HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm min 1967/09/182,~ t?our,~ ofaa3o,~.-,.,m~' '" '" ~',~nt ,~..~'~ re:}lqi~:ed by ~a,~. the o~:c].er for h!z~e ...... .. ?:a=t.]n9 of Sapte~]ker 5~, !967. September 18, 1967 A~PROVi'~ OP M~NUTES - .~ aln.x ~., of Se'Dte~er 6, 1967, as mailed. NS~}C iE~de-Rice) Approval. of ' ~-t'~ _ ~O_L.N~ Pro~;rt~I~ north side of 't(" Streat~ ?9BLIC HEARING - :;v ~ ~- ~ ~f:r~ east of Fourth Av,?nue ~ R-.1 ~65~ '~'r~ ~'-'FF6~-'2~'5-'~~ '-- ~.~;ect~r of Plannings' Warran st:.ated that this matter was .kn3~t.:ia-ted ~,~ Planning Co.,~ission as :¢eco~m~enc!ed by the ~arf. IL,: camco. ~'3 a reSULt of recent rezoning a~ioD:~ in the area. The l~tnd is sently v-acant and zoned R-I~ measuring 14-,~ x 163~ with an ...... s~..~:~ setback of 20' a_~onF X Street~ Mr. Warren submitted a pl~,- f=~a:~ noti¢<r the location~ the adjacent la,~ld use an,i zo~in9. T~is being the ti~le add place as adver'tisad, the public he.¢ring wa~ openeil ~ Mr. Arthur Sp~ncez'~ Joshua Tree, California~ asked what %h~ "D' was. Director of Planning Warren explained the r~quirements of design control zone. F%.r~ Spencer questioned whether the a .... value of ~' ~ n_s property would go up with Chis uarticular zoning. Warren cemarked that, to tile best of hJ.s knowledge~ ~he a=.,as.~o~. 0as~:~ his asae:~smen'~, oD the potential of~e land regardless of l~e ~ ~'~ '~ however~ there is that possibility that it will 9o up~ ~qr, Spencer declare~ that he disu~ssed this with the assessor; and % told %ha':: his assessment would go up between 30% and 35%. Since owned the pro~)erty~ it has 9o%~e up 700%, F~,m. ber Rice commeated '~hat~2 this ~a~ tlu~ ttii.3 yeast -~ ~.s al.'. for at least one year sc that he can sav'e this 35% increase in his ta~es ~ I~r. George E!wood, 765 G!over Avenue, stated he bought his home here i5 years ego and has $20,000 invested in the home now~ It has always beer his understandin~ that the area is R-1 anJ. thai once the businesses are bought single.-famity homes ~fould go in~ He asked if Glover would eve~' be e~d~er:ded through to K Street. Oir~ ctor ~farren indicated he knew of no plans to do that; if it was he ~-:xtended~ it probaoly would be a cui-de-sac~ ~4r~ Elwood stated was concerned ever %he increase of t'raffic aha% would result if the street were extended. Hi;. Warren Retell that the staff has receive~ a few letters from prop~ erty e~ners north of this aree offering different comments relating ko {~he p};oposed R~3 development. He said the staff will take all these letters into co~sideration when the site plan is reviewed~ The staff feels %~ st R..~ zon~n~ fox this lot ~.¢i!1 promote the most logi6al ~e fo~u the area? whi. ch .~s the reason the rezening is being considered ~t this ~?here h:eing no further cos~mena, either f~)r or aga%nst, the Nearing w~s declared closed. ~Eember Rice co,fermented that R-3 is the most logical development for this area~ and he would like to see the adjacent area~ F~resently zoned C-2, also rezone~, to R-3. >IeP. ter Yo?k declared that this matter could be postponed since it was [nitia'Ced by th{ Con~%ission} the applicant has no present ~.lens for ,=ei?.]r.g it (~r developing it st this time. ~.e~e~~ Hyde asked if the nw~ie?' objected to the proposed zoning. · ~peacer claimed he did not object to the R.