HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/11/17 Additional Information l-\..\.I;:.\.c. ~""-e ~ Fv",()"'-. \:l.ouek.. \l_17-C><=t Mayor Cox and City Counsel, I want to make a proposal to the city. I will save you millions of dollars, at my expense. You have to effect no change or do anything other then to accept the savings and assure me a percentage of what I have already saved you. And only after I have done it. I have been a business systems analyst for over 45 years and I can guarantee those savings will start to occur the moment I start. And once I am comfortable enough to explain it to you, you will too. The difficultly arises because the method to do this is out of the ordinary. Generally the city decides to do something and asks for bids for something specific. In this case you are asking for any thing that will save the city money. You don't know what you will get up front. But all you will be doing is accepting the offers to listen. You still decide if you are going to let the people do it or not. In this case you are buying knowledge. You will have to accept the fact that you are going to pay the person if you use their proposal, no matter if you use them to do it or not. Actually, if you think about it. This is a clever idea to find out all that you don't know about saving money for the city. There are more specialists in more fields in the community then you will ever have working in government. I have designed computer systems for multi million dollar companies and can assure you that things you feel are inconsequential are devastating in long term cost. Making a way to create a bid for this will be a little difficult. You will be asking the public to come up with ways to save the city money, but will only be paid on the savings that they create and only after the savings happen. The issue now is this. I can guarantee millions of dollars in savings for the city at no risk or effort on your part. You either want the savings and assign someone to work with me to create some kind of bid. Or we just forget about it and I thank you for your time. If the current bureaucracy will not permit me to save you money, then so be it. I do this fax to you and the city counsel by hand and that's it. I have already experienced the bureaucratic indifference with the city, I find it understandable. Never the less I will not contact you again. Frank Houck 396 Park Way Chula Vista,ca 91910 619691 1692 fkhouck@yahoo.com ~(~ -.- ...-.;::~~ --~""""-...,.... -- C(Hl11cilm~lllbcr P:lmela HenS(}llSS:\l1 Ci1Y Of Chula Vista 27G Fourrh .1\venue Chula \list:l, Ca q 191 () 619.691.5044 - 619.476.5379 1"3, MEMO CllY OF CHULA VISfA ,_ ~_ ,r--... DATE: Tuesda y, November 17, 20m FROM' COllllcilnlctnber Patl1cla Bensoussan G TO: lv/avor and Cltv Council . . CC: Jim Sandoval, CltV J\-lanager RE: Resolution to support IeLEI initiative The Council n.?comn~cnds that the City ad(}pt the follo\Vl1lg lCLEl rCCOll1111el1cbtioll t(l c01l1plilTICnt the Council's 19S17 Kyuto Protocol cotllmittncnt to reduce (iHG CI11isSlOI1S by 200/0 as c01l1pan:d to 1991J kvels with a date re-esrablished by the UN Climate Framework Cunference of2012. In passing a resoluti(ln tu support tllls ICLEI 1I1iriative, the Council further nxognizes that: the City's 2UU8 GHC lIlvcntory ickntlfics that the :lI1I1ual cit)'WlCk CHG levels have lllcrc:lsed by 290/<) cotllparcd to 199U, htlwever the efforts ll1ade by the Ciry S1I1CC 1993 have hdpcd to reduce per capit:l and per huusing unit kvels in Chub Vista by approximately 250:'0 and 17{~/(I be1uwll)90 levels, rcspcctlvely. Furthern1ore, when the city has re<"Juired G HG reducrwns for 111t.lI1icipal operatiolls such as fleet, building and traffic signals, CHC enusslon levels from those sources have exceeded the Kyoto c0111mitl11ents, and have reduced appruxitnatel:7 43(Ytl below 1 ~SJO levels. . '!: ($ANDA~ 40J 8 Street, Surte 800 San Diego, CA 92101-423/ (6/9)699./900 Fax (619) 699.1905 IMNw.sandag.org MEA.18EH 4GENOts Gtlesof Carishati Ow/a VIStil (oron,1do Dellvldf EI(ajoll [n(inll<lS f)(onutdo Impell<l( B~',l(h laMe.a Lemon GrOll(! NiJr/()f1<!!(il\' O(l'dflsu.ie fbwdj' S;inDi('go San :..1ar(05 S<IIlfC...'