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'~'",d" Vi.,o,~, ,.1''-''
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}la~()r'a"dCityC(>!lllciJmcmher9 (-' //
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COllllt limembl'T~ Rnd\ RclBIIl r7. and Sl( VP ('8St,U1Cc,l,J:\/
Chula Vi~ta Xalure Cenlet., Parkway Gym and Pool, Easll;,kc
In an effoli to provido fUllding for ;he Chula Vista Na.tUl"lO Cenler, tile r::asllake Ubrary
and ille Parl\way Gym and Peol, we orrerth~se sllggastions:
c,,,' .'';'' f:
VVc. propose to e-liH11+late,ihe City ofChula IJista's cOl1tributionsto aIl401(a) deeoul,ts lor
fl savings of$281,OOO
We furiher propose to reduco energycosis by tUlIling off 1,058 slreci lights on non-
residential streets in Cllllla Vista for a savings cfS150,2CO
I jh,~
.J.cbp '" t;
ft<.hllc 5f-e~er;
I~()hcrt Cheney (UCSRJ wrote
"Ilearm,d to swim there ;Illd look a lot ofmis/crafh c];lsse, lhnc and spent C()Ul1tl~ss
hl'\jrsplayiTlginth~rccroom'llldplayinRillth"baskel.b"ll gym_ The place was abig parl
ofm)' childhood and helped define who I hecame. Especi~l1y with !I,,, inactive Iilhlyle 01"
C:lrl"a,T"hll,on (Easflal{clligh) wrolc
"1 play.,,,l baskClball M Parkway since I Was 6ish. I played there I.h wughmiddkschool.
and in high sc.hool j ,t:utedpbYlllg volkyl1all there (club pnlctice a ndnpcogym).
So yeah, s3vL' lhc gym!"
Shallna I\1cr~.(Salll)irgo State) wrole
"I went 10 Parkway ,incc I was li11le.11 i~ where llcarncd how to swim' And wenttkL"C
on sc1100llield Irip'_ Funlimc,! I plaFd w,H~r polo lhere (with my sc.hool).1 Jjv~ (\HI} a
fc\v bloc\;<; away so il ha;; becn awesom~ h:n.ing a pool so dose by, I alsc) pl3Y"'d
basketb~lIlhere when I ".as younger (clementar:y) aml did baUd and attempted an art
David Garcia (Bun ita Visla Senior Ili::h) wrote
"J used 10 go 10 Ih~ ualmc eentef aU th~ lime when I was lilUc_ Il was my Eworirc place to
go. I "",uld pelthc shaTh and stull it was rcally sick. I W;lllllo be ahle 10 iak~ my kids
th~re! Don"t do,eil'
As I(Jr r3rkw3Y. my ij'ii''',) Derek ~",JI 1Ian; heen rJleIT a f~w times just 1.0 play some
pick up ba,kctball. It \Vas rim imd I wanl go thcfC ag3in next time Derek is dOWll Ii-om
Lollcf'~' Hut ho\v ,an wc play ihere irlh~y ~losl' ii down'!'-
Chrislina Lee{lIcrkclcy)wroic
"Parkway tallght mc 110,\' to (Il' ,..lay-up amI play baskctball back ill (,I.h grad~!
dnn'ilakc:itdown! :["
.Johnny FI"r~s (Bonil'l Vista S~nj"rHigh) wrole
"11 was al parkway tlun I learned to tap dancc. (s\ve~rs)_ ] rc1Tl~mber putting (>n Illy shillY
blaekmp shoe,; and f'oingibroughthc hall-I..(\ef()utin~alld fcclingspeciallikelhctnp
d[lll~~ guy on ,~",jmc strcet, It ,vas also ~t parhv,,:' lhal 11Irst wenl olfth.'. high Jive and
gr,t Iin.doUafSf;)fJoingso,CiooJlj[]\~S,
Also. ! ,ccC'nd Da\'id', Illotion al>l,ul lh~ nmllf~ C~n!~r,"
I~h",,,b Adato (lkrkd,'y) wrote
"1 "ell1 !O ,wim :md go III water pol., praclice al Parkw~y Iron! lh~ lim" 1 w~s lhrcc umil
I w".' eighleen. To d,)~c it dOWll would lake away \'ilal am] character-buildillg aiicr-
~Lhool ~ctivitj,;s li""n young n~ighh",Il<)od children, Wherc \vill th~y go Ii' lhey c~n'l go
l{iIH~ Cha'llline (UCSII) 'Hole
"I r~llIcmb~r gOillg 1<) I'arkw~y po.)[ wh~n I was "-hOll! X years old and swimrnitlg in thc
ponl ".hik' my sisl~r wcnt to synehn""~~ ,wimming pl'actice, 'j'h~ pool ,ervni as b,)tl1"
ren~atiollal and lin"'l~ial ~"urc-~ to hoth my mmhL'1' ;",d illY sister. Ivty \--lorn constantly
rL'c"llccts her lim~' ,,1' putting 011 ,Yllch,,,ni~.~ swim ,hows. life gllardilll:\. mid l~athillg
swimming Ic"nn> had.. whtn ,he was in her Yl'ath. My siSler s~J"\'cd as a 1if~~uard al the
p""] as welL 'Ihis '1lIllmu I ,,'a, looking lOw"ds upplying for a liicgllard position.