--3 zoning, b~t just asked for a poshpor~eme~lt of. o~e year so he co%:ld save en his t~xes this ye~r~ P. Ie~er ~yde agre-..d 'khat ti~e !c%ical use for thz~ land was R-3~ howeve~ since the ownem did object to having it rezoned ~t this time~ he mends no action. The applicant will not be developing it as R-i since [t is too valuable a piece of property. P5!~{3~ ~{y~%e-~R.ce} No action be taJ{en on this item and the matter filed. City Attorney Lindberg explained to the applicant that i%his matter is no~~ final unless appealed, to the City Council withi, n i0 days~ 6'~,~---i;'2F<F~r~-,~-~'u~ rem:~nt and sidegard setbacks Dlirechor of Planning ~arzen ~.,..:,.~.d this ma~ter was contlnL~..d from ~'~ ~,t m~ etnng so th~ ...... e sta~:~ ceulc further study the pail, in ~i.ons and also datelined, ne whether or not a subdivision map should b~ f~' Warren reviewed the appi. i~:an~ requests as f(,l~e,.~s- (1) a hi.oR in lot s!ze to 3500 squar~ feet/ ~9 .)ack f[om 5~ to zero; (3} llermission t;.} build on ~; lot having ~ ~ ........ woule be dedicated as :cequired ~v the CJt ~' a~d the b~' ~ ~ in the utlllty service from the ~ ~="1 -' ~-v~ a!oDc~ ut= ~" ...., ?.~. ].lVin%' units via ~n undergFeun, d '~.. - h~ the subdivisJen ~p w~ ~ re!uired~ the ~!e~/eloper would be required ~;O install. . undergrcv:'~d ,.~?. Ne3.'ren then r.sferred to 'the ss;etch sent to ~he Co~i}.ssioI~ ,..._.,c u,;e ~,a.,~hc.~s of acconm~odauing offs'treat parking, {S't'adv No. 1 'i,le. 2). The staff reccm,~a~nds %hat c .... tr~et parking be prcvided } ,cozdance with Study NO, 2 which will provide two of...~t_ ..... ........... ~ unit behind the front setbac, k line; +~,,= applLicant~s ori~in~l ~A.ans proposes a i car 9a,.ag. with a c,o've~.ed paLio. Mr, %~arren z'e~i, ewed tha z-ecot~m~enda~lon~ of the staff for am~roval. This beiPg the time ~ place as advertised, the p~blic heazing Hr, ~'] ..... ~: p '~' ,~ ap],llcant, asked that the ~ordin9 in the cenditions c. cn.~uct~e~ of 9a~cages' be changed to "convert}ion of gar<..~=,, and that the condzta~n requ~r!b9 that the units b~ '~'~'-~'- ._ u~ld,~rg, ro~ind utility service from the public street be eliminated. He f,~tt the high t.ensl.on wires prevented this from oelng do:~le. He i!u. at he wants the undergxound service~ if it is wikhin rea:::~on. He ~vi.!l agree to cok~ply with the rest of the condi'ki~ns. M:c. W~ren explained that the stall is not rererr~n9 te existing along the street - they are referrLng only to the ~ ~,'; ' ' m ~ ~ ga~;en to each in,:tivi~ualp'~, spa-- '~-..1 ~ ow:~.er from t}.e ....... ' '~- %~li~(~e declared tk.~[ ?:; 2~.[~::~:~&:d this ,?~ith the uti!i%y company aad · 2%~>/ ~'nfo~.~ed hi~ tha~ it '~uk~ in'~oiva a co~r, plicat~ ~itching pro- ~c~. and that i~hi~ p:~oc~:3~ J.~] ~:~or,~ expensive than ~ns~:a]~lJ. ng the co~- ~'~3. e~ se?~.~ice ~r~d?2ground ~J,Tiht f'~m the ~tart. He would go ~out ~-305 per home to [nmLz]l this ~?r~.,ice; the exact fiqure could not be ~[~e~ned ;~ the ~3~%i!il;y con~p~ny ~.