HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1966/04/04 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHdLA VISTA, CALIFORNIA April 4, 1966 The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission wa~ held or~ the ~bove date ~n the Council Chamber, Civic Center, with the following members preeot: Stew~:'r~ ~mitm~ Johnson, Vaden, Adams, and Guyer. Absentz Chairman Stever~so~ (with prev~J~ cation)~ Al:~o present~ Director of Planning Warren, Associate Pi;~er ~i~r~g.~ Assistant Pi~nner Terra1!, City Attorney Lindberg, a~d P~r~cipat :~gii~,eer tn the absence of Chairma~ Stevenson, Vice-Chairman Stewdrt p~e-lded o~e~ meeting~ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Member Adams commer;ted that he made the motic, r approving the .~rierce f()~ ~-~2~ Whitt~ngto~ (page 5) ard it was seconded by Member G~yer~ MSUC (Adams-Guyer) Minutes of March 21, 1966, be approved w~th ~he ~ugge:.t~d REZONINGS PubLiC ~EARiNG; Prezoning I Sweetwater Valley Anoexatio'~ NOn I R-!::~-20 0~rector of Planning Warren submitted a pint plan noting the !ocat~o~ ,8.3 on the south side of Sweetwater Road, northwest of the goni~a bridge~ !~e ~oted the adjacent zoning, in the County, as E-1 or one-acre lots except]r~g t~.a? west of th[~ area which is zoned E-lA or one-half acre lots. The appiica~t i~ req~e,ti:~g prezor~ng to R-I-B-20, 20,000 square foot lots. This being the time and place as advertised, the public he~ri~:g wa. ope'~ed~ Mr~ Lew~s H~ Silverburg, Attorr!ey for Mr. Casey, the applic~nE, :~t~ted his owns approximately 20 acres of this annexation which he propo~e~ to s~bd ~ide 40 lots and which will be known as Bonita-Robinhood S~bd~v~o?:~ ~e lo~ will be one-half acre gross lots, and the homes will be compatible with the re~de:~ce; ~ the area suggesting a rural atmosphere, and will lend "dignity" to the V~]ey~ ~'e ~ot5 wi be deep and ~oderground utilities are proposed~ Mr Bob He~sche!, President, Sweetwater Valley Civic A~oci~io~, .p~ke ~-~ stating the original proposal in the County was for 3i homes w~ic~, w ~r fa¢~r~b!y accepted by the County~ He added that the Commission should t~ke i~r~) the fact that if calculated on a gross density basis, Lhe iot~ could gct sm~ ie~ and urged the Commission to consider zoning for 25,000 square foo~ iot~ ~et. ~hi~ wo~id be more compatible with the area. Others speaking in opposition were: Mr~ ~arold Miner, 3845 Vai!ey 'Vi:~r! ;o~d~ Mr. Alierl, 3617 Pradera Place, Mr. Herbert Hirsch, Valley Vista Ro~d, ~'~. ~:~:de-ick 3698 Valley Vista Road, and Mr. ~ohn Green~ 3768 ~alley Poad, a~l ~ :~!~i:~o objections were a:~ follows: il) County recommended 29 lots; the -ppii;;.~i~ ii~ ~ow ~ryi~,g to get more homes on ~his acreage; (2) many people in this area e~e oFp~scd a~nexation; i3~ pdrchased their homes out here to live i:~ ~ r~a~ a~e~ :;~ ~Ei: could have horses, etc.~ (4) out of respect to these property owners, the Commission shodld consider ore-half acre or more zoning for [his proposed subdivision: (5) the ~at~ across the street, o~ both sides of this proposed ~:~bdivis~on are one-acre lots; (6) as in the case of Mrs. Stre[b~s land~ parceis will Ue sp~it with some la,nd in the founty and other portions in the City which propo~e5 a t~::~dsh~p or. them if they ~hou!d ever want to develop their la,~d ~ome day ~ opposed to a!~;nexation since [t is purely For Mr. Casey's benefit; (7)object to the clo~,h-lg of P,r~der;e Street, a~ proposed by Mr, Casey since ir,ay have u~ed th~$ road for many year:~. Mr. War,.en explained t~at 31 tot~ were proposed ;,' the C;)unty but that n~ subdivision map has yet bee~ /;led itl the City. The Local Age'!c/ Fo,rmatio,n £ommlss~o~ hal;; f'iled the annexation temporarily and one of the th~g~ they requested be done wa~ to prezooe ~h~s area. At the pre,eot time, the City ~ workirg with, the [i[r~ Distr~ct i,r~ attempt to solve the related problems. Mr Warre~) added that the ordinar~ce states that the Commission can approve a map where the der:~,ity [~ figured at ~ gro~F basis, but t~at such has not yet been official!y requested. There being no Further comment, either for or ~gai ~ t~e he, rjr9 was declared closed~ Member Guyer felt that in view of the opposltio~. the prezo~i~9 of thi~ ac~ea9e was premature. Member Vaden commented that the majority of ~he lots ~ this area, even thou9h in the County, are zoeed E-1-A and in keepin9 with the 9ener3J co:i'!c~pt, the 20,000 square foot lots would be reasonable~ Director Warren dec!ared that continuJn9 th~s for Further study, ~s su9gested by Member Guyer, would cause the subdivider undue delay a:~ he is ready to 9° ahead with the development and has already been delayed for some time by the L.AoF. C. Chairman pro tam Stewart remarked that the question of the a~r~exatioo itself and the proposed development would come up later on, and to continue this now would only make ~i1 [he interested partie~ come in and have to appear again; !