HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008/10/21 Additional Information <. (~i~illi),~[~itaS}'a\ V~ifJJ,~ i€'0~' ICt')'~fi)e:~,~' ~ "Pounder Helice: 'Sparky' . Bridges follows' in, the. '. shoes of great leaders, like Gandhi and Martin, Luther ICing. Her power-. ful Blue Ribbon system gives children and adults of all ages the long over- due right to be appreciated, loved and nurtured by the society in which they live." Jack Canfield, co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, featured teacher in "The Secret" "',..' We Train Kids How To: Giving I<ids ,:a;, Voice for Change . End Bullying . Build Positive Relationships . Make Dreams Come True ;', j' 'Ca!17.(j~,z~~:o?,~30"~' ::" , ".! org6to 'Qurwv€l,site:". " ':',~ '~',_-~:__';:.~ "}"":' :.~'lb"'~'''-' ',~I",:!,,--'r~" ,!;~; ;/~~._J?~~E~~~:,~~~~l2~!t'c<::~.: "'~_ ~ .. :::~,! ..~i~~<!@lpl~.el'!ip~o?~.~ri'-:o1e:~-' .. " I: ". ___ _" -,'.' ._.!.___..,_,....._ .-.;'" ~ DiJlm~' Makm . , . INTERNA TIONAL ~ A ""'p"fi"d"wiml "'g""iwi,, 501(,)(3) WWVv', bluerihbons.org i'I;,e Kids Will Teach 550,000 People How To Make A Difference "Helice Bridges is the Mother Teresa of Self-Esteem. " Robert Allen, Author of Nothing Down and The One Minute Millionaire i'I;,e "Difference Makers International has created a necessary vehicle to bring about great change in the world." Spencer Johnson, M.D., Author Who Moved My Cheese Become a Sponsor and Make a Difference Today! "The Blue Ribbon Community Building Program should be used by all educa- tors. It gives kids pride, purpose and the ability to overrun negativism and trans- form the world." Steve Ahle, Distinguished Principal of the Year, State of California {l}f~L-lm Makes A Difference~the Story by Helice "Sparky" Bridges A te:lCher in New York decided to honor all of her high school scni(m by telling each or (hem how much of;J diffLrcnce they made. Using the Who! Am Maim A Difference Ceremony, she called each student to the from of the class, one at a time. First she told the class how lhat student made a diffen:ncc to her. Then, she presented each of lht~m with a Who! Am A1akes A Difft:rence l3luc Ribbon. Afterwards the teacher decided to do a class project ro see what kind of impact acknowledge- ment would have Oil their cOllllllllnity. She gave each of the students three more ribbons and inSlTllCled thelll to go out and spread this Blue Ribbon Ceremony. They were to follow up on the results, see who honored whom :lI1d rcporr h:](k to the class in about a week. Olle of the boys in the class went to a junior executive in a nearby company ;llld honored him for having helped him with his career planning. The boy gave him a Blue Ribbon, placing it on his shirt just above his heart. Then he gave the junior executive two extra rihbons, <Ind said, "\X/e're doing a class project on acknowledgemem, and we'd lih~ you 10 go out and find someone to honor. Cive them rhis Blue Ribhon, then give them the extra Blue Ribbon so they can acknowledge another per- son to keep this acknowledgement ceremony going. Then, please report back to me and tell me what happened. " Later that day rhe junior executive went ill ro see his boss, who Iud been noted, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy fellow. He sat his boss down and told him tlut he deeply ;ldmired him for being a creative genius. The junior executive asked him ifhe would accept the gift of the Blue Ribbon ~ll1d would he give him permission to put it 011 him. His surprised boss said, "\X!ell, sure." The junior executive took the Blue RihhOl"l and placed it right on his