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SEPTEMBER 15, 2009, Item~
In May 2006, the City of Chula Vista began a three-phase process to improve the City's
only parking district, which was established in 1963 and now provides more than 1,700
public parking spaces through surface parking lots, on street metered spaces, and a
parking structure. This process involved three phases.
Phase I
Phase II
Phase III
Preparation of the Parking Management Study
Adoption and implementation of the Interim Action Plan
Adoption of a Downtown Parking Management Plan
The ftrst phase was a comprehensive study of the district's management and operations
which resulted in a report that outlined recommendations and improvements to address a
long history of deferred maintenance, outdated policies and practices and management
issues. This information served as the basis for the second phase which was the Interim
SEPTEMBER 15,2009, Item 6"
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Action Plan and its thirteen recommendations to address management concerns and
increase revenue for the maintenance of the Parking District. The fInal phase of this
process culminates in the presentation of this Parking Management Strategy, which
outlines a series of recommendations that further promote the concept of parking as part
of a larger multi-modal transportation system and .discusses opportunities for more
effectively managing and integrating parking as a community amenity.
The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed actIvIty for
compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined
that the approval of the Parking Management Strategy is not a "Project" as defmed under
Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because it involves a governmental fiscal
activity which will not result in a potentially significant physical impact on the
environment. Therefore, pursuant to Section 15060 (c) (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines
the activity is not subject to CEQA.
That the City Council adopt and/or approve the following:
a) Resolution approving the Downtown District Parking Management Strategy,
accepting bids, and awarding the contract for Parking District Management and
Enforcement to Ace Parking Management Inc.;
b) Ordinance modifying Chula Vista Municipal Code Title 10; and
c) Ordinance modifying the Parking District Boundaries.
Parking is an important component of a thriving transportation system that includes many
modes of transportation such as driving, walking, bicycling and public transit and should
be addressed as a component of this system envisioned for Chula Vista. Realizing a
District that is effectively managed, generates revenue for capital improvements and
maintenance, and successfully provides convenient and reasonable parking opportunities
for customers, visitors and employees are the ongoing objectives of this process.
Parking Management Strategy
Recommendations in the Parking Management Strategy support the General Plan Update
CGPU') and the Urban Core Specific Plan ("UCSP") vision of creating a Park Once
environment by implementing the following goals for the Parking District:
. Provide safe, accessible and convenient parking to support downtown
. Encourage multi-modal transportation opportunities such as bicycling,
walking and transit
. Improve the level of service, equipment and infrastructure in public parking
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The underlying premise of the strategies presented herein is to support a more walkable
downtoV;TI community and promote the Park Once concept while being cognizant of the
continued need and desire of residents and visitors to use their automobiles. Parking is a
necessary and important amenity in the dO\VTItown area however, providing new parking
is not the overarching goal. The objective is to effectively manage existing parking,
create new parking opportunities through shared parking agreements and partnerships and
provide continued oversight and improvement to more successfully address the parking
needs of our community.
Following is a summary table of the more significant recommendations proposed in the
Parking Management Strategy:
. Transfer management to a professional parking firm
. Authorize a City Parking Administrator at 25% time
. Maintain the Parking Working Grou
. Develop new policies that promote shared parking and
address valet parking needs
. Modify existin residential ermit and in-lieu fee olicies
. Develop comprehensive marketing program
. 1m lement ca ital im rovement rogram
. Transfer enforcement to a professional parking firm
. Transfer parking citation processing and administrative
hearings to a professional arking firm
Contract Services
The most significant change being recommended through the Parking Management Strategy
is to contract the management, enforcement and landscaping services to a professional
parking firm. In light of the results of the Parking Study, additional review of the District's
performance and the experience of having implemented some of the management
improvements, staff determined that contracting out these services is beneficial to the
District, its businesses, employees and customers.
There were two areas of needed improvement noted both within the Parking Study results
and by the community. One is a lack of consistency from enforcement. The disadvantage
of utilizing the City's Police Department is that they are multitasked personnel with
parking enforcement officers often being reassigned to higher priority tasks. Utilizing an
independent contractor for parking enforcement services allows for consistent service,
and the contract proposed also includes modern equipment and technology that will
provide more efficient access to the public.
Contracted enforcement personnel will issue citations for violations of municipal parking
regulations and be responsible for locating and reporting vehicles to be impounded or
immobilized as a result of the vehicle's driver having a specified number of delinquent
parking citations. They will also report any unlawful act, condition or deficiency, which
may pose a hazard or danger to the general public. Police department personnel may
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continue to perform parking enforcement duties as workloads allow in addition to the
contract parking personnel.
The other identified area for improvement is the overall management and day-to-day
operation of the parking district. There are currently multiple departments and staff that
work on some aspect of implementing the parking programs, however, only with the
approval of the Interim Action Plan was a specific City staff person assigned as the
Interim Parking Administrator to oversee parking district functions, prepare the Parking
Management Strategy, and staff the Parking Working Group. The parking program
includes meter collection, enforcement, processing citations, the residential permit
program, landscaping, meter maintenance, signage, striping, policy recommendations,
implementation of various parking programs. The advantage of having a professional
parking firm manage the day-to-day operations is that it streamlines the process and
provides a clear point of contact for the public resulting in improved customer service.
On March 9, 2009, staff released a Request for Formal Proposal (RFP) to provide contract
parking management,' enforcement and landscaping services for the City of Chula Vista
Parking District. The Finance Department Purchasing Division received seven sealed bids
by the deadline of March 23, 2009, at 1 p.m. A selection committee comprised of
representatives from the Finance Department, Police Department, the Interim Parking
Administrator and a member of the Parking Working Group reviewed each of the proposals
and conducted interviews with three firms, including Ace Parking and two local Chula Vista
After careful review and consideration, staff is recommending that Ace Parking
Management Inc. be approved as the contract firm with their contract commencing July
1, 2009. The total cost of the contract is approximately $185,000 for the first year of
operations and approximately $200,000 in subsequent years. . The proposed parking firm
offered a $12,000 reduction in their management fees during the first year of operation.
During the first year of operations with contract management and enforcement, staff does
not anticipate any cost savings but does expect increased customer service. In future
years, the District should realize savings that will help implement additional
improvements in the public parking areas.
If approved by the City Council, Ace Parking Management Inc. will be responsible for
hiring, compensating (pay & benefits), training, scheduling and disciplining, and firing of
their personnel. The company will supply properly marked uniforms, equipment and
vehicles approved by the police department. In the proposed agreement, Ace Parking
will provide one part-time and one full-time Parking Enforcement Representative (PER)
and one part-time meter maintenance and collection representative. One PER will work
from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Should the need arise, the City can
amend the agreement and add additional personnel.
Ace Parking Management Inc. is partnering with two subcontractors including the Third
Avenue Village Association who will provide landscaping services in the public parking
areas, and iParq, a local company, providing integrated parking management solutions
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that include handheld ticket\VTiters, financial transaction processmg, adjudication and
data management.
Municipal Code Modifications
Changes are being proposed to Chula Vista Municipal Code Title 10 Vehicles and
Traffic to facilitate contracting enforcement services and to provide clarification and
general clean-up of certain parking related definitions and regulations. The proposed
modifications are attached as Attachment B.
District Boundary Ordinance
To implement the expanded Parking District Boundaries, as approved in the Interim
Action Plan, an ordinance is being presented as an accompanying action to this report.
As part of the implementation of the Interim Action Plan, the Parking Working Group
held its first meeting in February 2008 and has met more than 20 times during the last
year. This volunteer group has been intimately involved in developing its understanding
of parking management strategies and operations and reviewing and providing
recommendations to improve the City's parking district. Additionally, these volunteers
have served as "parking ambassadors" to the community at large by educating, providing
real time information to fellow residents and business owners, and representing the
community on parking issues. The Parking Working Group was an integral parmer in
developing the Parking Management Strategy and the recommendations incorporated
Although the Interim Action Plan approved the formation of a formal Parking
Commission, the Parking Working Group has requested that the group not be formalized
as a City board or commission. The Working Group would like to continue working with
City staff and contract staff in implementing the Parking Management Strategy.
Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found a conflict
exists, in that Councilmember Castaneda has property holdings within 500 feet of the
boundaries of the Parking District, which is the subject of this action.
The adopted FY 2010 budget projects revenues of approximately $568,000 and
expenditures of approximately $546,000. The expenditures include $191,000 for contract
services, $133,000 for City staff services (including $40,000 for the Parking
Administrator), $120,000 for capital improvements, and $30,000 as repayment to the
Redevelopment Agency.
In fiscal year 2010, the General Fund will realize approximately $155,700 less revenue
from staff time charges to the Parking Meter Fund when compared to the prior fiscal year
as a result of transitioning the parking district management and enforcement to ACE
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Parking. The shortfall in reimbursements from the Parking Meter Fund may be mitigated
through increased parking enforcement efforts outside of the Downtown Parking District.
The projected future Parking District budgets will include revenue of approximately
$600,000 and expenditures that include an approximate amount of $200,000 for contract
services, $65,000 for City staff services, $150,000 for capital improvements and loan
repayment of $133,500 to the Redevelopment Agency.
The General Fund will realize approximately $223,600 less revenue from staff time
charges to the Parking Meter Fund when compared to fiscal year 2009 as a result of
transitioning the parking district management and enforcement to ACE Parking
Management Inc. The shortfall in reimbursements from the Parking Meter Fund may be
mitigated through increased parking enforcement efforts because the enforcement staff
currently assigned to the parking district will now be enforcing outside the district. Due
to limited staffing there has been minimal parking enforcement available outside of the
A. Parking Management Strategy
B. Strikeout Version of CVMC Chapter 10
C. Clean Version ofCVMC Chapter 10
D. Contract for Parking Management and Enforcement Services with ACE
Parking, Inc.
Prepared by: Diem Do, Interim Parking Administrator
Attachment A
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manadement Strateav
September 2009
Prepared for:
City of Chulo Vista
September 2009
Prepared By:
Diem T. Do
Interim Parking Administrator
Development Services Department
276 Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
p- 1
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Sfrateav
September 2009
Purpose of the Report
The Downtown Parking District ("Parking District") is an arena that provides opportunity
to further the vision and goals outlined in the 2005 General Plan Update ("GPU") and
the Urban Core Specific Plan ("UCSP"). A map of the Parking District is attached as
Exhibit A. Both plans incorporate many concepts and elements of smart growth that
directly impact and affect continued management and development of the Parking
District. The GPU specifically includes the following foundational concepts:
. Use parking management to better utilize parking facilities and implement
policies to reduce parking demand before considering public expenditures for
additional parking facilities;
. Provide parking facilities that are appropriately integrated with land uses;
maximize efficiency; accommodate alternative vehicles; and reduce parking
. Evaluate the use and applicability of various strategies to provide parking;
. Ensure that parking facilities are appropriately site and well-designed in order
to minimize adverse effects on the pedestrian-oriented environment, and to
enhance aesthetic qualities;
. Promote the use of non-polluting and renewable alternatives for mobility
through a system of bicycle and pedestrian paths and trails that are safe,
attractive and convenient forms of transportation; and
. Reduce traffic demand through Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
strategies, increased use of transit, bicycles, walking and other trip reduction
The USCP "strives to create pedestrian-friendly destinations in the Urban Core. Although
mobility in many forms is encouraged and needed throughout the Urban Core, the
hierarchy of emphasis is: pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and finally, the automobile....For
Third Avenue, the pedestrian takes precedence and vehicle speeds are reduced." One of
the primary goals of the UCSP is to promote improvements and changes that will result in
the gradual transition to a "park once/walk many" environment. The parking supply
needs to adequately address the demand but "should not overshadow the primary goal
of creating a vibrant pedestrian friendly urban core." The UCSP further describes various
tools to achieve a balance of parking spaces and policies that more effectively address
parking needs and provide new opportunities to ease parking needs. Those include
minimizing the number of required parking spaces at identified transit nodes and mixed-
use areas; expanding the Parking District boundaries to better align with the Village
boundaries; and expanding the in-lieu parking fee program.
Chulo Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaoement Strateav
SeDtember 2009
Recommendations in this report support the GPU and UCSP vision of creating a Park
Once environment by implementing the following goals for the Parking District:
Provide safe, accessible and convenient parking to support downtown
Encourage multi-modal transportation opportunities such as bicycling, walking
and transit
Improve the level of service, equipment and infrastructure In public parking
The underlying premise of the strategies presented herein is to support a more walkable
downtown community and promote the Park Once concept while being cognizant of the
continued need and desire of residents and visitors to use their automobiles. Therefore,
parking is a necessary and important amenity in the downtown area. However,
providing new parking is not the overarching goal. The object is to effectively manage
existing parking, create new parking opportunities through shared parking agreements
and partnerships and provide continued oversight and improvement to more successfully
address the parking needs of our community.
In 2007, a Parking Study was completed by Rich and Associates (URICH"). This Study
included an analysis of the District's parking conditions, including occupancy and
turnover. A matrix summary of those recommendations and their status is attached as
Exhibit B. Chapter 3 of the Study also provided recommendations and strategies to
achieve 0 more effective and efficient parking district. Subsequently, the City Council
approved the Parking District Interim Action Plan in November 2007, which directed staff
to implement 13 significant changes in the management and operations of the
Downtown Parking District.
This report summarizes improvements that have already been implemented, describes
recommendations from the Parking Study, and provides new recommendations and
strategies to improve and enhance overall parking management in the Parking District
that support the City's overall vision for a vibrant walkable community that includes an
effective parking system as one of its amenities.
Since 1963 the City has maintained the Parking District and dedicated the funds
generated from parking revenue back into the District to create new parking and fund
improvements. The City remains dedicated to the original intent of the District, to provide
an adequate number of spaces through an effectively managed parking system.
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Strateav
Seotember 2009
One of the octions approved through the Interim Action Plan was the expansion of the
Parking District Boundaries, which will be formalized with the adoption of an ordinance.
No property tax assessment will be levied on any new properties included in the
expanded boundaries, and it will continue to function in the same manner as the existing
district. New parking meters will be installed on Church Avenue between Center and
Madrona Streets to discourage drivers from circling the area in search of what is currently
free on-street parking surrounded by public metered lots. Staff will continue to monitor
other areas where meters may be appropriate and/or where the residential permit
program may alleviate parking impacts.
It is recommended that day-to-day management of the parking program be transferred
to a professional parking management firm that would be responsible for both
management and enforcement. Chula Vista has managed the Parking District since its
inception, and it has required significant resources and staff time in an arena that is very
specialized and technical. By hiring a professional parking management company, the
City is providing its citizens, customers, and visitors with a system and technology that is.
efficient and promotes greater access to the parking system. City staff will work closely
with the parking firm and will maintain overall administration of the Parking District.
The management functions that the firm will be responsible for include: maintenance and
collection of the parking meters, maintenance and landscaping of the parking areas,
collection of meter revenue, administration of the parking permit program and the smart
card program, work with the Parking Working Group and report to the City's Parking
Administrator. The enforcement functions will be described later.
Should the City Council authorize the outsourcing of parking management and
operations, a City Parking Administrator should be dedicated at approximately 25% time
to oversee the contract, serve as liaison to the community and organizations regarding
parking issues and staff the Parking Working Group. The FY 2010 Parking District
budget has allocated funds to cover this position along with additional City staff who will
be involved during the transition period and as continued oversight of the management
firm. FY 2010 will be the first year that the Parking District pays for any portion of the
Administrator position.
The Interim Action Plan approved the formation of a Parking Commission. However, to
facilitate input and participation earlier in the implementation process, a Parking
Working Group ("Working Group") was established in March 2008 and has been
attended by a dedicated group of eight private citizens volunteering their time and
participating in more than 20 meetings to review the Parking Plan, make
recommendations, oversee improvements in the District and provide input and guidance
on parking issues. The Working Group members have expressed a desire that the
Working Group continue in an advisory capacity to implement the recommendations
contained within this Parking Management Strategy, and to review, monitor and provide
input to staff regarding all parking-related activities in the District. However, the Working
Group has also indicated its preference that the structure not be formalized as a
committee, board or commission to allow for continuity of the existing members and to
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Strateoy
Seotember 2009
maintain the more informal structure of the Working Group. Staff supports this proposal
and recommends that the City Council authorize the Working Group to function in its
current capacity.
The underlying vISion and policy of the Parking District is to efficiently use the eXisting
parking supply by furthering the UCSP strategy of "Park Once" through (a) a common
pool of shared, publicly available spaces and (b) encouraging private commercial
parking to be shared among different land uses and availablEl to the public when not
serving private commercial use. This strategy should be implemented through the
following policies:
. Prohibit or discourage private parking in new development, except for
residential spaces. Make public parking lots available to downtown shoppers
and employees and encourage leasing of spaces in nearby public lots and the
Park Plaza garage to private businesses for designated hours and days of the
week when required.
. Purchase or lease existing private parking from willing sellers and add this
parking to the shared public supply-as needed.
. Facilitate shared parking in existing parking lots wherever feasible.
Existing City parking policies that should be modified include:
. Residential Permit Program: Consolidate it within the City parking program
instead of having a separate department administer.
. Employee Permit Program: Reduce the permit fees.
. In-lieu Parking Fee: Simplify the formula and increase the per space amount to
be more commensurate with the actual cost of construction. The Working
Group and staff will provide recommendations in the near future regarding
this policy.
New policies should also be considered to address the changing needs of the downtown
area including a valet parking program that utilizes public parking and/or shared
parking agreements for specific businesses and uses. The Parking Administrator and the
Working Group should be responsible for developing, recommending and implementing
future policies.
The key operational recommendations outlined in the RICH Study addressed marketing,
signage, the condition of City parking lots, the improvement of pedestrian activity
through the enhancement of paseos, and the possible development of a validation
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Strateav
SeDtember 2009
progrom. The City hos oddressed a maiority of these recommendations in the past year
through the following:
. A new sign program was developed, ond significantly more signs were
installed in the public porking areas
. Staff developed a comprehensive capital improvement program that addresses
parking lot surfaces, striping/painting, ADA compliance, landscaping, lighting
and signoge. FY 2009 was the first year that a Capital Improvement Proiect
(CIP) was created to specifically address the condition and improvement of
parking areas. Additional funds, generated from Parking District revenue, are
being allocated through the FY 2010 budget.
. The enhancement of paseos is being coordinated with the City's efforts through
the Third Avenue Streetscape Master Plan.
. Businesses can now purchase smart cards that are rechargeable, and in turn,
provide them to shoppers and clients as a form of validation system
. The City engaged in significant marketing of the District through Star News
ads, flyers distributed directly to local businesses, presentations to community
organizations such as the Third Avenue Village Association, Crossroads and
the Chamber of Commerce, and email and direct mail. This is an area where
staff is looking at additional avenues and possible partnerships.
In addition to changes already implemented, there are a number of other others that
require additional consideration and modification that include the following:
. Implement a comprehensive landscape maintenance program in the public
parking areas. The proposed contracting for this service should address this.
. A comprehensive marketing program should be implemented. This program
should include information on the City's website including maps, data and up-
to-date parking announcements and news. The program should be designed
so that porkers can easily access parking information including: maps of public
parking locations, meter rates, citation rates, appeals process, and contact
a Annual community meetings to report out on parking district activities should
also be held
. Coordination with the City's Third Avenue Streetscape Master Plan should
continue to promote improvements in the paseos and to enhance connectivity
between public parking areas, Third Avenue and the downtown businesses
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Strateav
Seotember 2009
Consider partnerships and sponsorships with businesses and organizations
that provide information and promote local retail opportunities
An area that requires additional review is parking lot entry and exit configuration. Lots 2,
6, 9 and 10 have confusing access points and are not efficiently designed. Based upon
current occupancy levels and the estimated cost to reconfigure each lot to make
necessary improvements, consideration of possible future development may be
warranted. Far example, lot 6 is a small lot of 8795 so that provides 27 parking spaces
and has an average occupancy rate of 46%, with 33% of that being permit holders. The
current configuratian only has one ingress and egress point coming from a one-way
alley. Visual observations have shown that most parkers make an illegal left turn into the
alley to access the lot. To provide a new entry point into the lot, grade and re-seal the lot
would cost nearly $200,000, based upon a 2008 estimate prepared by the City's
Engineering Department. Annually, this lot generates approximately $2,500 in meter
revenue. Additional analysis and recommendations for specific modifications will be
discussed by the Working Group and presented to the City Council for future
The City has addressed the recommendations from the RICH study as follows:
. Overtime parking fine was increased from $12 to $25
. City continues to issue multiple tickets, when necessary
. City issued courtesy tickets and flyers during installation of new meters.
. City will consider policy of courtesy ticket to first time violators as part of
transfer to new enforcement
The recommended parking management firm that will oversee the day-to-day
management will also provide parking enforcement. The Parking Enforcement Officer
(PEO) will be an employee of the parking firm and will be dedicated solely to
enforcement within the District. The PEO is only authorized to enforce Chula Vista
Municipal Code violations (not State Vehicle Code) and will not be authorized to work in
any other area of the City.
The PEO will utilize a state-of-the-art handheld ticket writer with an integrated camera
and built-in printer. These ticket writers will increase the efficiency of the overall parking
system because of their ability to download critical Department of Motor Vehicles
information regarding number of tickets a vehicle has received, stolen vehicle and
outstanding warrants. This information will assist the PEO in providing better customer
service. For example, a PEO may note that a vehicle is registered to a rental car
company and has never received a citation in the City. The PEO may opt to provide a
courtesy ticket to the tourist/visitor instead of a citation, thereby providing important
information to the parker about local parking regulations and promoting a positive
customer service experience for the visitor.
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Porkina District Parkinq Manaaement Strateav
September 2009
A photo will be taken at the issuance of every citation and will be downloaded directly to
the website. Photographic evidence of violations has been proven to significantly reduce
the number of appeals submitted. The website can also be utilized to submit payments
for citations via credit card, which is not currently an available option. Additionally, the
website can be utilized to submit an appeal and to purchase parking permits. There will
be a separate website linked to the City's website that will provide general parking
information to the public.
Parking and Revenue Control
In October 2008, the majority of parking meters were replaced in the District.
Approximately 1,127 individual meters were replaced in all the public lots (except lot #1
and the Norman Park Center) with lOCale C 1 04 Compact multi-space meters. These
new meters are solar powered with battery back up and accept credit cards, park cards,
and coins. This modernization helped address the issue of having three different types of
meters, many of which were non-functioning and more than 30 years old. One of the
benefits of the multi-space meters is the connection to a web office system that
automatically notifies staff if there are issues or repairs required, resulting in quicker
response time. The removal of the individual meters has resulted in a less cluttered
parking area while providing more payment options.
At this same time, the five hundred (500) on street individual meters were also
modernized to POM individual meters that are battery operated and accept coins and
park cards. The plastic domes were replaced and the meter poles were cleaned and new
time limit and informational decals installed. In the future, the City should consider
replacing the individual meters with multi-space meters to provide the same benefits
being offered in the public lots.
Meter rates and the parking permit fee rate were also modified to bring the rates more in
line with reasonable expenses incurred for the management and improvement of the
parking system. The rates were increased from $0.1 O/hour to $0.25/hour for 10-hour
meters and from $0.25/hour to $0.50/hour for all other time allocations. Respectively,
the quarterly parking permit fee was increased from $54 to $135 utilizing the same
formula as previously calculated, which is based upon an employee or business owner
parking 9 hours per day 5 days per week during 12 weeks in a quarter. The parking is
enforced six days a week, however, the calculation does not reflect this, which effectively
provides a discount for the purchase of a permit.
The City should consider raising the rate for 2-hour meters from $0.50 to $0.75 in the
future. This would impact approximately 500 on-street meters and help alleviate some of
the parking congestion. It also would create a tier between the on-street and off-street 4-
hour meter rates. Occupancy of the 4-hour spaces appears to have decreased because
it is currently priced the same as the 2-hour spaces, which are more conveniently located.
The turnover and occupancy should be monitored to determine if and when a rate
change is warranted.
Chulo Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Strateay
September 2009
Changes were also made to the parking allocation in the District. All 1 O-hour spaces on-
street were changed to 2-hour spaces. Public lots #2, 5, and 9 were changed to 4-hour
lots. Priar to these modifications many of the lots contained both four and ten hour
spaces, which was confusing for porkers. In the future, the City may consider adding 30-
minute parking at the ends of each block to provide very short term parking. The rate for
these spaces should be higher, at $0.25 per 15 minutes.
New motorcycle parking areas were incorporated into lots #2, 3, 5, 6, and 9. These
areas are designated motorcycle parking only, and there is no charge for motorcycles to
park in these areas. The development of these areas often incorporated underutilized
space. In the future, designated free motorcycle parking should be incorporated on-
street. This will work in tandem with bicycle parking to encourage visitors and local
businesses to utilize other forms of transportation.
Parking Facilities
The Park Plaza Parking Structure continues to be significantly underutilized, particularly
given this location provides free parking to the public and is primarily surrounded by
metered parking. Staff has met with the proposed management firm and discussed
possible improvements to the Structure; including lighting, painting, re-striping, and
signage. New ADA compliant signage was installed in late 2008. A conditions study
should be prepared that provides a prioritization schedule for improvements and cost
Bicycles as an Alternate Mode of Transportation
The UCSP supports increased bicycle activity in downtown Chula Vista. Efforts are being
coordinated through the Third Avenue Streetscape Plan and the Chula Vista Bicycle
Master Plan to install new bicycle furniture and develop safe routes to increase bicycle use
through the downtown area.
Parking Requirements for Current and Future
The Parking District currently provides an overall adequate number of both public and
private parking spaces for customers and visitors. The City should consider shared use
agreements for private parking areas that may alleviate parking needs and concerns
during peak occupancy and in areas of the District where there is a deficit. For example,
special weekly and annual events such as the farmers' market and Lemon Festival would
benefit from having additional parking available from businesses such as churches.
Additionally, the City needs to address the proliferation of banquet and event halls on
Third Avenue that require a significant amount of parking for several hours during
primarily weekend days.
The Rich Parking Study observed that several blocks had a deficiency of parking. Some of
those issues appear to have been alleviated by modifying the time allocations in the
public parking lots and the closure of the former Social Security Office. Some of the
blocks that have deficits are due to a lack of private parking. For example, the
Congregational Tower has a small private parking area that does not accommodate the
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
Downtown Parkina District Parkina Manaaement Strateav
Seotember 2009
parking needs of its residents. The result is that many residents park their vehicles long-
term in the surrounding public parking lots and streets reducing the number of available
spaces for customers and visitors. In this case, promoting the park card, implementing
pedestrian improvements to improve walkability and access, and enhancing and
marketing the availability of free parking in the Park Plaza Parking Structure would
increase parking availability and more effectively address the needs of more long-term
porkers and downtown residents.
The City should continue to monitor both occupancy and traffic flow and make changes
as necessary. Monitoring should occur every 3-5 years or upon maior development
within the area.
Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency
',,',":'" 0,"
", ,
~ 10 Hour Time Umit
[.f~{i:",l Free Pa rking
Downtown Parking Distrid
Time Allocatiom
Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
3.1.0 Downtown
Parking District
Status and
The Downtown Parking
District was tarmed in 1 963
to provide meters, generate
revenue, tund improvements
and help control parldng.
3.1.1 Parking Staff The management ot the
parking system Is not
3.1.2 Parking
Enterprise Fund
3.1.3 Parking
The District has fultilled its
obligation to continue to use
tunds generated by parking
meter revenue and tines on
parking-related activities.
Maintain the District and modify the
boundaries to E Street (north), Del Mar
(east). Garreff (west) and H Street (south)
Form a Parking Advisory Committee (PAC)
and appoint an existing staff person trom
the City's Community Development
Department to act as the Parking
Create one Parking Enterprise Fund and
place all revenue generated trom the
Downtown District into this tund. Continue
to designate these funds tor parking-
related activities within the District.
Develop an educational program that
continually stresses the costs ot parking,
enforcement reguiations, transit options
and the vision ot a walkabie community.
Present the information on a continual
Staff and the City Attorney's office has reviewed the requirements
tor adding parking meters and expanding the District boundaries
and determined that since no assessment is being proposed to the
affected properties, expansion may be implemented with the
approval of the appropriate ordinance. Intormationai notices will
be mailed to affected property owners.
An Interim Community Parking Working Group tormed in February
2008. The Working Group has expressed a desire to maintain its
intormal structure but to continue working with stott in
impiementing the Parking Management Strategyand reviewing
ongoing District operations. An
Interim Parking Administrator was appointed January 2008. Should
the City contract the meter collection, maintenance and
enforcement a Parking Administrator should be assigned at
approximately 25% time. Sllould the City elect not to contract
these functions then a City staff person should be dedicated at
approximately 75% ttme.