h"",.'vcr iflhc pool i,cl()sing I wnn'thcablctoapplyl;,rllicjnb,
In additiOIl to scrvill~ as ~ linan~ial S"III'Ce, Pmkway ,~r\-'~J as a rccr"cLll(\l1ul so"rL'~ 01'
mil1~. Ahout ,ix S\1m1l1~rs ago. I h~g"n playing on the' youlh haskdball tl\-I111, Through
thi,;. I grev,'10 lo\'c n ,port meet p~"pk il1m;,' commllllily, a, well~, d~vdop my own
Whcn1 lllink of growing IIp in Chub Vi~la, I cnn't hdp hUllhink arn'll! hl'ing involv~d
willi Ihc aCliviti~s m 1'",kw,lV. It is ,\ ["lldrllark for th~ ~Olnnlllllit\-' ,md Ih~ I()s,c, will
. .' .
gl'~"tly oulwcigll tli~ h~ndilS ifit is ''''"troyed,''
:>'ick Iblt;, (Flunit" Vi'I'l Senior Ilil:h) wmt~
"I kam~d how \ll-,,,im a1 parkway "hml "'a, a kid, and J was able 10 play in all of the'
slillli'icndswilh nwtoday. Hadilnol "cen l!lI'parkwayi wouldn'rhue'''goll''"so
irlvolvcd inspons:llld "'ollldn01lwvch~col1leavmsit\'baskctball rlavc'l', lthillk
. .
parkway is;lb'Teal "'''y rorkidslo go 10 ha\'e Ilm in a ,nicand cnringe 'r1vironmcm.l
and better p"opl~."
.I..h" F"rlt(tlonita Vi,t"Scniorlli~h)wrote
"llo\'~ the nalure ~ClllL:'-:) I haVe' ,Olll" orth~ bCSI IllcLll(lries 11'0111 c'[e'Jllt'Iltury ,,,hool
ther.,- 11c.-lllleJ ho", 1<' ,,,,im there 1<\<' ! Il'its closed, how will kids kmn to swim'! 1\"
more ~th Gradc ,"'U1l" E\'Cry"n~ "ill drown!!
Erika Reyes (llCSB) wrote
"I kal'1lerl to swim at parkway when I was a child_ n,crc wcren't illlY community p001s
li,,- nw to go 10 (the ~Lll'a I Jiv~ in ]ntlkrl Est:mci"l doc~n't !lavc iI ~ommlLIlity I'ce celll~r "f
a pool We' can visit) sO I \vollld go and ~wim ov~r ill. the parkway pool. In high ~dlQ\lL
watcr polo gam~" swim meets and practiecs w"re bdd {here espedaJJy J",-ing /",,;aks,
when the usual pools wlTedosed."
J\1a\CrickRosales(St.Au~ustinelIigh Sc1w"l)wl'otc
"Wh~n I wa, young~f my mOm use to 11lke me lhere for baskelhalL I hOLlcstlythink we
shouldn't allow thaI] mean it's been a long limc, and why clo,;~ it. :1"
-'Water polo gam~s ar~ hdd there. you know ];-omthc high schools. 11\ importaLlt ififs
kecping kirls fwm illly'lhing potentially dang~rous situalioll~ lik~ getting into t1rugs,
akohol, cte. at ~ yonn!; "-!;c. 'I1mt alone SbOllld he the rc'a,Oll to h,cp I"arkway "peL1. I
know whcn I WilS lil.ll~ I altcndccl art classes. gymna'tic~ and dancc c1ass~~ therc, That'cl
be horribkto Cllt somdhing likc thm out from th~ younger generation wh~n II wa,
making <;ueh a big iml'ad in my life whcn.! was li(ll~"
Dayna Waterworth (Bonita Vi,la Senior lIig;h) \"TOt~
"1 was a JUL1ior Lifcgu:ml il(.lhe pool' Plus I remcmb,'r a IOllg, long time ago when they
lLse to Jump Inns offish into I.h~ 1'0,,1 and we would try to Cill.eh Ih~l1l ami take them
hom~__ and then they'd do the Silm~ Ihin!; hut with ehange. Th~y ,,1way' played 1110VieS r.>11
Sam Brown (Bonita ...'ism Senjor High) wrok
"_\lyfamily'sht~ngoingthe]'eforagesl \VhdherilhciL1rloMsoeCel',l'1llsidesoecl'L
baskelh,,1I wNJ,,1I oflhcorhclSport, Iht')'O!llTl Jrsagrcnt pJnc~JllrkidsjD rncctotller
people ~l11d Slarl hl-aIHIJ' habits. Let's k~ep It I"'
Allison Zeug (Spokane, WA) wrot~
"I ean't imagine Parkway closing, .\1y iirsLjoh. many ycars ago. "'as with the CV Park &
