HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/09/15 Item 10 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~f:. (lIT OF . - - - (HULA VISTA ITEM TITLE: SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: 9/15/09, ItemR RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING A GRANT OF $237,500 FOR LIGHT RAIL TROLLEY IMPROVEMENT STUDY AND AMENDING REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT CHV30 AMENDING THE FY 2009-10 CIP PROGRAM AND GRANT FUND PROGRAM BUDGETS, APPROPRIATING SAID GRANT FUNDS TO EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, STM361 1-5 MULTI-MODAL CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT STUDY AND AUTHORIZING AN INTERPROJECT TRANSFER FROM EXISTING CIP STL298 TO STM361 IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,175 AS NECESSARY TO MEET THE MINiM M LOCAL MATCH DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS . '<L::::J. ASSISTAl\!T DIRECTOR OF ENG EE~ CITY MANAGER~ ASSIST At'\fT CITY1tN~GER S --; 4/5THS VOTE: YES [g] NO 0 SUMMARY The City of Chula Vista has been awarded $237,500 in grant funding from the Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) Program for projects identified by Congress in Federal Fiscal Year 2009. This grant will be used to deterrmne specific design features for future light rail trolley grade separation projects within the City of Chula Vista. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed action consisting of the acceptance of grant funding for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that this action qualifies for a Class 6 categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15306 (Information Collection) of the State CEQA Guidelines, because the proposed action will result in the preparation of a pre-design study potentially lea.ding to an action which the City of Chula Vista has not yet approved, adopted or funded. Thus, no further CEQA environmental review is necessary. In addition, the Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed action for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) due to the use of U.S. 10-1 9/15/09, ItemK Page 2 of 4 Department of Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) funds and has determined, together with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), that these funds and the designated purpose would qualify for a categorical exclusion determination pursuant to Section 771.117 (c) (1) [Activities which do not involve or lead directly to constmction, such as planning and technical studies] Title 23 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Thus, no further NEPA environmental review or documentation is necessary at this time. RECOMMENDA nON Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS Not applicable. DISCUSSION The Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) Office solicited applications for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 (FFY2009) grant funding from the Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) Program for projects identified by Congress. Section 1117 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act; A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) reauthorized the TCSP Program through FFY2009. Recently, Caltrans informed the City of Chula Vista that the TCSP grant application for $237,500 in TCSP funds was approved (See Attachment # 1). Over the past several years, City staff has been working with Congressman Filner regarding additional funding needed for ultimate improvements along the Interstate-5 corridor and as such were successful in obtaining $1,987,200 in SAFETEA-LU funds for the corridor. Originally, staff had asked for $2,160,000 in Federal funds and with a 20% minimum local match of $540,000 required, the project total was $2.7 mlllion. Although the original 1-5 Multi-modal grant application totaled $2.7 million, in 2005, Congress reduced the SAFETEA-LU program by 8% in order to help fund the recovery efforts due to Hurricane Katrina. The current budgeted funds for Project STM-36l (SANDAG RTIP # CHV30) included $540,000 in TransNet funds and $1,987,200 in Federal SAFETEA-LU funds for a total of $2,527,200 detailed below: Existing Budgeted Funds for Project: Fund Amount %a!!e Comment TransNet 540,000 21.37% Minimum 20% Local Match required. SAFETEA-LU 1,987,200 78.63% Total 2,527,200 100.00% The $237,500 in TCSP funds would augment the previous SAFETEA-LU funds and allow a more refined pre-design study ofthe Light Rail Trolley system through Chula Vista. This project study will be able to provide specific design features of grade-separating the LRT at locations near the following Transit Stations in Chula Vista: E Street, H Street and Palomar Street. Based on this study, the costs for each of these crossings would be updated as well as the project limits for each of the crossings. One consideration to be evaluated is at the E Street 10-2 9/15/09, HemE Page 3 of 4 Transit Station. If during redevelopment of the area this station's loading platform is moved further south towards F Street, then the at-grade crossing at F Street may also have to be grade separated. Also, this study would help identIfy critical design elements that would impact construction costs. The application estimated the study to cost $300,000 with grant funds to be $237,500 (79%) and a local match of $62,500 (21 %). Since this work is integral to the 2008 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Project CHV30, the funds will be shown as a new funding source for this project. As such, the total project budget will be increased to show this additional funding source. Since a minimum 20% local match must be shown for the 52,224,700 in Federal funds (51,987,200 + $237,500 = $2,224,700), the project must have at least $556,175 (20% minimum needed) in local funds in order to fully utilize the maximum amount of the grant. This would then require an addItional local match of$16,175 ($556,175 - $540,000). Project CHV30 is described as, "1-5 Multi-modal Corridor Improvement Study" and it is for conducting a study to examine multi-modal improvements to the [-5 corridor between the Main Street interchange and State Route 54 (See Attachment #2). An RTIP amendment will be done to revise this budget. Proposed budgeted funds for Proiect: Fund Amount %age Comment ITransNet 556,175 20.00% Minimum 20% Local Match required. SAFETEA-LU 1,987,200 71.46% TCSP I 237,500 8.54% Total 2,780,875 100.00% I With each rail grade separation project estimated to cost approximately 535 million, it is imperative that the design elements and potential constmction impediments be identified early in the process so that decisions can be made to minimize construction costs. With at least three grade separation projects being considered and possibly more, this would represent a future constmction cost for the local agency, region, State and Federal agencies of approximately S 100 million. The phasing for these projects has not yet been determined and that is part of the on- going 1-5 Multi-modal Corridor Study that City staff is working on with Caltrans and SANDAG. DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found no property holdings within 500 feet of the boundaries of the properties, which are the subject of thIS action. CURRENT FISCAL IMPACT There is no impact to the General Fund. At this time, staff recommends appropriating the TCSP Grant funds to STM36l in the amount of 5237,500 and authorizing an interproject transfer of $16,175 in TransNet funds from existing CIP STL298 to STM361 as necessary to meet the local match. STL298 has sufficient TransNet funds available for the transfer. The Federal funds are reimbursed as invoices are submitted and approved by Caltrans. Staff will process the RTIP amendment for CHV30 with SA1'lDAG as part of the next RTIP update. 10-3 9/15/09, Item~ Page 4 of 4 ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT The study would help to identify critical design construction costs. Any ongoing fiscal impacts would be related to construction' and would be provided at that time. ATTACHMENTS 1. Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) Program Grant Application. 