HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1967/07/24 - -, ORIGINAl . - 'l'.Rfu\J,è:CRIfT OF 1~HE SPIDi::Cv, MEE."l'îNG HELD BY '£HE CITY PLANnING C,mMISSION OJ! J\fi.oY 24, 1961 - 1:30 Po">!' 'l'"he ,jp'~r::;.'Ù meet.frg 'Ci'es ])el,i on the above da';e in the Cou.Q,,-~l Gh=ber, Civl~ C¡mter, :2'76 !,~.~"\f6 k"renue ';;ith the r,')]lowing n%lbers ¡¡;l'esent: Stewart" YcY.:le, Gregaop, Ri!:Oe, J'.'ia!r:~,!f.'Jd Guye,'. Abßr-..n't: (with pr,,"ious notification) Member Yo?k. Also ¡resent: 'b;",:tar ,-,f P.lamÜr.g Wa.r;:eu, Ple.nn'.lIg Consuha.nt Cor.rin Mod,m~, AssÜ,te.nt P19,mer I,.",," Pl>J>C"J.ing ,:".'tfts7J!&! Iri,ell, &,¡d City "i;torney ".indbe¡:g. .::h,"11C'C'I' .'3t<'W'1.":'t.: T'ne ¡.:en it'~l on the 6.gene~.. is the public hearing ", Frop"Ged ;1I0¥ ¡~ning (n'd1.nlJ.nee, The ;;on1ng ord~,nance has beer, !,'J.'aw 'l);! :In study :~orm, at't,E')!' ß gGOd mauy wol'kshop r;¡eetingJE, revisj,""-' tah is t,he ::iZ'st. pu:>lic he/U'ing. \{e hope that it. :bas bCeJ1 :pubUcized >lnrí'iciet.r~Jy for us to get the ",aactions (f' the bt"reated :)¡¡:r1;ies t'J t,he zoning ordinance. and e.ftóI' ,"'Ii: '~he l'ubU.<: ;L~uing. ." would appreciate your comin", q, ":,, :nicl'ophone, mMi identify yo1¡raelf. an-;l c:omm"lItiD£. Ye >10,-,1<1 '3.ls~ like t., request that, we get some sU{ì:ge!ltioilB it 'che e',r",:\" tha.'~ you do ',Me ißS;C(, "d'ith any part. of it, I!ú th¡¡,1 '" c!'Ir :nake e. note f)! it. >If: /Ji..>:'c ,;;oing to~pe the PJ<'Ct;"",,{.5,¡;gs gC) thßt we' 11 ')'~ able t,,:, use the Ncc::,ding :r'::t:r the PUXI'~ r.:,e oK í'ul'ther stu'V. B¡o;.¡e!', wuld "Sa!). oU"~li;Je ß<:Irne at tbt U,¿h,E,:;;h',-' 'od'Jre we C!\'U, Oil Mr. 1,¡Gt::I.!}.~? - !1¡~",'~ H. W(H"ren D1.;r"~'rœ' ':.if Planning: 1\.1..1 right. As you h""e :)Ill1:\.eat.ed, this is th~ 1',;21-;;11 0.'1: h;-!) year's wo.rk <)<} the p~.t't of the Comuù.asio:: IL'1<J, ;',he (;œ; ',ultl'~~ts 1/1. roaching :his fauci,h dX8:t't, stage. This 1,6 ",,<:1:11f1:,;' t!u' fourth draf';. ani( it. 11&:3 h'3.d coneider!'.ble reYbdon f<; ,,~'" t,!:>" Consllltants ,:ir91; sut~.dt';,,'!a their dr<,.f"t, and, nn {1,n~,N, -..i]l haira t'.!mßid,»':able mol"" :t"c11isicL be to!'" it Is a(ioptd!. 'J:~ ÿi,;l'" hapÐ expmi 1 t11e pJ'.(>""dm'e'~hät. we w::,t:t~ipe.te 1.n ";h5 O,rdirJ&2lce ,;}is OrdiJlhll""" aM been prepø.yeCc M ß n ,}\".1: j;b'" ~dopi.;ion otçhe GeneJ'ê\l Plan. It, >1,1V. be ßJ'l ,="..di,1:lu",'", ,,11,,"1",. 1" adopted, wiLL rep1ac~ the present Ecm:tng o1"J.:t,Jlance ; '"~htl.l! col!lplete co.'A:~rehf;Dsi\'f! zoning ordinanc,,-. 'l'he CtmR",,:.,'::st ,'{J,l have more c:,::rn;ne!lts ,on i tf! S';'¡:"'o"cC1;urc¡¡. '!'hOt Cccmi""ic," cJ1J,;': irip<\"o,' tit this 1;im~ l'e~OIIf.x,efl<l:!.n;:; ~o the CoQ'1cil thBt the t(,::'~ c,f. the crdiml.11ce o1\.y be ::i!,o)}ted, ßIld '~h!!.t o;i; sœ-,'~ eu1:!G<."<i""'X,; .,., !L?; as anon M?~asib1~" study >1esl3ic,ns will b,e he"d, tr "',:,r!H:!.Cex' its :;,p:plir:ß~ttm to ¡¡p"elfi" sreas lli.thin the C.!.:::;r; ,(; th'1.t tJ.:IW, thezouing ¡!aç wiJ,l !"',p1.aee 'çhe ('xisti"" zmÙng m>'i', ~o, ,j':: t',? o:rdi,tumc'~, ~3 p!'opc",,',<i, ),:; Ild"pted in its prcam:.1, f:>:'m, I;, vi' ~. h..'\ve no ð:ti'~~'t until 'm<:h tIme 8,B it h appUo¡d to ;r~:¡:'eJ:1,y the Gi.ty, In;! it )!'ep:;,~,~,n the existl",,:;; ord,inez-g:?, Copi,eß of tE OnlirQiit~e haY~ "","n m.li!il~ a"l'8,;1Ð.bJ.~ tç ",l:J.ê'. 'l'her: has b~:n 1\ 30~e¡J ,:¡i" prior D.otJ.ft('fd;!,on g1won. '~¡"1 hW:1n 't bee12 "hs.t "'" '1')1).1<1 ':,,",,"(\ ",YO'";,è;"þ",te(I¡ hc'§,;"e¡. I U!i'U,1i'e t' ~ - having hear ì the \".œuelrt~ t'JnJ.ght, the Cornrol&J:"o::L 'C ..1 r:-rub;,U..)i wWlt to tal:, th",se ,~G¡O¡)Jlep,ts nuder: fla.-", B,em,mt ",,<:, ("... ";¡::1i' ':j,'oe, hold a m,"",'lng, prc:bar'>¥ """,the~' ÌI-',,¡' JO','tc. dia<"'~68 r.h¡¡,)O;!11S :mil h!".aJ¡' f1lI'theJ!" - -, ;, - k~,'('~f)"" fhí,s t,Ul be tb", cw"i¡¡j",:!u £\1,' th', (JO--~,;'!l1,Ol' to m"lk<!1. I don',. know 'Û:::tb.e:e ! ';rou~d, l',!\Ire an;»" o1~h!!r COIlU!'."",ti! in tlÜ'l re1:{(!zri, Ð~ this t,j....e; r ';0\111<1 be happy It.d;er to give expl<mlJ¡t,i,,;:\, to W~!P.ê2'jM)tV questio(w vith the Cœmi~fd,:m, d.m-:l.u,g t,he hi!!ro':L1,g or ~,ft"!,, the L"'lU"iT.g. ,7"/ ':,; 'l~W,¡j]~ Y.;:'12, li','1).( e. 00,>:1 ¡¡,r¡yOI:A'-' MVC W>::f quest,ioni! of the P}.fmn,lD,g Di:¡'~~'¡ or befoT" 'lYe move em '~o !'1;;'. Mo::ine,' I uow.d like "1;(. velc,:>;¡:!,,", )lJ:'. Corvin }.Í\,')C1ne of the Consv.J.d"-,r,; F1:r:JI that <h'e1> !],P the pd.æry rr~nð,1.tiC'1iI or t!;.e zoIJd.ng oX'tUi'¡g,::,:~ I'~' 8 j;.zen !.!b.~.;l"e<J. (rrimne. zo th'l.t he rfdiXY flot recognize it. It' ,~ !ì)! 1,lel!l.~,'::e at th:b tiœe to introòx,(;E! Mr. Mocine to ,3J'Y'" ",3 8<:'rw of i;he ldghl:!,ghts of' the ";O!:JIÜ", ordirw.nee. ('.":,,,-1,;\ H",1"~: ""!' PJ.æ,n:!.>,s, Gç,!',!C:¡1.':'~.&",; Tnl"";" you. Ph', 31:~",:;",,'i';. We "clc..~-,,(~ tho,'!') r.hfiJIgP.iiI ,. «"",;';! r,c>r;c',::Ig (n'cl:in~¡¡¡c ¡), If :1'1 s really fò, go'co. "ne, :ts !!. zm¡}:'3 Oi"¿U1i!t\:>:;ç!ó! 'chat is u111'1';,'" to the (O,oDmrmi':,y the'! H; J!.B 11.,~:,,;jX:l t4::. ,;'" begin 1dth 'è.his ide!!. in miri'l, 1:>Hi; yim, I 'thiY'¡]; vis"Jly. h¡¡;"e a,;.J,ed :><:"'-<1 idea¡¡ of :!'Otæ Cy¡" c¡~",::~ 1:"'gu',!1'~tl)m:, ",y,¿ 8,A'êM 0:1: :N gul,ation. 'th8.t, ve ;}"),~~"1' t com¡!,ã.eJ;'~';!;, t'.rl T '~hiz¡k that t.!le~ e11 st,.','mgthen '>;.1" ,¡J!'di!,w::¡:~. I \/01.>.1;1 .lik.e t:'" ate;;'t b;, gair,g bade -:;,0 the Gmj~X'f"~ P],!~~, bBê;:!;¿u;e that if "h@x'lI! aU. thie 1;egÐJI S'X!'" ¡¡Ix yea:rs - 1;h."'!"i~ abon,1;t\ ßt;¡rwß;,\'. At th~t tin~, the City decided 5.-1;;' [{;'{,1rth tOZiil ú:!:'1?n¡aio1!l b;:r';,h within i~i¡", old, 11",.11,;, oj" tJ,,} ,o;Y;:;", e.,\),(¡. tQ"a¡;'d the ",ast eml or tho¡; toüthLU .a;"ep, demßl:.àei\ ';:mt. tll~'è'e be h'o'c1g1:t "t"3et;h.~= a act <):X: poli!'i"'s t"J guile 'eil,,":; i',,1:.;:;1'," ß11J'olltà, 1U111. the G~mmis)?io:¡, "h,~ ¡;C>l1S\\d.';,ar,ts p.zl'.ì;',,' <::,Ltj' CO1.!1lc:D., and the 1: \,i.;12(;)n¡¡ r)! t:le cc:J.-.",;:u:â,";y j;,') \,,~, ,~':~ :~'~r sE;'J<!rt>"l :\",u's to de'"",,lop tlllt<; Õ"QW Rem. ï'¡Ü~,Y!t1;¡¡tJ Plan ,i"IW a¿¡,'JIY"~d, 11; <fI.'-" :zle!J.l" tlis.t tb.... old :;;ç:".¡.~"<,, o:;'(J,I!ß.r);:,e ",;¡¡,;" IIot &. vel':'{ govd de...;""" to;" gi"'!.IJg SE'~t., ':C) t,::',l"! fJ",ï £,et of p-i:>1it'ica in ".his new Pl&n. rnd ¡¡;.D,ce Ü, mi... A¡:""ïd e.",,", 'Ii:').;\" of doing tbi¡¡,gs. i;h", zmli¡,¡g Is <'.onsÌ,(1,ere<1 to be )-' '¡cy of out !J!J:1 giving effe(:t, tg e, Plan, it see:-.¡",d ",j'~, ,;ü a. ,1'~W c:;"d5,!lli!11::E c.hié'.h 1fou)'i.1. be H!¡lered to th!>'~ ',(1'¡dl "",uId be de¡¡¡:!.gneëi ;I,u gw~h i1, ¡,my ty.:î\t. it the Dt)f,,¡¡¡:t 'bV>3inefl¡J ab-l}1l'~ th~ Pl"", as '"~ beHÆïV"e they do, t.h~, (\!:d,i¡.¡s.n';,,¡;¡.,uld 'tç:~ ahßl1' ",¡¡'I W)1\!'i"ul too1 for ('.,C',ièr~,116 "",,1, the PlM. 1:D, th,/G ¡;'¡-,gard, it :;,8 interesting to c(mpGre the old (fe'Un",,:;;; with thi!'. uew OJ['"", 1!IJ1\d O!1'" of the the.t is q,u:!:tl'.,',Ü"fC:: :i" t!u:}:; the 11<m ord;þ,(!,;nee :i," II- wo)",~ <:,Ct:;F1'7,c;!";t'~j, docwne"t 'the.öl the old ;;;n~ i3. S<Y..:;,,' :¡:,"'<O¡;J", ~1"Y î'e",:J, t,:12J' ".!r'f;c :'ß too baa., t,b.£t ,e ought'.,) be "1:>1,,, to 8!1,¡r :1,y" fOUl' !J>:f r1 "., ",:-cd y....<;, ~ " - iiiJ '~hi&(>rdinf:,¡!'!:" i~, fo:,' U the deE:lg~,ed to IM:hicH' a l'Hel of in tnI'. r:.<}"~,,'~"d;ê,,,', =<5, tCi ged.n 6a'X2 meaZ1U'C of ¡:mbl:,c r"g,.1.~,tiou !J!.L.d "",,';:;:-11 "-'\'U~ t-lmt de"",lopl<l<';J1t 1ih1ch '<:1.11 'IJ~ goo:!. for the ¡}m~t 25 ()¡:'i[; ;;,¡"'~"". The:l'efo¡'e. it ¡;;:emJl p:rO:1~l", that the lIe.,- o¡rdina¡¡"", "°,,-°'1 'be !eire:, d",t~d,lci., j(¡'='~~",ëc-æpl:i'.c"'?ad, i:t YOIl l1k'3, t.hl1,z¡ 'the c.J',l ,V"';. - - :\ - í (~m,,¡- 'd):: O¡:e c,hii> \Jl\;j" in "hid! the <!'1,dina.nce d:U:'f'\2cS from t¡,,¿ ,)ld un" ].1> tl'at It he-" mo:"", J.i;ff'Sr~nt kinds of: dj,6'~¡-t,,'te:o ,).¡;;"t iio :L¡¡ ü,te¡.,'csti,Dg, In ~Qnlng, both !!.!! a ConslAl":.lUit ~.¡:¡d ¡\e ß teRdJ.e:;: h1 City P1>J>J.UÜLlg, I fI<!C Q v'eat n\!1!!ber of ¡¡;oni::¡g (]J:'<\:\,!W1,~e>:, &r!'¡¡ :r th:i¡¡¡,j¡; this :1.6 9, tx'end yo," ':~m1 .'JJb2~"n' ,..,,11 C,Ci,'QSO> the cc;rœ:¡;\;Z'J', that '!;vo diffe:çent. things ¡n-" &t. the SS!iJ,¿, ti me: (1) Œ'dina!1ces aI'e "e~Œni:ng more (k:"~,,;; t1D,d ~o~~ 'Ta~¡sœ -.ñt¡, JIlCi!'~ ?,iffp.rent kinds of ze:nes wI¡if'," t~y'", 'l1:d,;;,'" ::1:,,","1\,1,", dr<!\Wll !"'l1<d i'""j,!'q IJrnited in their' "JIQ;'~',\, bl.r~ t;:> spN:if:h: f1",ea¡: '.here :U; see!.!.i'! that they' 1Jel"r4ó ,,',.n'} m.:.J:~ Sen5!1. [',0 t]]"3It on one hand, pi:>'" hHWS\ ~ "-,';,¡,c: d-",ì:?:D.",d, ev,-'" }?red,""" r;¡o!'~ ¡¡¡:>1:~!.:l'1,c kin,¡ of r€<CILlatJ:<m, 8.),:'( \):1 '~):;¡ Q1J"",.. b>11illd, ~'fC'!JJ. see t",,~e zm:...¡¡ which a1"~'u t,o be e:t:i:',~,~t,I'ire'.::; 1¡~,\1"- Vh€1'C :I,t al:J'3 "Wh'l\;.~a.1l go 'i)'!l In thlz ill wttbin ÌJ:¡;,caii g,~ne:~!I.\. lbú.t.. vh~,t a'ii"""i,o:¡:e:!' :,:l-(Jþ('~'I".!1, and the Plm:;:x!.ug Gç'¡¡¡df)~Ü}!) "w:l Ci t,y G'J'1JA!t1, t "')J,¡:..;~'¡:'r", Ei4:' "'" bavt1 t1ff. t,bing!1 ha.pp,,";d'~g ßt the 3W!lC t:l.!!?,~, 1:>tt:lt,:Üa Gx'iUr;,¡!,aca r.hm:! 1"Y~h",t th~D.: on"'- ].:;J 1', more deta;U,~il :~,lð. :;ü',,-d.se kind (1' deveJ"J';,?J:1!"'¡;: 6'pp~:\ed to a ¡¡pE:ci:::;c :':0;>", æ:.d ¡mQther ia a """" of ;:-,nrie;r (,f 11'&,7;'lou5 :'>ilr.d1 " pl~,1~1:I"d wit tevi'10IJr'!Ç'1t, ('<J:""m'-,:¡::,tt;,\'di¡¡;t,ri(1t". ai'"", !'>':\ld e;¡;\(1bitec1;J.!r1!1 ,~or,'~rQl p;;::fd,!d<,!,~¡, ~,!1d 't!Ü" ::),'" ',"f "hl.l':h lev.':, to £ "r t,,:; the c. itiv.er m~ t'l:", ., ;f,,!U ii>m",.t¡ i.ng wh.L,:~ ycm thl.¡,!11 :\,[\ !:Ej, ~"e "':,""","":,, at ;\,t.::Ul{ if it £n~m!3 te>be i¡¡;. 'éth ,"~b.' ;;,,'Q';,d, - of 'th,,' we '~.l if: [;,",,;;-\ th'", t'.wt. ::m 'b'~eüJ:,et the llt':, for: Ú"'i\':1.u¡x,,'\m1"~, r'i{ 11)v!.;¡r the old o1':di;:;¡!i1nl'.~, 11e hr'_"",,- ."!'x,,,e I'ßßide!!ti,,:¡' ,""ne:::, <111:2<."" t}u': TIe,' ~:U'" tÌ),\? c'rdJL~'1:"'("'" c<, t:l f'Œ::'th !:'.,);':¡;¡' 'nt ~d,"f:'~ '::L,Q,', fo::;ì!r' lw,~ ,-,yc'1,';,e. 1, SJ'8X\ of' ':'i{:i'¡~z"':ut. <,,;asH;;)' ':1Ii,i1:',d,els, ),; ~) "8~'J: to a¡~ the;~, t]C;è:'~ \,¡ : '€ tJ""'iô'~ ,-,..." ", ¡" H"'. g,ÌJ"iX~ ,,~;,r Oy;<!s. '1'11(".:;"" ';'i':re ,.h7ff""ç"nò,"r:Is! 'wn'~" ',md£;?,' tL~ Œ"~:'lm'c'fl(,"', ,-;0","; -tn€';¡<; ,""'."" ód.:c 1;L:. ,~,<'" P¡¡", ~:'1:"1;~ ve:<,e t:tO lmJ.;15t:"'~.J, ~ç"e;: m.,J.