There are two Parking District accounts. The meter revenue and,
the City's portion of overtime parking citation fees are deposited in
one, and parking in-lieu fees are deposited In the other. The
accounts are soiely for parl<ing-related expenditures within the
The interim Parking Administrator has attended the monthly TAVA
Board meetings and other community meetings to presents
updates regarding the District. A comprehensive and ongoing
educational program should be developed and presented to the
community on a regular basis.
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Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
3.2.0 City Parking
3.2.1 In-Lieu Fee
5fl.2 Valet
3.2.3 Residential
Parking Permit
Other than the in-lieu fee,
there are no policies for
The in-lieu fee policy was
implemented in 1980. The
formula lor calcuiating the
fee is confusing and
Valet parking is not currently
There is no residential
parking permit in place.
Parking policies need to be developed
and updated as the downtown evolves.
Policies should be established for overtime
parking, enforcement strategies, parking
allocation and parking rates.
Retain the program but revise the farmula
so that the cost per parl<ing space be
indexed 10 the cost of constructing one
parl<ing space in a parking structure.
City should deveiop a valet parking policy
to regulate how valet operations would
Evaluate the Impact of parking needs on
surrounding residential areas and
implement a residential parking permll
program if necessary
3.2.4 Reporting to There has been a lack of
the Community information shared between
the City and stakeholders.
Prepare an annual report to be presented
to the City Council and community on an
annual basis.
Staff recommends thai occupancy and turnover of public pari<ing
areas be monitored every 3-5 years, or upon significant
development, to determine if and when additional changes may
be warranted in regards to enforcement, parking allocation and
The current rate 01 $1 ,7 50 is too low and Is based upon a
percentage of land value necessary to construct a space.
Current land and construction costs should be determining factors
In establishing a reasonable In-lieu lee amount. A revised formula
will be provided for City Council approval. The expenditure of
these funds should only be utilized for the development of new
parking. The In-lieu fee program boundaries should be modified
to match the district boundaries.
A policy should be established that addresses the potential need
for valet parking. Specifically, it is recommended that the policy
assist in addressing the parking needs of the many banquet halls
in the District.
There is a residential permit program In place that is implemented
by the Engineering Dept. This program should be coordinated the
Parl<ing Administrator and/or parking firm to ensure that eiigible
households are participating. Additionally, staff should monitor
areas in the City that may warrant this program.
The annuai report should contain financial information regarding
income and expenditures, a summary of significant changes in
the District and data regarding occupancy and usage.
Page 2
Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
3.3.0 Parking
Revenues and
3.3.1 Marketing
3.3.2 Slgnage
Parking revenues have been
erratic. particularly from
2002 to present
There is no ongoing
marketing campaign for fhe
Parking District.
The City is lacking In a
comprehensive and
coordinated sign program.
3.3.3 Condlttan 01 The majority of the parking
~y Parking Lots lots are in need of capital
'" improvements
3.3.4 Exlsllng
Parking Area
3.3.5 Paseos
3.3.6 Validation
Generally, the design and
layout of the parl<ing lots is
efficient except for Lot 6
Prepare a Parking District Operating
budget that projects appropriate costs for
maintenance of the District.
Develop an ongoing and budgeted
parking marketing program. Coordinate
with TAVA to Impiement under the
direction of the Parking Advisory
Develop a sign program that includes four
types of signage: direction, iocation,
Identification and pedestrian wayfinding.
Make lighting, painting, signage,
landscaping and resurfacing
improvements as necessary.
Remove the one-way restriction In the
alley to allow legal access into Lot 6
and/or create an entry from Madrona.
Downtown Chula Vista has a
number of paseos
connecting parking lots to
Third Avenue. Many of them
need improvements to mal<e
them more attractive and
Tile District does not currently Institute a parking validation system that
have a validation system in businesses can use to offer free parking to
place. customers.
Insfall signage to better identify paseos.
Consider using lighting, murals and
landscaping 10 create a more inviting
walking experience.
Staff continues to project and maintain an annual operating
The City has advertised via the Star News, flyers, email alerts and
letters to business and property owners. In coordination with the
parking management firm, staff will develop and implement a
marketing program tllat includes more consistent information
through such avenues as the City website.
New signs Incorporate the new City colors and repiace the old
wood signs, many of which were In disrepair. There is significantly
more signage in the parking lots to provide information to parkers.
Additional signage needs are reviewed on a continual basis.
FY 2009 was the first year that capitallmprovemenls were funded
through the budget Additional monies have been proposed in the
Fy 2010 budget. Staff has inspected each lot to determine a
priority of repairs and budget to begin improvements. As part of
this program,Grounds Maintenance Specifications have been
prepared, and will be implemented via the management
Engineering staff has developed preliminary designs and cost
estimates for restructuring Lot 6. Lots 2 and 9 also warrant
reconfiguration to make them more accessible. Certain iots may
provide opportunities for future development.
Staff is coordinating with the Third Avenue Streetscape Master Plan
determine access and ownership of these sites. Staff will meet with
the community to consider types of improvements and work with
the private owners for permission to make changes in the paseos.
The smarl card program is an excellent tool for business owners to
promote their businesses and "validate" for customers as they can
purchase and distribute ttlese cards to their clientele. The smart
cards are accepted at the individual and multi-space mElle(Jl'J 3
Parking Management Strategy: 'Recommendation Matrix
3.4.0 Parking
3.4.1 Handheld
Ticket Writers
3.4.2 Overtime
PClklng Fine
3.4.3 Multiple
3.4.4 Courtesy
The Parking Enforcement
Program is not funclioning at
optimal efficiency. 1he
enforcement officers do not
just enforce parking within
the District.
The handheld ticket wrilers
are not being used to their
full potential.
The overtime parking fine of
$12.00 is not high enough to
discourage parkers from
knowingly violaling parl<ing
Chula Vista currently issues
multiple ticl<ets for same day
violations of expired meters.
Chula Vista does not
currently issue courtesy
Dedicate enforcement personnel to the
District. The officer must cover a
consistent route and enforce during the
entire enforcement period of Monday
through Saturday 9 am to 5 pm.
Upgrade the system to allow the handheld
Iicket writers to record and track license
plates. provide Information about
outstanding tickets and number of tickets
received and data regarding stolen
vehicles and warrants.
Increase the overlime parking fine from
$12.00 to $50.00 consistent with the
parking Violation Penalty Schedule
Continue fhis pOlicy of issuing muitiple
Issue courtesy tickefs for a first offense of a
non-permit vehicle.
In 2008. the Police Department provided dedicated enforcement
staff to the District. Staff recommends contracling the enforcement
and requiring the outside firm to provide consistent and
professionai staff. Outside enforcement will be authorized to issue
citations only for CVMC violations.
The professional management firm being recommended was
primarily selected due to the state-of-the-art equipment and web-
based applications that not only provide all the recommended
services but also provide photographic evidence for each vehicie
cited. easy online payment and appeal processes for the
consumer and a barcode system that is automated and efficient.
The City Council approved an Increase to $25 per infraclion
through the Interim Action Pian in November 2007. It was
implemented March 17, 2008.
The City continues to issue multiple tickets when necessary.
The City has Issued courtesy notices/tickets in the past. Staff will
consider implementing a courtesy ticket to first-time violators of
parl<ing violations within the District in coordinalion with the new
contract firm.
Page 4
Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
3.5.0 On-Street
3.5.1 Off-Street
3.5.2 Parking
3.5.3 Parking
Meters need to be replaced.
Many are non-functioning.
This causes enforcement
The off-street parking lots
have individual meters that
are difficult to maintain for
both collection and
The parl<ing rates do not
deter people from parking
beyond the posted limits nor
do the rates promote the use
of the Park Piaza Parking
The District has two different
types of on-street meters: 30-
minute and 2-hour
Purchase new individual on-street meters
that can accept coins, tokens and smart
cards. ideally the system would be
wireless and solar powered.
Install muiti-space meters in lots #2, #3,
#5 and #7. These machines can accept
coins, tokens and smart cards and should
be wireless and solar powered. The
remainder of the lots could be upgraded
to new individual meters.
Increase tile parking rates for meters and
permits to SO.50/hr at 30-minute and 2, 3,
and 4 hour meters. Increase to SO.25/hr at
1 a-hour meters. increase permits to
S120/qtr in all lots except #2 and #3
where the increase shouid be S180/qtr.
The 2-hour parking should be the
dominant duration for on-street parking.
Individuals requiring more than 2 hours
should be directed to off-street parking
areas. For Lots #2 and #3 convert to 3-
hour fime limits
New individual POM meters were installed in October 2008 that
accept coins and smart cards. They are battery operated.
New Cole MP 104 Compact pay and display meters were installed
In all lots except number #1, #4 (Parl< Plaza Parking Structure) and
the Norman Park lot. They are solar powered and wireless. They
accept credit cards, smart cards and coins.
Effective October 6, 2008, parking rates were increased to
SO.25/hr for 1 a-hour meters and SO.50/hr for 2 and 4-hour meters.
Staff has been monitoring the occupancy rafe, and It appears
that because the 2 and 4 hour meters are both priced at
SO.50/hour, fewer people are parking in the 4-hour lots, and more
people are parking on-street. Additional changes may be
'warranted in the future after continued moniforing and review.
On-street parking Is predominantly 2-hour parking. The 1 a-hour
spaces that were located on-street were changed to 2-hours. Lots
#2, #5 and #9 were converted to 4-hour lots, and the remainder
of lots are 1 a-hours. Staff will continue fa monitor occupancy and
turnover and re-evaluate if additional modifications are
Page 5
Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
3.6.0 Park Plaza
Parking Structure
3.6.1 Meter Color
3.6.2 Street Curbs
The parking structure is
critically underutilized wilh
average occupancy
projected at 40%.
The existing meters are not
marked 10 indicate the time
limit. which is confusing tor
The slreel curb painting is
Upgrade signage, improve lighting, re-
stripe the parking floors, conduct a
conditions sludy and complele needed
structural and cosmetic repairs and
consider adding an elevator.
Designate a color to represent each lime
limit then painl the pole to identify the
Street curbs shouid only be painted for no
parking where required and for fire
11ydrate locations. Curbs should not be
painted 10 reflect the Iype of parking
Staff has been working with Park Piaza management to develop
and impiement improvements 10 address the existing conditions
and address community perception regarding the safety of the
structure. Police reports indicale an average of two calls tor
service per month at the struclure, which is considered a low
incident role.
As the majority of indlviduai meters are 2-hour limit, this seems
redundant. Atractive and easy-Io-read decals indicating the time
limit wiil be installed on the meler poles to assist parkers.
There is only one short curb section that Is painted indicating time
limit because it is the only area with 15 minute parking. This was
an accomodation granted to the retailer because of tile nature of
their business. Staff recommends thaI this painted curb remain.
3.7.0 BICYCling os
an Alternative to
3.7.1 Bicycle
There is a need to promote Consider creating a bike route to the
bicycie usage in Chula Vista downtown and creating a marketing
and to make coming to the program to promote bicycie use as an
downlown by bicycle more alternative to driving. Create a special
appealing. event to promote bicycles in an effort to
help create alternative modes of
transporlation, which in turn cuts down on
the number of parking spaces needed.
Chula Vista does have
bicycle racks, although they
are difficult to find.
Install new bicycle racks and institue a
marketing program 10 promote the new
The Engineering Department has expressed concern about
creating a bike route on Third Avenue because of the diagonal
parking. Staff wiil continue to work with staff to evaluafe the
opportunities for Integrating this area in the Bikeway Master Pian.
Slaff is coordinating the design and location of new bike racks
with the Third Avenue Slreetscape Master Plan initiative currently
Page 6
Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
3.6.0 Traffic
There are currently no noted
issues with respect to traffic.
3.6.1 Current
Parking Analysis
Overall. tllere is a surplus of
approximately 1 .1 03 parking
spaces within the Study Area.
However, there are several
blocks (2.3,9, 10 and 12)
tllat have a deficit.
5f8.2 Potenllal
.llQrklng Impact of
RICH reviewed lots 3,6.9 and
10 to determine the impact
ot development. All the lots
had moderately high
occupancy levels, but lots 6,
9, and 10 had mare
available surrounding
parking to alleviate any loss
of parking.
3.6.3 Potenllal Tile Urban Core Specific Plan
Future Parking may hasten redevelopment
Neesd wllh along Third Avenue, causing
Redevelopment of changes to the parking
Third Avenue demand.
Continue to monitor traffic flow wllhin the
downtown and the ievels of service at
princlpie intersections as development
occurs and parking Changes/additions
are impiemented,
Direct customers and visitors to park in
Parl< Plaza. to alleviate parking demand an
blocks 2,3 and 12. The deticlts an blocks
9 and 10 should be reduced when the
Social Security office relocates and more
people utilize the free parking in Park
Maintain lot 3 as public parking.
Developing lots 6,9, and 10 should have
minimal impact, but if the surrounding
parking areas cannot absorb the loss of
parl<ing consider entering into shared use
agreements with existing parking lots or
develop new parking,
Future parking needs will depend greatly
on redevelopment in the downtown area.
II ENA sites are developed, utilize
proceeds from the sale of parking lots for
necessary capital improvements. The City
will need to continually monitor
development and parking needs.
Staff recommends that traffic flow be monitored every three years,
or upon significant development In the downtown.
Staff recommends that additional review be conducted to
determine If there is a higher occupancy rate based upon the
changes Implemented In the District. Additional marketing should
be implemented to advertise the availability of free parking.
There are no active Exclusive Negotiating Agreements for any ot
the public lots. Due to the high cost to reconfigure lot #6, its
location and small size, staff recommends that the Cily consider
selling this sife for residential/mixed-use development, Other lots
may provide possible development opportunities, particularly if
public parking can be integrated on-slle.
Staff recommends continued oversight and monitoring of the
district and updating occupancy and turnover studies to ensure
adequate parking availability.
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Parking Management Strategy: Recommendation Matrix
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3.8.4 Possible There Is currenlly no need to Monitor parking needs and consider
Parking Structure construct additional parking. identified sites for possible development of
Sites Although. RICH did consider parking structures in the tuture, if
potential parking structure necessary.
sites if needed in the future.
Page 8
Attachment B - Strikeout Version of CVMC Chapter 10
Chapter 10.08
Bicycle dealer.
Bicycle lane.
Bicycle path.
Bicycle route.
Bus loading zone.
Business district.
Divisional island.
Loading zone.
Official time standard.
Park or parking.
Parking control measure.
Parking control device.
-Parkinq enforcement. Contract.
Parking meter, Individual.
-Parkinq meter, Multi-space.
Passenger loading zone.
Police officer.
Stop or stopping.
Taxicab stand.
Traffic control measure.
Traffic control device.
Vehicle Code.
For statutory definition of terms in the Vehicle Code, see Veh. Code S 100, et seq.
10.08.010 Definitions.
The following words and phrases, when used in this title, shall for the purpose of this title have the
meanings respectively ascribed to them in this chapter. Words and phrases defined herein in the
language of the Vehicle Code of the state of California shall be cited by the section number of said
Vehicle Code as indicated. Whenever any words or phrases used herein are not defined herein but
are defined in the Vehicle Code and amendments thereto, such definitions shall apply. (Ord. 2670
S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3).
10.08.020 Alley.
"Alley" means any public highway, having a roadway not exceeding 25 feet in width, which is
primarily used for access to the rear or side entrances of abutting property. (Cite Section 110 Vehicle
!Code) (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(A)).
; 1 0.08.030 Bicycle.
: "Bicycle" means any device upon which any person may ride, propelled by human power through a
belt, chain or gears, and having either two or three wheels in tandem or tricycle arrangement,
excepting therefrom any such device not more than three feet in height, used by small children. (Ord.
;2670 s 1, 1996, Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(B)).
,10.08.031 Bicycle dealer.
"Bicycle dealer" means any person, firm, partnership or corporation which is engaged wholly or
,partly in the business of selling bicycles, or buying or taking in trade bicycles for the purposes of
'resale, selling or offering for sale, or otherwise dealing with bicycles, whether or not such bicycles are
'owned by such person or entity. The term also includes agents or employees of such person or entity.
,(Ord. 2670 S 1,1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
,10.08.032 Bicycle lane.
: "Bicycle lane" means any lane within the roadway designated by signs and markings for the
:operation of bicycles (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.033 Bicycle path.
. "Bicycle path" means any specifically designated area for bicycle travel, physically separated from
the roadway. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
'10.08.034 Bicycle route.
"Bicycle route" means any route recommended for bicycle travel, which may include bicycle paths
and public streets for accommodating bicycle riders. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
'10.08.040 Bus.
"Bus" means any motor vehicle, other than a motor truck or truck tractor, designed for carrying
more than nine persons including the driver and used and maintained for the transportation of
passengers. (Cite Section 233 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.13(C)).
10.08.050 Bus loading zone.
: "Bus loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb or edge of roadway reserved for the
exclusive use of buses during loading and unloading passengers. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord 973 S 1,
1966; prior code S 19.1.3(D)).
10.08.060 Business district.
"Business district" means that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto:
A. Upon one side of which highway, for a distance of 600 feet, 50 percent or more of the
contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by buildings in use for business; or
" B. Upon both sides of which highway, collectively, for a distance of 300 feet, 50 percent or more of
the contiguous property fronting thereon is so occupied.
A business district may be longer than the distances specified if the above ratio of buildings in use
:for business to the length of the highway exists. (Cite Section 235 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1,
i 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.13(E)).
10.08.070 Council.
"Council" means the council of the city of Chula Vista. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
p~or <;;o.d~.S 19. 1)(f)L u___._ ... . .... . ____ .
10.08.080 Crosswalk.
"Crosswalk" means:
A. That portion of a roadway included within the prolongation or connection of the boundary lines of
,sidewalks at intersections where the intersecting roadways meet at approximately right angles,
'except the prolongation of such lines from an alley across a street; or
B. Any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings
'on the surface.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, there shall not be a crosswalk where local
authorities have placed signs indicating no crossing. (Cite Section 275 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1,
,1996; Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.1.3(H)).
10.08.090 Curb.
"Curb" means the lateral boundary of the roadway, whether such curb be marked by curbing
,construction or not so marked; the word "curb" as herein used shall not include the line dividing the
roadway of a street from parking strips in the center of a street or from tracks or rights-of-way of
public utility companies. (Ord 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(H)).
il 10.08.095 Cyclist.
11 "Cyclist" means any bicycle operator. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.100 Divisional island.
"Divisional island" means a raised island located in the roadway and separating opposing or
conflicting streams of traffic. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(1)).
1 ().Q8.11 0 Holidays.
"Holidays," within the meaning of this chapter, are the first day of January, the third Monday in
January, the twelfth day of February, the third Monday in February, last Monday in May, the fourth
day of July, the first Monday in September, the ninth day of September, the second Monday in
October, the eleventh day of November, the twenty-fifth day of December and Thanksgiving Day.
When any of the holidays listed in this section fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be deemed
to be a holiday in lieu of the day observed, and when any of the holidays listed in this section fall on
,Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed to be a holiday in lieu of the day observed. (Ord.
2670, 1996; Ord. 2638 S 1, 1995; Ord. 1663 S 1, 1976; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(J)).
10.08.120 Loading zone.
. "Loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles
during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.1.4(K))
10.08.130 Official time standard.
: Whenever certain hours are named herein, they mean standard time or daylight saving time, as
. may be in current use in the city. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966, prior code S 19.1.3(L)).
10.08.140 Park or parking.
"Park" or "parking" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than
temporarily for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading merchandise or
passengers. (Cite Section 463 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.1.3(M)).
10.08.145 Parking control measure.
"Parking control measure" means any program, method or system used to regulate the parking of
vehicles. It incl.udes_!~_f:) installati.on of a parking control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996).
: 1 0.08.146 Parking control device.
; "Parking control device" means and includes any sign, marking, curb painting or similar device
used to regulate the parking of vehicles, as recognized and prescribed in the California Vehicle Code'
and the state of California Traffic Manual. The term may be used interchangeably with "sign" within
,this title. (Ord. 2670, S 1, 1996).
.10.08.147 Parkinq enforcement. Contract.
"Contract Fnforcement" shall mean anv dulv oualified company that the City has entered into a
contract with and approved by the Chief of Police to provide enforcement of CVMC Chapters 1052.
10.56 and 10.60 relatinG to CVMC infractions onlv in the parkinG zones.
10.08.150 _Parking meter, Individual.
"Individual pP-arking meter" means a mechanical device installed within or upon the curb or
sidewalk area immediately adjacent to a parking space for the purpose of controlling the period of
time for the occupancy of such parking space by any vehicle. lOrd 2670 Ei 1, 1996: Ord. 973 i:, 1,
1966: priorcodei:, 1913IN)).
10.08.155 ParkinG meter, Multi-space.
"Multi-space parkinG meter" means a mechanical device installed within the parkinq zone for the
purpose of controllinG the period of time for the occupancy of multiple parkinG spaces. (Ord. 2670
S 1; 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 191.3(N)).
10.08.160 Parkway.
"Parkway" means that portion of a street other than a roadway or a sidewalk. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996;
Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(0)).
10.08.170 Passenger loading zone.
"Passenger loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of
'vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.1.3(P)).
10.08.180 Pedestrian.
"Pedestrian" means any person afoot. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.1.3(Q)).
10.08.190 Police officer.
"Police officer" means every officer of the police department of the city or any officer authorized to
direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996;
'Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(R)).
10.08.195 Regulation
The term "regulation," when used in this title, means one or more ordinances or resolutions that
have been or may be adopted by the city council, or a traffic regulation adopted and promulgated by
the city engineer pursuant to the authority and procedure contained in CVMC 10.04.030 for the
adoption and implementation of traffic and parking control measures. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996).
10.08.200 Stop or stopping.
"Stop" or "stopping," when prohibited, means any cessation of movement of a vehicle, whether
occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the
direction of a police officer or official traffic control device or signal. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
:s 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(S)).
. -
10.08.210 Taxicab stand.
"Taxicab stand" means a space adjacent to a curb reserved for taxicabs to stand and wait for
:passengers. (Ord. 2670 8 1, 1996; Ord. 973 8 1, 1966; prior code 8 19.1.3(T)).
,10.08.215 Traffic control measure.
"Traffic control measure" means any program, method or system used to regulate, warn or guide
,the movement of traffic, vehicles and pedestrians, as recognized and prescribed in the California
Vehicle Code and the state of California Traffic Manual. It includes the installation of traffic control
,devices. (Ord. 26708 1, 1996).
10.08.216 Traffic control device.
"Traffic control device" means any sign, marking or device used to regulate, warn or guide the
movement of traffic, pedestrians and vehicles, including, but not limited to, signs, pavement markings
'and other markers as may apply, but it excludes roadway design features delineated in California
Vehicle Code Section 440. The term may be used interchangeably with "sign" within this title. (Ord.
26708 1, 1996).
10.08.220 Vehicle Code.
"Vehicle Code" means the Vehicle Code of the state, as amended. (Ord. 2670 8 1, 1996; Ord. 973
'8 1, 1966; prior code 8 19.1.3(U)).
Chapter 10.52
Stopping, standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
Stopping, standing or parking - Scope of provisions.
Special stops required - Schedule II - Through streets and stop intersections.
Stopping, standing or parking - Within or on parkways - Prohibited.
No stopping zones and no parking areas - Authorized.
No stopping zones and no parking areas - Driver obedience required.
No parking areas - Designated.
No parking areas - Near fire hydrants or fire stations.
Commercial vehicles - Parking in residential districts prohibited when.
Storage of vehicles or camper bodies on streets prohibited - Time limit.
Parking for advertising or demonstration purposes prohibited when.
Repairing or greasing of vehicles prohibited where.
Washing or polishing of vehicles prohibited when.
No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Authorized when.
No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Driver obedience required.
No parking areas - Alleys - Exceptions permitted when.
No parking areas - Narrow streets - Authorized when.
No parking areas - Narrow streets - Driver obedience required.
Parking on grades - Wheels to be blocked when.
Peddlers and vendors - Parking permitted when - Time limit.
Emergency parking - Authorized when - Procedure.
Emergency parking - Driver obedience required.
Standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
Parking - Scope of provisions.
Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets - Driver obedience
Repealed. .
Stopping, standing or parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets -
Driver obedience required.
Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Parallel parking - Permitted on one-way streets - Generally.
Parallel parking - Prohibited on one-way roadways when.
Parallel parking - Exception for certain commercial vehicles.
Diagonal parking - Required when - Procedure.
Diagonal parking - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
Motorcycles - Parallel parking permitted when.
Motorcycles - Diagonal parking permitted when.
Motorcycles - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
Parking - Prohibited during certain hours of certain days on certain streets for the
purpose of street sweeping - Driver obedience required.
Parking - Scope of restrictions.
Municipal parking lots - Designated - Manner of parking required - Schedule XV.
Municipal parking lots - Sleeping or camping prohibited.
Prohibitions regarding parking of overheight vehicles - Schedule IX.
For statutory provisions regarding the proper location for the erection of stop signs', see Veh. Code S 21355; for statutory
provisions authorizing local authorities to prohibit or restrict the parking or standing of vehicles on certain streets during ail
or a portion of the day, see Veh. Code S 22507; for statutory provisions authorizing the prohibition of ail-night parking, see
Veh. Code S 22507.5; for statutory provisions authorizing impounding of cars left parked for 72 consecutive hours or more,
see Veh. Code S 22652.
CROSS REFERENCES' Loading Zones, see Ch. 10.60 CVMC. Abandoned Vehicles, see Ch. 10.80 CVMC. Off-Street
Parking and Loading, see Ch. 1962 CVMC. Bicycles, see Ch. 1072 CVMC.
10.52.010 Stopping, standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply
at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid
conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control
device. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.1(A)).
10.52.020 Stopping, standing or parking - Scope of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any
person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or
regulations prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified
times. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.1 (8)).
10.52.030 Special stops required - Schedule II - Through streets and stop intersections.
In accordance with CVMC 1032010 and 10.32.020, pursuant to regulations and when appropriate
traffic control devices have been erected giving notice of special stops, drivers of vehicles shall stop
at every intersection before entering any of the streets or portions of streets, or one or more
entrances to the intersections listed in Schedule II of the register maintained by the city engineer.
(Ord. 2670, 1996; Res. 17646, 1994; Res. 17418, 1994; Res. 17335, 1993; Res 17334,1993; Res.
17212,1993; Res. 16586, 1992; Res. 16192, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.52.040 Stopping, standing or parking - Within or on parkways - Prohibited.
No person shall stop, stand, park or place a vehicle, boat, trailer, camper or any other property
within any parkway. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2176 S 1, 1986; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.10.2).
10.52.050 No stopping zones and no parking areas - Authorized.
The city engineer is authorized to maintain, by appropriate parking control devices, or by paint upon
the curb surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas, and restricted parking areas, as defined
and described in this chapter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1 0.3(A)).
10.52.060 No stopping zones and no parking areas - Driver obedience required.
. When curb markings or parking control devices are in place, no operator of any vehicle shall stop,
stand or park such vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or parking control device in
violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S
10.52.070 No parking areas - Designated.
A. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, park or leave standing such vehicle in any of the
following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the
directions of a police officer or other authorized officer, traffic sign or signal.
1. In any area established by regulation as a no parking area, where such area is indicated by
official parking control devices or red paint on the curb;
2. On a sidewalk;
3. Within an intersection;
4. Within a crosswalk;
5. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such standing, stopping or
parking would obstruct traffic;
6. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of the street;
7. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel;
8. Upon, along or across any railroad track in such manner as to hinder, delay or obstruct the
movement of any car traveling upon such track;
9. Within any divisional island unless authorized and clearly indicated with appropriate signs
.and markings;
10. In front of a public or private driveway or within eight feet of the end of the curb radius
leading thereto;
11. Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
12. Within 20 feet of the end of the curb radii at an intersection;
13. Within 30 feet of the approach to any flashing signal, stop sign or traffic control signal
located at the side of the roadway;
14. Within three feet of or in front of that portion of a curb which has been cut down, lowered,
or constructed to provide wheelchair accessibility to the sidewalk;
15. Within any of those places delineated by Section 22500 of the Vehicle Code.
.. B. No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under his control into any such prohibited area or
more than 18 inches away from a curb.
C. For the purpose of minimizing traffic hazards and traffic congestion, the city engineer is
authorized to establish no parking or stopping zones. The length of these zones is not to exceed 200
D. Any vehicle parked in violation of any of the foregoing sections may be towed or otherwise
removed at the owner's expense if a sign is posted giving notice of the removal. The city engineer is
authorized to post signs giving notice of removal, where necessary.
E. Enforcement Policy. When in the judgment of the traffic officer it is reasonable and practical to
do so, the owner, driver, or other responsible party shall be requested to move the car prior to being
towed, but not prior to being ticketed. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2627 S 1, 1995; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.1 OA).
10.52.080 No parking areas - Near fire hydrants or fire stations.
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within 15 feet of any fire hydrant or entrance to a fire
station within the city, except as otherwise indicated by a parking control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
prior code S 14.11).
