola~ Ave:r~ue has r~ot' yet been dedicated~ ?here exists ]r~ufficier~t dedicated w~dth ir~stali the minimum width street sectio~ a~ sh.~w:'~ apo~ the tentative map~ The subdivider shall obtain and offer [o the C~ty ~uch add,lionel width as ~s necessary~ 9. '~C" S[reet as shown upon the map shall be ilmproved to the and standards as shown for a 46 foot interior street upon the typical sectlons~ lO. The subdivider shall provide evidence of having obtained slope rights from adjacent property owners ~n ail !nstance$ where iot slopes extend beyond the subdivision boundary~ Where suCh slopes are constructed to facilitate installation of street improveme-~ts per- macent slope rights shall be obtained in the came oF the City, 11~ Drainage facilities and easements shall be provided a:~ required by the City Engineer. 12. The subdivider shall provide written evidence To the effect that the easterly line of The easterly tier of lots ahd the finished grade e~tablished for such lots will not conflict with the SEat:e~s pJans for construction of the future 805 Freeway° i3. On dead-end streets, as may be created ~n development of various units as shown, the subdivider shall provide a temporary cul-de-sac in such form and Iocation as may be acceptable to th, e C~ty E~gi,'~eero Additio~a!ly, bond to 9uarantee installation of permar~e!;: cull-de-sac facil~t~e:s shaJl be posted for use ~n the event that the tot~! development does not take piaceo MSUC (Stewart-Vaden) Recommend to City Council that necessa;y ac~!o~: be ~r:itlated by the Council to force improvement of Naples Street to the degree that it will no lon9er be one-way. This subdivision alon9 with the development to the east of this area makes it necessary that corrective action be taken aL thls t~me~ Bonita Verde Subdivision - Architectural Conslderat~on of Prop~)seO ~wel~in9 Mr. Paul Ma.nganelll, Associate Planner, submitted the buiidir~9 pila~s for the dweilin9 to be built on Lot 27, 360i Bonita Verde Drive. The dweltir9 will be 2250 square feet, shake shio91es for the roof, brick and wood work on the !rOnto Th~s dwellin9 conforms to the others in the area° MSUC (Stewart-~Johnson) Plans be approved a~ submitted. Request for Bereft'al of Public Improvements - 61Minot Averlue A ietter from Mr~ George W. Clayton, Jr~ was read in which he asked for a waiver of instaltatlon of public ~mprovements at his property a~ 61Mi~ot St;earn The recommendation of the Englneerin9 Deivlsio~ was reviewed lrt which they recommend approval of the request. Member Adams felt this should not be waived - ~t should be deferred since the require- ment for sidewalk on tNe whole block still exists. If the Comm!~s;oc 9~scts a de- ferral, then the s~dewalk can be put ~n at some tater date, Mr~ William Harshman, Principal En9ineer, stated he reviewed the ~rd~r,aFce as it relates to this matter, and they feel it is dcb~ous that: improveme~ts here would ever be put in. Vice-Chairman Stewart agreed, addle9 that the setback is such that if sldewalks were put in, it would be at the frolnt steps of the homes. MSC (Stewart-Johnson) Approval of waiver of icst~llat~o~ of pub'iic mp;ovements for 61M~not Street based on the followin9: - t. No sidewalk exists on Minor Avenue rlorth of ~"ii"~ ~,~t,,ee,.' * AI,'~ lots along Minor Avenue r,~orth of "D" Street are otc:up?ed with res~de':tiai developments. 2. This portlon of the street is uniformly improved with pavin9 uno curb. 3. S[nce the entire subject area is fuily deve!oped with home~, ~t is unlikely that further significant development wi1! occur of the magnitude which would qualify for application of Code Sect~o~ 27~24. 4~ T~e neighborhood is well estabJlshed~ No vo!u~t~ry ~nsta]ia~io~s oF sidewalk have occurred over the years~ Th, e c,:~i:y logical method of achieving full improvements would be t~rough creacio:~ cf an assessment d]str[cto The motion carried by the following vote, to-w~t: AYES: Members Stewart, Johnson, Stevenson, Vader ~rd Cuyero NOES: Member Adams ABSENT': Member Smith Request for Cia:~siflcatlon of Use Not Listed ~ Swap Meet: Director of Planning Warren staled Lhis request has beer~ withdral~:' b7 the applicant° Request for Deferral of Public improvements I 965 ~'F" Street A letter was read from Mr. ~[m Cappos, Rayne Soft Water Service~ requesting deferral of the insta!latlon of public improvemenLs on property at 965 ~¥" SLreet, The Div~slon of Engineering recommends approval of the request bs.