~l' '1';2" oU )l',~liL¡H¡~"', uo:,; there <n'" stD,l hIt 'ii:;>:,,!! tv,: ~.;"', ",':t-';<; ,:iij'f"J:'~¡1:t. Ic¡¡h ,!rdh""nC'(~'~ he,,',) 3,gl';',C,u1i;"rrcl "..m", ;;",;:;l¡ ,~Ü'ie a 't,1de1.fi{d ~':'-",1:~, 'L:>th !-fLY" ~I, fleo,;" ,,<:mi;;,"'] , ',::ie' 'c:,',"" '~nl"",' the n,o:; oI'ð.iil~':'e, w¿ J:œ.v:, a ?l,?J1:uel "I,))lli",'c:¡,:U;:t: :.:r.. 'f"i.~} hi, 0: 58.Y, ¡¡bc (m~ 11:£ uhich i:he :'P: eff",~'é" '~a.)-;[irj ~L~ i.nit:l.gJ;,iv.. !JJ1\.K'iwthû the" ue ,,'B"'!~',~:c1 1:q ~""C :'J£\LJ.n¿; e:}w,:J~..]<)" >;\..'<!:! 'l;;he;r'1'" ",~'iJ"'~pirÙlc" ~L5Y' ?'e !>Pi'!'C"i ed. èTa:>, <' dO('"1.J..lC"'~ of thJ.~ ai",",,- O"'"if1.QusJy" ,~e c:amwi: ;;':1 ¡ ",to d:?ta:J,l c? :!:t h~)'e, Me, I <'f'1i'tø.1nJ;y h<J'?e 'i;hl.';z t'lO','" :,;""0);:'," ;.!}, ('þ,,- :!.",:,Çi;'¡""",¡ ,1 '.th~: ",,'C èfe!J1.1;,~' :'m¡-o];wed 'ten 'J"J':iê>i'i o'f'. it, !Ltlo:¡' "h3,~ ~:é:'¡¡ bl/:!'.'!I,1JIi& 1re ")'C b;6 I!'. a p,,:;;':!c;l c:": 8, ~m1þJte ü:f Jl'e&1i'~\. .- ~ - ,~ ,- ;'";"nt'IÌ,": 3,,',1; I tb.!Dk "h!!ct JUtg',t be w",U,'t'J 6;~ 10a.¡;t go tbJ"",,€:h thelila d'<l!,:;d<:t,¡J ,1>:1'. 'to !udi.,c&';;,e "hat the ge'o¡eroal rtatw'", e:f "bat c;:c'!} Œ:le of' ;;Üe5<e z(>nc~ is. One or tbe >m,y¡¡ iu v!lidl t,r.e E!!~'" O!'Mf'~.nC{~ ð.iJ',,'el"ti fr;¡¡c, the, c;,d one in that, ~~a.::h cl!,si;;d,'t, h8.!i ¡¡'n't ,,1' " p¡',m.mble, ;'I',;", j¡t,\g:r~ aa¡y, an Ültroi!llction., -,.,1;],"::' ¡nt8 ,fo.('ti2 .in g¡"C,-,;";~l la¡¡¡g:'ege v'¡w,t the Æòi16 :(ntwd: of' t;o,K~ dilrt"",ê','I; Is, Th',""<1 !'.re inrpoz-t¡¡:c,t b",,"uce the;¡r ,,1>;';;; a eJu.e to 1.b?, g,'mar,Ü pt:'>:'pOIH,'5 of t-t", I>L3nn:;DtI C"1IJF,8~ioll ,:"nd Cjt;r Co1Hc!,1 1;;'<:'. iu'l-dQpting II pl1"J:'tJ,~u"" dlßt1'j ct. Nt);; ';,he fÜ's', on'~, th:, agr1,(;ult,;u'a.l zone, io; the A :¡¡cr", I no" :;-".\1('J. the;;" ¡'",e?,u:.., they' e.re !!hort and 1í~ 18 ea,si'~l' j;ö ê'6"',(1 them then t,o ';!'J" to 1',,:ra.pl'x""3e them. '.!:hI! pu\"pose of the ",.::::d,"lIl'tll¡'?.l ':one ia,;o prçwH\e P. zone. with '-'PPY:Gpr1,s.t1O ,uea r.;¡, ¡"rea:; ru.re,l, d,~U'ac';>:'l', .J:I<:h are Ußct;wel<>péod and r,:t y"t ,,'<', ;J;;r 1'œi" 1,w]:¡aniza' ,on. Th". ZOIJ'.e :lz :ín'te¡;¡de;l to p¡'ese::1¡e 1r &-ß!,-lc,¡:J." ".' " uc;" h',nd Bui:,Gd to eT,:':Qtu6,l <le;¡,Üopmmrt in other u.a"'~" :p""",ing 1):;"~J?"¡' t1.l1l.Ü¡g :t'o;(' the econcD'i,!:;,!'ll p:v~viL;i{¡n ,)f 1.I:t:Uit1t::, m!\j;'? C£';;,CÐ,~t,s, IUld "tho!]!' f@ 'ilit:!."",,;, ;>0 t,Jmt orð..::œ!.y develcpnen': ,,".1'" ,'Jc~eU'f. GJ h"n~ is Z'm',U.y a 2.<)ne w:b~ìÞ..o difÙ!:¡,cnt p=po¡¡ee: ",,",e, '," 'tit) ~"vntinue i..n maint!!.:L!'! the '3,gri"'.ù.þ':¡Z'Q,1 btM3'E of th2 (:",,!\ècmê:';y \l;Üch 'l<a.'1 on" o~ th", ,:,J:,Je~M:'fes iJet, f(j,',...,~h :In th,~ Ger"'~'fd, X'] (\11 ,",,-ad all or yo" ;rho lice h",""" e. good me.ay ye'~"Ð, ø.nd ¡ 'm 3'.1re th.ü1; many of ;'vu bave, w1.J.:\ kno" that (j1mla V18te, h',J!t"'A'!Í<::11\y h':<8 bE,en aï:l u.r;A'Ü:'JltvccsJ c¡"",¡;tmit.y, ani( it \:J 1.on nm lE"t 20 - 25 :\,'<;0.;."'" a"incI:: :, erhqw, tlJ<ò b{)gin::,,1ug t~1' ,"'P:I' II "t,]}a.t t.h~ !lon..ng¡ric-.¡ltl;x'c.l. the ,ÍIldu1JIt1"iaJ" '~'.Jd the 1:",Öl'QOPl c,';,j')!!\'lrity asj)!)()t'6 of ',hiB t.œm £:5>,,<:: b'"come mOT" ~'Q2pc,,'r--,!J.t- to 1213 tf1~Cll ita ;>n,:rroing ",::d, ';)l"'-'tm,dircg at",)::e. But mre¡:¡ fiG" tj)e:~e ~c,; sti,11 a a', ihlJtßl1tia" r;'l'.O1;<¡r; oi' &e;fip',;~ltl'Jr,e i:~ :~he cc:;1x",d ty' '"-'11 )7Krtic\¡l¡cly in t,',ose R,7¿",,"" "hi,,-h~s eXpbt;t,,"A 1;,!!.Œ,t t,h,,-, c:¡;,ejIDl'J.¡¡¡1 t:l' w1.;',:, want to annex OV"l~ the pez'io:'ì of the ~",:::I; 1'"," "":=~ in o:'.:l;~:' 'to glL~" ('.ünt,rol ,~Ye;¡- ".¡;,xt '."mld ~.,e¡;;:u ';;{; õ", t!:: xc.:n"];czJ e2i.IORxw:'.OIél a.rez.. Ho, ~'hI~ Z')i'lt, '/":'o,,'t.(J,ðe 1":,: fin ki,Tl,j", lOX c,'OJ? fe.r;ning, for: 'Din:::le"fßm:Uy x'eaide..!G""', for l"J:Ol ic ':,T~3 .?f. v;3:ri."m, k:!.nd;;, for gu:'?6t hc".\£:ell, p~:;d fŒ' ",¡mIl l'na{Ì",!ÍC" ,:;:e:',"ß t:,) sen, agri!"Ü'~I.U'al ;)rcd',¡,~",. 'l'"ll""P" 1J11der ';:", co"ldi'::,~on"l i.la"s, €,n<l J: tblnk th5!! i!: H '~ime 1;0 diZ:r",~entia'te hel'e. In e\?c';Ìl one of thçse ;~J;",t W¡~ <fU,l talk ".1)\,)'~t, 'the?!'. iH f]. ii",,;!;; list of \1,<;"8 ,"hie}, ,"~" 'J;"~ç;ê",tleßll:'811o;-¡,,,(1 i,!J. the by -{:b..tiJ.~. of h1 thct. di,st)'},ct. TlkfJe $X"'.. tñ.~' 115<'3. Thi?f. '!,lv,:r\! (!, se'xm{ , Itsl; wh:!.ch ;,m:lwI"'ß UEel; V£>CV!'1 :!<"em ,'-'Jd. l,~?,l:;<'J, J.n 1;;!(j (u."t.'~!.,'t, l..",?~ 'fhere H j,¡¡ felt oK,"!' sdditi..; ,,- c;::,t~'"l may ",; d'.~Bira')le [)(;""'",;;('. 01' th,:: pa'~1..ü,h,r ef1:€c, ;';"8;" r,',,::::h 1;","5 mi,;:rt havs ',:'11 th~:L' ne!,ghhD:i',',;, or t""'iJ\.1.:se c: t"", Jl"""d, to cont"!,11 'traf'ftc', 01' nots", !in,' ",,'~h~:r ".?I,,:,,~Új cf tl';', - ,~u'l^Ji.ng 0;; 0:': the¡¡e :,,::tt1. viti.e,<. l),.J) t,iH!,t, f~:r 1,n",t~x(", in d:', ").u ~~'ne uude" the '~o:'.dLition'J.l twes, yr"" :find ,,"on "<:'~',Œ ','¡;",L~l ;:,,~'~:rep,tio!l Ð:: ':'wI, ,~ )u::'try el\;,b¡o¡, svinn..I,n-3 1"0<::18, golf, ;,,1;<,\""",<0", ,-,-'r, ~ ~ ~ ,\",0."" ", : Aè'd Y"" fLi,d r:¡cÜ;UZ ~;:;,¡:;å2 li"""to~;, OPi,""t:ioDß H' ~(mðL,ioD."':C :He" 'lihel"'¡I,¡¡ c)p;rntico13 , ';1:: ê'1' f~,rl!\j ng ',-'f," ~,n cr;\i.l1JK;~Y :;,~:rn¡:Lti;,er "",dØ. ,nmi <:ntdr:rox 1'0\1":,";;" '.tl~ x-"'::1:'e,.t-iŒ:), E~a'l¿,ti"w :like cmtt'c )~' tl1"/it'?Jrer., ,-;oJf ¿":.-"Ü:g ¡';,¡.;¡ge;j, I'.ûd ":~j1i"i"ß of ';,ha'" ::¡,;;;rt, ,>;:c",~t,;¡,Ü;s; rdrwa ,\"","':'¡-1' b c¡..-weI Tn"",;;, i';,'e th" !':~nd:, "f ttli.ng,£ 1oThi ,:t, !!:it', 2j ø ted h~i:'e ç',;i1diM¡:,rg'J, usm,. The ,\;,',,11. rq;;.';Ia:UeDs ,,~'(') ",'1;<cd ir: t11 i,l' r',ç:;e "h~¡:'<, till' ('",¡¡o; ¡:;c;¡,)' D", 1'1 ""~ lID 3-'!i1:,;¡'e ZOllO:; 1'.;>1 (,ne ;", 11()t !i",t j";;;~'th tr¡ t)¡~, 1J)1 d:,,:tw,\E',': , s)?c;:;e,tte aJt'~al1 ¡;,'l'o'b,~,;~1J" §,!¡ij, ","'11":: 1.;' ;:;~ t,h,~ mmeriJ int!:,~I. ,,'~ea, 'rb-,~ lÌ'~x'G th1: "H,-j~" R,,~:l.d,:!!,ti!!.) Ef,~at,,", :l',OKAf'. é':¡¡,~ ¡;:¡¡;':Qü"e y' ;,,} l'i'cai¡ tJ:d¡¡, n';)::¡, t-h" ,,':¿:iTh?~',c,' ì tho e1 t'"" :~o¡:¡.:& ;',!,- to arid pJ1'eÐ>::!.'V' a/I G ",'~m , e¡¡,v:!.¡,'Gue:'Jt en '111°:;!' (;j;' laI1ò,- ~'he f;--1 :: ?rr"" i" ';0 be l.m...,j, cDl", fe' h'i)l',iH!! <n',;' ",,~i{,Lii¡"h11:":Ù U2"N e;,,(' t':,.Õ" ;"'~ feU, Cf'¡iU"\!;!:l1M".!)'; t'""'1;'<;";'.{.,. - 'n"ørc E'X'é! 1i'.11'",a,j,y ..H!Ü;, ',,:.<, L\im:\.'~i.! BilC ;'"",."",1" , ',,!.y t'.1 U;, þõ;rt,f,c,,¡,l(),1:'JL:, h, s;;~",'t:"'l!.""'E' e;"i,1, t,.;¡ the me£!é, :,cnmd .tc th~ e!Cl't ruf'i'ßEi ~,j;,i<:h ,;,j'h t.1""':~ !w~¡',<Le ¡""'"", ß-:Q!: \l¡,!,'" ti1"'1'¡~ ~i"'H'r,=f ,;"~c,;: ;m;! æ' f,,~.Î;'<, o¡, ::['h'", e,F;1"¡'S 0::: '\.~",d, )j,",,'," :te,'""", '.lite 'm !7hj,'~h f'-Q!QJ\ kf?.I-" 1;h",,51' "'dr., hm'Ens, ;~;);:< e;::',J~lJ?le, or "the;:vir,e rnÜn',¡!5,r¡ 811 e5~', "-1::1".11,:; );"1)"\"'¡ e,,?,\,-:':,',yr!" L"'trt, but "¡l'~ iL, ,;1)3.'. ""i. '«,'ïc'16'1.1.t.rre is 2,(¡ th9 """,:t"jv:,t:;{, ';'11'" heme,;; li\,!.."':u,1C! the p,"¡'mJ:;t:ed ",'~¡¡ ,~." 'I!)i'" ¡; ~'2;(1 t,n,e ~,!" "un ^'!!(')", A"<;'èf!?r:';' t;;, itl'mlG "C'Jld 't.¿, Eue"t ;','\!!I"a l'iiild ';>d,w.tc¡¡ 5t~,1.,¡;,';,:c" 9I: "".';.¡c ¡¡,:':!'ili,mh'.g f:[""h Hlt\ ~)'I".:io1.W 'cnfnr' 'ðhi::h I """d't ltl ¡; ,,""",",;i] !)¡;,,~"r the ;:m;D,:!~1":t'2\1 '¡,13'",," hex'!;, ~'," ',cr, ,¡f ¡;lJ< J,8Ji:~¡ th¡"t, fmUtid 1,'1 '~]¡e nt-bet' :¡;<{¡;¿), ;¡¡ç.t, ';r,~ egiC2£;,'".1,'i" - !10t "b,O". \:!;::'i;f,¡¡,-in '¡',t.."J'\\'~\['l!'i", ~%:¡t, ","i,~", .ki:õj¡;¡{ ~,jI- ,:\;,o~e !d,,:li3 i¡;¡i!: 1"1'i~" bw t" ,,~¡"'~,,~ in ""r~'",,\t, ... "'HEdt,:, ';ê;n~, ,,"tð 1¡¡'1!3~~ ')t;1.".:, ð",,!1!~; ',',¡mt ,,(I¡;,,~n'd,!;,,1 :!1,{;:J.I!:,'i;;""or5 ","'iFE1J. l')~de)1" ,y;¡m,e 1;:~ 'l'.!. f:,¡ p'~r'~d'r, "'H1 ,'he:,- ~,""" [ffQ,t ,!;Ei','JJ1:è.tt:,¡5 1~: tL:~." :;1';);,,<'- - I[i t-b\s P¡¡¡;¡'t¡,"~,~C!,¡;.. i,u~t 6;J:i' 'th::-. m-adni¡:',,","'> 'Li""", "¡>",,, ) ";"!" IŒ'",,'fdí.'!~Q!:ii~' wb.!".t im¡-é) '.lj;J;!i\ilu::o 1;" t1"~,-,, Q~i'd JM,z\C'~ \;'1.' ';1\ JJ»,70 tei' "- - v:',tl; ;¡he: ""i.¡J¡,~!\>." ~,Ü:r' ':I! 11:(; €::> t '1<:m' thf'~,~ ~1".ic~,l;r. 'iilf Gb'llL V¡,1i!ti~ I ~ ",;),¡;;<~,~;;", tJ,\'!t, ';""'" !,;'Jllt, in ttJ", z'ç¡¡;'1.mH" lJ8 lI'V,;U:1t~]im~¡ ,. (",<1 ~¡m;'IY ;;M(~ brUi,!!':g¡¡ ,l~i¡;h ~"~'" <':;),:) 81".,,~1, ~!,1i "'£ 'h,:t'!.t; ô ';"~1)'c~" cl- ';,Þ;""'\',.-)I t;;r", ~ - 6 ~ Ik'C1..D<' 1"""",,',,;: ;¡,h,,]'~ '~UB.lity of the CLty is liabla to 6u?f"'1: by thb pr.,ce"a. and D the PI 'mnin,~ Com,It:l.ssio!'i ....nd the CounctJ. hex? ail<J.ed th Be ¡:"guJ,!\~~io::w Wld ';he-y p:}o17ide - !1I3.Ybe J: aÞ.ould read t 1~8e becam¡e they're fairJy sho1:t and the.' Bra ¡('ather lDlnrtant: Th~ minimum 1: lX>!" area per main dwelling \illi t in an R-¡, zone (and thi! applies to the rest of the siI:~le-fami}~' ¡¡GIles I!hu.ll b 9 as toUws; 1000 1I( ,un.re f~at tor eu¡,h ¿¡weUi!Iß unit conta,ir,ing one bedrooo.., two )adrocms. or one bedroom and det.; :t.200 ¡¡'!1ua&'e f ~:t for e!!tc~h dwelliDg eonte.iDin@, three bm(- rooms 1)1' twO) ~drocms !\ad den; 1300 s'll.!llre t'~~t ror elt,:h dwelli,ng conts,ini¡¡g four beil.. ¡'COOlS or thre ~ bedroomll £mIl den, family room or other 61.1....11 r,:>oIIL!I. TheBe 'then at' ~ applied ';0 the single-family ),mits thaI; u:t~ bunt in t'tlis zone .- the R-E zone and 'thE' R-l zone as ue1:t, and ~tley are rßther a IIpecial provis;ion of tM,s ordiIlf.¡,;r¡ce. - ~,'here Ü! alac 5.I other P¡"OVi13ion which ocr.urs here bu<, "hieh 'J,ppl:1~B to otHr puts of the ordinl>nce, and I think n:',ghj; ;,s v<:'l"'tb some i .uick rc'riev and ths.t ie 'the p!'ovision \T,~th agai.11 the SaI!' ~ kind of purpose in mind - to l!ro1;eet tll!! qualit, and ean.ronmEnJ'G of' the cœmnunity. A prOV:ls1<,n which says t'-lat onenuet either have Eo !ìe,rage or ~. <".exiX';:t n;1 t,he p1!'op<!rty and that p!t\¡"J for the construction of: suc:h , ûl" fer th~ eonTe,a:Jcn of ,;:dsting ga;rages, must be !Ol1.bm5;:;:;ed 'tc the E'l!WJliDg Depf<,rt,~ent, and in effect, they won't he app;n:,Y¡¡,d un1.ess proviBion for s1;orege of the kind of ;;h1,ngs th"t pepple ¡¡(ore in gliJ"'.ageG are proviüed in some cuy);" s,è',eqt:!!.te way. ~'hen we co:nt1 GO the lI~ngle-:!'emly l'esidence ~.o!\e, "m,l ';hia it, 0.101' of the 1 1::-8t or th;~ zones that hs.e< So collpl<! of d:Uterent, àensi t:;r prov:! den.s ;,",,'.