Thursday, September 11, 1997 Council Conference Room
5:45 p.m. Administration Boilding
PRESENT: Councilmembers: Moot (let~ at 7:00 p.m.), Padilla, Rindone (arrived at
5:47 p.m.). Salas, and Mayor Hm'ton (left at 7:00
ABSENT: Councihnembers: None
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, John D. G~)s;s; Assistant City Attorney, Anne Y. Moore (City
Attorney, John M. Kaheny relieved her itl 6:30 p.m.); and City Clerk, Beverly
A. Aothel~t.
2. REPORT REVIEW OF CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES - The City Council previously held
worksessions to discuss City priorities. An intbrmation memo was sent to Cooncil on August 8, 1997 with a
summary of the goals and priorities. Star! recommends that Council evaluate the infinmation, add or subtract
projects or priorities, and provide directi~m to staff. (City Mimager)
Council spent a great deal of tim= going over and evaluating th~ work p~evioosly done its tbllows:
· Insure Long-term Fiu:mcial Stability
I.. Balance hudget by: · Improving revenues
· Reducing expenditures
· Reducing reliance on one-time r~venues
· Continoe to bring Redevelopment A~ency out iff the ted
2. Study multi-year hudget process
3. Implement three-year financial plan · Investment policy
· Potential revenue streams
· Establish measures/standards
· How dc) we know when we "get there"'?
1. Attain ti*ur-star quality hotels/resorts within city limits
2. Establish commercial/recreatiomd/,esidential bayfront project
3. Timeframe flit cmnpletion of "H" Street pr(~ject
4. Establish restaurant/commercial pr{~ject adjacent to Marina
Septeinber 11, 1997
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5. Establish joint planning process with San Diego Port Commission and other key stake hi*Id·rs lbr Chula
Vista Bayfront
6. Hold a workshop to explore revitalizing of Third Avenue (in March)
7. Hold a workshop to look at developing a master plan tbr Otay Valley Road Area (by April)
· Explore feasibility of expanding Auto Park in area {~f' amphitheater and water park
· hnprove/enhance signage
· Quickly determine whether to change street name t~r m~t
· Determine identity/imaee of this area
8. Hold a workshop to discuss the research of a particular area(s) of Broadway needing revitaliT~tion (to
prevent deterioration); fl)cus on a seem·hr of the 4-5 mile ct~rridor (e.g. south of "L" Street; old trailer
parks; bars across street from public school)
9. Review all franchises and other agreements · SDG&E
· Cox Cable
· Laidlaw
· Electric Utility Restructurin~
10. Promote indi,,'idual ecomlmic deveh)lnnent pr(~jects · [DEC
· School[ administration huilding relocation
· EastLake Business Park
11. Joint corporate yard
· Prmnote Quality of Life Indicators
l. Air Quality - annual report reqnired fl'on~ Air Pollution Control District on impact t)[ growth on air quality
2. Fiscal - annoal report reqnired to evaluate impacts of growth on city operations, capital i]nprovenlents, and
development impact tee rev·roms and expenditures
3. Police - respond to 84% of the Priority I emergency calls within 7 minutes and maintain average response
time of 4.5 minutes. Respond to 62% oi: Priority 11 urgent ca~ls within 7 minutes and maintain average
response time cfi: 7.0 minutes
4. Fire/EMS ~ respond to calls within 7 minutes in 85 cA of the cases
6. Library - provide 500 square f~et (ff library space adequately eqnipped and sta[f~d per 1,000 population
f;acilities per 1,000 residents east of Interstate 805 and continue to evahlate the quality and condition of the
8. Water - annual report from water service agencies on impact (ff grmvth and titture water availability
9. Sewer - sewage flows and volulnes shall not exceed City Engineering Standards. Annnal report frmn
Metropolitan Sewer Authority on impact of growth on sewer capacity
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10. Drainage - storm tlows and volume shall not exceed Cily Engineering Standards. Annual report reviewing
perl%rmance of city's storm drain system
11. Traffic - maintain Level of Service ([.OS) "C" or better as measnred hy observed average travel speed on
all signalized arterial streets, except, that during peak hours, an LOS "D" can occur l~)r no more than any
two hours of tire day. Those sigmdized intersections west of Interstate 805 that do not meet the above
standard may continue to operate at their 1991 LOS, but shall not worsen.