Rcc. I lived al th~ fee cenkr on Park \>'\IY. So many ",oLldcl'ful m~l1lofi~s"
Jason Finu (HonilaVi,I"SCrlior Iligh)wrole
'Th~ nalllTe' CelLter has beell Oll~ 01' the c<)tllerston~s O1'111Y chiklhood. I can re~all
eOlLnlkss lrips to the eent~r wilh my \\.llOlc 1'mnily, ",hcTl' wc could sp~Ild hours
cxploring allth~ cool lhing, thnt it off,,]-s_ II would be slJ~h a shame forthis plae~ to be
clos~d down, b..:-cause 11l'uly h~I;~v~ it Ii),ters a curiosily l(lrwiJdlif~, ami an appl'eciali<.lll
A~ [,'r Parkw"y, J pby,>d b"skelhall in a Ie"gue therc f'lf 1110~t ormy elemcntary s"hool
y~,lf~, Her\:. I no~ ""I)" learned Ihe fundamemal aspect'> of the g'lIn~. bllll ,,[so maJ~
SIl'<lng I'rlcnd,hip~. CI"sing dO\\11 p",kway would be" hugc dctrint~m 1,) Ihc youlh "t'
Chili" Vista,'-
,[",IHW Ilill(I'ninll,"'l1al\\'fOle
"TJ dllscd dow11 its p<lrkways "nd n~1Ur,' celllcrs and I""k __here i15 gon~. 1,,1 leeping
Ih~m opcn allows kids to slay O[Tlh~ slr,'el, and sp~nd lim~ and effort getting tit and
lighling obcsity (s~~ iflllerc's some ll'ld "Cstate/nali",,,,1 In~t'nli"c thing m,l}'l.e 10 hl"il'
~ub,idiz~,.? jusl all id,,,q III the C[lS~ ,,1' parkway and !<-mlling lo apprc,-,i"t~ ""lure in ll,e
"pliO' named nillllrc' .c'l\l~r.lfs an inlq;",1 pmi ofChll]JI V"I" in (hal il hriugs ~veryon~
H>gclh~r under lh~ b>inllcr \If selt:bcnC'rl11""1 illld imrr,wcmell1 ill b"th c~~~s alld c1"'lll!;
(hem would b~ a ~~'erc' blow to moml~ "r"lLr city a, a whole.
Il'lay~d r~nealion b",lttball jlllh~ p"rkwa} league sincc ~]emenlary ,<'11001 and il
alwlJY~ wa, "plan' 1<\ ];)sterfrl(endship b"lw~~[] n,'w 1"'''l'le from ,mHmd tile city t11m [
nC"n wl'ul,r"C' mcl "lhcrwi5~, 1(, a r]m'~ w~ C"Ll "II comc togeth~r inlhe ~piril of
C(lrllplltCr s~re~Ll ull"", c"acl1~s and lh,' g~l1l~ llsdflo il\~liJl "alllc, lh:llla51lL~" lil"'lin'~,
p",itivcly affecting ,,,110 we ar~ (In and "ffthe court. I'arkwuy i, CSS~llli,,1 to th~ w~lI.
bc'jll': ol'thc ~Cliv~ Chula Visla nmlJl1L'lllty, nnd I COIlHJlelld F]ic' and (jI"l'in for lighting
In """e. this ,tHlwnrl h",lion "rour .'''llll1unity's vcry Idenlily li-ol11 hl'in~ clos~d down,
"I h",,<'. he~n con,hl"g J1 !;irl"s ha,l('(I1;1I1 team al ("Ie", Vj~w Charkr t,,,. Il1e past 8 y";"",
Th~r~ Jlrc. few othcr ,<:110('], ill olLrelC'\1wI11arv school dislriellhat ol1i:r 1~a1l1S" this I,
whal nmkc;; Parkw3)" >0 imp0r1anl i,""mdl,tr;ct"s children_II olli:rs Ih,'ll1opportllnili.,
10 P"r1ic;Pill';' In Sp<lIlS ~lld COr.l~ IOl!~lh~r with (\;h~rs ill a p<y;im-e. produCliyc
~'lvir"nmenL Arcl1'lllier~ any ~rants avuil"blc or p(lssihly gen~r(lllS rc,idcnt, who could
lh~ <'olllpllt.er, vidl'(\ g;oll1~s. CIe.) nnd (\HI' ~hildrl"[] ,k,crv" saf~ p],,~~s 10 ,,_,,-'.rclsc' Hill!
karn 5portSlll"nship amllcamwork. '11w ~~aT'-'h 1,)[ other opti\>\v; is al,-",lulcly worth the
Z,'" lIirmtcin (1I<l1,it;o Vi,(" S..ni",-lligh) Wf()l~
"Iuscd \l) h~ve swim rradic~ thcrc and I saw how llI'HlV kids w~nllhcr'-' ((1 swim and th~
"II i~ a ,ati.: w,,)' t'lt kids 10 ~COlllC social mId invohcd in SpClrls...llw)' arc scparall'J by
ag~ groups s<, il is iair..,alld ,'Ihcrwi,~ Illl')' may nOI gel 10 play b~~aosc by going 10
pmks".bigg~r kids arc going 10 hog th~"'LLI"(s, and lI1c'r'L'm-eman,- 1''''-C'lllswho C""'"!
