HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1990/04/25 '. . . . Tape: 309 Side: 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 25, 1990 Council Chambers Public Services Building ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chairman Tugenberg, Commissioners Casillas, Fuller, Grasser, and Shipe Ca rson, COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Commissioner Cannon (with notification) Pri nci pal Pl anner Lee, Pl anni ng Consultant Nunes, Contract Pl anner Mi 11 er, Envi ronmental Revi ew Coordinator Doug Reid, Associate Planner Griffin, Assistant Attorney Rudolf PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - SILENT PRAYER The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Chairman Tugenberg and was followed by a moment of silent prayer. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Chairman Tugenberg reviewed the composition of the Planning Commission, its responsibilities and the format of the meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None Chairman Tugenberg stated Item 2 would be considered first in consideration of the residents in attendance. ITEM 2. PUBLIC HEARING: (a) PCM-90-10: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE RANCHO DEL REY SPA I P-C DISTRICT REGULATIONS AND DESIGN GUIDELINES RELATING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AUTO CENTER WITHIN THE RANCHO DEL REY BUSINESS CENTER LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF EAST 'H' STREET APPROXIMATELY 1-1/2 MILES EAST OF 1-805 (b) PCM-90-16: CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS TO MODIFY THE NAME OF "EAST 'H I STREET" BETWEEN 1-805 AND PROPOSED SR 125 TO "EAST 'H' STREET IAUTO CENTER DRIVE," AND RENAME THE RANCHO DEL REY BUS! NESS CENTER LOOP STREET TO "AUTO CENTER CIRCLE" PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -2- April 25, 1990 Associate Planner Griffin stated that because of concerns raised with the Negative Declaration and correspondence received by the City, staff recommended that the adequacy of the Mitigated Negative Declaration be considered separately and prior to the public hearing on the Auto Center proposal s. He introduced Maryann Miller, the contract planner, who presented the environmental issues and an overview of the background of the project. Ms. Miller stated that the Initial Study found that potentially significant envi ronmental impacts coul d occur wi th impl ementati on of the proposed auto park and a mitigated negative declaration had been prepared to analyze the project impacts. The environmental issues determined to be potentially significant and thereby requiring mitigation were: land use, visual, noise, and traffic impacts. Ms. Miller detailed the impacts and the mitigation measures as follows: Land Use: Compliance with the Rancho Del Rey Employment Park Design Guideline Standards, CC&R' s, and Planned Community Di strict Regul ati ons (more detai 1 ed on page 11 of Mitigated Negative Declaration and in Addendum A, Mitigation Monitoring Program. Visual: Associated with the potential lighting and signage impacts to surrounding residents and to motorists traveling along East 'H' Street. Mitigation of potentially significant visual impacts are outlined on pages 12 and 13 of the Negative Declaration and also in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. The mitigation measures include placing limitation on the height and location, as well as the intensity of lighting fixtures within the auto park; and the location and placement of signs for the individual auto dealerships. Noise: Primarily associated with vehicle repairs and the use of pneumatic tools and the proposal for a public address system for individual dealerships. An acoustical consultant analyzed potentially significant noise impacts and, subsequently, the project was redesigned to eliminate the use of a public address system. Employees would carry individual beepers instead. Noise impacts associated with vehicle repairs will be mitigated by requiring that all repairs be conducted indoors and that the configuration of buildings be oriented away from planned residences. See page 13 of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and the Mitigation Monitoring Program. Traffic: A traffic study was conducted for the City which determined that an additional 3,4DO ADT would be generated by the auto park over and above what would be generated by the existing approved industrial and commercial uses for the Rancho Del Rey Employment Park. See pages 13 and 14 of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and in the Mitigation Monitoring Program. When the ADT reaches 51,000, the City Engineering staff will then analyze the progress of anticipated street improvement projects in the vicinity, such as the scheduling of State Route 125 to determine whether an interim widening of East 'H' Street between 1-805 and Terra Nova Drive will be required or what other appropriate mitigation measures would be required to reduce traffic impacts. . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -3- April 25, 1990 Commi ssi oner Carson commented that the Negative Decl arati on referred to the date of the Final Supplementary EIR which was in March 1985, and that the Planned Environmental Impact Report was in 1987. t~SUC (Carson/Casill as) 6-0 (Cannon absent) that an Envi ronmental Impact Report be prepared. Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid stated that in about three weeks there would be a public scoping meeting for initial input into the contents of the environmental impact report. He asked that anyone not on the mailing list or who did not receive a notice for the hearing contact the Planning Department to leave their names and addresses to be included on the mailing list. He would also like input from the Commissioners by the time of the public forum. Chairman Tugenberg then stated the Commission would consider Item 1 on the agenda. ITEM 1: PUBLIC HEARING: PCS-90-07; PCM-90-0l: SUBDIVISION MAP KNOWN AS CHULA VISTA DESIGN GUIDELINES, FOR THE SUNBOW II TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD, ADJACENT TO THE EAST OF GREG ROGERS PARK CONSIDERATION OF A TENTATIVE TRACT 90-07, AND COMMUNITY PROJECT, LOCATED SOUTH OF CHULA VISTA MEDICAL CENTER, . Commi ss i oner Grasser asked that she be excused because of a confl i ct of interest (business relationship with Great American Bank). Pl anni ng Consultant Nunes summari zed the process of the project and a bri ef history. Using overhead projection, he highlighted the area to be developed. He stated the tentative map called for 1163 parcels of land, of which 1128 are single-family residential lots. In the core area of the project, there are 5 multi-family residential parcels, a 10.2 acre village commercial, and a 10 acre community recreation center. South of East Palomar Street at the eastern project boundary is a 10.8 acre site being reserved as a possible elementary school site. Mr. Nunes continued to discuss the individual units and what was planned for each area. Mr. Nunes stated the Ci ty has on fil e an agreement between the developer and the Otay Municipal Water District for the construction of an off-site water storage facil ity and for the distribution of water services, which will be subject to scheduled completion of major storage facilities. As part of a water conservati on and management program, thi s development will be requi red to utilize reclaimed water whenever feasible for the irrigation of landscape area. . Mr. Nunes went on to explain the purpose of the Sunbow II Community Design Guidelines and that it should be used in conjunction with the Sunbow II SPA Plan. Upon adoption by the City Council, the Guidelines would be incorporated by reference into the Chula Vista Citywide Design Manual and any amendments would need to be approved by the City Council after consideration by the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -4- April 25, 1990 Mr. Nunes said that staff recommended approval of the Sunbow II Community Gui del i nes and Chul a Vi sta Tract 90-7 known as Sunbow II subject to the conditions listed and as modified. As shown in a memo attached to the staff repor+, there were revisions to Condition 4 (shown as Condition 3 in memo) requi ri ng an addi ti onal paragraph; Condi ti on 30 conti nui ng the sentence to read "unl ess otherwi se approved by the Ci ty Engi neer;" and Condi ti on 35 shoul d be deleted in its entirety since it had already been satisfied. Commissioner Shipe asked if the appl icant had agreed to the B7 conditions. Mr. Nunes stated the conditi ons had been revi ewed on a number of occasi ons with the developer and, to his knowledge, there were no objections. Commissioner Fuller asked where the water reclamation plant was located which would service this project. Chairman Tugenberg answered that it was at the east end of Janal Ranch Road at the foot of Mt. Miguel. Upon Commissioner Casillas' query, Mr. Nunes answered that any street names would have to go before the Commission at a public hearing before any acceptance or adoption of the names. Principal Planner Lee said that typically the public would not have any input, except in the case of Medical Center as it transitions into Brandywine. In that case, the developments affected would be contacted. Chairman Tugenberg asked about the disposition of the