12. Higher Education - (has not been officially adopted by tile City Council)
· Evaluate and Assess Land Use and Planning
1. Process land use plans effectively and efficiently while implementing and protecting the City's policy
2. Review and update land use projects:
A. Prqiect Specific · Replanning EastLake II1
· San Miguel R~mch - next phase
· Salt Creek Ranch (aka Rolling Hills Ranch)
· Otay Ranch SPA I (including West Coast land change of ownership)
· University
· Lower SweetwatPr Area Plan
· Stmhow
B. Area Wide
· DIF Update
· Prepare Master Plans fi)r fire, parks, trod [ihrary
· Restudy Development Phasing Plan
· Finalize agreenlent with Cotnlty for Preserve Owtler Manager
· Update Administrative Policies and Procedures
1. Look at incorporating perfi)rmance-hased budgeting process fl>I budget planning - to be completed prior
to July I, 1997
2. Examine the benefits of multi-year or two-year hudget process as an approach - to be completed prior to
July 1, 1997
3. Examine a short-term Financial Plan tls a possible benefit to tile City - to he completed by January 1998
4. Staff review and recommend a policy-review cycle (3 year, 4 year. whatever) - within next 3-4 months
5. Staff to develop systematic way to prioritize individual hLnd use requests
6. Staff work on developing a long-term strategic ecomlLnic develop]n~nt plan
· Promote and Influence Regional. Issues
Maintain a presence and/or achieve a role tit meetings involving r~gional issties which have a potential impact
on Chula Vista (e.g. SANDAG, Water. Trash, Brown Field, NAFTA, Jobs Training, Regional Library Bond,
Regional Work/Force and Employers Center, MSCP, Sewer-wastewuter, 905, Regiomd Transit issues, Welfare
Reform Impacts).
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It was finally decided that each Councilmen~ber be given a different colored marker and to place a star in front of
eight projects they considered a priority. The results are as follows:
Projects receiving 5 stars:
Bayfront Commercial/Recreational/Residential area and related issncs
Prqiects receiving 4 stars:
Otay Valley Road (Auto Park)
Broadway Revitalization
Third Avemle Revitalization
Prqiects receiving 3 stars:
Higher Educati~n Center/Environmental Institute
Prqjects receivine 2 stars: Improve revenues
Mr. Goss asked i"(~r direction from Council regarding Third Avenue -- do we fi)cas on Third Avenue some more
or do we extend our i:ocus to other parts of Third Avenue and stretches of Broadway.
Councihnember Moot stated that he looked at Third Avenue as creating a heart t~t' Chain Vista. It appears that
Third Avenue is the consensus choice. We need to create a center tbr Chain Vista. Everyt~ne has conceptually
thought of that as being Third Avenue, hnt it doesn't have ti* be.
Dawn Herring, Budget Manager, stated that promoting econmnic development was most important and that the first
five items were all Bayfi'ont related prqjects. She asked if Council wanted to add all thc Bayt¥ont related projects.
Consensns was that all these would fl)ld in under Bayflont Commercial/Recreational/Residential.
Councihnember Salas expressed that this ,.vas really the ntullb¢r one priority taking precedent over the Auto Park.
Conncilmember Moot stated that if yon look at one t]mmgh five marked, it u.,mlld have five stars. Each
councilmember hit on a Bayfmnt issue.
Councihnember Rindone did not l~el that we had to put these in a numerical SetlUmlC¢ (if impm'tance. He ['tit that
Council has taken these seven out of the top 116. What Crmncil is statihg is that these are what they want staff to
tbcus on. These seven items should be communicated on a regnlar city council agenda.
Ms. Herring clarified what was to happen next:
1. want this to go to Council fi~r i'brma[ adoption
2. identifying the seven prqjects as the highest priorities, hut not in a nnnlct-ical order
3. hold a public hearing to fimnally adopl (not a fimnal public hearing, hnt perhaps as ail action item)
Conncilmember Rindone stated that staff should write a brief synopsis on each one as to what is entailed, and then
come to Cooncil and say that we have identified these seven areas of primary fi)cas and this is how staff is
reviewing this. The action should be whether Council will accept how staff has defined these. It will be an action
item to approve these seven priorities.
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Ms, Herring asked what about ongoing.
