HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1932-220 ORDIIrAlICE EO. L:2 0 An ordinance ill~endjng an ordi~unce numbered 163, passed, adopted. and approved on i,.arch e. 1927. entitled: "An Ordinance of tl~e City of Ghula Vista, California, providinG for the creation in said City of Five (5) Zones, consistinG of vurious Districts and prescribinc the classes of builcinss, structures and improvements in said several zones and the uses thereof; defining the terms used tl,erein, prescribing the penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof and repealing ,/ any ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith,'! and for other purposes and declaring an emereency. Trill CITY COUNCIL OF ClmLA VISTA, Cl~IFOffiJIA, DO ORDAIN 118 FOLLQ;VS: SECTION 1. That section two (2) of ordinance nUl1lbered 163, aforesaid, be and the same is hereby fuliended to read as follows: "Section 2. In order to designate, regulete, and restrict the location and locations of COITillerC8, business, I J ,I I I ~ 1 j ! j , I I I . trades, and enterprises, and the loc2ctions of all buildincs desi8ned, arranged or intended for special uses, five (5) are hereby established classes of districtsj. which shall be known as 'A' Zone '. 'B' Zone, 'C' Zone, 'D' Zone, and t~, Z~neJ which said several zones and the districts of each thereof ere hereby defined, established, set forth, and the limits and territory thereof described as follows: 'At Zone "'A' Zone includes the followin8: All lots or parts of lots, pieces or parcels of land within the incorporated limits, now or hereafter established, of the City of Chula Vista which are not included in either of tbe otller Zones as defined herein. t Bt Zone it'D' Zone includes tile i'ollowi!1'-...;: COJiunoncinc at 0. point . on the northerly line of ~uarter Section One Hundred Sixty-one (161) of IJap B'ive Hundred Five (505) as filed Tuesday J.;arch 3, 1888, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the office of .the County Recorder of the County of San Dieeo, State of California, One Hundred Eighty-three and six tenths (183.5) feet west of the west line of .National .'venue, said point being the true place of beeinning, thence west along the northerly line of t;,uarter ,1 Section One hundred Sixty-one (161) to a point Four Hundred Thirty (430) feet east of the east line of Bay Boulevard, thence south at rieht angles and parallel to the east line of Bay Boulevard and distant Four HUndred Thirty (430) feet therefrom easterly to the north line of 'L' Street, thence east along said north line of 'L' Street to a point One Hundred ~Ienty- five (125) feet west of the I.est line of National Avenue, thence north and at right angles and parallel to and distant One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet westerly from the west line of I '! I i I I I I I National Avenue to the south line of Flower Street, thence northerly and in a direct line to the south west corner of Lot thirteen (13), Block one (1) of Shenandoah Tract of the City of Chula Vista, thence northerly along the west line of Lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23), twentY-four (24), twentY-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), thirty-two (32), thirty-three (33), thirtY-four (34), and thirty-five (35) to the north west corner of Lot thirtY-five (35) of Block One (1), thence northwesterly and in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot five (5), Block four (4) of Marlborough lfuiehts, thence northerly along the westerly line of Lots five (5), six (6), seven (7) and eieht (8) of Block four (4) to the northwest corner of Lot eight (8) of Block four (4), thence ncrtherly and in a direct line to the south Vlest ccrner of Lot five (5) of -2 00;);;20 Block three (3J of Marlboroueh Heiehts, thence northerly along the west line of Lots five (5), six (6), seven (7) and eight (8J of Block three (3) of 1,larlborough HeiGhts to the north '.;est corner of Lot eieht (8) of Block three (3), thence northerly and distant One Hundrcd Eighty-three and six tenths (183.6) feet westerly frcm the west line of national Avenue to the p'oint of beginning. " ~Commencing at a point in the south line of 'C' Street One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet east of the east line of national