~ni,rd to plll Iheir kids ('l) ~Iuh lcrnns...ill\ould be unl1lir to take away ~ chance Ji'r a
,hild to belto! lheir fillur~ mill makc ii:i~11<h ,,-jIh ,imilar inlcres15 as lh"m o,w hudg"l
Cllls. ,,-Iany kids go 10 bcucr l"Ollcge, Ihan th~y would haw (lth~rl\ioc b,,~allsc ni'''lhkti"
,dwlal'ships. If they clon'l g~llhc cllnnc" 10 helter th"i,- "thleli~ ,kills ,It a youllg "gc. tb~
c1mllcelo go 10 a b,'ltcl' l"OlI"Sl' could bltak"nlj-,)nllhcll1tp()_lll{\ll'IKno",il'thiswill
help gh'c ),HlllIorC n."lISon, Iplight. bUl! only 11,,\'e g<,od m"\TI",il~ m parkway Ilnd I
made my firsllnp \0 th~ Ilalllr~ l~nlcr Ihi, y"ar and e'-crr as a ~O ~e~r oJd jt Was an
itltcrestillgalldrunwayl<)lcarn.lt"swrollgtodosctlic'pla~t"lha1 InakeposilivcirnpacIs
"nlh~ ~omllllLllily,"'
"I l'cmemh~r ,,-Il~n I \vns:1 kill I kamC'd 10 s\'\(i\lllhel'~. During ekllll'ntary ,dlooL w~
IJsed to h'lve dance f~stival" th~r~_ "n",-"" k,'pt me real ;]clive when I W,IS i1 kiel, nil.'
during smUllwr a<ld thc olhl"rdur;ng Illl'l~lll sea,ons,.,Ahhough I w~s nOl in ha,k,'lball oj'
an)" Oflh~ <Hhcr aCli\'ities th<lll<)(ll.. pla~e ~I Par;';way. 1 kIH)\,'ma"y people who ''''re
much mor~ involvcd and k~pl everyone <)Ul oftroubk or hcing al hOll\c wasting away and
adive while I'Hrl'n\S wcre HI work or \'\'hik not in sdlOnl_ Thlrll,lrt,_. if Parkway Was 10 b~
do>~d" mallY kill> would 10,,, Ihe;r lhildl,,'od and also Ih~ lhilcll,o"ds ofm:my
/\150, while I'm Oil thi, sllhj~ll, Ih" Nalllrc Ce!l1Cl' is '''''' ot-Chub Visla's besl ~~pl
scads. II sl",l!e:r, tHallY wildlife and is d perled way 1,\ gd;Jw<lY Ii-om tl1,' city wilhout
really drivirrl; I~L The Nallll'c Ccnter Wa, ,,!so many pf my e1enwnlmy SdlOOI JIl"ll! Irips_
"hicl! kept sch('ol int~rc'ling and ;';epl m" I"obng j,)rw;lI'd tll going e' cry ycar, Ileameel
s"'"~lhin:i' n~\\' whik ~pp,<'ci31ing Ihc be''''uy or undisturbed "-iJ<llit,,,""
Ni('k '\;\rlill'on (CSI; Ch;UHltl lslaruls} wrote
lk)' people. \\'h~n I rmmd out thm tbe cily \\'~-' dn,illg p~fkwa)' il hil c1o,e to hOT1l~.. I
h"'T hcen aw"y r('(llll S;m I>i,'go for;l tew y~ms <lhminillg my (kgrlc in ,0ci<lI"SY. I have
helll ~ ~ily elllploy~e 1",- ovcr 7 ycars and ai,,, have: particip;lted youth athkli~s from tI,e
ag~ "fR until [was 14. TIl" c\pcrienn' Ih"t I gained wilik "w'r~ing alld playillg withill
and mound pMkwa~-' gYI]) Wa, invaluabk 10 my -'lILCCSS ~s an adult. Within Ihal
r<Tr~mion ecnter II~amed howlO shoO! and dribble n hask~l"all. I k~n'cd h,1\'"I" \lor;"
as ~ learn tll Hchilve vict"ry. how to w'pcct cOlnp~lili"lI, and how I" win aud I",,", [
learned ",hal hard work i~. and what il me'alls to lak~;, brcak <In.[ have some r,m, [
kamcd -,oei31 ,kills thai a", impefmin' 10 ncry Child's h[(;. NO! ollly is thi, gym
illl[X'TlanllO indn'iduab. p3nicjpmin~ ill yputh l!\hkl;". hm il i, lib" imporWnll() lho,e
,,-ho particip<ll<" ill open gym Hlli-,ities_ Open gom;, lI~ed b~- many din-hem p"ople ,-,fall
"g~', h bs a!\q,y, a beon all impDlUml ha"CIl for "gym rats" wh" "'''nt 10 get in S""lC
e\lra shots hd,'r~ a game night. or a Duhcf who io; k,,~hing his son tu play. or, Ill",;l
importantly, a young kid who has nowhere' 10 go be~,HLse' his pments "re' woding:. This
"YIHhasbc~n,' ilal"ri,'rthlll hCLSSlICccs,fllllyshiddcdco"1I1Icssyomh;; I'romtakin!!" Imll
dl>WIl thc wT"ngpath. lfone ".cre' to rell1"V~ this imp"rlllllllool of,oci~\y from lhi, cily
ill such a dinic-lIll tin;e in Am~rica. all! eily would los," a po,ilive wmnllmil" 1c01l1hal