10.52.090 Commercial vehicles - Parking in residential districts prohibited when.
A. No person shall park any commercial vehicle as defined in subsection (B) of this section having
a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more in any residential district
(which includes parking on private property), except:
1. While actually loading or unloading property; or
2. While such vehicle is parked in the actual performance of a service to property in the block
in which such vehicle is parked.
B. For the purposes of this section, certain terms shall be defined as follows:
1. "Commercial vehicle" shall mean single vehicles whose primary use is for commercial
purposes and having more than two axles or combination of vehicles having more than two axles; a
single vehicle or combination of vehicles 20 feet or more in length; or a single vehicle or combination
of vehicles six feet, eight inches or more in width, and shall include, but shall not be limited to, dump
trucks, moving vans, tractors, pole, or pipe dollies.
2. "Residential district" shall mean any block in which over 50 percent of the ground level
buildings fronting on said block are residential dwellings. Said dwellings may be single-unit structures
or multiunit structures. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 2190 S 1,1987; Ord. 2176 S 2,1986; Ord. 2024 S 1,
1983; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.5).
10.52.100 Storage of vehicles or camper bodies on streets prohibited - Time limit.
A. No camper body which has been detached from a motor vehicle shall be left standing on a city
street at any time.
6. No person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle shall park such
vehicle upon any street or alley for more than a consecutive period of 72 hours.
C. Vehicles or camper bodies parked in violation of this section may be removed and impounded
as authorized by CVMC 10.80.120 and Vehicle Code Section 22651. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2033
S 1, 1983; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 1910.6).
10.52.110 Parking for advertising or demonstration purposes prohibited when.
No vehicle displaying advertising matter for the primary purpose of commercial advertising, as
prohibited by CVMC 5.08.030 through 508.060, shall park upon any residential street or public
parkino area in this city. This prohibition shall not apply to a vehicle being offered "for sale." (Ord.
2946 S 1, 2004; Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2255 S 1, 1988; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.7).
10.52.120 Repairing or greasing of vehicles prohibited where.
No person shall build or cause to be built, rebuild or cause to be rebuilt, grease or cause to be
greased, or perform any maintenance including changing of oil or flushing radiators on any vehicle or
any part thereof upon any public street or public parkino area in the city. Except for temporary
emergency repairs, no person shall repair or cause to be repaired any vehicle upon a public street.
(Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 1744 S 1, 1977; Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.10.8).
10.52.130 Washing or polishing of vehicles prohibited when.
No person shall wash or cause to be washed, or polish or cause to be polished, any vehicle or any
part thereof upon any public street or public parkina area in the city when a charge is made for such
service. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.9).
10.52.140 No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Authorized when.
The city engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any
street adjacent to any school property, when such parking would interfere with traffic or create a
hazardous situation. (Ord. 2670, 1996, Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.1 O(A)).
10.52.150 No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Driver obedience required.
When official signs are erected prohibiting parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school
property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.10(6)).
10.52.160 No parking areas - Alleys - Exceptions permitted when.
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle in any alley within the city except for the purpose of
expeditiously loading or unloading passengers or materials, or when a service is being performed to
or on property abutting such alley, which requires the immediate and necessary presence of a vehicle
during the time such service is actually being performed. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.10.12).
'10,52.170 No parking areas - Narrow streets - Authorized when.
, The city engineer is authorized to place parking control devices or markings indicating no parking
;upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed 25 feet, or upon one side of a street
as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed 30 feet. (Ord. ,
2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1 0.13(A)).
10.52.180 No parking areas - Narrow streets - Driver obedience required.
When official parking control devices or markings prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow
:streets, as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any
such parking control device or marking. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S
10.52.190 Parking on grades - Wheels to be blocked when.
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle unattended on a highway when upon any grade
,exceeding three percent without blocking the wheels of said vehicle by turning them against the curb
or by other means which prevents the vehicle from rolling. (Ord, 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19 10.14).
10.52.200 Peddlers and vendors - Parking permitted when - Time limit.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon or
pushcart from which goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, vegetables or foodstuffs are sold, displayed,
,solicited or offered for sale or bartered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon or eating car or vehicle, on
'any portion of any street within this city, except that such vehicles, wagons or pushcarts may stand or
park only at the request of a bona fide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed 10 minutes at any
one place. The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons delivering such articles upon order
,of, or by agreement with, a customer from a store or other fixed place of business or distribution.
(Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.15(A)).
10.52.210 Peddlers and vendors - Parking and standing prohibited.
Repealed by Ord. 2670,1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.15(B)).
10.52.220 Emergency parking - Authorized when - Procedure.
Whenever the city engineer determines that an emergency is likely to result from traffic congestion
caused by the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings, or functions, or for other reasons,
the city engineer shall order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation,
parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys, as the city engineer shall
direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during
the existence of such emergency and the city engineer shall cause such signs to be removed
.promptly thereafter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 191 0.16(A))
10.52.230 Emergency parking - Driver obedience required.
When parking control devices authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice
thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of
the parking control device. (Ord 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1 0.16(B)).
10.52.240 Commercial vehicles - Display of warning devices required when.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.17).
10.52.250 Standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter prohibiting the standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times
or at those times herein specified or as indicated on official parking control devices, except when it is
necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a
police officer or other official traffic control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.11.1).
10.52.260 Parking - Scope of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person from the
duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or
parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.11.2).
10.52.270 Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to park a vehicle at
any time upon any street upon which a parking control device prohibiting such parking has been
installed by the city engineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer
shall maintain within a register a Schedule III which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the
prohibitions of this section are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966, prior code S 19.11.3).
10.52.280 Parking - Prohibited at all times on certain streets - Schedule III.
Repealed by Ord. 2670,1996. (Res. 17470, 1994; Res. 17336, 1993; Res. 17240, 1993; Res.
17220,1993; Res. 17003, 1993; Res. 16799, 1992; Res. 16585, 1992; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.22.1).
10.52.290 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets - Driver obedience
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to park a vehicle
between the hours specified of any day upon any street upon which a parking control device
prohibiting or regulating such parking has been installed by the city engineer by regulation adopted
pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule IV which
lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions within this section are
in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.4).
10.52.300 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets - Schedule IV.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Res. 16191, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.52.310 Stopping, standing or parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets-
Driver obedience required.
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to stop, stand or
park a vehicle between the hours specified of any day upon any of the streets or portions of a street
upon which a parking control device regulating such parking has been installed by the city engineer
by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer shall maintain within a register
a Schedule V which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of
this section are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.5).
10.52.320 Stopping, standing, or parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets-
Schedule V.
Repealed by Ord. 2670,1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.52.330 Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to park a vehicle for
longer than the time specified upon a parking control device regulating such parking on any street
upon which such a parking control device regulating such parking has been installed by the city
engineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030, except in accordance with the
directions of the parking control device. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule
VI which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of this section
'are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.6). .
10.52.340 Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Schedule VI.
. Repealed by Ord 2670, 1996. (Res. 17692, 1994; Res. 16792, 1994; Res. 17645, 1994; Res.
17644, 1994; Res. 17471, 1994; Res 17359, 1994; Res. 17241, 1993; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.221)
10.52.350 Parallel parking - Permitted on one-way streets - Generally.
Subject to other and more restrictive limitations, a vehicle may be stopped or parked within 18
inches of the left-hand curb facing in the direction of traffic movement upon anyone-way street,
unless parking control devices are in place prohibiting such stopping or standing. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
,Ord 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19 11.7(A)).
10.52.360 Parallel parking - Prohibited on one-way roadways when.
In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one
direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left side of such
one-way roadway unless signs are in place permitting such standing or parking. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.7(8)).
10.52.370 Parallel parking - On one-way streets and roadways - Determination authority.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.7).
10.52.380 Parallel parking - Exception for certain commercial vehicles.
The requirement of parallel parking imposed by CVMC 10.52.350 through 10.52.380 shall not apply
to any commercial vehicle actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading freight or goods, in
which case such vehicle may be backed up to the curb; provided, that such vehicle does not extend
beyond the center line of the street and does not block traffic thereby. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.7(0)).
10.52.390 Diagonal parking - Required when - Procedure.
It is unlawful at any time to park a vehicle upon any street or portion thereof designated as a
diagonal parking zone, upon which a parking control device regulating such parking has been
installed by the city engineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030, except as follows:
The vehicle shall be parked at an angle to the curb specified by the parking control device, and
entirely within the limits of the allotted space, with the front wheel nearest the curb not more than six
inches from the curb. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule VIII which lists the
streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of this section are in effect.
(Ord 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19118(A)).
10.52.400 Diagonal parking - Permitted where - Schedule VIII.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Res 17643, 1994; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.52.410 Diagonal parking - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
. The provisions of CVMC 10.52.390 shall not apply to a vehicle actually engaged in the process of
loading or unloading passengers, freight or goods, in which event the provisions applicable in CVMC
10.52.350 through 10.52.380 shall be complied with. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.11.8(8))
10.52.420 Motorcycles - Parallel parking permitted when.
It is unlawful for the operator of any motorcycle to park said motorcycle parallel to the curb as
defined in this chapter in any space designated by pavement markings or indicated by meters, unless
said motorcycle is parked entirely within the limits of the allotted space and at least one wheel or
fender is touching the right-hand curb. Where no curb or barriers bound any roadway, right-hand
parallel parking is required unless otherwise indicated; provided further, that no more than one
vehicle of any type may be parked within any allotted parking space. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1595
,S 1,1974; Ord. 1201 S 1, 1969; prior code S 19.11.9(1)).
10.52.430 Motorcycles - Diagonal parking permitted when.
It is unlawful for the operator of any motorcycle to park said motorcycle except at the angle to the
curb indicated by parking control devices or pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles,
and entirely within the limits of said allotted space, with the front or rear wheel of said vehicle within
18 inches of the curb; provided further, that no more than one vehicle of any type may be parked
within such allotted space. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 1595 S 1, 1974; Ord. 1201 S 1, 1969; prior code
S 19.119(2))
10.52.440 Motorcycles - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
The provisions of CVMC 10.52.420 and 10.52.430 shall not apply to a vehicle actually engaged in
the process of loading or unloading passengers, freight or goods, in which event the provisions
applicable in CVMC 10.52.350 through 10.52.380 shall be complied with. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord.
1595 S 1, 1974; Ord.1201 S 1, 1969; prior code S 1911.9(3)).
10.52.450 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours of certain days on certain streets for the
purpose of street sweeping - Driver obedience required.
It is unlawful to park a vehicle on any street during the times specified for street cleaning upon
which a parking control device regulating and prohibiting such parking has been installed on each
block of that street in its entirety by the city engineer, restricting parking between certain hours on
certain days of the week by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer shall
maintain within a register a Schedule XIV which lists the streets upon which the restrictions and
prohibitions concerning street sweeping regulations are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2261 S 2,
10.52.460 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours of certain days on certain streets for the
purpose of street sweeping.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 2261 S 3,1988).
10.52.470 Parking - Scope of restrictions.
No section of this chapter shall be construed as permitting any parking in violation of any other
provisions of this title. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2261 S 1, 1988; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.1715)
10.52.480 Municipal parking lots - Designated - Manner of parking required - Schedule XV.
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22519, the following areas are designated as off-street public
parking lots owned or operated by the city. It is unlawful for any vehicle to park in a municipal parking
lot except in accordance with the angle to the curb indicated by signs or pavement markings allotting
space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of said allotted space, with the front wheel
nearest the curb and within six inches of said curb or other stop, and in accordance with the time
limits indicated on signs erected in the area by the city engineer pursuant to regulation adopted under
CVMe 10.04.030. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule XV listing the
restrictions applicable to these locations.
D::sign::~od P::rking Lot Los::~ion
~Jort~V\'o:t SJ~:1::r Jf C:h'J~:~ In::o M:l:l~o:1:J
200 blocl( of L:Jndi:
Dow:1town P:Jrking
Emploj'2: <:l:Jrking Lot
ChulCl Viet:J Com~uni:y
PClrk PClrljng Lo:
Emplcyee P:J:I;ingLot
KeA-heo Buildin~
Parl~ing Lo:
Polieo Dop:Jrtmont
P:J:king Struc:u:c
~lo~~o:Je: co:ncr of LClndi: :Jr,::: Dc:v'::::cn
~Io:thwoet cornor of Church :J,~d D:Jvideo,",
Southwost corner of Church Clnd DCl':idSBfl
N::J: SO'Jth:J:Jet ::Jrno, of Third and rAadro~:J
~J::::r Sou:h::::J:: cJrn:r of Landi: :In::: E S:r::::t
221 2g' Church ,\\'C:lUC (Church :In::: ~:~ t-.br)
2':1'"\ 222 Sr."_J:"::;~. /\'.':;n~2
~Jo:" ,:::n Pc:rl; S:e:liC): Center b:etw::" f' CIn::: Cente: Strect
~et ':::orn:r of Chur:h ,^..:onuo and Cent:r St"o:et
So:.:t~, oid: of ,hi:::: /\':cnue :Jnd F St"eet
North oid: 0' F Str:eet, woet of intc:ccetior, with Fourth ,'..:onuc (woet of fire etation
CInd t~:J: :Jree ec:c: :J:lC :lC)::h of tho :1:: ct:::ti:n d::ign:Jted CI permit ::quiro::: p:Jrking
SO'Jth 0: Chute '.'I:t:J Community P:rk :en::: west of ":Jetl::;ko Parl,w3Y
Weet of M:::)~'.'.'el! R03d ::;t tho John Lippitt ?ublie Worl,e C:ntc:
Vie:: of Fourth ,^,vonuo :md eO\1th of F Str:e:et (o:Jct of the Kcn Loo Building)
EOG! of Feurth ,\':C:lUC :md ecut~ of F St::e::t (:::Jet of th:: now Polico Doprtmont)
. ~....... ""....-- . .. . .. - ,
(Ord, 2983 S 1, 2004; Ord, 2670,1996; Ord, 2488 S 1, 1991; Ord, 2436 S 1,1991),
Desiqnated I Location
Parkina Lot
NO.1 Near southwest corner of Landis and E streets
NO.2 Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson streets
No. 3 700 block of Landis (North of :- Street)
No.4 340 F Street (Near southwest corner of E Street)
No, 5 Near southeast corner of Third and Madrona
NO.6 Northwest corner of Church and Madrona streets
No.7 Southwest corner of Church and Center streets
No.8 28',-281 Church Avenue (Between Church and Del Mar streets')
No,9 Southwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
I No. 10 Northwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
'No.11 I 222 Church Avenue (Between F and Davidson streets)
NPSC Norman Park Senior Center (Between F and Center streets)
Citv Hall Emplovee I North side of F Street. West of intersection with Fourth ,A.venue
Chula Vista South of Chula Vista Communitv Park and West of castlake
Communltv Park Lot Parkwav
City Emplovee Lot West of Maxwell Road and North .of Main Street at the John Lippit
Public Works Center
Ken Lee Lot West of Fourth Avenue and South of F Street
Police Department East of Fourth Avenue and South of F Street
Parkina Structure
:10.52.485 Municipal parking lots - Sleeping or camping prohibited.
; A. No person shall sleep or camp in a vehicle on the grounds of any city-owned, leased, or
ioperated parking lot listed in CVMC 10.52.480. Signs expressing this parking restriction and the city's
right to remove or impound an offending vehicle shall be posted at each entrance of a parking lot by
,the city engineer.
B. For purposes of this section, "to camp" shall be defined as establishing or maintaining a
itemporary, including overnight, place for sleeping, which includes, but is not limited to, the use, or
storage for use, of sleeping bags, bedding materials, blankets, sheets, or other nonclothing items
utilized or available for use to maintain warmth and comfort for sleep in a vehicle.
C. Vehicles in violation of this section may be removed and impounded as authorized by CVMC
10.80.120 and California Vehicle Code Section 22651. (Ord. 2923 S 1, 2003).
.10.52.490 Prohibitions regarding parking of overheight vehicles - Schedule IX.
A. It is unlawful to park an overheight vehicle, as defined in subsection (D) of this section, upon any
street or portion thereof upon which a parking control device regulating the parking of overheight
,vehicles has been installed by the City Engineer pursuant to regulation adopted under CVMC
.10.04.030 and subsection (B) of this section. The City Engineer shall maintain within a register a
'Schedule IX which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of
this section are in effect.
B. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Sections 22507 and 21360, the City Engineer may establish
by regulation those locations where parking of overheight vehicles is to be restricted based upon the
sight obstruction posed by an overheight vehicle to vehicles entering the roadway from an
intersection. Parking restrictions shall be limited to a maximum distance of 100 feet from the point of
curb return of the intersection along the roadway.
C. As used in this CVMC 10.52.490, the term "intersection" shall include, in addition to the meaning
prescribed by the California Vehicle Code Section 365, an intersection with a roadway of a major use
driveway from a multifamily residential facility or shopping or business center, or any similar use
which generates a traffic flow at least equal to that encountered at the intersection of a minor street
with the affected roadway.
D. As used in subsection (A) of this section, the term "overheight vehicle" means any vehicle with a
height of six feet or more at any point, including the load, cab or body, when measured from the
E. The City Engineer may prescribe procedures for full cost recovery of the installation of parking
control devices at intersections from private property. (Ord. 2670, 1996).
i 10.56.050
: 1056.060
; 1 056.1 00
: 1 0.56.11 0
i 1 0.56.140
: 1 0.56.190
; 1 0.56.21 0
i 1 0.56.250
; 1 056300
; 1 0.56.31 0
Chapter 10.56
Meters - Installation and maintenance - Rates for use.
Meter zones - Established - Regulations generally.
Meter zones - Designated FoesTime limits authorized in zone - Schedule XI.
Meter zones - Authorization for establishment.
Meters - Placement and removal of posts.
Meters - Installation - Authority.
Meters - Installation - Location.
Meters, Individual- Oporotion doscribodDisplav of time limit.
Meters. Multi-space-Displav of time limit
Meter zone - Manner of parking required.
Meter - Driver operations required.
Meter zone - Parking unlawful when.
Parking meter - Overtime.
Parking meter - Extra time prohibited.
Parking meter - Time of operation.
Parking meter - Tampering with.
Meters - Improper use prohibited.
Doposit of coinsPavment by unauthorized person prohibited.
Meters - Limitations on use for certain purposes.
Rules of evidence - Parking in metered space deemed unlawful when.
Rules of evidence - Vehicle deemed parked by owner when.
Rules of evidence - Parking in unmetered space deemed owner's responsibility.
Meters - Collection of deposited coins.
Meters - Purchase, lease and maintenance jurisdiction.
Meters - Use of moneys collected.
Permit parking - Established - Administration authority.
Permit parking - ^uthorizod 'A'honForm of permit - Permit parkinG authorized
whenStickor or tog ;oquirod.
Permit parking - Areas designated - Schedule XI/.
Permits or tags - Cost - Period of validity - Prorating permitted when.
Permits or tags' - Sale procedure - Pbcomont of stickorDisplav of permit.
.Permits or tags -.I.~suance and use.
10.56.010 Vehicle defined.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 955 S 1, 1965).
10.56.020 Meters -Installation and maintenance - Rates for use.
. The City Council shall provide for the installation of parking meters including curb or street marking
Hines, regulation and operation thereof, ::lnd sholl cause said meters to be maintained in good
!workable condition~. and set the rates for parkinG in a space reGulated bv said meters bv ordinance.
iThe rates for parkinG in a space reGulated bv a meter are Motors shoU be pl:Jcod UpO:l :ho :::ur: noxt
'to individuol porking placos and motors choll bo so constructod os to disp!o)' 0 sig:lal showin:;J 10:;Jol
iporking upon deposit the;oin of the propor coin or coins of tho United StJtss, os indic::J:cd by
!instructions on soid melor, ond for 0 poriod of timo conforming to tho porking limits of tho City, s::Jid
:signal to remain in ovidonco until oxpirotion of tho parking poriod so dosignotod, ot which time a
. dropping of signol or somo other mochonicol oporotion sh::J11 indieato oxpirc:tion of tho PQrl-:ing poriod.
Whon Qny vohi:::lo sh::J11 be porkod noxt to a porking motor, tho o'l'mor or opor:Jtor c; tho vohicl::: sh::J11
:j3-8rk 'Nitl:in the are::! design::!ted by the curb or street mml~ing lines ::!s indicated for p::!r::!!lel or
. ::ii::!gon::!i p::!rking ::!nd, upon entering t1e p::!rking sp::!ce, shall immediately deposit coin::lgo in the
imctcr, ::lnd s::lid p::lrking space moy be thon used by such vehicle during the leg::ll p::lrking limit
,provided by the ordin::lnces and rosolutions of the City, as follows:
, A Thirty (30) Minute Meters. A $0.25 deposit for e::!ch 30 minute inter,,}1 up to the maximum time
limit established for the zone in which the meter is located' or
B. Two, Three and Four Hour Meters. A $0.25 deposit for each 30-minute interval or a $0.50
deposit for each one-hour interval up to the maximum legal time limit established for the zone in
'Which the meter is located; or
C. Ten (10) Hour Meters. A $0.25 deposit for each one-hour period up to the maximum legal time
, limit established for the zone in which the meter is located, (Ord, 3094 S 2, 2007; Ord, 2670, 1996;
Ord, 2436 S 2,1991; Ord, 2367 S 1, 1990; Ord, 2143 S 1,1986; Ord, 955 S 3,1965),
10.56.030 Meter zones - Established - Regulations generally.
Pursuant to the authority of Vehicle Code Section 22508, parking meter zones and the rate of fees
for parkino in such zones shall be ::lS horetofore established by ordin::lnccsin this CVMC Chaoter 10
'and oro re::ldopted applicable to tfJ*lfl-those public parking lots and streets or parts of streets as
'identified and as described in CVMC 10.56,040, Schedule XI, in which zones the parking of vehicles
shall be regulated by parking meters bet....een the hoursfor the duration of time specified in said
Schedule XI of ::lny d::lY except SundaY'S ::lnd public holid::!Y's defined in (VMC 10,08,11 Oand for the
hours of operation identified in CVMC 1056150, (Ord, 2670, 1996; Ord, 2436 S 3, 1991; Ord, 973
S 1, 1966; prior code S 1917,1(A)),
10.56.040 Meter zones - Designated - ~ Time limits authorized in zone - Schedule XI.
In accordance with CVMC 10,56.030, parking meter zones are hereby established upon those
public parking lots and streets or portions of streets described herein in which parking of vehicles
shall be regulated by parking meters between the hours and on davs specified in CVMC 10,56,150
and upon the signs erected thereon, and for the duration specified below and upon the signs erected
thereon, of ::In'l d::!y except Sund::lYs or public holid::lYs defined in SVMS 1008110, as follows:
Schedule XI
NGmc of
Beginning At
Ending At
Sffie Dumtion
Del Mar ,\venuo
wg ~ hour or 1 el heurs
C,nter'Stroet Third ,^,venue
Del M:Jr
C Str::ct
F Stre::!
G S!re::t
F Street
E Str:Jct
fYJN- 2 hours er 1 C hours
F Street
Cent::r Street
~ 1el hours
G:Jrrct: ,^.vonue
100 ft E/E eurbline of L::lIldic wg 2 hours
Carrott ,\vonue
Del J\br ,^,venue
Nef#i 3el minutec or ~ hO'Jr or :2
100 ft '/'J,'N eurbline ef Third
1 Oel ft. E/E eurblino of Church wg
~ hour or :2 hour~
125 ft, glS curbline of E
150 ft, N!~J curblinc of E
~ 2 hourc
F Stroet
300 ft, N/N curblino ~f E
~ 2 hours er 1 el hours
PClrk WClj
F Stroot
170 ft. N/~J curblino of E
Third ,^,v8r,u8
125 ft. E/E curtlinc of Third
125 ft. 'NN; curblino of Third
Third ,^,'/8nu8
Third ,^,'.'8nu8 ,^.!vClrCld8 Stred
E Stroet
Third .^.'i8nue Rooso'.'olt Strcot
E Stroot
Third ,^,venuo Center Stroot
no. 10:
~h 11:
Madro:la ,^!ion:Jo
Public P:Jrldng Lot
Northwes~ corner of Church and Madron:!
200 block of Landis (north of F Street)
~JortheClst corner of Landis and Da'iids::Jn
~Jorthwost cornor of Church :Jnd Da',idcon
Southwest corner of Church :Jnd D3vidcon
~Joar couthcClst cornor cf Third and MCldrona
~Jcar couthoast comO[ of LClndis :md E
281 287 Church ,^,vcnuo (botwccn Chur:;h :md Dc! Mor)
230 222 Church ,^.venuo
Southwest cornor of Chur:;h Clnd Contor
~lorm:ln Par!~ Sonior Contor botwoor, F Stroot 3nd Centor
W€5l 30 minutos cr 2 hGill's-ef
10 hours
EClst 2 hours
W€5l :: hours
~ 30 minutos or 2 hours
10 hours
~ hours and/or 10 hours
1 hours Clnd'or 10 hourc
1 hourc and/or 10 hourc
1 hourc and/or 10 hourc
10 hours
10 hours
1 hourc and/or 10 hours
1 hours and/or 10 houcc
2 hours
Schedule XI
Name of Beqinninq At Endina At Side Duration
Street Center Street Third Avenue Del Mar Avenue N/S 1 hour
Church F Street E Street EIW 2 hours
Church Center Street Madrona Street EIW 2 hours
Del Mar F Street Center Street East 2 hours
E Street Garrett Avenue 100 ft. E/E curbline of N/S 2 hours
Landis Avenue
F Street . Garrett Avenue Del Mar Avenue North 2 hours
G Street 100 ft. WIW curbline of 100 ft. E/E ourbline of N/S 2 hours
Third Avenue Church Avenue
Garrett 125 ft. S/S curbline of E 150 ft. N/N curbline of E East 2 hours
Avenue Street Street
Landis F Street 300 ft. N/N curbline of E East 2 hours
Avenue Street
Landis F Street 170 ft. N/N curbline of E West 2 hours
Avenue Street
Madrona Third Avenue 125 ft. E/E curbline of Third N/S 2 hour
Street Avenue
Park Way 125 ft. W/W curbline of Third Avenue N/S 2hour
Third Avenue
Third Avenue E Street Center Street East 2 hours
Third Avenue Center Street Madrona Avenue East 30 minutes
or 2 hours
Third Avenue Madrona Avenue Alvarado Street East 2 hours
Third Avenue E Street Roosevelt Street West 2 hours
Parkinq Lot
No. 11
Near southwest corner of Landis and E streets
Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson streets
200 block of Landis (North of F Street)
340 F Street (Near southwest corner of E Street)
Near southeast corner of Third and Madrona
Northwest corner of Church and Madrona streets
Southwest corner of Church and Center streets
281-287 Church Avenue (Between Church and Del Mar streets)
Southwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
Northwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
222 Church Avenue (Between E and Davidson streets)
Norman Park Senior Center (Between F and Center streets)
10 hours
4 hours
10 hours
3 hours/Unlimited
4 hours
10 hours
10 hours
10 hours
4 hours
10 hours
10 hours
2 hours
The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule XI listing the restrictions applicable to
these locations where parking meter zones have been established. (Ord. 2983 S 2,2004; Ord. 2712 S
1, 1997; Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2623 S 1, 1995; Ord. 2488 S 2, 1991; Ord. 2436 S 4, 1991; Ord. 973 S
1,1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.56.050 Meter zones - Authorization for establishment.
The city engineer is hereby authorized, subject to the adoption by the city council of amendments
by ordinance to CVMC 10.56.040 and Schedule XI, to establish parking meter zones and the rate of
fees at other locations upon those streets or parts of streets where it is determined upon the basis of
.an engineering and traffic investigation that the installation of parking meters shall be necessary to
aid in the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicles. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.1(8)).
10.56.060 Meters - Placement and removal of posts.
The city engineer shall cause parking meter posts and appropriate parking control devices to be
installed and removed pursuant to this chapter in a parking meter zone. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1,1966; prior code S 19.17.1(C)).
,10.56.070 Meters -Installation - Authority.
The city finance officer shall cause parking meters to be installed in accordance with the rate of
fees adopted by the city council in a parking meter zone. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.17.1 (0)).
10.56.080 Meters - Installation - Location.
. Individual p~arking meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk or area immediately
iadjacent to each parking space in a parking meter zone. Each meter shall be placed in such manner
,as to show or display by sign or signal that the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not legally in
;use. Multi-space parkinq meters shall be located within the zone requlated and indicated bv
laDPropriate parkinq control devices. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
's 19.172(A)).
'10.56.090 Meters. Individual- Opcr:1tion dcscribedDisplay of time limit.
i Each parking meter shall be set-desiqned to display, after the operational procedure has been
!completed, a sign or signal indicating legal parking for that period of time conforming to the limit of
! parking time or portion thereof for which payment has been made for the zone in which said parking
[meter is installed, and shall continue to operate from the time of the completion of the operational
: procedure until the expiration of the time fixed as the parking limit or a portion thereof for the parking
,space for which said meter is placed. Each saiG-parkinq meter shall also be arranged so that upon
:the expiration of said legal parking time it will indicate by a mechanical operation and by proper signal
,that the lawful parking period has expired. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
,S 1917.2(8)).