Avenue, said point being the true place of beginning, thence south at right an(;les and parallel to the east line of Hational Avenue and distant One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet easterly, to the north line of McIntosh Street, thence southerly and in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot ~vo (2) Block one (1) Pleasant View Addi tion, thence south along the easterly line of Lots two (2) and tITOnty-thrco (23) of Block one (1) of Plc&sant Viow Addition to the southeast corner of Lot twenty-three (23) Block one (1), thence southerly and in a direct line to a point in the south line of Casselman Street, said point being One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet east of the east line of !lational Avenue, thence south and parallel to the east line of National Avenue and distant One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet easterly to the north line of 'D' Street, thence southerly and in a direct line to a pOint in the south line of 'D' Street, said point being Ninety (90) feet east of the east line of National Avenue, thence south and parallel to and distant Ninety (90) feet easterly from the east line of National Avenue to the north line of 'E' Street, thence scutherly and in a direct line to a point in the south line of 'B' Street, said point being One HUndred ~v€mt>'-five (125) feet east of the east line of ];ational Avenue I thence south and parallel to and distant One I'undred ~'W8ntY-r'ive (125) feet easterly from the e>lst line of. lIutional ';'venue to a point which OO:,;,;J,u ~ - -_? lies One Hundred 'rwenty-fi ve (125) feet easterly of the east line of' National ..ii-venue and One Hundred F_lfty (150) feet southerly of the south line of tFt Street, thence easterly and at right angles and parallel to and dis cant One Hundred Fifty (150) feet southerly fr_,ro the south line of tFt Street to a point 1Nhich lies One Hundred Fifty (150) feet south of the sou~h line of 1Ft Street and One Hundred 'rwenty-1'ive (125) feet west of the west line of Second ..iJ.venue) tbence south at right aneles and parallel to and distant One Hundred 'l'wenty-five feet (125) from the west line of Second Avenue to a point which lies One Hundred Twenty- 'five (125) feet 'west of the west line of Second .2..venue and One Hundred Twenty-five (125} feet south of the south line of tIt Street, thence easterly and parallel and distant One Hundred 'rwenty-five (125) reet from the south line of tI' Street to a point which is One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet west of the .'Iest line of .i!'ourth Avenue Gnd One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet south of the south line of tIt Street, thence north at right angles and parallel to and dist8.nt One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet viesterly from tl1e 'Nest line of Fourth Avenue to a point which lies One Hundred rrwenty-fivlS (125) feet west of the west line 01' Fourth ,\venue and One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet south of the south line of 'Dt Street, thence westerly and at right angles and parallel to and distant One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet southerly from the south line of 'D' Street to the west line of First Avenue, thence nortberly along the west line of First }>.venue to tt]e intersection of Mie Vlest line of :First Avenue wi th the south line of ' D' Street, thence west along the Soutb line of 'DT Street One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet, thence north and at right aneles and parallel to and distant One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet from the west line of First Avenue to the south liYle of 'Ct Street, tbence westerly along the south line of 'C' Street to the place of beginning; excepting however therefrom the following described Lots, parts of' Lots and parcels of land, to-wit: OOfJ..;Lf!':, -4- '~11 of t'he south Se.ventY-five (75.) feet of tIle east One Hundred T';lentY-five (125) feet of Lot 'hirty-one (31) of ,<uarter Section One Hundred ~'ilirtY-six (100); Tte south Seventy_ five (75) feet of the west Ona Hundred 'i':ieClt;;-five (125) feet of Lot .thirty (30) of Quarter Section One Hundred "'hin/-six (136); The west One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet of Lot three (~) of ,<uartar Section One Hundred ThirtY-seven (137); The \'lest One .! I , Hundred ThirtY-five (135) feet of Lot six (6) of '<uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137); illl of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eicht (8), nine (9), ten (10J, eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), foul'teen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16J, seventeen (17), eiil!hteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20), and twenty-one (21) of Dyer Tract; Lots thirty-two (32), tj]irty-three (33), thirty- four (34), and thirtY-five (35) of Dyer Tract; 1'he south fifty (50) feet of the Hest One Hundred Seven and eieht tenths (107.8) feet of Lot fourteen (14) of.,uerter Oection One Eundred Tilirty_ seven; .all of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four ('1), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) of Block three (3), Chula Vista Villa Tract Number tv/a (2); Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), Eeven (7). fourteen (14). and fifteen (15) of Block ~'our (4) of Chula Vista Villa Tract Number two (2); Lots one (1), t"IO (2), nineteen (19) and twenty (20) of Block six (6) of Chula Vista Villa Tract Number two (2); The west One Hulldred TwentY-five (125) feet of Lots three (3) of (uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-eight (136); The Cies t One Hundred TwentY-five (125) feet of the north One Hundred "'ifty (150) feet of Lot six (6) of Quarter Section One Hundred Thirty-eir,ht (136); The east One Hundred Fifty (130) feet of the SOL:~h One Eundred Fifty (150) feet of Lot soven (7) cf Quart'3r "t,ction One Hundred Thirty-eic;ilt (l~8); TlJe eust Two o 0 ';). ). (1 -.'> - Hundred Ninety (290) feet of the north One Hundred Fifty (150) feet of Lot seven (7) of '~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty- eight (138); The east Ninety-nine (99) feet of Lot two (2) of Quarter Section One Hundred 'I'hirty-eight (138); All of Lots ten (10), eleven (ll), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) of lIowes Subdivision of Lots thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32) of Quarter Section One IIundred Thirty-seven (137) or Chula Vista; All of tha easterly part of Lot twenty-six (;~6) of "euarter Section One Hundred thirty-seven (137) lying north and east or the center line of the San Diego and _4rizona Railroad; All of Blocks one (1), two (2), fi VB (5), and six (G) of San Diego Land and 'llown Cor;rpany's Subdivision of Lots eighteen (IS) and twenty-three (23) of C~uaI'ter Section One Hundred !J.'hirty-seven (137) of Chula Vista; All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12), tl1irteen (13), and fourteen (14) of Block 'F' of fuohnikes Subdivision to Chula Vista; All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12), tllirteen (13), fourteen (14), fIfteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17) and eighteen (18) of Block 'E' of l,'Iohnikes .Subdivision; Tile eust One Hundred Twenty-five {125} feet of Lot ten (10) of'i,uarter Section One Hundred 'l'hirty- seven (137); 'fhe east One Hundred 'rwenty-five (125) feet of Lot seven (7) of ~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137); All of Lots one (1), seven (7), eigbt (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (12) of block 'D' of Thompsons Subdivision to Chula Vista of Lots one (1) and two (2) of ~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137). tC', Zone "tC' Zone includes the following: All of the south seventy- five (75) feet of' tile east One Hundred 'rwenty-five (125) feet of Lot thirty-one (31) of:"uarter Secti on One !Iundred 'l'hirty-six (136;; 'fhe south .':.18v811ty-five ('75) feet of the west One Eundred 1'wenty-five (125) feet of Lot thirty (30) of e;uarter Section () (J ';) :zi; -6- '0 One Hundred Tbirty-six (136); The "\Iest One Hundred 'l'wenty-five (125) feet of Lot three (3) of (Luarter Section One Eundred rrhirty- feet seven (137); The west One Hundred Thirty-five (135J,.of Lot six (6) of~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137); All of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (0), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), Heven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) J fifteen (15), sixteen (16), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) of Dyer Tract; Lots thirty-two (32), thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34), and thirty-five (35) of Dyer Tract; The south fifty (50) feet of tile lNest One Hundred Seven and eight tenths (107.8) feet of Lot fourteen (14) of.