HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1937-262 T. '\ ! '.. , , ~.' ~ , 'I: . -~; , , . , ' e, ., ,. ,,) '.I , :;", ' );, I , , 't(, .~ OIIDINANCE !IO. ~ All ORDJ:lf.l:C:!: .A!.!:E7'i'DDm AU ORDIWJICE l:TJLrFERED 163, PASSED. J..DOPrED AJJ) J;FffiOVED ON' l!:.nCH 8 1927 E:-:l'ITI.:ID: "AN C:IDI:J.l:CZ O~ ~JE CITl OF CI!UIJ~ vr;:;TA, G.AI..I?OIWIA. rnOVIDIJ:G FOR TI~ CRE;.TIi;G IJ! D;.ID CIT'l OF FIV"'; (5) zom:s, CO:'SISTIlIG OF VARIOUS DISTnI~T.3 J'J!1) P:R.:::.sCHIDli:c. TIm C:...:.ssES CF EUILDIi-JGS, srnUCl'U:'tE.3, ;'\!m r...!PROV~.::l!TS II: &ID c=r...::..'1:J. ZC:'::::S ~'';iJ) ':'iIE li.:i2,3 TT!E2Z0?; D:::';'I:.rnJG T1LS TE2HS USED TIG.:?.ETIr, PR::::C;UBIliG 'I'll;:; FS::A.LTI FOR TIS VIOI!!-I.TION 0:3' TIS PROVISIOI3 'li!!illEOF .;Jm REPEALIlJG ANY ORDIlWJCE O:t PJ"illTS 07 awr:::JICES IN CO.i:;FLIGT It:..~aTa:. n C.t..LIFOR::U . TIlE CITY COU::CIL OF TIlE CITY OF Cffi1I.A VlsTJ./oozs O:roAm AS FOIL011S: Section 1. Tnat Section 5 of Ordinanca numbered 163, ot the City of Chula -Vista, Calltorp.la, be and the same is hereby aroended to read as !'olious; "Section 5. Ho building, structure or Inprovement 5h9.11 be erected, co~structed, altered or e.nlarged in the 'A' Zon9, which is designed. 8.tTanged or intended to be Occupied Or used for any Pu...-PoGcd other tha.n a single 1'a.'111ly dl'fClling, tOGether wi th the usua.l a.Ccessories located on the same lot or percel Of ls..nd, including a. private c;uruga containing Space for not ~ore than four (4) aut~obiles, provided that o~ly one such single dwelling house shall be erected, constructed, established, altered or enlarged upon any one lot Or parcel of lEUld, which said lot or parcel of land shall not.be les6 than forty (40} feet in width nOr less than el~lty (80) f~ct in depth nor less thlUl thr~e thousand tilO hunq;ed (3,,'2(:0) S<luo.re I~cet i:1. t:.X'ea, other pro71s10115 of' this ordinance to the contr!il"J Dot;'/itilstCL."lding; provided, that the above pro.nsion pertaining to the ~nir~ \ndth, denth and area or lots in said tAl Zone shall not apply to any lot Officially recorded in a map or plat in the Offico of' the Recorder or San Diego County, Celirornia prior to th~ adoption of this Orc.ina..nce; provided, tuz-ther. houaver, that no such Bingle 1'~~ly dwelling shall be erected, constructed. established. altered or enlarged upon any portion or portions of such recorded lot or lots as shmvn upon any official reap or plat recorded in the Office o~ the Recoruer of San Diego CotUlty, California, unless such portion or portions at such lots shall be Dot less than forty ~40) f'~et in width. nor less then ei ht (80) feet in denth nOr less than three tho1lsand hlo hunct'ed (3,,'200) square feet in area. Ho bill board shall be constructed or :ma.l:J.ta1ncd in said A Zone.1I Section 2. This Ordinance shall take effect lUld be in foZ"ce on the thirty-first day froc and after its final passage and approval. ,. PASSED. AJX)PffiD;.lID hPP!<OVED by the Vista, California, this 11th day of vote. to Wit: City Council of the City of Chula !.:ay 1937, by the following ; " AYES COUIICIL!.:EN Boltz, Brot',TI, HOt'fe end Rife. NOES COUNCIIi2!1 none. AB>Er.'T COUNCIL!.:EN Tlmons. ~ (? -{/. ~-<-'-fZ-<---1.. Mayor or the Cl t:J' of Chula Vista Califor.::tla AT7"..sT: ~MGJ~ Cl"ty Cler';': or rthe City of" ,/Chul,a Vista, CalifOrnia . . I r