HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008/10/21 Item 8 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~Wf:. Cln' Of '....:~ (HUlA VISTA 10/21/2008, ItemL ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING lJPDATES Al'ID CHANGES TO THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE PLANNING MA1'\IUAL MID AUTHORIZING THE CITY lvLA.-NAGER OR DESIGNEE TO .APPROVE FUTURE UPDATES TO THE MA1'\IUAL DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS @. J:- ~ =~) INTERIM CITY MA1".JAGER .::> 4/STHS VOTE: YES 0 NO 0 SUBMITTED BY: REVIEWED BY: SUMMARY On January 24, 2007, the Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Permit. The Permit requires jurisdictions within San Diego County to develop and enforce actions 'that prohibit the discharge of pollutants into the City's storm waster conveyance systems. Adoption of the updates to the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning i'vIanual includes requirements for recycling and solid waste enclosures and storage areas in new industrial, commercial, and multi-family developments to be designed with solid roofs to prevent storm water contact with trash and recyclables. The resolution includes allowing future updates to the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual to be made administratively with the approval of the City Manager or designee. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project qualifies for a Class 7 categorical exemption pursuant to Section 15307 (Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of Natural Resources) of the State CEQA Guidelines. Thus, no further environmental review is necessary RECOMMENDATION Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION The municipalities that discharge to San Diego Bay have established, through evaluation of 8-1 10/21/2008, Item~ Page 2 of2 urban runoffmonitoring data and potential pollutant sources, that bacteria is a high priority water quality problem in the San Diego Bay Watershed, as is the case throughout San Diego County. Decaying organic material that is usually found in trash dumpsters serves as a medium for bacterial growth. Often, trash dumpster lids in industrial, commercial, and multifamily developments are left open. Open trash dumpsters can attract birds and cause a nuisance. Furthermore, open trash dumpsters allow for exposure of trash to storm water during a rain event. When rainwater comes in contact with trash, it can become contaminated with bacteria, oil and grease, and nutrients. Rainfall into an open trash dumpster allows for these pollutants to be transported in the runoff. The resulting runoff from an open dumpster can contain pollutants that are discharged to a nearby storm drain, which eventually leads to San Diego Bay. By building solid rooftops on recycling and trash areas, new industrial, commercial, and multi- family developments can prevent storm water pollution through elimination of this possible source of pollutants. The solid rooftop shall be constntcted out of an impermeable material that excludes rainwater from the trash enclosure. Examples of materials that can be used for a rooftop are corrugated metal or plastic or tile roofing. As a result of the Stormwater pollution prevention action, the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual, which was adopted by Council in January 2005, has been updated to include the proposed language. The Manual is made available to permit applicants from the Planning and Building Department, Public Works Department - Environmental Services Division and at multiple locations on the City web site. The Manual provides information for incorporating appropriate space for recycling and solid waste; items to be considered in recycling and solid waste planning for development projects; enclosure and storage area constntction requirements and contact infonnation for the Public Works Department - Environmental Services Division staff, should an applicant desire additional assistance or preliminary review of their plan. Adoption of the resolution will approve the changes to the Manual and authorize the City Manager or a designee to administratively approve future updates to the Manual. This will ensure that this document is updated in a timely manner. DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site specific and consequently the 500 foot rule found in California Code of Regulations section 18704.2(a)(I) is not applicable to this decision. FISCAL IMPACT The requested actions will not impact the General Fund. ATTACHMENTS I. Strikeout version of the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual 2. Modified Draft of the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual Prepared by: LYIlII France, Environmental Services Program ivFonager alld Khosro Aminpour. Senior Civil Engineer. Departmenl a/Public Works 8-2 I Attachment 1 ~u?- ~~ ~. ~~~~ 6NVlRDNM6NTAL ~ S6RVlC6S ~ CITY OF . (HULA VISTA RECYCl~NG AND SOLID WASTE PLANNING MANUAL AdcD~ed by Ccu~cil ~es01u~icn 2005-023 ~~e~ded bv Cou~cil ~~sclut'on No. 2008- 276 Fourth Ave Chura Vista. CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.qov 8-3 ~q&;.. ~ ------~ ~~~ CITY OF I ::;NVIRDNMENTAL ~ CHUl.A VISTA SER.VICES ~ RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE PLANNING GUIDE Table of Contents Page Section I Overview........................................................................................................ 3 Section II Recycling and Solid Waste Standards for ..................................................... 7 Curbside or Door-to-Door Service for Small Quantity Generators Section III Recycling and Solid Waste Standards for ................................. ....................8 Multi-Family Complexes-Central Collection-Bin Service Section IV Recycling and Solid Waste Standards for .......... .................................... 10 Commercial and Industrial Businesses-Central Collection-Bin Service Section V Recycling and Solid Waste Enclosure Standards ........................................11 Section VI Sample Drawinos of Enclosures ............... ..15 3 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 9191Q www.chulavistaca.QOV 8-4 This paqe is intentionallY left blank 8-5 ~~f? ~ ~-:-_-~ - - ~...... I SNV1RDNM6NTAL ~ S6RVIC-6S ~ CITY OF CHULA.. VISTA Recvclinq and Solid Waste Planninq Manual I 1 - OVERVIEW The State of California has mandated t'1at at least 50% of the solid waste generated be diverted from landfills. Therefore, each applicant for a ef-a development, subdivision,_ major construction proiect or demolition project (including new public facilities) is required to develop ::md submit a Recycling and Solid Waste Plan within their drawinqs to ensure that aporopriate space has been allocated to recvclinq and solid waste accumulation. storaqe. and collection so that the future occupants will have the abilitv to participate in the City's solid waste and recvclinq proqrams. Plans for vour new proiect will be reviewed by the Environmental Services Division to ensure adequate space has been allotted to recvclinq and solid waste activities. Your desiqn should include the steps the applicant'occupant will take to meet the local and State mandates and recycle the Desionated Recyclable materials as defined in Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 8.25. Plans are subiect to approval by the Citv Manaqer or desiqnee. Additionally a Construction and Demolition Waste Manaqement Report and performance deposit. for construction and demolition covered proiects is required as a comoonent of the permit approval process. (CVMC 8.25.095).GS 3 p3rt of tho 3ppra"GI prooess. For more details on the Construction and Demolition Waste Manaqement Report Form and performance deposit requirements 00 to hltp:///www.chu[avistaca.qov/clean/environmentalservices or contact the Environmental Services Division at (619) 691-5122 environmentalservices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us Tho PI::m neust oascribc tho stGpe the opplic3nt 'Nil' tGko to moot tho 10031 ono State m3ndGtes ::lnd reo,'ole tho DesignGtod Recyclable mGtariGls os defined in ChulG Vist3 M~nioipol Cmie Ch3pter @.25. Plo".s Gre subject to Gppravol by tho City MonogN or his d::Jclgneo. Desi!'ln3ted Reoycla13les ;nclu~G: Resisential recyolable" thosespeoiflc recyolGble motcri31s from roeidentiol solid ,,\'osto (siegle romily ono multi fomll,') ;nol"di,1g byt r.ot 'imited :0, oluminum, g'ose bc~l~s ond jGre, pl3etio bottles, tin and bi molal oons, newspoporc, mi)md poper (mog3zinos, ;",1k "'311, t31ophone booke, poporbook books, and boxboorg) cordboord, white gOCJds 3r,d prd WOS:3. Commercial reoycl3bles gecignotog recyolGblc motoriols from offioe ong hospitolity inguctrios. Moto"iols ;noludc but ore not limbd to, 0,"00 paper, 03rdboo"g, 913SO bottles or.d jO"S, plGstio bottles, oluminum, tin ong bi metol cons, ong '"hite goods. Insu"trial recyolaeles roc)'olob!o moterio! from industei31, oonstru~tic:-. o"d :orr.olition ope"otions incluging, but not limited to oOpholt, oonoreto, dirt, lond clooring bruch, sand ang rook. Items to be considered in your planninq process: The fo[lowing ore items to be oonsigered 'Nhen designing YCJur projoot ond ehouiGl be Gddr3ssog in your Pion. You must inoluoe a oGreGtivo t~::lt thorOUgh!)' gescr;bos )'o'Jr peojoot'c wosto roduotion 3nd recyoling octivities. If )'ou hO'/o questions or neeg olorificotion, yo',,: m3Y cont::lot tho City CO."'ser:Gtion 3nd Environmontol >:oo:ioos Dep3rtment Gt (619) ,,91 5122 or COEls21yation:!iCei.ehula ',icta.ca.uc oe t~,o City's 'I.'ob cite 'NNw.ohuI3'.'istoo3.Qov. ;;:ubmit your Reoys!iR!j 3RS SeNff 1'/3,;10 MOR3!jement Pion with your opplicatien for 0 disoretiono."