~o further information would be 9a~ned by do~n9 thi'So Mtn Hirsh asked ~F a ~kow of hands could be made from people ir,: the ~ud~er!ce who came t3 prote!~to Cha;rma-~ pro tern Stewart declared the Comm~si m s approach to the p~rezonin9 should be or~ the b~sis of souredpla~, ;',g arid a": analysis of the comments made, rather than L~e quantity of persons pre;ent~ Member r ~ohn~} questioned the ZOn~n9 as proposed for this ~rea o,~ the Ce~ere~ Plan. O?~ector Wa~reT~ r:oted the? the General Pla? wou!]d al'low o'e-half ac~e development in this area. C"ty Attorney Lir~dberg stated the applica~,t should have a chance fo' rebuttal comments are continued after the hearing i:g c:losed. [hairman pro tam S~ewart reopened the hear,ns. Mr. S]lverburg stared that whether e lot contains 21,000 square feet of 22 000 square feet does not de~ermi~e the atmosphere of the neighb~rhood. Many of: th6 or~e,-acre ¢)[s 4n the vicinity do not give the impression ~ha~ they are of a rural atmosphere because the lots are long and q3rrow, As to the acre?, road - [h~s will be a matter ,el discussion whe~ the tentative map is presented° The lot fro~ta9es as proposed by M,, Case/ will be from 82 feet to I10 feet by 200 feet deep, l'here being no further comment, the public hearing was declared closed° Member Adams said he could not see how these one-half acre lot:f wo~]d be detrimental to this area of one-acre lots; he would be [n favor of the prezoning request° RESOLUTION NO. 398 Re~olutlon of the City PJam~ing C~mmission Recommending to MSC (Adams~Vader~) the City Councll Prezo!~iqg for tFe Sweetwater Valley An-~exaI t[o~ ~o. I to RiI-B-20 and "A'~ Findings are as folJow~: ~. Prezo~[ng is requested by the subdivider of a ~arge po~t~or, of thi~ property order to submit a te~tat[ve map for s~ngle-fam~Jy dwe~i[~gs, and ~t: [s also required by the Local Agency Formation Commission. APPROVAL OIF M~N~TES Membe~ ~o~'~c~o~ ~oted the e,~m~s~o[~ of a motion he made~ a~;d Member ~d~::~ req;~st~g the ~,recto~ to wr~te a ~ett~r to thC C~ty Co~,c~, a~:k~:g th:~: t'~y cor~5~der placing the "D" zoo's<: on the prezoo~[lng approved fo~ t~e SweeLw~te'~ An~exat~o~ Mo. MSUC {;ohr~so~-Guyer) M~r,~tef~ be approved~ w[th the ~bove-~ot:ed ABSENT: Chairman Stevenson PUBLIC HEARI~: Certa]n Proposed and Existing Shopping Centers to be Zoned Director of Planning Warren stated the City adopted the C-N zone some two to three months ago, setting up specifications for some neighborhood shopping centers ~esidential areas, ffhis new ordinarce Js more restrictive than the C-] zone placed by the Commission on these centers, in that it lira]ts the hours of operat~on~ landscaping is required, plot plan must be brought Jn for approval:~ etc~ Th~ ~s tke first step ir~ [ewr[ting the zoning ordinance and updating the C~ty'::s zor~rg map. O~'rector Warren then noted the proposed areas for this rezon]ng: 1. The northwest corner of ~]{]top Drive a~d Nap]e~ Street~ l'~is {ocatlon is zoned R-1 a~d is ~mproved with a neighborhood shopping center which was permitted by variance (4 acres)~ 2. The southeast corner of ~{]top Drive and R[e~-tr~ 5tzeet which ~ ur~mproved (3 acre~)~ 3he northeast and northwest corners of Orar~ge Ave~:ue ard Melrose Avenue, the latter corner being part~aJ]y ~mproved w~th a conveo[ence market (7~ acres). 4. The northeast (l ac~e) a~d southea:~t (~ acre) cor~er~ of Telegraph Canyon Road a~d Nation Avenue - the [attar corner [s improved with a ~eighborhood shopping carter wh~je the former contains a ~erv~ce stat]o~ 5.The northeast corner of Telegraph Cac, yo~ Road apd Halecrest Drive which [s vacant (6 acres)~ 6. ~he southeast cor~er of Otay Lakes Road ard Gotham which is unimproved (6~ acre~). ~his being the time and place as advertised, the pub!ic hearing was opened~ Mr~ Henry Rienstra, 1516 Max Street, owner of the proposed center at Rienstra Street and Hilltop Drive, stated that the 10 % planting requirement would be a hardship on socne of the smat'ier shopping centers. From past exper!ence, he has found that planted areas are used for discarding by customers~ Chairman pro cam Stewart suggested this be discussed at the time the center is ready for development° D~rector Warren commented that, unfortunately, th~s is always the case, since there is ro really good way to let the public kr,ow about these ordinances; public hearings were he!d on this proposed ordi~nce. ~owever~ chaeges io this ordinance could be done in one of two ways~ (1) either by Var!ante ~t the t~me the shopping center is developed, or (2) request that the ordinance: be amecded~ Mr~ day Pugh stated he is one of the owner~ of the shopplcg ce~er a~ M[llLop Drive and ~aples Street~ He declared the ordinance was "flne*~ but quest~ooed as to how far the Commission proposed to