->~:>r the old 'JG;] of' zoning. it, ."",u:Ld hs,'", hEal tilO dB'! ;,rer,t C'.iB'G;dcts. X'.),l 'try 1:,0 'M:ke 1#h,,1; '~,J.'-'a;;' fi~' ~e cc~" to it. 1'11" p\:;~ge ot -thifl zone is 1:0 stabH:L:G2 and "[JZ'cte...'t the it ~)J :!.(Ì,e!.\tieJ, cba;f'E.cteri5t.ics of. the 1!.1'eas 13() desie;nated 9.!:a tel prOlIQte !!lJd encours.geJ 1'. sui;~able en',r-I,raTJ- men"; for twly life, The R-l :r..one ie oss!c"J.ly !!1tt'atled t,o pnn1,de e=vn1ti,ea e:i.>:~:tu8i7e!.y fi>I' s17\"le-ff',lrlly det'",.~h2d how.ez¡ at,:', th¡: eer-wiN! ¡ ßl'pu¡;':;'enant the1'<otoo &', uniJ.er pr:!.tcipal ~ße8, we have cmly one ~:ind of ii'" ,n.g 8Jl(!, - that h s11!11õ~~ e~fl!æUy hoWJea. Under oo~ee!l' 1:'1 uses tiJZ'>e thicgs which tU'e iJ:¡<:fdeIl't'Ù t" t:h~ pe¡:¡¡ätted use - 'there ge ¡¡everlll: rcœdng IWd boM'dtn,~ of "ot il1C,re than tvc people; :t<œe c!':cupa.tionll which are thir,,~~ ';;1:,.,,"': pt'~'J?le cugtaarily do ".lthin a neuei'., ","ch 3D 8. 8.w.l:m,~,\v,I"¡~ - - 1 - Mod""",, <,('¡¡nt'Ù1: who ¡¡¡¡¡,L:!tains his offiœ and òooka in his hem"" or other 1Àsea of that sort; toster homes and day nurser1ea not tu exc£>"d three children; a.nd kelf.j)'~ng of ~at,s and dogs as contro~led by the ani:nal oral Q!Ulce. Noli t,he¡;e are not all "U,,\t ¡u'¡; ne~"'I!)f\IU'.v to !1IFJte a re8~,(lent1a.1, ¡:¡",ighbo:raood, 8::1 you e;¡j~Jct to find some other things under the (~cn'Utiona.l uses, "nd you do. Under this we find o.:l1- the public IWd :¡ussi-p;:!Üie 1!U".tivUies '~bat are normal ;;'0 a neighto:rhGOd - that wen':,,! b~, schools, churche¡¡., 1:lbrarJ.".3, pubHc ~()"ice a.cth'it~,"s of var1a\\S kinds, like the !i!11Ù1 sub-'ste.tions that 'the ,,~ility companies h!!.S to locate, :~':>r e:œ'."ple, ~;emporary tre.ct o:l'1"1c"5 a'3d tract signs where new h;¡:¡i! is beir.g developed "hile theie"felopment is going "n, ß':1d f:!,M.lly dv~Uing groups uhich )]jeans cluster dwellings under ,'.,,'rtain .:ir;:umstaneea such 8.$ under the cond:1.ti()¡m.~. uaej¡¡. In~1.d.mt«J.ly ,><11 oond:!. tionaJ. uses, all the .~¡y through this oJt'dinan:e, req1J!.re that the pls.ns be submitteél to the J':L1UII1ing Cœ¡rJ,sflion - t.l1t the !'lite plans I\Ild arehitet\tural plana, design a.ndscreening H neCelÕ!9atOY, trat'fic co1\tr01, and !I.l!Y o'Gher sigIlli an~ aDJ' othe¡~ things "ì1ich might bet\ome ob;jll~tiona.ble . in the '>.reI!. in lThi«h thi:l thil!g is establisheél be rev:l.e,,\!d anð, appl'oveð. by th¡¡ Planning COI!IIIission. ThI1.t's what a conditj,ona1 - UBe means - it :;neana 1"~ is condit1.onal upoJU the Planning C!'A.mission' a B?proval, I!.ud when the Planning Commission has balled a. condi'tioJlal use permit, it will set forth in 1lJ~lting in that permit, any sper:iaJ. ctmdiUons which fire attf¡(\lmd. to the isß'~ce of a permit. The peX'son who applies for the permit to ests"'Olish 6, .~ond1,tjcnaJ, use submits his proposal, to '~he P1anniD¡~ Commiuj,cn whi~h plaUl! and specific&tions and Imy other i:lfctt-B.tion th$t the Cccuis¡¡ion needs, a.nd the COIwstlill"¡ then x"mews it and perhaps hs.8 a pubU,= heat'ing it', &œne cwma if i'¡; i'eltl~ it is .necessary, thel! issues th,,- permit, ei thel" as the applice;at Qaø ,uked for it or ].>osdbly "Uh one or c~wo ..imitútlG;:;¡: or chrmges wh1\1h are coJlflidered to make the activity mor:e acc('ptable under the circumstances. The denaity provisions at'this zone provide for an R-l-l0 and 8.!Q 1'-1-1. (and I think there is a typing errOl', or should that be just R-l, Bruce? J Wan'en: I think we changed the B..l to correspond with what we n()'if have. Moc,ine: I eee. Well, at any rate" if there isn't anything aftel' the B-1, it mean,. 7000 f"et, if there is a 10 after it, it mearm tO,OOO fset.. There b two different patterns of lot size for possible :future devclopnent in the R-l ",me; ? 10,000 f'o,)t ~",im= ],ct. d,~e. - and a l' ,ODD square foot rdnimum lot size district. And as would be expected, these have "lightly different dimensions for the front, sides, and rear YRrd, etc. I won't go into those because they' are set forth in the ordinance. Every building in '"his zone has to conform to the minimum sizes which we talked about a moment ago, rJ.."(ld each one has to have s two-car garage or a - -, ";c"¡ ,",W'iÀ gl'~", - G ,:c;,..t.l,"""" fl:,s" ;,(:',-, "'"".ie"',",,:, Sic," """t \:,,1':, hir, ,," " ' f,'"", ,':::;". :'-",~,'L'g \'a,1 ü):::ne1'¡I, X:,'", ;i,'\ ,,0 ::,1:«'1:)'\,(1 ..~ ,~O)":(',~G',';:V' !",¡:,"" 8 "" ',:' ;;,> ",~d :¡;;' -:!J..Z'i."iti"J:'i5',J' c ~." U,,': (\<:<);,¿,,¡O¡,!Y,:, ",,)",'8S b~,,'j, "'.> -,,'cmote ¡mr1 eu:Q "',,;,e 6 sui:' ,i>}', {,g.. v1J",~¡:",,~,,'i, ,e(I"' tr"C:,j,;,- ',',ot ~ zim!.lút" ti' thJ F<" i1,c.,!'\". 'l"c.r; :¡<~ '~one j,l'. :lnt"',Hhd 1;,0 ",,'.1e' !';, higbei' (¡,r<8't :f or ?e.,:,(J,,!'/:e:, 'thf-'!' ]?~r-",itt,e>i in. tbe; R-:: .i:>,,' ~.;ld to ~:):r¡'1i(:o f,-,' ',~('r;.;¡n¡:'i"'~;¡ ,~,¡:".'j","" Œ.PP:\rG(iI!l;'¡¡' th(ni,,;to. S;) ',i,a hcw" '} 6 .\3'2'5, an'i,,~¿ "'he t:m'Ú¡ """n.,i'<':-:?, ,u:,);, d'¡¡el1 hIE;;, r,¡, 'è,,¡¡,-:family dv:,Ui.i!IgZ, dwc1:',l",g e,:id the "",'i'csse",' 11:;"" a:1:l 'J.~'~e88":rr üL,di;¡gi3, "'.11<J. '<fery ."melt the :;B".') I¡"a in tte sing::,e"'b((!:[ <r :¡tn.", ¡hder 'eO¡',iÎ ti') )Ki, 'iW " " ,',3 ftmi tc,r :,¡-~ '-"'at t5.m'" "'-nd 1J¡í'arf..'",g \1(;", ¡",¡¡ ,Ema ,")f coul'<'e. fo'..) '~h" pU1,],,-,' &.ct ),m,Dli~ >;,"',3 ""'i! t,] ked abc>\lt. bo£(,,',,: ,"!dF~"l~" 3."d Udng'¡ of 'tb'ß <'c.,:t, "i~ Clt.j" an", (()"-;ut',' ",:th<-¡,:ies, publi-i, llt:iUtie£, b1.i,L:ljlga '!i'beI'~ tIc!:; $'e neO!i!)E"",¡;, g,~ 1 "-..gaIn" 1;"',¡:;t, oft ; """ B'1<' 3ig'1" "h:::U' P"),"",,'1;y :1.3 heixJg ,1 ,:¡,Ü"~,,,d - It m1.;"h1¡ 1H w,~H he!!"c tee O"ieT t,Lc fiign p,,:O'i'L¡ ,r¡p.,;: l,acid<,ui;g,:.'ly', U, ;X'e 'C~ k:én6.s D" ¡¡ :1.,,:<:11 f:~t-. f':)!'th :! n '~his t2,H,n~,n",~, jl"'ad1~', ~høJ ',v:,~, re5::d'mL:,,"'; :ip', ,",':lid, meat),) Big!):; HU,)lw\'OIly tel} the kl"¡L' of '~)J" l""C""") \ill" Occllp'.en 'ç:Gat buu.ò:, n", :1..-1.(',. <1igne '¡hie, to ' i:.,'l". iB 1.' ,)Lie! ç,(' ~.!'dc 'iiWi!; (:-'Ili'ch $i~;¡ 'with i~'.. ng"'1J ',m,', ¡;",',;1::",..'" 1",a,~'ð, ,d1:!,,-::-.anr(1':JON'S;.'"'< rutn:!.'" "t8 ),"'1;,'", i)f :',';~ ¡x.~f>.i:i!1g¡¡, >ijc¡" th(¡sIJ ,; ",Ù:,l be sku: Gi',,";,(;, sil'."1 ,) e:J,lIo he >;')"1 818,1' y,m ;~l'¡i I,m u l'i"!'J:L',i, ii'U'!¡ G, ,,',i':;'.', s ameUl""., R¡¡al i!3f;at,! Big".." ,,;re 1:1'pa vhtçn 1U:,'KU'o.',e .:lH~ af,:>e or ;;,( all indhid.\.1~) pæ'col ,1' ,>cc'::¡ '5.:,: yrK,. w¡)'~I(l fi. i';' thr,ö"llhoU'i tbi>. ,~ l t~, ,ÙIG!1 ., pr'J[,':'ty is b;j¡;;8 ,Xc',: ",} f;:;)i'" as,'!"" T',¡ere IJ.J~e c,\;h~;r:iG:,,';j ¡¡,hIe } we' 11 (iC:", t'J ""'n'" go 'h¡'c'h;t. ';'b, orrU""1i1p,e.. D~,,"C i.op""",-.t li¡v"" are dj'"'e-""Ji!t f,i',q ~""t;e ai.gurJ, ind'le"ti\U.,y, all.l !;;roe ò"slgù("i tr" -;-,':' v"' ¿,.:'\ ,..>:',,(,;:1.,,:...'1 of 8. 11'.a,:1~:r nev :: 1ve.LO¡;>1Jie~t. We ¡",c:-'gd,z', dif::'""""",".., l;,,¡->'c,,"' ¡;-:m¡eo¡;", who "'$:Dt" to Bell h:i.!> )X,/lJ3€l ,"-' i/"'", j,; ,. timk,èi:Id\'..,,', dwelling i:i- G\:"P&:C t¡;¡,~r¡t ';" 011 ",?I!.'~"~:'"en, ,.':\.iS~', ,,:1,':', ";,',;",(,1";! is buJJ.ding a ,,1 ~},e ,1'~" :["">'!i:lcpm{,nt :"j th 8:', K'3.1, '1',";/,":' "';I':;i)..";'" :!'roo 10 'to l'- "f3;,:,le h~n,h',,(j, J;:;tu :;d,1.i'Üuge for ,,'-,l'~, "P.;, c~'" - ¡¡'PaJ.^t:J),(mt; 'n~",;¡, 'itt, 'w."}'-" n";1 :>:'f"nJ.\1': ¡,:~ t,,)"'Y';r)','::'" ("C!'!)J:l"-i'i::y. T".,c,e 5:;;12 ~1".,,~".,l.le,l "~',i"l )I""'~:" ;,1.,"'; ",. ';0 Ji"Gij,t "atní,,' e',g;:'" in th~s di~trict~ you ~a~, ~,'at t~. fu~ily uult~ ~ a m singie-t~t~v Ln thLs :ttstrict. The R-G zone~ the ne~t one, is quite an ext~.n~i~e zone ~z~,d covers al! ~he multipl~ residence pro~! sions of the <~rdinanc~ oth~:z than the duple~es we just ta!k~d ~out. The purpozes here are list,7~d as follows: The purpose of the ~-G zone is to p~ovide priate locations whets apartment house neighbor~ hoods of va~ng degrees of density may be _. lished~ main'~:ained~ and protecued. The re?utat%ons of this dist~ict are iesigr.ed -co promote an~. courag'e an in'~:~nsiv~:l~ dev~.ioi_;:~J ~esLdentJ. al aa vironment su!t~)le primarily for ~idult li~f~n9'. in order that you will remember that previously the ordinance ta!Ped ~t)o.;h family iiving~, here the phasis at least is o3 unit~ mc,;tly occupie6, by people %,ho don~t ba, r~ chil~ren or at least have active c~iidzen, To tbi~ end ~]e perm. Lt~ in accordane~ with the z'espective dist~)icts~ multiple ~;elliL~]s ~sangin~; from apartmeDts to mult. i-~to~ &partment houses, necessaiy public services snd a()tJ_vities subj~s~ to proper (~ontrols~ A!~9 pe~mihtec;., subject t.c controi~ are certain retail and service actlvit[e~ intended for th~a convenience eng. service of residents of the dkshrict~ There a~e three different subdivisions of thi~ a Town House zone wh.]h is t(~rrace housss: town houses ~ row ho~s ~,~,, whatever you choose to uall them, houses %.~'ith co~)m,n w~.ll.s b~aii~ in groups 3~f anywhere from four t) eight or sc~. Multiple lings, low-r~.:~e ~ norm~lly cal!e~ ga~'den apa3~t~ua~ts around this p&rt of t;~e ccunh~z= an~i mzd!ti~:le lings~ high-r~se~ an~]~ each one of thence has a feren~ designation o~] the zoni:~9 ~s ~ smal.~, service sro ?es or ~_.o~ halls ano~ lo(~ .... ~ cl%~s private ci~abs~ nurs~n~ skderab].y. UnO. er the town house disLrict,. ' ' zone¢ '[:here is one f,~;;~ily dwelling per~t':.:.ed i~] 2,~,00 square :;eet, %3.~e minimum sit,2 c:f ~ tot 2¢500 sq¥iare feet. ~'e.:. minimu;'a wid'tJz is ~%'5 fe(:};~ sc you %~ou},~A have¢ if yol were Du21dl.zg a ~o%¢ of nouoes¢ they %~ould h.~ve te be at l.eaf;t on 25 lot2~ ~lld each lot wout.(~, have to be .-%.O0 feet U= ..e~ ~.t~.e R-G · the l~>'~-rise apartments, the mzn mum lot size [s 7.,000 sq~re feet and there c;~n be dwelling ~it for ea~:~ ].~500 square feeh. Un:~ R-G-H, the hi,h-rise Lhe minimum ~ite is 10~O~' feet aha there can b~ one c~wel~.~ng ~cr ea~:h 800 feet or c, ppro~zn.~t~].:~ twice the ,'-":~ '- rise apartments. In this zone, for ~e first time ~i:~o, th~re is space az;o, on ~ach lot the..e ]has to re orovid, ed space i~9'a~c~ns'" ~ te:?~ces~., fardls o'hher thanU,~'~' aad driving yards, f;. each ~we]lin~. unit in .... ante ~?itb the_Droving"-'- ~n~'~-' here. On ~he 'hogan hou zone~ ;~=~t open space is 1~000 ..qu=~(: feet for f~nily~, ~nder the load-ri, se it is 409 square and for the high-rise zone it is 20') squa~:e fee;. 