2. SANDAG ProjectTrak for CHV30 "1-5 Multi-Modal Corridor Improvement Study". Prepared by: FrancIsco X. Rivera, Principal Civil Engineer, Public Works Dept. M:\Engineer\AGENDA\CAS1009\09.15-09\TCSP Grant Acceptance for LRT improvement Study.ml.doc 10-4 ATTACHMENT & TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNITY, AND SYSTEM PRESERVATION PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION PART A. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Title: Fiscal Year 2008-09 Light Rail Corridor Improvements Study Fiscal Year Authorized: GRANTEE CONTACT INFORMATION Grantee Contact Name: Frank Rivera,Princi al Civil Engineer A ency: City ofChu1a'Vista Mailin Address Street/P.O. Box): 276 Fourth Ave. Cit , State, Zi code: Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (619) 691-5045 Fax: 619 691-5171 E-Mail: friveraci.chula-vista.ca.us STATE DOT CONTACT INFORMATION State Contact Person: Erwin Go'uan co Phone: (619) 278-3756 Fax: 619 220-5432 E-Mail: erwino.uancodot.ca. ov District Local Assistance Engineer FHW A DIVISION OFFICE CONTACT lNFORMA TION Division Contact Person: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: CONGRESSIONAL INFORMATION Congress Member: Re . Bob Filner Congressional District No.: 11 ~1Ji~'tc '!T-e;", : .;,t"~7ik~~~:j~-",~i:~r.:~&~;;:~i~~~~~~Im~~If;:1~'i.:;\ft~,:;Cc~~:,. ,;t;~j2'Jr;:~~M!ilit~~l:"~5J;~;"~5k;~1i~~Ji~'1;1~~;!n~Lflf~1,iil~ ~r.:,*!;'Z:kr '~!ifJW'~\~~~E;'!fn:~~7~1lJ;t<M':Jf;'w,;~~,;';;"">"'_"I' "....~,~~~~ ~~lL, ,!,J;f~~~;: ,ri<~~,,:'O'f>>;,',;~j?,il>.'{'"l,,::ur'>M~"-'i.~1'W'l.~,..~~~~iji;..\w.i'-f;T."J2~.;'; TCSP Pro am Funds: $237,500.00 Matchin Funds/In-kind Services Value: $62,500.00 Matching Funds/In-kind Services Source: $0.00 Total TCSP-Related Pro' ect Costs: $300,000.00 Updated: July 1,2009 10-5 p.l '~ ~' '~ '~""'''''_~'!i!''","",7''''';C.''''',l''lk''\:'''''~'''"'''''''M '~,.:: :- . '_TO, ":>i~', iJtHk,1..,;,;gM',t."1~1:~~1. ;~J{.~~;5"~;' rrR,-l~""t};;_! ~ :':1l~.".__., .. ~'__"'._ ,..._.""".,.~J>j"'ftd,.".1.."J'il.~,,,,>,""L':!:,s".~.3tru1\r.__._>tiiIJL.,,,11l_'~1.V.A,"_~ ~m:Q:iBjj~~~I\li'~~ljjlif~;j}[jI{~Kt;ij~R~~~I;~~11SI.,' State Administered? Division Administered? "Transfer" TCSP funding for Project Administration? If yes, which Federal A enc Will the project be obligated by September 30, 2009? Date grant application approved by FHW A Division Office Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Part B. Project Abstract (Maximum 4 sentences) Briefly describe the how the TCSP Programfunds will be used to support the proposed project. San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) staff has evaluated at-grade light rail and railroad crossings and has ranked the highest regional priorities for grade separation. Their actions in May of 2008 recommended submittal of four regionally important and competitive grade separation projects to the California Transportation Commission for State (Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account) funding. These four locations included the E and H Street crossings in Chula Vista. The TCSP Program funds will be used to conduct a more refined' study to determine specific design features of grade separation at Light Rail Trolley (LRT) crossings at the following locations near Transit Stations in the City of Chula Vista: E Street, H Street and Palomar Street Part C. Project Narrative Describe the project and the expected results, including project goals and time frame. Describe how the project integrates transportation, community, and system preservation plans and practices that address one or more of the following: 1) Improve the efficiency of the transportation system of the United States. 2) Reduce the impacts of transportation on the environment. 3) Reduce the need for costly fitture investments in public infrastructure. 4) Provide efficient access to jobs, services, and centers of trade. 