go to make ~t retroactive.. S~rce they owned the only completed shopping center proposed for the £~N zone, he fe]r requiring I0 % landscaping would be a hardship for them. City Attorney Lindberg staLed there is a one-year period ~n which they have to conform to the requirements and that the changes that would be necessitated wou!d be reasonable ones; for instance, in his case, no additional parking wod!d be required s[nce he could co~ provide for this on his site~ The staff wou~d require only those cha~ges that would be feasible. Mr~ Pugh remarked that one of his tenants j~st erected a sign or~ top of his establishment, which as now noted, is not permitted by the C-N' zone. D~rector Warren declared it would be his opinion, that they would not be required to co~form to the letter of the law~ bu~ just for the record, Mr. Pugh~s variance for this particular shopping center con~ rained many conditions ~hat are not being observed and never have beem City Attorney Lindberg stated that there are many of the~e cen~ers that do r~ot conform to the ordinance and in that case, the staff will use the abatement clause of the ordinance and write them a letter speclfyi~g the conditions to which they must conform. iF any of these are unreasonable, the owners may apply fo~a variance at such time as they are required to make the changes; the Commission wilt be willing to listen to arguments at that ~ime. it 'is not the intent of the ordinance that anyone should have to "rebuild" their shopping centers Lo conform to this ordi~!ance~ Mr. Pugh declared he will go along with the ordinance but reserved the right to "fight" the Commission or~ a number of other things, whatever he feels ~s u,~reasonable. Mr. Don Anderson, representing Shei~ O!l Company, objected to the, limitation of hours - 7 a.m. to I1 p.m. He stated they are presently constructir~g a service station at the r'ortheast corner of Halecrest a~3d Telegraph Ca~ryo~ Road, ir ar a~ea zoned C-I-D. They were planning to open from 6 a..m~ to 12 p,m.. until such t~me as the Freeway goes in and th, eh have it as a 24 hour operatiom if Lhe 7 to Ii hours are strictly adhered to, it would greatly hamper their operation. Director Warren coted that there w~ll be a major ir~[erchange here t~t might expand this area into a tourist-commerciaJ area and felt the hours should be decided upon aL tk,at time. Chairman pro rem Stewart comme ted that anyone of the property owners has the right of appeal if they feel Lhe requirements imposed on their centers are unreasonable ones. 'fhere being no further cornmer,[, either for or against, the hearing was declared closed. -41 Member Vaden commented that he can sympathize with some of the owners of these centers, but ~eminded them that reis ordinance was adopted to upgrade the (ity, particularly i:r~ the residential areas. Member Johnson asked about the market survey clause~ D~rector Warren stated this would appty only to Few appiicat or~ fo'~ rezori~g and to expa~.sions; if ~t is an ex~sting shopping center, ~t would rot app.iy. RESOLuTiON NO~ 399 Re~o~ut on of the City Piant~h9 /~mm -~s~on Recommending to the MS~[ (Vadeq-Adam~) City CourcJ J Con~]derat~o,~ of (erta~in Proposed a-d Shopp~rg Cent:ers for the C-¥ ZoTe [~d~ngs be as foilow~: All these properties are either used or zoeed for commercial pdrpofe:5. 2. ~he locations of the~e parcels are in re:s~dept~eJ are~:- a-?d warirar:t the controls exerted by the C-N zone. 3. Locations 2 - 6 presently bear the C-~-D ciass~f~cet~or: Ass~gr~mer't of the zone for these parcel5 woo]d eliminate the r, eed for th~, ~'~' designer:in~. 4. Location l, although not zoned for commercial purposes, co.tarns a skDpp[r~g center and should be regulated by the provisions ~ the [-~ zone by v4rtue of [ts tocat[m ~n a residential area. POBLIC HEARING: (Co~t'd) Shell Oil Company and Fra;?k Ferre~ra '- SOULheast Corner of Bonita Road and Sandalwood Pr~ve R-3-'D to Director of Planniog Warren explained that at the previous, hearing, the hearing was c~o_ed and a motion made to continue the matter and the epp¢~car:t asked to negotiate with the convalescent home ~ners for a change of sites. Chairman pro rem Stewart stated at th~s time, the heari"g w~i be reopened. Mr. Warren submitted a plot pia~ notch9 the site Joc~t¢o'~, ad_lece*t ,¢ d use and the proposed alignment for the Freeway. Mr. Warre~ presented a proposed future Commercial zop[pg pat[em which would [oc~ude the ~[te o¢ the proposed co,'w~escent facility and a poruJo~ of the property to the ¢outh zo;",ed F,-3~D. Mr. War~en indicated that if the convalescent fac~' ~[ty were relocated to the we~t, .