boss' jacket ahove his hean. As he g,lve him the laSt extra ribbon, he said, "Would you do me a favor? \X/ould you take this extt;! rihbon and pass it on by honoring someone else? The young boy who first gave me the ribhons is doing a project in schoo] and we want to keep this recognition ceremony going to find out how it affects people." That night the boss went home to his Ii/-year-old son and sat him down. I-Ie said, "The most incredible thing happened to me today. I W:lS in my office and olle of the junior executives came in and told me ht~ admired tllt and gave me a Blue Rihbon for being a creative genius. Im;lgine. He thinks I'm a creative genius. Then he pur this Blue Ribhon that says Who! Am Makn A DijJt'Yef/a on my jacket above my hean. He gave me an extra ribbon and asked me to find someone else to honor. As I was driving home tonight, I starred thinking about whom I would honor with this rib- bon and I thought ahout you. I \vant to honor you. "My d:l}'S ate really hectic and when 1 come home I don't pay a lot of arrenrion to you. Sometimes I scream at YOIl r(Jr l10t getting good enough grades in school or for your bedroom being a mess. Bur somehow tonight, I just wamed to sit here and, ""'ell, just let you know that you do make a din-trence ro me. Besides your mother, you are tile most important person in my lit"C. You're a great kid and I love you!" The surrled boy starred to sob :lnd sob. He couldn't stop crying. His whole body shook. He got up, walked over to a drawer, opened it and rook out a gUll. Holding the gun in his hand, he looked up at his father and through his tears he said, "I was planning on commi'tingsuicide tomorrow, Dad, because I didn'r think you loved me. Now I dOIl't need to." ~"lD' ",' ',\;~. ;'/'r..; I . .:':'(*(7' ....00,;, ." .,j .' >. j. . .... ,'. .. ..,....- /fe.. 'J;} ordn JlllI": Ribhon~);" online to \\'WwhllLlTihbol1s.Drg ur elll 760.753.0')6:'l. CopyrigIH@2()OG Helict IIridfp Qf~Am ;'vlakes A Difference@ - lO-SLep Blue Ribbon Ceremony Step I . Focus on the good: Fh/{) SOI/Ii'OII1' to 11(kl/(!II)!('(~~I'. ,""it or Sit/fit} in frolll of ,he penon .l'ON want to !JOllOr. Show ,hem thr Bille RihbrJl!, /lJordr(rlcil/g them, make qc COlllac! (ifil I.f appropriatc to that cuitllre), spn/A' their I/rlIn!', alld.. Step 2 . Affirm the words: S/(P, this is (/ HIlle RibbON thllt .frlYS Who / 11m MflA'CS 11 Differellce'''. Step 3 . Express your appreciation: Ie/I them how thl)' /flake 1/ d!/fin'r/(e.' {;:x"amples: f IIdmin' )!(Jl1 jln' goillgfbryaur dn:mns .. You tllwrlp haFt (/ good u'ord to Ja)' about propll'... Viii( MRe lillll' to hdp /tie 11)/lh my work Step -I . Respect their 1:hoice to receive your gift: /hk {(/hey /liould accept YOllr pft... u.4,tn thq srly YES, t!Jeff flSk/i;r pnmis:iioll to fillli'l' the H/uc NihbOll 011 them (if 'hcy crllll UNtil' it, aSA' them to put it in II place [(ihere tIN)' 1('1/1 /JI' (/b!e to Yfl' it r/lld aiz/!{qr be rClllilldrr! tflm who thf)' arc maly'.r a diffin'II(,('J. Step 5 . Give them this lasting symbol ror po.~itive change: fl/(IU' the IUIII' Nibhor! alm/Je their heart.. .poil/ted s!t~tz;htly upwrlrds rind Sri)'" "flll plr/ting this ri/;{/oll r/ho/ll' YOllr h('llrt tow({/d all )'our hest dreams mming trllef" Step 6 . Lighten them up and cheer them on: /'oint to the globe 011 the rihbon IInd te/I them..." In:iidl' o/this ,~lohe are cheer/rar/rrs, cherring)'!!!! 