~uarteI' i:6ction One lIundred thirty-seven (137); All of Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), and fifteen (15) of Block three (3) J Chula Vista Villa 'l'ract Eumber two (2); Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), fi ve (5) J six (6) , seven (7) , fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) of Block four (4) of 011111a Vista Villa r:Cract Humber two (2); Lots one (1), two (2), nineteen (lg) and twenty (20) of Block six (6) of ':~hula 1'lista Villa 'Tract lTuraber two (2); The ''''Jest One Hundred Twenty-five (1;;5) feet of Lot three (3) of ,.~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-eight (138); The west One Hundred Twenty-five (125J feet of tlJe nortlJ One Rundred Fifty (150) feet of Lot six (6) of C;uarter ~,ection One Hundred Thirty-eight (138); The east One Hundred Fifty (150) feet of the south One HUJ?dred Fifty (150) :Ceet of Lot seven (7) of '~(,ubrtel' ~3ection One liundred Thirty-eight (1;)8); rn18 east 'l'V'iQ lIundred 1.finety (ZgO) -reet or tJJe north One Hundred lifty (150) feet of Lot seven (7) 01' l~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-eight (138); 'i'he east Ihnety- nine (99) feet of Lot two (2) of l,:,u8.rter EJection One Hundred 'l'hirty-eight (1::-')8); llil of' Lots ten (10), eleven (11), tVJs1vs (12), OO;2?d -7- thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen [15) , sixteen (16) , seventeen (17) , and eighteen (18) of Eowe's Subdivision of II' i:i 11 ' ,Iii ~[Iii ill: U lil,i 11 I, i'i' 'II111 , '" :'1' , ': ill"1 , '~ , Iii "I 1~:11 1'1 ~I I 'I Iii II, Ii I :1 : Lots thirty-one (31) and thirty~two (32) of QU8rter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137); All of the easterly part of Lot twenty-six (26) of C(.uarter Section One Hundred rrhirty- seven (137) lying north and east of the center line of the San Diego and Arizona Hail Hoad; All of Blocks one (1) , two (2) , five (5) and six (6) of San Diego Land and rrown Company's Subdivision of Lots eighteen (lS) and twenty-three (23) of <,uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137); All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), and fourteen (14) of Block IF' of l\lohnikes Subdivision; All of Lots eleven (11), twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), fifteen (15), sixteen (l6) , seventeen (17), and eighteen (lS) of Block tE' of Mohnikes Subdivision; The east One Hundred Twenty- five (125) feet of Lot ten (10) of ~uarter Section One Hundred ~ ill I I , Thirty-seven (137); The east One Hundred 'rwenty-five (125) ~. feet of Lot seven (?) of \~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-seven (137); All of Lots one (1), seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten {lO} J eleven (11) and twelve (lZ) of Block tD' of 'rllOmpsons Subdivision of Lots one (1) and two (Z) of Quarter 0ection One Hundred Thirty-seven (137). "All of the westerly One Hundred rrhirty-two and one-half (132t) feet and the southerly One llundred Thirty-five (135) feet of the westerly ~~wo Hundred Sixty-five and fifty-six hundredths (265.56) feet of Lot thirty (30) of ~uarter Section One Hundred Thirty-nine (139) end the northerly One Hundred Thirty-five (135) feet and the easterly One Hundred Thirty-five (135) feet of Lot two (2) of ,"uarter Section One Hundred Forty (140) of Chula Vista, State of California, according to Map Five Hundred live (505) filed in the office 01' the County Recorder March 3, 18S8. -S- nAll of the following descI'iber! parcel of land: Beginning at a point in the north line of 'L I street One Hundred Twenty- five (125) feet west 01' the west line of National Avenue, tbence north and parallel to ttle Vilest line of lJational Avenue and distant One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet westerly tJlerefrom to ttJe south line of li'lOl'ier Street; tllence northerly and in & direct line to the southwest corner of Lot thirteen (13) J Dlock one (l) of Shemmdoah rrract of Chula Vista, thence north Eilong the