HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1981-1935 Revised 3/5/81 · ORDINANCE NO. 1935 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTF~ The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follc~vs: SECTION 1. That an amendment to the contract between the City of Chula Vista and the Board of Administration, California Public Emp~loyees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A", and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. SECTION 2. The Mayor of the City of Chula Vista is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said Agency. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on the thirty-first day from and after its adoption. Presented by Approved as to form by Gordon K. Grant, Director George D. Lindberg, City Attorney of Finance FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, held March 3 , 198 1 , and finally PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting thereof held March 10 , 198 1, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilmen: McCandliss, Scott, Gillow, Hyde, Cox NAYES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ATT~ ~~krk~ayOr of the City of Chula Vista City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) ss. CITY OF CHULA VISTA) I, , City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above .... is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 1935 , and that the same has not been amended or repealed. DATED City Clerk EXHIBIT BOARD 07 AD~FJ~TRATION PUBLIC ET~I,OY~E.q' RETIREMENT ~Y~TEM A~ CITY COUNCIL CT~ OF CHUL~= VISTA ~be ~o~rd of Administration, ~ub!io E~p]oyees' ~et~rement ~ystem, berein- ~fter referred +o ~s Bo~,rd, ~nd ~he ~ove~n~Rg body of ~.bove pubJic ~gency, ber~in~fter referred ~o ~s Public Ageucy, h~vin~ entered ~nto ~ contrHci under date of ~u~s~ ~1, 19d8, e~ee~ive Octohm? ~, )c~.~?, ~nd ss ~ended ~ffective October 1, ~051, ~ove~be~ ~, ~9~5, J~ua~ I, ~060, J~nus~ 1, 1961, ~eptem- bet ~, 1O~~, September 2S, ~O'~, October ~, 1~?~ sad October 8, 1976, ~hich provides for p~r~ic~patio~? of Publdc Agency In said System, Board and Public ~. ~?~'~n~s ~ +b'~ou~h o ~r~ bere~ strick~ Fco~ said ccntr~ci ss e~ecuted effective October 4, ~?~, sad hereby repg~ced'. by the following psrsFr~phs m~mb~ed I th~Ou~Y~ '~ inchlarva-== t, A],] ~¢or~ end ~'erms use~ here~ ~h!cb ~e ~n~ne~ ~n +b~ Public ~m~]oyees' ~etiremen~: L~F sh~ll b~w~ tb~ m~anir~g .'~s :!elined therein unless o'?']]et'vj.s.? ~peciFica].iy provi. dc~]. "Normal. r~tirement age" r~een age 60 For local misoel]~neoI]s add a,~e 55 ~or !octal safety mc mb .7 ?a. 2. ~ubT. ic A~eney shall participate in th:: Public Employees' Retirement Zyst~m from sn<~ after Oc+ober 1, ]O,~Y:: m~!r,.g ~ts employees ~s b~Te:Y~,:,ftar proT~ded, m~mbers of sa~ System s3bgect to all provisions of t]~e Public Fmployees' Retirement; Ls~;~ except such as apply only on election oT' ? co:t:c';:~cting ,~gency ~nd rr'e no~' provl. ded for heroin end to 'a]] '~moadments 'to sai~ L:~, hereafter ~nscted except such as by ,:,xpress p:oTi~koi;s -G',,~reof ~pp]j only oD ~:he e]~'~c~:io~ of contracting ?. ~p]oyees of Pnb].fc Agency in the fo]]o~ing classes shall become members of said 7~etiremen~ S~stem exeep~ such in escb such cless ~.s ar~, ~7cl~d:-'d by law or this Local Firemen (b~rein referred to as local s~fety membem): b. Loc~! Dolfcem~:,n (hereSn refcerred to ~3s !oc~] safety members): c. Employees other th~p local safely members (heroin referred to Ioc~] ~'~ sc~!l~;r. cou~ membersb. In ~d~t~on ~c ~he ct:~s~os o~ employees c~c]uded from m~mbership s~id ~etiTeme~t Lag, the following clesses of employees shall not become members of s~i8 Retirerag, at NO ADDITIONAL ~CLUSTOPTS After October 4,197'5, and prior to January ~, 19V5, those m~mbers who were hired ~ Pub].it Agency on ~ tempotory ~n~/or seasonal basis not to exceed 6 months were excluded from PERS membership ~ contract, Govemment Co~e Section 20Z~6 supersedes this contract provi~ion by providing that shy such tempoPa~ and/or seasonal employees ~re e~c]ude8 from P~S membership subsequen~ Jenus~ t , ~ 975. 