¢~' acceptable commercial zoning patEern related to [he ~nterchange wod(d reiuJt. ~e further stated that by zoning this ~so]ated parcel as requested, a zo~ ,-,g p>~{¢r;; ct well re~ated the Freeway [~tercha'ge would be established, fa;fly we~ dic* z irg tPe {u*ufe p~ttecn. The Comm~ssiop discussed the possible acqu[s~t on of 1;nd by the '~tate; Mr. Warren co~ented that J969 was a date g~ven a~- their earle[est starter9 d~te~ A¢ ye[, ~hey have not def[~ed their right-of-way I ne':, but have completed m'.~st Of the s~ud~e% as relates to topography and al igr~ment. Member Johnson questioned the route of the access road. D~rector Warren stated that the State"5 only comment o~ this wa5 that Ct would be up to tke p~operty owner a,qd public jdr~'sd~ct[oo involved. They would c~s[der arw other a~ter3~L[V6 route, Cf reasogable. At this time, Chairman pro rem Stewart reopened the public hear r~g. - Mr. Frank Ferreira, 37t5 Putter Dr~ve, stated he contacted the p~incipals involved with the proposed convalescent facility, but it was felt that work has progressed too far now to do anything about relocating s~tes. Mr. Ferreira :~ubmitted a tra~sparency delineating the freeway alignment, service station site, and the proposed frontage road. He commented tha[, as shown on the Generai Plan, tourist-commercial extends 1450 feet east from the proposed Freeway; h~s service station site wili be at 1200 feet or 20 % less ~an shown on the General Plan. The General Pla~',, cai~ out approximately 70 acres of t)urist-commercial zoning in this interchange; the staff ~s proposing about 14 acres and ~k~is is not enough. Mr. re(re~ra noted that a convale:sceat hic, i~e is permitted in a commercial zone and can ~ee no reason why it would not be permitted i~ a tourist-commercial z~*e, since traffic i~ and out wil~ be heavy day and night. He further added that there are now approximately 9,000 cars a day traveling 8o~ita Road and no other service station within 3/4 of a mile. Mr. Ferreira further added that he talked to O~ert Rick, former San Diego Planning Director, ~:qd was given permission to quote Mr, Rick as saying t~at if this rezoning were not granted, the City wou~d not be filling a need for the highest and best use of [he property. Mr. Ferreira then read several excerpts from the City's Gerera] Plan Report on tour~st- cammercial developments. Mr. Ray Powell, representing Shell Oil Company, spoke of the c onst~uctio,q of the proposed ~ervlce station. He commented that he has tried in vain to gel some figures from the State as to the number of cars traveling the Freeway but th!s ~nformatlon was unobtainable. ,Ce discussed other commercial developments at intercha~es, such as the one in Carlsbad, ~oti~g they start off small and once a~ interchange has been established, then commercial establishments are in demand. Mr. Darrell Fields, representing Harris & Turner, ow~er~ of the p~oposed convalescent facility, stated he was approached by the applicant and discussed moving the sites. He replied that this was not impo~slble to do, but improbable as there i5 always some difficulty in obtaining a conditional use permitfor a home of this sort; many people take offense to this sort of establishment. Moving the ~Le at th~s time would just not be Feasible, financially. D~rector Warren explained that the staff is ir3ot protesting touriSt-commerciaJ development at this [nterchange~ that it i:s necessary and desirable, but at th~s point, they do not k-~ow how much T-C zoning is desirable and believe that that requested ~s premature° ~here being no further comment, either for or agai~t~ the hear!'~g was declared closed. Member Vaden questioned the proposed amount of tourist-comme~cfal as delineated on the Gertera! Plan. O!rector Warren i-:dlcated t~at this i~ where ~: ~: d~fficuJt to look at a beneral Pian map a~d pin down specific d~men~ion~ ar,d p~ope,~ty li:tes; it is a guide and f~h~uJd be used a~ a gu~de~ The staff took ~nto conside,atio~ the ex~sting and proposed uses, existing zoning; for ~nstance, the church, north of this site~ is a permanent fixture which cuts out some of the tourisL-commercial ze~g proposed on the north ~ide of ~onita Road. )t appears trat the Commission wouid ~ot approze tou~t-commerclal zoning going around this church s~te to the we~>t; k~,owever, it i~ po::sible. Mr, Warren reiterated that ever~tually, the staff proposed tourist-commercial could be expanded because at this point, they have no way of determining exactly what amour~t of T-C area w!~! be needed. ~rector Warren then discussed the proposed frontage road noti~t9 that since it will become a dedicated street, it would have to be accepted by the ,.~gencJes involved. Me.