westerly line of Lots thirteen (13) to thirty-five (35) inclusive to the northwest corner of Lot thirty-five (35} of Block one (1) of Shenandoah 'J-'ract, thence northerly and in a direct line to the southwest corner of Lot five (5) of Block four (4) of i~L,rlborough Heights Subdivision of Chula Vista, thence norther'ly along the westerly line of Lots five (5), six (6), seven (7) Bnd eight (8) of Jlock four (4) and Lots five (5), six (6), seven (7) and eight (8) of Block three (3) of' Marlborough Heights to tIle north v;est corner of Lot eight (8), Blook tllree (3), Marlborough Heights, thence north and parallel to and distbnt One Hundred Eighty-three and six tenttls (183..6; feet from the 'dest line of Jiational Avenue to the northerly line of (~uarter Section One llundred Sixty-one (161) , thence easterly along the north line of \~uarter Section One Hundred Sixty-one (161) to the west line of National J1venue, thence easterly across National .svenue and in a diredt line to the north'i'lest corner of Lot one (1) of' ...u!:irter Seotion One Hundred Fifty (150), thence east along the north line of Lot one (1) of ('vuarter ;'':;ection One Hundred Fifty (150) a distance of One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet, thence south at right angles and varallel to end distant One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet easterly fro~a the east line of National Avenue to the north line of Ivlclntos11 street, thence south and in a direct line to tbe north east corner of Lot two (2;, Block one (1), Pleasant View l.ddition of C11ula Vista tbence south along the ea~~t line of 1,ot two {2} and , -9- Od;;L~ ~- --"- Lot twenty-three (:'::3} of Bloc};: one (1), I'lellsant View Add! tiOD to tile southeast corner of Lot twenty-three (23), IJle8.~Jant View Aodi tion, thence souttlerly and in a direct line to a point in the south line of Casselman ,Street, said point beine Oue Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet east of the east line of National Avenue, thence south and parallel to and distant One Bundred Twenty-rive (125) feet easterly from the east line I~ II Iii ',Ii 1'1 I " I of N2tional i.venue to the north line of t D' Street, thence southerly find in a direct line to a point in the south line of 'Dt Street which lies Hinety (90) feet eaE,t of tbe east line of National .1'.I.venue, thence south and parallel to and distant Ninety (90) feet easterly from the east line of National ~venue to the north line of 'Et street, thence southerly and in a direct line to a point on the south line of rE' Street, said point beine; One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet east of tlJe east line of National Avenue, thence south and parallel to and distant One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet easterly from the east line of National Avenue to the north line of Alma Street I t hence southerly and in a direct line to the northeast corner of Lot twenty- seven (2'7) of Chula Vista Realty Company Subdivision No. Two (2) of Chula Vista, thence southerly along the easterly line of Lotstwenty-seven (2'7) and twenty-four (24) of Ghula Vista Realty Company Subdivision Ho. Two (2) to t]je north line of 'Gt Street, thence southerly and in a direct line to the north- east corner of Lot two (2) of Blnck tA' of La Playa Vista Subdivision of Chula Vista, thence south and in G direct line to the south east corner of Lot thirteen (13) of Dluck tD' of La Playa Vista Subdivision, thence southerly and in a direct line to a point in the south line of 'H' Street, said 110int being 01le Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet east of the east line of National j~venue , thence south and parallel to and distant One Hundred Twenty-five (125) feet easterly of the east line of N!:itionul .Avenue to the north lir~e of tL' Street, thence westerly along the north line of 'L' Stl'eet to the pl,Jce of beginning. -10- OLP :2d ._r -- 'D' Zone n'DI Zone includes the following: Beginning at a point in the north line of ~uarter Section One Hundred Sixty-one (161), said point being Four Hundred ThiJ:'ty (430) feet easterly of the east line 01' l3ay boulevard, thence south and parallel to and distant Four IIundred Thirty (430j feet from t11e east line 01' 13ay Boulevard to the north line of' 'L' ,street, thence