3i.. dwelling unit~ There are alsc minimun floor areas for ea-.h unit here 'which is quite simi].al to these pre¥;~'ii.~3 provided for single-f~mily homes~ .... in this applicable to multipi~ uni~st ~00 ~quare feet :each d%,,elling unit h~.;~ing one(l) heft. room, 500 ,~-ua~'.',,, _ feet for each ~wel!l~] unit n?~;ln% a%~o(2; 600 aqua. re fe~t for e~ch ~,~eiling ).~.~i.~ hav~.:ag {3) ,})edroc)~ns ~:nd 100 ~quare feet mur~ for each tiunal bedroo~ above three(3) ' ~'~ '~' ~ A(~<~. ~,, the bein~:~ to main~:~in a ~c~son~3].~' bich quaii~:>~ of velo~>nlent in this Ci.~,~, No%v J~at s th~ end o.f the xes~:~entia! zone ..... ~,~e come to th~ "~ ~'~" ' have to say regarding this while iL in ~veryone~s mind~ %he zoning ' "' '' ~ ~ from ~nyone in the au,~ience %~ho de~J. rea t';~ rode statement in connection to ~Tac n~: beep already, but for t~e remainder of i't~, we will welt up the remainder~ 3715 t u_.t~;~ may I dlz'ec~ some questions to ~ ..... Mocine? Dri~,~ Stewazt: Yes. Forte{re: Mr~ Mocine, the fimst question J.n my mind~ applied essentially the same zone in other a?e~s throughout the state? Mocine. Yes, P~'. Ferreira,~any pa=.t~ of this ordinanc~ though no one of ou= ordinances lc,'}ks exactly !ik~ another one, as we said before we try to tailor to the commtlni{;y; b¥it. tdueFe are othc~z of the state.~ substantial areas~ where provisions are in effect.~ I took }:he. ...... ur~ I came down here, e:" look in our shelf of ordinances, and th(k:~e J. ncAude the ones we .'.e~e and the one~ th~%t ether people have writaen.. prob~ly a couple of' hl~ldred of %!le'~,l in OUr and I picked out ~'~ .... ' .... Monterey~ fo~' examp]e~ there is e, density f~t~ily ~:~- ;~00 squaze leek a ~.u.~ Ln,:% 200 feet open space; in O~land, while the d~nsitkes siderably h;a{~her t~an they do in ' ' cause they have 15-20 story buiid in~a~ tha ~at are o'uike si~k%lar: it shows ~ .... fa~i 1,500 ~quare feet w~.th 200 feeC }~:e~' uni{~. open space an~ one }f one family fur 6~, again with o~en spa = of ~.u0 ~eet- }2n Na~Jln County =()~ of die square feet of lot ~rea and raq~ires ~.ha% lot be kept in usable open space, other than d~ive- ways and ~ yards and so fcr~h. ~ %ave s:eve~a! others here bu~ I ~%ink t~t a:..s,~,~s ~= q.~estlan,~ The~e are extensiv~ other e~..as,p ~nl/n.Ltie5 iri ;ke s't. ak~ wou.].d be close to ~k: ~ ''~ ~ ~ ' to Berkeley while i~: simLiar cbaro, cter, unf)rt~nateiv~ i doa'tx~ ~'c~.,,~ -Coo ~'u"s ~ for exa,?,ple, an ~ or a 9UO ......... , .... ~ .... justifie~ly :;ee how you ...... :L ms the -,-a'-.~ pro'/ide: for ~xampls, in oi't~ sect;ion o~ ~hc c,z~iinancc v::u say l':hat !t ~ .... right. ..... '" fOo6 dw~iling even ~ho~igh ~,. ,is hard hay:Lng too:its, Lt is pe~tS.s~ible whece:~y in an R-1 tot' the same szze' d';~;e.!.ling~ 7~ :>~i requlze'- twice h.~.~,, this is 4~solutelT muc2 fogtage. I '~' : i %qJ~t; el~?orate o:~ 'khah toc, :~iuch bec;?.'J,~;e I will p,~zhap::~ get b~y :l:.iswex' ~;CL: from the will apologize ir~ ~'~'~ critical., 'L,~u- ma~e ~ ~hat. em{ci':: ~:h~th the more de-aalle2 aha o::npre!'~ens~v.-~ zoning o._c...,, I a~ree; bowever~ I '~hink that perclaps y~u conkinued a ....... e :;~c f~lr't.h~: and indic::{.ed more detail, ed zor:ing o:cdi~r.~ce w~s to enable I believe :~ was in bo'th c~_.c .... (,n~,. i ,2on'C ~._g'~,_ly, would approve of ouT: ' I h~iink we f:.nd it ;:oo ec~.~7 i::o fc,:r:,:y~t " buyi.ng our _~:~s=. ,=~.=,-,.. ,. Fer>;-e,i~a (Cont'd): an 8 or 900 square foot home~ in fact, it %~'as ~% ~own bou.se on an 18 foot ?.oto It was very liv~d~].e a~d very comfortable. Fo~.~tunately~ I obtained the posi- tion in life wh~re I ~ould live in a 32 or 3~500 foot home. The working man has to live also and ! th ink we are running him out of town~ I think you take some of our city employees who ~..~ould no~ quz~lif? on today's prices per the requirements of the pro- posed R-1 ~'oning ord,%hence and I d. on~t th~,nk it is right that we should h~ forced to drive these people out of our town. You made another statement that stuck me and you re- ferred to the ~_merican way of doing things,~ I a~'~ all for this. The American way of doing things is f~!ee enterprise. I think this is restricting free end,er- prise., I think it is restrictive~ dictatorial aad I just don't feel that we are improving I thi~Lk the thing is too vague and is pntting' wa~' much police power in the hands of a few in¢!ividu~is. Thank you ~ gentlemen. Stewar[: Is there anyone else in the audience who desires to be heard at this time in regard to the proposed resi- dential z o~e ~ William C. Cameron~, Jr., Mr. Chairman, 61entlemen, I represent the San Diego Attorney: Building Contractors' Association. What my clie[~ts would most hur~ly wish tJ%e records to reflect at this {:ime is am~ une~/uivocal stand with reference to the applicable minimum floor areas as applied to your single f~u~,~ly zone. I am, 'unfortunat~-ly, a~ this ~:ime unprepared to argue the matter for this particular stand that we intend to pursue, b'%%t I would like at t,his time, gentlemen, the Co~umissi::n take note of tb~e fact that the clients wh(~ I repre- sent, that is ~he San Diego Building Contractors~ Association would like to go on record as being opposition to the applicable areas requisites as the particular zoning ordinance that is being presented tonight for the purposes of adoption as it pre-~ sentlv stands~ We intend to pursue this matter fur~ ther ]~nd, as i say and unfortunately, I got wo~d Df this ~ppearance this ~norning and I am ~lnabte to pre- sent %o the Conunission at this time any type of evi- dence which would tend to substantiate this position. However, I would only like and respectfully request that 'the notice be made at this time that we are in complete and absolute diametric opposition to the minim'am floor requirement. Stewart: Thank you very much~ :,.~,.~ ~e~ ~c~ ~.~.~ C.~]ai~man~ at this time ~;,~'~uld it be in order ask both ~entle~'nen~ sinc~ they h.~ve '~'oic~d and c.~t?.cism~ ~.s to %~hether they wcu~d have any .ce coz~mendation~ ~ Stet'az'c l{e has ai~eady state~7 that he is not ?:;ep~r~?~. ~t(- an alternative and I likewise don't feel th~ tke oppos~ttior~. should be put in the ?>ositi~n cf ing or being required, I should ~ay~ to sub~it an alternate or alternative to the~ )r~.inance as i'~: is oppositior, is made kmown and unt[! such ti~le a~ ~t is, in fact, ~aade known~ i don~t feel thst I am in a position to offer an alternative nor do I that it is our place to offer ~n alternative. only thing tha'c we intend to do ~.s to attempt tc pursue this thing in light of present day epitasis which are a ve~f real and a very cons]d era~ ole part in the thinking of peop~.e who are atte~pti%~ to bu[/ a home. i think perhaps ~s our stu~i?s pre- z~ress we might~ and ~gain gentlenen I wish to tine the word ~t~ be in such a posit.[on~ but p~e.. ~ ~en~ ~ ~. can ~answer the ~,~ay I have~ Stewar~ It w~s a req~e~t~ not a requirem~nt. You will haps recall th~t before the i%eetL~ started ~ ~e would ~equest, where we coul~ that you make but I ~de~cstand that yo~ are not i~. a position tonight and this is underst~d, able. i would po~ at out that this ~?rovision is not naw tc this pro~ posed or~inance~ it presently is in our ordinance. Cameron: Mr~ Stewart~ I ~ veiy well aware of Stewa~c~ Good~ I did nck kn~ if you were or not because said the adoption of this - this presently is ~ ~cequirement of our ordinance.. Cameron: )~ ChaiL~man, the position that I wanted to be cleaIly understood is that the S~n Diego Building Contzactors' Association~ as a group~ is diamet~i~ tally oppese¢ to the ordinance a~ presented~ Thank ~ou 9entlemen. Robert A~ =~leo Mr. C~airm~, i am a builder at 392 E Street, Vista, ~.~ Mocine, G6ntleman: S)me three o~3 four yes,rs ago, at the request of the Mayor~a com~6, ttee was appointed to ~e so~-~e recomr~end, ations as to the ~ize, the architectural f~.esign of future homes to be built ~n ~ City of Chula Vista. That com~r[ttee ¥. n~truc- ~-'~a~ the ~*nti~'e ordiDa~ce" ~* '~ .'- -e tion " ' ' ' ' ' ~ **~"~* hO~ fac' :~-',* ~-'~:~ *, ...", , at all times I liad a ch,ante to ,' .... ' subdivision about ~':e tract officc:s where you ~.ra questing a 6 mont~ conditional use pezmit with only two extensions thereof. We feel ~at, if a tract offi:e w~re given a conditional use D~m~9_ .._ ._ unt:l the last house was sold, or 30 days or something like ~hat~ r. ,-:-.,.,,x~ ~h:',,ktington: Gen[l. ere~: i ~}ave ~, ofiice ~:.~; 6}~, In .... the S~ D~ecc Beard of C;.ty Realhor? ~, ~,~...,", '~"~. of ~.r~,t.~ ~hc~a aad [~,,~ City c:n~-~.,. ,._~ pl~,a<:ec~. .~ _ with th~m~:"-'n ~ Bob c/:i~.g to place some res{:ric'hions az~ [i00 sc~u >z'~ foot ~";z' 'two bedzoDi{s ,~ ' t ....... k~ into w~l,~,t e" e gotten Otw~'selve~ ~ I k~,,~ - a ~.~ ~b,.,,~. To name a f(w '~: tl~e fellows ~..,~, lot to build ~ h(::t:~e toc~a',l; qua].ify :f:)r. We ha~"e ~atha:r a the planning ~' a -~ ' ti~e. ~?~ carnot cone :in wihh a t ;,~ent ho~le' for less 'han,~?O ,030~ '~'{]:ler. ~link that at a !~t4:¢. m~etznif we ¢i2.t ' ...... t~,.]....,~ %0 show you how ~any people ,-::F:",..¢ enoi:her thJ, n¢~ thai', 3.~ ~;e ~''' ~,.* Z=, woul,d be fine. W( have hcu~::~s ~ ? was q:.d. te in~:~rest:i~g, i'L shows that 7H~, :.l~. ~ more income b~using markeh~ ?bay a:ce attemp* ~ '~ a 37 fool lot. This is wh::~ze o.~; p:~'ol':,[,e~ ~s? cost of land ~nd we get this ~,.:~i ~e 2aL fh'cn~,9;a. cost of the i~provenients is one of the prob,.ems is ~eaI].y hurting us an4 we~d arg~.e this :for tim~. f thin~( we are hurting t%e iz~ustry in are~:~ and i th~.nk we will h~ve to force them :,u~t another area. Thank you. Stewa~h: Thank you Fr~,ak, Ia thz:re anyone else? ~erre[ a: Mr~ Cha:(.~'man, I ~ou]d lake f::o b:~ve a question ans~r I am no'a s~:re what the ans~ze~t is~ What happen~ to you~ if the ci3dinance is adopted, w~at h~ppen~ to is'ting :~oning~, that are not in this oldi~}a~ce~ Stc,~zarL: This wo;Q,d hst~e to te applied, the new ordinance %.~oul,'] h,~ve tc be aptt:lie~ to bring the present intc ag:?eemenh with the new oi'~%nance. ~ei. rei.~'a: In %~hich direction, up or SLewarL: I think we ~E to b~ fair about il7.~ i r3on't what yo~t hav~ in mind specifically~ Bruce,, do wan~ to co..eat a little more? Wai~;.