~ SO!,)(I'IBeac!r Vista <JIIU Counryot San Dll'gO AINISOl?Y MI,M81RS ImOf'ri.:J1 (oum}' Caiiforn;a [)(>(ldrrrm.'flt of TrampOI!d/ron r",1l'lrOf/QJi!i.m "<1n\/1 System Norrl1 (oumv !fansit Vi:;/rk:t Ullite<ISt,I/(>S Department of D€fenst' San Di€,!/o Unified ?ort Olstrin 5<11l Di0.JO COHnty W"IlJ( Au/hamy Southern (al/fOfflia {((!),II C/1o"Iirm('/l's A5~(X lilIlon Mexim ~A~~\)::l\\ ~ \\ /l7/= 1 November 12, 2009 Dear Resident: SUBJECT South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project An exciting new type of transit system is coming to your community. Called the South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project, it will establish rapid bus service between the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and downtown San Diego via eastern Chula Vista - including stops in your neighborhood. To learn more about the project, we invite you to attend one of the following open houses: . Tuesday, December 1,2009, (3 to 7 p.m.) at Heritage Elementary School, 1450 Santa Lucia Road, Chula Vista . Thursday, December 3, 2009, (3 to 7 p.m.) at Rancho Del Rey Middle School, 1174 East J Street, Chula Vista . Monday, December 7,2009, (3 to 7 p.m.) at Olympian High School, 1925 Magdalena Avenue, Chula Vista The new system will be different than any other bus service in the region. The 21- mile route will feature fewer stops, comfortable vehicles, and fast, frequent service. It will reduce travel time by using dedicated "guideways" and bus-only lanes, as well as special technology to get through traffic signals more quickly. The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) will design and build the South Bay BRT project. When construction is complete in 2012/13, the Metropolitan Transit System will operate the bus service. SANDAG is committed to working with communities along the route. Project team members will be on hand at the open house events listed above to answer your questions. Enclosed for your review are a project fact sheet and a map that shows the route and the open house locations. For more information, visit www.KeepSanDiegoMoving.com. or contact public information officer David Hicks at (619) 699-6939 or dhic@sandag.org. Thank you and we hope to see you soon. Sincerely, THE SOUTH BAY BRT PROJECT TEAM DHI/vpe Enclosures .. Transportation SOUTH BAY BUS RAPID TRANSIT FACT SH EET ~ratiSNet Better Transit. More Options, and a Mufti-modal Approach The South Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project will offer p:Jsscngers high quality transit that IS fast, frequent, and comfortable. The project will provide new upgraded vehicles and enhanced stations resulting in a premium transit service. The stations' architeUurJI deSign will refli..'O the surrounding communlty's character. CSANDAg-r 40 I 8 Street, SUite 800 San Diego, CA92/01 (6 J 9) 699-1900 rax (619) 699-1905 www,sandag,ofg www.keepsdndlegomoving,tom The Project The South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project is divided into two phases of implementation. Phase One: Oesign and build a 21-mile BRT line between the Otay Mesa Port of Entry and downtown San Diego via f'astern (hula Vista, 1-805. and SR 94. The line will provide residents of (hula Vista and San Diego with fast, frequent, high-quality transit service and new access to the international border at Gtay Mesa.The project will include arterial "transit only" lanes, transit signal priority, special shoulder lanes for buses only"on the freeway, and enhanced customer amenities. Phase Two: This phase will include the addition of the 1-805 managed lanes, a direct access ramp and transit station at Palomar Street, and two new on-line stations and park-and rides at H Street and Plaza Boulevard. Phase two of the project will result in increased access for National City residents as well as reduced travel times for most passengers. The Solution The South Bay BRT project aims to achieve high-speed service along a corridor that currently does not offer a mass transit alternative. The BRT service will offer faster travel times and better reliability than regular bus service by using "transit only" lanes, traffic signal improvements, Jimited station stops and real-time passenger information. Station enhancements to provide a pleasant .waiting environment include upgraded shelters, level