Sl'rH'S a vital f<Jk in the well being ofonr (il)'. This pusI SCLlurday I was "hie 10 rcl<:fee
1'''Llb;lske\hallgalllesilLpark'''llylorlhe lirsllimc in ar""nd 2y cars. Fad\tcam h'ld "I
ka,1 I chiIJlh"llltadcoad"'datsomep,,illl ,dulein hil;h sclwol.ll"dlol'thclllhas
grownsignilici!llllyinph;.',i.:al ,killands"cially,andca(borthcparcl1l"ilgr~cdlhm
pmkwa)" "-'is inlponanl 10 Ihdr Child, glN'lh. II made !lIe 1",,1 a \cnsc "fpridc hc~aHSC 1
lwJ accomplish~d an imponm\\ r~rsonal g""L to posili"el)" lmpucl a lil<:... ["m hlll1l111<:d
IhaLI can nOI tll:llc it to the Illceting because I Id-LLOW[l Sund"y. I r~"lIy want I" v"ic'~
IllY "pinion, SO il would m~"ll ", much irollc or you ~ollld read my ,I;,il'mcnl alllw
IlIceting.1 \muluhcindcbl..pleil"cleIJllc'know__th~nlsalolgu)"S,g(>dl>lcs,parl\\'ilY..
rlic.\la:::nld<l(lIni>'ersily"fSan Dic~,,)
'-Good "ll~rIl"on coundl illld honorable m"yoL Iv1O' nanlC i, Elissa \1"l;rada mld II",,'~
bCClla Chula Vistare,idenll,,,thcma;0fityormO'lil,,_lamcuuenllyu frcshmanallhc
lJni\-cr,ity "rS~1l [)ic~o. \\'h~r" I a[;o play for lhe \\'om~Il'o soccer lcam, Sinc~
kindergarten c'l<'h YTal' 1 h",,'c p'-'rlicipalCd in city-supp"rlc'd a lhlcticu(li,itics, Whelherit
is in baskelb,dl, ,()[CCl', Llr illdo"rsoccer, lh"s~ llut!elS h:l"" not only ],clp~J nleto
illll'l'Ovemy gilll'C, butth~\'ulsohu,c hclpcd Illee\cel in "II a,p;:cts,>l'mO' lil,,_
Thwugho\lt till' 'cars. l"vchad inLreJihl~Cllachesthat \allght1\1cdifii:r<:nl ,kill,and
~"IICCplS w-hich ha, blilll mc intlllhe mlllcl.' I am lOda)". .\h,,- playing wilh tbe h"y's ill
Ih~s,' organi/nl ilnJ c'llmrctjliv~ <l11l1(>sph~r~s had given Ille Lhal Cxlra ~clge on sp~~'J "r
I'lay llS "vcll ''''lrc'llglh, Lki"t,;i]girlplayillt,;illamostlyb"yslcuglleguvcl11elh~
opportunity 10 C<'lllpClC at a higher level, alld il also pl'.:p"red lIle. llwlllluch l110r<-', w.henl
gol into hig,h school. playing amongst girk No\ onl>' han, lh~,c Clly-nm ~wnlS hdrcd
me alhkIlcally. but at;., '<lci~lIy. by making life-long ii:i"nJs_ By playing with kids from
all amund Ill.: ""llllllunity. I have develop~d a n~t\\'ork ,II' lficnus, wh" I slill ke~p in
t<'lI.:h ".ilh t<,d"y. Every -",-<'Ikn I w01lld ,it ill tl1~ ,;tnnel>. wa\c.hilll\ lllY lillle COLlsillS pl:.]y
iI1Joorsocccr,'llld,iUingncxllomcWOllldhcmyold-\C'1ll1l1lalC_''''lll.:hing his YOllng,'r
bWlhef"fsiskr pI3)'On lhc' s;\mc team. It"s a good trdingkll()\ving lhilly(>unger
geTlermionsale playing in Ih<:s;lme Ieag\r<"as lheones I gr",," up pJay ingm_Tl,ccilyor
Chub Vi,ta and ils purh 'lIld gyms will ,d,,,'ays hold spccial mcmorie, I\>r IUe: iL'amillg
h","" Lo SWilllll1 Ihe pHllli.: 1'''01. learning I",,,,, 10 rid,';I hik" in FricndslllP PurL alld
perfecling. my I-'T"-thw,",,s at "pen gyms "r~ 311 bils anJ pi~ccs of my lih:, and ",'ilh'>L1I
Ihcm. I \,"oule! not be who I :!Tl1to<la\",U\' c!iminHing lh~"" slruClu~d a.:tivi\ics lor kid,
ill Chub Vistil, iljeopardi/e~ Ihe devc!oprtlc'nl ora child', "",ial. athlelic und per~'l1lal
1,le, Thank y<llL"
GI'''-;',.\'lolin;,-I(,lnl,ulO (Suulln...."tcrn Culkgc)
"Hon'1I'al:>le mayor and <:oullcilJnt:l1lN:rs,
re<:olJlmend, the dosur~ ..rlhe Nalllr~ C<:IlI<:r ;lIld th~ Parkway 1',)[>1 &- Gym, WlliI<: I
ha\'eJ1odouhllhatthe<:iIYlJlanagel'wldcityst,i!rlm..~gonetogl'c"t Icngths 1(\ "mil Ihi,
1:>1Idg~t revision dllrir.g sIKh a turbulent e"'lTIomic time, r. along with hund"'u5 0fChula
Vist" <:ommunil)-' memlwl's, 1,:<:1 th"llhe prop,,,ition to clo,,: th<:,,, cSlahli,hlllents \vill
eliminate ,m enonnous ",pl'd ofwhal it meallS 10 be a Chula Vi<,t, r"siden!.