/ permit to tho Chulo Visto PIGnning DepGrtment f.or oppro'l3I. Inc'ude a short nGrroti'/e ::lbou! 'iour "Ion implement3tion ong oporotion within the "Notas" Gn ,08r plans. 5 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 WNW.chulavistaca.aov 8-6 Identify the recycling and trash space allocated within your project, as this will dictate how well your occupants will be able to participate in the various City recvclinq programs, how much they will recycle and how much they can save. Make sure your infrastructure planning allows your future occupants the ability to avail themselves of all recycling and solid waste services. Your plan~ must provide adequate space to properly store all the solid waste and recyclables generated on the site in approved containers between service days. The plan~ must also allocate space in a manner that provides occupants with the opportunity to divert all the Designated Recyclables generated at the site. Desiqnated Recvclables include: Residential recyclables - those specific recvclable materials from residential solid waste (sinqle-familv and multi-family) includinq but not limited to. aluminum. qlass bottles and iars. plastic bottles tin and bi-metal cans. newspapers mixed paper (maqazines. junk mail telephone books. paperback books. and boxboard) cardboard. white qoods and vard waste. Commercial recvclables - desiqnated recvclable materials from office and hospitalitv industries. Materials include but are not limited to office paper. cardboard, qlass bottles and lars plastic bottles. aluminum. tin and bi-metal cans and white qoods. Industrial recyclables - recvclable material from industrial. construction and demolition ooerations includino. but not limited to asphalt. concrete. dirt. land-c1earinq brush. sand and rock. Your plan~ needs to describe how the recycling and solid waste infrastructure will be utilized by the occupants and maintained on an on-going basis, such as: o Include solid waste and recycling requirements and information in your CC&Rs, employee/owner/tenant orientations, policy manuals, and lease agreements. Include the draft language for these items in your Plan. o Show where residents will store containers during the week and where they will be placed on service day; where and how bulky items, Holiday trees and used motor oil will be placed for collection. ' o If contracting with a landscaper, your plan must demonstrate that you will require all yard waste to be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Your plan shall establish the requirement to obtain receipts from the contractor demonstrating that the material was recycled or composted. Those receipts shall be maintained for eighteen (18) months and be available to City staff for review upon two days notice during regular business hours. . a Color code containers and provide graphic signs that instruct occupants/customers to separate materials in the containers used to transport recyclables and trash to the outdoor enclosure. o Place recycling containers next to all trash containers -("twinning"). o Review your operations at least annually. Contact the city for a free waste audit to improve business recycling productivity, reduce waste and keep your solid waste and recycling services cost-effective and up to date. Small Quantity Generators (SQG - curbside service for residents and small businesses) can control their monthly costs by reducing their trash volume through weekly trash and recycling collection, bulky item collection, yard waste collection, used oil and oil filter collection, Holiday tree collection, and two annual landfill passes and two annual yard waste passes. (See service brochures for details on these programs at www.chulavistaca.Dov/CLE..<\N/Environmentalservices.) Large Quantity Generators (LQG - commercial, multi-family and industrial projects with central collection service) can control or reduce their costs by taking advantage of recycling savings. Restaurants and 8-7 C1nOF I eNVIRONMeNTAL ~ CHUlA VISTA SeRVrc.es ~ other hospitality facilities can obtain free food-beverage container collection service. ~u~ ;.~--: -----~ _...oo:;...-~ - -_..-.:.---.:-... EstimatinQ Trash Service Capacity Needs for Central Bin Collection in Multi-familv Complexes After estimating the required trash service - pair each trash bin with the required recycling service and design enclosures appropriately. Multi.family Complex Service Needs Table Cubic yards per # Bedrooms per unit unit per wk. Studios-18r. 0.33 1-2 Br. 0.36 2-4 Br. OAO Calculation' + Product of bin size X # Of cubic : Total Total cubic times . yards per unit cubic yards of days a week servic~ # Of units in complex from Service yards of service (example: 100, 3-bedroom Needs Table service needed pe (4 yd bin X 2 days) = Number of trash units) above needed pe week enclosures required week 100 XOA : 40 40 +8 -5 LOQistical Considerations: . Weeklv trash and food/beverage container recycling collection is the minimum requirement. All multi-family, commercial, industrial and public facility properties may subscribe to service that is more frequent. . Small Quantity Generators (SQG - curbside collection) place two or more 96-gallon or smaller trash and recycling carts at the curb for weekly collection on their assigned collection day. These customers also receive yard waste, bulky-item, used oil and oil filter collection services. Therefore there must be curbside space for these containers with one and a half (11/2) feet, approximately eighteen inches, between each cart and any stationary objects (e.g. parked cars), on service day. . All properties must have adequate space to accommodate bin and/or cart storage for waste and recyclable materials separately and out of public view in-between collection days. The City strongly recommends that commercial properties plan for no more than three collections per week and that multi-family properties plan for no more than twice per week service. For details on enclosure design requirements see Enclosure and Chute Design Requirements - Central Collection. . Twinning - design so that recycling containers are placed with each trash receptacle. . On a mixed-use site, the Recycling and Solid Waste Management Plan generally follows the space allocation criteria for each use category (i.e. single-family, multi-family, commercial, curbside collection, or central collection). 7 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista. CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.aov 8-8 o Public facilities shall implement the service category that best fits the facility use, always twinning recycling and trash containers for ease, convenience and to minimize the contamination of recyclable materials. . 0 . Offices typically generate a waste stream with' 40% to 60% mixed paper. Mixed paper includes: office paper, cardboard, junk mail, magazines, telephone books, box board, etc. Carbon paper or sinGle use items such as tissues and paper towels are not recyclable and must be com posted or placed in the trash. o If your business will consistently generate a large amount of wooden pallets, food waste, five- gallon plastic buckets or another potentially' recyclable item~ you may contact the City~ Concerv3ticn ::me E;n'lironmont31 "orlices De~ertmontEnvironmental Services Division or ~ WCicto corlicosAllied Waste Services for recycling market assistance. o If vour business manufactures a product and would like to include recycled materials in the feedstock please contact the Environmental Services Division. The City of Chula Vista is part of the South San Dieqo County RecyclinG Market Development Zone. Staff can help you with sourcinG feedstock or markets for larqe volumes of recyclable waste materials. and can determine if your operation mav qualify for low interest loans from the California Inteorated Waste Manaqement Board. Go to www.ciwmb.ca.qov/RMDZlSanDieqo/formoredetails. o Design in a manner that facilitates the following priorities: reduce, reuse, recycle, compost and dispose. Examples: D Residential kitchens: Ample space for trash and recycling bins under sinks or in cabinetry for separation of Designated Recyclables. D Show where residents will store carts during the week on their property and where they will be placed at the curb on collection day. D Outdoor dining, lounge areas and public facilities: Plan for trash and Designated Recyclables collection containers side-by-side (twinning). D Copy and print rooms: Allow space for both trash and paper recycling containers side by side to encourage diversion. . D Bars and dining areas: Incorporate space for recycling of all food and beverage containers, specifically, along with other Designated Recyclables as appropriate. D Recreation Centers and Community Pools: Plan for trash and Designated Recyclables collection containers side-by-side (twinning.) o Residential automated collection vehicles collect materials from the right side of the vehicle only. o Commercial collection vehicles collect materials at the front of the vehicle. o If the collection truck must enter your property to service bins, the truck must be able to circulate the parking area without backinG up. Collection vehicles have a turning radius of 37.1 ft.. are approximately 35 feet long (curbside collection bucket adds 7 feet to the length for a total of 42 feet) and 8 feet wide. To Complete your Plan: o Review the ~rojoct docign shootmanual section that applies to. your project: residential, commercial or industrial. o Write a thorough description of how you will implement your Recycling and Solid Waste Management Plan through each phase of the project: pre-construction. construction. and operation/occupancy. o Submit your Recycling and Solid Waste Management Plan with your projcct Jon vour site drawinqs and submit to the ppliGo:ic~ te :ho Chula Vista Planning Department for approval. 