~a: The cit{ Attc ~tney might have ~urther 2o[~.ent~A[; :;Tuc as the resid~t~tial ~;ses are concerned, p,?rticu!z~z%3 single f~gni!~: '~hi]e no complete studies .~re p2(e~e at thia time, we would have to~, %~e saf~3'ly ?ay tlT~re will be t~ttle chaage as it to single f~,ily~ it will be baz~icall'.y the s~',~(~ Multiple f~ily, b~'e0 on the Geezer,a! Plan, the higher ~ensit[~ woul~f plobably b~ z~p!~lied to the older parts of ~e city~ %~he medium density of muiti~.~le fam~ !y vzoul~ ~rob~biy be placed beL,~,eeA that ~hich we now haw and R~D-T, %~bich is a tov'n house a~%d ~i].l be something new and perhaps has not been aEplied in Stewart: There would ba p~bi~c hearings on this before this was done becz~use ~.~s would be a ch~.nge in zoning ~d would z-equire a public hearing~ ~'errei~:a: I w(~ul~ like some consideration to be gi%:en t~, the time element in h~re. Step. art: You mean on ~,pplying it? C.t,a~'~ r May I .... ' ':' , ~. 'ij. Ixdk',~: a'g -,4 p::ok].e~a~ ' ?' we ~LII cei~-":ainty wanh to }~av'~ it ~ :a~i.~Ct.:~d. &.: tic 1~ am spen<iin9 ~g. iis mo~ey preciJ, c::ied (}n %h.e and Z i~:end ~o ~on'aJ.~!e,a spendint [?::}ney~ Z den~ know :~hen and if ,:he z.a~ing wi].i be edepted: ever, by the ~ame token, I den~t think it i~ raj c ~:ha~: i she~iGd })e knocJ:ei down to ~: different actin! in good faith and there.{o:R~ I think~ along with ~. lot of o~her peopAe wi{ fin~% them- ti~e to ~til:[~:~ what thelF have t~ tlne best %age ~ithcv~t hhis ~cre restrict:;.ve xoning Pein imposed ~pen them~ perhaps the R-G zone itself is somewhat more %ire ~:han the existing 16t-.3~ but ':he R-C}-.,T ~fers some ':~seeter liberality, co~:zection the Warren: There will be {~ choic~ 'tl~ere to pick from ~::d will knvolve s~ll~dy, lhere isn'~ any way at this {:ime }~hen we gat into the discus.sion of the that :,~e c~n slit which e'ili be applied to isn't sor,%ei2~i:]{~ l:hat you can jus:~ sit down at ing arid Ferreira: Assuming ~h&.% ~:he mors iiberal soninf~ Xs grante{ R-G-H would not be appl!cable as gel: the w~y it ou~liaed here .aecause you wo~ld be fo.'ced ~< rain 75% of open space for 1 thing %hat ju~t to my mind. l[~: appea~s to m~ hh~t no been ~ade for ~:his situation and ~ can see of pe:}ple coming in and protest!}~g this thi:~ %ke~ find the~aselves in the ~esJ.{zion where propes%y is going to ee deva!uah%6% an.! thi~ is actly what we nre doiA~g devai~lating the Warren: ! thin:~ %hat Fou are covering tw~} points ~ere that there are specific issues wXthin %]}~ ~-G trict~ that ar~ problems ~at should be for t}%e ~enefi~z of this hearin?. Forfeits: ! miss;ed the p]int, B~UC:,:~ il ~r~ sorry. prop~%~I ~bout '~he ordi~anee~ Fa: the some guidance to know %~hat your okjection~ are. Fe:t*relra: My o~jection~ Bruce, zs ~:ha,~ i.~ ~'1~,~ of presenh zoning [[ would be Ver~ ret%.ctan't to stand still more re:~tric't~ ~ zontag~ I o~tl< nt .F.i~d c:~ 7~'.,.o~.~,]~' ~ my p':zc~erty on thep.=..m~s,.~-~ ~ ~ of ~"'~. ........ mt~.g~'~ zo:~ing, if a mo~;~ li~era~ zonin,~ were grz~n~'~ed, and _n~ this co=:~~. .. _ .~ould~m~. R.-~-~:' ~ ~ R-G-H stipulat, e~. tha'h you can t,~.ld on. 25% c.f the g=ound~ you have to hal's 75% t~s would ~ot be appJ.ic~le space~ There ~ore, -' ~ causo I perha~ s would not care ~o bhild a h,.:~ buil~ing on i-~:. Warren: I do:~t know, Mr. Ch~lLrman~how far you we~tt i:o ~fo this ",'~ .... ' ' d3.~..~solc.n, but [ would as~un'te tha~ t ~,~ou.~m appr~.pr:~.ate tc c=a ;1[~ some '~a~l~ gs here. Of one of the pu~'poses o~ the R-~=-~: is to pr~.mo~,= high-rise, high densJ.~y developr, er~t and n~.ke use ~f the la~d. At ~resent, ~¥~,u a~*ve s .~ ........ R-3 o. evel~pn~e:t densz:y that .~$ a]ready ~en pro~'~r. in mekny c~.ses ~ that ': 'n J.s a den~ ity that -n n~- b me~ even now in tile 6~}:l.sting uzd..n_n~e properly ~ e we are saying tha'~:, you can _.rcr=~ .... the dens:~ty with the R-::-f. but there would ?e cea:rain d~fre~en'~ ~e'g'ehcp~{~ental requirehlents or s'~andards that woo. ld m~e a better utiliz~l:~on oft~.e~, la~d. ~r~ ~3c.,.n~-'~ .... %o~ if you wsu].d have ~. d~¥~:eren~ sayii~g that~ hut it s~ems a logical way to it to me~ Ferre~r~: Well., I take (xcep~_lo~ to one part oz your statement, said that, ~der t,;~d~v~s ,, ~- ing that it (ould not be properly devele?e~f..~ are fa~].i~r w!th =h,~ last cDmp]ex that i bL~..~t is there anything wr~g wlt~ Wa~n~en: I do not co~ent with thah at the momenh~ 5'erreira: I was forced to go a .~.ittle d.~Iferenn in de.ig~ than most builders do but 7. t can De' done and I t~,n,.'~ ~r a builder or a iromote~? should be ~iven the of doing it. Of cour;e~ I am prejudiced, .~. im~%g~e~ but I see nothing wrong with it,~ I have condom with a ].% to i parkinq ra~lo~ I ha~e c3~e u]? ~o a suitable pro3ect and ~ have done it un<~er the ~. ordinance - a bit mor~ expensive I will admkt~ k~lt I 2.{ Fe~r~i~ya(Con%'d): i%ad to do it for the <oat of lanJ c][ictat~qd i~,:~ is beside the point, i am thinking at~-~o cf s,'~ ~ercial ]?roper~y~ C-!~ and 7f think t~ae Co~s~'i< and the Director kno~ m} fee'.,in9 on the C-V Ste~a~.r~: May I in&~rjec%% here% We are only %~lkin<~ ~bcu~ residential areas he)~e. We avfe goi~%.g to g<~h i~ tc~ the ~enair~leI of it i]~ just a little bit and ~a be g]a~]~ ~c> hea~; from ~'ou then. Ferreira~: All light, we will st~y with the residential~ woul~ like to have scz:e indication as to the q-c>~:l I have got to ahhain i~. older to not be su.>jecte~ or subj~ct myself to the: more restrictive zoning. Stewart: i think we have the cppcsition to what is here and the purpose o~ this public h~aring is to listen to what is wrong in the minds of the with the ordinance. We are certainly going to your rem~lrks up, ~ey hgve been recorded, but dete~ination will be made tonight. Ferlei=a: I would ask that a 3 to 5 year period be grante(~ to m~e the changeover or develop the existing properties in zc,nes which are not a part of the new propos~d ordir ance Thank you. Stewar~: Thank you. Is there z%nyone else who desires to be hear6~ on ~he residential part of this proposed ordi-~ n~ce. If not, we wJil move on; Co.-i% to the r~st of it. Mocine: We wJli ~(e the coR~,('~rcial zones next. There ~.s a C-O Administrative an(-I ~rofessional Office The purpose of ~e C-.O zone ~%s to previde appro~riat~ locations where professional and administrative office zones may be est~lishe~,, maintained., anf prot(~cted. The regukations of this district are designed to pro- ~te a quiet and dignJ.fied environment fo~ business administraticn~ professJonal and governmer, t ties free frcm the congestion and traffic o~ usual retail business district~ To this en~l tk~ re~ gula~ions permit office buildings an~. medical a:d, fJ- nancial facilities; g?propri~ll~'a colnr~srciat faci ~ tiel~ primarily for the sea, vice (f t~ie occ?~p~'~nt~ 3f Duild. kng heig~ht, and coverage general!~~ sin~i~.ai~ kinds o~l cffic~s~ professio~a! o:ff~cas(for ].a~f~rs engine..er?, ~rchitects, e~c~} ~ fi.~a~,clal offices~ hanks~ r~l estate and general b']sine~ss, ane~ other of f.ic;~ w~%ieh the Conm~i. ssion ~i'ad:~ ~c be [~:~ ,~] As condi{~ional uses, witi'~ the ~:~:cm~ t we talked ~ medica!~ cptJ. cat and dental iabocatcries~ cs, rtai kinds of resi. d~ntiat uses, pubii, c smd qua~:~i-pub]}c ~ses, includin~ hospitals and convalesce~t bospJ ~s well as caf'cain kinds of schoDls.~ n%~rsery school~B and studios, There is a: 7,9{}0 fo~}t minim%tm si[~e area here, foot fro~t setback and no other' yard iequir~me~ Th,~re ar~2: parking r~quiraments which vaIy ~,~l[~h kind of ~ ~:'tivi~.y being c{-~rried oa., which are ca2 in a different part cf the ordin~uce' 'fha next is th~~ Centzal Business dis?rict an<~ ':2 is stric21y d~ssigned to be appi.i.~ad to th,z ~ra~i{ i~n~l. downtown area of Chula Vista, ~tha Leart oil ~;,hi~! Third %v~e~ue, but which also includes some on the si,~e s~zreets and the back streets wb. zch f largely b~.~i!t up with buildings whi. ch ~:re side kf side with no yards betwe~n and w%icb generally rain- rain no setbacks from the street and where isn't any offsareet parking ::~}~cept where it is provided or provided by the City, or occ.3ksio?~al, ly merch~nt manag,~s to lgrovide a fe>~ spacers cn the eack en~. cf his !ot~ So, we are re!king he~'e about 'kne old fash~.ened ~owntown ares of C~u}.a Vista and regulatior, s are des~.9, ned to c.:3~ver ~:h area. 3[~rovide that the purpose is to stabili~, ~nd protect t~e co~nsrcial chara~terishi, cs of genezai bus/ness area of the com~.s~:~ity a~d to for the orderly growth of new central[ business < merci, al d.~ze].{}lpment in the are~ de~:J.~j~ed :lot distzic{: in 'th~ general plan~ ani fha ge;~erai pl~n is on the wall there. The principal ?ermitted uses are stores~ shops offices 7ener~[ly providing servic~:s and c,}~:~;~o~.f for the City a:~ a whole, spec]~a~y shops, banks~ busil}ess offices and these kinds of hhinFs, restau- rants, cocktail, loun{es~ nig'ht clubs~ %keaters and similar enterprises~ bonafide anhif[u:a ~hops~. bu{: ~':.ot includin9 seccnd han{ stores o~c ju~,k :~[:ores~ parkin~ structures and offstreet parking{ lct:~ hDteis, motels and ~otoz' hotels, and. similar kinds of businesses.. ~tati~ns, t:h~ feelLn~' here being '::h~t z~::rti-? ~ ~- k~ .... W~ss districts rather ',:han r..ght in the slz~ce they tend to Li=~.: up the co~w~i.n~t-y ~'~: ~ ..... t~e sidewaik~ so that tkey woul~ be per:rdtted ~a~=y ~,oul. d no~. ha%e 'tho~ e adve:c.se effects; ].;~3ndrJes~ cle~nS.n,~ and :lyein¢ tc~=.,.a~nLs, bow!f.~q aJleys, d~.nce hniLsr .. > .... do of things; w~zzous kinds .-,~- se~w:~.ce ~:c~e~; shops, arid things o~ tn~s sozt; :;(:hools, techn3 ~ ~ scncoi~ =~,o business sc~ DOts, pAotography, art, ~u and danc~ schools; and 'the s:ame ki~d.s o~ residential uses as permiuted in the R-G -t~: .~ Here we have, ig a,.~dltlo~% to th~k s~..~ns listed busi~tess signs which are t~)be ~:'.t.her against ~,~a!l of the 9ui!dJ.ng and not ~,-,-~, roof and not extending in front o~ the bui3dinc more than 3 ...:~.t.~ no~- be higher than 2C feet. ~ne s [gn3 for 4ny ~.ot.~D.~hn,.nt:,'" ' ~ w~ ';could be t square foo'; of s:L.~u' fcr each !in,al foot of .frontage of the lot to a ma3(tfa~lm cf a 50 ~ru~r= loot .~.