~ed on the fact that street grades have not been prepared~ They stat:ed that it wiil be necessary to develop such street gradea in conjunct[on with the ~n~fied Po~t District. er~d to install the street now wiLhout having the concurrence of the Por't District: would be impractical~ MSUC (Stewart-Johnson) Approval of deferral of public improvements at 965 '~F" Street subject to a guarantee of performance ]n the form of a cash bona~ ~drety bond or lien upon the properly in the amount of $3000. ReporL of Findings - Zone Change - South S~de ":." Street~ West :~F Br~:dway - Appeal by Ernes. t: ~ Director of Pla~']ni~g Warren referred to the report of find[zg~ which wa:i. mai~ed out to each of the Commissioners noting their act!on and f[ndir~g~ on [he for a zone change from M-I to R~3 on that properly ~ h .Out, of ~ S~reet and west of Broadway~ The applicant had proposed to devetop apartment un~t~ o~: this property, and i~ now appealing the decision of the Comm~s~on~ MS,lC (Guyer-Stewart) Approval of report of findings to be forwarded [o C~ty Cour, cil~ g~c~s[o~ I P~ posed County Zoning Plan ~ 0Lay Area Director of Planning Warren stated a citizen's committee ha:~ w~:Fked with the County Plan~iog staff for several months to come up with a zoning plan for the Ot~y area~ The County Planning CommJsslon has called a pub!ic hea'ing for Mareh ~5~ After reviewir~g this plan, the staff found some zoning patterns here th,t ~ere not only completely contrary to our General Plan, but to go~d zooming practice aiso~ zoning Plan is so controversial that another comm,'tt:ee ha~: been formed to protest this Plan. They have asked the cooperation of the C~ty for their Pian. Mr~ Warre~ -9- indicated that as far as the staff is concerned, with the approval of the Comm~sslo~, he might speak favorably about one of the Plans although ~e~t~er o~e ~s entirely favorable, Mr. Warren then discussed the submitted Pla~ ir~dicat;ng the areas pro- posed for commercial, especially that on Third Avenue. He s~d he informed them chat the City's General Plan hoped to eliminate some of this comm~rc~a! zoning this area, since a 12 acre parcel was created north of tb~:~ site fo~ commercial use. Another controversial spot would be the proposed comme~cia! p~rce~ ~outh of hll top Drive and Orange Avenue which the Commission once de~ed p~zo:'~i~g Fo~ a service station site. Director Warren sa~d he would like to represent the Commission at tfis meeting whic~ will be held Friday, March 25, at 2 pom. stating the C~ty wili support the Plan with the exception of limited areas that need further study. Member Vaden declared he was not in favor of any mo~e ¢ommercia! zoning extending along Third Avenue. The Commission concurred that the Director should attend the m~eti~g. MS~C (Vaden-Johnson) That the Director attend the meeting reg~rdi~g the proposed rezonlng pattern for Otay and convey the thought~; and recommer~dations of t~e Commission regarding this Plan. To Be Set for Hearin~ - Certain Areas to be Zoned ~:C-N~' (Neignbo~hood Shoppi~tg Centers) Director Warren delineated the areas the staff would r~commer~d be zoned '~C-N'~ as follows: a 6½ acre parcel located on the east side of Otay Lakes Road ,south of Gotham Street; 6 acre site on the northeast corner of Haiecrest and Ceiegraph Canyon Road; an existing service station site located southeast corne~ ixac!o~ and Street, about one-half acre; approxlmately I acre on the ~o~theasE c:orr~er of Telegraph Canyon Road and "L" Street: a 6 acre site o~ the ~orchwe~t corner of Orange and Melrose; 1½ acre parcel on the northeast co~ner o~ Orang~ A~,enue and Melrose; 3 acres on the southeast corner of Hilltop Drive and Rie~$tra Street; approximately 4 acres on the northwest corner Naples Street and Hitltop RESOLb~ION NO° 396 Resolution of the City P!~n~in9 Commi~sio~ Calling A MSUC [Stewart-Guyer) Public Hearing for April 4, 1966, to Consider Certain Areas for the C-N Zone. To Be Set for Hearing - Prezonlng of Sweetwater Valley Annexa~ior! #1 '- R-I-B-20 Director of Planning Warren submitted a map showing the proposed zot~iir:g ~or the annexation. Mr. Robert Casey, the developer~ asked for an~,ex~t~or: to ~he City; he w~ll be constructingsingle-family dwellings in this area~ i:~ orde~ to gec contiguity, it was oecessary to include other property. Whe staff would recommend setting £or hearing the acreage for the subdivision to be prezoned R-!-~-20 s~d that acreage the Valley floor as "A"- agriculture. RESOLUTION NO. 397 Resolution of the City Planning Comrnissio~ Ca!ling a MSOC (Johnson-Vaden) Public Hearing for April 4, ]966 to Coriander Prezoning for the Sweetwater Vailey Annexation ~. -10- Approval of Annexations Director Warren stated they formally need the approval of t~e Commiss~o~ fo~ the following areas being annexed: (1) Poggi Canyon Annexation 66,7 acres located east o¢ the proposed Interstate 805 Freeway and adjacent to the Princess Manor Subdivi~ion (2) Telegraph Canyon Road #3 49.2 acres - ~ocated south of Telegraph Canyon Road, east of Nec~on Avenue (3) East Oxford Street #2 5 acres - located so~th of East Oxford Street and east of Neptune D~iCe All three annexations will come in with an i~terim zone cla:;~;ificatio~ of R-I~ MSUC (Guyer-Johnson) Approval of Pogg Canyon Annexat~o~ ~ T'e~egrepk Ca%,o~ Road #3 Annexation and East Oxford Street #2. ADJOURNMENT MSUC (Vaden-Johnson) Meeting adjourn sine die. Meeti!*g adjourrCed at 9:30 Respectfu! ly subm~ t ted, Secretary -il-