8-9 CITY OF I. eNVIRONMeNTAL a CHULA \1STA seRVIces ~ Include a short narrative about your plan implementation and operation within your "Notes" on your building pl:lnsdrawinqs. CONTACTS: ~\~ ~~ ~ ~ - - -- . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact PaGiiiBAllied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. PaGiiiBAllied's representative will be available to review plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . Contact the City's Conscr.'3:ion and Environmental Services DopartrnontDivision for a list of construction and demolition material recycling processors and/or service brochures for recvclinq and solid waste program details. Or check the City's web site at ,^ww.chula"istaca.gov/CLE.."u'i and click on Environmental Servicesc -Staff is also available to assist you with your recycling program and your solid waste management plan (619) 691-5122. Recycling and Solid Waste Plans are subject to approval by the City Manager or Ai&-designee. 9 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.cav 8-10 2 - RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE STANDARDS FOR CURBSIDE OR DOOR-TO-DOOR SERVICE FOR SMALL QUANTITY GENERATORS Small Quantity Generators receive weekly recyclables, yard waste and trash collection, bulky items pick up, used motor oil and oil filter collection services. Include in your site plan defined location(s) where the trash, recycling and yard waste carts will be stored in-between service days, out of public view, and where they will be placed at the curb for collection on service days. All residential dwellings with curbside or door-to-door collection must be designed to allow for weekly placement and collection of trash, yard waste and recycling containers at the curb. There must be space at the curb for a minimum of three containers (trash, recyclables and green waste), 3pproxim3(31)' approximatelv eighteen inches apart, for each dwellino unit. The City must pre-approve alley collection. The automated collection vehicle services the containers from the right side (curbside) of the vehicle. Condominiums with no private landscaping can provide space for two carts (trash and recycling, eliminating yard waste) per unit. However, condominiums must have an enclosure on the property, sufficient for yard waste bins, to serve the common areas. If contracting with a landscaper, your plan must demonstrate that you will require that all yard waste be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Your plan shall establish the requirement to obtain receipts from the contractor demonstrating that the material was recycled or composted. Those receipts shall be maintained for eighteen (18) months and be available to City s'talf for review upon two days notice during regular business hours. See the' Siegle 'omil)' Residential Roc)'cling Guid3 3.',d Tr:Jch Son/ico Brochure Environmental Services Brochure for detailed information on all available services for single-family residential customers at www.chulavistaca.qov. ~v~ ~~ Ofr.: :i,;f,,:c;~ Yard Waste CONTACTS: . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact P:Jci~c \^!3stc ~8r\'icosAllied Waste Sen/ices at (619) 421-9400. P:Jcific'sAllied's representative will be available to review plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . The City's C8~SO."".'Jtjo"", :lnd ~;;'.'ir~nr.lor.t;J~ S::,'",,'ico:: C;o,c:Jrtmcn:Environmental Services mayOivision mav be reached at (619) 691-5122 or conson/:JtiontEilsi.ch'Jla'list3.C3.UC environmentalservices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us I Recycling and Solid Waste Plans are subject to approval by the City Manager or ffi&.{jesignee. 8-11 ~u~ ;;~ --: ~ ~~-~ I C'NVIRDNMC'NTALA SC'RVICC'S ~ CITY OF CHUI.A VISTA 3 - RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE STANDARDS FOR MULTI-FAMILY COMPLEXES CENTRAL COLLECTION - BIN SERVICE The Residential Waste Stream typically includes the following recyclables: 40% paper, 10% metal, glass and plastic containers and 30% yard waste (apartments/condos usually generate only 7% to 15% yard waste from common areas). Residential services include recyclables, yard waste and trash collection and bulky item pick up. Review the service brochures for details on each of these services and how to prepare materials for collection in these programs. Multi-family Housing with Central Collection . Trash and mhoa papcr recycling bins and "igia container roc~'cIing car:s must be in the same I enclosure(s) and must allow access without having to move other containers out of the way. Please see attachments for samples of enclosure drawinqs. SAf1Plt ONLY . All bins should be placed in the enclosure out of public view. If bins are placed front-to-front, leave at least 3 feet between bins for access. The design must provide easy access for the residents ana allow the hauler access to service bins and/or carts without moving other bins/carts out of the way. . Design for approximately, one, 4-cubic yard bin for trash service for every 8-12 units depending on the number of bedrooms per unit. See estimating formula in Section 1. Then add the required recycling services for each enclosure. The City strongly recommends that you ao not assume more than twice per week collection service to limit the number of collection truck trips on your property. . Include an enclosure of appropriate size for centralized collection of yard waste. If contracting with a landscaper, make certain to include in your contract the requirement that all yard waste must be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a pemnitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Include the requirement to receive copies of receipts to verify diversion. . All projects with six or more units shall provide additional space that is sufficient for the free monthly bulky collection (mattresses, appliances, furniture), free annual Holiday Tree recycling and other periodic or seasonal events. Approximately 400 square feet is required for a complex of 40 units or more. . If the collection truck must enter your property to service bins, the tnuck must be able to circulate the parking area without backinq uP. Collection vehicles have a turning radius of 37.1 ft. are approximately 35 feet long (curbside collection bucket adds 7 feet to the length for a total of 42 feet) and 8 feet wide. See the Multi-family service brochure for more information on residents' services. www.chula-vistaca.qov. Trash and Recycling Chutes . If a facility plans to provide chutes, the City ~ill -require that you provide lRfeetwo chutes adjacent to one another in each disposal and recycling area. One chute identified for mixca ~3~er recyclables, one shut" ;::en:;fiod fa" bcttlos 3na cons, and one chute identified for trash. Other options may be proposed by first consulting the CitL's Consor/ation Coorainator. . The driver must be able to service bins without moving other bins in the chute rooms. 11. 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 I/IIW\N. chu lavistaca. aov 8-12 . It is strongly recommended that you provide an enclosure(s) on site for corrugated cardboard as boxes may clog your trash and recycling chutes. If enough space is provided, the enclosure can also be used for free bulky collection, Holiday tree collection and other periodic or seasonal services. CONTACTS: . For service day infomration or other collection clarification, contact P~cifis W~ctc Sor;icosAllied Waste Services 'at (619) 421-9400. P3cifio'cAllied's representative will be available to review plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . The City's Com:er/3tion ~nd fin'/ironment31 Ser,ioos Dep3rtncontEnvironmental Services mayDivision may be reached at (619) 691-5122 or concor/CltienfCieich'JI3 ';icheG.us environmentalservices@ci.chura-vista.ca.us I Recycling and Solid Waste Plans are subject to approval by the City Manager or RiB designee. 8-13 ~u~ ~ ~ -- ~~ - --~- CITY OF CHUl.A VISTA I 5'NVfRDNM5'NTAL ~ S5'RVrC-FS ~ 4 - RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES- CENTRAL COLLECTION - BIN SERVICE The Commercial Waste Stream varies by the type of business, but typically includes the following recyclables: 40-60% paper, 5% metal, glass and plastic containers (10%-15% for food service businesses) and 15% yard waste (or pre-consumer food waste that can be recycled with yard waste). . Commerciai and industrial properties must have enclosure space and numbers of bins or carts adequate to divert the Designated Recyclables generated on their property. . . Trash and recycling bins or carts must be placed in the same enclosures. . Yard waste must be separated from the trash. Plan for adequate container volume and service intervals to divert yard waste (tree, brush or grass trimmings) generated at your business. If contracting with a landscaper, your plan must demonstrate that you will require that all yard waste be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Your plan shall establish the requirement to obtain receipts from the contractor demonstrating that the material was recycled or composted. Those receipts shall be maintained for eighteen (18) months and be available to City staff for review upon two-days notice during regular business hours. . Each business should allocate space, in each enclosure, for at least one mixed popor bin ond one rigid cent=!nor cort recvclinq bin along with lRBif-trash disposal service requirements. . The City may require that the enclosure include additional space and access for other ancillary services (i.e. restaurants-grease collection, auto repair-scrap metal collection, etc., where applicable). COMPACTORS: . Commercial compactors are not recommended for trash service. Compactors must be pre- approved by the City's franchise hauler, Pcci~c V'!;:s:c Scr;;cosAllied Waste Services and the City Consor;ction Dnd Er'/ircnmontGI Sar/icGs C'opcrtmantEnvironmental Services ,Division. (See Municipal Code S 8.24.080.B) . A business that is using a compactor muststill divert Designated Recyclables: paper, cardboard, food and beverage containers, yard waste, clean lumber and metals, etc. (See Municipal Code Chapter 8.25). CONTACTS: . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact Poc;fic Wostc Sor/iwsAllied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Pocific'sAllied's representative will be available to review pians for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . The City's Consor/otion 3nd En';;ronmontol S3r;icos Dop3rtmontEnvironmental Services mayDivision may be reached at (619) 691-5122 or ccnson/otion@ci.chuI3 \'ist3.03."S environ mentalservices@ci.chuia-vista.ca.us Recycling and Solid Waste Plans are subject to approval by the City Manager or ms designee. 13 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.qov 8-14 I 5 - RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE ENCLOSURE STANDARDS I The following minimum bin and cart dimensions are to be used wMen designing your enclosures. I Bin Dimensions Heiqht Depth Width (Allow 2 inches oer bin dimension for access/maneuverabilitv) I 4 cubic yards (min. size to plan for trash & mixed paper) 66" 56" 81" I 5 cubic yards (Iaraer bins orovided at City/hauler discretion) 66" 68" 81" I 6 cubic yards (no wheels direct truck access) 72" 70" 81" Cart Dimensions Heiqht Depth Width (Allow 1 inch per cart dimension for access/maneuverability. Dimensions are the maximum size.) I 96 Gallon Carts (for Desianated Recyclables. yard waste and trash) 44 36 32" 0 Trash enclosures should be as far away from storm drain inlets as possible. Enclosures shall have solid rooftops and shall be constructed out of an imoermeable material that excludes rainwater from the trash enclosures. 0 All trash enclosures shall be paved with an impervious surface, designed not to allow water run-on o from adjoining areas, and shall be screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. Wheel stops for bins and carts must be configured such that they provide 8-inch bin clearance from all three walls, 6 inches high is recommended. Doors must be anchored to appropriately sized steel posts (min. 2 inches by 3/16 gauge steel) set independently from walls. Cane bolts, dropped into sleeved holes in the concrete, to hold doors in both the open and closed position are required. Enclosures andief containers within the enclosure, must have covers designed to reduce pests, illegal disposal and exclude rain. (See Municipal Code 19.58.340) o o I 0 o The fiat reinforced concrete pad (approximately 24 feet X 12 feet, no decorative stamping or brickworkJcobblestones) in front of the enclosure should extend beyond the enclosure to provide sufficient space to allow: o The truck to stop in front of the enclosure with the front wheels resting on the concrete pad: o The bins to be rolled out of the enclosure and; o The bin to be positioned in front of the truck without moving the truck. o There must be enough enclosures in the project to provide convenient and sufficient capacity to handle the volume of recyclables and waste generated between collections. o Each enclosure must be designed and sized appropriately to accommodate bins and/or carts for the Designated Recyclables and solid waste generated on the property. All properties are required to allocate space to recycle all Designated Recyclables. o Enclosures must be designed so that trash, paper, rigid containers, and yard waste containers may be accessed by the generator and serviced by the collection company without moving other bins or carts. Recommendation: A separate pedestrian access door will save ,'ou I3r~G dooraate repairs, prevent illegal disposal and is safer for the generator to use. 8-15 ~u~ ~ ~ """""'...00:;....- ~ ~ -:"'-:;"'"""to- ClTYOF I eNVIRONMeNTAL A CHUL<\ VISTA seRVIces ~. . The City may require that the enclosure include additional space and access for other ancillary seNices i.e. restaurants - grease collection, auto repair - scrap metal collection, etc. where applicable . Each enclosure must be located on the site plan and the bin and carts placement inside the enclosure clearly identified - R= mixod p3por recycling; C-:onl3inor -ool'oling; y;' _yard waste recycling; WI= waste or trash. See attachments for samales of enclosure drawinos. Enclosure Location . Reduce or eliminate the need for collection trucks to drive onto private property whenever possible. . If you place the enclosure within 25' of the public thoroughfare, the hauler will roll bins and carts to the street for seNice at no additional charge. . The hauler is authorized to add a seNice surcharge if they cannot drive to within 25' of the enclosure. . If the collection truck must enter your property to seNice bins the truck must be able to circulate the parking area without backing up. Trucks are approximately 35 - 42 feet long, 8 feet wide and a have a turning radius of 37.1 feet. . Do not put speed bumps, stamped concrete, cobblestones or other obstacles in front of enclosures that would impede the access of the vehicle or bin rollout. Truck and bins must be on a fiat. concrete surface when being seNiced. . Whenever possible enclosures for apartments and condominiums should be geographically distributed in a manner that is convenient for residents. . Enclosures in commercial settings and public facilities should consider proximity to seNice doors, traffic fiow, delivery patterns, etc. Trash and Recycling Chutes . If a facility plans to provide chutes, the City may require" that you provide tl+Feetwo chutes adjacent to one another in each disposal and recycling area. One chute identified for r:lixod ?apor recyclables, ona ch"to identified for bo~tles and oone, and one chute identified for trash. Other options may be proposed by first consulting the City,'s Cgnsor:ation Coordin3'or. . The driver must be able to seNice bins without moving other bins in the chute rooms. . It is strongly recommended that you provide an enclosure(s) on site for corrugated cardboard collection bin(s) as boxes may clog your trash and recycling chutes. If enough space is provided, the enclosure can also be used for free bulky collection, Holiday tree collection and other periodic or seasonal seNices. CONTACTS: . For seNice day information or other collection clarification, contact P3cifio W3sto Sor:icosAllied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Peeifo'sAllied's representative is available to review plans for accessibility, equipment approval, do a site visit and arrange for recycling seNices during all phases, construction through occupancy. The City's Conse":Gtien Gnd Environment31 Ser:'eGc mayOivision may be reached at (619) 691-5122 or e nv iron m en tal se rvices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us. Recycling and Solid Waste Plans are subject to approval by the City Manager or Ai&-designee. DOpGrtmontEnvironmental Services cencc r:Jtion (Gei. eh u;]1 'list;]. e3. ucor . 15 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavlstaca.qov 8-16 [I 6 - SAMPLE DRAWINGS OF ENCLOSURES 8-17 TOP VI EW II', (\j (\j ::0 G I c" " . - - CONCRETE PAD SOLID ROOF COVER1NG o I 'l" ';":'" ',' '. '" J . . ... . ... .... ~.. ~.\:. ,,':l;",:: .':8<:771' ': :,'. I '. .... ...,. ". .~ '7i .~.. ... ... " .. '" r ...... '.. /..:. -<.." ".. . ~ .. .. '" ,," ' :' ~ .- .1 '. .. .".. ; ~. .. " /.' .~ ~. " ~. . .", .... .. ~. '. .... . , 4.. ._' .." ., . CONCRFTF:, < ,_ ' APRON' ~: ..01.. . ',' . ".l,,:' .'. <" .... , .., ..". ." " ,', .. . ~;'..' .. .t.. ....... ," " ,,- (\j NOT~SI ., 8' X 6' VHEEL CURB ALL AROUND STRUCTURE, TO PREVENT BIN FROM HITTING 'WALLS ~, DOORS HUNG INDEPENDENTLY FROM VALLS ON STEEL POSTS 3, DEAD BOLT ANCHOR HOLES FOR DuORS IN Tr-:.:E OPEN .o.ND CLOSED ?OSITIIJNS, (RECOMMEND PLASTIC OR METAL PIPE TO LINE THE IJHOLD t '"' I ::0 j j j ! I L~ (., c ~0 '\ 00 ~-o '" .. 5, ENCLOSURE COVERS SHOULD HAVE 7 <SEVEN) FEET HEIGHT CLEARANCE: SO THAT LIDS MAY OPEN o. 5' - 6' HIGH STEEL GATE:S 7, 4' X 4' X l1;' STRUCTURAL STEEL POST SET INDEPENDENTL Y FROM VALLS (TYP,) 8, 6' X 12' JOIST - TOENAIL TO GRAB BE~M (TYPJ 9, 2' X 10' GR~B BEAM - FASTEN TO POST IJITH i' G,AL VANIZED CARR!AGE BOLTS ,AND \J,~SHE,~S <TY.o.) la, ALL PERMITS AND PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CITY FOR APPRDVAL. 4. A (12) T\JEL v:: -FOOT CONCRETE APRDN/PAD THAT E:XTE~DS A?P,~DXI)o1A T:::L Y T\lD FEET ON EITHER ~ND OF THE ENCLOSURE FOR THE TRUCK TO PARK AS IT PICKS UP THE CONTAINERS ORA WN 8Y.' PCltN G, SAN PEDRO DA IE: _HEET I .1-,15-04 OF J SHT5. TilLE: CITY OF CHULA VISTA SAMPLEs~~~~~8~~~LOSURE PREPARED BY: POTEN G, SAN PEDRO APPROvtD BY: JEFF MONEDA RIGHT SiDE VIEW .N(;I .11:-;lJl-:l< POST. ': ^ - c: :0 =~ ~ ,l ::^ ~ ::-=: " I =:=\=:=:(::-:: ~ c:==-:\::: \ I ~~<'~J;i,:j1 '1~~:jIj'~ ;;;lo:)l;..;lj ~aG',r,. y~~~. I~I' 5 NnTF.:$1 1. 