~tated it would depend on a nu~er of factors, such as the type of soil, etc. The $300 figure is for a 60 ' lot. M~er Eyd~ asked how l~',ng it would take the utility company to give him an e>:~ct figure. ~. Kiffe remarked that he has to come up with a set of plans that ~e[? can work on which would be a legitimate s~division - one that is ready for recording; then they will t~e it. They have given him a preliminary ffgure of $!7 a ~nning foot along the frontage on Quintard Str,2et. Direct(~r Warren co~%ented that if they were going to reach a conclusion as tf3 the condition of the underground utilities based ~n costs, it ~;hould b,e based on sonlething more precise than that. The utility corn- ?any is reluctant to give any precise figure~ and the Commission is ['~ear~ng an offhand estimate on what is might be. Mr. Warren added :%ha~ he is ccnv::nced that this figure also includes the undargrounding of existing facilities. ~e~[t~{~)~' York q~estione~ whether the Co~d. ssion could ap~.~rove the ante with %~{~ exception of the condition of the underground utilities. ?hie could be considered at the 'time the applici%nt s~mits his final City Attorney Lin~er.~ maintained it would be preferable ho approve it wJ.t~ this requiren~ent~ %~he applicant, in the interim~ coul41 check chis out %~ith the utility conlpany and if the cost is too high, he could ask that this b~ amended. ?I~3Ye being no further co~en'h~ either for or against~ the bearing w~s i~3c~ ~r~d closed. ]~ba[~:~aan pro tern Guyer felt the Commission should go along with the ~:%taf.~'s recommendaticns, and should the applicant find out 'that the ,stall[a'tion of this underground service was too h~gh~ he could come b~ck to %_he CommJ. ssion. j.t]~ Attorney LinOart stated that it shcuid be noted for the record that the Co~ssion will m~ke this condition for consideration of an ~]ne~t~<~ent without the requiremen't of a public hearing. It will be an ,tdminishrative ~natizer regarding the conditions~ i.~Stti'[ (Hyde-York) Variance be approved subject %o the fo]lowing condi- believes thc ~st of this i~,sta~]~t' o~ .t., be residential purposes be imposed by th~} developer. ~ s,.~n~t ...... to ~h=. staff ~hat .ina.~ site and architectural olaas be ~'~ ~ for approval. The d. rive~gays shall be paved, with con~renc as a?proved by the Engineer ~ Two offstraet parking spaces sh.:ll be prow[deal per unit - each shall be behind t]%a front setback ~ln:~ and shall be covered. ~This variance ~ha.~l be contingent upoa Councl% ~ppr~val of ~-=xtra wide curb cu~:s if ~lnal design so dictates. ]2. nding~{ beeas follows: st:~.~c~ application of the zooming re~'u!ations or recluire- That t~e '-~ ' dlfflcut ul~s or *~'~.. wo~,Id result ~n particular ' ' ~'~ unnecessary hard. sbi,~ [ncon:ist~n-h with the general purpose and intent of the S.~ha app~c~.nc is attemptinq to provide loz~ cost housing for i~.os~ who would o-~he~lse be der~ied housing' o~n~rchJ, p b=~c~ cf low inco~a. I~l order %o keeI, cost+3 <~own~ un,~ units ~,~lng clusterec~ in oaims~ the r~sutt ~.t which ~ ~'al~ scale ~<'~valopmant is beLng pr~,posed ir. the ~ew' zoning ordinanc.?~. That ~%ere are exceptional ~,...i.¥um.~tna.~eo ,:r cond!tlOnS appt.