~lber Adams decJared that ~F the Commission rezo~e~ this smali parcei now, other .equests will be made~ ar'd he would hate to see dave;opine' t trat might ~o¢ fit ,r;to tke totaJ picture. Lo~s~der[r,g the vast ava{~abJe la,~d east of th:~ freeway !rterchar:ge, Member Adams i~d~cated that most of the reeded commerc~] de~el~pmer~t w;iJ occur ,'e fe!L it was premature to rez~e the property at tkO5 t~me. L~ ~mar pro tern Stewart commer, ted that traveJ~ the Freew=y~, y~u ~ual]y ~ook for fac~(~ties on Lh~ ~de of the freeway on wh[cr you a~e treve]~qg; t~c ~aqa use 6reas or~ the sides of the Freeway ge~eral!y take= care of the t~aff[c o~ that pert:[c~;ar ;de of the Freeway. He caut;or~ed, however~ abo~t go;~g out ,000 feet from a Freeway =~d zo~g [t commerc~aJ a~d fait they shouJd be m)ndfu~ o} the fact that msr~y w 'JJ be ~ook]~g for this zoning at other Joterchanges. ~e added t~y couJd very likely find the service statJo~ on an s~and out here by ~tseJf. ~embe~ Adam~ remarked that he did qot wa~t to give the [mp~e~ on that there would be -~3 tOurJ~t-commerc;al o~ the west ~Jde of the [reew3y. ~e j~¢L d"d-~t war:t to see p~ecede¢~t here that wou}d ]~[~3te spot reqaest~ o~ the Othfc <~de of the Freeway. Member Guyer [~dicated theL Jf t~e "D" zone were attached, Fe wo~]d h~ve Do object]c~ ~embe~ Johnson ~oted that wha~ they are m~s~ng i~ the =tdt~ t c~] ~e'v ew of f~gures from the State Highwa~ Department; howe~ver, he ha~ ~ ser~ou~ object[on to the rezoning. '-e feels that in the Future, tt~ey wf]] h~ve balanced commercia~ zoning here, and with the '~D" zone, there should be ~o problem, Member Ad~q decJared that the UD" zone w~ll ~o[ overco~ the handicap that the p~operty is too far away from the proposed Freeway; t~at there ]sa large area text to the Freeway with s~f~cieot acreage for commerc~a} development for some t~me. RESOLUTION NO. 400 Re~olution of ~he City Pia'~:ng Corem gs~o,~ Recommend irg to MSC (Guyer-Joboson) the City Council the Chad-ge of Zope for the Southeast Corner of ~or~ita Road and Sandalwood D~ve from R-3-D to C-I-D and Reduction in Setback from 25 Feet to 15 Feet ;~ {Action approving the reduct;o.~ n setback was ~ake~ bp d~g t~,e hear]~g o'~ the co,~d~t~onei use permit reques~ which fol~ows thie- F ndlngs are as foli'ow$: This area ~s adjacert to an a~ea on the Ge~era[ P]a~ de~ gnated f~r commer cia1 development~ No objections to the rezon~"g from a:'~y of tF.e 4d$~ce',' p¢operty owoer~ was 3 The neares[ ~e~, ce ~tatior ~o this ~it: ~ ~0,~,.~ th~et-q~:~[~r~ of ~ m ~e away. ~he reduct~o~ ~n setback wi]] aiqow full development of the ~ar~d ~- ~ motion carried by the fo~ow~g vote, to-w~t~ Members Guyer, johnso-~, Sm~t~ Stewart, a~ Membe~ Adams -7- CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS P6~L~C HEARING - (Cont~d) Shell Oil Company and ~rank Ferreira - Sandalwood Drive - Service Station ~n C-~ Zone The application was read ~n which a request was made to permit the construction of a service station s~te at the southeast corner of Bonita Road and Sandalwood Dr~ve. 5irector of Planning Warre~ submitted a plot plan n~t~ng the locatio~ as a port~o~ of ~h~,t property which was just rezoned by the Commissior. As ~o the s~gns, since the property wil~ be in a "D" zone, they w~ll be restricted to a maximum total area of 50 square feet. Mr. Warren ~hen reviewed the conditions recommended by the staff which are normal conditions imposed on service statlon.~. Assuming ~hat a Variance will be requested, Mr. Warren asked that no signs be approved at th~s time. Tmis being the time and place as advertised, the public hearing was opened. Mr. Ray Powell, representing Shel~ Oil ~ompany, d~scussed the architecture of the p~oposed station. Lighting for the station wi~l be of a fluore~cer~t nature that w~ll be designed to cast the lighting dlrectly down on the p~perty and not to the surrounding residential properties. There w~ll be adequate landscaping and a sprinkler system will De installed. Member Johnson asked if the architecture of the building should be approved at thls time. Director Warren stated ~t should, with the plenting plan to be approved by the staff. 2irector Warren noted that a reduction of setback from 25 feet to 15 feet was requested on the rezoning appl~catlon along Bonita Road. City Attorney Lindberg stated it would be necessary for someone to vote to reconsider the rezoning and vote on the setback reduction request. MSUC (Guyer -Johnson) Recons~deratlon of the rezon~ng ai~d setback request. MSC (6uyer-Johnson) Approval of reduction i~! setback, e:s requested, along Bonita Road From 25 feet to 15 feet. Member Adams voted I'no~: stating he was not against the reduction in setback but to the rezonlng request~ Mr. Frank Ferre~ra, 3715 Putter Drlve, Bonita, spoke ~nfavor of the proposed service station. l'~ere being no further comme~t~ elther for or agai~st, the ~ee~ing w~ declared closed. Director WaTren noted that the approval i~volves the land use approval and the archi- tectural control, but no signs at th~s time. The propo:sed street shown between the convalescent fac~llty and the service station should not be considered a public street at this time. Such a decision will be made ~n the futu'e s:Fter