8" X 6'" wHEEL CURB ALL ARr:JUND STRUCTURE. TO PREVENT BIN FROM HITTING \JALLS 2, DODRS HUNG INDEPENDENTLY FROM VALLS ON STE~L POSTS 3. DEAD BOLT ANCHOR HDLES ~DR DOORS IN THE OPEN AND CLOSED POSITIONS, (RECOMMEND PLASTIC OR METAL PIPE: TO LINE THE VHOLD 4. A (12) TwELVE-FiJOT CONCRETE .A.?RDN/PAD TH..q EXTENDS APPRDXIMAT:::L Y TwD FE:::T ON EITHE~ SND OF THE ENCLOSURE FOR THE TRUCK TO PARK AS IT PICKS UP THE CDNTAINERS ORA WN 8Y' i7Tl POTEN G, SAN PEDRO I LE: DA Ie: SHD:.I 2 1-16-04 OF 3 SHTS. . 13' wm SOUD ,~DOF COV::RING -._-. .1)11111-:'. PER CITY REQUIREMEi'HS :A-:: : I ...J ...J <[ )J: liJ' w z c-; H ...J c-; :J !"1. 5. ENCLOSURE COVERS SHOULD HAVE 7 (SEVEN) FEET HEIGHT CL::ARANCE SO THAT LIDS MAY OPEN D. '5' - 6' HIGH STEEL G~,TES 7. 4' X 4' X ,1;' STRUCTURAL STEEL POST SET INDEPENDENTL y r~OM \.IALLS <TYP') 8, 6' X 12' JOIST - TOENAIL TO GRAB BEAM <T'fP.) 9, 2' X 10' GRAB BEAM - FASTEN TO POST ',.lITH ~' GAL VANIZED C~.RRI,o,G::: 30L is AND VASHE~S <TYP,) 10. ALL PERMITS AN] PLANS MUST 3E SUBMIHED TO CITY ,OR APPROVAL, CITY OF CHULA VISTA SAMPLE TRASf, J:NCLOSURE SCALE?'1'1 '2. 5' PREPAlfED BY: POTEN G. SAN PEDRO APPHOVED BY: J[FF MONEOA ~,~-.. .. ". :.-" FRONT SIDE VIEW 01 1 I I I 6' 10' I ! I ! ~ 1. 84 X 6' \JHEEL CURE ALL .~ROUND STRUCTURE, TO PREvENT erN F.~OM HITTING \J.a.LLS ~ DOORS HUNG [NDE?~NDENTLY FROM VALLS ON STEEL POSTS 3. DEAD BOLT ANCHOR HOLES FOR DOORS rN THE OPEN AND CLOSED POSrTIDNS, (RECOHMEND PLASTlC OR METAL P1PE TO UNE THE "HDLD 4. A (12) TwELVE-FOOT CONCRETE APRON/PAD T:-!.~T EXTENDS APPROXIMATELY TwO FEET ON EITHER END OF THE ENCLOSURE FOR THE TRUCK TO PARK AS n prCKS UP THE CONTAINERS OR Al11V BY: PO TEN G. SAN PEDRO DA It: I SHEET 3 /-/5-04 OF 3 SHTS. 22' 16' SOLID = COVERING H h 6' r~ *-~ 8'-4' I t. 6' t. III.C!J 0.w 8' f 5. ENCLOSURE COVERS SHOULD HA'IE 7 (SEVEN) FEE HEIGHT CLEA~ANCE SO THAT L[DS MAY OFEN 6, 5' - 6" HIGH STEEL GATES 7, 4~ X 4" X $- STRUCTURAL ST~EL POST SET INDEPENDENTL Y FROM wALLS <TYP.) a 6' x 12' JorST - TDENAfL TO GRAB BEAM CTYP.l 9, 2" X 10" GRAB 8E,o..M - FASTEN TO POST w1TH a- GALVANIZED CARRIAGE BDL IS AND \lASHERS <T P,) 10. ALL PERMITS AND PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CITY FOR APPROV.c..L, CITY OF CHUlA VISTA SAMPLE TRASH ENCLOSURE sc ~.' TI iLL PREPARED BY: PO TEN G. SAN PE RO APPRO 'lED BY: JEFF MONEDA I Attachment 2 I ~J~ ~ ~J:.,."y.~j;~;S;-f;;;,_"~:'~r _ -""""'._.~ ~-~--- ~""'"~~ eNVIRONMeNTAL AfA. SeRVICeS ~ CITY Of (HUlA VISTA RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE PLANNING MANUAL Adopted by Council Resolution 2005-023 Amended by Council Resolution No. 2008- 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 WW\N. chulavistaca.gov 8-21 ~u?- ~ ~...;;;;::~~ ~~~- C11YOF I ENVIR.ONMENTALAfA CHULA VISTA SER.VIC.ES ~ RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE PLANNING GUIDE Table of Contents Page Section I Overview........................................................................................................ 5 Section II Recycling and Solid Waste Standards for.................................................... 10 Curbside or Door-to-Door Service for Small Quantity Generators Section III . Recycling and Solid Waste Standards for.................................................... 11 Multi-Family Complexes-Central Collection-Bin Service Section IV Recycling and Solid Waste Standards for............:........................................ 13 Commercial and Industrial Businesses-Central Collection-Bin Service Section V Recycling and Solid Waste Enclosure Standards ........................................ 14 Section VI Sample Drawings of Enclosures ................................................... .....17 2 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca,qov 8-22 ~u~ ~ ." .,,'-. ~... - . ~ ~~....,..,.~ ~~=-~ ClTIOF I SNVIRDNMSNTAL A1'A CHULA VISTA SSRV1CSS ~ This page is intentionally left blank 3 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 9191 0 www.chuiavistaca.qov 8-23 ~u?- ~~ .-,." .-, . .. . ~ _- -""':;0... ~ - -- - - -- I 5NVIRDNM5NTAL. S5RVlC5S ~ C11Y OF (HULA VISTA Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual I 1 - OVERVIEW I The State of California has mandated that at least 50% of the solid waste generated be diverted from landfills. Therefore, each applicant for a development, subdivision, major construction project or demolition project (including new public facilities) is required to submit a Recycling and Solid Waste Plan to ensure that appropriate space has been allocated to recycling and solid waste accumulation, storage, and collection so that occupants will have the ability to participate in the City's solid waste and recycling programs. Additionally, a Construction and Demolition Waste Management Report and performance deposit, for construction and de'molition covered projects is required as a component of the permit approval process. (CVMC 8.25.095). For more details on the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Report Form and perfonmance deposit requirements go to www.chulavistaca.qov/clean/environmentalservices or contact the Environmental Services Division at (619) 691-5122, environmentalservices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us The Recycling and Solid Waste Plan must be a part of the Building Plans for the project; either on the Building Plans themselves or attached to the Building Plans. The Buildings Plans for your new project will be reviewed by the Environmental Services Division to ensure adequate space has been allotted to recycling and solid waste activities. Your design sliould include the steps the applicant/occupant will take to meet the local and State mandates and recycle the Designated Recyclable materials as defined in Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 8.25. The Recycling and Solid Waste Plan and the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Report are subject to approval by the City Manager or designee. Items to be considered in your planninq process: Identify the recycling and trash space allocated within your project, as this. will dictate how well your occupants will be able to participate in the various City recycling programs, how much they will recycle and how much they can save. Make sure your infrastructure planning allows your occupants the ability to avail themselves of all recycling and solid waste services. Your Building Plans must show that you will provide adequate space to properly store all the solid waste and recyclables generated on the site in approved containers between service days. The Building Plans must also allocate space in a manner that provides occupants with the opportunity to divert all the Designated Recyclables generated at the site. Designated Recyclables include: Residential Recyclables - those specific recyclable materials from residential solid waste (single-family and multi-family) including but not limited to, aluminum, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, tin and bi-metal cans, newspapers, mixed paper (magazines, junk mail, telephone books, paperback books, and boxboard) cardboard, white goods and yard waste. Commercial Recyclables - designated recyclable materials from office and hospitality industries. Materials include but are not limited to, office paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles, aluminum, tin and bi-metal cans, and white goods. 4 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistac2.aov 8-24 I 5NVIRDNM5NTAL. CHUlA VISTA S5R.VIC5S ~ Industrial Recyclables - recyclable material from industrial, construction and demolition operations including, but not limited to asphalt, concrete, dirt, land-clearing brush, sand and rock. ~\/~ ~; ^l"-' ""~ -"_V-.' .\..""i...,.;, . - -~~ .........."""":;0...-- ....-:;...~....~ OTY OF Your Building Plans need to describe how the recycling and solid waste infrastructure will be utilized by the occupants and maintained on an on-going basis, such as: o Include solid waste and recycling requirements and information in your CC&Rs, employee/owner/tenant orientations, policy manuals, and lease agreements. Include the draft language for these items in the notes within your Building Plans. o Show where residents will store containers during the week and where they will be placed on service day; where and how bulky items, holiday trees and used motor oil will be placed for collection. o If contracting with a landscaper, your Building Plans must demonstrate that you will require all yard waste to be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Your Buiiding Plans shall establish the requirement to obtain receipts from the contractor demonstrating that the material was recycled or composted. Those receipts shall be maintained for eighteen (18) months and be available to City staff for review upon two days notice during regular business hours. o Color code containers and proyide graphic signs that instruct occupants/customers to separate materials in the containers used to transport recyclables and trash to the outdoor enclosure. o Place recycling containers next to all trash containers -("twinning"). o Review your operations at least annually. Contact the city for a free waste audit to improve business recycling productivity, reduce waste and keep your solid waste and recycling services cost-effective and up to date. Small Quantity Generators (SQG - curbside service for residents and small businesses) can control their monthly costs by reducing their trash volume through weekly trash and recycling collection, bulky item collection, yard waste collection, used oil and oil filter collection, Holiday tree collection, and two annual landfill passes and two annual yard waste passes. (See service brochures for details on these programs at www.chulavistaca.gov/CLEAN/Environmentalservices.) Large Quantity Generators (LQG - commercial, multi-family and industrial projects with central collection service) can control or reduce their costs by taking advantage of recycling savings. Restaurants and other hospitaiity facilities can obtain free food-beverage container collection service. o . 