5) Examine community development patterns and identify strategies to Updated: July 1,2009 10-6 p,2 encourage private sector development that achieves the purposes identified in (1) through (4). The "2030 San Diego Regional Transportation Plan, Final November 2007" (2030 RTP) envisions a regional transit system that is the first choice for many of our trips. The long-range transit vision calls for a network of fast, flexible, reliable, safe, and convenient transit services that connect our homes to the region's major employment centers and major destinations. The RTP is based on a network of rail, bus rapid transit (BRT), arterial rapid bus, and local bus services working together as a system to address a wide range of travel needs. This plan puts a greater emphasis on serving the region's urban core areas and Smart Growth areas where land use densities and urban design are conducive to transit. The E, H and Palomar Street transit stations are all located within City of Chula Vista Smart Growt!]. areas. Transit investments can help steer growth into smart growth centers/corridors, thereby improving the efficiency of the transportation system and reducing impacts on the environment. Highway investment should support transit services by developing HOV and other high occupancy facilities that benefit public transit. As part of the urban core focus, "Transit Focus Areas" around the E, H and Palomar Street transit stations all represent key, areas where significant improvements are planned for rail, BRT, arterial rapid, and local bus services. As transit service frequency is increased over time, it will become important to examine the need for rail grade separations at critical intersections throughout the region. The current traffic Level of Service (LOS) is E or F (failing) at E Street and H Street near the trolley crossings and the 1-5 freeway ramps. Grade separation would improve the LOS to an acceptable level of D or better during rush hour. The combined intersection delays for east-west traffic on E Street and H Street would be reduced by between l7 and 40 seconds per vehicle. Palomar Street, similar to E Street and H Street crossings and ranked regionally with these crossings, currently does not meet the City's minimum acceptable traffic level of service for local street traffic. The grade separation project would also contribute to the City's Palomar Trolley Center redevelopment, a transit- oriented beautification project that would contribute towards private sector development of a low-income area. Updated: July 1,2009 10-7 p. 3 This study would provide preliminary conceptual design alternatives for grade separation at each of the three locations. This would include alignments, cost estimates, layouts, profiles, typical sections and site plans. Station improvements, structures and light rail/freight rail design geometries would be provided and coordinated with preliminary highway geometries developed by Caltrans. Time span for preparation of the report would be approximately 24 months with a predicted completion date of June 2011. Part D. Project Eligibility a. Is the project located on a Federal-aid highway? (List the functional class(es) of the facility(ies) to be improved) Yes. E Street, H Street and Palomar St. near the trolley crossings are all minor arterials. b. If the project is not located on a Federal-aid highway, how do you consider the project eligible for assistance under Title 23 or Chapter 53 of Title 49, United States Code? (i.e., list program(s) and describe how the project meets the statutory eligibility criteria for that program.) Not applicable c. Is the project a corridor preservation activity necessary to implement transit-oriented development plans, traffic calming measures, or other coordinated transportation, community, and system preservation practices? No Updated: July 1,2009 10-8 p.4 rojecITrak - Project View !"'iilll MEJjU > !'aOJECT SEARCJ:l > PROJECT INFO .....,jiiri.'c.. _, .. .~oooo... '..; ~~::::,~:,~i .." ~'ll i, ,L , Ii - ,-, Nit'. '" "1~: ~;~;.".,~, ~kr\.~-1~./'!!" \.of!": i ,-r1!'i;i!~1~J ,J..! ,w,,"h;l~, ,< ,€!!l\;..1 (~'( f~u~;I.i'J"Njll~ "I-mr ;,:w~'Jtl~ 'i.';ft:;!W (!n';l.I\~',<b,;: :'I''rl1i,I, 111L!~[,$~~:';';. . C: ~',f' . ~ (I .'