Councihnember Rindone stated he would like t{~ see a statement ol how thc process wmtld continue to work. He
felt that at the very least there should be an annual review tit a Council meeting where the Council wonld get staWs
response in dealing with these seven priorities. Then Council can see if they want to delete (>r add to the list.
Councihnemher Moot stated he would like to see these priorities incorporated in tile hudget and would like to see
a specific discussion as to how the budget reflects these priorities. He stated he would like to know how this budget
addresses the priorities and identifies specific areas of the hndget that are addressing that.
Councilmember Rindone stated that this was an excellent idea. Itl fact, these seven priorities should be the engine
which drives the budget next year.
Councilmember Moot asked if Council wanted to go beyond this anti clmsider flqe idea of presenting the priorities
at a Council meeting and asking for pnhlic input. He sees the seven things which the Cmmcil has done as prt~iects
focused on staff, but maybe the puhlic is a lot nil>re interested in gmxvth than they are ahotlt these pr(~jects. At least
we should consider tile possibility of asking the public if they had a ptiordy that we tire missing. He would be
willing to guess that the quality of litb indicators may be oi: more interest to the public than the seven prt~jects which
we have identified.
Councilmember Rindone stated that was not our task. Our task was to gix,~ specific direction to staff. For that
area, we have done a lot of work on.
Councilmemher Padilla stated he would gness that at a council meeting where we wimld advertise it in a diftkrent
anti unique aggressive ways that we discuss adopting a resolution about th~se priorities which we have identified.
He felt that there would be menlhers of tile public wh{) will collie hllx,¥ald with cl)lllnl¢llts.
Councilmember Rindone felt that maybe we should do this as an ordinance with a first and second reading. It will
give the public more time and will give Council a chance m reflect a second time.
Councilmember Moot clarified his prim' statement by saying that we }lave seven specific areas that we want staff
to work on. We have a whole hroad range of goals and priorities which we have discussed. He sees this process
as two parts: (Il presenting to staff the seven areas that Conncil wants them to work on; and (2) presenting onr
whole broad goals and ol2jectives and asking fin- public input on the hroad goals and ol2iectives. We have done one
step in the process, but we need to conle back and ger~erate another document that we take to a pnblic hearing which
we ask for public inpnt on that is broader than tile seven areas.
Ms. Herring stated that we can identify ways to do that.
There were no fitrther comments.
* * * Moot and Horton [et~ at 7:00 p.m. * * *
Mr. Goss presented a draft recruitment brochure. Each cc)nncihllcmher ~ave him suggestions on things to add
and/or delete from the brochure.
Councilmember Padilla stated that when we get into screening the applicatioas and designing the assessment center
and then looking at the background and checking rct~rences, it will be important that we consider options about
bringing in a professional consultant who designs assessment centers, networks, and does backgrounding. It is
September 11, 1997
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especially critical when we get to the stage of looking into tile backgtound~, of p~tential replacement. It will give
Mr. Goss and his staff an opportunity to participate and present, but then step back a hit so there is no perception
that the outgoing Manager is doing their background checks. He [~lt the Human Rcs{torte Department would als()
benefit with some expertise and resources that are not as readily available to them.
Mr. Goss expressed that it would be worthwhile to have someone else do the ret~rence checks. He encouraged all
the Council to be participants in that process. In terms of designing assessment centers, he [~lt that there wasn't
anyone more qualified than our own staff.
Councilmember Salas asked if the consultant would look at every single application.
Mr. Goss suggested that the consnltant come into tile process later. He t~lt Council should do the paring down.
Council will see every application. The filst cut will he very clear. A lot will not have the experience ~br a city
like Chula Vista. With the ones who have the experience, it will he clear. There will pr~hahly be ah~mt 10 to 20
in this category.
Councilmember Rindone t~lt that when we get doxvn to a range ~f 10 t~ 20, it is at that point when an outside
consultant can help By providing perspective alld ctmtinuity.
Mr. Goss stated that the next step would he to come together to look at thc brochure, probably within a couple
weeks. The ads will start around the end of Septemher to tile first part of
4. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT(S) - handed out an article ahtmt Rohr having private talks about
in terms of acquisition.
5. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) - none.
The meeting ad. journed at 7:45 p.m.
Respectlully suhmitted,
City Clerk