276 Fourth Ave Chuta Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.Qov 8-25 ~u?- ~~ ... ..,.,...", -'.-" ~ .".~.- - ,=. ~~~~ I SNVIRDNMSNTAL.. SSRVIGSS ~ CITY OF CHUIA VISTA EstirnatinQ Trash Service Capacity Needs for Central Bin Collection in Multi-familv Complexes After estimating the required trash service - pair each trash bin with the required recycling service and design enclosures appropriately. Multi-family Comclex Service Needs Table Cubic yards per # Bedrooms per unit unit per wk. Studios-1 Sr. 0.33 1-2 Sr. 0.36 2-4 Sr. OAO Calculation" + Product of bin size X # Of cubic = Total Total cubic times yards per unit cubic yards of days a week service # Of units In complex from Service yards of service (example: 100, 3.bedroom Needs Table service needed pe (4 yd bin X 2 days) = Number of trash units) above needed pe week enclosures required week 100 X 0.4 - 40 40 +8 -5 LOQistica! Considerations: . Weekly trash and food/beverage container recycling collection is the minimum requirement All multi-family, commercial, industrial and public facility properties may subscribe to service that is more frequent . Small Quantity Generators (SQG - curbside collection) place two or more trash and recycling carts at the curb for weekly collection on their assigned collection day. These customers also receive yard waste, bulky-item, used oil and oil filter collection services. Therefore, there must be curbside space for these containers with one and a half (11/2) feet, approximately eighteen inches, between each cart and any stationary objects (e.g. parked cars), on service day. . All properties must have adequate space to accommodate bin and/or cart storage for waste and recyclable materials separately and out of public view in-between collection days. The City strongly recommends that commercial properties plan for no more than three collections per week and that multi-family properties plan for no more than twice per week service. For details on enclosure design requirements see Enclosure and Chute Design Requirements - Central Collection. . Twinning - design so that recycling containers are placed with each trash receptacle. 6 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.oov 8-26 ~\f? ~- ." ""C, ',;';'~ "J<. '. ~ ~~~~ . I 5NVlRONM5NTAL ~ . CHULA VISTA S5RVIC5S ~ On a mixed-use site, the Recycling and Solid Waste Management Plan generally follows the space allocation criteria for each use category (i.e. single-family, multi-family, commercial, curbside collection, or central collection). CITY OF . Public facilities shall implement the service category that best fits the facility use, always twinning recycling and trash containers for ease, convenience and to minimize the contamination of recyclable materials. Offices typically generate a waste stream with 40% to 60% mixed paper. Mixed paper includes: office paper, cardboard, junk mail, magazines, telephone books, box board, etc, Carbon paper or sinqle use items such as tissues and paper towels are not recvclable and must be com posted or placed in the trash. If your business will consistently generate a large amount of wooden pallets, food waste, five-gallon plastic buckets or another potentially recyclable items you may contact the City's Environmental Services Division or Allied Waste Services for recycling market assistance, If your business manufactures a product and would like to include recycled materials in the feedstock please contact the Environmental Services Division. The City of Chula Vista is part of the South San Diego County Recycling Market Development Zone. Staff can help you with sourcing feedstock or markets for large volumes of recyclable waste materials, and can determine if your operation may qualify for low interest loans from the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Go to www.ciwmb.ca.qov/RMDZ/SanDieqo/for more details. Design in a manner that facilitates the following priorities: reduce, reuse, recycle, compost and dispose. Examples: D Residential kitchens: Ample space for trash and recycling bins under sinks or in cabinetry for separation of Designated Recyclables. D Show where residents will store carts during the week on their property and where they will be placed at the curb on collection day. D Outdoor dining, lounge areas and public facilities: Plan for trash and Designated Recyclables collection containers side-by-side (twinning). D Copy and print rooms: Allow space for both trash and paper recycling containers side by side to encourage diversion. D Bars and dining areas: Incorporate space for recycling of all food and beverage containers, specifically, along with other Designated Recyclables as appropriate. D Recreation Centers and Community Pools: Plan for trash and Designated Recyclables collection containers side-by-side (twinning.) Residential automated collection vehicles collect materials from the right side of the vehicle only. Commercial collection vehicles collect materials at the front of the vehicle. . . . . . . 7 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.aov 8-27 ~u~ ~ -, ",.~~"., . .....",';',.,.....--,. ~~-~~ - - -- - - -- CITY OF . To Complete your Building Plans: . Review the manual section that applies to your project: residential, commercial or industrial. . Write a thorough description of how you wi/I implement your Recycling and Solid Waste Plan through each phase of the project: pre-construction. construction. and operation/occupancy. . Include your Recycling and Solid Waste Plan as part of your Bui/ding Plans and submit to the Chula Vista Planning Department for approval. Include a narrative about your Recycling and Solid Waste Plan implementation and operation within the "Notes" on your Building Plans. . CONTACTS: . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact Allied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Allied's representative will be available to review Building Plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . Contact the City's Environmental Services Division for a list of construction and demolition material recycling processors and/or service brochures for recycling and solid waste program details. Or check the City's web site at www.chulavistaca.qov/CLEAN and click on Environmental Services. Staff is also available to assist you with your recycling program and Recycling and Solid Waste Plan and the Construction and Demolition Waste Management Report (619) 691-5122. 8 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavlstaca,qav 8-28 ~ ~ /?-. ~ ""'=lo-"""~~ I eNVIRONMeNTAL AII1A seR.Vlces ~ CITY OF (HULA VISTA 2 - RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE STANDARDS FOR CURBSIDE OR DOOR- To-DoOR SERVICE FOR SMALL QUANTITY GENERATORS Small Quantity Generators receive weekly recyclables, yard waste and trash collection, bulky items pick up, used motor oil and oil filter collection services. Include in your Building Plans defined location(s) where the trash, recycling and yard waste carts will be stored in-between service days, out of public view, and where they will be placed at the curb for collection on service days. All residential dwellings with curbside or door-to-door collection must be designed to allow for weekly placement and collection of trash, yard waste and recycling containers at the curb. .,..,r"",. Yard Waste There must be space at the curb for a minimum of three containers (trash, recyclables and green waste), approximately eighteen inches apart, for each dwellinq unit. The City must pre- approve alley collection. . The automated collection vehicle services the containers from the right side (curbside) of the vehicle. Condominiums with no private landscaping can provide space for two carts (trash and recycling, eliminating yard waste) per unit However, condominiums must have an enclosure on the property, sufficient for yard waste bins, to serve the common areas. If contracting with a landscaper, your Building Plans must demonstrate that you will require that all yard waste be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permiited compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Your Building Plans shall establish the requirement to obtain receipts from the contractor demonstrating that the material was recycled or composted. Those receipts shall be maintained for eighteen (18) months and be available to City staff for review upon two days notice during regular business hours. See the Environmental Services Brochure for detailed information on all available services for single-family residential customers at www.chulavistaca.qov/c1ean. CONTACTS: . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact Allied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Allied's representative will be available to review Building Plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . The City's Environmental Services Division may be reached at (619) 691-5122 or environmentalservices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us 9 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.qov 8-29 ~~r~ ~ .,y."..,~I";1::;...