,10.56.095 Meters. Multi-space-Display of time limit
. A multi-space meter shall, after deposit of payment required, dispense a ticket on which the amount
!cif payment deposited, the applicable meter zone/lot that the ticket for which the ticket is valid, and
iexpiration date and time of valid parkinq period wi[1 be displayed.
: 1 0.56.1 00 Meter zone - Manner of parking required.
: When any vehicle is to be parked within a parkinq space reaulated bv a parkinq meter, the ODerator
rof said vehicle shall park within the assiqned area desiqnated bv markina lines indicatina Darallel.
:diaqonal. perpendicular, or other such manner of parkina.
: ~ When a parking space in ::myrequlated bv a parking meter i09fl8-is parallel to an adjacent curb
:or sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked so that the foremost part of
: such vehicle sha[1 be alongside of the nearest parking meter;-"
! ~wWhen a parking space in ::myrequlated bv a individual parking meter i09fl8-is diagonal to a
Icurb or sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked with the foremost part of
isuch vehicle directly at and nearest to such meter.
! C. When a parkinq space is requlated bv a multi-space meter, any vehicle parked within such
!parkinq space shall park in a manner such that the foremost Dart of the vehicle enters the space prior
[to the remainder of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.3).
110.56.110 Meter - Driver operations required.
i 'Nhon ::m:,' vchiclo ie to bo p::Jrkcd noxt to :J p:Jrking motor, tho owner of or opomtor of e::lid vo~ic!i:;
leh:J[! p:Jrk within the :Jeeignod :Jr:J:J doeign:Jtod by m:Jrking linoe indic:Jting p:Jr:Jllo! or ::ii:Jgon:::1
!p:Jrking. Upon ont:Jring e:Jidparkinq a vehicle in a parking space requlated bv a parkinq meter, the
I owner or operator of such vehicle shall immediately dopoeitmake payment in the amount :J coin or
Icoine of the United St:Jtce or other :Juthorized tekensPQ'iment Qe required by CVMC Section
! 1 0.56.020 for the time limit e:Jid pmking meter Qnd conforming to the limit of p:Jrking time or any
jatl#lorized fractional portion of such limit as may be authorized for the zone in which said parking
:meter IS Installed. .
A. For an individual parkinq meter, aAfter the deposit of-stlffi coin, coins or other Cluthorized
tokene-payment as required by this section, the owner or operator of such vehicle shall turn any crank,
knob, handle or other device or perform such other actions as may be required in accordance with the
instructions posted on the face of said parking meter.
B. For a multi-space meter, the owner or operator of such vehicle shall select the time period that
the vehicle will remain parked in the parkinq space. make payment in the manner required in
accordance with the instructions on said parkinq meter, remove the ticket dispensed from the parkinq
meter. and place such ticket on the dashboard of said vehicle such that it is clearly visible from the
exterior of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4(A)).
10.56.120 Meter zone - Parking unlawful when.
Said parking space may then be used by such vehicle during the legal parking limit or fractional
'part thereof as may be authorized for the zone in which said parking meter is installed. Said vehicle
;shall be unlawfully parked if it remains in said space:
A. When the owner or operator has not complied with the operational procedure described in
'CVMC 10.56.110; or
B. Beyond the legal parking limit or fractional part thereof as indicated by a sign or signal displayed
'by such porkingthe individual parkinq meter.
C. Bevond the leqal parkinq limit or fractional part thereof as indicated on the ticket dispensed from
the multi-space parkinq meter. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4(B)).
.10.56.130 Parking meter - Overtime.
No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked in any parking meter zone when the meter
shows the parking time has expired or the ticket dispensed by the multi-space meter shows the
parkinq time has expired. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1867 S 2, 1979; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.17.4(C)).
:10.56.140 Parking meter- Extra time prohibited.
, A. No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked beyond the period of legell pelrking time limit
established for any parking meter zone in which the vehicle is parked.
B. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter any coins pavment for the
. purpose of increasing or extending the porking time durinq which a vehicle is parkedof ony ':ehicle
: beyond the 18go1 porking time limit whish hos been established for the porking epClce odjocent tD
'which eoid parking meter iG pbcedzone in which the vehicle is parked. (Ord. 2670 S 1,1996; Ord.
1867 S 2, 1979; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4(0)).
10.56.150 Parking meter - Time of operation.
Parking meters shall be operated in parking meter zones every day between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m., except Sundays and holidays defined in CVMC 10.08.110; prDvided, however, thot
whenever the city council pro':idee b,' resolution Dr ordinance that the porking time limite sholl be
. eneeli'/e elt other timeG, Gelid pelrking time limits chall be effective elt ouch other times, and coid
'pelrking meterc ohelil be operelting during elll th8 times within which the pelrl(ing time limit is effective.
(Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2436 S 5, 1991; Ord. 1867 S 2, 1979; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4
.10.56.160 Parking meter - Tampering with.
It is unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this chapter for any unauthorized person to deface,
injure, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meters
installed under the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1867 S 2, 1979; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.5).
10.56.180 Meters - Improper use prohibited.
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any defaced" Bf-bent or
counterfeit coin, or ::my slug, coin other than those of the United States. device" or other material or
instrument as mct31!ic substitute for a coin of the United States, except parking meter tokens
'authorized by the city; or dcf3co, injure, t3mpor '.'lith, opon or willfully br03k, dostroy, or imp::Jir tho
usefulnoss of 3ny p3rking metor (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.7).
10.56.190 Deposit of coins by unauthorized person prohibited.
No person, other than the owner or operator of a vehicle, or a member of the police department, as
:authorized in CVMC 10.56.110 through 10.56.150, shall deposit any €&ift-pavment in any parking
meter without the knowledge or consent of said owner or operator of the vehicle using the parking
space requlated bv suchim~cci:Jtcly :J6j3cont to :::3id meter. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord 973 S 1,
1966, prior code S 19.17.8).
10.56.200 Meters - Limitations on use for certain purposes.
No person other than an authorized employee of the city shall attach anything to a parking meter or
parking meter standard. No person shall allow a bicycle, newsrack or any other article or thing to lean
against a parking meter or a parking meter standard. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.17.9).
10.56.210 Rules of evidence - Parking in metered space deemed unlawful when.
The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space, at which space the parking meter
displays the sign or signal indicating illegal parking, shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the
vehicle has been parked or allowed to stand in such space for a period longer than permitted by this
chapter. (Or6 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.1 O(A)).
10.56.220 Rules of evidence - Vehicle deemed parked by owner when.
The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space which is controlled or regulated
with the aid of a parking meter shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been
parked or caused to be parked by the owner of such vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996, Ord. 973 S 1,
1966; prior code S 19.17.10(B)).
10.56.230 Rules of evidence - Parking in unmetered space deemed owner's responsibility.
The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in any parking space upon any street, alley or public
place or parking lot in the city shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been
parked or caused to be parked by the owner of such vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1,
1966; prior code S 19.17.10(C)).
10.56.240 Meters - Collection of deposited coins.
The coins deposited in the parking meters shall be collected by duly authorized agents of the city
finance officer. (Ord. 2670 S 1,1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.11).
10.56.250 Meters - Purchase, lease and maintenance jurisdiction.
The purchasing, leasing, repairing and maintenance of parking meters; the placement and removal
of parking meters from parking meter posts; and the payment of any and all expenses relating or
incidental thereto shall be under the jurisdiction of the city finance officer. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord.
973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.12).
10.56.260 Meters - Use of moneys collected.
All moneys collected from parking meters in the city shall be placed in a special fund, which fund
shall be devoted exclusively to any or all of the following purposes:
A. For the purchasing, leasing, installing, repairing, maintaining, operating, removing, regulating
and policing of parking meters in this city and for the payment of any and all expenses relating or
incidental thereto;
B. For the purchasing, leasing, acquiring, improving, operating and maintaining of off-street parking
facilities in the city;
C. For the installation and maintenance of traffic control devices and signals;
D. For the painting and marking of streets and curbs required for the direction of traffic and parking
of motor vehicles;
E. For the proper regulation, control and inspection of parking and traffic upon the public streets;
F. To be pledged as security for the payment of principal and interest on off-street parking revenue
bonds issued by the city or any parking district organized within the city. (Ord. 2670 & 1, 1996; Ord.
973 & 1, 1966; prior code & 19.17.13).
10.56.270 Permit parking - Established - Administration authority.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, there is hereby established a system of permit
parking which the finance office, or his desiqnee. shall administer subject to the standards and
provisions set forth in CVMC 10.56.280 through 10.56.320. (Ord. 2670 & 1,1996; Ord. 973 & 1, 1966;
prior code & 19.17.14).
10.56.280 Permit parking - Authorized when - Sticker or tag required.
In those parking meter zones and municipal parking lots approved by ordinance of the city council,
described in CVMC 10.56.290 and listed in Schedule XII of the register maintained by the city
engineer, RB-sperson ffiaIl- ~park any vehicle upon any public parking lots, desiqnated bv a 10-
hour time limit owned or operated by the city upon proper displav of;] v::liid ::md current p:Jrkinq
parmit. in lieu of depoeit of p:Jvment in the p:Jrkinq meter. except when ouch vehicle is p::Jrked in
::Jccord::Jnce with rcgul::itions on ::JppropriQte eigne erected, giving net;,oe of the requirements to dieplQY
the permit pmking t:Jg (or for::J deeignQted employee p::Jrking lot, a valid and current parkinq permit-"
in lieu of deposit of payment in the parkinq meterp::Jrking eticker obt:Jined from the director of
pereonnel in t!le m::Jnner required by CVMC 10.56.310) ::lnd then only for the durQtion epecified in
e::Ji:J Schedule XII ::Jnd on e::Jid eigne. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2436 & 6,1991; Ord. 2131 & 1,1985;
Ord. 973 & 1, 1966; prior code & 19.17.14(A)).
10.56.290 Permit parking - Areas designated - Schedule XII.
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 22508 and 22519 and in accordance with CVMC 10.56.270 and
1056.280, the following areas are also designated as permit parking areas wherein vehicles
displaying appropriate parking permits or tags shall be allowed to park in spaces so marked for up to
10 hours (all day).
Schedule XII
Parking Zone
Public Parking Lots 1 to +G-11
(Parking Meter Zones)
E~pb)":::o ~crl"ing :..ot
See CVMC 1056.040 for locations
North oi:::" of F Stroot, 'Noet of Fourth ,^,'Ionuo (woet of tho firo et:ltion an:::
th:l: :lrO:l oast :lnd north of tho fire st:ltion)
Woet of MC)('v'::::I! RO::Jd :It tho John Lippitt Public VVorl\e Contor
'NDet of Fourth N:Dnuo :md south of F Z;treet (oelet of tho k;r, Leo
Poli:::::: Qc;:;:::,"t:-:",:::nt P:Jrl\ing E:Jst of Fourth /i/onuo :lnd south of F Z;trcot (oact of tho now Police
.st~'Jctur::: Dop:Jrtmont)
(Ord. 2983 & 3, 2004, Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2488 & 3, 1991; Ord. 2436 S 7, 1991; Ord. 2131 S 1,
1985; Ord. 973 & 1, 1966; prior code & 19.22.1).
Emp!cj'oo PQr!\'ng LD:
\o(o~. L:::::: Bui!ding Pcrking Lot
10.56.300 Permits or tags - Cost - Period of validity - Prorating permitted when.
~For the required fee (s) said parking permits shall be sold to cover a calendar quarter of three
months' duration only, for the required fo:::(s)." Said tags-permits may be obtained at the city finance
office or other desiqnated location. Applicants must be merchants or employees of merchants owning
or operating businesses within the downtown business area or city officers on behalf of city
:employees assigned to Norman Park Center. Applicants may request a proration of the quarterly fee
if they are purchasing a permit for the balance of the calendar quarter, and such proration shall be
'made at the sole discretion of the finance officer, or his desiqnee. elnd no oth:::r pro:eltion chelll be
'elllowed. For cmployeec elccigne:d elt city hel!l, jJcrmitc may be ob:eli.1e:d fro~ the director of perconnel
fo: pc:ki::g in the: cdjocent cmployec pelrking lot. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2506 S 1, 1992; Ord.
2488 S 4, 1991, Ord. 2436 S 8, 1991; Ord. 2131 S 1, 1985; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.17.14(8)).
10.56.310 Permits or tags - Sale procedure Placement of ctickerDisplav of permit.
The finance officer. or his desiqnee. shall establish the necessary procedure for the sale of such
tass oermits, and shall obtain the necessary~ permits which when displayed from the interior of a
vehicle shall be clearly visible from the exterior of the vehicle. Said togc chell! be pbcod on the intorior
ro:Jr viow ~i:ror whon the vehicle ic prked, elnd chelll be romo'/ed before tho '/ehiclc ie pbceEHR
motion. For employees with parking cticke:rc for the: emploYDD lot obtained from the director of
porconn:::l, the ctie;lc}r choll be piGced within::: co'/on inch cqu::trc in tho lov,'oct corner fClrthoct
re;" .ulod from tho driver'c poci:ion of tho frcnt windchield pu:euont to tho mquiremontc of Soction
26708 of tho C:Jlifo:nia Vehiek, Codo. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2436 S 9, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.17.14(C)).
10.56.320 Permits or tags -Issuance and use.
Such permits or tags shall be issued to the person applying therefor, and may be used on any
vehicle owned by the permittee displaying such permit, decal, or tag. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2436
S 10, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S J 9; 17.14(D)).
Chapter 10.62
Parking viobtione enforcement - Authorized AaqentsViolJtione.
Enforcement - Written notice of violation - Contents - Placement.
Civil and late pavment penalties and fees.
1 0.62.()i0 Parking vi 0 k,tfons:enfo rcemen-t .~ Authorized Aaqen-ts\'iobiions:.--
A. Enforcomont. Every Pflolice officer and every City employee, and every volunteer (designated
by the Chief of Police) charged with enforcement of the provisions of Chapters 10.52, 10.56 and
10.60 CVMC relating to illegal parking and time limitations in parking meter zones, the provisions of.
the California Vehicle Code, and the other laws of the state applicable to parking violations within the
City, shall have the duty, when any vehicle is illegally parked, to issue written notice of violation
thereof stating the state vehicle license number, make of such vehicle, the time and date of such
illegal parking, meter number, street location, and a reference to the appropriate section of the code
and the amount of the penalty for the violation. Such notico ehJIl bo JttJchod to eaid vohiclo in a
conepicuoue placo upon tho '/ohiclo so as to bo oaeily obeorvod by tho poreon in chargo of euch
"ohiclC) uponhie roturn thoroto.
B. Contract Enforcement. The Citv mav enter into a contract with a dulv qualified companv.
approved bv the Chief of Police. to provide enforcement of the Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapters
10.52. 10.56 and 10.60 relatinq to CVMC infractions onlv.
10.62.020 Enforcement - Written notice of violation - Contents - Placement.
'When anv vehicle is illeqallv parked an authorized aqent may issue written notice of violation. in
conformance with Vehicle Code El 40202. The peace office or person authorized to enforce parkinq
laws and requlations shall securely attach to the vehicle a notice of parkino violation settinq forth the
violation includinq reference to the section of this code or of the Public Resources Code. the local
ordinance. or the federal statute or requlation so violated: the date: the approximate time thereof: the
location where the violation occurred; a statement printed on the notice indicatinq that the date of
pavment is required to be made not later than 21 calendar davs from the date of citation issuance;
and the procedure for the reqistered owner. lessee or rentee to deposit the parkinq penalty or
pursuant to Section 40215. contest the citation. The notice of parkinq violation shall also set forth the
vehicle license number and reqistration expiration date if they are visible. the last four diqits of the
vehicle identification number. if that number is readable throuqh the windshield. the color of the
vehicle. and. if possible. the make of the vehicle. The notice of parkinq violation. or copv thereof.
shall be considered a record kept in the ordinarv course of business of the issuinq aqency and the
processinG aGency and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein. The notice of
parkinq violation shall be served bv attachinG it to the vehicle either under the windshield wiper or in
another conspicuous place upon the vehicle so as to be easilv observed bv the person in charqe of
the vehicle upon the return of that person.
10.62.030 Civil and late pavment penalties and fees. .
B. Civil and LJto P:Jymont Pcnaltioe :Jnd Face. Fo: tho purposc of rogubting the ueo of e:roote:
1. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations shall be
$12.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation CVMC 10.56.100; 10.56.110; 10.56.120;
2. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations shall be
$50.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation: CVMC 10.52.485.
3. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations and
California Vehicle Code violations shall be $25.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation:
CVMC 10.52.100; 10.52.110; 10.52.120; 10.52.130; 10.52.200; 10.52.210; 10.52.240; 10.52.330;
,10.52.390; 10.52.420; 10.52.430; 1052.480; 10.56.130; 10.56.310. California Vehicle Code Sections
:2113(a); 22515; 22520.
4. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations and
:California Vehicle Code violations shall be $35.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation:
:CVMC 10.52.040; 10.52.060; 1 0.52.070(A)(1) - (14); 10.52.090; 10.52.150; 10.52.160; 10.52.180;
'10.52.190; 10.52.230; 10.52.270; 10.52.290; 10.52.310; 10.52.360; 10.52,450; 10.60.030; 10.60.050;
:10.60.060; 10.60.080; 10.60.090; 10.60.100. California Vehicle Code Sections 21211; 22500(a) - (h);
225000), (k); 22500.1; 22514; 22516; 22517.
i 5. Base penalty amounts for the following California Vehicle Code violations shall be $25.00.
;The base penalty will be reduced to $10.00 upon submission of proof of correction within the time
!frames specified in the Vehicle Code of the state of California: California Vehicle Code Sections 5200;
i5201; 5204(a).
6. The base penalties for the following California Vehicle Code violations shall be as set forth
California Vehicle Code Sections 4462(b) - $10000; 22500(i) - $250.00; 22500(1) - $275,00;
22507.8 - $330.00; 22522 - $275.00; 22523 - $100.00; 22526 - $50.00
, 7. The base penalties for Chula Vista Municipal Code and California Vehicle Code violations
not listed above shall be $35.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation, unless the penalty
:amount is set by the Vehicle Code of the state of California.
8. The owner or operator may mail such payments to the City's Director of Finance within the
time established herein, but shall be responsible for delivery thereof to the office of the Director of
9. Late Payment Penalties. All base penalties under $250.00 listed in subsections (B)(2)
through (6) of this section shall double if not paid within 30 days of the notice of violation, unless
specifically restricted by the Vehicle Code of the state of California. The penalty for violations listed in
subsection (B)(1) of this section shall be $35.00 if the penalty is not paid within 30 days of the notice
of violation.
: C. Failure to Pay. Failure to pay the appropriate penalty as provided herein or failure to contest the
'violation pursuant to Sections 40200.7 and 40215 of the Vehicle Code of the state of California will
result in either notification of the Department of Motor Vehicles, which agency shall collect the
'maximum penalties and fee(s) established hereby at such time as the owner or operator seeks to
register his vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Section 4760 of the Vehicle Code of the state
'of California, or if applicable, in legal proceedings being instituted in court against the person
,responsible for the unpaid penalties and fees in accordance with the provisions of Section 40220 of
'the Vehicle Code of the state of California. For those citations that remain unpaid beyond 30 days
and for which a hold is placed on the registration by the Department of Motor Vehicles, an additional
.$10 00 fee shall be assessed, (Ord. 3094 S 1, 2007; Ord. 2923 S 2, 2003; Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord.
2638 S 1, 1995; Ord. 2490 S 1,1991; Ord. 2136 S 1, 1985; Ord. 2097 S 1, 1985; Ord. 1960 S 1,1981;
'Ord. 1867 S 3, 1979).
Attachment C - Clean Version ofCVMC Chapter 10
. 10.08.146
Chapter 10.08
Bicycle dealer.
Bicycle lane.
Bicycle path.
Bicycle route.
Bus loading zone.
Business district.
Divisional island.
Loading zone.
Official time standard.
Park or parking.
Parking control measure.
Parking control device.
Parking enforcement, Contract.
Parking meter, Individual.
Parking meter, Multi-space.
Passenger loading zone.
Police officer.
Stop or stopping.
Taxicab stand.
Traffic control measure.
Traffic control device.
Vehicle Code.
For statutory definition of terms in the Vehicle Code, see Veh. Code S 100, et seq.
10.08.010 Definitions.
The following words and phrases, when used in this title, shall for the purpose of this title have the
,meanings respectively ascribed to them in this chapter. Words and phrases defined herein in the
language of the Vehicle Code of the state of California shall be cited by the section number of said
Vehicle Code as indicated. Whenever any words or phrases used herein are not defined herein but
are defined in the Vehicle Code and amendments thereto, such definitions shall apply. (Ord 2670
S 1,1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1,3).
10.08.020 Alley.
, "Alley" means any public highway, having a roadway not exceeding 25 feet in width, which is
[primarily used for access to the rear or side entrances of abutting property. (Cite Section 110 Vehicle
'Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(A)).
10.08.030 Bicycle.
. "Bicycle" means any device upon which any person may ride, propelled by human power through a
belt, chain or gears, and having either two or three wheels in tandem or tricycle arrangement,
excepting therefrom any such device not more than three feet in height, used by small children. (Ord.
2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(B)).
10.08.031 Bicycle dealer.
"Bicycle dealer" means any person, firm, partnership or corporation which is engaged wholly or
partly in the business of selling bicycles, or buying or taking in trade bicycles for the purposes of
resale, selling or offering for sale, or otherwise dealing with bicycles, whether or not such bicycles are
owned by such person or entity. The term also includes agents or employees of such person or entity.
(Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.032 Bicycle lane.
"Bicycle lane" means any lane within the roadway designated by signs and markings for the
operation of bicycles. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.033 Bicycle path.
"Bicycle path" means any specifically designated area for bicycle travel, physically separated from
the roadway. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.034 Bicycle route.
"Bicycle route" means any route recommended for bicycle travel, which may include bicycle paths
and public streets for accommodating bicycle riders. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.040 Bus.
"Bus" means any motor vehicle, other than a motor truck or truck tractor, designed for carrying
more than nine persons including the driver and used and maintained for the transportation of
passengers. (Cite Section 233 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.1.3(C))
10.08.050 Bus loading zone.
"Bus loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb or edge of roadway reserved for the
exclusive use of buses during loading and unloading passengers. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1,
1966; prior code S 19.1.3(D)).
10.08.060 Business district.
"Business district" means that portion of a highway and the property contiguous thereto:
A. Upon one side of which highway, for a distance of 600 feet, 50 percent or more of the
contiguous property fronting thereon is occupied by buildings in use for business; or
B. Upon both sides of which highway, collectively, for a distance of 300 feet, 50 percent or more of
the contiguous property fronting' thereon is so occupied.
A business district may be longer than the distances specified if the above ratio of buildings in use
for business to the length of the highway exists. (Cite Section 235 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1,
1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(E)).
10.08.070 Council.
"Council" means the council of the city of Chula Vista. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.1.3(F)).
10.08.080 Crosswalk.
"Crosswalk" means:
A. That portion of a roadway included within the prolongation or connection of the boundary lines of
sidewalks at intersections where the intersecting roadways meet at approximately right angles,
except the prolongation of such lines from an alley across a street; or
B. Any portion of a roadway distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings
on the surface.
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, there shall not be a crosswalk where local
authorities have placed signs indicating no crossing. (Cite Section 275 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 S 1,
1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(H)).
10.08.090 Curb.
"Curb" means the lateral boundary of the roadway, whether such curb be marked by curbing
construction or not so marked; the word "curb" as herein used shall not include the line dividing the
. roadway of a street from parking strips in the center of a street or from tracks or rights-of-way of
public utility companies. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(H)).
10.08.095 Cyclist.
"Cyclist" means any bicycle operator. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 1830 S 1, 1978).
10.08.100 Divisional island.
"Divisional island" means a raised island located in the roadway and separating opposing or
conflicting streams of traffic. (Ord 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(1)).
10.08.110 Holidays.
"Holidays," within the meaning of this chapter, are the first day of January, the third Monday in
January, the twelfth day of February, the third Monday in February, last Monday in May, the fourth
day of July, the first Monday in September, the ninth day of September, the second Monday in
October, the eleventh day of November, the twenty-fifth day of December and Thanksgiving Day.
When any of the holidays listed in this section fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be deemed
to be a holiday in lieu of the day observed, and when any of the holidays listed in this section fall on
Sunday, the following Monday shall be deemed to be a holiday in lieu of the day observed. (Ord.
2670, 1996; Ord. 2638 S 1, 1995; Ord. 1663 S 1, 1976; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code 8 19.1.3(J)).
10.08.120 Loading zone.
"Loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles
during the loading or unloading of passengers or materials. (Ord. 2670 8 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 191.4(K)).
10.08.130 Official time standard.
Whenever certain hours are named herein, they mean standard time or daylight saving time, as
may be in current use in the city. (Ord. 2670 8 1, 1996; Ord. 973 8 1, 1966; prior code 8 19.1.3(L)).
10.08.140 Park or parking.
"Park" or "parking" means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than
temporarily for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading merchandise or
passengers. (Cite Section 463 Vehicle Code.) (Ord. 2670 8 1, 1996; Ord. 97381, 1966; prior code
.8 19.1.3(M)).
10.08.145 Parking control measure.
"Parking control measure" means any program, method or system used to regulate the parking of
vehicles. It includes the installation of a parking control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996).
10.08.146 Parking control device.
"Parking control device" means and includes any sign, marking, curb painting or similar device
used to regulate the parking of vehicles, as recognized and prescribed in the California Vehicle Code
and the state of California Traffic Manual. The term may be used interchangeably with "sign" within
this title. (Ord. 2670, S 1, 1996).
10.08.147 Parking Enforcement, Contract.
"Contract Enforcement" shall mean any duly qualified company that the City has entered into a
contract with and approved by the Chief of Police to provide enforcement of CVMC Chapters 10.52,
10.56 and 10.60 relating to CVMC infractions only in the parking zones.
10.08.150 Parking meter, Individual.
"Individual parking meter" means a mechanical device installed within or upon the curb or sidewalk
area immediately adjacent to a parking space for the purpose of controlling the period of time for the
occupancy of such parking space by any vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.1.3(N))
10.08.155 Parking meter, Multi-space.
"Multi-space parking meter" means a mechanical device installed within the parking zone for the
purpose of controlling the period of time for the occupancy of multiple parking spaces.
10.08.160 Parkway.
"Parkway" means that portion of a street other than a roadway or a sidewalk. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996;
Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(0))
10.08.170 Passenger loading zone.
"Passenger loading zone" means the space adjacent to a curb reserved for the exclusive use of
vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.1.3(P)).
10.08.180 Pedestrian.
"Pedestrian" means any person afoot. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.1.3(Q)).
10.08.190 Police officer.
"Police officer" means every officer of the police department of the city or any officer authorized to
direct or regulate traffic or to make arrests for violations of traffic regulations. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996;
Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(R)).
10.08.195 Regulation
The term "regulation," when used in this title, means one or more ordinances or resolutions that
have been or may be adopted by the city council, or a traffic regulation adopted and promulgated by
the city engineer pursuant to the authority and procedure contained in CVMC 10.04.030 for the
adoption and implementation of traffic and parking control measures. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996).
10.08.200 Stop or stopping.
"Stop" or "stopping," when prohibited, means any cessation of movement of a vehicle, whether
occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the
direction of a police officer or official traffic control device or signal. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966, prior code S 19.13(S)).
10.08.210 Taxicab stand.
"Taxicab stand" means a space adjacent to a curb reserved for taxicabs to stand and wait for
passengers. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1.3(T)).
10.08.215 Traffic control measure.
"Traffic control measure" means any program, method or system used to regulate, warn or guide
the rnovement of traffic, vehicles and pedestrians, as recognized and prescribed in the California
Vehicle Code and the state of California Traffic Manual. It includes the installation of traffic control
devices. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996).
10.08.216 Traffic control device.
"Traffic control device" means any sign, marking or device used to regulate, warn or guide the
movement of traffic, pedestrians and vehicles, including, but not limited to, signs, pavement markings
and other markers as may apply, but it excludes roadway design features delineated in California
Vehicle Code Section 440. The term may be used interchangeably with "sign" within this title. (Ord.
2670 S 1, 1996).
10.08.220 Vehicle Code.
"Vehicle Code" means the Vehicle Code of the state, as amended. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1,1966, prior code S 19.1.3(U)).
Chapter 10.52
Stopping, standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
Stopping, standing or parking - Scope of provisions.
Special stops required - Schedule" - Through streets and stop intersections.
Stopping, standing or parking - Within or on parkways - Prohibited.