~...e~:~ ~:j~= property in-,~olved or to the !nteh,~sd uae o;c develop~)ent of p. p... y same ~<,opecty that do not apply 9'eneral!y to other rc's~rt' in tbs ~:one o~ ~. r~eighborhood. High land and const~ction costs ma~ it '9' '~"'~r]"' to provide .,p,=el~,nc_ of side iow cost bousin9' without this varianc:~ The "-' ~' ~ =~ e y...rd s.=uback, would defeat the goa3 ..~ 'i:hl~:t ...... , ....... z. That the grantin~ of a variance wil~l eot be ~ +s-{ '~ the~'lic welfare or injurious to p.~us'~'~"~-,~,'+'~ o~ imp:cerements in --'~ zon~ or neighborhood in wl~ich %he Dr}pel'ty_ is located. -6- The density of deve!c~xtert e.s proposec~ would result in a density lower than the zoninw pe~¥~i;s. The effect created would be no different than theft of a d~zpiex developu'~ent~ That the grantin? of ~ variance will not be contrary to the ~ives of the Genera]. The General PI~in would not be adversely affected by this pro posal~ Since the property has already been rezoned, it is anticipated that the General Plan wii]. be altered to reflect ~ higher density than pr~sently 6asignated~ ~: cector Warren ~sk~O f~r clarification of the approval in re[lard to offst~'eet paxking, b~emb~ Hyde stated he made the tactic ~ subject ~:he recommendations of th~: staff a~:~ listed J.n dbe report~. Park Ssl;a'tes~, inc. 2967 will ~,~ ~ .pq. icant~ {!i ~c~sssd the dif[erent typ~s cf car weshe~ in the {in,.',e it .~i.!l be ~lexh to the service sta'hlo}~, which is e} idet! '?enarked %hat there will be an, ?.tte}~dant on due.v ,, not ;?~}r the ind hhe :~oJn deposit maskines. · ,,-'~t~r=~=~ ~, Warwen. _ e~plained it would be a one-way movement. In mos? t~e ,~--~'~a wasb%~ observed by the staff~ there is generally a -ot~..~-u~' of cars. in this case~ the "~'-" ,, .~cK-up w~].i occur on the easement ~: ~han on the main thoroughfare, ~ir~ hattley r%~marked that in all prob~!!lty~ the stack-up will ~;.'~ place on E Street also~ ~nd this is a f ~st-moving street whereby %~oodlawn Avenue is s.=ow-mcvl~g~ .:.lscu.~.~ed %his traffic pattern~ and Mr. Gesley, ~,he Co~f[ssion r~' ~ r~er~ is no real problem here. This traffic rant City Engine~r~ stated '~ ~ qurn~off would not be so great as that to the Bi¢) Bear Market. Wlen ...... ~ ~ they ' ' ~ have a the traffic increases on E S~.~eet, Wll.~ left-turn mo'~'~h~ent t~e~.'~n be~uj no ~urther cotangent, the public hea~zing was declared ~,~ Y~ .... co~m~ented tna~ ~hen the Big Bear Ma.~Ket goes in~ th~,: won';: know ~Wnere'' the (~t~srement st~rts and the m~Luke:t be~%ii~s. .... ThrL~ ..~m is m!nlmlzed because the easement ~d on-site space can acco~mo .:late iQ cars. He discussed hhe requirements for obtainin~ a condi-. u':.on~! use Decrepit one of which was the use beingcomp~ ~{'~.,~.D~.e TM ~ with ~rezt, 9[r~ Yc=~c felt this u:~,~, being at the rear of a se~lce C~y Attorney Li~{~erg exp!:-~.~Led that while seveTal of the fJndincH~ .... qulr._d for obtainin9 a eo~lditional use permit relate to the .~Lt-~, ~ · to t.~e surrounding area~, or comoliancu~ with the regulatio~s of ~he Code~ or thc use not ad~ersety affecting the General Plan - i~qu~re~en, is that the proposed use in this particular ~ion is a necessary or desirable use te provide a service or facility which will contrib{~te to the general well-being of the ne,gn, bornooc~ '/hereforer it is nu, t as cut and d~y as it seen~ - that even though ~"~,n~.,.. .... uses are ..... '~ ='~e~..c as pern%itted uses in getting a conditional . l~,[3.