~":,., .. ~~~ CITY OF I SNVlRONMSNTAL a CHULA ViSTA SSRVIGSS W 3. RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE STANDARDS FOR MULTI-FAMILY COMPLEXES CENTRAL COLLECTION - BIN SERVICE The Residential Waste Stream typically includes the following recyclables: 40% paper, 10% metal, glass and plastic containers and 30% yard waste (apartments/condos usually generate only 7% to 15% yard waste from common areas). Residential services include recyclables, yard waste and trash collection and bulky item pick up. Review the service brochures for details on each of these services and how to prepare materials for collection in these programs. Multi-family Housing with Central Collection . Trash and recycling bins must be in the same enclosure(s) and must allow access without having to move other containers out of the way. . Please see attachments for sample drawings of enclosures All bins should be placed in the enclosure out of public view. If bins are placed front-to-front, leave at least 3 feet between bins for access. The design must provide easy access for the residents and allow the hauler access to service bins and/or carts without moving other bins/carts out of the way. . Design for approximately, one, 4-cubic yard bin for trash service for every 8-12 units depending on the number of bedrooms per unit. See estimating formula in Section 1. Then add the required recycling services for each enclosure. The City strongly recommends that you do not assume more than twice per week collection service to limit the number of collection truck trips on your property. . Include an enclosure of appropriate size for centralized collection of yard waste. If contracting with a landscaper, make certain to include in your contract the requirement that all yard waste must be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Include the requirement to receive copies of receipts to verify diversion. . All projects with six or more units shall provide additional space that is sufficient for the free monthly bulky collection (mattresses, appliances, furniture), free annual holiday tree recycling and other periodic or seasonal events. Approximately 400 square feet is required for a complex of 40 units or more. . . If the collection truck must enter your property to service bins, the truck must be able to circulate the parking area without backinq UP. Collection vehicles have a turning radius of 37.1 ft. are approximately 35 feet long (curbside collection bucket adds 7 feet to the length for a total of 42 feet) and 8 feet wide. See the Multi-family service brochure for more information on residents' services. Trash and Recycling Chutes . If a facility plans to provide chutes, the City requires that you provide two chutes adjacent to one another in each disposal and recycling area. One chute shall be identified for recyclables, and one chute shall be identified for trash. Other options may be proposed by first consulting the City. 10 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.oov 8-30 I 6NVlRDNM6NTAL A (HUlA VISTA S6R.VIC6S ~ . The driver must be able to service bins without moving other bins in the chute rooms. . It is strongly recommended that you provide an enclosure(s) on site for corrugated cardboard as boxes may clog your trash and recycling chutes. If enough space is provided, the enclosure can also be used for free bulky collection, holiday tree collection and other periodic or seasonal services. CONTACTS: ~\f?- ;;~~ ~~!~~ CITY OF . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact Allied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Allied's representative will be available to review Building Plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . The City's Environmental Services Division may be reached at (619) 691-5122 or envi ron menta Iservi ces@ci.chula-vista.ca.us. 11 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.aov 8-31 ~u~ ~~ ...... .-.~ ~",.."" . -.. "^ ~~~ ........~~...... I 6NVlRONM6NTAL ~ S6RVIC6S ~ CITY OF CHULA VISTA 4 - RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE STANDARDS FOR COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL BUSINESSES- CENTRAL COLLECTION - BIN SERVICE The Commercial Waste Stream varies by the type of business, but typically includes the following recyclables: 40-60% paper, 5% metal, glass and plastic container's (10%-15% forfood service businesses) and 15% yard waste (or pre-consumer food waste that can be recycled with yard waste). . Commercial and industrial properties must have enclosure space and numbers of bins or carts adequate to divert the Designated Recyclables generated on their property. . Trash and recycling bins or carts must be placed in the same enclosures. . Yard waste must be separated from the trash. Plan for adequate container volume and service intervals to divert yard waste (tree, brush or grass trimmings) generated at your business. If contracting with a landscaper, your Building Plans must demonstrate that you will require that all yard waste be diverted for reuse, either through on-site mulching, grasscycling, a permitted compost facility or for reuse at the landfill - not disposal. Your Building Plans shall establish the requirement to obtain receipts from the contractor demonstrating that the material was recycled or composted. Those receipts shall be maintained for eighteen (18) months and be available to City staff for review upon two- days notice during regular business hours. . Each business should allocate space, in each enclosure, for at least one recycling bin along with the needed trash bin disposal service requirements. . The City may require that the enclosure include additional space and access for other ancillary services (i.e. restaurants-grease collection, auto repair-scrap metal collection, etc., where applicable). COMPACTORS: . Commercial compactors are not recommended for trash service. Compactors must be pre-approved by the City's franchise hauler, Allied Waste Services and the City Environmental Services Division. (See Municipal Code S 8.24.080.B) . A business that is using a compactor must still divert Designated Recyclables: paper, cardboard, food and beverage containers, yard waste, clean lumber and metals, etc. (See Municipal Code Chapter 8.25). CONTACTS: . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact Allied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Allied's representative will be available to review Building Plans for accessibility, equipment types, do site visits and arrange for recycling services. . The City's Environmental Services Division may be reached at (619) 691-5122 or environmentalservices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us 12 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.aov 8-32 ~J~ ~;4"'; ~~ ~~...:=...,;:- I eNVIRONMeNTAL ~ SFRVICeS ~ CITY OF CHULA VISTA Bin Dimensions Height Depth Width (Allow 2 inches per bin dimension for access/maneuverability) 4 cubic yards (min. size to plan for trash & mixed paper) 66" 56" 81" 5 cubic yards (larger bins provided at City/hauler discretion) 66" 68" 81" 6 cubic yards (no wheels direct truck access) 72" 70" 81" Cart Dimensions Height Depth Width (Allow 1 inch per cart dimension for access/maneuverability. Dimensions are the maximum size.) 96 Gallon Carts (for Designated Recyclables, yard waste and 44 36 32" trash) 5. RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE ENCLOSURE STANDARDS The following minimum bin and cart dimensions are to be used when designing your enclosures. . Trash enclosures should be as far away from storm drain inlets as possible. Enclosures shall have solid roofs that are constructed out of an impermeable material that excludes rainwater from the trash enclosures. . All trash enclosures shall be paved with an impervious surface, designed not to allow water run-on from adjoining areas, and shall be screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash. . Wheel stops for bins and carts must be configured such that they provide 8-inch bin clearance from all three walls, 6 inches high is recommended. . Doors must be anchored to appropriately sized steel posts (min. 2 inches by 3/16 gauge steel) set independently from walls. . Cane bolts, dropped into sleeved holes in the concrete, to hold doors in both the open and closed position are required. . Containers and bins within the enclosure must have covers designed to reduce pests, illegal disposal and exclude rain. . The flat reinforced concrete pad (approximately 24 feet X 12 feet, no decorative stamping or brickwork/cobblestones) in front of the enclosure should extend beyond the enclosure to provide sufficient space to allow: o The truck to stop in front of the enclosure with the front wheels resting on the concrete pad: o The bins to be rolled out of the enclosure and; 13 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.qov 8-33 ~u~ ~..~3:",~_,w_..