HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/09/15 Additional Information #14-17 EUC
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Donna Norris
From: Krogh, David [OAVID.KROGH@cubic.com]
Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 5.45 PM
To: Steve Castaneda; Pamela Bensoussan; Rudy Ramirez; Cheryl Cox
Cc: david.krogh@cox.net; Donna Norris; Gary Halbert
Subject: Public Comment - City Council meeting of 9/14/09 - Agenda Item EUC (14/15/16/17)
When EUC came to the Planning Commission a few weeks ago, questions by planning commissioners were
sparse except by commissioners Felber and Thompson, but it sounded like the plan is "EUC will NOT meet the 3
acres of parkland per 1 ,000 population standard" and staff answered Mr. Felber's question by stating GMOC will
be instructed that EUC is to be an exception to the standard.
It also sounded like "traffic is at level F" and will worsen over time. Since EUC does not exist now, how can it be
at F, and does approving a plan for it to be at "F" make sense?
I am aware that there are different definitions of Traffic LOS (Level Of Service). I am aware that GMOC measures
LOS in a historic manner that differs somewhat from LOS sometimes used for planning purposes. I am also
aware of the planning concept of LOS/pedestrian-friendliness trade-offs.
However: I am also aware that when the issue came up during western CV planning an initial LOS of "E" was
proposed, the matter was scrutinized and LOS of no worse than "0" was determined to be feasible for all but
three specific intersections, e.g. Third & J, and I thought the conclusion was "Go with 0 and we'll still see what
we can do about those specific intersections." In fact during that timeframe, LOS "E" was initially described as
being San Diego's planned LOS for its downtown; however, I learned through contacting and discussing with
various persons including Mr. Sorenson of KimleeHorn that there never was a San Diego City policy decision to
that effect, only staff discussions, and it was only thereafter that the Chula Vista analysis of LOS "0" feasibility
was conducted and conclusion determined.
I urge council to be sure that they thoroughly understand this issue and agree with EUC LOS assumptions before
acting to approve entitlements that will forevermore be binding upon the city.
Furthermore, given that there has not been a single year pass since 2003 while I have been on GMOC where the
disparity between parkland acreage per capita in eastern and western Chula Vista has not been a topic high on
the discussion agenda, and I THOUGHT the long-ago emerged community consensus was to work toward
bringing UP the west side in conjunction with all west-side development, to say nothing of general fund
expenditures to remedy the historic west side comparative deficit, it would seem highly ironic if EUC were to be
the first step toward parity by REDUCING standards that have historically served us well on the east side of the
These comments are submitted without benefit of my review of the agenda package in possession of planning
commissioners used in their deliberations last month, nor review of council's agenda package for its meeting
tomorrow night. So, please calibrate these comments accordingly, but I urge council-members to only vote in the
affirmative if you are clear and satisfied on the key EUC plan aspects of parks and traffic. A Plan may be
revised. Is an entitlement not forever? Last month, most of the planning commissioners sounded like more of a
cheerleading squad for "the big EUC game". If the plan is sound, then, but only then, am I ready to cheer along
with them.
Respectfully submitted,
David Krogh
Member, Chula Vista Growth Management Oversight Commission (GMOC)
Speaking as an individual, and not on behalf of that commission
Submitted via email 9/13/09
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From: Crossroads II [mailto:crossroadsii@cox.net]
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:52 PM
To: Steve Castaneda; Pamela Bensoussan; Rudy Ramirez; Cheryi Cox
Subject: Comments on the City Council meeting
Council Agenda Tuesday, Sept. 15,4 pm
I. Items 14, 15, 16, and 17 have to do with progress in planning and implementing the
Eastern Urban Center. The E.U.C. will be a huge, dense development southeast ofSR
125 and Birch Road. The E.U.C. is schedule to eventually have more than 3,000 high
density dwelling units plus a large amount of retail and office spaces, plus schools, parks
and other civic facilities. It is the only development on the east side of Chula Vista that
will allow very tall buildings. These four agenda items speak to approvals of various
aspects of the E.U.C.
FW: Items 14, 15, 16 on the City Council meeting for Sept. 15th
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Donna Norris
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Subject: FVV: Items 14,15,16 on the City Council meeting for Sept. 15th
From: Jo Anne Springer [mailto:jaspringerl@cox,net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11 :22 AM
To: Shari Watson
Subject: FW: Items 14, 15, 16 on the City Council meeting for Sept. lSth
I have sent this email to the Council. Would you please do me a favor and ensure that it gets into the public record
prior to tonight's meeting, and please bring it to Rudy's attention so that I can be sure that at least one Council Member
sees it in a timely manner? I would really appreciate you assistance on this.
Thank you.