No stopping zones and no parking areas - Authorized.
No stopping zones and no parking areas - Driver obedience required.
No parking areas - Designated.
No parking areas - Near fire hydrants or fire stations.
Commercial vehicles - Parking in residential districts prohibited when.
Storage of vehicles or camper bodies on streets prohibited - Time limit.
Parking for advertising or demonstration purposes prohibited when.
Repairing or greasing of vehicles prohibited where.
Washing or polishing of vehicles prohibited when.
No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Authorized when.
No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Driver obedience required.
No parking areas - Alleys - Exceptions permitted when.
No parking areas - Narrow streets - Authorized when.
No parking areas - Narrow streets - Driver obedience required.
Parking on grades - Wheels to be blocked when.
Peddlers and vendors - Parking permitted when - Time limit.
Emergency parking - Authorized when - Procedure.
Emergency parking - Driver obedience required.
Standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
Parking - Scope of provisions.
Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets - Driver obedience
Stopping, standing or parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets -
Driver obedience required.
Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Parallel parking - Permitted on one-way streets - Generally.
Parallel parking - Prohibited on one-way roadways when.
Parallel parking - Exception for certain commercial vehicles.
Diagonal parking - Required when - Procedure.
Diagonal parking - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
Motorcycles - Parallel parking permitted when.
Motorcycles - Diagonal parking permitted when.
Motorcycles - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
Parking - Prohibited during certain hours of certain days on certain streets for the
purpose of street sweeping - Driver obedience required.
Parking - Scope of restrictions.
Municipal parking lots - Designated - Manner of parking required - Schedule XV.
Municipal parking lots - Sleeping or camping prohibited.
Prohibitions regarding parking of overheight vehicles - Schedule IX.
. . .
For statutory provisions regarding the proper location for the erection of stop signs, see Veh. Code S 21355; for statutory
provisions authorizing local authorities to prohibit or restrict the parking or standing of vehicles on certain streets during all
or a portion of the day, see Veh. Code S 22507; for statutory provisions authorizing the prohibition of all-night parking, see
, Veh. Code S 22507.5, for statutory provisions authorizing impounding of cars left parked for 72 consecutive hours or more,
see Veh. Code S 22652.
CROSS REFERENCES. Loading Zones, see Ch. 10.60 CVMC. Abandoned Vehicies, see Ch. 10.80 CVMC. Off-Street
Parking and Loading, see Ch. 19.62 CVMC. Bicycles, seeCh. 10.72 CVMC.
10,52.010 Stopping, standing or parking -Applicability of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter prohibiting the stopping, standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply
at all times or at those times herein specified, except when it is necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid
conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control
,device. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.10.1(A)). .
10.52.020 Stopping, standing or parking - Scope of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on standing or parking shall not relieve any
person from the duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or
regulations prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified
,times. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 1910.1 (B)).
10.52.030 Special stops required - Schedule II - Through streets and stop intersections.
In accordance with CVMC 10.32.010 and 10.32.020, pursuant to regulations and when appropriate
traffic control devices have been erected giving notice of special stops, drivers of vehicles shall stop
at every intersection before entering any of the streets or portions of streets, or one or more
,entrances to the intersections listed in Schedule II of the register maintained by the city engineer.
(Ord 2670,1996; Res. 17646, 1994; Res. 17418, 1994; Res. 17335, 1993; Res. 17334, 1993; Res.
17212,1993; Res, 16586, 1992; Res. 16192, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.52.040 Stopping, standing or parking - Within or on parkways - Prohibited.
No person shall stop, stand, park or place a vehicle, boat, trailer, camper or any other property
within any parkway. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2176 S 1, 1986; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.10.2).
10.52.050 No stopping zones and no parking areas - Authorized.
The city engineer is authorized to maintain, by appropriate parking control devices, or by paint upon
'the curb surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas, and restricted parking areas, as defined
and described in this chapter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1 0.3(A))
10.52.060 No stopping zones and no parking areas - Driver obedience required.
When curb markings or parking control devices are in place, no operator of any vehicle shall stop,
stand or park such vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking or parking control device in
violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S
10.52.070 No parking areas - Designated.
A. No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, park or leave standing such vehicle in any of the
following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the
directions of a police officer or other authorized officer, traffic sign or signal:
1. In any area established by regulation as a no parking area, where such area is indicated by
'official parking control devices or red paint on the curb;
2. On a sidewalk;
3. Within an intersection;
4. Within a crosswalk;
5. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such standing, stopping or
parking would obstruct traffic;
6. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of the street;
7. Upon any bridge or other elevated structure upon a highway or within a highway tunnel;
I 8. Upon, along or across any railroad track in such manner as to hinder, delay or obstruct the
i movement of any car traveling upon such track;
I 9. Within any divisional island unless authorized and clearly indicated with appropriate signs
I and markings;
I 10. In front of a public or private driveway or within eight feet of the end of the curb radius
:1 'leading thereto;
',,1' 11. Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
12. Within 20 feet of the end of the curb radii at an intersection;
13. Within 30 feet of the approach to any flashing signal, stop sign or traffic control signal
located at the side of the roadway;
14. Within three feet of or in front of that portion of a curb which has been cut down, lowered,
or constructed to provide wheelchair accessibility to the sidewalk;
15 Within any of those places delineated by Section 22500 of the Vehicle Code.
R No person shall move a vehicle not lawfully under his control into any such prohibited area or
more than 18 inches away from a curb.
C For the purpose of minimizing traffic hazards and traffic congestion, the city engineer is
authorized to establish no parking or stopping zones. The length of these zones is not to exceed 200
D. Any vehicle parked in violation of any of the foregoing sections may be towed or otherwise
removed at the owner's expense if a sign is posted giving notice of the removal. The city engineer is
authorized to post signs giving notice of removal, where necessary.
E Enforcement Policy. When in the judgment of the traffic officer it is reasonable and practical to
do so, the owner, driver, or other responsible party shall be requested to move the car prior to being
towed, but not prior to being ticketed. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2627 S 1, 1995; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.104).
10.52.080 No parking areas - Near fire hydrants or fire stations.
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle within 15 feet of any fire hydrant or entrance to a fire
station within the city, except as otherwise indicated by a parking control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
prior code S 14.11).
10.52.090 Commercial vehicles - Parking in residential districts prohibited when.
A. No person shall park any commercial vehicle as defined in subsection (B) of this section having
a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or more in any residential district
(which includes parking on private property), except:
1. While actually loading or unloading property; or
2. While such vehicle is parked in the actual performance of a service to property in the block
in which such vehicle is parked.
B. For the purposes of this section, certain terms shall be defined as follows:
1. "Commercial vehicle" shall mean single vehicles whose primary use is for commercial
purposes and having more than two axles or combination of vehicles having more than two axles; a
single vehicle or combination of vehicles 20 feet or more in length; or a single vehicle or combination
of vehicles six feet, eight inches or more in width, and shall include, but shall not be limited to, dump
trucks, moving vans, tractors, pole, or pipe dollies..
: 2. "Residential district" shall mean any block in which over 50 percent of the ground level
buildings fronting on said block are residential dwellings. Said dwellings may be single-unit structures
or multiunit structures. (Ord. 2670, 1996, Ord. 2190 S 1, 1987; Ord. 2176 S 2, 1986; Ord. 2024 S 1,
,1983; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 1910.5). .
10.52.100 Storage of vehicles or camper bodies on streets prohibited - Time limit.
A. No camper body which has been detached from a motor vehicle shall be left standing on a city
:street at any time.
. B. No person who owns or has possession, custody or control of any vehicle shall park such
:vehicle upon any street or alley for more than a consecutive period of 72 hours.
. C. Vehicles or camper bodies parked in violation of this section may be removed and impounded
as authorized by CVMC 10.80.120 and Vehicle Code Section 22651. (Ord. 2670,1996, Ord. 2033
S 1, 1983; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.6).
:10.52.110 Parking for advertising or demonstration purposes prohibited when.
No vehicle displaying advertising matter for the primary purpose of commercial advertising, as
prohibited by CVMC 5.08.030 through 5.08.060, shall park upon any residential street or public
parking area in this city. This prohibition shall not apply to a vehicle being offered "for sale" (Ord.
2946 S 1, 2004; Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2255 S 1, 1988; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 1910.7).
10.52.120 Repairing or greasing of vehicles prohibited where.
No person shall build or cause to be built, rebuild or cause to be rebuilt, grease or cause to be
'greased, or perform any maintenance including changing of oil or flushing radiators on any vehicle or
any part thereof upon any public street or public parking area in the city. Except for temporary
emergency repairs, no person shall repair or cause to be repaired any vehicle upon a public street.
(Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 1744 S 1, 1977; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.8).
'10.52.130 Washing or polishing of vehicles prohibited when.
No person shall wash or cause to be washed, or polish or cause to be polished, any vehicle or any
part thereof upon any public street or public parking area in the city when a charge is made for such
service (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.9).
10.52.140 No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Authorized when.
The city engineer is hereby authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any
street adjacent to any school property, when such parking would interfere with traffic or create a
,hazardous situation. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.1 OrA)).
10.52.150 No parking areas - Property adjacent to schools - Driver obedience required.
. When official signs are erected prohibiting parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school
.property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966, prior code S 19.10.1 OrB)).
10.52.160 No parking areas - Alleys - Exceptions permitted when.
No person shall stop, stand or park any vehicle in any alley within the city except for the purpose of
:expeditiously loading or unloading passengers or materials, or when a service is being performed to
,or on property abutting such alley, which requires the immediate and necessary presence of a vehicle,
during the time such service is actually being performed. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
priorcodes 19.10.12).
,10.52.170 No parking areas - Narrow streets - Authorized when.
. The city engineer is authorized to place parking control devices or markings indicating no parking
'upon any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed 25 feet, or upon one side of a street
;as indicated by such signs or markings when the width of the roadway does not exceed 30 feet. (Ord.
,2670,1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.13(A)).
10.52.180 No parking areas - Narrow streets - Driver obedience required.
, When official parking control devices or markings prohibiting parking are erected upon narrow
streets, as authorized herein, no person shall park a vehicle upon any such street in violation of any
,such parking control device or marking. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S
,10.52.190 Parking on grades - Wheels to be blocked when.
No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle unattended on a highway when upon any grade
I 'exceeding three percent without blocking the wheels of said vehicle by turning them against the curb
or by other means which prevents the vehicle from rolling. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
'code S 19.10.14).
,10.52.200 Peddlers and vendors - Parking permitted when - Time limit.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall stand or park any vehicle, wagon or
pushcart from which goods, wares, merchandise, fruits, vegetables or foodstuffs are sold, displayed,
solicited or offered for sale or bartered or exchanged, or any lunch wagon or eating car or vehicle, on
any portion of any street within this city, except that such vehicles, wagons or pushcarts may stand or
park only at the request of a bona fide purchaser for a period of time not to exceed 10 minutes at any
one place, The provisions of this section shall not apply to persons delivering such articles upon order
of; or by agreement with, a customer from a store or other fixed place of business or distribution.
(Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19,1 0.15(A)),
10.52.210 Peddlers and vendors - Parking and standing prohibited.
Repealed by Ord. 2670,1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19,10,15(8)).
10.52.220 Emergency parking - Authorized when - Procedure.
Whenever the city engineer determines that an emergency is likely to result from traffic congestion
caused by the holding of public or private assemblages, gatherings, or functions, or for other reasons,
the city engineer shall order temporary signs to be erected or posted indicating that the operation,
'parking or standing of vehicles is prohibited on such streets and alleys, as the city engineer shall
direct during the time such temporary signs are in place. Such signs shall remain in place only during
the existence of such emergency and the city engineer shall cause such signs to be removed
promptly thereafter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord, 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10,16(A)).
10.52.230 Emergency parking - Driver obedience required.
When parking control devices authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice
thereof, no person shall operate, park or stand any vehicle contrary to the directions and provisions of
the parking control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.10,16(8)).
10.52.240 Commercial vehicles - Display of warning devices required when.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.10.17).
,10.52.250 Standing or parking - Applicability of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter prohibiting the standing or parking of a vehicle shall apply at all times
or at those times herein specified or as indicated on official parking' control devices, except when it is
necessary to stop a vehicle to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a
police officer or other official traffic control device. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 1911.1).
10.52.260 Parking - Scope of provisions.
The provisions of this chapter imposing a time limit on parking shall not relieve any person from the
'duty to observe other and more restrictive provisions prohibiting or limiting the stopping, standing or
parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.11.2).
10.52.270 Parking prohibited at all times on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to park a vehicle at
any time upon any street upon which a parking control device prohibiting such parking has been
installed by the city engineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 1004.030. The city engineer
shall maintain within a register a Schedule III which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the
prohibitions of this section are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.3).
10.52.280 Parking - Prohibited at all times on certain streets - Schedule III.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Res. 17470, 1994; Res. 17336, 1993; Res. 17240, 1993; Res.
17220, 1993; Res. 17003, 1993; Res. 16799, 1992; Res. 16585, 1992; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.22.1).
10;52.290 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets - Driver obedience
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to park a vehicle
between the hours specified of any day upon any street upon which a parking control device
p'rohibiting or regulating such parking has been installed by the city engineer by regulation adopted
pursuant to CVMC 1004030. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule IV which
lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions within this section are
in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.4).
10.52.300 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets - Schedule IV.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Res. 16191, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.22.1 ).10.52.31 0 Stopping, standing or parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain
streets - Driver obedience required.
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to stop, stand or
park a vehicle between the hours specified of any day upon any of the streets or portions of a street
upon which a parking control device regulating such parking has been installed by the city engineer
by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer shall maintain within a register
a Schedule V which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of
this section are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.11.5)
10.52.320 Stopping, standing, or parking - Prohibited during certain hours on certain streets-
Schedule V.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.52.330 Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Driver obedience required.
Except upon Sundays and holidays specified in CVMC 10.08.110, it is unlawful to park a vehicle for
longer than the time specified upon a parking control device regulating such parking on any street
upon which such a parking control device regulating such parking has been installed by the city
engineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030, except in accordance with the
.directions of the parking control device. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule
,VI which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of this section
,are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 973 9 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.11.6).
,10.52.340 Parking - Time limited on certain streets - Schedule VI.
! Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Res. 17692, 1994; Res. 16792,1994; Res. 17645, 1994; Res.
;17644,1994; Res. 17471,1994; Res. 17359, 1994; Res. 17241, 1993; Ord. 973 91,1966; prior code
;10.52.350 Parallel parking - Permitted on one-way streets - Generally.
Subject to other and more restrictive limitations, a vehicle may be stopped or parked within 18
inches of the left-hand curb facing in the direction of traffic movement upon anyone-way street,
unless parking control devices are in place prohibiting such stopping or standing. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
.Ord. 9739 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.11.7(A)).
'10.52.360 Parallel parking - Prohibited on one-way roadways when.
In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways and traffic is restricted to one
'direction upon any such roadway, no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon the left side of such
one-way roadway unless signs are in place permitting such standing or parking. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
Ord. 973 9 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.11.7(8)). .
10.52.370 Parallel parking - On one-way streets and roadways - Determination authority.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 9739 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.11.7).
10.52.380 Parallel parking - Exception for certain commercial vehicles.
The requirement of parallel parking imposed by CVMC 10.52.350 through 10.52.380 shall not apply
,to any commercial vehicle actually engaged in the process of loading or unloading freight or goods, in
which case such vehicle may be backed up to the curb; provided, that such vehicle does not extend
beyond the center line of the street and does not block traffic thereby. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 973
9 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.11.7(0)).
10.52.390 Diagonal parking - Required when - Procedure.
It is unlawful at any time to park a vehicle upon any street or portion thereof designated as a
:diagonal parking zone, upon which a parking control device regulating such parking has been
installed by the city engineer by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04.030, except as follows:
The vehicle shall be parked at an angle to the curb specified by the parking control device, and
:entirely within the limits of the allotted space, with the front wheel nearest the curb not more than six
inches from the curb. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule VIII which lists the
streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of this section are in effect.
(Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 97391,1966; prior code 919.11 8(A)).
10.52.400 Diagonal parking - Permitted where - Schedule VIII.
Repealed byOrd. 2670,1996. (Res. 17643, 1994; Ord. 97391,1966; prior code 919.22.1).
10.52.410 Diagonal parking - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
The provisions of CVMC 10.52.390 shall not apply to a vehicle actually engaged in the process of
'loading or unloading passengers, freight or goods, in which event the provisions applicable in CVMC
10.52.350 through 10.52.380 shall be complied with. (Ord. 2670 91,1996; Ord. 97391,1966; prior
code 9 19.118(B)).
10.52.420 Motorcycles - Parallel parking permitted when.
It is unlawful for the operator of any motorcycle to park said motorcycle parallel to the curb as
defined in this chapter in any space designated by pavement markings or indicated by meters, unless
lsaid motorcycle is parked entirely within the limits of the allotted space and at least one wheel or
'fender is touching the right-hand curb. Where no curb or barriers bound any roadway, right-hand
iparallel parking is required unless otherwise indicated; provided further, that no more than one
[vehicle of any type may be parked within any allotted parking space. (Ord. 2670 S 1:1996; Ord. 1595
's 1, 1974; Ord. 1201 S 1, 1969; prior code S 19.11.9(1)).
10.52.430 Motorcycles - Diagonal parking permitted when.
It is unlawful for the operator of any motorcycle to park said motorcycle except at the angle to the
curb indicated by parking control devices or pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles,
,and entirely within the limits of said allotted space, with the front or rear wheel of said vehicle within
'18 inches of the curb; provided further, that no more than one vehicle of any type may be parked
within such allotted space. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 1595 S 1, 1974; Ord. 1201 S 1, 1969; prior code
S 19.11.9(2)).
10.52.440 Motorcycles - Applicability of provisions - Exceptions.
: The provisions of CVMC 10.52.420 and 10.52.430 shall not apply to a vehicle actually engaged in
'the process of loading or unloading passengers, freight or goods, in which event the provisions
applicable in CVMC 10.52.350 through 10.52.380 shall be complied with. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord.
1595 S 1, 1974; Ord. 1201 S 1,1969; prior code S 19.11.9(3)).
,10.52.450 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours of certain days on certain streets for the
,purpose of street sweeping - Driver obedience required.
It is unlawful to park a vehicle on any street during the times specified for street cleaning upon
.which a parking control device regulating and prohibiting such parking has been installed on each
block of that street in its entirety by the city engineer, restricting parking between certain hours on
c,.,rtain days of the week by regulation adopted pursuant to CVMC 10.04030. The city engineer shall
maintain within a register a Schedule XIV which lists the streets upon which the restrictions and
prohibitions concerning street sweeping regulations are in effect. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2261 S 2,
10.52.460 Parking - Prohibited during certain hours of certain days on certain streets for the
purpose of street sweeping.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 2261 S 3,1988).
10.52.470 Parking - Scope of restrictions.
No section of this chapter shall be construed as permitting any parking in violation of any other
provisions of this title. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2261 S 1, 1988; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.17.15)
10.52.480 Municipal parking lots - Designated - Manner of parking required - Schedule XV.
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22519, the following areas are designated as off-street public
parking lots owned or operated by the city. It is unlawful for any vehicle to park in a municipal parking
.Iot except in accordance with the angle to the curb ihdicated by signs or pavement markings allotting
;space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of said allotted space, with the front wheel
:nearest the curb and within six inches of said curb or other stop, and in accordance with the time
1limits indicated on signs erected in the area by the city engineer pursuant to regulation adopted under
,CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule XV listing the
,restrictions applicable to these locations. (Ord. 2983 S 1, 2004; Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2488 S 1, 1991;
Ord. 2436 S 1, 1991).
I D .
eSlgnate ar mo ot oca Ion
NO.1 Near southwest corner of Landis and E streets I
NO.2 Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson streets I
NO.3 200 block of Landis (North of F Street) I
d P k' L
L f
NO.4 340 F Street (Near southwest corner of E Street)
NO.5 Near southeast corner of Third and Madrona
NO.6 Northwest corner of Church and Madrona streets
NO.7 Southwest corner of Church and Center streets
NO.8 281-287 Church Avenue !Between Church and Del Mar streets)
NO.9 Southwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
NO.10 Northwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
NO.11 222 Church Avenue (Between E and Davidson streets)
NPSC Norman Park Senior Center !Between F and Center streets)
City Hall Emplovee Lot North side of F Street, West of intersection with Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista Community Park Lot South of Chula Vista Community Park and West of Eastlake
City Employee Lot West of Maxwell Road and North of Main Street at the John Lippit
Public Works Center
Ken Lee Lot West of Fourth Avenue and South of F Street
Police Department Parkinq Structure East of Fourth Avenue and South of F Street
10.52.485 Municipal parking lots - Sleeping or camping prohibited.
A. No person shall sleep or camp in a vehicle on the grounds of any city-owned, leased, or
operated parking lot listed in CVMC 10.52480. Signs expressing this parking restriction and the city's
right to remove or impound an offending vehicle shall be posted at each entrance of a parking lot by
the city engineer.
B. For purposes of this section, "to camp" shall be defined as establishing or maintaining a
temporary, including overnight, place for sleeping, which includes, but is not limited to, the use, or
storage for use, of sleeping bags, bedding materials, blankets, sheets, or other nonclothing items
utilized or available for use to maintain warmth and comfort for sleep in a vehicle.
C. Vehicles in violation of this section may be removed and impounded as authorized by CVMC
10.80.120 and California Vehicle Code Section 22651. (Ord. 2923 S 1, 2003).
10.52.490 Prohibitions regarding parking of overheight vehicles - Schedule IX.
A. It is unlawful to park an overheight vehicle, as defined in subsection (0) of this section, upon any
street or portion thereof upon which a parking control device regulating the parking of overheight
vehicles has been installed by the City Engineer pursuant to regulation adopted under CVMC
10.04030 and subsection (B) of this section. The City Engineer shall maintain within a register a
Schedule IX which lists the streets or portions thereof upon which the restrictions and prohibitions of
this section are in effect.
B. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Sections 22507 and 21360, the City Engineer may establish
by regulation those locations where parking of overheight vehicles is to be restricted based upon the
sight obstruction posed by an overheight vehicle to vehicles entering the roadway from an
intersection. Parking restrictions shall be limited to a maximum distance of 100 feet from the point of
curb return of the intersection along the roadway.
C. As used in this CVMC 10.52490, the term "intersection" shall include, in addition to the meaning
prescribed by the California Vehicle Code Section 365, an intersection with a roadway of a major use
driveway from a multifamily residential facility or shopping or business center, or any similar use
which generates a traffic flow at least equal to that encountered at the intersection of a minor street
:with the affected roadway.
O. As used in subsection (A) of this section, the term "overheight vehicle" means any vehicle with a
height of six feet or more at any point, including the load, cab or body, when measured from the
E. The City Engineer may prescribe procedures for full cost recovery of the installation of parking
control devices at intersections from private property. (Ord. 2670, 1996).
i 1 0.56.01 0
Chapter 10.56
Meters - Installation and maintenance - Rates for use.
Meter zones - Established - Regulations generally.
Meter zones - Designated -Time limits authorized in zone - Schedule XI.
Meter zones - Authorization for establishment.
Meters - Placement and removal of posts.
Meters - Installation - Authority.
Meters - Installation - Location.
Meters, Individual - Display of time limit.
Meters, Multi-space-Display of time limit
Meter zone - Manner of parking required.
Meter - Driver operations required.
Meter zone - Parking unlawful when.
Parking meter - Overtime.
Parking meter - Extra time prohibited.
Parking meter - Time of operation.
Parking meter - Tampering with.
Meters - Improper use prohibited.
Payment by unauthorized person prohibited.
Meters - Limitations on use for certain purposes.
Rules of evidence - Parking in metered space deemed unlawful when.
Rules of evidence - Vehicle deemed parked by owner when.
Rules of evidence - Parking in unmetered space deemed owner's responsibility.
Meters - Collection of deposited coins.
Meters - Purchase, lease and maintenance jurisdiction.
Meters - Use of moneys collecied.
Permit parking - Established - Administration authority.
Permit parking - Form of permit - Permit parking authorized when.
Permit parking - Areas designated - Schedule XII.
Permits or tags - Cost - Period of validity - Prorating permitted when.
Permits or tags - Sale procedure - Display of permit.
Permits or tags - Issuance and use.
10.56.010 Vehicle defined.
Repealed by Ord. 2670, 1996. (Ord. 955 S 1, 1965).
; 1 0.56.020 Meters - Installation and maintenance - Rates for use.
, The City Council shall provide for the installation of parking meters including curb or street marking
.Iines, regulation and operation thereof, cause said meters to be maintained in good workable
:condition, and set the rates for parking in a space regulated by said meters by ordinance. The rates
:for parking in a space regulated by a meter are as follows:
: A Thirty (30) Minute Meters. A $0.25 deposit up to the maximum time limit established for the zone,
iin which the meter is located; or
i B. Two, Three and Four Hour Meters. A $0.25 deposit for each 30-minute interval or a $0.50
Ideposit for each one-hour interval up to the maximum legal time limit established for the zone in
[which the meter is located; or. _ . ......... ... .
C. Ten (10) Hour Meters. A $0.25 deposit for each one-hour period up to the maximum legal time
:Iimit established for the zone in which the meter is located. (Ord. 3094 S 2, 2007; Ord. 2670, 1996;
iOrd. 2436 S 2, 1991; Ord. 2367 S 1, 1990; Ord. 2143 S 1, 1986; Ord. 955 S 3, 1965).
110.56.030 Meter zones - Established - Regulations generally.
i Pursuant to the authority of Vehicle Code Section 22508, parking meter zones and the rate of fees
for parking in such zones shall be established in this CVMC Chapter 10 and applicable to those
public parking lots and streets or parts of streets as identified and as described in CVMC 10.56.040,
,Schedule XI, in which zones the parking of vehicles shall be regulated by parking meters for the
. duration of time specified in said Schedule XI and for the hours of operation identified in CVMC
10.56.150. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2436 S 3, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.1 (A)).
10.56.040 Meter zones - Designated - Time limits authorized in zone - Schedule XI.
In accordance with CYMe 1056.030, parking meter zones are hereby established upon those
. public parking lots and streets or portions of streets described herein in which parking of vehicles
'shalt be regulated by parking meters between the hours and on days specified in CVMC 10.56.150
and upon the signs erected thereon, and for the duration specified below and upon the signs erected
thereonas follows:
Schedule XI
Name of Street Beginning At Ending At Side Duration
Center Street Third Avenue Del Mar Avenue N/S 1 hour
Church Avenue F Street E Street Ef\N 2 hours
.. Church Avenue Center Street Madrona Street Ef\N 2 hours
Del Mar Avenue F Street Center Street East 2 hours
E Street Garrett Avenue 100 ft. E/E curbline of Landis Avenue N/S 2 hours
F Street Garrett Iwenue Del Mar Avenue North 2 hours
G Street 100 ft. WNv curbline 100 ft. E/E curbline of Church N/S 2 hours
of Third Avenue Avenue
Garrett Avenue 125 ft. S/S curbline of 150 ft. N/N curbline of E Street East 2 hours
E Street
Landis Avenue F Street 300 ft. N/N curbline of E Street East 2 hours
Landis Avenue F Street 170 ft. N/N curbline of E Street West 2 hours
Madrona Street Third Avenue 125 ft. E/E curbline of Third Avenue N/S 2 hour
Park Way 125 ft. Wf\N curbline Third Avenue N/S 2hour
of Third Avenue
Third Avenue E Street Center Street East 2 hours
Third Avenue Center Street Madrona Avenue East 30 minutes
or 2 hours
Third Avenue Madrona Avenue Alvarado Street East 2 hours
Third Avenue E Street Roosevelt Street West 2 hours
Parking Lot
No 5
No 6
Near southwest corner of Landis and E streets
Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson streets
200 block of Landis (North of F Street)
340 F Street (Near southwest corner of E Street)
Near southeast corner of Third and Madrona
Northwest corner of Church and Madrona streets
Southwest comer of Church and Center streets
281-287 Church Avenue (Between Church and Del Mar streets)
Southwest comer of Church and Davidson streets
Northwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
222 Church Avenue (Between E and Davidson streets)
Norman Park Senior Center (Between F and Center streets)
10 hours
4 hours
10 hours
3 hours/Unlimited
4 hours
10 hours
10 hours
10 hours
4 hours
10 hours
10 hours
2 hours
The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule Xl listing the restrictions applicable to
'these locations where parking meter zones have been established. (Ord. 2983 S 2, 2004; Ord. 2712 S
ii, 1997; Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2623 S 1, 1995; Ord. 2488 S 2, 1991; Ord. 2436 S 4, 1991; Ord. 973 S
;1,1966, prior code S 19.22.1).
i10.56.050 Meter zones - Authorization for establishment.