further staff study. Chairman pro tem Stewart remarked that it is the apptic~nt~s~ own ~nte~est to bring the road into this area. Mr. Ferre~ra ssated it will be a 54 foot right-of-way, which is what the C~ty requires. T~e owners of the convale~cent facility w~ll be dedicating arid ~mprov~ng 27 feet and the Shell Oil Company the o~:er 27 feel. Mr. Warren noted tn~t there was no dete~mlnat~o~ made as to whether ~t should be a private or a dedicated ~z~eet and es to w~at the prope~ alignment should be~ MSuC (Johnson-Sm th) Recommend approval of corditional u e permit 'equest for a 'e~v~ce st~tio~ subject to the foliowi~g co~'dition- Approval of t~i~ case does not corstit~te app~o~a~ of t,'e p"opo~ed s~g~ o~ the property. [ne ~gns p~opo~ed, in area~ exceed 50 q~e feet ar-d ~h~l] be the 2. A~i light ~:g -~a~Jl be de~gqed to ay) d pro)ect~g -~in re ;deft a,I are~ - the ~.. A~ aJe~ ~hai~ be J~m ted ~o tho:~e ~orm:ii~y coq ~dered rc]de/t:~] to service 5tat o~ r~eedt~ ard d: p ~y- :>f ~uch ~te~ be co'f ~efl w th~ the bu~]dJ~g or ~, beta~ed ~;[te deveJopme~nt arid landscape p~a'~: tha~ be ~ubm[tted to the staff for approval before 5~ A~i p~a,rt mate' :a~ -h~l o~ perm~r~errly ma,r~ta, ~:~ea to f :~:e permanent growth~ [~a rgs be a~ follow: ,~. ~hac the gramLir~g of tke cord~tio~,al u:~e pern[t w~( rot be mater~dl y detrimental to, the pubic heaJth~ zafety or welfare. :he t:ctors delineated ~r the zeroing ordi-,d~ce w I~ pot be x~gr~ffca:*tly pre e,-,t :o a~y obJeCtionable degree. 2~ The characteri~tic~ of the u~e proposed a~e rea:o~=b:[y cr~pe[ ble with the types of use permitted in the surround~[ng area~:~ eh ~ p-opo ed development ts adjacent to an aree p~ojected for taut st-comme~c~a~ u:~e o2 thc ~.e era] Plan and ~s co~- ;dered c mpat ble with the proposed cor,.a~esce~t facility to the east~ F~¢:~~C hEAR NG: F~rst Method ~t Church of C%~ :~[st~; - 7~0 lk;:r~ Avec, ue - Request ~k~. applicat on was read ;r~ wr~ch a reque:ft we~ m~de for (1 perm ~:- om to erect two ~ew cle::%room bu~dir, g;: ~2) to relocate ~ e~[~t ~g 5cf'~t bu[~di:'g e~,ewhere on the ?~ parking a ) ~ect~r of F: m~ =g Warre~ :~:bm Lied ~ p~:)t p~-~ r~)t[~g ~ke location* of tFe app~ c~'t~c ~'-)po~a]. ~ del ~eated the request a?,d exp~a~r~ea tke p~)po~-ed p:~rk[~'g ~ot~'~g the ,'g'e;¢ and eg~e- . They Fi ~ v~ mo~e tha~ adequdte pace f.~,' p¢~rk[~g fa~[]~ es for the r reeo for the ~ar~d~cap 'r'[ be~r:g the t~me aed place ~ advert :ed~ *t:e puD~ c te,-'~g w~: opened. I~ G eq M~ er~ ~[ated he wa~ a member of t~e cbuzch b~ d ~9 cor]m~t, tee~ d~cus~ed tke ex[~t~g ard proposed p=rki~ng~ ,::tat~'~g tkat ~ LP~r ~0 ye~z ~ they hope to be con- Pi.,n?;¢~g sta[¢ a~d w~ i;~ be very cooperative. ~ember Johr, sOr~ que~¢oned whether Lhe ch~ch w,':~ ~ ,g the p:'¢k;rg w:[tk +~e Lodge o' t~e ~outh. ~r. ~ I er ~ta~ed they were, tke c~u¢ck 3,': ~b~.u~,y mo: ,; ~g~: arqd the L~9e o~ week L~ recto~ Warren explained that ~n his vecommer,d~ti)~ ke did r~ot intend that they ?,ouJd pave their temporary pa'k ng ~ot now; t~,~ ~tafF ~'s uggest[ng that they work w~h t~e applicants o~ their ~veral] park ng- ~o ~t ~o o'g~r,~ze ~t a~d work toward tr~e final pi Cha~rma,r p~o [em Stewart a*ked the appl~c~rt ~f ~hey were w ~l~g to p~ve the parkJq9 5~,~ed he wou~d have to get the ~pprov~l of the bu'!di~-:g c~mm~Ltee. Mr. Stewart commerted that s~r~ce they are -,,ow m~k~:~9 ~ ;n¢j~)r impro~eme,:t a d do rot have adequate p~¢k r,g. now i~ the tvme to bring ;t ~p to ' rector Warren rem~rK6d that the Comm~:[oir, cou;d recommend t~ [o the Council and ,', the meantime, Hr. M ¢~e. could d~scu5~ Mr. L~y O;rger~ch~ also o~ the ~urck: bu~idirg corem tree, stvted they h~ve approxi- mvte~y 80 space,, and are r~.qd~re,d by o~C farce ~o haze 93~ ;;ia ~tated [hey c¢r, qot pave d:]i of the space~ ~ow becau-6 : ~e of ;~ w~;I be f.~- temp.~rs,,'y park~rg; however, they decompo ed gr~:n~t~ to keep the dust dow',. rmfz pro tern Stewart ugge~ted the recomme,-t,det o,c t3 the City Cou-c~l tr:at their parking conform to the MSLC: Vaden-Guyer) Approval of (1) permission to erec~ tw~ r:,ew c~as~;"oom buildings; ~2 to relocate a ex~t]ng Scout bu~d ~g ei:~w~ere o~ the property; (3) approval of the e-~tire ma:star pla;n for the Jocat~o~ of future the ~ubmit[ed plot pla~ for proper~y at ~10 Th rd Avenue. Co'~d~t~ons o¢ appro¢~: I, Ail permanent parking ere4~ fh~!~ ~6 paved w;th, asp~al( or co:~crete according to tke ~,pecificat~or~s rec~mevded by the City Ertg~r,eer. A~I park;ir:g sp,¢c6~ '~ha]~ be c~arly de]~neated. 3. Parkirg ~h,a~i be provided ~n the amount requ4red by the Z3~ng 0rd~nance at the t,me o¢ the co,-:~truc~[o,' of the fqture ~. A ~end::cape p~an fo~ tke pvrk~rg ar6~ ,-halt be pvepa¢~d ubff!~tred to the .