platforms to ease boarding, landscaping, and enhanced paving. Project Status Preliminary engineering and environmental work is underway. Final design studies will be undertaken over the next year. The first phase is planned to be in operation by late 2012. Route The South Bay BRT route is 21 miles between downtown San Diego and the Gtay Mesa Port of Entry. There will be 12 stations serving major actrvity centers in downtown San Diego and the South Bay, including offices, shopping, recreational facilities, residential communities and park -and-ride lots, as well as the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. Operating Plan At full build out, service along the corridor would be provided at 1 O-minute frequencies during peak commute hours, and every 15 minutes during the mid-day. The transit- only lanes and signal treatments, along with low-floor vehicles and Compass Card fare technology, are aimed at minimizing travel delays and creating a high-speed service similar to that of the trolley. This enhanced transit experience is expected to attract new riders who currently do not use transit. Funding The first phase of the project will be funded predominately with TransNet dollars. TransNet is the regional sales tax measure that was approved by voters in 2004. The second phase of the project will use federal, state and local funding sources. November 2009 1'--: @/tfJ/JMjpJ&1@j / SOUTH BAY BUS RAPID TRANSIT (SRT) Open House locations LEGEND !'II :TJ.CJ J~~~ ;t;t;:4j . '>OM ,<{~1 ~~ :~ *il ...~ , . ,~; ~ SRT Route Phase I .... BRT Route Pilase 11120201 o BRT Station * Open House Location @ Park & Ride Station < (SANIlJA~Af' 401 B Street, Suire 800 San DiegO, CA 9210/.4231 (619)699.1900 Fa, (619) 699.1905 WLNwsandag.or9 MEMBER AGENOES Citit.'sof Cr1ff5/"Jild (llllla V,sla (ofOn.1{fo DelMdf EICajon F.win;las [Kondido Impf'rkll ~,,(h idMeSd Lemon GrOI"l.' NilliOTliJlCiIY ()(PiHlsicJe /'OW;)}' SilnDie<jo S,)nMdfCo,S SdIl1('(> 'ia/ana Brad) VI5ta dnd Coumy of Silrl Diego ADVISORY MEMBERS Imperial (ouruy California Department of lriln.~pol ration Metropolitan Iran.m System Norlll County li,j{)SIIDistricr Uniu.'(fStdW5 Depilrtmenlol [)efl'Il~(' San Oif!(jO (jlliflfO<1 Pon Dr..uju 5..)n Diego COlmry Wa{N Au/hon(y SOI.J/hern C1Momk! If/!).JI Ch"ff/rwlI\ A5~(xidlioll MeXICO 1Yc-t\-\z""~t ~ "/171=C>../ 12 de noviembre de 2009 Estimado Residente: TEMA: Proyecto de South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Un novedoso sistema de transporte publico lIegara a su comunidad. Conocido como proyecto South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), establecera un servicio de autobus rapido entre la Garita de Otay Mesa y el downtown San Diego, pasando per el este de Chula Vista - incluyendo paradas en su vecindario. Para conocer mas sobre este proyecto, Ie invitamos a asistir a uno de los siguientes eventos publicos: . Martes 1 de diciembre, (3 a 7 p.m.) en la escuela Heritage Elementary School, 1450 Santa Lucia Road, Chula Vista . Jueves 3 de diciembre, (3 a 7 p.m.) en la escuela Rancho Del Rey Middle School, 1174 East J Street, Chula Vista . Lunes 7 de diciembre, (3 a 7 p.m.) en la escuela Olympian High School, 1925 Magdalena Avenue, Chula Vista EI nuevo sistema sera diferente a cualquier otro sistema de autobuses en la region. La ruta de 21 millas contara con menos paradas, vehiculos comodos y un servicio rapido y frecuente. Este reducira los tiempos de trayectos al usar "vias" dedicadas y carriles exclusivos para autobuses, asi como tecnologia especial para cruzar mas rapido en los sefialamientos de trafico. La Asociacion de Gobiernos de San Diego (SANDAG, por sus siglas en ingles) disefiara y construira el proyecto del South Bay BRT Cuando se termine de construir en el 2012/13, este sera operado por el Metropolitan Transit System. SANDAG esta comprometido a trabajar con las comunidades a 10 largo de la ruta. Miembros del Equipo de Trabajo del Proyecto estaran disponibles para contestar sus preguntas durante los eventos publicos enlistados arriba. Le anexamos para su revision una hoja descriptiva y un mapa que muestra ia ruta y las ubicaciones de los eventos publicos. Para mas informacion, visite www.KeepSanDiegoMoving.com 0 comuniquese con el oficial de informacion