: The city engineer is hereby authorized, subject to the adoption by the city council of amendments
:by ordinance to CVMC 10.56.040 and Schedule XI, to establish parking meter zones and the rate of
'fees at other locations upon those streets or parts of streets where it is determined upon the basis of
. an engineering and traffic investigation that the installation of parking meters shall be necessary to
aid in the regulation, control and inspection of the parking of vehicies. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973
S1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.1(8)).
'10.56.060 Meters - Placement and removal of posts.
; The city engineer shall cause parking meter posts and appropriate parking control devices to be
installed and removed pursuant to this chapter in a parking meter zone. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 973
S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.1(C)).
10.56.070 Meters -Installation - Authority.
The city finance officer shall cause parking meters to be installed in accordance with the rate of
fees adopted by the city council in a parking meter zone. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
[prior code S 19.17.1(D)).
10.56.080 Meters -Installation - Location.
: Individual parking meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk or area immediately adjacent
;to each parking space in a parkina meter zone. Each meter shall be placed in such manner as to
ishow or display by sign or signal that the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not legally in use.
:Multi-space parking meters shall be located within the zone regulated and indicated by appropriate
,parking control devices. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19 17.2(A))
'10.56.090 Meters, Individual - Display of time limit.
. Each parking meter shall be designed to display, after the operational procedure has been
:completed, a sign or signal indicating legal parking for that period of time conforming to the limit of
I parking time or portion thereof for which payment has been made for the zone in which said parking
.meter is installed, and shall continue to operate from the time of the completion of the operational
procedure until the expiration of the time fixed as the parking limit or a portion thereof for the parking
space for which said meter is placed. Each parking meier shall also be arranged so that upon the
expiration of said legal parking time it will indicate by a mechanical operation and by proper signal
'that the lawful parking period has expired. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code
S 19.17.2(B)).
,10.56.095 Meters, Multi-space-Display of time limit
, A multi-space meter shall, after deposit of payment required, dispense a ticket on which the
amount of payment deposited, the applicable meter zone/lot that the ticket for which the ticket is valid
. ,
'and expiration date and time of valid parking period will be displayed.
i 1 0.56.1 00 Meter zone - Manner of parking required.
When any vehicle is to be parked within a parking space regulated by a parking meter, the operator
,of said vehicle shall park within the assigned area designated by marking lines indicating parallel,
'diagonal, perpendicular, or other such manner of parking.
A When a parking space regulated by a parking meter is parallel to an adjacent curb or sidewalk,
any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked so that the foremost part of such vehicle
shall be alongside of the nearest parking meter.
B. When a parking space regulated by a individual parking meter is diagonal to a curb or
sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked with the foremost part of such
vehicle directly at and nearest to such meter.
C. When a parking space is regulated by a multi-space meter, any vehicle parked within such
.parking space shall park in a manner such that the foremost part of the vehicle enters the space prior
to the remainder of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.3).
10.56.110 Meter - Driver operations required.
Upon parking a vehicle in a parking space regulated by a parking meter, the owner or operator of
such vehicle shall immediately make payment in the amount required by CVMC Section 10.56.020 for
the time limit or any fractional portion as may be authorized for the zone in which said parking meter
is installed.
A For an individual parking meter, after the deposit of payment as required by this section, the
,owner or operator of such vehicle shall turn any crank, knob, handle or other device or perform such
other actions as may be required in accordance with the instructions posted on the face of said
parking meter.
B. For a multi-space meter, the owner or operator of such vehicle shall select the time period that
the vehicle will remain parked in the parking space, make payment in the manner required in
,accordance with the instructions on said parking meter, remove the ticket dispensed from the parking
meter, and place such ticket on the dashboard of said vehicle such that it is clearly visible from the
exterior of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4(A)).
10.56.120 Meter zone - Parking unlawful when.
Said parking space may then be used by such vehicle during the legal parking limit or fractional
part thereof as may be authorized for the zone in which said parking meter is installed. Said vehicle
shall be unlawfully parked if it remains in said space:
A When the owner or operator has not complied with the operational procedure described in
CVMC 10.56.110; or
; B. Beyond the legal parking limit or fractional part thereof as indicated by a sign or signal displayed
'by the individual parking meter.
C. Beyond the legal parking limit or fractional part thereof as indicated on the ticket dispensed from
,the multi-space parking meter. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4(B)).
! 10.56.130 Parking meter - Overtime.
No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked in any parking meter zone when the meter
shows the parking time has expired or the ticket dispensed by the multi-space meter shows the
:parking time has expired. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 186792, 1979; Ord. 9739 1, 1966; prior code
i9 19.17.4(C)).
:10.56.140 Parking meter- Extra time prohibited.
: A. No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked beyond the time limit established for any
!parking meter zone in which the vehicle is parked
B. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter any payment for the
, purpose of increasing or extending the time during which a vehicle is parked beyond the time limit
:established for the parking meter zone in which the vehicle is parked. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord.
: 18679 2, 1979; Ord. 973 9 1, 1966; prior code S 1917.4(0)).
10.56.150 Parking meter - Time of operation.
Parking meters shall be operated in parking meter zones every day between the hours of 9:00 a.m.
and 6:00 p.m., except Sundays and holidays defined in CVMC 10.08110. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord.
,243695, 1991; Ord. 186792, 1979; Ord. 9739 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.4 (E)).
,10.56.160 Parking meter - Tampering with.
It is unlawful and a violation of the provisions of this chapter for any unauthorized person to deface,
injure, tamper with, open or willfully break, destroy, or impair the usefulness of any parking meters
installed under the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 186792, 1979; Ord. 973
,91,1966; prior code 919.17.5).
,10.56.180 Meters -Improper use prohibited.
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any defaced, bent or
counterfeit coin, slug, coin other than those of the United States, device, or other material or
instrument as substitute for a coin of the United States, except parking meter tokens authorized by
,the city. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code 9 1917.7).
10.56.190 Deposit of coins by unauthorized person prohibited.
No person, other than the owner or operator of a vehicle, or a member of the police department, as
. authorized in CVMC 10.56.110 through 10.56.150, shall deposit any payment in any parking meter
'without the knowledge or consent of said owner or operator of the vehicle using the parking space
.regulated by such meter. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 973 9 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.17.8).
10.56.200 Meters - Limitations on use for certain purposes.
No person other than an authorized employee of the city shall attach anything to a parking meter or
parking meter standard. No person shall allow a bicycle, news rack or any other article or thing to lean
against a parking meter or a parking meter standard. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 9739 1, 1966; prior
code 919.17.9)
,10.56.210 Rules of evidence - Parking in metered space deemed unlawful when.
The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space, at which space the parking meter
;displays the sign or signal indicating illegal parking, shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the
vehicle has been parked or allowed to stand in such space for a period longer than permitted by this
chapter. (Ord. 2670 S 1,1996, Ord. 973 9 1,1966; prior code 9 19.17.10(A)).
10.56.220 Rules of evidence - Vehicle deemed parked by owner when.
The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in a parking space which is controlled or regulated
with the aid of a parking meter shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been
parked or caused to be parked by the owner of such vehicle. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 973 9 1,
1966; prior code 919.17.10(8)).
10.56.230 Rules of evidence - Parking in unmetered space deemed owner's responsibility.
The parking or standing of any motor vehicle in any parking space upon any street, alley or public
place or parking lot in the city shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the vehicle has been
parked or caused to be parked by the owner of such vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1,
1966; prior code S 19.17.1 O(C)).
10.56.240 Meters - Collection of deposited coins.
The coins deposited in the parking meters shall be collected by duly authorized agents of the city
finance officer. (Ord. 2670 S 1,1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.11).
i 10.56.250 Meters - Purchase, lease and maintenance jurisdiction.
il The purchasing, leasing, repairing and maintenance of parking meters; the placement and removal
II :of parking meters from parking meter posts; and the payment of any and all expenses relating or
I' ;incidental thereto shall be under the jurisdiction of the city finance officer. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord.
973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.12)
10.56.260 Meters - Use of moneys collected.
All moneys collected from parking meters in the city shall be placed in a special fund, which fund
.shall be devoted exclusively to any or all of the followirig purposes:
A. For the purchasing, leasing, installing, repairing, maintaining, operating, removing, regulating
and policing of parking meters in this city and for the payment of any and all expenses relating or
incidental thereto;
B. For the purchasing, leasing, acquiring, improving, operating and maintaining of off-street parking
facilities in the city;
C. For the installation and maintenance of traffic control devices and signals;
. D. For the painting and marking of streets and curbs required for the direction of traffic and parking
of.motor vehicles;
E. For the proper regulation, control and inspection of parking and traffic upon the public streets;
F. To be pledged as security for the payment of principal and interest on off-street parking revenue
bonds issued by the city or any parking district organized within the city. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996, Ord.
973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.13).
10.56.270 Permit parking - Established - Administration authority.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, there is hereby established a system of permit
parking which the finance office, or his designee, shall administer subject to the standards and
provisions set forth in CVMC 10.56.280 through 10.56.320. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966;
prior code S 19.17.14).
: 1 0.56.280 Permit parking - Authorized when - Sticker or tag required.
In those parking meter zones and municipal parking lots approved by ordinance of the city council,
,described in CVMC 10.56.290 and listed in Schedule XII of the register maintained by the city
'engineer, a person may park any vehicle upon any public parking lots, designated bya 1 O-hour time
;Iimit, owned or operated by the city upon proper display of a valid and current parking permit, in lieu
of deposit of payment in the parking meter. (Ord. 2670, 1996; Ord. 2436 S 6, 1991, Ord. 2131 S 1,
: 1985; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.14(A)).
10.56.290 Permit parking - Areas designated - Schedule XII.
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 22508 and 22519 and in accordance with CVMC 10.56.270 and
i 1 0.56.280, the following areas are also designated as permit parking areas wherein vehicles
:displaying appropriate parking permits or tags shall be allowed to park in spaces so marked for up to
! 10 hours (all day).
Schedule XII
Parking Zone Location
Public Parking Lots 1 to 11 (Parking Meter Zones) See CVMC 10.56.040 for locations
(Ord. 2983 S 3, 2004; Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 2488 S 3,1991; Ord. 2436 S 7,1991; Ord. 2131 S 1,
1985; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.56.300 Permits or tags - Cost - Period of validity - Prorating permitted when.
For the required fee (s) said parking permits shall be sold to cover a calendar quarter of three
months' duration. Said permits may be obtained at the city finance office or other designated location.
Applicants must be merchants or employees of merchants owning or operating businesses within the
downtown business area or city officers on behalf of city employees assigned to Norman Park Center.
Applicants may request a proration of the quarterly fee if they are purchasing a permit for the balance
of the calendar quarter, and such proration shall be made at the sole discretion of the finance officer,
or his designee. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2506S 1, 1992; Ord. 2488 S 4, 1991; Ord, 2436 S 8,
1991; Ord, 2131 S 1, 1985; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.1714(B)),
10.56.310 Permits or tags - Sale procedure -Display of permit.
The finance officer, or his designee, shall establish the necessary procedure for the sale of such
. permits, and shall obtain the necessary permits which when displayed from the interior of a vehicle
shall be clearly visible from the exterior of the vehicle. (Ord, 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2436 S 9, 1991,
Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.17.14(C)).
10.56.320 Permits or tags -Issuance and use.
. Such permits or tags shall be issued to the person applying therefor, and may be used on any
vehicle owned by the permittee displaying such permit, decal, or tag. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2436
S 10,1991; Ord, 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.14(0))
Chapter 10.62
Parking enforcement - Authorized agents.
Enforcement - Written notice of violation - Contents - Placement.
Civil and late payment penalties and fees.
-.- -
10.62.010 Parking enforcement - Authorized agents.
A. Every Police officer and every City employee, and every volunteer (designated by the Chief of
Police) charged with enforcement of the provisions of Chapters 10.52, 10.56 and 10.60 CVMC
relating to illegal parking and time limitations in parking meter zones, the provisions of the California
Vehicle Code, and the other laws of the state applicable to parking violations within the City, shall
have the duty, when any vehicle is illegally parked, to issue written notice of violation thereof stating
the state vehicle license number, make of such vehicle, the time and date of such illegal parking,
meter number, street location, and a reference to the appropriate section of the code and the amount
of the penalty for the violation.
B. Contract Enforcement. The City may enter into a contract with a duly qualified company,
approved by the Chief of Police, to provide enforcement of the Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapters
10.52, 10.56 and 10.60 relating to CVMC infractions only.
10.62.020 Enforcement - Written notice of violation - Contents - Placement.
When any vehicle is illegally parked an authorized agent may issue written notice of violation, in
conformance with Vehicle Code S 40202. The peace office or person authorized to enforce parking
laws and regulations shall securely attach to the vehicle a notice of parking violation setting forth the
violation including reference to the section of this code or of the Public Resources Code, the local
ordinance, or the federal statute or regulation so violated; the date; the approximate time thereof; the
location where the violation occurred; a statement printed on the notice indicating that the date of
payment is required to be made not later than 21 calendar days from the date of citation issuance;
and the procedure for the registered owner, lessee or rentee to deposit the parking penalty or
pursuant to Section 40215, contest the citation. The notice of parking violation shall also set forth the
vehicle license number and registration expiration date if they are visible, the last four digits of the
vehicle identification number, if that number is readable through the windshield, the color of the
vehicle, and, if possible, the make of the vehicle. The notice of parking violation, or copy thereof,
shall be considered a record kept in the ordinary course of business of the issuing agency and the
processing agency and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts contained therein. The notice of
parking violation shall be served by attaching it to the vehicle either under the windshield wiper or in
another conspicuous place upon the vehicle so as to be easily observed by the person in charge of
the vehicle upon the return of that person.
10.62.030 Civil and late payment penalties and fees.
1. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations shall be
$12.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation: CVMC 10.56.100; 10.56.110; 10.56.120;
2. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations shall be
$50.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation: CVMC 10.52.485.
3. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations and
California Vehicle Code violations shall be $25.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation'
CVMC 10.52.100; 10.52.110; 10.52.120; 1052.130; 10.52.200; 10.52.210; 10.52.240; 10.52.330;
10.52.390; 10.52.420; 10.52.430; 10.52.480; 10.56.130; 10.56.310. California Vehicle Code Sections
2113(a); 22515; 22520.
4. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations and
~California Vehicle Code violations shall be $35.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation:
CVMC 10.52.040; 10.52.060; 10 52.070(A)(1)-(14); 10.52.090; 10.52.150; 10.52.160; 10.52.180;
10.52.190; 10.52.230; 10.52.270; 10.52.290; 10.52.310; 10.52.360; 10.52.450; 10.60.030; 10.60.050;
10.60.060; 10.60.080; 10.60.090; 10.60.100. California Vehicle Code Sections 21211; 22500(a) - (h);
225000), (k); 22500.1; 22514; 22516; 22517.
5. Base penalty amounts for the following California Vehicle Code violations shall be $25.00.
The base penalty will be reduced to $10.00 upon submission of proof of correction within the time
'frames specified in the Vehicle Code of the state of California: California Vehicle Code Sections 5200;
5201; 5204(a).
6. The base penalties for the following California Vehicle Code violations shall be as set forth
California Vehicle Code Sections 4462(b) - $100.00; 22500(i) - $250.00; 22500(1) - $275.00;
22507.8 - $330.00; 22522 - $275.00; 22523 - $100.00; 22526 - $50.00.
7. The base penalties for Chula Vista Municipal Code and California Vehicle Code violations
not listed above shall be $35.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation, unless the penalty
amount is set by the Vehicle Code of the state of California.
8. The owner or operator may mail such payments to the City's Director of Finance within the
time established herein, but shall be responsible for delivery thereof to the office of the Director of
9. Late Payment Penalties. All base penalties under $250.00 listed in subsections (B)(2)
through (6) of this section shall double if not paid within 30 days of the notice of violation, unless
specifically restricted by the Vehicle Code of the state of California. The penalty for violations listed in
subsection (8)(1) of this section shall be $35.00 if the penalty is not paid within 30 days of the notice
. C. Failure to Pay. Failure to pay the appropriate penalty as provided herein or failure to contest the
violation pursuant to Sections 40200.7 and 40215 of the Vehicle Code of the state of California will
result in either notification of the Department of Motor Vehicles, which agency shall collect the
maximum penalties and fee(s) established hereby at such time as the owner or operator seeks to
register his vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Section 4760 of the Vehicle Code of the state
of California, or if applicable, in legal proceedings being instituted in court against the person
responsible for the unpaid penalties and fees in accordance with the provisions of Section 40220 of
the Vehicle Code of the state of California. For those citations that remain unpaid beyond 30 days
and for which a hold is placed on the registration by the Department of Motor Vehicles, an additional
$10.00 fee shall be assessed. (Ord. 3094 S 1,2007; Ord. 2923 S 2,2003; Ord. 2670 S 1,1996; Ord.
2638 S 1, 1995; Ord. 2490 S 1, 1991; O,d. 2136 S 1, 1985; O,d. 2097 S 1, 1985; Ord. 1960 S 1,1981;
Ord 1867 S 3,1979).
Attachment D - Contract for Parking Management and Enforcement Services
with ACE Parking, Inc.
Attachment D
BID NO 14-08/09
Afailing Address:
PhJ'sical Location:
TELEPHONE (619) 409-3806
FAX (619) 691-5149
DATED: MARCH 9, 2009
BID NO 14-08/09
0lY Of
Page 2
Incorporated in 1911, the City of Chula Vista is located minutes from downtown San Diego and the U.S.-
Mexican border and is San Diego County's second largest municipality with a population of 231,000.
The Downtown Parking District was established in 1963 and consists of approximately 1800 spaces. The
District includes on-street individually metered spaces, multi space meters located in nine public parking
lots, one free public parking structure, and non-metered spaces (Attachment I-Parking District Boundary
Map) The majority of the District's individual meters are manufactured by POM and the multispace
meters are the Cale MP 104 Compact model. The District has two-hour parking on-street and 4-hour and
lO-hour parking in the public parking lots. The hourly parking rates range from $0.25 for two and four
hour meters to $0.50 for ten hour meters.
The City cllrrently provides the following stafflng levels for the Parking District:
o Two pan-time Parking Technicians (approximately 20 hours per week combined) for parking
meter collection and maintenance. Annually, additional labor hours may be required to
perform other standard duties, such as replacing batteries in the individual meters.
o One full-time and one part-time Parking Enforcement Officer dedicated to the Parking District
and providing enforcement for the full enforcement period of 54 hours per week. These
officers currently generate approximately 400 citations per month.
o One full-time Accounting Assistant to process all mail-in payments, customer calls, dismissal
requests and administrative hearing letters.
o Three staff wbo perform light maintenance and landscaping in all public parking areas for
approximately 35 total hours combined per week.
o Various management staff (approximately 10 hours per week combined) for program
management, staff supervision and backup for meter maintenance.
o One Interim Parking Administrator (approximately 30 hours per week) has also been dedicated
to the District.
The above staffmg information is provided as a baseline for Company's proposal. However, the City
requests that Company propose what it deems to be adequate staffing to ensure effective management of
the District and clearly describe the number of staff proposed and the amount of time they will be
dedicated to the District.
The City wishes to hire a professional parking management company to enforce Chula Vista Municipal
Code 10.62, issue parking citations, collect parking meter revenues, maintain parking meters and provide
maintenance and landscaping of the parking areas. Based upon the existing conditions in the City's
BID NO 14-08/09
Page 3
Parking District, we request that your proposal specifically propose services that will best meet the needs
of our City and downtown.
Your proposal may propose only management, only enforcement or both management and enforcement of
the District, based upon the capacity of your Company. Your proposal should specify the itemized and
total amount to be charged for the proposed service and should not include any reference to other
discounts, incentives or other forms of financial consideration unrelated to the specific services proposed
Ullder this Request for Proposal.
The proposal must include all elements listed below.
1. Cover letter summarizing the proposal and providing the all-inclusive cost estimate.
2. A detailed Scope of Work, including a timeline. The Scope of Work must address the
following components, as well as any other items deemed necessary by bidder:
a. Providing enforcement of Chula Vista Municipal Code 10.62, collection from parking
meters, maintenance of parking meters and maintenance anq landscaping of public
parking areas. Provide detailed information regarding the types of services and
staffing your firm recommends and will provide.
b. A detailed personnel staffmg plan, including a detailed cost analysis identifying
specific positions, detailed hourly rates and service rates and proposed schedule for
implementing the proposed scope.
c. A list and description of in-service personnel training provided by Company.
d. A list and detailed description of any subcontractor(s) who may be hired to fill the
requirements of proposed services.
3. Company's qualifications including a description of similar contracts that Company has
engaged in the last two (2) years. Provide a list of all clients served and services provided, as
relevant to this proposal, with names and current telephone numbers of contact persons.
4. Principal personnel who will be assigned to this project and a description of their
responsibilities. Also, list recent contracts on which the principal staff have worked and
describe their responsibilities. Any change in the principal personnel after selection will be
considered a significant change in the proposal and may be cause for the City to terminate the
contract with Company.
5. Detailed project budget itemized by work program task or work phases. Indicate hourly rates
of individuals involved and the fee structure for possible additional work outside of the
contract. Note. The budget must be all-inclusive, with any and all contingencies, and be a set
figure, not a range or hourly cost.
A selection committee of City staff and/or other designated panicipants will review the proposals.
The selection committee may invite the top firms for an interview/product evaluation on April 2,
2009. The selection committee will be looking for me most qualified finn based on cost, the scope of
services proposed, the technical expertise of the company and its staff and the level and quality of
BID NO 14-08/09
Page 4
0lY OF
support provided for City staff.
The proposal shall be signed by an individual authorized to bind the Company, and shall contain a
statement to the effect that the proposal is a firm offer for a 90-day period. The proposal shall also
provide the name, title, address and telephone number of individual(s) with authority to negotiate and
contracrually bind the company for this period and who also may be contacted during the period of
proposal evaluation.
BID NO 14-08/09
Page 5
The primary management responsibilities are:
A. Administration- Company shall be responsible for coin collection and day-ta-day maintenance and
upkeep of all single meters (currently approximated at 550+) and 11 multi space meter boxes. The
CALE multi space meter boxes are electronically linked to a back office system that alens staff
when the coin boxes need emptying and identifies meter malfunctions such as paper jams.
Company should identify what the maximum response time will be for such alerts. Individual
meters do not currently have a sealed coin system and would require the collecting agent to empty
each meter into a secure canister. City may consider upgrading to a sealed coin system at a later
date. Company should include a recommendation regarding this and describe any related costs as
a separate line item. Company will count and deposit directly into City's bank account meter
revenue collected from the parking meters and will provide to City the appropriate documentation
needed for reconciliation and auditing. Company should propose a secure vehicle for
transportation of revenue and indicate any additional costs as a separate line item.
B Auditing- Company should propose auditing procedures to ensure accountability of revenue
collected from the parking meters. This requirement is more specifically related to the collection
of monies from the individual meters, as described above. The existing meters do not contain a
sealed coin system. The current meters will require the collecting agent to physically handle the
coins and place them in a secure container
C. Reporting Requirements-Company shall provide adequate reports and documentation to the City
per an agreed-upon schedule or as requested by City for auditing purposes. Company may utilize
the City's computer equipment and support programs or propose a comparable alternative.
Financial statements md variance reports should be prepared and submitted to the City on a
monthly basis. The selected firm shall keep true and complete records and accounts of all receipts
and business transactions. Financial reports may include, but shall not be limited to, deposit and
reconciliation reports and revenue and expenditure repons.
D. Customer Service-Company shall provide a high level of professionalism and customer service is a
priority to the City. The Company shall operate and manage the District in a professional,
business-like and efficient manner, providing the highest level of assistance, service and courtesy
to patrons of the public parking areas.
E. Inspection and Maintenance-Company must regularly inspect the public parking areas and
regularly maintain them in a clean, orderly and safe manner. The City will solicit participation
BID NO 14-08/09
Page 6
from Company in a visual inspection of the parking areas to assess the condition of lot surfaces,
signage, ADA compliance and landscaping and to provide recommendations for improvement.
Company will be responsible for day-to-day maintenance of the parking areas including sweeping
and clean up of the parking surfaces and mowing, edging, weeding, pruning and trimming of the
landscaping. Company's proposal should include a description of the proposed maintenance
program for the parking areas. The City shall maintain responsibility for capital improvements in
the parking areas, including resurfacing, striping, filling potholes, signage and ADA compliance.
o Be at least 18 years of age.
o Be able to read, write and speak the English language and must be able to write intelligible
o Have the ability to give and follow oral/written instructions in English.
o The ability to speak a second language, such as Spanish is highly desirable, but not required.
o Pass a background check conducted by the Chula Vista Police Department, a drug-screening test
and undergo a comprehensive medical examination to determine fitness to perform assigned
duties. (The Police Depamnent will provide the requirements to meet City background
requirements) .
o Have a fingerprint clearance with the Department of Justice (D.OJ.) and National Crime
Information Center (N.C.LC.) via LiveScan process conducted at Police Department.
A. Light blue uniform shirt with dark blue trousers. Uniform shirts shaJJ indicate the Company name
and logo and include a reference to Parking Enforcement. '"
B. Black leather steel-toed boots/shoes.
C. Black leather belt.
D. Silver color name plate with employee's first initial and last names.
E. Company identification badge, approved by the Police Department.
F. Summer uniform - light blue polo style shirt, dark blue short pants, white socks (no
higher than mid calf), clean white tennis style shoes.
G. Uniform must be well maintained and worn professionally and not in any manner inconsistent with
appropriate business fashion (i.e. No baggy clothes, untied laces, etc). The City may at its
discretion, request that replacement of on duty employee if dress not up to standard.
The primary enforcement responsibilities are:
A. Enforcement -Company shall enforce the Chula Vista Municipal Code sections related to on-street
and off-street parking within the Downtown Parking District during the City's enforcement hours
of 9 am to 6 pm six days-per-week (Monday-Saturday). Citations will be issued by Company and
must be tracked in their database, alJowing designated City staff access to view reports and
accounting. Enforcement must be consistent with scheduled shifts and routes and should utilize
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equipment including, but not limited, to an electronic handheld ticket writer The City prefers that
enforcement officers patrol on foot, bike or an equivalem mode of transportation such as a two-
wheeled electronic transportation vehicle to provide greater visibility and interaction with the
public. If there are additional costs associated with the proposed mode of transportation,
Company should include a description and cost estimate as a separate line item.
B. Payment Processing-Payment of citation should he made payable to the Company and mailed to
them directly. On a weekly basis, the Company would renait payment to the City for the prior
week's receipts along-with a system generated repon identifying the paid citations. The Company
will mail notices of violation for all unpaid citations to the registered owners of the vehicles listed
on the citations. After the required time has elapsed, the Company will forward a me to the
Department of Motor Vebicles (DMV) to request a hold on the vebicles in question. A separate
agency code would be required for these citations and DMV would remit these payments directly
to the City. The City would have "read-only" access to the Company's database for reporting and
auditing purposes.
C. Customer Service/Adjudication-Company shall provide a local or toll free number that, at a
minllnum, will be staffed Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to answer inquiries
from parking patrons and City staff. Company will handle all inquiries regarding parking
citations, meter malfunctions and other complaints relating to the Parking District in a courteous
and professional manner. The Company shall follow the process outlined in California Vehicle
Code Article 3, Sections 40200.7 and 40215 in processing Request for Dismissals (RFD) received
from contestants and conduct Administrati ve Hearings as needed. if a decision is appealed to the
Small Claims Court, the Company will provide the City the necessary paperwork to prepare for
the court case.
Additional related duties include, but are not limited to, the following:
D. Reporting to designated City staff, vehicles to be impounded or immobilized as a result of the
vehicle's driver having a specified number of delinquent parking citations.
E. Reporting to designated City staff, any unlawful act or condition or deficiency, which may pose a
hazard or danger to the general public.
F. Patrolling in motor vehicles or on foot, on designated routes and staggered-time schedules, with
primary responsibility of enforcing parking laws and regulations.
G. Panicipating in any hearing process or subsequent process involving a contested or challenged
parking citation.
H. Providing training for all regular,' replacement, and additional contract employees and any
necessary retraining and continuing education for contract employees. Training shall be
comprehensive and include information on parking enforcement statutes illld ordinances,
regulations, and resolutions enacted by the State of California and the City, parking enforcement
programs, and policies and procedures adopted by the City.
o Be at least 18 years of age.
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o Be able to read, write and speak the English language and must be able to write intelligible
o Have the ability to give and follow oral/written instructions in English.
o The ability to speak a second language, such as Spanish is highly desirable, but not required.
o Physically and mentally capable of performing parking enforcement duties.
o Have the ability to remain calm and use good judgment and initiative in a confrontational or
emergency situation.
o Have the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the public.
downtown business owners and City personnel.
o Possess a high school diploma or equivalent.
o Possess a valid class "C" State of California driver's license. (On-site personnel only)
o Possess all current State of California, Consumer Affairs, guard requirements. (On-site personnel
o Pass a background check conducted by the Chula Vista Police Department, a drug-screening test
and undergo a comprehensive medical examination to determine fitness to perform assigned
duties. The Police Department will provide the requirements to meet City background
requirements. (On-site personnel only)
o Have a fingerprint clearance with the Department of Justice (D.OJ.) and National Crime
Information Center (N.C.l.C.). (On-site personnel only)
o Company shall have enough trained, City-authorized staff to provide backfill employees to
maintain minimum staffmg levels.