~taff for approval, Suck, ~r'~d~cap ng to be ~ccor~pi:,i~hed p~,o~r to f:-a ~,*~pect~on o~ th~ i. 7ha[ the ~o,~t,,~g: of rh~ -, co~,d~t~o,ral d~e p~¢m t ~ ~,:; 'o~ be mater~aJly detrime':tal to the public ~ealth, safet¢ or we~fere~ N,~r:e of the f~c, to,':* delineated ¢0 the zo',!:rg ord[in~i'(e w~i] be s~g,r, i f~c~ntly pre-e,rt. 2, 7tte character t:t~cs of the use proposed ~rc raaco;ab y comp~t~b~e w~th th6 types of u-e permitted ~n the surtout, ding area?. ~he e ~:~ ~ready a church ara social hall oq th~ property i the app~i~car:ts merely w~:;h to explored their f~c~i[ties on a p~rce: of land which ~ more th~ adequate ,r; s~ze ~.~d ~cat[)' to accomplish th~s '~e app~ c~tio' w~- ~e~:d in wh ch perm~[~o'-, w: ~equ~ ~ed ~ ~,rec~ a 6~ x ~0 ,~'. -e comme::ted lP~t the app~ c~.:t ~a: :u~n~ ,~: ot~e' [g~r~ e(o~]d EPee city that. ~-~e ::)t bee~ gra~ted by c~ d:t.:of ~ u'~e pe,rm t t, ~ the:e othe~ :~.[9~5 should be take~ ~ :: He~mg the t~me ~*d p~ace ~:: ddvert~ ed~ the puli c Pelf r~g wa: opemedo ~, ~]o~ and had r!o k~' )w]edge o~ tF~e othe, ' 9:' ~l[eg~,l~y e:e(.te~] ~rou-d the c~ty. ~embe~ ~o~ o, feJt t~ pro,)fern :-.kou(d ~e 9[' ome co. de_r~t~or ~r~J the [ ~:d~n9- be a~, ~o~]ow.~: ~t the gra~L]o9 oF the co~d~t~ora~ u~e perm[t wi~ )t be mater~a~'~y detr~menta] t~e public hea]th~ ~afety or we3fare. ~on~ of the fc to~::: [~'vo~ved would be ~e c~ar~zte-]'.t~c of ~hf ~.:e propo?ed are ~e ~.~)'F~',y c)mpat~bJe ~]th the type~ :ubd[v~:~]o~ : te~ ard ]~ typ;c~ of ~ch permit 9re"ted ~ ~J ne~ ,,Ag :ANCES Broadway .- ged~c[?o <)f ~[o::t bet~ack from ~0' to erback from lO~ to 5', lh~s aree w~",~ t)e ~ ] ceped r'~ t~e appi c~''*~', de~[re ~o I~m~t the a~ea for wh(ch maintenance w~l[ ~)e 'eqde~t, the adjacentJar':d u~e ~d zo~[r]g. F:~ ~J~c~ted tr'e applicant w~}'~ be using thi~ ~tr~ space ¢o~ t~e :torage of ¢eh;cle~ beh4r~d tee f('ce. ~6[r property ]~ne ~ ~eet beyond the s~dewalk ard w~th Lhe 5 f~et ~et?zck ¢eque:-ted0 w;l~ give them 8 feet ~}f P~'~:""9 ~ te~d of ]~ reet. [ney a~e propo~ :9 to p,¢~ - a ~pr~',k]er system. M-. k/a¢¢e, he re¢~ewed the recomme-:datioc': ,. ;,, f~'e -t;ff oti,!§ e:pec,al ,y the ~eoomme.Fdat :oq tket th6 pa(kway be paved ard tree we~]~; [~videJ fcC a m f't m~m of fodr ~r 5 Oe~ 9 the t~me arid pl~ce ~ 8dve'rt ed the pub; ic 'ea~ ~'9 wa~ dec~a,r'ed opened. '~e ~pp~ c~'~ . r~ Re'eau Ft~ted ~e w~ ~ e~e ~ to :: ~i~,' ~r~y que~t~oln~. ~r~e. Oe~-~ ~0 comm~'~t~ e~tker for o* aga; ;P~ fe~',:tg w=f dec:~a,red clo~ed. *~r. Rere~u ndicated they woufd be 8. le to do th ~ ~*ce tf6 va~u=t[oq that they wouJd ~-e rree~. P6 ~ ]1 De happy to pa~ lhe p~rkw~y, h~We,,e!' ~e quest cried whether there pav[,ng and prov;din9 ~he t~'ee~ (ha rma:n pr ;em ~:e~¢,r[ c)mme~[ed k~t ~t p-ob~bJy be ]0 to 20 years from ¢,Dw, ]f the,r. Member ~ohc5o¢ qued( o.'~ed whether t*:e fa,ce :a,.:ir~9 the raCed*: t~aJ area 5hod d,: be ~ !)fid orie, rather rF, an the c~per~-type~ Oire,~ ~r Wfrre~ atsted ~t [ the appi¢ca~,r s a:'d he w¢l~ Pi~e ~,urf~c~e~z ]a,rd~cap~ ~9 ~F~ch ~ ,] 6¢~e a~ d ~SuC (~uyer-~ade: Yar [~r'ce ¢o' setback Teddct~o:: be app,Faved, subject to the ~ne 8~ a'ea betweea the s,dew~ik a~;d p,ope~t¢ Ii e hal'. be J.~qd~caped sdoject to the Pl=nr,:rg O[~'ecto~"~ .pprova~. l~e reduct~o [~ :~eLb~ck w~' be fo~ a 6 r,9~ : ~'[~-r d d 5 h~gh m[-~mum oper fee"ce, ~ote.: Spec;ai attel:,t~o~: :fa~, be 9 .e' to ze a':~ :pa' .... g of p o, t' mater~a[ adjace:tt to the pr3po:;ed fe',ce. ~ The app~:c¢'~ ~'a¢l p,0.. de 4, ~pr;~rk,ie,c ~. x~m f:¢ tbe 8" p~l~r:~ti~g str~p a~d here. - e'~[./e:d or ~he ,orer~ded ute t~e¢eof that do ~ 3t ~ppfy 9e;er~iy to property zore~ i~ S feet, this ¢~quest ,ia to* S~ w.~P. &,', add t,o:a'l 3 from s~idewa~k 1o p'ope~ty '1[ eo !he o*~ c~f 8 w ~i~ pro/mfde ddeq~:te ~'e: fo~ p~ I r9 Text to a t 8 Coh:)i~( h~t~'~8~, ,~ 90 A ~ ~,e ,e9 , ~pp ~: t ~ u~e, 60 ~ Of w~ch .~9re,d L ty Atto~r, ey L4rdberg {,tst6d tk-;t, th~ [¢ty ~'~* tke p;we~ t,J e t~b~;%h zoqes, ard Memoe¢ k/-~de- comme-ted fhat" .... ')tree~ f~orq t~-e t,:,s~¢ r: ¢~F ''[te~y 9o~ng commerc[a' feet from the '-;de, the o~'~er w~ll be: 1,3~'9 qO ;~ ~tb,ck:. .;nfortunately MS.[ [~uVef-Ad~m*~ Ap~'~)~l of reddct~,.'~-,: :~* eto~k f, ,* ~0 f~et t3 lO feet ,~ t)akl~-w' a :~pf~nkier system p~ov~ded for e~ ~re~, ~,qd~g:5 be 8~ folh)w t hereof: ~w;~.~ed or tk.e ~nte~:d~d u::e the,eof *~ ~ ~:~ ,t ,:pp~y ge:-er~ly to p'upe',t/ ',,9~,t of the-ppi c-:t~ W'm'e ,:,1 :r ¢ the a, pp~i~cfqt ~: forced ~o g, ue up 40 /o of tf~ ::,,t ,: e b¢~.k ~: t~bl ~1~(~ w.e p ~pe'r tV w~ z3~ed ¢-3. . 4rd~r~g ~:~ ver~ ~ce W I~ ,not be m~t~r ally de~r ",e t~l~ t; the p~b~c welfare o~ c~a-~,d~ tk · ~ubd,f~*~der ~:)u d have ~ 600 ~e{ d ca~d ii, we ~pg~c,~,i~,,_~y ~ ~ 25 ~c,e:; of "~ :J adjo~n~n9 a !0 tO ~xp ore the pet~b~l~Ly of acqui~irtg tr : =~e~ t~ *~e so~th and tie price ?e ~p~c~'t w~i; p~t o,r ~ .,~ ~rstr~ st~t~ ~ w~.~d b~ w~i~r~g to t~e up the property Tot t~e text i0 y~;:r ~f~r t~e pr~(~ tf'e i~ d :~ -~lil~'g for today - $5,000. M~.C ~,3~ve,-V~der:', ~t:~ter be co-t~'~ed to Irc r.ee:~:-g )~ '~,, 2~ 1966~ .