planned school site if for some reason the School District has no interest. Mr. Nunes answered that the developer would have the option to come back to the City to request that the land use be changed to some other use. This being the time and the place advertised, the pUblic hearing was opened. Tim Kruer, 2445 Fifth Avenue, San Diego 92101, representing Rancho Del Sur, the developers of Sunbow. Mr. Kruer highlighted the benefits of the project to the City. He concluded with the request of the Commission's consideration and approval of the Tentative Map. Chai rman Tugenberg asked if the manmade 1 ake woul d be fi 11 ed with recl aimed water. Mr. Kruer answered that it would if reclaimed water was available, and if reclaimed water was not available it could be used as green space. Chairman Tugenberg questioned the location of the fire station to be located just north of East Orange. Mr. Kruer said there were existing houses on the corner of East Orange and Medical Center Drive, and the Fire Department chose this site. Chairman Tugenberg asked parking of RV vehicles. developed, but he assured if there was any reference in the CC&Rs regarding Mr. Kruer answered that the CC&Rs had not been Chairman Tugenberg the issue would be addressed. Chairman Tugenberg, referencing the floor area ratios of two story houses adjacent to Fox Hill in Sunbow I, asked if there would be a problem with the . . . PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES -5- April 25, 1990 FAR in Sunbow II. He noted the change in grading. Mr. Kruer said they had met with the residents and were sensitive to the problem. They are creating deeper lots to pull the houses away from the edge. Because of the slope of the street in the Fox Hill area, they have dropped the grading. The end result is that Sunbow lot will be 4' to 12' above Fox Hill. He said they were extending the drainage easement in the back and pulling the houses away. Mr. Kruer said he had offered to meet with any homeowner in the area to work with them regarding their back yards. Joe Rogers, 768 Chohi 11 Rd., Chul a Vi sta 92010, homeowner in the Fox Hi 11 development. He was concerned with the filling of the canyon on the southern border of his property and the other properties along the street, taking away from the aesthetic beauty of the canyon and the privacy related to the canyon, and bei ng repl aced with a bank of about 12'. Mr. Rogers sai d he had spoken with 5 other homeowners along that same section of street, and all 5 agreed with him that they preferred to maintain the integrity of the canyon if that were an option. Commissioner Fuller asked if that was an option and if he had discussed it with the developer. r~r. Rogers said he had spoken with the developer and they were not open to that idea; he had also spoken with Mr. Nunes. No one else wishing to speak, the public hearing was closed. MSUC (Shi pe/Carson) 5-0 (Grasser abstai ned, Cannon absent) that based on the findings contained in Section D of the staff report, approve and recommend adoption by the City Council of the Sunbow II Community Design Guidelines, and that these guidelines be incorporated by reference into the Chula Vista Citywide Design Manual upon approval by the City Council. MSUC (Shipe/Casillas) 5-0 (Grasser abstained, Cannon absent) that based on the findings contained in Section D of the report, recommend that the City Council approve the tentati ve subdi vi s i on map for Chul a Vi sta Tract 90-07, known as Sunbow II, subject to the 87 conditions in the staff report, and incorporating the changes in a memorandum to Ken Lee from Cl ifford Swanson dated April 19, 1990, file EY-305. OTHER BUSINESS - None 01 RECTOR'S REPORT - Pri nci pa 1 Pl anner Lee remi nded the Commi ssi on of thei r regularly scheduled meeting of May 9, which would consist of a rezoning heari ng on the ~1ontgomery area, two subdi vi si ons, and one proposed ordi nance change. COMMI SSI ON COMI1ENTS Commissioner Carson reported that Jim Harter of the Baldwin Company had asked her if the Commission would be interested in taking another tour of the 1200 acre Otay Ranch, and he would make available a helicopter. PLANtJItJG COMMISSION MINUTES -6- Apri 1 25, 1990 Cha i rman Tugenberg and C0I1II1i ss i oner Shi pe discussion, it was decided the Secretary would Commissioners, and set up the date and time. expressed interest. After call Mr. Harter, poll the Commissioner Carson advised that she would not be at the Commission meeting on May 9. ADJOURNMENT AT 8:15 p.m. to the Regular Business Meeting of May 9, 1990 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. (lJa-I' <~ ;? YJ~ h'8j Nancy R ley, cret y Planning Commission WPC 7745P