On a 1"-'P;(ll1a]I~\-'cL I <:redil Parkw'l}' with givillg me any. alld pus,ib[y ~Il, "rthe athletic
~bililY I have n~r posses."'ll. .-\s ~ lively seVCII jTM old, 11{\"h'd t" Pal'k\\'"y rwgL'CUllS k>
fulfill my ne('dl" be "di\'c wilh othel'childre[l llJvownage_ Jlllhirdgrnde.lpl~'cd,)I],lJl
all-girlsh",I.:c'lball leam";;Il1ed [heSboolers. \\'cwl'lllul1defeal"dllll'ouglwlItregubr
Se"~'\Il and playoffs, bLlI lInl(lrtunmdy lo,l ill the dwmpionship game, 1I0\.\'~"er, WhC'll I
remelllber Ihat Ji,-st sea""I, il is nOl ,,"r nearly p<:rfe~t rl'~prd thallirsl eOllles to mind.
RalheL 1 rel1lClllber my lc~TIlIllmeS who ,taneJ orf as sll-allgers, hUI ~rnduaj[y be<:ame
friellds, "rill \I11L11l"telyhc~alll<:temlllnJtesag"ill oil Illyba,kethall t<:~m in high s"hool.l
l'em"IHhcr th<: impccc,-ll:>k coa<:hing ~liIJrwh" t"ught m~ not only Ihe basic ,kilb ]ll~c',kcl
10 'IKcn'd on lil<:. conrt, hUI who 3[W tau\!bt llle life- 1<:\~,)t15 about ]ll'\\-' to h~ a team-
love 1"rlhc~p'lrt1hntin'piredl1l"l"Cl)min\leplayingh"thcomlJc'titi\'ely,,"d
reen:"tionally" 1,,1' jTal'S 1" "ome_ I c;I1l-1 expt~ss the dil'li:ITllee plnying spoch has malk on
m~' life; "hal'~ more,1Imt i, "mply tn'- own SI<'t:'. J I..now hundreds <"find;,idllal~ lik~
llly,drwh" Ihank PUl'kway I'lfgi,'in!,\thellllhcskills, dri\'<:. and dcd iearionlopurslIea
SimiIarly. Parbv-a\' doe, npt "imp]y,nv<:lh<: childl'elJ wh"ploy on it,te ams growing ul'.
Scllllolllistri<:l, As a graduate orn'''lila Vista Ili~h S~h,)ol, and a 3-year participant or
the Swim nlld IJiv~ progr'llll, l':'lrkw[]y i, Hol "Illy 'wher"" majorily of my swim me<:t~
wcce held. bllt .11", wher<: J had tny I'Tht diving lcSSPll, Ci<',ing d"wlll'arl..way will 31'1','<:1
all of its Sllrrollllding. sl\Idc'nts. illdllJing thos~ fwm lIe"rhy high sch""ls sll~h ~s Chu[a
Vista :llld J[illt"Il, who I"~ the Pa,-kway pool 1",- its elos," proximity 10 lraill yeJl' round,
Similarly. ,L~ Iii" ,,'cond l:irgest<:ity orSan Dil'gP "",miry, major ll11mhcr~ "rChu]" Vi,t"
Cill/.Clt' use the l'arkwaYP(10Iimd.lIherprograms to sn"c1h'cirn eeJo;.Oars<:nior
~OIlH1HlIlity is c~lrl'mdy a"tive illlhe dilr<:r<:nt programs ParkwJY <llfers_ r..ly own
gnmdmmher hus lIsed lllC Parkwuy ]'0"] to do a<:robi<: ~~L'-cise thai she <:aflnnl do 011 bnd
be<:~u,,~ ofanhl'ili" "~he' applauds lh~ r,'ol I'or hcing the n",,1 a,-aiIable one' ill ber area. a,
wcll as lor ke"ping the watcr t~mp~ralllf~ w~rr" enough Ie> s"-tisfy;[ 75 ye,,,.,,ld-\H)m'''I.
