HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1938-270 . ' , of. , . ORDIN' AN'CE NO.. _ %76 )UKlNC EXCEPTTO!'f' TO 71):,r. -" STRIC'!'IO~~S FGh CEitfALi.'; l'K0? }:nTlES j:'; .QUAnTE~{ ~~.EC':U:S 1:)9 AXD 1:S o.L'A..T;-:H ~ECTION 1I'J I:i 'EHE CITY O:F CHCLA "\/1S..'.\, CALl- }<'OHNIA. THE CITY COUNCIL OF CHULA 'VIS. '1'.\. CALI.FOIL~L\. DOES OI~D,\IN AS :FOLLQWS: SECTIO;S I. The Z~n(' A 1"c~trktion 8'1. plknLle to the E'-bterl:; ZOO feet of LQt .:h in QUllrtCI" Section 13:1. R::::.r.c!:o ue la Nadon in the City 0f Chu!a \'i;t:~, Ca1i. fnrni."\. which property is located at the North......est cornel. of Thinl Avcnu[' and K Str::-et. i51 hcreh:r HU~IJCndcd, nml the er<,c. tion tnN'eon of II. O:H;-"tory stu..-:co bui!u- inS' to hou~c 1uneh r(10m, g-a:,olin(' !'crvic~ r:tation _ and l"cl'ah' ~hop. and It plt':kin!! plant if dc~trclJ Ly any owner of F.ftid proper!}' 01" any porlkm th(1fNf, appro\'eu, SECTIOX 2. The Zone n I'C~tl'iction aTO- JllicnbIe to the E:l~t('riy lOr) f('('t of the Northerly 100 f.eet oi Lot 12 in Qllarter Section 149, Ra.:lrho Jc la Nadon in the City of Chula Viola, California, which vropert). is IDeated at the SOlllh\\'e~t CDr4 TIN' of Second Avt'l\ue awl P Stl'('{'t, i.~ hereby eusIKl1<le,J. and the ercC'tion thereon of an outdool' f'lectl'ic distdbutio11 I;uh_ !!ltation And olJ('rat,,\"!, antI troubl~man',; 'cohat:res tn('-l'con aP1JrO\'l'd. ,_ SECTIOS 3. The exception); p:ranteu in Section 1 1111<1 in Section 2 of thi3 Or,Jinnncc IIrc made in Hc~'or<"'nf.~ with Section '" of Oro]in:,mc,:, 1;.:0. 163 of the (Jrdinflnce3 of !'nhI CHy. PJ\SSED. ADOPTED AND APPROVED . by the City Counril of th'~ Cit}, of Chull!. V1;;ta. Califotr,ia, th.. 7th day of Fe"bru;uy. '1938. by-the followins:r vole, h)-wit: AYES: COUNCIL~f:CN. B H. Y ANT. DOLTZ. BROWN, HO\YE AND TIMMONS. NOES: COU~CIL)-tEN-NONR ABSENT: COUNCIL~,rEN-lo:ONE, C. V. BRm....N. Mayor of the City of Chula Yi5ta, California, ATTEST' : . I' :, " I I ~i i II " I, r! 11 ;, 'I i 1 r 'I 1 ,I )1 q '; 'I , j j j R. A. HIGGS. Cih' C!(>"k ()f the City (If Chuh Vi~t:1. Cnlifornia. The forc!;"oin.c: Ordinance i:> h"reby up... Pl-o,'CU thi,; 7th dar of F~brual'Y. 1939. , C. V. BROWN. Mayor of the City of Chula Vista, California. 1 13~ue, Feb. 18, 1~3S. , ! I , 1 I I I . . . ORDJ:NANbE ICJ\). 270. MAKING EXCEPl'IONS TO ZONE RESTRICTIONS FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN QUARl'ER SECTION 139 AND IN QUARl'ER SECTION Ho9 IN '1HE CITY OF CIWlA VISTA, CALIFORNIA ... "- THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CH!JLA. VISTA, CllLIFORNIA, DOES ORDAIN lIS FOu.oWS: " . SECTION 1. The Zone A restriction applicable to the Easterly 200 feet of Lot 31 in Q,uarter Section 139, Rancho de la Nacion in the City of Chula Vista, California, which property is located at the Northwest corner of Third Avenue and K Street, is hereby suspended, and the erection thereon of a one-story stucco building to house lunch room, gasoline service station and repair shop, and a packing plant if desired by any owner of said property or any portion thereof, approved. SECTION 2. The Zone B restriction applicable to the Easterly 100 feet of the Northerly 100 feet of Lot 12 in Quarter Section 1~9, Rancho de la Nacion in the City of Chula Vista, California, which property is located at the Southwest corner of Second Avenue and F Street, is hereby suspended, and the; erection thereon of an outdoor electric distribution sub-station and operator's end trcublemen' s cottages thereon approved. SECTION 3. The exceptions grBilted in Section 1 and in Section 2 of this Ordinance are made in accordance with Section ~ of Ordinance No. 163 of the Ordinances of said City. PASSED, ADOPl'ED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, the 7th day of February, 1938, by the following vote, to-'.'lit: .AYES: COUNCIlMEN' Brye1lt, Boltz, Brown, Howe and Timmons. NOES: COUNCIl/lIEN None. ABSENT: COUNCIIMEN None. e...{/. u..'3-r._.orl;c"--L_-r-. /' Mayor of the City of Chula Vista, California. ATTEST : he City of ""\.o~~',,", '1r.c......<D ~o'...Pn'"""..DI~