~ clude reale=.a.e .,~i~n~. ~ _, whi~q a:re extra, an:l can be il]um.L~ated but t~ey cannol be fla~hf, nq ~r ~OVJ. ng · The r~;[Bi~:~, .Lot ar~za h,re is 2,500 square "':,m' '~: are ~o yard r~quirements, eithe:f fron% side or rea;% othe~ than sp~cial provi.~ions for street widening .%nd that sort of ::hing., it is intended that usos here be cond~lcted wi-a~in a boilding and ~lost of it should The ~ext zone is the C-N, Neighborhood Co~m'~ercial Zone This is designed to provide for r:elghborhuc<z ccm:nerc~i centL~rs. The provisLon says that the purrpose of this sectLon is to provide ~ shDppin~ center for comTen- ienc~ shopping J.n a residential meighborhood anal/sis ur r~:side]~tiaL ?opulat on demonstrates that such facilities are g ........... iy and desirable. zoni'~g shsll ;~e applied ~o property havinq ~: area of three (3) acres and a m~y:im,[a~ &lie& o~' {8) ~cres, Zt is th~ in'tent o~ %he City Cou~c'i! lnsuue that t~ne ohar~c':ec o~ ti%e C-N zo~ie %~7.].! comp~tibte with and ~il! comp!e~el~t the surro~iD~/i~g residential area~ T~erefore, parking are~is must land~cape~ as required hare~n~ ir. order to z the ~,arreu apj2eararc~ ~ h.cb most. parkinq ' ~ ' Moc:~nefd¢ ~t'd): It .ts :[urther '[:!~e intenn of this ~'ec[::ion to presc~:ibe the m~ber~ tyl)e~ si~e ~nd desitin of ~:tl siqns '~o tect the ge]era.~ welfa?~ of the s~rro,znding ...... ~;.op ...... y o%,ners a:~ of the mercb, ants and erty owners wif;l~in the :bopp;- g . wasteful ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~ costly com)etition ~i¥%~ong sign ~s~zs sultin~ fzom th~ uncon'~z~?o~.led ~ ~ of 1'he principal p~rm~tted uses heze are grocery, fruit .~ ores, [)akeries, dr%lg ~ totes barb~r and veqetsble ~'~' ' c~ean~ ng pi ~knp shops .~nd beautT~ shops, clo~es ~ cies with iacid~ntal pc~ssing, business and pro~ fessionai offices~ restaur~%ts, c~fe or sod~ daD~.].ng or liquor ~a~les not ln~.luc~Qg ~ntertainnent, co~ercia] parking lot~, agriculture, except the raisin~ of anmmc~ls, p3.~- nurser~;~ liquor store off.-sale servzce, self~ervice similar There ~re csrtain cond[tiona! uses again which incl~%d~ service sta~.!o:~%~, and p~3Dlic ~.ses ~ bars~ , taverns, by conditional '~.tse pelf.~it where it can be shown that the operation of the e~t~31ishmen~: wo~f~ld not adver- sely effect the surroug~ing residence?.~ Here again~ there is a provision for signs. Each es- t~lisament can have i square foo'i of sign for e~ch lineal foot of frontage, occ~ied by an establish- ment. There is an additional pro~i, sion for a sign to ideatify the shopping center k :..el~: and some vision~ for special sa]es ~ld things of that sort. There are prow[sions fzr landscap:-ng of parking lots, rather detailed provisions. The ~aim~ lot size for '~is zone is 5,000 squaxe feet. There are front setbacks for 15 feet for buildings and 5 feet for smgn.~, b~t no side or setbacks, except where they abut a ref~ident[al dis- trict and there has to be some sp.~ce ~:o protect adjoining zesidential ~istrict. Offstreet loading and Larking is requ~.red and. in order to establ:.sh a new neighbor:~ood shopping a market analysis must be submitt~d to the Planning Commi s s ion. The next district is tie Central 2o~.'~m~rcial District. This is designed to pr(vide for m. ajor ~ ' centezs of the more modern sort i.~% wh3. ch ~e Chute Vista center is a go~ example, which do have off- street parking and set[acks, whicl ar,~ organized a large scale in disti*ction ~:o t~e Third Avenue downtcwn ,~enter which %.as buikt ind:[.w[duai!y~ un[ t unit~ by individual owners, on i~dividua! separa~.e ~ . , ';~cul3 pro'u~JCe rjr ::bat ctistriob~ ~ 'i~.c< . )z~ ~:,t,,.,,)l..,,,,~, , main':~in,d and "~ ' ~ ~ 'rbe ~,',~ 5n~iield;~X bus].~l~ss tc, serve the ~' "' '~'~ pat~.r,. ~>rovidcd such [nc~.denta] us:~3 an~ ~ are .( ~ oth_~ ..... pe.o, am.-~e~ in tDis ...... operJ;ed in t~e same .)ui.ding anc~ in ccx~ju:';c< handLcraft: :;hops and ~)::skop~r, '-"~'~ '~ ~ gene ~:i~l cha¥'~ ~t~r, Cond~.~io~al ~!~es are puklic and q~uasi-pub].ic, s~r? ce stat:.ons, cocct,}~i! .lcue~g ~s~ clo~xhinq sb. op~, cc4'~ c~ai recze~%[on faoi].ii;~ ~s -. bow~.ing al].eys~ calf driv:.ng rai~j~as, golf cou .:se~, bikliard halls . ricking sts~ [~s. <~,,~,,~,--r~ 20 foot fi'~-r..t set:)ack,1) foot ~d,~ .~o..t r~ar ,,~ ack .=x~pt when it abut: a z'< sidantia! distrLct:~ ~n which case it ~ ,>f all uses in this t..~_~ and rte . ~:.nd ~e~,.;1 estab!isLments, au~om~l>ile sezv).ce '~.or ~, :c<:pai!:' garages for ~r~Lnor =epair, ~-~' :~'et~.il ~h3~s fcc auto p~rts and c,- .- ' kJ~ s o~ retai] serv2ces. ~.on(.iti~nal ~ses are u~sd car to-:~;~ trailer lnObJ~e repaiI 9arag(s~ animal hospital~; and kinds of ~ma]k craft, shops such ~s caz'ent~,r.p. . trical, p'~u~bing a.a~ heatin9 sho.)s, etd,, truck, tYailer, boat and fa~ im])lement ¢stebJ:~sb-- ments, buii2i:l9 mate13ia], sales yield, public and serF1 Ge y arus ~ contractor' s equipment,~ ,~'~'.= rage yards~ h. akery, ore?me:cy~s~' drink.- ' ' o~,~> ' ptar ts, ~.aunc~, cleanii~g and dy~...ng esteb&zshI and signs ia .!~xcess of maximum 1tsted This become~ a sort of z~ ~ =..d,~:,rl.,ne district allcws ::~o:-ne 1Lght iLdustrial uses, quite a.. few thel~ - bo'ttli~g plat ts ~ con'hlactoz"s stozage cat, entel and plmmbing shop~{~ major repair etd, You woul~ exuect to find it along ~a~jor h~ghwayu. There is a 5,000 foot lot m:.nim~Dl lot area, is a 10fcot from'it yard ~d corn~;: ].~r side btl% no .~lde,"= or ~3ear yar~, excoDa_ -whe~1 ~utt. ing protect the abui:;tin~ district t:) [rovlde a !i,A more bufferin~3 in those cases. Those are all {:f the comm~ercial zones, Has,be sho~3.1~} sto~ again~ do you think, Hr. Chair~a~i~ ii think so, we have ha~l a request f{~r a break, s2~ will ~::ake a five minuue break here. Will Nou please come ho order, Coffin, if y~u re ady ~ We just '~'inished the cot, martial. We wo~Id be pleased to hear fro~a anyone i.n ~}e d. ience who carc~ ~o conl~ent cu the provisions ef comme2rcial ps. rt of the ordinance. ~,~r. ChaJ.~man, ~entlcmen~ I wasn~'t confased un. ti! sat h{xre for a whiAe on this commerui.;tl Let me say a tl~pi, calt ~xer. iple~ As you gentlem~n I own the prc. pcrty adjacent to tle Chu]a V:x. sta B eN-- ling c{nter whe~e the {}!d '~arehou{ is~ ~'~hen ~ chased the pro[erty, 'she property was un{{er H~<[ Some ,ires !ate~, the Comnission felt that xezortJ.!g was necessar~ Jn that are[% and, subsequentl.y~ mV prope: ty bec~m~ C-I. Now C-I, urder the old entit3ed me to build ~dditional sho?s~ stoves to the Chu!a Vista Shopping Center. This wo3ld generally ~2ate%oricaliy%he ce~%tral Dus knes{~ ~:~J.st I believe, ~s rot a ~'teighborhoot9 shopping c.~]nt~ any manner or means. The permit{ed uses undo; u e C-B, central brsiness Jistrict, Jn the new ordinf~.nce does not list the businesses of the C zone(~he old C-i zone/. The usac:.es from the C.-3 the C--N are split by -Chis. One ~tem especially the 1hqucr stoze, package, off-sale only. Ncw is pe ~tted i~. the old C-1 zone ~here are businesses u~dcr the C-i zone,thst, if I use the.'t~ i wou2~ be iRvc.lved iu all three of these zones. Now what are wf going to do? Are wa going to split a property stoxe by store to accommodate the=e itie~ or can't we simplify this C-1 zoning to whr~re a lis~z of ali. %he conunercial type businesses are pez~itted Jn these two districts can be a si=e, so that ~'e are not skipping around? I se? ne justit~ication, where u lz~.quor store i.:5 not per, lite0 in a C--B, central bustness district :faspping as it were, but is peri, itt. ed in a C-N~ Now, i :I ~]~k hs~ i~ ~eading " !1:'i(:Z ., 3, C-fi or ~,-,, ............ ?: -'he 0--3 and the C-Ii :~m,:]~ the old C-1 d.:..:,"t n..1. zaz with ~that p::operty you are ,,h .... er it wcu!d final2.~{ en4 up f j~:ess it wot%].d be one of these. yo'a ~zould k,e able to hl]ve a packa%je ~lq,.==. pe~:d.t which, of ~ourse~ ~'ii:: coni:ec.:tion anyway,, ?h.i~i is ':sr:;er but a.'..io an,2~:;rtying effect thtte what;~;ve~ get a; ccDditionai use~ ti.~Xl~ w~a'L we ha~e bee'~ doin(~ in r..s~.~ura ~_s, (oc~tal.~ lounges are ~itowe~ t~ere~ is p~lmitted Es Coz~in pointed cut, sEo~' desires on tb.Ls~ But I would say ~:h~t is .~rtainly s. more ~onv~nieat way of tisqing n..~ ..... that aze permissible in ~ par,~:~ .... 1~ r ~itbc, ut havin~ to ua're ~,~n~zt.,.o~.al use [:e~m~[ts.~ you. J~._.re~ Mr. Chai~, can ~ con~f~ent on thi~ ~. think a plem~nt to whet Mr, l{oci~%e has just said, or perhaps to b~ck it up, one of the things the old crdinance used to do. and ~0aybe so:ne peo]~le it i~ better end sor~¥~ people dor.'t~ is to try t> list ew~f co~:ceivable use _~]at colic 9o l. nto zone, YOWl are bound to miss some ~nd ycu ~re tQ h~v~ an ordinance that zs unr~ecessarll]~ ~ulx.~ i th:~,nk the fling we attempt to do in ' '.~_,"~-'~'~,~. ' is~z'eventing that~ 'ho elmmlnste ~ ~ _ ~.s ~.ser- tial:y ~ ~'eta~l ~o~e a%d retail uses will be mitt~d, As I pointed ou~ in st~,dying the appli:~a.- tions of thes~ ~' "~' mine which on~ might be appropriate ,.o~ ~ ,' your s:tE:e.. even though I know which one yo~ are talking We c~n sss~Le,though~ sitting here, the C.-C will prcb~bly ~e o .... '~ ~- ' a~p..op~sa,- an~ any 'uses p~rmlLteo. I ag?'ee ti]at ~11 businesses cannot L.= lisqed, cate~;orical!y they c,in. In oth(r words~ /.f you a re~36.il busi~ess~ not m~nufact~rinc3~ this means all )~usinesses engage~ in retail '~-~'~ ~ talk~[ng a~o~t light manufacturing, ~A!s zs one %hin~r[~ tf you are takkin~ about heavy manufacta~in%, thins ~s something el~$e.~ Ii you are ~.~.~ng abo~t area that uses che~.caLs, this Js am~ther phase of it~ Auto~nobi]e ~ealers are separate enti~ies ~nlnk taac is ~:n impressible ~"' tion,~.~' believe, in a ~zeek~ I could sit down ~d Warren-: i th:.nk perha~s~ if we can have an opportunEty, and .L can -- ~ can show you where this does do -- ~.~.i !~: Ail i am doing i~ tryin~ to ~eep ~i~ ?ith Mr. M¢<ine on th~,.s and I do find t~].s ~3. an ~c~ptJon. you. St~.~t~ Thank you. Is there ~.n~<7~e ~!se ~,~)~c wou~d co~ent on the co~erci!i zones? Lo~ Eng]anr! I repres~nt the Califor~lka O~'(tdor)? Adverti:~ing iatio~l which,, in your co:m~'~unity, is Specific advertising and :~ostez: and K]eJ. ser. %,~e are not volve:[ in yo~ir C zones ~t th~s tinge. I am not pared %~i[:h any p~:esentation, I wou~d just like request that thi:$ p~lic di~;cuss.Lon be c:~.rrJed that ~e would ha'~'e time ff.o [;repa:ce a i am also a me~l~er of th~-~ subco~'{d.