_1,' ',c"(1 -, VIEWING A PROJECT (READ-ONLY MODE) IF YOU LIKE TO MAKE CHANGES TO THIS PROJECT, PLEASE PROCEED THROUGH AN AMENDMENT. VIEW PREVIOUS VERSIONSOFTHIS PROJECT MEQJQ; CHV30 CTlPS 10, nla M.f'.lQACiJQ; nla VERSIOIi; 2 PPNO, n/a l'AJjUM8EFt n/a BIlE; 08-00 ATI? STATE Ape.ROVED: BI1P.J'EDER8!..AeEROV~ 11/17/08 COMPLETIOlj YEAR: 2012 TOTAL COST $2,527,200 Q8L1GATE!lJ;.9ST $0 LAST PAYMIillLRlillJJ!;STED BY: Elizabeth ChoRll (1/22/2009) hP&L"lQQ!EI!;QJ!Y: Skim (6/27/2008) ~IS.I9ID' ADMINISTRATIVE EDIT ~ LUMP SUt,1 !J.!MP SUM NAME No PROJECT TYPES J.Q0. Highway" 5 NO FOOTNOTES o I CD PROJECT INFORMATION PROGRAM I AUTHORIZATION TYPE ID IRTP-'~A~~ #_.._~ I_______j I EARMAFlK NC?_ ..~ 1<:;A.677/.34~3..J I____....n__..__..._~ I___o..._....._! LEAO AGENCY I Chula Vista, CHyof PROJECT TYPE I Hlgl1."'.a!'.:l:?____________ EXEMPT CATEGORY LOther - Engineering studies. fu'.:;;ILATEST RTp) ITS Li'I.O u ___!ri!l I~?_!@f PROJECT TITLE 11-5 Multi-Modal Corridor Improvement Study PROJECT DESCRIPTlQU - G~IDELlNES conduct a study to examine multi-modal improvements Main Street Interchange and State Route 54 M1!UlE...t"E LOCATIONS I!@] '>n.~ _.~.._~_._.._-----~----_._- RTIP II 08~OO -. RT~~ to the 1-5 corridor between the ~ !@/ t'age I at j SANpAG ~ () :c :!:: m z -l ~ .....^ 1,-,.,-.. j"'^^A 'rojectTrak - Project VIeW v ~ Change in project title and description per Congressional authorization. Also note I that $50,000 in Transnet funds were appropriated for FY08, and an additional $490,000 I will be appropriated for FY09_ I I i _._---_._.~.._---_...__.._.._--_._.._--_._--------------..--.-..-".'.'- ----- .. ...._...__..__~._.n_.._._.__~._. ___ _______________________________________________1 Ii'IElBAffil!;JAUTOMAlE) Changed Project Title: - from "H Street and 1-5 Interchange Improvements" to 111-5 Multi-Modal Corridor Improvement Study" Change Project Description: I - from "At H Street and 1-5 interchange - preliminary engineering, environmental I analysis and project design for future widening and improvement (DEMO ID: CA677 HPP No: 3482) " , to uconduct a study to examine multi-modal improvements to the 1-5 corridor between I , the Hain Street Interchange and State Route 54" I Changed System: - from "state" to f'Localll I Changed Project Completion- Date: - from "DEe 2010n to "DEe 2012" , I Funding I Decrease TransNet - Local Streets Improvements: - Decrease funds in FY 2009 in ENG from $540,000 to $490,000 TransNet - Local Streets and Roads: ~ Add funds in FY 2009 in ENG for $50,000 Demo - High Priority Projects: - Decrease funds in FY 2009 in ENG from $2,160,000 to $1,987,200 Total project cost decreased from $2,700,000 to $2,527,200 -~ INTERNAL NOTES I____________________~______________________________________________________________________________________---------------------------______1 o I ~ o 1.735 EMAIL PROJECTTRAKHELP@ECOINTERACTIVECOM "'^...........'..........n..... rojectTrak - Project View ['age!. or J (;'(SIEM I Local BOllTE; ~I ~ !Il";' __~I".....-i On I-5 between SR 54 and Main Street interchange (!, CONGESTION RELIEF o MAINTENANCE CAPACITY INCREASING PROJECT INFORMATION - ONLY REQUIRED FOR CAPACITY INCREASING PROJECTS CAPACITY STATUS 10~_n:.g_apa~Y'~iea~_eJ~ PROJECT DIAGRAM ~ PROGRAMMING INFORMATION EST TOTAL PRQJECT COST MQ!ill::I YJ'AR 1___.-!~,52?!.2Jl!lJ PROJECT COMPLETION OATE L1:J.E~~1.201? _~ [illJ6l:'I:LlJJ;.YJ;NUE5j .OPS/MAINT [\'E: FISCAL YEAR FUNO TYP!;jPROGRAMMEO REVENUE SOJ.!f:l!&) ENV/ENGB flQ.\Y Nf1 TOTAL t~.:.__~~~1fd I De_mo . t::!~gh Pr~?L~~~rojecls .._n_' --.-------.-------- ..____!lli3 I $1,987,20011 $011 $011 $1,987,2001 1 FY 2-?_~~ l,!.~a~_~_~~~,~__~~~~.~.s_tr~.~!~_~~~_ ~.?~.9,~_.._ ..u... ...". .....--..--.-..........."." gJ\ $50,00011 $011 $011 $50,0001 IFY 2009 ~ I~~~~et. Lo~~.l Streets lmp!~~_~~~nts ___...........___.