~ .. ~ -' .. -----~ ~~~~ CIWOF . . Each enclosure must be designed and sized appropriately to accommodate bins and/or carts for the Designated Recyclables and solid waste generated on the property. All properties are required to allocate space to recycle all Designated Recyclables. Enclosures must be designed so that trash, paper, rigid containers, and yard waste containers may be accessed by the generator and serviced by the collection company without moving other bins or carts. Recommendation: A separate pedestrian access door. will save gate repairs, prevent illegal disposal and is safer for the generator to use. The City may require that the enclosure include additional space and access for other ancillary services i.e. restaurants - grease collection, auto repair - scrap metal collection, etc. where applicable. Each enclosure must be located on the Building Plans and the bin and carts placement inside the enclosure clearly identified - R= recycling; Y= yard waste recycling; T= waste or trash. . . . See attachments for sample drawings of enclosures. Enclosure Location . Reduce or eliminate the need for collection trucks to drive onto private property whenever possible. . If you place the enclosure within 25' of the public thoroughfare, the hauler will roll bins and carts to the street for service at no additional charge. . The hauler is authorized to add a service surcharge if they cannot drive to within 25' of the enclosure. . If the collection truck must enter your property to service bins the truck must be able to circulate the parking area without backing up. Trucks are approximately 35 - 42 feet long, 8 feet wide and a have a turning radius of 37.1 feet. . Do not put speed bumps, stamped concrete, cobblestones or other obstacles in front of enclosures that would impede the access of the vehicle or bin rollout. Truck and bins must be on a flat, concrete surface when being serviced. . Whenever possible enclosures for apartments and condominiums should be geographically distributed in a manner that is convenient for residents. . Enclosures in commercial settings and public facilities should consider proximity to service doors, traffic flow, delivery patterns, etc. 14 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 www.chulavistaca.aov 8-34 ~u~ ~ ..... ,a :.',:,':'1 ~--~~ - - - - - - -- I eNVIRONMeNTAL AttA seRVIces W (In' OF CHULA VISTA Trash and Recycling Chutes . If a facility plans to provide chutes, the City requires that you provide two chutes adjacent to one another in each disposal and recycling area. One chute shall be identified for recyclables, and one chute shall be identified for trash. Other options may be proposed by first consulting the City. . The driver must be able to service bins without moving other bins in the chute rooms. . It is strongly recommended that you provide an enclosure(s) on site for corrugated cardboard as boxes may clog your trash and recycling chutes. If enough space is provided, the enclosure can also be used for free bulky collection, holiday tree collection and other periodic or seasonal services. CONTACTS: . For service day information or other collection clarification, contact Allied Waste Services at (619) 421-9400. Allied's representative is available to review Building Plans for accessibility, equipment approval, do a site visit and arrange for recycling services during all phases, construction through occupancy. . The City's Environmental Services Division may be reached at (619) 691-5122~ environmentalservices@ci.chula-vista.ca.us. lS 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 9191 0 www.chulavistaca.Qov 8-35 ~u~ ~ ClTYOF I 6NVIRDNM6NTAL.. CHULA VISTA S6R..VIC6S ~ 6 - SAMPLE DRAWINGS OF ENCLOSURES 17 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 WWN.chulavistaca.oov 8-36 ,I II II II II .______..J 1______ 11- '. ~ ~ < ~ ~ 1 . CONC.9ETE <. PAD ,..:,. ~ #'0CJ ~{v S:J <f' '0'1- EJ '" " '.~" t .I, ~ ... ,'d. . .,'" , ' ,"",;', . ~B/. . " . " ",-... ".\' ." ... <.. '.. '" . , " : : "\:,' , <.4.," . II'" '- -, .~ .." '''''', ..' ".' . '. ~ '. <. .' ~. .; , CONCRETE:', ' . ' APRON' ....:.<1.. ',' .:" ",' . " , . ~.. ~. ".:, ., ;,. (\J ~ 1. 8' X 6' VHEEL CURB ALL ARDUND STRUCTURE. TO PREVENT BIN FROM HITTING wALLS 2. DODRS HUNG INDEPENDENTLY FRDM VALLS ON STEEL PDSTS 3. DEAD BOLT ANCHDR HOLES FOR DDDRS IN THE OPEN AND CLOSED POSITIONS. (RECOMMEND PLASTIC DR METAL PIPE TO LINE THE VHOLD 4. A ([2) TVEL VE -FOOT CONCRETE APRON/PAD THAT EXTENDS APPROXIMATELY TVO rEET ON EITHER END DF THE ENCLDSURE FDR THE TRUCK TD PARK AS IT PICKS UP THE CDNHINERS DRAWN BY: TI" ~ POTEN G. SAN PEDRO "ILC: DA TE: SHErr I 1-16-04 OF' J SHTS. TOP VIEW (\J (\J II ~ - ~ , 'D I '" SOLID Rm}F COVERING '" - o I CONCRETE PAD ", ~., 'ol.'.. .. '.; -'; , " ,., " < ~ ..,~ C' ~~ '\ 00 ~'P "" ",.. . " :... ," 8l , , , <,' . .....4 ,'" . " " " , , , .. '. 4 . ~. ". CI- ~." ..' ". '..... ..,. -..;,. .J.. "." ,', . ~'.' ..;:.. '..... ~ ,< " , . " 5. ENCLDSURE CDYERS SHDULD HAVE 7 (SEVEN) FEET HEIGHT CLEARANCE SO THAT LIDS MAY OPEN o. 5' - 6' HIGH STEEL GATES 7, A' X 4' X it' STRUCTURAL STEEL POST SET INDEPENDENTLY FROM VALLS (TYP,) 3. 6' X 12' JOIST - mE~AIL TO GRAB BEAM (TYP.) 9. 2< X 10' GRAB BEA,~ - FASTEN TO POST wITH j' GAL V.~NIZED CARRIAGE BOLTS AND >lASHERS (TYP.l 10. ALL PERMITS AND PI_ANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CITY FOR APPRDV AL CITY OF CHULA VISTA SAMPLE TRASH ENCLOSURE SCALa-:-:n = 5' PREPARED BY: ,oOTEN G. SAN PEDRO APPROVED BY: J[N' MONEDA I.NCI .11:\lJl~l. POST. ^:L;-:-:O=S- @1[2] [gJ 3 :':^H -".. .., ----:"< . :::=\:::=<::-:: -, -----\- , :- --. -. ~ \ RIGHT SIDE VIEW I' 13' m,m saUD :O<OOF COVERING f I)IIIII~, PER CITY REQUIREMENTS .:.^:.,; . NOES' 1. 8' X 6' wHEEL CURB ALL AROUND STRUCTURE. TO PREY~NT BiN FROM HITTING \./ALLS 2, DOORS HUNG INDEPENDENTLY fROM wALLS ON STEEL POSTS 3. DEAD BOLT ANCHOR HOLES FOR DOORS IN THE OPEN AND CLiJSED POSITIDNS. (RECOMMEND PLASTIC OR METAL PIPE TO LINE THE 'WHOLD 4. A (12) TwELVE -,DOT CONCRETE APRON/P.", D THAT EXTENDS A?PRDXI:Y.AT3:L Y T\';1] F'S:~T ON EiTHER END OF THE ENCLOSURE FOR THE TRUCK TO PARK AS IT PICKS UP THE CONTAINERS DRAWN BY: ,oOTEN G. SAN PEDRO DA T[: SHEET 2 1-16-04 OF 3 SHTS. TiTLE: -1 -1 <J: :3: w z >--< 10' H -1 >--< :::l fYI 5. ENCLOSURE COVERS SHOULD HAVE 7 (SEVEN) 'EET HEIGHT CLEARANCE SO THAT LIDS MAY OPEN 5. 5' - 6' HIGH STEEL GATES 7, 4' X 4' X ~~ STRUCTURAL STEEL POST SET INDEPENDENTL Y FROM wALLS (TYP) 8, 6' X 12. JOIST - TOENAIL TO GRAB BE..~M <TYPJ 9. 2' X 10' GRAB BEAM - FASTEN TO POST wITH i' GAL V,~NIZED CARRIAGE BOLTS AND wASHERS (TYP.) [0. ALL PERMITS AND PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO CITY FOR APPROVAL. CITY OF CHULA VISTA SAMPLE TRASH ENCLOSURE 5CALa-3"8~ 5' PREPARED BY: PO TEN G. SAN PEDRO APPlWVED BY: .JEFF MONEDA FRONT SIDE VIEW ~ 9 ~, ::.: rEs 8'-j r-, 10' 12'j' 6' I 0 8' .....-1 lill 6' lIJ,l2J 00 22' is' SOLID ROCF COVERING 1 I ~ h 6' \ r- 8' 2,1 6' t. j 8'-4' "-I ml2J W,rn S' ......;....'. ".1...... . , !-. {. :'ill' ~.. I ~: ~'" ..; .,.-ilf,,,.u;' - Ai'i .'.: :.. {IT~ :,;.':.: J...., ~ ~ PER CITY REQU [REMEI'H S <TYP.) NOTESI L 8" X 6" \JHEEL CURB ALL AROUND STRUCTURE. TO PREvENT BiN FROM HITTING VALLS 2. DOORS HUNG INDEPENDENTLY FROM ~ALLS ON STEEL POSTS 3. DEAD BOLT ANCHOR HOLES FOR DOORS IN THE OPEN At'ID CLOSED POSrTlONS, <RECOMMEND PLASTIC OR METAL PIPE TO LINE THE VHOLD 4. A (12) TVEL vE -FOOT CONCREiE APRON/PAD THAT EXTENDS APPROXIMATELY T~O FEET ON EITHER END OF THE ENCLOSURE FOR THE TRUCK TO PARK AS n PICKS UP THE CONTAINERS DRAWN BY: PO TEN G. SAN PEDRO DA TE: SHEE I J 1 16 04 OF 3 SHTS. 5. ENCLOSURE COVERS SHOULD HAVE 7 (SEVE....D FEET HEIGHT CLEARANCE SO THAT LIDS MAY OPEN 6. Sf - 6' HIGH STE:::L GATES 7. 4' X 4' X ,1;' STRuCTURAL STEEL POST SET INDEPENDENTL Y FROM VALLS <TYP,) 8. 6" X 12~ JOIST - TOENAIL TO GRAB S'::AM cry?,) 9, 2# X 10" GRAB BEA.'-1 - F.~STEN TO POST \-I1TH j' GAL VAN[ZE1l CARRIAGE BOLTS AND VASHE.OS (TYP,) 10. ALL ?ERMITS AND PLANS MUST 3E SUBMITTED TO CITY ~OR A?PROVAL. CITY OF CHULA ViSTA SAMPLE TRASH ENCLOSURE sc Le-. I" 5' PREPARED BY: POTEN G. SAN PEDRO APPROVED BY: JEFF MONEDA TITLE: RESOLUTION NO. 2008- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COlJNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING UPDATES Ac'ID CHANGES TO THE RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE PLANNING MANU.A.L AND AUTHORlZING THE CITY MA.l'\!AGER OR DESIGNEE TO APPROVE FUTURE UPDATES TO THE MANUAL WHEREAS, the City ofChula Vista is required by State law to divert and/or recycle fifty percent of the waste stream; and WHEREAS, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Permit requires jurisdictions within San Diego County to develop and enforce actions that prohibit the discharge of pollutants to the City's storm waster conveyance systems; and WHEREAS, on January 25,2005, pursuant to Resolution No. 2005-023, the City Council adopted the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual; and WHEREAS, the Manual provides information to applicants for, a development, subdivision, major construction project or a demolition project regarding incorporating appropriate space for recycling and solid \vaste; factors they should consider in recycling and solid waste planning for development projects; encl()sure and storage area construction requirements; and contact information for the Public 'Works Department - Environmental Services Division staff should an applicant desire additional assistance or preliminary review of their Building Plans; and WHEREAS, staff has updated the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual to including a requirement that recycling and solid waste enclosures and storage areas in new industrial, commercial, and multi-family developments be designed with solid roofs to prevent storm water contact with trash and recyclables; and WHEREAS, staff requests that the City Manager or designee be authorized to approve future updates of the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City ofChula Vista that it adopts the updates and changes to the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual and authorizes the City Manager or designee to approve future updates to the Recycling and Solid Waste Planning Manual. Presented by Approved as to form by Jack Griffin Director of Public Works .~ /1 r I I '. ~. [.Iv /( .'-'-/'~ );!,~'C..; Bart C. Miesfeld Go Interim City Attorney J:\AnomcyIRESO\SOLlO WASTE\Recyclin!l JrulSoJlid WJ~(e ?lal1nin"l M:r.nu:r.I_lo.Zl~:)3eC':....4 0 '.