~:te of the of Co~erce on ~igns ~d this de~!s ~itb, .... {~ in th~ ~ere anycne e ...... :~-oom - I have a cD~ple of questions that 2 know the other ~%e~ezs of the com-- mitte~ wt~lt be intereste~l in. This is on the d, nition of aggregate sig~ ~rea which., ~n so}~e of the commercial zones, allows 50 sq~are f~et ,'~nd. others 100. ~ ~,~nted to check w]l~t is the gate area of a sign in tae total a~ign area on tlis property~ ~n 2 correct i~.] t?~is? M~ine: A~gregate sign area is all of the signs on the ~op erty, yes. Engl~l~d: Does this ~n~,l,~d~_ the sign identifying the Moeine:~ No. [~hat specifically, in the langu~lge of th~ nance, says that an additional si~;~ may iden~:if} - do you mean the shopping center MJ. les~ No, I ~ talking ~out a co~ercia% business, i:~t~ say a laundry -- he is allowed, I tLink, :~n your 100 s~[~lare feet of aggregate ~ign Mocine: That ~epends on the district he :is in. Miles: That is right, a 50 or 100 sq[uare foot. Sp~cif~calXy, for e~ample, a r~staurant - if ~,~ had a ~ign ~:ising his restaurant with t~e star,.dard signs neath adverti:3ing ~erizan Express ~ Dine3~s Club, ~re these all included i~ his ag~?f:?~t~ s[gL area? Mocine: St~-~,,a-.~- C~ ~ .~ .... e, ~c ahead ..... ~. a yeaE the Ci%y w~cJ.d mak~ its chmge.' ~?.d Jmposr-~ its cp~nio~ ~( ]. this co~:,~unity ~,na ~ ,1 ,h w~:~ believed oth~::' m%wities have showr ~' ~ ~ney c~: " peI ::n it. ..... ~ rislht~ let's t~ke the ~.wo /.:l~hr~trial als The~ differ a ,~...c, b~t'. both '~,~ intent an:-~ .ir~ ~laga from the old o~dJr, enoe, '~se ~.igh~,'' " ~d vezy meanin~fu! wastE; O~ de~icribU g indust.r:::'-t;hese ~ays. The differ%rmre ket.,,zeen i~rlusbrla! ::.unc~; te¥~s to Oe more ketween the fairfly s3~hi~ticete6, indus- trial ZO~le S%lch as ::'evcl-'al of thci1 in rtorkhe:cn Sa:.l Diego City vhich arc: d~'s;igned f3::' ~,nd used for readily ~-~e~r~h anc de ;elcpmenh kinds of the more 9~reral ~.no ~,f industc::al zonss. , ~e: cl,i idea of ]i~kt and heark industr{ was thl!t ke:,y in- dust~' wns more or Less; obnox] ol~ ~ the~ e,.,.~ ~ ~'e]egated i% to par,: c~ t.-~ ~Jl", ~c.~ put. _( ~ ] ' o',i?er hi*pea o~ 1.~bocat~::J. e3,r~ ~.-""~* ?.,:,l~c~ ..... g,. ,~., of zhe~ sor'.;~ It has conLro], of' ~=-' lationm, '-" ' ' ' a.~cn~ ~:cchitectura]. c~..,,t.~o,.,, e~c;~ All in wh::ch :i}:.s oartic'atar cist?J.c~t ;{.%~ d,-~i, gne6 tootle. Y f y,:>~t 'ieok a;: the bes; a~d finding. ~ q~'i~e acc<:.ptableo Tha other d/tshrl, ct~ i-h,~ ~-- -" except those ~t. ; ~,- ~o,...,. ~ axe not ab2e to meet the spacial ,.,~v.~a~,' ..... brewing ~tn! d:LstJ. 1].ing dye:Lm~ .... us ar; which s. re not permittei Like asphalt, charcoal ..... bide, Calls >'" ' - NO height ~;~m~.t~ ~xc~, t 9~zithi:~ 20~ feet exueed 3 shories. Fairly ].a. rTe sites and industrial di~tr.icts~ Do .vou ,..lan.s to stop pcint? I don't believe sc,. t.'~e can j ~st:. go is designed specilica}ly "~-(.~ pToz-i~ for scale developments, ac:st of wlich t<:outd occur in th. ~ area to the east of c~l{'~ .... .... ~,.~-',_,y, of which mi~ht, vezy ~.13tl al~;o occur on tlc i,!ocine ~Co~ c~}: thJ. s 5. i.~trich is to allow a developer whc ~.nt:~%~f ~ undertake a project which m;~y be developa'd o'%~c~:3 ~-.~ period ~f lat~ say ~ or i0 ~?ears to h~i~9 in a prelensive set of plans, h.~¥~e the~:, reviewed b~~ and approve.~ by t~~ Commiss~.on ~h~c.~ ~ ass[rance and understanding t~l~~.1~, of time, proceed ill accordance t~ith thos~ plan~ a_~,elop the overall projecg, ?i~c~ by plec~ developments these days run into several hund~ d to a t~ousand aores involve the constr~%ctior, not only of houses, but shoppincf cen~ers~ maybe hotels, ~'~otels and perhaps :uan'~fact~lrin9 .... tabl~hn~n .... a %;hole series of *~'~ " c~ ~ubmit final plans at the ve~ begin~in~- f~,-~ thing that is going to take place over a perio~ time. This planned cop-~nunity district zcn~a a2. him to snbmit gener~l plans ~d schedule an~] ther~ approved and, as ke goes along~ continue ~p mit details which~provided ahey are in confor~u witl'~ the approved General $cheme~w~ll also be ~ so that h:~ can move ahead. This has alsc~ been in Freemont. It has been u~ed in Santa Cr .... Monterey Counties and other pla~%~es %~here we ha ~e perienced-and other places in California snd proven to be a ve~ useful district. I would that the whole eastern sect[on of the General comes under deveiop~ent - i~ may be very b~ that will be one of the raost useful dis'aricts in th~ ord~nance.. It provides fo~ th~ Planninc to carefull~' review the plans ~d to make ':'~n(.~ ~n,;= that give some inducem~nts ~o the develope~ t~) do quakity job and allows him ~o ignore some of t~ more strict zoning ?equirem.~nts~ p!ovi~ec~ h~s is ~vera%l satisfactory and it even al!o~s bJ(~ obtain some higher densities and some bonu~e~ .n tarn for doing an e:~cel!ent job of designi~ ~ ~; ye lopment. The next zone is one which is ~n the p~esenh o~d~ nance~ I dcn~t thi~ it nee-Rs much co~ent~ ][ the Flood Plain Zone which~ in effect, p~ov'ide~ special re~iew of buildings which may be in hated flood areas~ particularl~ in ~le two Aga[~n, as the area east of town d, evelops with b~g ravines, it may be that there will b<~ oth~ arei~.s where this wikl be required. Thc The t~.delana~ zone also is simply ~he reitera~on a zone which is already in th~ zooming ordinanc~ a~Td which, I believe, under C~ula VJst~'s ccntract ~'i the Harbor District~ is not m,~ch w~ can ~.o Bru~e~ is 'that corr~ct? Wa:~-r~n: Yes~ We would have to keep t~he zone as .~'~; ~[: ?r.'-~-~ sently worded, I believe° Lin6t~erg: This is right. I have di'.~cussed this with ~ba, D~strict Attorney an~ the only chan~ ~hat ~7~ul}.d be made woul~ be to .,qet the ~.enses right in th~ zone,, Stalwart: I believe they do have to - any development ~io%,~n does have to co~e throug~ the Plaaning Cc~aission doesn't it? Lindb~rg: That's ri?hr. We could not change the z~)ne, ~e cou!~] perhaps liberalize it as ~e have alreaf~y done and, at lea~t revise the wording so that it prope~ly per- rains today. Any substantive ch.e,%ge would n~t be permitted. The Tidelands act allows only th~.t 2~onin~l that existed at the time the act. became effe St,_~wart: Corwin~ do you want to go through the mo~ifyi[ng dis- tricts, and then we will aee if we have anyti...ing from the audience° Mogine: MOdifying Districts are districts which can :~e com-.- bxned with the kinds of district which we ha~e been talking about so far to provide an extra control in certain situations. Ther~ is a E~esign Control Mcdi- ~ fying District which~ when ccF. f0ined with aDy o~her d:~strict, provides that all new bnildings in that dj.strict must submit olan~ for review and ap?revel. There is a Height of Buildings Modifying District which allo%~s ~e building heJ,gt~ts otherwise forth in the ordinance to either he incr~ase~[ or de- c:.'ease¢l, as the case may be, in accordance w~.th the action of t~he modifying districts There is a Precise Plan Modifyinoj District w~ich allows tko Planning Com~aissicn~ in particularly crit- ical a~eas of the co~%~,unity - well, perhaps in the neighbort~.ood of one of the interchanges of tt~e ?re posed, free~ay where the come,unity wants par~icr{lar!~ to have control Doth for pu~oses of the ove~ali development of that neighborl~iood and perhaps for h~lndling of trafflc~ etc~ to ado~t a precise Then any new deve£opment mus~ be submitted in anco with the plan already af~opted by th? Commission. Mobile Hermes Modifying District Fermits ~obi~.e home parks to be established in addition to t!~e allowed txsages in whatever distric',~ the M Diz~t~ci. ct is combine6[ with. Then there,~ is the Fi. sod Plai~. Restric't~ve 37¸ ?hese dt.~trz.cts wl.. probatory never be very ~ive in ~:i'%e City. *~]%e'y will be applied in order to .ne._~ certaan spe~..~. ~. sit'~.~ations. The height district might bc t(, prot::E ....... view in a certaln neich- ~c~ examp~.~ ~' .... th~, design control m.~gnt be to pro%eot qbe qua!:.ky of a particularly established n,~:[~hborhoo~ where Uhe erchltecture is a!re~[v_ cl~,:~t.., y ~. harmoniously ex~ ended ~tnd I wo~ ~J ...... expect ":~.~a~ ~here would be fai~:ly zew of these, ht the ~oment~ since ~e ha%~e no ~oninc~ map, w~'~ c=~n~t .say where any of them ~¢culd b~ but ~nk if ct can imagine where situations like regul~v:.ic,ns ~.g~.. b~ u:~eful ~d advis~ble. Thai ~.;h~t the'?; ~n'e there [or.~ I guess that i~ a ~?hank .zo.,. (k~;in, il,~ ~it]. stop here and see if we .~%ave any co~u~ent from the a~dience on the ir.lustrial,~ the Ptanne~ Communi. u]~ ':he F-l, ~'lood Pl~tin and '~ '~-.~ '=~ %.~.~ ~h.....~_ a~yone ' the audi6nce who · lesires %:o ~take any comment on these? ~. Chairman:., ju~t as point of infoI~%atio~ ,~ on the ~doption of the reco~u~.endations of the propcsed tng am.ndr-~e,.t that the Co~ission wiii make or r [~ect and attend and pass on~ will ~is be done in toto or wi? it be done ~one by zone and then sub-- ~tted to Council~ Do you r~a~ when it Is 5ppLled? NO, this is a ne~.~ zoning ori[in~ce. %~il~ i~ adopted in one We are goi~ ( %0 tr[f ~o do ~ just as "~ doing ~.onlga · .... ~11~ ?evaew the whole thin9' an~ then . a~'o * iW, it is try to ..: p~. it feasible. :~ "'~' - . ,.~av to C~.unc.~.l while fo~3. cc:n- .t,,. R-'E .~o'~e, pass ~ ' ' on '~ ' continue~ t,kins a p;.anned unit development and, ~s l t.,e City h~s kad som~ experience wii¢l' ~' *,- ¢,/ ' CO;~I~lt~ districts ~.]]ich we tal.~ed ~'~%c-u~t a a~;;o~., axcept cn a sma~7.er sca[e. Z;i a play, ned . .... ,n i';:v f'.ist~ict, ovar a 3(~nc; period of y~a%s¢ yo~ ~;&nd a whole ssries (,3~ ~!anned uni-: (~evelcpr¢~nt planned unit developD~;nt mus'c have at least 5 ~:r~ for ~:he C-.O, ¢¢hich n;(~ans the office¢o:c researc~%,Jn du~strial dC. strict, o]' ,~ acres for ~n;~' oth6r, w~- ~;~eans for co~marcial (~r ;~'esident~aZ~ Yhe ~,l~nned unit dev~.oFment provi~3ions- the , . su~mJts his plans to ¢:he Commiss'[on¢ th~ re:v~,~.; them in accordar~ce w.[t~ ~k,~n(,a~%(~ set a~?rove k)r sutce~t~d mcdificat:kons,, Once tko ~cl]e developez 3an dev(;].<p~ in c * ~ planted unit d~velopm~n{.; app:rol~ed planned unit ye lo~,ment scheme. in older to en~ourag( t~;e high q~aiLity and to the t::~e of the planne{( unit develo]}ment proced~;,l;e, the developer 2an be (¢~.nted up to 25% bonus o,,'~r ~en~ provision, w~:~.c~:, ot~e~zise wc.u~.d apply ~nd.e~ the ,/ario%:s di:~tricts o~ this ortinance~ This that¢ in fotura for t;:4~vlz~c/ to s~'}m:.t extra pla.