westerly along the north line of 'L' street to the Mean I-fiCh r:L1ide Line, thence northerly and v~esterly l:ilong tbe Mean High Tide Line to a point made by tbe intersection of a line that is One Hundred Seventy-five (175) feet north of and parallel to the north line of 'F' Street, thence easterly along said line ebove described to a point that is One Hundred Seventy-five (175) feet north of 'F' Street and Two Hundred (200) feet west of the east line of Quarter Section One Hundred SevEnty-two (172) and ene Hundred seventy-three (173) of Chula Vista, thence north und pnrallel to and distant Two Hundred (200) feet westerly of the easterly line of \~uarter Section One Hundred Seventy-two (172) and One Hundred Seventy- three (173) to the north line of' u~uarter Section One Eundred .Seventy-three (173) tl1ence eesterly along the north line of Quarter Section One ~-lundred Seventy-three (173) to tl1e "vest line of '-:.uarter Section One Bundred Sixty-one (161), thence easterly along the north line of <uarter Sect ion Une hundred Sixty-one (161) to the p180e of beginning. 'E' Zone 'TIE' Zone inoludes the following: Beginning ut a point in tile north line 01. ~uarter Section One Hundred ;-:;eventy-tl1ree (173) J said point being f.I'wo \~undred (200) feet V18St or the northG6.st corner of' ',-uarter ,section One Eundred Seventy-three (173), thence southerly und at rigJ1t angles an\1 pe.rCillel to and distant rrWD Hundred (200) feet viesterly from t~le east line OOI7-~ -11- --- h~~~'"~T" ~...~. _,~'~.. '--~"~"''-'"'''''' of Quarter Section One Hundred Seventy-three "( 173) to a point One Hundred Seventy-five (175) feet northerly of the north line of 'F' Street, thence westerly and at right aneles and parallel to and distant One Bundred Seventy-five (175J feet north of the north line of 'F' Street to the Mean High Tide Line) ttJenoe northerly and westerly along the kLean High Tide Line to its intersection with the north line of ~u8rter section One Hundred 1J:ighty (180) , thence easterly along tlie northerly line of '"uarter Section One Hundred Lighty (180) and easterly along tbe northerly line of i,.~uarter ,~-)ection One Hundred Seventy- three (173) to the place of beginning." SECTION 2~ That section eleven (11) of said ordinbnce nt.unbered 163 be and tJ1e same is hereby repealed~ BEC'I'ION 3. That ordinance numbered 178, vvhich Ciffiended section fourteen (14) of ordinance numbered 163, and was passed, adopted, and approved on lv'Iarch 6, 1928 J be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 4~ That all ordinances, or purts or ordinbTIces, in conrlict 116r8wi th Cire hereby rSI)ealed. SECrfrON 5. 'rhis ordinance being deemed necessary by the City Council to correct errors, obscurities, and defects existing in said ordinance hereby amended, and to clarify and make more definite and certain its meaning, and in order to carry out its Vurposes and to prevent threatening dii'ficul ties, the City Council hereby declares that it is necessary for the immec;iate }ireservation of the public :peDee, health e.nd sarety that tbis ordinance take effect ililmediately, and this ordinance shall take effect and be enforced immediately upou. its fiDe.l passage. SECTION 6. r:Che Oi ty Clerk is hereby instructed to ceuse tbis ordinance to be published once in the 'tChula Vista star", a weekly nev,'spaper published and of general circulation in said City of Chula Vista. -12- ~O;;2;:;dJ Passed and adopted by the Oi ty Council of tJiE: Ci ty of Chula Vista, California, this 1-S~ day 01'~__, 1932, by the following vote, to-wit: ~ MvtJW, Ittwv, ~, ~-~ X!"""/ AYES: Councilmen NOES: 7k..t i: " Iii j'i I,\!;I ill I; i,l Iii ')1 II Councilmen ABS~Ii:NT: councilmen_~ And I in upen session thereof I signed by the }1resident and attested by the day Of~.!l,a Clerk of tJJ8 SGid City Council on the ?-.s-tA 193;;. ~,---~ President of the City Council of the City or Chula Vista, California. 'j "1 ATTEST: ~ 60' City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, California, and ex-officio Clerk of the City Council of Chula Vista. -,; f , I 2 s-d. the foregoing ordinance this day of 1932. -~~ Mayor of the City of Chula Vista, California. ATTEST: W~ City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, California. i/{):2:2f!J -13- -~=~, "-,.,.,.~,~=';,-,,-~~