~ the staff get , :to ~?,d the c)-t ~-v~i;~ed; kz~' ~'e~ ew tk~ pr ~po ~:~ w~th ~he L;o~ty; (3) ~e~e~rch . k~ ,i wha~ w:J~ be ,: ~': ~t':~ of ~.dew~]k:~ o~ pr6per~y ..~ 463 P~,: ,~ ,, ~ro~. T~e ~ec)mmer;d~ti >', of the [rg~r,ee~f g ~ ,;: [, w:~ then read ,~n wh ch they 'ecommecded deferral o~ the :ubject ~mpro.eme t b: ,eJ o,: Jk~ f~:[ t~at ~t ~ extremeiy ~::,~L ;~Adam?Vade~,, App'ro~a~ or defe'~ :f p~c,~ [c mpr ~,~eme: t~ ~t h63 Parkway subject to ~he posting of a I~e:' [' '~e am*~u':t of 5406. ~ ; ~ ::':'tee ~':~t~JJ~tior, ~r~ the ever~t r[r:d:~gs are b.~sed or: the r:[liO~, J tee ex~t~r:g r~ght-of-w~y or~ ~,r~g~ wr;d Av~-~:;e ~- ~,')w ~mp~:~ed t) the max[mum p~act ca~ exter~. Cur~ e~.~s or: ]y o:e fo:~ f~or' t~ property l;r~e. A~ ex~st ng 3. '*-e~ s ~:~t 'f ~ t r~ .: d ~ ,~x, t dwe, i~ng uin[t [o ~. ~ost p~pe~t~e: or:: the 7:r:ghtwood A,~,~e c~i-d~' ~'e- ,~p'oved w~th $~dewalk. or pr~wte pr)pert/. *~ct'~'. of P~rr~,~"9 W~, ~ ~,h~:tte~: ire m~p ~xp~l: ~ :'g t ~o(::t~o' a:: the earl or !re ~'r~ew~y exte!r:d:;:g tt:t:n ~t ~4~ t:,otk: ~:J .~t~ ~;a':]~y Ro:;d. ~ w~ contain 208 ~,tep~ng tho~e co;d~tio prop,~:~ed b~ trte [ g :,~e,~ 'g L:v~,~o . Mr. W~rre,n ~tated t~,ce ~ou~d be co~truct~d ~l¢.:,:g t~c ~ ' ' ' a:: J tke ~t~ff would .,~z ~:f; howeve~ ~ ~A. ~ 'eflu[r~ ~9 t~ "re ~.~;~,: ~h,e~ d~fcu~ed the ofF,mental street lights. MSUC (Vaden-Johmson) Approval of the f~nal map of Pr -,cass Manor Unit #5, subject to tk.e mod~ficatJorq of Jot lines to the satisfaction of: the Engineering Division and at so: S~]ce the tentative map for this subdi¢ision was approved prior ~o enactment of Ord]nar~ce 956, the [nstaJlat[on of: ur~derground ut~[t~e.¢ ~s no[ mandatory. 6~ever, it is strongly rec~mended that the subdivider p~ce his utiiitie~ underground. 2. ~n the event that aJ'~ ~t[iities are placed ~r..de~grou-d~ ]t w~l] be required that the subdivider provide and ~nstaJl ornamental ~tr~et ~ght~ of the type and number specified by the City Engineer. 3. ~n the event that utilities 5hal'l be placed underground, t~e subdivider shalJ pr'ovJde an easement: of suitable width adjacent to the street rights=of-way for the Jnstallatioq of or,~mental street light ~a~]dards. 4. Fhe f~nal map shall not be submitted for Cou:]c ~ ecL[on until ail fees are paid ard all necessary deeds, slope rights a~d easement:~ e~ reqb] red by the C~ ty Epgineer have been deJ[vered to the City. 5. 'lhe rev[ew of the proposed drainage system he~ not beer~ compJeted. Map approval sha]'~ be conditioned upon compJ~ance wJ~k, requirements of the City Engineer in regard to the necessary public easements for dre~r~ege purposes. 6. The Jot J~nes of over 50 Jots are not in conformance w~ the tentative map and final map as orlg[nal]y submitted. Many of the lot ~nes are quite jagged and ilJogical. These Jot lines shall be changed, as neces:~ary, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and 6~rector of Pla:~n]rg prior to Council action. 7. The subdivider sh~ll provide a separate dot,merit to the Ozay Municipal Water O]sir~ct dedicating a~ easemen~ to such orgar~zatior~ for [nstalJat[on and m~ntenance of fire hydrants and water meters. Such eeseme~t shalJ be executed by the subd[vlder and submitted to the O~strict prior to action o~ this ~p by the /']ty Counc~!. Such easement sha~ be Jr, the Joc~tion e~d width as shown upor~ the final map. 8. ]he ~mprovement ptans shall ~how the ]ocat~an of ~k,e ~ences t.o be constructed a~o~,~g Otay Valley Road, ~ubject to the approval of the D~rector of Pla~nlng. D~ector' Warren then read a letter from P:~r:ce~s P~:k ~:.~[:~:e:~ requesting the approval of dwellings ~n tk~s ~ubdlv~s~on. They ~]i be the sane mode~s as used in Princess Ur:~t ff~. Out of the 208 homes p~oposed: 176 w~l'~ fa]~ w~tp~n the present ordinance ~eqa~ rements, MSUC (Vaden-Johnson) Approval of the Model zOO0 6 3~00 3O30 30 3200 34 3050 - 37 3300 2 ~ 5000 2 i 4000 44 ~ ;dbjec~ (.:) .~b.Ti~,f 0" ,~F a ph:~t p~: ~.h~ ,g '~,e ~pec~ c uacot~o~ of eacr. _~,)~'.e~e: t~ I ~" Zone '~ ,'ectc~ of F]ar,-~eg ~a~re~ ~ub,~t~ed t'~e b~ ~d~:g p[a-: fo~ *~e add~t,og to the .a F ~t~ Restau ~'~ ~, t~e ~o'~[ta g~iage $~:)p~ ;g c~e;' 'e, ~ me ~ t.~ed t~s add[t~o~ w ~; take ~ the adjo~,~qg ~toce wf,~ch ha~ J~,Sl bee ~aceLe,J p ~ T. wo ~eac add t[o~. ,]') ~.~__S~_~ ~)'r ~ear ~ ~g - Pe(m~ :e ' Zo,':~,rg - P ope, ~ ~ c, ~::~[ e t of ~e~ oc~t,,~ t?e o~,~:ed pe~ma'e~:T zo~g o~ the ~ ~ecto~ of Pla~'g War'er~ oted the ~ ~f p~ m~p :,[~t[~9 t~s wee ,row ;~[e:~m zored R-~ '~e ,~e'e~ p!- de:~9 ;a~e,~ th ~ a~ea ~ ce ~ a~ th, e. ,,,tee ;ecz ' of 3t.¢ va~ i6y Road and N,e!rose ~'~.,L (Adams~G~ye'r/ 6e; a of "eq~.,e~t ~,3 (.he ge lh~: t~.':- '9 eou,' of the Noha $8 000. to put ~-: ~rdergo~d ~z ~t~e~ ~r~ t~r~ :~bd~,:~].~ . -c ~ece~t]V toted that t~e f gt, re of $3,000. w~ q~oted by M~. Pembe ::~' ~2, f t~e tar ' eg) Gas c.