Chuh. Vi~la I,. ;[lld h,,-s "I ways beell, my IWIIlC', and I h"p~ to l'~lUrn hef" ".hell I am rt'"dy
III start a family "rm" t'Wtl Jh,w,'~r. that ,lc~isioll cen:.inl:- de]l<'nds on whill prograrm
andscrvi<:eswill bcavailahle l'lftlllllrcgen<:r"lionsorGlUlaVistare,iu"fltS. This
includes the <:llnlillunl.io" ol-progmms lhal :lrc l,i\-'()t,,1 t(l ""<:~tin~ a positi",: UHIllllLIIlilY,
"m"II"lhcsctb~;.1,I\lIre('ell1erand I'arkwlio' (}Ylll and P"oL O"L' "fmyhesl Ij-;L'l1d,.
I.:lis'<l:'llagr:lcia. "hospo~~hel{'rc YOllt;,i, bst'j'ucsday-. b,,-,sl'1I1cd a Fm:ehoi,k !;.fIlUP
cmilkd SA VI.: PARKWAY I;-J CHUL,\ VISTA! [njusl a week, Ihe group h;,!s already
garnered SUPpl)r! li-,"n ","cr))6 1ll~[I\hcr" stmklll' and parcnt, ,,1iI,e \\"110 arc willing and
,kdlc'aled (0 helpil1!; sav~ hoth Ihe [>"rkway Uyn, ,,,,,11',)01 nnrltlle Nmurc C.'rUn,
Til"ughsevcr~l(\flhe'el1\cmb.'r,"lIen<Juniv.'r,iti"s;,!crosslhee\nmlry_thcy arc' all
Chllla \'i,m nativ", who h~\'C long ellj",-d thc sccv;c'e, pro,';dl'd ho' tl""c' facilitics, "nd
arc will in" 10 gi,,~ lheir Sllppon d~spite heing lI1;l~s """y from CIH,I" \'i;la at th~ P"""nl
lilll~. On the group. \w postcd a disn,ssion forum enlitkd "\Vhnt It ;...-1"ans "1",) YO\,"'
\\,hi,'I, invited lllell1b~r~ (0 sharc Ih~ir ~Xpel'il'ne~s "I Parkway 'H,d th" l\alurc Ce:"(~,, as
wdl '" whyth~y bdieve these l";;l"hl;shments shollld r"main ')P~I1, I wOllld like: 10 sh'lr<'
Wh~11 comid"ring lhis ne"- budge! pT<l['<,,,t1 I ur!;" y(1U W :""ep lhc citizens or Chula
Vist" lirst and f"r~"'ost in your miml. Ii," nol ,)nly ;Jrc they lh~ ,,,k reason lhis <:<lullcij is
l-k", G .
adcf.du;y,t& Jnr;.,.-rroafrD
January 13. 2009
I tj'I'I'~'I'1 tl.j.I'I5I.) J'j.I1,~"1 tj...",.., tNt6~1 tl'iMI.[1I
Ro,^,"ues , 137.30 , 13'25 $1".0' $137.55 $,"021 S142.Ba
Ii"",nd."',", , 141.30 , 15.n ! 1~790 $16:.31 $160.18 "83.63
O.,oi' , 14001 , 119.97) SI22.861 $123.76) S 119~7) $ i20.7~)
Noto, Correcting struGtural deficit will not add to reserves_
lOSS 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2QO~ 2007 200S
Proiecled R"",nues & Transters,~
~xpe<l<litu'es & TrarlS!ers Out
S 93
$ (4.0)
Projected Fund Baloncel" QfJune 30. 2009
Percentage orOperatjng Budget
PIOjeoted FY 2010 Genoral Fund Defic,1
$ (20011
" .~ ,", "",.'''.'~''
-,,;/"., ''''''--':'''/''.
. CVEA and WeE salary concessions allow City to
restore 30 positions and mitigate service impacts to
Community Services
- Resloresproposed reduction of hours of opera lion at
SOLlth and Civic Center library bral1ches
- ContinuesoperalioncfParkwaYPGol
- Continues operation of Parkway Gymnasium
- Reslores line staff for Eastlake Library,continued
operation of Easllake Library recuires a sllpelVisorand
,~"../;'si/ '
"/ <,
"",).,,;"'. "
. Maintenance Services
- Graffiti abatemelltcrew
- Urban forestry. tree trimming program
-Slriping and Signing, legend crew
- Park Ranger program
- NDPES clew (&torm wG:ter)
- Custodial Services crew
- Construction and I~epair position
- Public WOlk& Communications (Electronic Equipment
~ Staffing for Traffic Engineering and Project Design
">>06001 ""...... P",poo"" p........
0".".'" 5.."", RotI.......RotI._n.R..""...
Budget Reduction Plan impacts all
departments and will diminish the City's
ability to provide services
Community Services
Elimination of <!wers;on p,ograms and a~w:tles fa, middle sch~ aHis.
RedLJotio~ in pUblic service levels at Norman Park Center
ClosU'" of the Nalwe Center.
Reductron ~r elimlnallon;O! seleel pmg,amming at recreallon 'Oenlers
Reduced hours 01 operation.
Closllreofthe E:asllake Library,
Transfer of the STRETCH and DASH program to anolI1er vendor.
