HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010/02/02 Additional Information \-~"'c-\Q>L,I;-~ ~, ",,"v' S:1~e\n ':...~f;-"-, '-".e '~," ,1..'.:~.. :~~~'1- .....;/l ~ ;t14~[l,.Y'T(:'.;l:~.:--~;r<'~U'I.i.>_ 0 ~/~/,,\a 't~','~:'.'Hteas'O'ns' h€eded'to~yisit'1?hird() .:~ >:> .":~~", ~~:',~:~!~.~: ";""~~'.~;\f.l'<':,.- ~;: ",.-:.., ..":-_..""'".:,i?t:'~.:;~~;~~:;,~~ .,,' ,,; ,-' h ,,', 'H'~' c.~"_'~~'''''' . Iyea~nJor'a vibranrThirdAv'l!l1 ~tin mi~~~o Il;lUCh, I Iflved ." '." . .enueV,llage a~ mu.ch a~ anyone that store where you cO\llpget ~"'''''::' : 'but ani:un'convinced'tlla't'.wastc', prescription filled, bUYia:greeti.' ' ing another, S31l)ilIion'.tiJ mirraw . ing;cilrd: buy gift iteins,;buy streets'ir'emove plainers: slow ,st'amps;'or mail a'package.. We ,tra'ffie'and sh;;rteri'crosswalks visit Third Avenue,for."the .will do it. Tliose':tbunke'r~ Eaiirie'rsMarke~,.fllr our, clock plantersw~re'irist411ed as part of 'and"y\iatch r~paifs,fonhaircl!ts: 'a 'p'ast failed'jfjJi",' :frouble(was ;Iots of re'staurnntsi.the iI'ea'Shop, . t na t 1110 :one. seemed: to' ,care '. Sorrieonestharter ~han ,I"ani whet her' anything w'as .ever" ,:inust be 'capable 'of ,looking b'e; planted or. tendediri them..' In: "'yond the,next 'thilllon'.ilollar.. , ',stea,J'we got,two idimtical "urban' . grants for. yet itlother doomed to . ,trees'::whiCh make:me\vince Jail(,hysical envifoimientfix. ,'. , every time I see thEmi:;' . '.' . " 'SUSANWA:fRY' ,:'Why am I supposed' to go to ; ,..c.::.. . . Chit/d.Vista :Third Avenue? To visit the'dlt. j . ,'" eo,. c, . .,,.... tooshop,.ortoco~nt tl1~ vacan', Lipstick'.onJihtrd, .' ::,: .- des-in the Gateway Class 'A Of,' 'ficeBuilding? I recall'RodDavis: I ~t,rr,~::;6ili:$~i\~h;~h;G~I.y,:f~?J~. . ,the,.Chainber ';of Commerce' .tJ.,!1!to\'.The;Pnlpll.~,1 nb.ull,e,on . :~ CEO: io years -ago telling .us'it . ]al1:21 reported that some people ',:wo~ld be;the~\lt~lysi to ,revivei along'<?hulaNi~ta:s.-T~irs,AV; '.ffhlrdAvenue With throngs of' ~enue were,seekmg-more'pec(es,. pedesirians. It n\"ver'happened', ..trians,Theywill dO this by.nar" . arid he is loiig gone, Or maybe to: rowing streets.alid lan~scaping . ";watcll the,stud~ntsc~~eandgo i . that isdesigned,tQ draw cus,. from classes' m yet another..' toniers.downtoWtI.!'." ", ;:",\".,'.'. .failed: redevelopm~nt project..i '..Jt.-is my: 'Op[nion ,th.at 'it's'a . :- that was going to save Third Av:~' "waste of ,mimey:':,From H io.E . .. enue? Tci~'isittheHeritageMu" street': you< iieyer~saw"II1a:ny: sel1m which'is opeil three'half 'pedeSiriims walking,!spoke'to: .days a week only' beCause Dale: several Shdpowt,ers and they. 'Pering steppea up 'ai,d donate,!, telfme' on tlle.sidewalk 3'is a, . S7000fokeepii open until June ; . :crowd,]jecause'everyorj'e conl~s '30: '.. ,. ......bY.cl!r~: Wide srniets is,a,tbiM ':1 think it was Ein'stein who::. 'of our modern .world, narrower.. noted that doi.ngthe same thing:. 'streets is something fronl'iIle' over anCl over expecting a.differ., past. Also:think about ':Ciilco de . eijtTesuli:.i~:a'sign Of,insanity:.1, Mayo," Lemon Festival..Yulepa: don't Want to believe that so fade.'.' '" ".:.:".' .... ;.many \vell'paidpeopledon'qiet. I. niiiI ~ butchi;r sIl~p oil G it. ..Tnough the physical envi.. 'Street' arid:Thit:d Avenue for '10 ,. . railment is .important it is the' 'years, There was no j"irkiilgblit' , type' of stOl:es that will ul tic ': I had'an excelien't product' for' . .. lnately change Thir~Avenue., 'less money""folkscanie fro.m far:' . ;, Why nof do sometbingreally' 'away." ":. ....,' .... . " -.:- . . di'fferent 1ik~ bringing oack a i .; ,New.!ipst!Sk is,not,g,!illg t'!.': sm;Ill post' office like the o'le in~ . help Jhh:d t)'veny<;:'.!3,~t it l..9~!<s ;~he'R,~xAil drug: ~tore"that\+ :good on.women.,. -: . ... ".: ',I: .' ......_~~-,.._"'--.,_..,".. >NORBERTSTEIN.' , ,',: ,;{: .:.~:" ;:'~~'fhi!'a Vista' . ; " , :-,.,~', ,"i":'~:">-~>'~:4 ~~';<\j..' .:.;-~. ,'; .;,:.: ' . .-'\l'J: i.-,':'~J '''' '.:..,i I,.-~'r> :"Jf:r,~- '~~~~:~: ,1 ,''''::C~ , ". ; .":'~. ' ~,'-,~" ",,:tt'. ,:; ,- :":_"',~l", , .1 .,"1 !",;'CARLOS It/DAVALOS":{ ("> ;,' " .. '_..:-....,. ..:.r".. ,,,/it,"',, "~',>," ','.;" ~ ..;j.'.::,h.. "~"..' ~~':. .~., r " ~00JIiilll 'I i\\ I ,r~" " " ~7/,., ,.,,/, ...7/',- ;~ J[, fHiKEl Jl~, g.. ,/ ,.." r. ... (( ~-