1. Light blue uniform shirt with dark blue trousers. Uniform shirts shall indicate the Company name
and logo and include a reference to Parking Enforcement.
2. Black leather boots/shoes.
3. Black leather belt.
4. Silver color name plate with employee's first initial and last names.
5 Company identification badge, approved by the Police Department.
6. Summer uniform - light blue polo style shirt, dark blue short pants, white socks (no
higher than mid calf), clean white tennis style shoes,
7. Uniform must be well maintained and worn professionally and not in any manner inconsistent with
appropriate business fashion (Le. No baggy clothes, untied laces, erc) , The City may at its
discretion, request that replacement of on duty employee if dress not up to standard. Failure to
supply replacement employee if dress not up to standard may result in Liquidated
Damages as detailed in 2.1.4 (below),
The Company shall agree to be held liable for $400.00 in liquidated damages if a scheduled
8-hour shift is unfilled due to short staffing and $200.00 in liquidated damages if a
scheduled 4-hour shift is unfilled due to short staffing,
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Please provide the proposed cost estimate for the categories below with a brief description
of what is included in that amount. Please also attach a detailed breakdown of products,
services and costs for each of the categories below associated with your Proposal.
Equipment and Supplies
Third-party Services (if applicable)
Equipment and Supplies
Third-party Services (if applicable)
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01Y Of
Provide a list of three (3) customers for whom you have provided similar services. Please indicate:
Customer Name; Address; Contact Name and Telephone Number; Dates of Service.
Customer Name & Address
Contact Person & Phone
Date of Service
Payment Terms
In the absence of terms. payment shall be Net Thirty (30) Days.
Is Your Company Bonded?
Public Agency Participation
Other public agencies (e.g. city, county, public corporation. political subdivision, school district, or water
authority) may want to panicipate in any award as a result of this proposal. The City of Chula Vista shaU
incur no fmandal responsibility in connection with any contract by another public agency. The public
agency shall accept sole responsibility for entering into contracts and making payments to the successful
respondent. This option will not be considered in proposal evaluation. Please indicate whether this will
be granted.
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Proposal & Offer to Contract
The respondent, herein sometimes called company or contractor submits a proposal and offers to enter
into this contract with the City of Chula Vista, herein called City, this 23rd day of March 2009 as
TIlls Proposal & Offer to Contract, subject to the specifications, terms and conditions, and
General provisions herein, when duly accepted by the City shall constitute the contract between
the parties.
In consideration of the payments to be provided by the City, and in accordance with the
conditions expressed in the proposal forms and specifications attached and by this reference
incorporated herein, contractor agrees to furnish Parking Management and/or Parking
Enforcement to the City of Chula Vista,
Company Name
Print Name
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This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of the
proposal to this request, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The City reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified
source, or to cancel in part or entirely this RFP, if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. The City
further reserves the right to waive any technicalities or minor irregularities in bids received. The City
may require the selected bidder to participate in negotiations and to submit such price, technical or other
revisions of their proposals as may result from negotiations. The City shall be the sole judge in
determining award cif.contract.
Period of Coverage and Option Renewals
This agreement shall be effective from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Prices quoted shall remain
firm for the initial period of coverage. The agreement may be extended by mutual consent for five (5),
additional one (I) year option renewal periods.
Price Escalation
The City may negotiate additional favorable pricing, terms, and conditions provided that the original scope
of the agreement remains substantially unchanged.
Site Inspection
Bidders are responsible for inspection of the Parking District and pre-existing conditions and shall utilize
this information to determine the scope of services needed to accomplish the City's goals.
Successful bidder shall, throughout the duration of this agreement, maintain comprehensive general
liability, property damage. and transportation insurance covering all operations of the bidder; its agents
and employees, including but not limited to premises and automobile, with minimum coverage of One
Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit. Evidence of such coverage, in the form of a
Certificate of Insurance and Policy Endorsement that names the City of Chula Vista as an additional
insured, shall be submitted to the Purchasing Division within ten (10) days of notification of award. This
endorsement must be on a separate" Schedule B".
Thirty (30) day wriuen notice to the City of Chula Vista of cancellation or material change shall be
provided. Insurance Certificates shall not include "Modified Occurrence" restrictions. No substitutions
shall be allowed.
Worker's Compensation coverage for each employee engaged in work on this project is also required.
Insurance requirements may also be obtained by visiting:
http://www .chulavisraca. gov/City _ Services/Administrative _ Services/Finance/Purchasing/seU.asp.
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The City of Chula Vista may require additional insurance.
Business License
A business license is required in the City of Chula Vista by any person who transacts, engages in or
carries on any business within the corporate limits of tho city (Chula Vista Municipal Code 5.02.020).
Local Business Consideration
According to the Chula Vista Municipal Code, Chapter 2.56.090, letter G, In accordance with Section
1011 of the Chaner, in the event two or more bids are received which are for the same total amount or
unit price and in all other respects are equal, the contract shall be awarded to a local bidder. In the event,
however, that such tie bids are all from vendors eimer wholly inside or all outside of the city, then the
contract shall be awarded by drawing lots in public. In evaluating bids for award, the City of Chula Vista
considers the 1 % sales tax allocated back to the City from vendors located in Chula Vista.
Work to be Performed
1. Parking Management within the Downtown Parking District
2. Parking Enforcement within the Downtown Parking District
City's Best Interests. The City of Chula Vista reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals
received as a result of this Request for Proposal. The City further reserves the right to negotiate with
qualified contractors, to amend, or to cancel, in pan or in whole, this Request for Proposal if it is in the
City's best interest to do so.
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Please Read Carefitl(v
These Provisions Are a Par! oj' YOUT Bid and any COn/ract Awarded
The bidder agrees that:
A. Bidder has carefully examined the specifications, and all provisions relating to the item(s) to be
furnished or the work to be done; understands the meaning, intent, and requirements; and
B. Bidder will enter into a written contract and furnish the item(s) or complete the work in the time
specified, and in strict conformity with the City of Chula Vista specifications for the prices
Note. Bidder is defined as any individual, partnership, or corporation submitting a bid, proposal, or
quotation in response to a request for bid, request for proposal, or request for quotation. A
bidder may also be referred to as consultant, contractor, supplier, or vendor.
1. Prices:
All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten. Mistakes may be crossed out and corrections
typed or written with ink adjacent to the error; the person signing the bid must initial corrections in
Bids shall indicate the unit price extended to indicate the total price for each item bid. Any difference
between the unit price correctly extended and the total price shown for all items bid shall be resolved
in favor of the unit prices, except when the bidder clearly indicates that the total price for all items bid
is based on consideration of being awarded the entire lor and that an adjustment of the total price is
being made in consideration of receiving the entire bid.
2. Bidder's Security: (Not Applicable)
A bid deposit in an amount equal to at least 10 % of the bid may be required as a bid security by the
City. The bid security may only be in cash, a cashier's check, a certified check made payable to the
City of Chula Vista, or a bidder's bond. If the bid security is a bond, it shall be executed by a. surety .
insurer authorized to issue surety bonds in the State of California. The bid security must be executed
by the bidder and enclosed with the bid proposal in the sealed bid envelope.
3. Items Offered:
If the item offered has a trade name, brand andlor catalog number, such shall be stated in the bid. If
the bidder proposes to furnish an item of a manufacturer or vendor other than that mentioned on the
face hereof, bidder must specify maker, brand, quality, catalog number, or other trade designation.
Unless such is noted on the bid form, it will be deemed that the item offered is that designated even
though the bid may state A or equal@.
4. Brand Names:
Whenever reference to a specific brand name is made. it is intended to describe a component that has
been determined to best meet operational, performance, or reliability standards of the City, thereby
incorporating these standards by reference within the specifications. An equivalent (or equal) may be
offered by the bidder, subject to evaluation and acceptance by the City. Ir is the bidder's
responsibility to provide, at bidder's expense, samples, test data, or other documentation the City may
require to fully evaluate and determine acceptability of an offered substitute. The City reserves the
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sole right to reject a substimted component that will not meet or exceed City standards.
5. Samples:
Samples may be required for bid evaluation and testing purposes. Bidders shall agree to provide
samples within forty-eight (48) hours upon request and at no additional cost to the City.
6. Verify Quotations:
Prices shall be verified prior to bid submittal, as withdrawal or correction may not be permitted after
the bid has been opened.
7. Firm Prices:
Prices on bid shall be firm prices not subject to escalation. In the event the specifications provide for
escalation, the maximum limit shall be shown, or the bid shall not be considered. In the event of a
decline in market price below a price bid, the City of Chula Vista shall receive the benefit of such
8. Modification or Withdrawal of Bids:
Bids may be modified or withdravro by written or facsimile notice received prior to the exact hour and
date specified for receipt of bid. A bid may also be withdtawD in person by a bidder, or bidder's
authorized representative, prior to the exact hour and date set for receipt of bids. Telephone
withdrawals are not permitted.
9. Late Bids, Modifications, or "lithdrawals:
(a) Bids. modifications of bids. or bid withdrawals received after the exact time and date specified for
receipt will not be considered unless receipt is before the contract is awarded and the City
determines that late receipt was due solely to City error
(b) Modification of a successful bid that makes the terrru; of the bid more favorable to the City will be
considered at any time.
10. Mistake in Bid:
(a) If the bidder discovers a mistake in bid prior to the hour and date specified for receipt of bid.
bidder may correct the mistake by modifying or withdrawing the bid in accordance with Items 8
and 9 above.
(b) If within seventy-two. hours of the bid closing and prior to the issuance of a purchase order or a
contract, the apparent low and best bidder discovers a mistake in bid of a serious and significant
nature which is unfavorable to bidder, bidder may request consideration be given to modifying the
bid if it remains the lowest bid or to withdrawal of the bid if the result of the correction of the
misrake makes another bidder lowest and best bidder The mistake must be evident and provable.
The right is reserved by the City to reject any and ail requests for correction of mistakes in bids
received after the hour and date of the bid closing. The decision of the Purchasing Agent is final
as regards acceptance or rejection of requests for correction of bids.
(c) A mistake in bid cannot be considered once a purchase order or contract is issued.
11. Signature:
All bids shall be signed and the title and firm name indicated. A bid by a corporation shall be signed
by an authorized officer, employee or agent with his or her title.
12. No Bids:
If no bid is to be submitted, the bid should be marked "No Bid" and returned to maintain the bidder's
n3IIle in the vendor fIle for future solicitations. A letter or postcard may be submitted. If a bidder
fails to respond to a reasonable number of bids without returning a "No Bid", the Purchasing Agent
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reserves the right to delete the bidder from the vendor file for future solicitations.
13. Alternative Proposals:
To be responsive to the bid. bidder must submit a proposal that meets all specific bid requirements.
Once bidder has proposed a product which is responsive to the specification, bidder may include with
the bid any additional proposals or alternative products that bidder believes can meet or exceed the
City's requirements and that 'may offer additional advantages. benefits, or cost savings. The City
reserves the right to evaluate, and accept or reject, such alternatives as though they were part of the
original specifications without advertising for further bids, when in the best interests of the City. 1\ny
awards so made will be based on operational and cost analysis considerations that would result in the
optimum economic advantage to the City.
14. Confidential Information:
Any information deemed confidential or proprietary should be clearly identified by the bidder as such.
It may then be protected and treated with confidentiality only to the extent permitted by state law.
Otherv.rise the information shall be considered a public record. Information or data submitted with a
bid will not be returned.
15. Quality:
Unless otherwise required in the specifications, all goods furnished shall be new and unused.
16. Litigation Warranty:
The bidder, by bidding, warrants that bidder is not currently involved in litigation or arbitration
concerning the materials or bidder's performance concerning the same or similar material or service to
be supplied pursuant to this contract of specification, and that no judgments or awards have been made
against bidder on the basis of bidder's performance in supplying or installing the same or similar
material or service. unless such fact is disclosed to the City in the bid. Disclosure will not disqualify
the bidder. The City reserves the right to evaluate bids on the basis of the facts surrounding such
litigation or arbitration and to require bidder to furnish the City with a surety bond executed by a
surety company authorized to do business in the State of California and approved by The City of
Chula Vista in a sum equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price conditional on the
faithful performance by bidder of the contract in the event the bid is awarded to bidder,
notwithstanding the litigation or arbitration.
17. Royalties, Licenses and Patents:
Unless otherwise specified, the bidder shall pay all royalties, license and patent fees. The bidder
warrants that the materials to be supplied do not infringe any patent, trademark or copyright and
further agrees to defend any and all suits, actions and claims for infringement that are brought against
the City, and to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City from all loss or damages. whether
general, exemplary or punitive, as a result of any actual or claimed infringement asserted against the
City, the bidder or those furnishing material to bidder pursuant to this contract.
18. Performance Standards:
Performance of work and acceptability of equipment or materials supplied pursuant to any contract or
award shall be to the satisfaction of the City.
19. Vi' arranties:
(a) All material, labor or equipment provided under the contract shall be warranted by bidder and/or
manufacturer for at least twelve (12) months after acceptance by City. Greater warranty
protection will be accepted. Lesser warranty protection must be indicated by bidder on the bid
proposal as an exception.
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(b) Bidder shall be considered primarily responsible to the City for all warranty service, parts and
labor applicable to the goods or equipment provided by bidder under this bid or award,
irrespective of whether bidder is an agent, broker, fabricator or manufacturer's dealer. Bidder
shall be responsible for ensuring that warranty work is performed at a local agency or facility
convenient to City and that services, pans and labor are available and provided to meet City's
schedules and deadlines. City may require bidder to post a performance bond after contract award
to guarantee performance of these obligations. Bidder may establish a service contract with a
local agency satisfactory to City to meet this obligation if bidder does not ordinarily provide
warranty service.
20. Addenda:
The effect of all addenda to the bid documents shall be considered in the bid, and said addenda shall
be made part of the bid documents and shall be returned with them. Before submining a bid. each
bidder shall ascertain whether or not any addenda have been issued, and failure to cover in this bid
any such addenda issued may render the bid invalid and result in its rejection.
21. Specifications to Prevail:
The detailed requirements of the specifications shall supersede any conflicting reference in these
General Provisions which are in conflict therewith.
22. Taxes:
The City will furnish Exemption Certificates for Federal Excise Tax. The City is liable for State, City
and County Sales Taxes. Do not include this tax in the amount bid. However, tax is to be added by
the successful bidder to the net amount invoiced. All or any portion of the City Sales Tax returned to
the City will be considered in the evaluation of bids.
23. Conflict of Interest:
No City employee or elected'or appointed member of City government, or member of the employee's
immediate family, may participate directly or indirectly in the procurement process penaining to this
bid if they:
(a) Have a financial interest or other personal interest which is incompatible with the proper discharge
of their official duties in the public interest or would tend to impair their independence, judgment
or action in the performance of their official duties.
(b) Are negotiating for or have an arrangement concerning prospective employment with bidder. The
bidder warrants to the best of his knowledge that the submission of the bid will not create such
conflict of interest. In the event such a conflict occurs, the bidder is to report it immediately to the
Purchasing Agent. For breach or violation of this warranty, the City shall ha ve the right to annul
this contract without liability at its discretion, and bidder may be subject to damages and/or
debarment or suspension.
24. Gratuities:
The City may rescind the right of the bidder to proceed under this agreement if it is found that
graruities in the form of entertainment, gifts, or otherwise are offered or given by the bidder. or any
agent or representative of the bidder, to any officer or employee of the City with the intent of
influencing award of this agreement or securing favorable treatment with respect to performance of
this agreement.
25. Faithful Performance Bond:
Successful bidder may be required to furnish the City with a surety bond conditioned upon the faithful
performance of the contract. This may take the form of a bond executed by a surety company
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authorized to do business in the State of California and approved by the City of Chula Vista, an
endorsed Certificate of Deposit, or a money order or a certified check drawn on a solvent bank. The
bond shall be in a sum equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the contract price. Such
bond or deposit shall be forfeited to the City in the event that bidder receiving the contract shall fail or
refuse to fulflll the requirements and all terms and conditions of the contract.
26. Insurance:
Should work be required on City premises, bidder shall provide proof of liability and property damage
insurance prior to performance of duties. Coverage shall be from a company authorized to transact
business in the State of California and shall be in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single
limit (CSL), unless otherwise specified. The City of Chula Vista shall be named as an additional
insured and thirty (30) days notice of cancellation shall be indicated. Worker's Compensation
coverage for each employee engaged in work on City premises is required. Bidder is solely
responsible for all insurance premium payments.
27. Indemnification:
Bidder shall defend, indenmify, protect and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officers,
employees, and agents, from and against all claims for damages, liability, and expenses (including
attorney's fees) arising out of this agreement and/or bidder's performance hereunder, except as to such
damages, liability, and expenses due to the sole negligence or willful acts of the City, its officers,
employees or agents. City may request additional indemnity provisions.
28. Award of Contract:
(a) Bida will be analyzed and award will be made to the lowest, responsive and responsible bidder
whose bid conforms to the solicitation and whose bid is considered to be most advantageous to the
City, price and other factors considered. Factors to be considered may include, but are not
limited to: bidder's past performance, total unit cost, economic cost analysis. life cycle costs,
warranty and quality, maintenance cost, durability, the operational requirements of the City and
any other factors which will result in the optimum economic benefit to the City.
(b) The City reserves the right to reject any item or items, to waive informalities, technical defects
and minor irregularities in bids received; and to select the bides) deemed most advantageous to the
City. The City will, however, consider bids submitted on an "all or nothing" basis if the bid is
clearly designated as such.
ee) The City reserves the right to award one or more contracts on the bids submitted, either by award
of all items to one bidder or by award of separate items or groups of items to various bidders as
the interests of the City may require, unless the bidder clearly specifies otherwise in his bid.
(d) For the purpose of evaluating bids for multiple awards, the sum of $100.00 is considered to be the
administrative cost to the City for issuing and administering each contract awarded under this
solicitation, and individual awards will be made for the items and combinations of items which
result in the lowest aggregate price to the City, inc1udin~ such administrative cost.
(e) Upon acceptance by the City of Chula Vista, the solicitation, bid, proposal, or price quotation and
a purchase order issued to the successful bidder shall be deemed to result in a binding contract
incorporating those terms and these General Provisions without further action required by either
party. Items are to be furnished as described in the bid and in strict conformity with all
instructions, conditions, specifications, and provisions in the complete contract, as defmed by this
clause 28 or any related integrated agreement.
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29. Bid Results:
To obtain bid results, either (I) attend bid opening or (2) provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope
referencing bid number, and bid tabulation will be mailed to you upon verification of extensions or (3)
visit the Purchasing Department no sooner than three working days after bid opening to review bid
tabulation. Due to time constraints, bid results cannot be given out over the phone.
30. Protests:
Protests by unsuccessful bidders to the selection for award shall be submitted in writing to the
Purchasing Agent no later than ten (10) calendar days after award recommendation. The unsuccessful
bidder shall have the right to appear at the City Council to protest any award to be confirmed by
Council. Failure to submit a timely written protest to the Purchasing Agent shall bar consideration of
such protest.
31. Docwnentation:
Due to the time constraints that affect contract performance, all required documents, certificates of
insurance and bonds shall be provided to the City within ten (10) calendar days following award or
date of request by City, whichever is later. Any failure to comply may result in bid being declared
non-responsive and rejected, and at City's option the bid bond may be attached for damages suffered.
32. Discounts:
(a) In connection with any discount offered, time will be computed from date of delivety and
acceptance, or invoice receipt, whichever is later. Payment is deemed to be made for the purpose
of earning the discount on the date of mailing of the City check.
(b) Any discount offered other than for prompt payment should be included in the net price quoted
and not included in separate terms. In the event this is not done, the City reserves the right to
accept the discount offered and adjust prices accordingly on the Purchase Order.
33. Seller's Invoice:
Invoices shall be prepared and submitted in duplicate to address shown on the Purchase Order.
Separate invoices are required for each Purchase Order Invoices shall contain the following
information. Purchase Order number. item number, description of supplies or services, sizes, unit of
measure, quantity, unit price and extended totals.
34. Inspection and Acceptance:
Inspection and acceptance will be at destination unless specified otherwise, and will be made by the
City department shown in the shipping address or other duly authorized representative of the City.
Until delivery and acceptance, and after any rejection, risk of loss will be on the bidder unless loss
results from negligence of the City.
35. Lost and Damaged Shipments:
Risk of loss or damage to items prior to the time of their receipt and acceptance by the City is upon
the bidder The City has no obligation to accept damaged shipments and reserves the right to return at
the bidder's expense damaged merchandise even though .the damage was not apparent or discovered
until after receipt of the items.
36. Late Shipments:
Bidder is responsible to notify the City department receiving the items and the Purchasing Agent of
any late or delayed shipments. The City reserves the right to cancel all or any part of an order if the
shipment is not made as promised.
37. Document Ownership:
(a) All technical documents and records originated or prepared pursuant to this contract, including
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papers, reports, charts, and computer programs, shall be delivered to and become the exclusive
property of the City and may be copyrighted by the City. Bidder assigns all copyrights to City by
undertaking this agreement.
(b) All inventions. discoveries, enhancements, changes, or improvements of computer programs
developed pursuant to this contract shall be the property of the City, and all patents or copyrights
shall be assigned to City, unless otherwise agreed. Bidder agrees that City may make
modifications to computer software furnished by bidder without infringing bidder's copyright or
any license granted to City.
38. Advertisements, Product Endorsements:
City employees and agencies or organizations funded by the City of Chula Vista are prohibited from
making endorsements, either implied or direct, of commercial products or services without written
approval of the City Manager. No bidder may represent that the City of Chula Vista has endorsed
their product or service without the Purchasing Agent's prior written approval.
39. City Provisions to Prevail:
Except as indicated in the specifications, the City's standard General Provisions shall govern any
contract award. Any standard terms and conditions of bidder subntined by bidder shall not be
acceptable to City unless expressly agreed to by the City. The City reserves the right to reject
bidder's bid as non-responsive, to consider the bid without bidder's standard terms and conditions, or
to require bidder to delete reference to such as a condition of evaluation or award of the bid. If, after
award of contract, bidder (contract vendor) shall provide materials or services accompanied by new or
additional standard terms or conditions, they too shall be considered void and City may require
deletion as a further condition of performance by vendor. To the extent not otherwise provided for by
the contract documents, the California Commercial Code shall apply.
40. Invalid Provisions:
In the event that anyone or more of the provisions of this agreement shall be found to be invalid,
illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in effect and be enforceable.
41. Amendments and Modifications:
The Purchasing Agent may at any time, by written order, and without notice to the sureties, make a
modification to the contract or an amendment to the Purchase Order, within the general scope of this
contract, in (1) quantity of materials or service, whether more or less; (2) drawings, designs, or
specifications, where the supplies to be furnished are to be specially manufactured for the City; (3)
method of shipment or packing: and (4) place of delivery. If any such change causes an increase or
decrease in the cost or the time required for the performance of this contract, an equitable adjustment
shall be made by written modification of the contract or amendment to the Purchase Order. Any claim
by the bidder for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within 30 calendar days from the
notification date.
42. Assignment:
Vendor shall not assign or delegate duties or responsibilities under this agreement, in whole or in part,
without prior written approval of the City.
43. Disputes:
Except as otherwise provided in these provisions, any dispute concerning a question of fact arising
under this contract which is not disposed of by agreement shall be decided by the Purchasing Agent,
who shall reduce this decision to writing and mail a copy to the bidder. The decision of the
Purchasing Agent shall be fmal and conclusive, unless bidder requests mediation within ten (0)
BID 1'0 14-08/09
Page 21
calendar days. Pending fInal decision of a dispute, the bidder shall proceed diligently with the
performance of the contract and in accordance with the Purchasing Agent's decision.
44. i\'lediation:
Should an unresolved dispute arise out of this agreement, any party may request that it be submitted to
mediation. The parties shall meet in mediation within thiny (30) days of a request. Tbe mediator shall
be agreed to by the mediating parties; in the absence of an agreement, the panies shall each submit
one name from mediators listed by either the American Arbitration Association, the California State
Board of Mediation and Conciliation, or other agreed-upon service. The mediator shall be selected by
a blindfold process.
The cost of mediation shall be borne equally by both panies. Neither pany shall be deemed the
prevailing parry. No parry shall be permitted to file a legal action without first meeting in mediation
and making a good faith attempt to reach a mediated settlement. The mediation process, once
commenced by a meeting with the mediator, shall last until agreement is reached by the parties but not
more than sixty (60) days, unless the maximum time is extended by both panies.
45. Lawful Performance:
Vendor shall abide by all Federal, State and Local Laws, Ordinances, Regulations, and Statutes as
may be related to the performance of duties under this agreement. In addition. all applicable permits
and licenses required shaU be obtained by the vendor, at vendor's sole expense.
46. Annual Appropriation of Funds:
Multi-year term supply and service contracts and leases are subject to annual appropriation of funds by
the City CounciL Payments made under term contracts and leases are considered items of current
expense. Purchase Orders are funded when issued; therefore, they are current expense items and are
not subject to any subsequent appropriation of funds. In the event" sufficient funds are not
appropriated for the payment of lease payments or anticipated term contract payments required to be
paid in the next occurring lease or contract term. and if no funds are legally available from other
sources, the lease or contract may be terminated at the end of the original term or renewal term and
me City shall not be obligated to make further payments beyond the then current original or renewal
term. The City will provide notice of its inability to continue the lease or contract at such time as the
Purchasing Agent is aware of the non-appropriation of funds. However, failure to notify does not
renew the term of the lease or contract. The City has no monetary obligation in event of termination
or reduction of a term contract since such contracts represent estimated quantities and is not funded as
a contract except to the extent of the Purchase Orders issued.
47. Extension:
\\Then in the City" s best interest, this agreement may be extended on a daily, month-to-month, or
annual basis by mutual agreement of both parties. Services and/or materials received under an
extension shall be in accordance with pricing, terms, and conditions, as described herein.
48. Debarment:
The Purchasing Agent may recommend to the City Council that the person or business be debarred
from consideration for award of contracts. The period of debarment will be contingent upon the
severity of cause. Causes for debarment include:
(a) Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or
destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or other offense indicating a lack of business
integrity or business honesty which directly affects responsibility as a City bidder.
(b) Violation of contract provisions which is regarded by the Purchasing Agent to be so serious as to
BID NO 14-08/09
Page 22
justify debarment action. including:
(1) Deliberate failure without good cause to perform in accordance with the specifications or
within the time limit provided in the contract; or
(2) A recent record of failure to perform or of unsatisfactory performance in accordance with
the terms of one or more contracts;
(3) Two or more claims of computational error in bid submission within a two year period.
(e) Debarment by another gove=ental entity.
Cd) Any other cause the Purchasing Agent deems to be so serious and compelling as to affect
responsibility as a City bidder. A bidder may be permanently debarred for the following causes:
(1) Collusion in bidding.
(2) Conviction for commission of a criminal offense as an incident to obtaining or attempting to
obtain a contract or subcontract with the City of Chula Vista or in the performance of such
contract or subcontract.
(3)Conviction under State or Federal antitrust statutes arising out of the submission of bids or
49. Termination:
The City may terminate this agreement and be relieved of any consideration to the vendor should
vendor fail to perform in the manner required. Furthermore, the City may terminate this agreement
for any reason without penalty upon giving thirty (30) days wrinen notice to the vendor. In the event
of termination, the full extent of City liability shall be limited to an equitable adjustment and payment
for materials and/or services authorized by and received to the satisfaction of the City prior to
50. Venue:
This agreement shall be governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the State of California,
and venue for any proceeding shall be in the County of San Diego.
Please prm'ide the proposed CQst f~stimale.ror (he categories below with a. brief description ofwhal i.\'
included i11 that amount. Please also attach (/ detailed breakdol-i-'n qI products, services and costs for
each of the (:ategories below assochlled with your Proposal.
Manaaer and Collections Staff
Equipment and Supplies
Collection Eauipment & Supplies
Third-party Services (if applicable)
Insurance. Uniforms. TIckets. Bank Charaes.
Supplies. Screenina & Lot Maintenance
TOTAL $ 6.996
Parkina Enforcement Staff
Equipment and Supplies
Enforcement Vehicle ISeowavl
Third-party Services (if applicable)
Vehicle Insurance. 'Para System & Data Charaes
TOTAL $ 5.438
~ - ~
1~ Parking Management Proposal
BID NO 14~8/09
01Y OF
Page 11
Proposal & OlTer to Contract
The respondent, herein sometimes called company or contractor submits a proposal and offers to enter into this
contract with the City of Chula Vista, herein called City. this 23rd day of March 2009 as follows:
This Proposal & Offer to Contract, subject to the specifications, terms and conditions, and General
provisions herein, when duly accepted by the City shall constitute the contract between the parties.