Elimination of library public outreach.
Suopcndedopermlon oflhe HentageMuseum
Reduced suppcrt for both Ihe library's public compulers, internal
<Xlmpulers 'l's:ems, andwebMe.
Maintenance Services
RedUCedpr"venlativelrafficsi9~almaint"nanceDrogramc;ty-wide. May
resuilinar.;ncreasel.~:"albncl",ning [[afflcsrgn~:S.IMereb,c"'Jsing
traffic congesljon and dela,s
yeaI2007.D8 budge: 'eeucljons), Bac;.Iogs!orl;~erand lIasi'. pickup ,,,ill
of service levels at parks
. , ,~.. ,,", .
Public Safety
Elimination af patrol CSO Program will shincaUsfoPalrol Offic",s,
Elimlnafion otthe K.9 program may result ,n increased nsktofregu lar
pat,ol officers and time delays
Eliminatron olthe Street Team and t~" JUDGE u~rt will essen~ally end
Reduction o/Police Agents trom the Invest'gatiQns Division ,,;11 a ffeet
follow-lip investigations and participation in rcgionaltask forc es.
Community relations an~ oweach will 00 severely impacted by the
etiminaltoo ctt~e Public blormalion C;;.ce.. Th"rB...~1I nO longe, 00 any
proactive med,a conlact from the Police Department.
Cros5,t3flingthe Urban Search and Rescue vehicle will result in
decreased spedalized rescue capabilities and coverage. Respo nse
times may also increJse.
Cross staffing of Truck 51 mal' result;n inc,eased response times
Development Services
Eliminabon al AlNance Planning po..;,ons will im"aclimplerPe:lt3bOll 01
the OtJY Valley Reg,onal Park and the Historic Presenration progr am,
Transfar of one Code E~farcement OIfJcer trom the Sign Enforcement
Progr",m tc1l1e Residenti31Abandoned Property Program
rssull in inc,eased respor.." bmes to requeslsfor servlCe,
Elimina'ion ofa plunning position in the Oevelopment Services F undwill
significantly impact the departrPcnt'sefforts in implemenllng zoning
I~ '
. ....
.,. ,- ,....
[I,mination of the Offi<;a of Communications will impact tlle<:Jia relat<ons
and Dublicinformation etfortsinclud,ng publications and web coni ent.
sevef~ly limit the City's ability 10 compete with other cities lor ~corlOmic
develcpmt>ntopportlJnltles related to jobs and lax revenue growth
Elimmation 01 a webmaster position will negattvely impaCI roll-out of
Reduced staffing in 1M Purchasing Division will result in delays in
requisiliDns, and processing payments to vendors_
RedUCed statrtng in Huma~ Resources OperatIon; ~~II resUlt ill delays ill
recruitrnel1lS 31ld reduced ability lO provide bellefrt alld payroll sup port.
Council adopt the resolution authorizing
the City Manager to implement the budget
reduction plan
. =tiS.
~ ~/C~.-e{.lo.
P""poscd B"d~d for Department "r .\Iayor and Council, Z(/09'Stil
l. R",,' budge-.! used i, ~1aJ1agns proposal8s descl'ib~d m the jlecunb"l' 3,J lllCUlCI !i-mn lOd VaIl
Ecnoo (hatddill<:stbelv1allng~r'spl'Ol)(l~c'd bmh'eL
2. ]1;h!Lll1nin a 60/'W ratio onimding belw"~n the ~1aYl\r and c~ch Council seal.
3 \laYOT and CclL1ncillll~ll1bGl's may adjUiI r-unds <'1110"[; lilJ~ lklllsiCillegwics ilLcmcling 10 (j,eil'
..~, Set supplies JJ1d services Ii,t Co,,"cil as 50",';' of\-fayor,
S_ lZducr fundmg for Aumillislra(;onI'rOl!loliom-Pro.f['ssi(lIw! SC/'l;~"S t\Ulding, by 30%
6. lleducc fllmliLlg in AdminiSlration Tw\'e/iXfel'/il!g.\/'C,'or!fi-rcnce.I' item by 25'/'0,
Flim,nalc l'ullJil1t\hlr:YLly,or'sChicl"ofSlalfposill(\n_
8_ !,:jjmJJ)"I~fllll;\ing for Ivbyol"s Cllastal AJvisor p()~jliQn,
~. AdJ \layoral stafepo,iti"n 10 LTpbce Chicfol-Staff"llhc l'ilte ol-a full:' ('unded Council ALl"'.
Tl", lIlJinlaiw the (,0./40 ralio bct,,'em the \hyor's btLcI~ct aml ('.uch COLLLlC.il seaL.
10, Rdurn apl'w;,;illlOl(c!Y $250,000 lo ([lC (;eneral Fund, a reduction ul 17'>'ofi-olllthc\,la!lU~cr',;
proposed budt~el
Cox/CaslaneJa_Jallllury 1J,20()'!
"4'23:0 TrIA X run Rd
5 ,., . (
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t" q,) ; t)l1f- T 'vI/ClS: S'1e k. I
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Dcmrc-I M