______t@I [ $490,00011 $011 $011 $490,0001 Demo. High Priority Projects I $1,987,20011 $011 $011 $1,987,2001 TransNet - Local Slreets and Roads I $50,00011 $011 $011 $50,0001 TransNel + local Slreels lmprovemenls I $490,00011 $011 $011 $490,0001 GRAND TOTAL I $2,527,20011 $011 $011 $2,527,2001 DOES THIS PROJECT ACCOMMODATE BIKE/PEDESTRIANS? I,:.:~~!iif TRANSNET P A YiVlENTS . FY09 & FY10 C) I ~ ~ TAANSNET PAOGRAr,1 TransNet - local Streets Improvements TransNet - Local Streets and Roads SUBTOTAL FY09 TOTAL ;;OURCE Sales Tax Sales Tax RECIPIENT Chula Vista, City of Chula Vista, City of eilYtc1ENT DATE FES 2009 FEB 2009 PAYMENT AMOUNl: $100,000 $50,000 $150/000 $150,000 CHANGE REASON tilliTORICAL COMMlliTS CHANGE REASON Carry over from 06-00, Revise project description NARRATIVE DESC_RlPTIQN' .GW.o_~N9E. nl'\'.....t'1I.....r.r.,.. RESOLUTION NO. 2009- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING A GRANT OF $237,500 FOR LIGHT RAIL TROLLEY IMPROVEMENT STUDY AND AMENDING REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT CHV30 AMENDING THE FY 2009-10 CIP PROGRAM AND GRANT FUND PROGRAM BUDGETS, APPROPRIATING SAID GRANT FUNDS TO EXISTING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, STM361 1-5 MULTI- MODAL CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENT STUDY AND AUTHORIZING AN INTERPROJECT TRAi'JSFER FROM EXISTING CIP STL298 TO STM361 IN THE AMOUNT OF $16,175 AS NECESSARY TO MEET THE MINIMUM LOCAL MATCH WHEREAS, the Federal Highway Administration (FHW A) Office solicited applications for Federal Fiscal Year 2009 (FFY2009) grant funding from the Transportation, Community, and System Preservation (TCSP) Program for projects identified by Congress; and WHEREAS, Section 1117 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act; A legacy for users (SAFETEA-LU) reauthorized the TCSP Program through FFY2009; and WHEREAS, over the past several years, City staff has been working with Congressman Filner regarding additional funding needed for ultimate improvements along the Interstate-S corridor and as such were successful in obtaining $1,987,200 in SAFETEA-LU funds for the corridor; and WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista has been awarded $237,500 in grant funding from the TCSP Program for projects identified by Congress in Federal Fiscal Year 2009; and WHEREAS, the $237,500 in TCSP funds would augment the previous SAFETEA-LU funds but would allow a more refined pre-design study of the Light Rail Trolley system through Chula Vista; and WHEREAS, with each rail grade separation project estimated to cost approximately $3S million, it is imperative that the design elements and potential construction impediments be identified early in the process so that decisions can be made to minimize construction costs; and WHEREAS, this TCSP grant will be used to determine specific design features for future light rail trolley grade separation projects within the City of Chula Vista such as at E Street, H Street and Palomar Street; and 10-12 WHEREAS, with at least three grade separation projects being considered and possibly more, this would represent a future construction cost for the local agency, region, State and Federal agencies of approximately $100 million; and WHEREAS, this work is integral to the 2008 Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP) Project CHV30, the TCSP funds will be shown as an additional funding source for this project and as such, the total project budget will be increased to show this additional funding source; and WHEREAS, project CHV30 is described as, "1-5 Multi-modal Corridor Improvement Study" and is for conducting a study to examine multi-modal improvements to the 1-5 corridor between the Main Street interchange and State Route 54; and WHEREAS, an RTIP amendment will be done to revise this budget by an interfund transfer $16,175 from existing CIP STL-298 which is on hold. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby accept a grant of $23 7,500 for Light Rail Trolley Improvement Study and amend Regional Transportation Improvement Program Project CHV30 amending the FY 2009- 10 CIP Program and Grant Fund Program Budgets, appropriating said grant lUnds to existing Capital Improvement Project, STM361 1-5 Multi-Modal Corridor Improvement Study and authorizing an interproject transfer from existing CIP STL298 to STM361 in the amount of $16,175 as necessary to meet the minimum local match. Presented by Approved as to form by ~/l,L hi' Richard A. Hopkins Director of Public Works Bart C. Miesfeld City Attorney 10-13