~{~ and to go thro'~gh the extra procedures of ]~is ~;[ans to the Co~:.ssion an~ Ca;.ting for ~¢?: and ¢~proval~ an¢ pert.a?s s~D)jecting himsel;:~ t~:~ ditienal controls in khat ual*, t%e ~:leveloper in ~burn fo~ t;hat, obtein a 25% ;(~crease in tl:{; tensity in use of la~( eve= thab ~rhich .h~ %,~cul¢ haw~ had if he ha~ just us(d the .,ta)~..a,.d zoning ei, dapt~ble in a part2~t.lar dz.,rtz ~here are d~.ff,~ren~, kin~s of fJ. niin~_ %,,~ch~" ' th6 Ccm- planned unit ~,~velopment-res~.deneial, co;¢~erci~. industrial, I won't try to read akl of ~Lem b~. you can get co?les of the ordina~ce and read~ tI~ They generally have to do with t~le qualib~..~,~ ~,..~ ~ velo~ment, the suit~Jlity ':;o t.a~ n.~.ig'hbor;:;,se{} ~,,¢bJcb .... it exist;, and the Co~2~]iss~.on ~¥ust ~nd¢: {1 a~; if the piann,_d unit d{v6l, op~(nlt l~s sebstaDtiall..l ?a~ting ~om tile normal req~ rent3ni;s of ~oning¢ the.se ,2~cpa~%ures" ' a~- ~= justified becuuse it ~ ~s prcduci?(-, a ~,et%:e~c ki~d of devel~ ~.mer t tb.~n jt~r'k, across the ,~(ppl. ications tl}.at the [~c ~{n~ ord(nance wou18% b~ p~:odu ced. '~-~" ..... '~ c~.l~i~,ing dll _e~cnt kinds of '~ses -',-; a Lo3 ,~,r,.,fe !~: are~ and oth{~ca'fs g,~t'him)- .... ..... ', rii.q, . 'c,~.-, by zone kind of ~ontrc] . i:ba 2'~'- '' ' ~5'i~:i:17 o': in.f )ther -~in.: of activity Occdl.>yi~g' ,: C-ua .... ~ 56. - ~ nO,[~u~ _ _ ~!ocins iConh'd): and that is use~l as a w~y for n~.agur:~¥~ ~e of i~rking which hat to, be provi~ed~ Dwelling sin~]fle family snd dup]x'~.~ d'w.~].!ing;~ requi~e 2 for each unit snd mul'~Jj~,le ~wei].ing~3 and parks require 1%~ this ~s a reco~ni~.io::'~ of "ah-~ inc~.dence of automobile o%~n~rship i.n bhJs ?ar: ~e state ar'd the natJ.{~,, ant I would ,l}-ues. s th~: perience in Ch~ta Vl.s~ indicates tha~ this i'~ net out of line and I woul(l gu~s tha:: the present ordi- nance now requires it, 6:oes~'t it B?ace? This secticn a]so c(.~nta~ns provisions for the ment of pazking are~.s, 7, roviding for their pav~ng and drainage and !iif.~ti~g, for the location ;~%.d {~e~,, sign of driveways a~';i a::ces~ area:J~ fo~ for buffering, for the location o~:. th,~ entranc~p exit signs, etc~ It ei~o provid_e~ %laivers fo~? rain uses which norma].h]f ~.~ould~:.'t require; par];ing. There is al~(, a provision foz loading which J.s separate from pal-king a~(i prii~arily to coi~ercial and industrial ~nenCs and for all e~It~lish:~nts of over 3.0,.0Q' feet. There are required off-str~et i~adin~i ~d loading spaces ~re specified in thei:' acce;:s~ thef,r size, type, e-~c~ as smt forgh~ The next article, A:cti~:ie IX, which goes on f.pr quite a few pages~ is a difficult one to descr.[be a few words. ~tewsr~: Bruce, I wonder tf ~e need to touch on these others in detail. ~'~arren: I think that possibly the - I had a note here ho ~ive Co~in to suggest that these articles ~1 ~roug>~ be h~died rather briefly. They are administratf=ve but you mi?hr just ,~o through and mention the headings that are c~ve~ed, instead of trying t~ pla;'.n them ard --- ~{ocine: Let me just say what this is. Experience over thc yea:3s with zoning o;,fdin~ces indicate that cerl~air~ kin(!s of activities and uses s(;em to cause o;c ~.hey require special handling(9 in one %~ay or ano;~her if they are not 9oing ~c cause p~oble~, This is .~. kind of a catch--all article, article IX, w;~ich tries to set for~ ~ome standards to guide the ~ssion in handling ~%ese particu].str ones. Let me rea,~ some of them - accessc~f buildinga.~ these gar~len houses, g%~esa houses~ detached 5~arages~ a],] ~nds of bull[rilings w]~ich occupy ~ io% a].o~%g with 't~;e _ main buildin%7, but ~re not therl~elw~s ~he ~ain bu:~l~-~ ing~ agricultural p~oe<~ssing p!ants~ a~u.~eme:~t cehters i.u ~n'i' di~:? :'.~',: in "~ ¢i~'.," ~i'r:i/ ~uch ti. ha ,:;:; .ll'~)]'~. ~ 41114] ,: '~hol~ ~e~, 6~'.. :ax , ' ' ~.~,c~ thitxg~: $50' whic~:~ is ~be ~am~ thing ~s ,~in~ '.~n?4~ . ._ ,,:a,~ YC wcu/I.d like to get wan{: gh.~:cug-~ he,~rins* ; ~ Pcmona x0'~ich g'rante5 ~ 3 Thi[; was ~3on2 under -,- C w,ss r~zpzes:~nted by., Cou:~cii, o~lc :]zsu .... 1::<* cut ~'o profit, a kO% pr,;~t ,.~n the s'kzu~ture, You - '"', (: 0tO profits at ~,0 ~ wa =1 ...... {~ i'rc, m a ~ to: 60~ it %,outd [),0'[: J)e '~" ~' ' :fee~ for ~' ' ' ' ~ feel wid<~ by ~0 fee'k i~ ' ' t~m Vou a~.~ ,:~ ~- .... ecin~ that by quite 4, aonsider,~:.~le ~uoEn;;, zhere !.s no .... ~_1._.~ ~a1'k thai: ha~ a se'kkack o~ ,:ee~.. Y:)u miybt sugg'est that it ~:,z;tL,'.d bc :'0 feeh =ne f~:oc,~_ property, ~a4-t,w-k.. , ..... '[~ ygu it:,?e ~nfertT.2q. '~l~[ : til~erl yC,tl are ~[9iro... to c~c, fLe .;~ ~,~-h a ].oq: !es~ than ~0 feet in d'~,'?izh and 53 f~e'~ i:': and moist Of t;;le~ arf~ c~rq'aJI~c¢ t'~p ~n~'Z'<2 than that :o g:i. vea !:.t=le !eewav. ~:c t~s 4,900 A<it~,.;aiiy~ :i.t 'would be c:}tcess I think that the llom{:s could be .... if ~or are usim7 the 2( foci: , .....n ~o~ are no~ prov:Lc,lng enough. :Cf arc}~:~ot using the 20 fc~fi~ s=~k, ac,~, then t.;~e -' the 3~500 square feet v,hic: no~, then you are u~I~9 is ample l, locilc I wJli{, hal'/,: tO ckeck +~'~"~ ~ ~, out ba~ in ~' own ~ ~41.1e. , because you bare ' ~ C, aUgl~, me here., 1~1~. guess is that this al?plies ~.o the executing of bcn,L lease property ar,.e not to the indJ. vJ. dual :~3 A lot, b!, definiticn cf !ihe ~;oninq ordinance, ;.s separate 1'~--9a!~-- pa.rct L o~ 1. m'~d and the ~ ~' .~ a o.._z:.er park is a .~,..~,~at_ s2te but no~ a separate lot because they are al_ under one ownershzp, Thi~ is co::rect but wit.! the stuffy o~ th<: P!anmlng Co~mlissio~ to a - ' ' : parcc]s ~'2er it shoula be cLazi:/:led that :ih should be 20 ~ec. from =he center cf the feet or a. 5 fool: ~etb~.ck :from the curbline. Mocine Thai. is a ,jood point, than~ you~ . t=w,tr .. ?hark you. Is there anyone else who ;;.s xn~er ...... in co~nent~Lng cn the areas we covered? 45 ~'e;::~,~.,:?a~ I a~n i~iokJ.ng [:c.ri:he :¢iqh'~: ,page. The page re fettling tc ofJ:~si't~e p~.~ing ',~i'~:h:~.n 20~ feet ,-. page 119. i waz just w~sdering if some leniep~ couldn~-q be granted for ~mlltiple use in the same direction as gr~.nhed to the com~narciat parking? If multiple resi- dentia! puojects co'uld not al~c be included in this p~ragraph - top of ~age ~.].9~ it starts off "For any aew non-residential usa," Lindbe~g: What you are suggesting is that multiple should also have the alte~natiw~ cf the 2~0 foot distance park- i~g [ot? S~tew,~:?~;: ~7e will %~e hhat up when we perform th~ Is g~!ere anyone else who has so~ents on the ~.~zeas we h~ve studied? If not~ Cer~in~ I thi'ak we can pr~ teed. ~cc~.ne: I think the r~st of the sections here ara af.~.in~.strative and maybe I probably ouu~t to ~t mention 'hhem, but I dc~n~'% ~iak they are of t~.~ ture that we c~n dis~cuss at ~.~y great length. 9~he procedure hec~ for prc~ii~J, ng for the rec!assifi~ation of property~ either b~~ action of the Planning Com- ~.ssion itself or by acaig,% of a property owneI -- wants to have his p~operty re~!assified, that changed, f~?o~ 9ne zone to another one. There 3~s a proce(lure for the kin6. o~ application that sh~].l filed~ filing C is specifie~ hearings are sp~cifie~t~ notices are specifie~, an~ the ac~=ion on recla~sifi-- cations must be made fine. liy ~y the City Council since it constitutes a change in the City o~(~inance~ There is a provision for interim ~oning as areas are brought into ~is C~ty, ~nexe~ that the inteuim zoniag can be used until such ti~e as regular ~oning is applie~. ~ Article XIiI provides fo~' how th~ various kin:ts of ~pec~a~. p=~(u.t=; and thor., a~e a nu~er of the~] as the people in the a~dlenc~ have pointed o%%t~ this ~3rdinance~ shall be obtained, who issues them~ what kinds of materials have to be submitted to the Co~,ission in order to apply~ and %~hat fees have to be paid~ ho~ long they are in effect~ etc. scrt of thin,~ includes variances, conditional use permits~ The s~e sort of thinj would als, o %o site planning ~ a~fch!tectural review pro~isions an(l the review of perfor~.~nce standards cs~es ~ X ~hink that. ,~ ~e o~iy. ,=~'aY this.~ .can~ Z be hsndled J ieok this over anc! ~- beck, use it :~s pages ~%d to zeview here~ 46 S~e.,~azh: FJne~ Cc3,~,,~in~ thank you vel~y much for your ep~- ce!lent pr6sentation~ B~lce~ do you have anything ft~i-har te add? Warrea~ Nc, it may be that you will want to ask for any ciesing comments. Stewa~ch: % will~ but % wondered if you had anything further. Are ~%ere any further comments before we adjourn the meeting from anyone in tke audience? Ted kichmond~ F~rst of all~ after li~tenin9 to the entire o~di- c~3~ Diego Gas nance~ if you will, I believe~as %o the compa~y~ ~d ~El~ct~ic: tkat ~:his will be b~%neficial in directing the velopment of Chula Vista; h~'~ever~ because of the enormity of this particular ordinance and the pos- sible conflicts with our c,0mpany's operation~ we will direct a report to the Co~m~ission indicating these partic~llar conf!icts~ They will be ready for yeur review probably by the end of the week~ at least J~n enough tirg~e fmr you to review S~ewarh: You a:re not prepared to give us anything tonJ.~ht~ for the benefit of our workshop meeting that will be coming up on the ~ings that we have received? ~chmond: No, but I Stewart: Whep could you have a copy down to us? t?J.chmon~.: Could you tell me when the meeting will be? %~rren? We won't ~i%ve one this week and he said he would have it tc us by another week. Stew,~r~;: ~ne~ if you will have it down to us in another week ~ J.t v)~ill be fine,, Adams: I diderot ~ear you say who y[n~ represented. ?~3~'~ C>'~gi~an~ is there any i~}dication about how Jcn~ i~ %flt be before the next public hearing will Ste~.~r'h: i don't believe we can give l.,eu an accuzate date~ Will i~, be ebout a ~'~onth, Br~ce? ~azren: We!l~ 1%,,.,c'01d think se, As far as ~%other henring is concerned, we will have tc recall it because we don't have a date at this ti~-e to continue it to~ 47 ,,~". a,.:ar.:: ~.':'~, ,;~ill ke ::~ listening ~n~ng. an~ff if you 'exsh to raise hilt thai l:e a~:-~,ila!::l~ before: e'l=. . next m~l-' ' b~ ~.L:~o{~za~: and ~ a~!sc;~pin9