Jo Anne
------ Forwarded Message
From: Jo Anne Springer <jaspringer1@cox.net>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 11.19:50 -0700
To: Cheryl Cox <ccQx@chulavistaca.gov>, Rudy Ramierez <rramirez@chulavistaca.gov>, Pamela Bensoussan
<PBensoussan@chulavistaca.gov>, Steve Castaneda <scastaneda@chuJavistaca.gov>
Conversation: Items 14, 15, 16 on the City Council meeting for Sept. 15th
Subject: Items 14, 15, 16 on the City Council meeting for Sept. 15th
Dear Mayor Cox and Council Members,
Due to a prior commitment I will be unable to attend tonight's Council meeting, but would like to provide public input to
the agenda items listed below.
It is difficult to believe that our City's council members are unaware of the serious water problems that are facing the
entire county, nay, much of Southern California. All of the water companies have been either requesting or mandating
serious conservation while predicting dire future shortages. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF WATER!
URBAN DEVELOPMENT. How can we possibly be thinking of approving such dense development in the face of a
shortage which does not appear to be temporary? True, the substandard rainfall of the last few years has exacerbated
the situation, but the fact remains that there isn't sufficient naturally occurring water in this region to support this level of
How can we be so greedy to pad the City coffers with developers' fees that we ignore the long-term severe problems
that will result.? In fact, those problems will actually manifest in the short term. How can you possibly justify this as
responsible governing?
Please, for the sake of people who have made a commitment to live here permanently and who have entrusted you
with governing in their best interests, do not approve the Eastern Urban Center at the density level proposed. The time
to act responsibly is now.
Jo Anne Springer
Council Agenda Tuesday, Sept. 15,4 pm
1 Items 14, 15, 16, and 17 have to do with progress in planning and implementing the Eastern Urban Center.
The E.U C will be a huge, dense development southeast of SR 125 and Birch Road. The E.U.C. is schedule to
eventually have more than 3,000 high density dwelling units plus a large amount of retail and office spaces, plus
schools, parks and other civic facilities. It is the only development on the east side of Chula Vista that will allow very
tall buildings. These four agenda items speak to approvals of various aspects of the E.U.C.
---- End of Forwarded Message
September 15,2009
;tc!d/+-;ol'/((.i ! JIl/orrwfi 01\.
Cit/I>!Oc; #-!4~ /1 (GUC)
430 F Street, Chula Vista,
California 91910
M C de 'I b Bed R' ". CITY Of CHULA VIS"i C;
Dear ayor ox an ounCl mem ers ensoussan, astane a, amlrez CITY CLERK'S OFFICE
'09 SEP 14 AS 53
RE: EIR, Otay Ranch Eastern Urban Center, SCH No, 2007041074
It is shameful that again the city is contemplating adopting still another EIR with so
many significant and unmitigatable impacts. 8 is too many. How can the city expect to
provide a satisfactory quality of life for its current and future residents when it consistently
makes findings that allow unmitigatable impacts? This developer and others have for years
eroded the quality of life and fiscal health of the city. Isn't it about time that the city started
demanding that the impacts of development be fully mitigated or the development not be
allowed? The Cummings Initiative and the resulting ordinances all say that this should not
be allowed. How can the council continue to allow more negative impacts? Where is the
respect for laws that residents have a right to expect?
The city has finally started to face that development only pays for putting the
infrastructure in place. It does not pay for long-term maintenance. How will the city pay for
the new firemen to man the new fire station? For the extra policemen needed to patrol this
new mini-city? The librarians to man the new library? The workers to maintain the streets,
buildings, and parks? In the long term the sales tax and fees provided by the non-residential
development, which will not be completed before all the residential development, if ever,
most likely will not be adequate to pay for on-going services and expenses. This is a
problem the city is now facing with its existing roads and public facilities, not to mention that
the infrastructure in the older parts of the city have never been upgraded before the new
development was allowed as required by the Cummings initiative,
How can the council possibly think there is any social or economic advantage to
allowing 2,983 more dwellings to be built? We all know that at this point in time there is not
enough water for 8,548 new residents to drink for the life of the new buildings. There soon
will not be enough sewage capacity. The roads will be unacceptably congested. The air will
be more polluted. The noise level will be unacceptably high, and the visual quality of the
landscape destroyed. How can the council continue to ignore these problems? The integrity
and responsibility of declaring over-riding circumstances in all these areas is extremely
It is difficult to see how anyone can have confidence in the fiscal analysis of this
project when there are such huge differences between high and low intensities, and density
transfers from District to District are allowed. Too many times in the past the city has
allowed developers to build more homes than in original plans instead of previously agreed
upon non-residential uses or to substitute low paying retail for uses with higher paying jobs.
It does not appear that the city has learned its lesson yet, and we are all going to pay for
this irresponsibility with more cuts in services. The past has been like a Ponzi scheme with
each new development paying old debts. As soon as the development stopped everything
fell apart. The debts the city owes are too high and the means of paying them off without
service cuts are not here. Adding more development that has 8 unmitigatable impacts just
makes no sense at this time.
It is good that there is a maximum number of residences that is not to be exceeded,
but why in the world is the maximum non-residential not a minimum that must be exceeded?