~=-a .... There l;ay well be ]~el~lt,. the locL~tJon is e:,~tremely 'm, ~.-~---~ .... ,72 zones whe?~e tb ~ t~,,:e of use ~ay ~oe be accet~table. ,..nb_~ Hyde ~ >1, '~ ~' c,e~ - conditions ~houtd also be ....... ~.~..~_=_d a r. ew operation, and the '" ~ ,~-' ~,~ould b~ )~remaLure if ,.neg ';~h 3. s compltible w~tn this particu!~r are~ .... ~I,= e; ~.x,,,.~. area ~t t~]e present '-"~- a if 'hbis permit is gza:/.e~,, the u~e will ' -s . ~ ' ~' '- ' '- but .~ own ch&racti:r on the ~Ie~.. tt wot:Id help the ~erv~.ce ,~ ;~.t would a.~.so ",eot~ardlze the property ~;o ':;he souhh. '))he::~: ~ ~ ' conszdcra:~on ~" '~+'s des!r~zb[lity and Director Warren !ema~:ke~ that it was quite possi:~!e that ~hev ;.:~e-evaluate the co~rT~ents concerr~ing t~e General Di~n ~i,~ ~'[':~fx ~.g..~.:~z2 Lil'~dbe;t*g felt this wou.~o be a reason-- ~?~i~ ~t:vpe of operat:ion. ,~ ,. ........ ~ ~...o tern Guy*ex ,..~k~.4 if ~I~._ ~azf had a chance to go over the ' ' =t_z., nas revieweo c'~nd!ti~'~ns with the applicant. ~r. Warren sazd Che - a*; ' t~e condztlo~ts with the applluan,.. ...... z,~ ..... remarked tt~a't he was not suze that all of the were r,=~.2, ewe~3 with Mr. Angus, tle is aware of the fact that Mr. Angus 1, w tzl %[ ~.,.. accept the conditions If such conditions are ze.~uired by ordinance, b:r~ ~h=nn=z =n d~scussec, 'the conditlon of landscs, ping - the ...... ~,~2.%i~n~ oz the applicanh ms that hhe area will be kept up, as ~ q?' b~=l~ ...... s ~!~,~uJ.d be~ but he df ..... not feel that he should l)~ r~qa~,~t- ' '" ,,on,l.z,.J.c,n,..~ use perm. it, that some of these con ;~, o~:der '~:u ~,:aln the ~' ~ ' ~'' ' ' ~ ~' ~ne other d[.t~ons be imposed upo,,~ him. As to .... conditions~ ~,~, ir~aa, cutec~ he cannot st~:~te %J;,=~., the applic~nt:~ position would p ...... em Guyez cozmtented ~]at the conc, ltlons were minimal t~"e~~ are Lhe sc~e as normally imposed on any use of the 'type. Ci. ty Attorney Lindberg noted that it %:ould take the affirmative vote of ~' } of the Commission:ers present tonight t~, approve this use per,mit request. ~', [~hannah~n stated he was aware of this fac't, MaKs)ez York con~ented ,nat he now had m~xe~ emotions ,about this reque~ Ke would move that the matter be con'tinue6 until the applicanta:~,.(,c,~c, % .~ h,cepu the ~on~l.t~ca~.. or decline to ~ccept the conditions ~s p~sec} ~y the staff, ',[he conditions outli~ed are absu, z~te:ly mi~%im%ua F ~:c~Ler Warren asked if the Coma~i;:-sion ccnsidered any of the ccncii~ ~.,;m~. ,tuusla!~ in the opinion of the staf!~ they a~:e ~zml~ to [:hose ~.,,~ ~"c'~, /.n other si~*~ilar uses The applicant does have representa.