HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1981/05/26 Item 5
Item 5
Resolution Id7'6~ Certifying environmental
Long Canyon Estates)
Meeting Date 5/26/81
impact report EIR-79-2 (Bonita
Director of Planning~
(4/5ths Vote: Yes
1. The Environmental Impact Report for this project was certified by the Planning
Commission on February 28, 1979. The document has not been certified by the City Council
because of Council's indication in 1979 that development of large projects easterly of
Otay Lakes Road which are tributary to East "H" Street were premature.
? The applicant has now submitted a Sectional P1Jnning Area plan for the overall
development and a tentative subdivision map for Phase I of the project for consideration
by the City. The plan involves several revisions to the plan presented in the Environ'-
mental Impact Report.
3. On March 19, 1981 the Environmental Review Committee held a public hearing to
determine the adequacy of EIR-79-2 due to the project revisions and possible chanqes in
circumstances during the two year period after preparation of the document. The
Committee concluded that the project revisions would not result in any significant
environmental impact which was not previously evaluated in EIR-79-2, and recommended
certification of the EIR.
4. On April 22, 1981 the Planning Commission recertified the EIR.
Certify that EIR-79-2 has been prepared in accordance with CEQA, the State EIR
gui~elines and the environmental review procedures of the City of Chula Vista.
1. The phasing of the project has been changed as follows:
1979 Phase No. 1981 revised Phase No.
The proposed changes in phasing are due to the development of the Bonita Haciendas
subdivision to the north of Bonita Vista High School with the related extension of
streets and utilities which provide access.
was also
The project as previously proposed involved access to Acacia Avenue or Tim
That access has been deleted in the applicant's revised plan. Eventual access
proposed via "s" Stre"et to a future subdivision to the nOr'thwest of the project.
Form A-113 (Rev. 11/79)
Agreement_____ Resolution~ Ordinance_____ Plat_____ Notification List
Submitted on
Page 2, Item
Meeti ng Da te
Subsequently, the County of San Diego has approved a tentative subdivision map
(T3~. 3750) which appears to preclude any access in that area. Therefore, the
applicant did not show this connection on the Sectional Planning Area plan. However,
the final map has not been recorded on the County subdivision and the connection is
highly desirable from an emergency vehicle circulation standpoint. Therefore, a
condition of approval has been established to require the connection.
3. The subdivision design in the vicinity of "Q" street and the SDG&E easement
has been modified so that a large portion of the unique stand of Cleveland Sage is
4. The proposed 17 acre equestrian center has been deleted and replaced with
24 dwelling units as a part of Phase II of the project. The elementary school/park
site has been redesigned and a water tank for the Otay ~unicipal Water District h~s
been added. The overall result has been the addition of about 41 dwelling units.
1 . Geology.
A detailed geological report was prepared on the first three phases of the project
as delineated in the EIR. The revised plan changes the phasing of the project anrl,
therefore, it will be necessary to prepare a more detailed teological report on phases
II and V prior to submission of a tentative subdivision map for those phases.
2. Soil s .
The previously prepared EIR delineates onsite soil conditions which could result
in substantial erosion and downstream siltation; also, some onsite soils are hi<;bly
eX0ansive or compressible. The recommendations in the EIR, including downstream
siltation basins, are adequate to mitigate any potential impact. The modifications to
the project do not involve major changes in the grading of the project area, therefore,
the previous analysis is adequate.
3. Dra i nage.
The EIR identified a potentially significant impact due to a small increase in
nm,.off and the inadequacy of downs tream fac il i ti es. The project proponent proposes
to install retention basins which will reduce the peak downstream water flow and act
as sedimentation basins. The maintenance and operation of these facilities would be
the responsibility of an open space maintenance district.
~.. Land Form.
The project revisions do not involve any major alteration in the preliminary
gradino concept and, therefore, no reevaluation is necessary.
5. Aesthetics.
The aesthetic impact of the project was primarily related to the land form altera-
tion and removal of vegetation. The grading concept'has not been changed and, then!-
fore, the aesthetic impact has not changed.
. .
Page 3, Item.
f.1eeting Date
6. Schools.
The elementary schools serving the project area are shown to be near capacity in
the final EIR and it was estimated that the project would generate about 500 elementary
school students, roughly the equivalent of an elementary school. These conditions have
not changed and the previous analysis is adequate.
The secondary schools serving the project area .have experienced a decline in
enrollment since certification of the final EIR; therefore, the project will have a
less severe impact than that which is portrayed in the final EIR. Building permits
for any portion of the development will not be issued until such time as the school
districts have informed the City that they can adequately serve the development.
7. Sewer.
The final EIR identified a dispute regarding the capacity of downstream sewer lines
due to a very flat grade. It is unclear how Phase V of the project would be provided
with sewer service. Previously this area would have been served through offsite sewer
line extensions within streets. Because the street extensions are no longer proposed,
Phase V may be connected to the Bonita Ridge sewer line which has questionable capacity.
A solution will have to be reached prior to approval of the tentative map for Phase V.
8. Archeology.
Subsequent to the certification of the final EIR, the recommended mitigation
measures were implemented, so there will be no significant impact on cultural resources.
9. Biology.
The modifications of the project design at "Q" street and the
mitigated any significant impact on the stand of Cleveland Sage.
seedling culture of other onsite sensitive species can be carried
implementation to avoid~ any significant impact.
SDG&E easement have
Transplantation. and
out during project
10. Traffic and Access.
The deletion of access to Tim or Acacia Avenues and the access point near the
northwest corner of the project would result in the shifting of about 1,740 trips to
other access points. A traffic study was prepared on the changes that are currently
proposed in the circulation portion of the plan. It was the conclusion of that report
that offsite improvements necessary to miti ga te some of the si gnifi cant impacts WQul d
become more critical but impacts would be mitigable.
by the City Council oT
Chula Vista, Ca!ifornia
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