011 jilr .l'our drttlms. f'm one o(thefll. /0 get the whole coml1lUlliI~y jlllnpingjoryollr drCrlll/s, fill gOillg to put the 'Sprfrl/fl"ollllflY heart into the cheer/eader.r by .raying the word I?ING\!" (Vim both ought to get II ltlllgh Otlt Ildoil/j!, tiJiy, IIlhleh helps peo- ple tr! /Z~IJlI'/I lip IIlId know that positive change call be Jim.) With YOIII" index/inger, /z<,;ht6' f(/I' the t,lobr on 1/11' Blue Ribbon as you my "BIN.G\!" Fiuilt illlo eWI)' Who j ^11l M~kes A Dij-krcnce'"' Biuc Rib(;o!l are ~~/!ilrky~' cheer/mrlrr.r,.. cheering you 011 jf)r your drrrflns. Sprlrky is pa-,sing you hrr torch (lnd ill/'itll/g )'011 to /il'/p her pllt (/ V!tlrk in ever)' Bille Ribboll kl' .<!'Jing.. .I?INQ! The .(OII/If! "BING\!" will f;l't the chel'lklders jumpillg up ill thr rrir -,houtillg... You rock! Co for your dreams! We believe in you! How em we help you? Wh,n do YOll need? Alld kilOii' tbmfromlhis rh"I'.F,rtl, {Inri fJrCwr "'11>"1'._ _,"/lI'1J' Ii,,/(, )'"" j"'tlrtl "BING\!>> kllOlI' 1f,{11 a child jtJSt eft their c:!ri1am.. Step 7 . Connect heart-to-hcart: !-lug, shake hands, smile or do U4}1lf('I!(T amil'.!' l/flfurrtf(v tli YOII rlud Ihe OIher penoll. Step 8 . Give them a chance to he a "Spark" for othcrs: Gift tflrm two extra BIlIc Ribbon; so thq Cl/tI pllSS them on to others, crl'tfthlg more Difference i'vl</kers "5'parks" throughollt our ("o/lllllunifJ; wlllltr)' and l"Orld. Step 9 . Always adUlowlc(lgc the best in yourself and others. III thr spirit (llll{' Hiue Ribbon.. .lIlwrlp r!iJI'!ay your ribbollllll your computrr, UNtI!, mirror, II/sor or {flly /lisiMe pi(/('(' as If remilldrr to thillk j!,oorf thou}!.ht:; about YOllrsef/rllld Ii/hers as ofien as you can. Step 10. BONUS...Have fun making a differcnce. lfyol( {(lilt a!w((ys /hink good thollghtJ' IIbout'youne![rl11d other:,-, tf/kF)'our 131111' Nibboll ofT /Um it upside-dowlI and YOIl {{If! think allY thought you IINfllt. \17hl"n _you're re({(6' tll think good t/iollf;/1l\ ilgalll, !11m Yllllr ribboll right- side up and (,.\j)(,,-icl/c(, (Jl/I'C IIp,aill, /iou' lilliI'll you Ctm make fl dljjcrrllCf. Thj~ cnenlllllY was Cleated in 1983 by Helice founder 01" Difl"erence J\bkcrs Inlcrn:uiollal. "Sp;uky" Bridges, fj" ~ Diff,f!';~~: ~a!~e::~ ...., f{u./'I,w;f:I/JsLiq,/):m..;(li<'iJlN/k,'/'IF).\ To order Blue Ribbom go online III www.blunibbom.org or call 760.753Jl963. C"I'yri~IH iDl006 I kli~,'I\'-id!;,', .;r~ !r.'J 'I ,':'1/ , '4 ~~i't"'< EMAIL TO 'RSVP &SIG~ UP. - info@blueribbons.org Teerys Train ;reens"on Saturd,ay, Nbvember 1.- 200'82-4 p.m., And Teens Re'hJrn For' Blue Ribbon-A- Thon on sa!Urday,. November 8, 2008 2-4 p.m. In Suppor.t of Nationol Moking A DifferenceDoy A Project of Difference Makers Internatianal A nonprofit educational orginization510 (cX3). .. /)ifference Makers Znternatianal's,Programs have impacted 30 million people world-wide, with its Blue Ribbon" Who Z' Am Makes A Difference" if i . 1.<""'" n~ You are invited to,.. 250 Sa~ Diego&, Chula Vista Teens Teach s!blings, peers, parents and neighbors - How to-- * ErcidicoJeBullying *' Express appreciation, respect & love. *' Make dreams come true. LOCATI~N FOR BOTH EVENTS (fREE~ Turning the Hearts Center ' . . 345 5th Ave I'lQ e ,aluldli!i!o, CA 91910 "":;'_. '''i:''~ ." '" ';",-, \- j'el. '''''.' :<:". ".... ~.... ;Ii.., ......'?1.""...."3 -. . ~~O~~-~2:-t~e:~~,~":i,y"'J''" Taught By: Helice "Sparky" Bridges and teen "Standing Strong Together" Invitation Only: 250 Teens selcted by local schools, Turning the Hearts . Center and Community Leaders' BECOME A SPONSOR CALL TODAY! 