5, ~U~]e ~r~ction of ~in~] ~o~nsation to b~ ~vo~.'ided '~o:c ~.:~cb year of e~te~ prior and current service ~s ~ !ocs] miscellaneous member ~et~.r~me~t L~w (2~ at s~ 6, Tbe ~'~c~ion of ~!n~] coleuses. ion to b~ provided '~o~ e~eb year of cP~di'ted B~ior ~n~ current service as ~ local safety member shall O~'he~in~d ~n ~ccorO~nce ,~yiLh ?~eetion 212~P.1 of s~:.id ~e~irement L~ (One-half Dey at age 7. Th~ following ~'~<ldi~iondl p~ovisions of the~ Public gmpJoyees' ment ~gw ~¢bieb ~aDply oR]y upo~ election o'~ o contracting g. geney shell ~pp3y tO the' Pl~b]:~e Agency ~n~ its emp]oye~s: Sectton 20q52.5 (A~ 50 volunts~ retirement) for local memb~ ~s only. b, ~9c~:ko~s 21'~{3-7i:~$, ~n Sur'vivoTs Progr,m), ex~:tudin~ ~Jection 21~2.2 <Tncre~{sed lq~q ~ul'vivors benefits). c. ~ection ~C~020 ("Loc~i Policem~n" sh~12 j. nclud~.~ per'sons to identif~.c~.tion and communiceti. on duties in the Police Depart- ment who ~pe Dot now loc~l s~fety members ~nd ~tho vtere In such employment on August 4, 1972, who e]eet safety membership on or ~. Scct_~on 20~62.a (Unuse~ ste~ leave ereOlt). Public ~g~ney, in ~ecordsnce w~th Section 207~0, Covem~ment Code, c~s~e~ to b~ ~D "~mp].oyer" for purposes of Chmptec 6 of th~ Public ~mployees' Retirement Law effective on October 8, 1976, Accumulated co~tribstions of Pub?~ic AKency a~ of-~he F~forem~n~oned date sh~l] be fixed and determined as provided ~n ~eotion 20759, Government Code, and ~ccumu~.~e8 contrib~tions ~s o~ the c~forement~oned contributions thereafter made ~hall be held by the ~oard as provided in Section 20750, Cove~ment Code. o. Public Agency sh~ll contribute to sa~d ~iremen~. 9ystem as follows: a. ]~h r~sp~c~ ~o miscellaneous m~mbers, the s~ency abel! con- tribu~e the ~o],lowing percentages o~ monthly salaries earned as miscellaneous members of $~id ~etiremsn~, O.O~e percen~ until June ~, 2000 on aecoun~ of ~h~ !~ eb~] ~tv for prior ser,~ine 1~ .02[~ D~rc~n~ on ~ccoun~ of ~,he ]i~bi]]ty for current C.~2q perce~]t on ~ccoun~ of ~be ]~bili~y for the 195~ b. 9f~th r~D.2, c~ ~e ]o~] s~.fety members, tho ,~en~ shall ~ontribu~e th~ ~ollowin~ ~rcen~es of monthly salaries earns6 ss loesl s~fet~ m~mb~.rs of said retirement (!~ 14.12~ percent on ~ccount of the liability for curr~nt s~?r,~ice b~nefi~s. ~2b ~.0~ ~erc~nt o~ ~coun~ of th~ liability for the 105° ~urv~vor Dro~re~. c. A r~son~b]o ~r~oun~ per ~nnum, ~s f~yc8 ~ ~b~ Bo.~rd ~o cover the cosis o'~ ~c]miu~e-~erin~ s~id qy~e~ as it affects the employees Pnb]~c ~n~y, not in~]ll~in~ ~he co~ts of s~cial w~]uations or of the periodic investi~s~ion and va!uatjons required by law. c1. A re~son~bl~ ,q~ount ~s fixed ~ the Bo~.rd, pgysbl~ in one insta!]- ~ept ~s !lie occ~.9'ions arise, to cover the costs of specie]_ valua- tions on ~ccou~l o~ emp]oye,=s of Public Agency, en~ costs of the 10. Con~4h~+~ons r~quir~d of Pub].'~e A~ency ~n~ ~ts emp!~es shs].~ be subject ~o s~juetm~nt by Board on sccoant of amendments to the ~aBlic Em.p]oyees' ~e~tr~men+ !,a~, ~n~ on acco~l+ of +he e~rJe~ce under Re~Iremen+. Sys~,em es ~e~ermtned by the periodic investi~ation and Contri~,utions requ~re~ of ?ubl~ A~ency and i~s employees shall be after the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as rosy be prescribed ~ Board re~jst~on. If more or less than the correct ~mount of contributions is psi8 for aDy period, proper edJusi~ent s~]]. be maces in connection ,~ith subsequen~ remittances, or adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any emp]oy~e may b~ m~t~e by direct easb p~yments between the employee the ~oard. Payments by Public A~ency to Bosr~ mmy be made in the fom o7~ wsr~'an'ts, Bqnk ~hec]<s, b~k dr~f'~s, ~e~;ified ,~hecks, money mbi. s smendmont sha]! bs attsched to said con~rsc~ and sh~ll be effective on the Seventeeth ,~y o~ April , 1981. ~ftne~ our hsna~ -t~g Sixth ~ o~ April , ~g81. ORDINANCE NO. 1935 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM By a unanimous vote on March 10, 1981, the City Council adopted the resolution amending the contract to provide a one-time 3% to 15% increase in retirement allowance to pre-1974 City retirees. Copies of the ordinance are available at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista.