HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Reports/1981/01/14 AGENDA City Planning Commission Chula Vista, California Wednesday, January 14, 1981 - 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - SILENT PRAYER APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of December 10, 1980 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 1. Consideration of request for extension of time on tentative subdivision map for Chula Vista Tract No. 79-17, Kimball Terrace, 80 Third Avenue 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-81-7 - Request to locate church within shopping center at Brandywine & Sequoia in P-C zone - Calvary Chapel of Chula Vista DIRECTOR'S REPORT COMMISSION COMMENTS Tn: City Planning Commission From: D.d. Peterson, Director of Planning Subject: Staff report on agenda items for Planning Commission Meeting of January 14, 1981 1. C~n~[de.r~ipn pf _~Le~s t. [or ~29.}~9~__o_[.~]m_e~ on_ ~en~a.ti v_e_ )~vi_sion 80 Third Avenue A. BACKGROUND 1. On August 7, 1979 the City Council approved the tentative subdivision map for Kimball Terrace, Chula Vista Tract 79-17, authorizing the development of a 5 unit condominium project on a 0.47 acre parcel located at the northwest corner of Kimball Terrace and Third Avenue in the R-3-P-12 zone. 2. The tentative map is due to expire on February 7, 1981 and the final map will not be ready for approval by that date. The property has recently been acquired by a new owner who plans to proceed with the project. B. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a motion to approve an extension of the tentative subdivision map for Kimball Terrace, Chula Vista Tract 79-17, for a period of one year. The tentative map would then expire on February 7, 1982. C. DISCUSSION There have been no significant physical changes in the immediate vicinity which affect the original conditions or findings of approval. Therefore, the approval of an extension of time is appropriate. City Planning Commission Page 2 Agenda Items for Meeting of January 14, 1981 2. PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use Permit PCC-81-7 - Request to locate church within shg~ing center at Brand~wine & Sequoia in P-C zone - _C~-~_~]'~a~l 07 ~i'a Vista A. BACKGROUND 1. The applicant, Calvary Chapel of Chula Vista, is requesting permission to locate and operate a church and Sunday School within an existing neighborhood shopping center located at the southeast corner of Brandywine Avenue and Sequoia Street in the P-C zone. 2. An Initial Study (IS-81-23) of possible adverse environmental impacts of the project was conducted by the Environmental Review Committee on December 24, 1980. The ERC concluded that there would be no significant environmental effects and recommended that the Planning Commission adopt the Negative Declaration. B. RECOMMENDATION 1. Adopt the Negative Declaration on IS-81-23 and find that this project will have no significant environmental impact. 2. Based on the findings contained in Section E of this report, adopt a motion to approve the request subject to the following conditions: a. This conditional use permit shall be valid for a period of three years and will expire on January 14, 1984 unless an extension is requested and granted prior to the expiration date. b. No activity shall extend beyond the hour of 11:00 p.m. c. All signs shall be subject to the approval of the Zoning Administrator. C. DISCUSSION J. Existing site characteristics, The project site is a partially developed 1.66 acre neighborhood commercial center. The northerly half of the lot is developed with a single story 6800 sq. ft. commercial structure, 50 off-street parking spaces and related landscaping. Access to the site is provided by a single two-way driveway from Brandywine located at the approximate center of the developed portion of the property. The southerly one half of the property is undeveloped. The northerly 2400 sq. ft. of the building is occupied by a convenience market, while the remaining 4400 sq. ft. of floor area is vacant. 2. Proposed use. The applicant is requesting permission to use the vacant portion of the building as a church and Sunday School for a period of 3 to 5 years. The 4400 sq. ft. will be divided into a sanctuary (approximately 2000 sq. ft.) with a seating capacity City Planning Commission Page 3 Agenda Items for Meeting of January 14, 1981 of between ]00 to 120 persons, five classrooms (35 students), nursery, storage and offices (pastor's and secretary's). There will also be two restrooms. The lacility will be open on Sundays with other activities such as bible studies and social gatherings occurring during the week. These activities will not extend beyond 10:00 p.m. in the evening. At the environmental review meeting, the applicant indicated there will be an "out reach" program for drug related problems on a very limited basis. D. ANALYSIS 1. Under normal circumstances, ! would be very reluctant to recommend approval of a church within an existing commercial center, as it would tend to disrupt the continuity of commercial activity. However, in this case, the center is only partially developed and the owner apparently has had difficulty in leasing the remaining floor area. The proposed use should not adversely affect the existing market because ~f its limited size and the existing parking is adequate for the two uses. In addition the hours of operation are in keeping with those of a neighborhood center. 