449 Santa Fe Drive Suite 252, Encinitas. CA 92024 Tel: 760-753-0963 Fax: 760-753-0973 www ,blueribbons, org Is bullying, gossiping and negativity affecting your organization's productivity, peace and prosperity today? Are you ready to experience dignity and respect among people in your workplace, home and community? ~~ High-impact Leadership . Uncover 3 ways to dissolve conflict before it starts. . Discover 5 ways to speak to be heard, appreciated and understood. . Learn One-Minute System that ignites creativity, vitality and fun! 7fJ~ Become Leaders of Change . Discover 5 ways to conduct meetings in half the time with twice the degree of excellence. . Experience 3 secrets to employees shouting "Thank God it's ..c'--~<MOiiCla)W"-"=~ - - -. ~-~. .. Co. --.-- . -Increase passion, productivity and prosperity. Helice "Sparky" Bridges Founder and CEO Difference Makers International --.-.... "'c,~'_'.''''''___. ~_.~..-.....,.."-...,,.-..-'- "Helice Bridges follows in the shoes of great leaders like Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Her powerful acknowledgement system gives children and adults of all ages the long overdue right to be appreciated, respected, loved and nurtured by the society in which they live." Jack Canfield, author and editor, Chicken Soup for the Soul.series . DiJf!rence Makers INTERNA TJONAL A nonprofit educational organization 50] (eX3) ~~ Become a Sponsor Today! Your contribution is 100% tax deductible . Circle Your Sponsorship Choice .'=-.:--<"';:;;:': Platinum Sponsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 10,000.00 Gold Sponsor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5,000.00 Silver Sponsor. . . . . . : .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,500.00 .., Blue Ribbon Sponsor... .. . .... . .. $ 500.00 Difference Maker Sponsor. . . . . . . . $ -:; Purchase Blue Ribbon Products for the Holidays If gift ... 100% tax deductible Allproduc:ts-indude IO-Step Blue Ribbon (eremony arid "Who I Am MakesA Diff:~~:r:~e" si8?ature story Quantity Total 1) Case 36 books "Who I Am Makes A Difference" 'M books 143 pgs. - $13.50/ea book Case: $486.00 2) Leader's Kit~ 1,000 pre-cut Blue Ribbons wi Who I AmMakes A Difference'M book Kit: $450.00 3) Executive Kit - 500 pre-cut Blue Ribbons wi Who I Am Makes A Difference n. book Kit: $239.00 i~ 4) Community Kit (schools or nonprofit organizations) 600 UNCUT Blue Ribbons on a Roll and '~..'WhorAm "Makes A Difference'M book Kit: $149.00 5). Classroom Kit - 100 pre-cut Blue Ribbons " Who I Am Makes A Difference'M book Kit: $ 59.00 . ADD: 7.75% CA Sales Tax ADD: 10% shipping (US only) TOTAL ORDE~ o Check enclosed (pay to Difference Makers Inn) Thx 'D 33-067-1566 Please charge my Mastercard 0 -VISA 0 AmEx 0 Discover 0 Card # Exp. date 3-digit V-code on back of credit card): Name Signature Phone . Company Address . . City/State : E-mail Zip How a Dream Can Change the World By Stephanie Lynne Sands (16 years old) - en reams are /l universal bond lIlli! trallscend lime, pltZce, rt{cc, 'LJ religion, sex tllld creed. thq are powofit! driving/orees in the jHarts (llllcn, lllomen, children, and feenage~:~ tzl! olla (he world. The grell/est thing about dremns iJ tbilt they are as unique ilS the hulividu{zl to whom they belong. Late :H night, as I g3.ze up at the stars, I dream of many things. I' J like to win an Olym- pic mc,hl and marry a guy who is not only good looking, but kind and head over heds in love with me. Bur, most impor- randy, I dream of a more loving and accepting world. I know I am nor alone in these dreams. I meet people that share them every day. Unfortunately, they don't al- ways know how to make their d rcams come true. I'm happy to say that I've not only fi- nally found a way to change the world but also to make the dream of a lady from Califor- n ia come true as welL You'rc probably wondering who this lady is, what is her dream, and how am I going to change the world, Her name is Helice Bridges. She is the cre- ator of the "\Vho I Am .Makes a Difference". Blue Ribbon and founder of Difference Makers International. a nonprofit edu- cat ion a 1 organization. lIe/if/' "Sfhlrkf' U,-ir(r;/'s, FiJ/lJ/rll'r/CIMirr{ Ibe BO'lrd, Differm{t' ,\taken 1mePIJII;o/l,d; CEO, I1dice B,-ir(,<I'.( Commllnicdti(lm, 111C, 111fough her Blue Ribbon Ceremony, almost 26 million people worldwide [as of July 2007] have learned to bring out the greatness in themselves and others in a minutc or less. It is her dream to have a Blue Ribbon on eVlTY person in the v.'Orld. J discovaed the pownj;d 1IJagicoJiheBf/lc Ribbon when I read Helices 'TVho JAm Jdakes /1 f)iffaence~" story in Chicken Soup for the Soul. /~jicrretlrling the st01)' sevenz! times and llIor/.:- ing m}' way through a b,mdful rl tissues, I decided thlll tbis was a program desperately needed in my community. I presented the "\Xfho I Am Makes a Difference"" program to a group I chair. It's called the Eaton Rapids Youth Advisory our campaign ended, students were requesting more ribbons; they even went home and made their own rib- bons so thev could continue the acknowl- edgement cer- emony. They loved having the power to walk up to the important peo- ple in their lives and tell them how much they appreciated them. To this day, Blue Rih- bans can he seen al! O\'er the school - on student lockers, bags and bul- letin hoards. Citizens of Eaton Rapids guickly heard about the won- <.icrful things happening at school. A committce of people (including our superintemknt and myself) quickly formed our community, our country and our world. Today I come before you with a chal- lenge. I chal- lenge the youth of America to unite :1nd change the world. Orga- nize a Bille Ribbon Cam- paign in YOllr church, school or communiry. Don't let the critics and dis- believers beat YOll down, tdl YOll it is im- possible, that it can't be dOlle. When times gcc tough, hold your head high because \Vho You Arc n.-hkes a Difference. Remember those \vho are cra- zy enough to believe the)' can change the world arc the ones who do, "Let's Paint the Town Blue" Remember.those who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world are the ones who do. Committee. l'vIv 6 fellow StlJ~ dents also saw the need for th is program in our community. \X!e decided to purchase 200 Blue Ribbons and ran "\Vho I Am .M akes a Difference"~\Xfeek at our middle school and high school. "I11e program was an immediate success. To put it simply, some of the most wOllderful people in the world had newr realized that they nude a difference in the lives of thosc around them. 'Ihe self-esteem building that occurred during this week was truly amazing. For weeks aner a team and pulled together a gigantic community-wide Blue Ribbon Week. I am proud to announce Eaton Rapids designated April 18-26, ]998 as "Who] Am Makes a Difference"~ wreck, with the theme "Let's Paint the Town Blue," To date, o\'er 5,825 people have been ac- knowledued' b . Changing the v.'orld means looking no farther than your own back door because when we heal a broken relationship or pcrson, we heal ourseh'es, ~~~ To crt'ate a "Paint the Towll Bllu" ctl1npaign, Call Dil(erCllcc Makers Inl 'I /0 order Blue Ribbon products: 760.753.0963 it~j()@b1uaibbonJ.org www.blueribbons.oy"'r.; ~ Call fin' cOlfomte, selloot, orgtl- nization and /ami{y tmJning programs: He!ia: Bridges C01JI1111111ications, inc, 760.634.1655 i l!(o@helicebrid...e-.es.[om ~