~ ~ 't%~'e%, here and that e~en J.f an objection were heard, these ~,.,a~e essential to make ~h= use as compatible as possible. ~ .... ~b'e~'.,. Rice declared that if this use l~i' going to go in under a t~,on~! use permit, it~ h;As to be compatible with the area. He added that n~= would also ~} a t'o see a ,.onalt3_o~ pertamnlng to the trash ~,3UC ,4yde R]_-~, 9equest be denied based cn ~he f~)llowin9 i, ~)he proposed use is not nece~saz~ at this particular location ~zince there are ti~ree othe~ car washes within e~.sy driuing .... nge of thi~ Th~at t~'.is use will be -' :'.t~ : ~=- ~I ~',,~, general ~elf{%re of D~~ son~ ~-esi~ng' ~ ' in ~he area and in'~urlous~ to property.: and pior~{~scC tmpro~eme~ ~.s in the viclnlty bec,~Q~.~e both ex~stJ, ng and pro~)og3fd development is geared to establish a tourist atmosphere and :~.c~? :.=~.]lt~ would see?~ to interrupt such an atmosphere~ )~:eco~.unen(lation - San Diego Co~u_nt_~_ Prelimina~f Regional General P~au ~irector. of Planning referred to %he General Plan map co~m~enting ~h~s was Di~..~sented at the Council Conference by Mr. Kelsay, Cbie~ ~he T%egio~a! Planning Division of the San Diego County P!anning~ ~',.~a~:~- ~uent in revJ.ewin.~ this Plan,. it was determined that it v~a~ hOC [ ~ ~onflict with the City's Plan, ~4r. Warren discussed the circula~ion ~.~emant of the Plan ea~d stated that this does not conform to C~',~i." ~j~t+~s~ The County is aware of this, ~-c~ is present.fy worki~q ~. ~rd recomn~en~ed c~,ar~ges, <:tke~ than that~ the staff finds it in confo~ance with our c~ ~,3. tacoma%end that you fo~ard these findings to the City Council. (balkan pro tern Guyot commented that this is true ~- especial!-~ i~ ~ ~.tter of the parks~ ? ;e Co~ission briefly discussed the Plan and concurred i~hat i%' ~,~ fo~ar~ed to Coancil with comments concerning the circu!atic~ e }~-~UC (Hy~e-Rice) Recommend that the City Council foI~ard to San County, a resolution endorsing the Land Use element of theil ~-ecuesting that j.m(~ediate steps be taken to elim!naue the between the ci~6culation element of %heir Plan and that of Chula Uith the except/on of the circulation element, this Plan is not iL ~lict with the aflopted General Pla~] of Chula ~_:han e of Meetin~ Date ~ October 16 Meeting ~ ..,=..~nl~ g Warren noted that o~ October 16 ~ ~ost the hers will be att, endil~g -' League of California" ~ '~ ...... ~;an Francisco,, The staz~ wou!cl recommend~ therefore, that date be chan~. ~'~ to October 23, 1.67.9 ~%~U.. (R~e H~ ..... , Meeting of October 16 be cnan,~.d to Octobe~ ........... ~x~m ~:'~ C. ~ R~n..~haw of the fi~a o~ Wi.Les, ~¢' ~' ~ ~ ~ a~,.~or,,~,~ ~ St ~lark ~ s Lutheran Cburch~ was read i' ,:;hzch they asked for an extension of time on thair. - ~ '~'-' ~ use f~lj~ to .,~o._z¢c% the problem relating to an electric power ]in~ j,ndicated thma J.f :" = iuat~e~. '~as not resolved in 7 days, they t:~e l[~.~,'~"~'~l, action' ~r,.o bri~'g about a fJ,na], resolutl.on of the matter. N. SUC {~or~'-hy~;) ,~.Dprovax a 6 month extension of time on" ~4 ;- Use Per,aLt No, C-.65-11~ :_~g en the proposed ne~,~ %oni~90:rdinance which will be held o3. Septe~oer 25~. at 7:30 p.~, He ~!dded fha~t the secoc, d ~;orksho!2. ~ith ro~resentatives of the San Diego Building Contractor's k]~o~ wo~ld be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 p,m. to review their ~:ended changes. f~jOU~[f~NT ~SUC (Hyde-~ce) Meeting be adjourned to ~e meeting of September -' L96'~ at 7;30 p.m, The meeting adjourned at 8~30 p.m. Respectfully submitted,