In consideration of the payments to be provided by the City, and in accordance with the conditions
expressed in the proposal fonus and specifications attached and by this reference incorporated herein,
contractor agrees to furnish Parking Management and/or Parking Enforcement to the City of Cbula
Company Name Ace Parkin<l Mana<lement. Inc.
645 Ash Street
City San Di~o State ~ Zip 92101
Telephone 619-233-6624 Fax 619-233.0741
Print Name s~n / ~Tltle President
Signature if ~---==-- Date March 23, 2009
-../ ~>
WHEREAS, the Downtown Parking District was established In 1963 pursuant to the
Parking District Law of 1951; and
WHEREAS, the Downtown Parking District provides more than 1700 public parking spaces
through metered and free parking; and
WHEREAS, a Parking Management Study began in December 2006 and was completed in
the summer of2007; and
WHEREAS, an Interim Action Plan was subsequently approved by the City Council on
November 13, 2007, including a recommendation to increase the Parking District Boundaries and
contract out parking management and enforcement; and
WHEREAS, on March 9, 2009, staff released a Request for Formal Proposal (RFP) to
provide contract parking management, enforcement and landscaping services for the City of Chula
Vista Parking District; and
WHEREAS, the Finance Department Purchasing Division received seven sealed bids by the
deadline of March 23, 2009, at 1 p.m.; and
WHEREAS, a selection committee comprised of representatives from the Finance
Department, Police Department, the Interim Parking Administrator and a member of the Parking
Working Group reviewed each of the proposals and conducted interviews with three firms,
including Ace Parking and two local Chula Vista firms; and
WHEREAS, after careful review and consideration of the proposals, staff determined based
on numerous factors that the Ace Parking proposal should be accepted. The total cost of the contract
is approximately $185,000 for the first year of operations and approximately $200,000 in
subsequent years with their contract commencing July I, 2009; and
WHEREAS, the Parking Management Strategy includes long-term policies and
recommendations for improvements and changes in the Downtown Parking District, including the
recommendation to contract management and enforcement of the Parking District to Ace Parking;
WHEREAS, certain modifications to Chula Vista Municipal Code Title 10 are necessary to
implement changes proposed in the Parking Management Strategy.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chula Vista City Council does
hereby approve the Downtown Parking Management Strategy, accept bids, and award the contract
for Parking District Management and Enforcement to Ace Parking,
Presented by:
/! ,-,
, bY!
"" t/! /
Ir '~
Gary Halbert
Deputy City Manager/Development Services Manager
TITLE 10 CHAPTERS 10.08, 10.52, 10.56 AND 10.62 OF THE
WHEREAS, the Downtown Parking District was established in 1963 pursuant to the
Parking District Law of 1951; and
WHEREAS, the Downtown Parking District provides more than 1700 public parking
spaces through metered and free parking; and
WHEREAS, modifications have been made within the Parking District including
installing new individual and multi-space meters, expanding the District Boundaries and
contracting management and enforcement; and
WHEREAS, modifications are required in Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 10 to
accurately describe and address these changes and to provide accurate and consistent
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby ordain:
Chapter 10 Section 10.08 Definitions is amended by adding Sections
10.08.147 and 10.08.155 and amending the text of Section 10.08.150 as
Parking enforcement, Contract.
Parking meter, Individual.
Par~ll1R m~ter1.Multi-Spa~e_:
10.08.147 Parking Enforcement, Contract.
"Contract Enforcement" shall mean any duly qualified company that the City has entered into a
contract with and approved by the Chief of Police to provide enforcement of CVMC Chapters
10.52, 10.56 and 10.60 relating to CVMC infractions only in the parking zones.
'10.08.150 Parking meter, Individual.
"Individual parking meter" means a mechanical device installed within or upon the curb or
,sidewalk area immediately adjacent to a parking space for the purpose of controlling the period
of time for the occupancy of such parking space by any vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S I, 1996; Ord. 973
S I, 1966; prior code S 19. 1.3 (N)).
10.08.155 Parking meter, Multi-space.
"Multi-space parking meter" means a mechanical device installed within the parking zone for
the purpose of controlling the period of time for the occupancy of multiple parking spaces.
Chapter 10 Section 10.52 Stopping, Standing and Parking Sections
10.52.110,10.52.120,10.52.130, and 10.52.480 are amended to read as
'i 10.52.110 Parking for advertising or demonstration purposes prohibited when.
~i No vehicle displaying advertising matter for the primary purpose of commercial advertising,
,as prohibited by CVMC 5.08.030 through 5.08.060, shall park upon any residential street or
. public parking area in this city. This prohibition shall not apply to a vehicle being offered "for
sale." (Ord. 294691,2004; Ord. 2670 9 1,1996; Ord. 22559 1, 1988; Ord. 973 9 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.10.7).
.10.52.120 Repairing or greasing of vehicles prohibited where.
No person shall build or cause to be built, rebuild or cause to be rebuilt, grease or cause to be
greased, or perform any maintenance including changing of oil or flushing radiators on any
:vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street or public parking area in the city. Except for
. temporary emergency repairs, no person shall repair or cause to be repaired any vehicle upon a
public street. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 174491,1977; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code 919.10.8).
10.52.130 Washing or polishing of vehicles prohibited when.
No person shall wash or cause to be washed, or polish or cause to be polished, any vehicle or
any part thereof upon any public street or public parking area in the city when a charge is made
for such service. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code 919.10.9).
10.52.480 Municipal parking lots - Designated - Manner of parking required - Schedule
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Section 22519, the following areas are designated as off-street
public parking lots owned or operated by the city. It is unlawful for any vehicle to park in a
municipal parking lot except in accordance with the angle to the curb indicated by signs or
pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of said
. allotted space, with the front wheel nearest the curb and within six inches of said curb or other
stop, and in accordance with the time limits indicated on signs erected in the area by the city
engineer pursuant to regulation adopted under CVMC 10.04.030. The city engineer shall
: maintain within a register a Schedule XV listing the restrictions applicable to these locations.
.cOrd. 298391,2004; Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 248891,1991; Ord. 2436 9 I, 1991).
Designated Parking Location
No.1 Near southwest comer of Landis and E streets
No.2 Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson streets
No.3 200 block of Landis (North of F Street)
No.4 340 F Street (Near southwest comer of E Street)
No.5 Near southeast comer of Third and Madrona
No.6 Northwest corner of Church and Madrona streets
No.7 Southwest corner of Church and Center streets
No.8 281-287 Church Avenue (Between Church and Del Mar streets)
No.9 Southwest comer of Church and Davidson streets
No. 10 Northwest comer of Church and Davidson streets
No. 11 222 Church Avenue (Between E and Davidson streets)
NPSC Norman Park Senior Center (Between F and Center streets)
City Hall Employee Lot North side ofF Street, West of intersection with Fourth Avenue
Chu1a Vista Community South of Chula Vista Community Park and West of East1ake
Park Lot Parkway
City Employee Lot West of Maxwell Road and North of Main Street at the John Lippit
Public Works Center
Ken Lee Lot West of Fourth Avenue and South ofF Street
Police Department East of Fourth Avenue and South ofF Street
Parking Structure
d 0.56.31 0
Chapter 10 Section 10.56 Parking Meters, Parking Meter Zones and
Permit Parking is amended by adding Section 10.56.095 and amending the
text of Sections 10.56.020, 10.56.030, 10.56.040, 10.56.080, 10.56.090,
10.56.100,10.56.110,10.56.120,10.56.130, 10.56.140, 10.56.150,
10.56.180,10.56.190,10.56.270,10.56.280, 10.56.300, 10.56.300, and
10.56.310 as follows:
Meter zones - Designated -Time limits authorized in zone - Schedule XI.
Meters, Individual- Display of time limit.
Meters, Multi-space-Disp1ay of time limit.
Payment by unauthorized person prohibited.
Permit parking - Form of permit - Permit parking authorized when.
Permits or tags - Sale procedure - Display of permit.
10.56.020 Meters - Installation and maintenance - Rates for use.
The City Council shall provide for the installation of parking meters including curb or street
marking lines, regulation and operation thereof, cause said meters to be maintained in good
'workable condition, and set the rates for parking in a space regulated by said meters by
ordinance. The rates for parking in a space regulated by a meter are as follows:
A. Thirty (30) Minute Meters. A $0.25 deposit up to the maximum time limit established for
: the zone in which the meter is located; or
B. Two, Three and Four Hour Meters. A $0.25 deposit for each 30-minute interval or a $0.50
deposit for each one-hour interval up to the maximum legal time limit established for the zone in
'which the meter is located; or
C. Ten (10) Hour Meters. A $0.25 deposit for each one-hour period up to the maximum legal
,time limit established for the zone in which the meter is located. (Ord. 3094 9 2, 2007; Ord.
2670,1996; Ord. 2436 9 2,1991; Ord. 23679 I, 1990; Ord. 214391,1986; Ord. 955 S 3, 1965).
10.56.030 Meter zones - Established - Regulations generally.
Pursuant to the authority of Vehic1e Code Section 22508, parking meter zones and the rate of
!fees for parking in such zones shall be established in this CVMC Chapter 10 and applicable to
,those public parking lots and streets or parts of streets as identified and as described in CVMe
10.56.040, Schedule XI, in which zones the parking of vehicles shall be regulated by parking
meters for the duration of time specified in said Schedule XI and for the hours of operation
identified in CYMC 10.56.150. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 2436 S 3, 1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.17.1(A)).
10.56.040 Meter zones - Designated - Time limits authorized in zone - Schedule XI.
In accordance with CYMC 10.56.030, parking meter zones are hereby established upon those
. public parking lots and streets or portions of streets described herein in which parking of vehicles
,shall be regulated by parking meters between the hours and on days specified in CYMC
'10.56.150 and upon the signs erected thereon, and for the duration specified below and upon the
signs erected thereonas follows:
Schedule XI
Name of Street Beginning At Ending At Side Duration
Center Street Third Avenue Del Mar A venue N/S 1 hour
Church Avenue F Street E Street E/W 2 hours
Church Avenue Center Street Madrona Street E/W 2 hours
Del Mar A venue F Street Center Street East 2 hours
E Street Garrett Avenue 100 ft. E/E curb line of N/S 2 hours
Landis Avenue
F Street Garrett Avenue Del Mar Avenue North 2 hours
G Street 100 ft. W /W curbline of 100 ft. E/E curb line of N/S 2 hours
Third Avenue Church Avenue
Garrett Avenue 125 ft. S/S curbline ofE 150 ft. N/N curbline ofE East 2 hours
Street Street
Landis Avenue F Street 300 ft. N/N curb line ofE East 2 hours
Landis Avenue F Street 170 ft. N/N curbline of E West 2 hours
Madrona Street Third Avenue 125 ft. E/E curb line of N/S 2 hour
Third Avenue
Park Way 125 ft. W/W curbline of Third Avenue N/S 2hour
Third Avenue
Third Avenue E Street Center Street East 2 hours
Third Avenue Center Street Madrona A venue East 30 minutes
or 2 hours
Third Avenue Madrona Avenue Alvarado Street East 2 hours
Third Avenue
Parking Lot
No. 10
No. 11
E Street
Roosevelt Street
West 2 hours
10 hours
4 hours
10 hours
3 hours/
4 hours
10 hours
10 hours
10 hours
4 hours
10 hours
10 hours
2 hours
The city engineer shall maintain within a register a Schedule XI listing the restrictions
applicable to these locations where parking meter zones have been established. (Ord. 2983 S 2,
2004; Ord. 2712 S 1, 1997; Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 2623 S 1,1995; Ord. 2488 S 2,1991; Ord.
2436 S 4,1991; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
Near southwest comer of Landis and E streets
Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson streets
200 block of Landis (North of F Street)
340 F Street (Near southwest corner ofE Street)
Near southeast corner of Third and Madrona
Northwest comer of Church and Madrona streets
Southwest comer of Church and Center streets
281-287 Church Avenue (Between Church and Del Mar streets)
Southwest comer of Church and Davidson streets
Northwest corner of Church and Davidson streets
222 Church A venue (Between E and Davidson streets)
Norman Park Senior Center (Between F and Center streets)
10.56.080 Meters - Installation - Location.
Individual parking meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk or area immediately
adjacent to each parking space in a parking meter zone. Each meter shall be placed in such
manner as to show or display by sign or signal that the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not
legally in use. Multi-space parking meters shall be located within the zone regulated and
indicated by appropriate parking control devices. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.17.2(A)).
! 10.56.090 Meters, Individual- Display of time limit.
Each parking meter shall be designed to display, after the operational procedure has been
completed, a sign or signal indicating legal parking for that period of time conforming to the
limit of parking time or portion thereof for which payment has been made for the zone in which
said parking metcr is installed, and shall continue to operate from the time of the completion of
the operational procedure until the expiration of the time fixed as the parking limit or a portion
thereof for the parking space for which said meter is placed. Each parking meter shall also be
arranged so that upon the expiration of said legal parking time it will indicate by a mechanical
operation and by proper signal that the lawful parking period has expired. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996;
Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior code S 19.17.2(B)).
,10.56.095 Meters, Multi"space - Display of time limit
, A multi-space meter shall, after deposit of payment required, dispense a ticket on which the
,amount of payment deposited, the applicable meter zone/lot that the ticket for which the ticket is
,valid, and expiration date and time of valid parking period will be displayed.
,10.56.100 Meter zone - Manner of parking required.
When any vehicle is to be parked within a parking space regulated by a parking meter, the
,operator of said vehicle shall park within the assigned area designated by marking lines
'indicating parallel, diagonal, perpendicular, or other such manner of parking.
A. When a parking space regulated by a parking meter is parallel to an adjacent curb or
sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked so that the foremost part of
such vehicle shall be alongside of the nearest parking meter.
B. When a parking space regulated by a individual parking meter is diagonal to a curb or
sidewalk, any vehicle parked in such parking space shall be parked with the foremost part of
such vehicle directly at and nearest to such meter.
, C. When a parking space is regulated by a multi-space meter, any vehicle parked within
; such parking space shall park in a manner such that the foremost part of the vehicle enters the
ispace prior to the remainder of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 91,1996; Ord. 973 9 1,1966; prior code
'10.56.110 Meter - Driver operations required.
Upon parking a vehicle in a parking space regulated by a parking meter, the owner or operator
of such vehicle shall immediately make payment in the amount required by CVMC Section
.10.56.020 for the time limit or any fractional portion as may be authorized for the zone in which
, said parking meter is installed.
A. For an individual parking meter, after the deposit of payment as required by this section,
the owner or operator of such vehicle shall turn any crank, knob, handle or other device or
perform such other actions as may be required in accordance with the instructions posted on the
face of said parking meter.
B. For a multi-space meter, the owner or operator of such vehicle shall select the time period
that the vehicle will remain parked in the parking space, make payment in the manner required in
accordance with the instructions on said parking meter, remove the ticket dispensed from the
,parking meter, and place such ticket on the dashboard of said vehicle such that it is clearly
: visible from the exterior of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 973 9 I, 1966; prior code
.10.56.120 Meter zone - Parking unlawful when.
, Said parking space may then be used by such vehicle during the legal parking limit or
: fractional part thereof as may be authorized for the zone in which said parking meter is installed.
i Said vehicle shall be unlawfully parked if it remains in said space:
A. When the owner or operator has not complied with the operational procedure described in
CVMC 10.56.110;or
B. Beyond the legal parking limit or fractional part thereof as indicated by a sign or signal
displayed by the individual parking meter.
C. Beyond the legal parking limit or fractional part thereof as indicated on the ticket dispensed
from the multi-space parking meter. (Ord. 2670 9 I, 1996; Ord. 973 9 I, 1966; prior code
9 19. 17.4(B)).
10.56.130 Parking meter - Overtime.
No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked in any parking meter zone when the meter
shows the parking time has expired or the ticket dispensed by the multi-space meter shows the
parking time has expired. (Ord. 267091,1996; Ord. 186792,1979; Ord. 973 9 1,1966; prior
code 9 19.17.4(C)).
,10.56.140 Parking meter - Extra time prohibited.
A. No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked beyond the time limit established for any
,parking meter zone in which the vehicle is parked.
B. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in a parking meter any payment for the
;purpose of increasing or extending the time during which a vehicle is parked beyond the time
'limit established for the parking meter zone in which the vehicle is parked. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996;
:Ord. 186792,1979; Ord. 97391,1966; prior code 919.17.4(D)).
10.56.150 Parking meter - Time of operation.
Parking meters shall be operated in parking meter zones every day between the hours of 9:00
. a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except Sundays and holidays defined in CVMC 10.08.110. (Ord. 2670, 1996;
Ord. 2436 9 5, 1991; Ord. 186792,1979; Ord. 973 9 1, 1966; prior code 9 19.17.4 (E)).
10.56.180 Meters - Improper use prohibited.
No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited in any parking meter any defaced, bent or
counterfeit coin, slug, coin other than those ofthe United States, device, or other material or
,instrument as substitute for a coin of the United States, except parking meter tokens authorized
by the city. (Ord. 2670 S I, 1996; Ord. 973 9 I, 1966; prior code 9 19.17.7).
)0.56.190 Deposit of coins by unauthorized person prohibited.
No person, other than the owner or operator of a vehicle, or a member of the police
department, as authorized in CVMC 10.56.110 through 10.56.150, shall deposit any payment in
any parking meter without the knowledge or consent of said owner or operator of the vehicle
using the parking space regulated by such meter. (Ord. 2670 91,1996; Ord. 973 S I, 1966; prior
'code 9 19.17.8).
'10.56.270 Permit parking - Established - Administration authority.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, there is hereby established a system of
.permit parking which the finance office, or his designee, shall administer subject to the standards
and provisions set forth in CVMC 10.56.280 through 10.56.320. (Ord. 2670 9 1, 1996; Ord. 973
91,1966; prior code S 19.17.14).
10.56.280 Permit parking - Authorized when - Sticker or tag required.
In those parking mcter zones and municipal parking lots approved by ordinance of the city
council, described in CVMC 10.56.290 and listed in Schedule XII of the register maintained by
the city engineer, a person may park any vehicle upon any public parking lots, designated by a
I O-hour time limit, owned or operated by the city upon proper display of a valid and current
parking permit, in lieu of deposit of payment in the parking meter. (Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 2436
.96,1991; Ord. 2131 S 1,1985; Ord. 973 9 I, 1966; prior code 9 19.17.14(A)).
.10.56.290 Permit parking - Areas designated - Schedule XII.
Pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 22508 and 22519 and in accordance with CVMC
; 10.56.270 and 10.56.280, the following areas are also "designated as permit parking areas wherein
'vehicles displaying appropriate parking permits or tags shall be allowed to park in spaces so
marked for up to 10 hours (all day).
Schedule XII
Parking Zone Location
Public Parking Lots I to II (parking Meter Zones) See CVMC 10.56.040 for locations
(Ord. 2983 S 3, 2004; Ord. 2670,1996; Ord. 2488 S 3,1991; Ord. 2436 S 7,1991; Ord. 2131 S I,
1985; Ord. 973 S 1,1966; prior code S 19.22.1).
10.56.300 Permits or tags - Cost - Period of validity - Prorating permitted when.
For the required fee (s) said parking permits shall be sold to cover a calendar quarter of three
months' duration. Said permits may be obtained at the city fmance office or other designated
location. Applicants must be merchants or employees of merchants owning or operating
businesses within the downtown business area or city officers on behalf of city employees
, assigned to Norman Park Center. Applicants may request a proration of the quarterly fee if they
, are purchasing a permit for the balance of the calendar quarter, and such proration shall be made
at the sole discretion of the finance officer, or his designee. (Ord. 2670 S I, 1996; Ord. 2506 S I,
: 1992; Ord. 2488 S 4,1991; Ord. 2436 S 8, 1991; Ord. 2131 S I, 1985; Ord. 973 S 1, 1966; prior
code S 19.17.14(B)).
'10.56.310 Permits or tags - Sale procedure - Display of permit.
The finance officer, or his designee, shall establish the necessary procedure for the sale of
"such permits, and shall obtain the necessary permits which when displayed from the interior of a
. vehicle shall be clearly visible from the exterior of the vehicle. (Ord. 2670 S 1, 1996; Ord. 2436
S 9, 1991; Ord. 973 S I, 1966; prior code S 19.17.14(C)).
Chapter 10 Section 10.62 Parking Violations and Enforcement is amended
by adding Sections 10.62.020 and 10.62.030 and amending the text of
10.62.010 as follows:
Parking Enforcement - Authorized agents.
Enforcement - Written notice of violation - Contents - Placement.
Civil and late payment penalties and fees.
10.62.010 Parking Enforcement - Authorized agents.
A. Every Police officer and every City employee, and every volunteer (designated by the
Chief of Police) charged with enforcement of the provisions of Chapters 10.52, 10.56 and 10.60
CVMC relating to illegal parking and time limitations in parking meter zones, the provisions of
the California Vehicle Code, and the other laws of the state applicable to parking violations
within the City, shall have the duty, when any vehicle is illegally parked, to issue written notice
of violation thereof stating the state vehicle license number, make of such vehicle, the time and
date of such illegal parking, meter number, street location, and a reference to the appropriate
section of the code and the amount of the penalty for the violation.
. B. Contract Enforcement. The City may enter into a contract with a duly qualified company,
'approved by the Chief of Police, to provide enforcement of the Chula Vista Municipal Code
Chapters 10.52, 10.56 and 10.60 relating to CVMC infractions only.
10.62.020 Enforcement - Written notice of violation - Contents - Placement.
When any vehicle is illegally parked an authorized agent may issue written notice of violation,
in conformance with Vehicle Code 9 40202. The peace office or person authorized to enforce
parking laws and regulations shall securely attach to the vehicle a notice of parking violation
. setting forth the violation including reference to the section of this code or of the Public
,Resources Code, the local ordinance, or the federal statute or regulation so violated; the date; the
approximate time thereof; the location where the violation occurred; a statement printed on the
,notice indicating that the date of payment is required to be made not later than 21 calendar days
; from the date of citation issuance; and the procedure for the registered owner, lessee or rentee to
.deposit the parking penalty or pursuant to Section 40215, contest the citation. The notice of
parking violation shall also set forth the vehicle license number and registration expiration date if
they are visible, the last four digits of the vehicle identification number, if that number is
readable through the windshield, the color of the vehicle, and, if possible, the make of the
,vehicle. The notice of parking violation, or copy thereof, shall be considered a record kept in the
ordinary course of business of the issuing agency and the processing agency and shall be prima
facie evidence of the facts contained therein. The notice of parking violation shall be served by
attaching it to the vehicle either under the windshield wiper or in another conspicuous place upon
the vehicle so as to be easily observed by the person in charge of the vehicle upon the return of
that person.
-- ..
10.62.0~0 Civi!~ndlat,,-p_aYD1e_I1tpen,!lties an~ Iees.
1. Base penalty amounts for the following Chu1a Vista Municipal Code violations shall
be $12.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation: CVMC 10.56.100; 10.56.110;
10.56.120; 10.56.140.
2. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations shall
be $50.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation: CVMC 10.52.485.
3. Base penalty amounts for the follov;ing Chula Vista Municipal Code violations and
California Vehicle Code violations shall be $25.00 ifpaid within 30 days of the notice of
violation: CVMC 10.52.100; 10.52.110; 10.52.120; 10.52.130; 10.52.200; 10.52.210; 10.52.240;
10.52.330; 10.52.390; 10.52.420; 10.52.430; 10.52.480; 10.56.130; 10.56.310. California
Vehicle Code Sections 2113( a); 22515; 22520.
4. Base penalty amounts for the following Chula Vista Municipal Code violations and
California Vehicle Code violations shall be $35.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of
violation: CVMC 10.52.040; 10.52.060; 10.52.070(A)(1) - (14); 10.52.090; 10.52.150;
10.52.160; 10.52.180; 10.52.190; 10.52.230; 10.52.270; 10.52.290; 10.52.310; 10.52.360;
10.52.450; 10.60.030; 10.60.050; 10.60.060; 10.60.080; 10.60.090; 10.60.100. California
Vehicle Code Sections 21211; 22500(a) - (h); 22500(j), (k); 22500.1; 22514; 22516; 22517.
5. Base penalty amounts for the following California Vehicle Code violations shall be
$25.00. The base penalty ,,,ill be reduced to $10.00 upon submission of proof of correction
within the time frames specified in the Vehicle Code of the state of California: California
Vehicle Code Sections 5200; 5201; 5204(a).
6. The base penalties for the following California Vehicle Code violations shall be as set
forth below:
California Vehicle Code Sections 4462(b) - $100.00; 22500(i) - $250.00; 22500(1)-
$275.00; 22507.8 - $330.00; 22522 - $275.00; 22523 - $100.00; 22526 - $50.00.
7. The base penalties for Chula Vista Municipal Code and California Vehicle Code
violations not listed above shall be $35.00 if paid within 30 days of the notice of violation, unless
the penalty amount is set by the Vehicle Code of the state of California.
8. The owner or operator may mail such payments to the City's Director of Finance
within the time established herein, but shall be responsible for delivery thereof to the office of
the Director of Finance.
9. Late Payment Penalties. All base penalties under $250.00 listed in subsections (B)(2)
through (6) of this section shall double if not paid within 30 days of the notice of violation,
unless specifically restricted by the Vehicle Code of the state of California. The penalty for
violations listed in subsection (B)(1) of this section shall be $35.00 if the penalty is not paid
within 30 days of the notice of violation.
C. Failure to Pay. Failure to pay the appropriate penalty as provided herein or failure to contest
the violation pursuant to Sections 40200.7 and 40215 of the Vehicle Code of the state of
California will result in either notification of the Department of Motor Vehicles, which agency
shall collect the maximum penalties and fee(s) established hereby at such time as the owner or
operator seeks to register his vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Section 4760 of the
Vehicle Code of the state of California, or if applicable, in legal proceedings being instituted in
court against the person responsible for the unpaid penalties and fees in accordance with the
provisions of Section 40220 of the Vehicle Code of the state of California. For those citations
that remain unpaid beyond 30 days and for which a hold is placed on the registration by the
Department of Motor Vehicles, an additional $10.00 fee shall be assessed. (Ord. 3094 ill, 2007;
Ord. 2923 il2, 2003; Ord. 2670 ill, 1996; Ord. 2638 ill, 1995; Ord. 2490 ill, 1991; Ord. 2136
ill, 1985; Ord. 2097 ill, 1985; Ord. 1960 ill, 1981; Ord. 1867 il3, 1979).
Effecti ve Date
This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days after its second reading and adoption.
Presented by:
Gary Halbert
Deputy City Manager/Development Services Manager
WHEREAS, on February 6, 1963, a petition for the formation of a parking district in the
City of Chula Vista, California, under the provisions of the Parking District Law of 1951 (Part 4,
Division 18 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California) was filed in the office of
the City Clerk; and
WHEREAS, thereafter this City Council adopted Resolution No. 3040, finding that said
petition was sufficient; approving said petition and certificate; agreeing to install and maintain or to
continue to maintain parking meters on certain public ways within the district as proposed in said
petition; finding and determining that the public interest, convenience and necessity require that
such meters be installed and maintained or continued to be maintained as proposed in said petition;
and directing the City Engineer to make and file with the City Council a report showing the matters
specified in Section 35257 of said Streets and Highways Code; and
WHEREAS, thereafter this City Council adopted Ordinance No. 829, declaring and
agreeing that certain described lands owned by the City of Chula Vista shall, for all purposes of said
proposed parking district, be held, used and treated in all respects the same as parking places to be
acquired with the proceeds of bonds to be issued under said Law; and
WHEREAS, on May 14, 1963, this City Council adopted Resolution No. 3115, declaring its
intention to form said parking district; and
WHEREAS, on July 9, 1963, this City Council adopted Ordinance No. 847 declaring that
Parking District NO.1 of the City of Chula Vista was formed and described the acquisitions and
improvements to be made; and
WHEREAS, on November 13, 2007, the Parking District Interim Action Plan was approved
by the City Council that included a recommendation to modify the Parking District Boundaries; and
WHEREAS, the new Parking District Boundaries will be E Street to the North, Del Mar to
the east, Garrett to the west and H Street to the south with the east boundary south of G Street; and
WHEREAS, the State of California Vehicle Code Section 22508 requires that local
authorities establish parking meter zones by ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the properties added to the Parking District will not have any assessment
levied; and
WHEREAS, the City is not proposing to issue any bonds for the operation of the Parking
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Chula Vista City Council does
hereby modify the Parking District Boundaries as described above.
This ordinance will take effect and be in force thirty days after final passage.
Presented by:
Gary Halbert
Deputy City Manager/Development Services Manager