2. The applicant has indicated that their lease would be for a period of 3 to 5 years. This should not be a problem unless the owners of the center were to consider constructing in the southerly vacant portion of the site. For this reason approval should be limited to not more than 3 years initially, with extensions considered on the basis of the facts existing at the time. This will enable the City to phase this use out if it becomes incompatible with the commercial activities in the center. 3. If this request is approved, the applicant will have to satisfy the require- ments of the Fire Code and the Uniform Building Code for such use. The applicant should contact the Fire Marshal and the Department of Building and Housing for their requirements. E. FINDINGS t(v [,po~i(h? a sorv£ao on faci{ity which will aontribute to the general weZl t,eiw~ %C lh~' n~?ghbophood or th~ com~m~nity. There are no other churches within close proximity, therefore approval of this request will provide this service to the immediate community. 2. ~t such use will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, bo dr~tr£monta~ to the health, oaf sty or general welfare of persons residing or ~,~,pking in the vicinity, or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity. The proposed use will probably generate less noise and activity than could be expected from most commercial uses. The hours of operation will not extend beyond those allowed in the neighborhood commercial zone. Occupancy of the existing building shell will tend to minimize vandalism to the building. 3. f~t the proposed use will compZy with the regulations and conditions :¥)eci]~od in the code for such use. The applicant has been informed that the proposed use will be obliged to conform to the Fire Code and the Uniform Building Code. City Planning Commission Page 4 Agenda items for Meeting of January 14, 1981 The General Plan is not affected by the granting of this request. negative ueclaration PRCXIECT NAblE: Calvary Chapel PROJECT I,OCATIOI~i: 1655 ~trandywine Ave. PRO,IECT APP[,[CANT: Calvary Chapel 395 [t St., Suite D Chula Vista, CA 92010 CA~;E NO. IS-81-23 DATE: December 23, 1980 A. ~[ojec~ Setting The project site involves an existing 6800 sq. ft. (40' x 170') neighborhood commercial building located at the southeast corner of Sequoia St. and Brandywine Ave. A 7-11 convenience store is located in the northern 2400 sq. ft. of the existing building. The 1.66 acre site consists of 50 parking spaces and appropriate landscaping and access is limited to Brandywine Ave. The existing development is phase I of the commercial center. Phase II will consist of a 4800 sq. ft. commercial structure in addition to 33 parking spaces, and will be located on vacant property to the south. An existing earthquake fault is located approximately 200 ft. to the east of the project site (EIR-73-8, Robinhood Point) B. Prqject Description '['he proposed project consists of utilizing the remaining 4400 sq. ft. of t h(' ~xi sting structure as a church, Sunday school, and the ~,,cto~¥. The ~;eatinq capacil¥ will be bctweeu 100 to 120 seats and the Sunday school will have approximately 35 students. The facility will be open on Sundays and will also be opened during the week for activities such as bible studies and social gatherings. These activities are not anticipated to extend beyond 10:00 p.m. C. ComR~tibility with zoninq and plans The proposed use is considered an Unclassified Use in Title 19 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code and will require Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The proposal is not incon- sistent with the General Plan. D. Findings of insignificant impact 1. The project site is developed and void of any natural or man made resource and the nearest earthquake fault is located approximately 200 ft. east of the site (EIR-73-8) . city of chula vi~ta planning departmen[ ~ environmental review section No now construction is proposed with this development. 2. The propos~,d church, Sunday school, and rectory are comI~nt[b]~ with th~' General Plan and associated elements, and shor~ term goals will not be attained to the disadvantaue of long term environmental goals. 3. No impacts are anticipated to occur which would interact and result in a substantial cumulative effect on the environment. Traffic generated by this project would generally occur during off-peak hours and fewer trips than retail commercial use of tile structure. 4. The project is not anticipated to cause any substantial increase in ambient noise levels and no significant source of hazardous emissions will result. G. Consultation City of Chula Vista Steve Griffin, Assoc. Plnr. Duane Bazzel, Assist. Plnr. Tom Dyke, Bldg. Insp. Shabda Roy, Assoc. Eng. Roger Daoust, Sr. Eng. Ted Monsell, Fire Marshal Applicants agent - David V. Rummerfield Documents EIR-73-8 Robinhood Point (Grandywine) PCC-81-7 Calvary Chapel of Chula Vista Tit,' Init i.~l :;t t:~l" ?:,: 1 :~' ~ :,,n ~n~l .'v,][n,nt ton [Jormr; document:hq the [~ul,l Lc :,'Vl,.W .~t ~ I~,. ~'~:~ ~ ~'J:;t:.l l'l~nn~rtc I~,~[~t., 276 4th A~, r:uc, ~ REVTiJ',' CC.O~ ~r: hTOI{ EN 6 E L£Mb-N TARY SCHOOL PARK AR~A VAC .SEQUOIA ST I PROJECT' AREA 'il VACANT LAND -EXHIBIT ~ P£M~IT 7'0