The city has a jobs/housing deficit, which is at least partly responsible for its inability to pay
its bills and maintain a high level of services. We need more high paying jobs. There
appears to be way too much emphasis upon retail in this plan. The emphasis should be on
corporate level jobs, offices, research, etc. The kinds of jobs that would allow people to
afford to live here are needed here. The phasing plan allows all the residential to be built
before all the non-residential. This is foolish. It should be the reverse. We have plenty of
residential already. We need high paying jobs. We need more income producing property.
At the scooping meeting the developer made it clear he only wanted to build the residential.
If the city is to get all the non-residential promised, it needs to make sure it is built first. If
housing is built near where people work they are more likely to move there. If they have a
job good enough to allow them to buy a house, they are not likely to quit it to seek work
closer to home.
15% over Title 24 for residential and 10% for non-residential for only 50% of the
buildings is not adequate. The Energy Sub Committee has suggested 20% for all residential
buildings east of 805. This would be more acceptable. A development with the tremendous
impacts acknowledged for this one should be much higher over Title 24. Los Vecinos is
43% and produces nearly all its own electricity. This development should be producing a lot
of its own electricity as well. The economy of scale should make this very feasible.
In Japan and other countries membrane technology is used to put waste treatment in
basements. Why in the world is this development not doing this? Clearly all buildings need
to be plumbed for a re-watering system so that all moisture that lands on roofs as well as all
water from showers, laundry, and bathroom sinks is reused for landscaping and water
features with excess going into the ground for ground water replenishment. There should be
zero runoff and minimal impact on the sewer system, which might make some of impacts to
Poggi and Salt Creek Canyons unnecessary. Tankless water heaters should also be
It is unfortunate and unnecessary that one of the residential buildings is next to 125.
The General Plan clearly acknowledges the incredible negative health impacts to people
who live within 500 feet of a freeway from lower lung capacity to heart problems. A health
risk assessment showed 8 in a million at risk. This is 8 in a million who will suffer as the
result of poor planning. There is no reason to put the residential so close to the freeway
when the non-residential could be put there. The city as well as the developer should be
held liable for any negative health impacts whether asthma or birth defects or miscarriages.
The low-income housing had better not be in this building, because this would be a clear
environmental injustice. It also makes absolutely no sense to have a jogging path along the
freeway. This is also detrimental to the health of the residents.
The development should not be eligible for mixed use and transit credits, because
there is no transit available and likely never will be. San Diego wisely pointed out that the
likelihood of people in 2020 using possible transit is highly unlikely and the number of trips
postulated to be internal is dubious. The ADT is excessively high and other than lowering
the number of residences there does not appear to be a way to reduce it, since there is now
no transit and if there were transit it likely would not go where anyone needed to go. A city
bus would take so long to get anywhere from this far east that it is doubtful anyone would
use it. East-West connections are woefully inadequate now and this project will only make
the situation worse. Olympic Parkway should have been built as a freeway, but was not.
It is important that the developer actually build the library and fire station and other
public buildings. This money should not go to the city to be used for debt payments as the
money for the Rancho Del Rey library did. It needs to be spent on what it is intended to
build. We have a library shortage now. We also have police not meeting a threshold. This
should mean that this development should not be allowed. If it is allowed in contradiction
with our ordinance, it must build the facilities needed. Most likely there needs to be a police
station or at least a storefront station here as well so the police have a chance of meeting
their threshold. This might be a good place for community policing with a foot or bicycle
patrol that gets to know the people and the community.
The park situation.in this development is totally unacceptable. Office plazas, jogging
paths, promenades are counted as 2.75 acres. The town square is considered 2.28 acres of
park and the Civic Plaza 1.62. These should be considered design amenities, not parks!!
This project with a projected population of 7,786-7,696 is providing only one 1.97-acre park,
one 1.51-acre park, one 1.9-acre park and one 3.6-acre park. A playing field requires 2.4
acres. This means only one regulation field for all these people. The city already has a
critical shortage of regulation size fields! There are no amenities that are going to provide
soccer and baseball fields for the youth and adults of this area. The suggested amenities
are not going to serve young families or teens at all. This is a horrible precedence. We
already have a huge deficit in the west. We do not need to start working on one in the east
as well. In lieu of fees are simply not acceptable. This developer needs to build the required
parks at adequate size to provide for the needs of the community. They should not be given
credit for design amenities that should be required nor allowed to pay in lieu fees.
Theresa Acerro
PO Box 8697
Chula Vista, CA 91912
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]J) <ev<e li ([]) IP> m <e1l1l it
Designed to certify exemplary
development projects that perform well
I in terms of smart growth, new urbanism,
and green building
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-.-.,...- ....... - eastern urban center ;
i Chula Vista Research
I Project
I Intended to determine how advanced
building energy technologies and land
use, transportation and urban design
features can be integrated to produce
energy-efficient development projects in
A ~ Sempra Energy utOtye
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