publica David Hicks al (619) 699-6939 0 dhic@sandag.org. Gracias, y esperamos verlo pronto. Sinceramente, EQUIPO DE TRABAJO DEL SOUTH BAY BRT DHllvpe Enclosures Transportaci6n BUS RAPID TRANSIT DEL SUR DE LA BAHIA HOJA DESCRIPTIVA -=;fl!TratiSNet Mejor Transporte, Mas Opciones y un enfoque Multi-modal EI proyecto del Bus Rapid Transit del Sur de la Bahia ofrecera a los pasajeros un rranspone de a/ra calidad que' os rapido, frccucnte y confonable, EI proyecto ofrecera vehiculos modernos y eslaClones mejoradas para resultar en un ~ervjcio de transpone publico premium, EI diseno arquitect6rl1co de las estaClones rellejala las caracteristicas de las comunidadus alredeuur. CSANDAt;6lIr 401 B Street, Suite 800 S:m Dieyo, CA 9210 I (619)6991900 Fax (619) 699-' 905 www.sandag.org www.keepsandiegomoviny.com EI Proyecto EI proyecto del Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) del Sur de la Bahia est a dividido en dos fases para su implementaeion. Fase Uno: Oiseno y construeei6n de 21 millas de la ruta SRT entre la Garita Otay Mesa y el downtown San Diego, pasando por el este de Chula Vista y 105 freeways 1-805 y SR 94. La ruta ofrecera a 105 residentes de (hula Vista y San Diego un servicio de transporte rapido, frecuente y de alta calidad, asi como un nuevo aeeeso a la frontera internaeional en Otay Mesa. EI proyeeto incluira earriles "exclusivos para autobuses", senalizaeion para dar prioridad al transporte publico, carriles espeeiales para autobuses en 105 acotarnientos de 105 autopistas, y otr as comodidades para los usuarios. Fase Dos: Esta fase incluira la adici6n de earriles expres en la 1-805. una rampa para aeeeso directo en la estaci6n Palomar Street, y dos nuevas estaciones sobre la carreter a y estacionamientos park-and-ride en la calle H y Plaza Boulevard. La Fase dos del proyecto resultara en mayores aeeesos para los residentes de National City, asi como tiempos de trayecto mas costos para los pasajeros. La Soludan EI proyecto del BRT del Sur de la Bahia pretenrle alcanzar un servicio de alta velocidad a 10 largo de este corredor, el cual no ofrece actual mente alternativas de transporte publico masivo. EI servicio del BRT ofrecera un trayecto mas corto y por usar los carriles "exclusivos para autobuses". senalizacion para prioridad del transporte publico, paradas limitadas en estaciones e informacion para pasajeros en tiempo real. ser a mas confiable que los servicios de auto buses regulares. Las mcjoras en las estaciones ofreceran una espera mas placentera, esto incluye mejores recintos, plataformas a nivel para un abordaje faci!, palsajismo y rnejores pavimentos. Estatus del Proyecto Ya se lIevan a cabo los trabajos preliminares de ingenieria y medio ambiente. Los estudios del diseno final se lIevaran a cabo el proximo anD. Se planea que la primera fasc del proyeeto entre en operacion a finales de 2012. Ruta La ruta del SRT del Sur de la Bahia es de 21 millas entre el downtown San Diego y la Garita Otay Mesa. Habra 12 estaciones para dar servicio a 105 principales centros de actividades en el downtown San Diego y sur de la Bahia, incluycndo oficinas. centros comerciales, instdlaciones recreativas, comunidades residenciales y estacionamientos park-and-ride, asi como la Garita Otay Mesa. Plan Operativo Cuando ya este terminado, el servicio se ofrecera con frecuencia de cada 10 minutos durante horas pico, y cada 15 minutos en 105 otros horarios. Los carr iles exclusivos y senales para el transporte publico. junto con pisos bajos y la tecnologia para tarifas de la Tarjeta Compass tienen la intenci6n de minimizar Jas demoras y crear un servicio de alta velocldad similar al Trolley. Se anticipa que esta experiencia rnejol ada de trans porte publico atraiga a nuevos viajeros Que actual mente no usan transporte publico. Financiamiento La primera fase del proyecto sera financiada predominantemente con dolares de TransNet. TransNet es el impuesto regional alas ventas que fue aprobado por 105 votantes en 2004, La segunda fase del proyecto usara fuentes de financiamiento federal, estatal y local. November 2009 ~1!YPIP!~~qp--, - SOUTH BAY BUS RAPID TRANSIT (BRT) Ubicaci6n de los Eventos Publicos LEVENDA t!l!:iII Ruta BRT Fase I Il!IIIIlIIII Ruta BRT Fase 11120201 o Estaci6n BRT