HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1997/04/15 RDA MINUTES OF A JOINT MEETING OF TIlE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF CHULA VISTA Tuesday, April 15, 1997 Conncil Chambers 8:28 p.m. Public Services Building CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Agency/C{mncihnembcrs John S. Moot, Stephen C. Padilia, Jerry R. Rindone, Mary Salas, and Chair/Mayor Shirley A. Hl~rtcln ALSO PRESENT: John Goss. Director/City Manager: John M. Kaheny, Legal Counsel/City Attclmey: Beverly A. Anthglet, City Clerk: and Patricia Schwenke, Deputy City Clerk 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 8. 1997 (Sp¢cial meeting). MSUC (Padilla/Hnrtlm) to approve lhe miuules, approved unanimlmsly 5-0. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Nime. ACTION ITEMS 3. JOINT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 18624 AND AGENCY RESOLUTION 1536 AUTHORIZING THE DISSOLUTION OF TtlE SOUTHWEST PROJECT AREA COMMITTEE AND ESTABLIStlING THE PLANNING COMMISSION AS THE RECOMMENDING BODY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR PROJECTS LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA--On 3/16/93, the Rcdevelopment Agency adopted a resolution approving revised "roles and ~mctions" fi~r th~ Town Centre, Otay Valley Road, and Slluthwc'st Project Area Committees. On 8/17/93, the Council/Agency disstdved the Mimtglm~ery Planning Ciimmittec and seated the remaining members on the Southwest Pr~iect Area Committee. It was the expectatilm that thg cllnsolidation of the two committees would bring the gronp into a more c,:~hesivc and eft~'clive review bl~cly tier prt~i~cts proposed in the southwestern portion of the City. However, there has been a lack ol roterest and meetings have been cancelled due to lack of quorums. During this period. the Community Developnaent and Planning Departmcnts have processed Southwest Prc~iect Area projects through the Planning Commission pursuant to authl~rity granted in the Simthwest Redevelopmcnt Plan and the City's Zlming Ordinance. Staff recommemls apprlrea[ ill the resolution. (Director of Community Development) (04-15-97 ) Lyle Hayngs. Assistant Directin- i~f Clnmnnnity Development, stated the resolutitms bc'iilre the Agency/Council are to dissolve the Simthwest Prl~iect Ar~a Colllllliltce and tierreally estahlisl~ the Planning Conm~ission as the pr{~iect review body tilt prigjeers located within the Slmthwest redevelopment area. Staff's recommendation is consistent with State law and establishes a higher and ml>re dilc'ct level {~f public review and input tier residents that may be afX'~cted fi~r projects and redevelopment actions l~ccurring in their neighborhood. It is staff's opinion that pr~iects, issues, and concerns in this area can be better handled by the Planning Comn~ission. Agency/Councilmember Padilia asked if the Phmning Clmm~ission ~vould legally snfficc tier those issues regarding housing displacement. Glen Googins, Depnty City Attorney, advised the Planning Cimmlissilm would suftice tier those issues. The requirement under Redevelopnlent Law anti under the pr,!iect area plan fi~r the Simthwcst Redevelopment Project Area was fi~r a three-year pr{~iect area conllnittee clmm~encing with the adllptitm ill the plan and expiring three years thereafter: it is the Agency's discretion to extend the existence of that pr{~lect area cllmm~ttee. Minutes April 15. 1997 Page 2 JOINT COUNCIL RESOLUTION 18624 AND AGENCY RESOLUTION 1536 OFFERED BY AGENCY/COUNCILMEMBER MOOT, reading ot' the lexl *.vas waived, tillei read, passed, and approved unanimously 5-0. OTHER BUSINESS 4. DIRECTOR'S/CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: None. 5. C|IAIR'S/MAYORIS REPORT: None. 6. AGENCY/COUNCILMEMBER COMMENTS: Nime. AD,IOtlRNMENT The meeting ac~journed at 8:37 p.m. to a cllls~d s~ssion. ·, ·, · CLOSED SESSION 7. CONFERENCE WITIt REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 · lnstructioos to negotiators rega$'ding purchase price aod terms for disposition of Agency-owned '~T property at 760 Broadway (Parcel Nl~s. 571-200-13, 14, 15, 16, 17), Redevelopmeat Agency (Chris Salmnone) { I and Broadway Village Bnsine,ss Hmnes, L.P. Respectfully Snbmitted, BEVERLY A. AUTHELET, CMC/AAE, City Clerk by: Patricia ~'~wenk~, Depnty City Clerk "' ...........'1' ........... I I r