Monday, June 20, 1994 Council Chambers
5:08 p.m. Public Services Building
PRESENT: Councilmembers Fox, Hotton (arrived at 5:13 p.m.), Moore, Rindone (arrived
at 5:25 p.m.), and Mayor Nader
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Goss, City Attorney Boogaard, and City Clerk Authelet.
Community Develooment Deoartrnent
City Manager Goss suggested that discussion of the Community Development budget be delayed until tomorrow's
meeting since Council had not had an opportunity to read the voluminous report on the 93/94 and 94/95 Community
Development budgets.
* * * Councilwoman Horton arrived at 5:13 p.m. * * *
//42 Negligent Impound Cost Recovery Fees
City Manager Goss stated this had to do with the large variety of vehicle impound costs as a result of driver or
owner negligence. What was outlined was a proposed fee to cover our costs in processing vehicle impounds. After
looking at our actual costs and looking at similar fees in the County, we recommend a $55.00 fee for negligent
vehicle impounds.
Councilman Moore asked what was the appeal process?
City Manager Goss replied that the report didn't go into detail. It does say that the City would reserve the right
to waive the proposed fee under extraordinary circumstances. The appeal process would be through the Chief of
MSC (Moore/Horton) to conceptually approve Supplement #42 on Negligent Impound Cost Recovery Fees and
direct staff to return with a more detailed appeal process. Motion carned 4-0-1.
Councilman Fox asked if in the past there had been a system for handling budget supplementals similar to the
Council agenda packet where the notebook was returned to staff and staff filled it with the new material. Currently
he ended up with budget supplements in five different envelopes.
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Mayor Nader statod that it was better before. He thought someone in the City Manager's office was putting them
together. He did not care who did it in the future, but felt someone should.
Budget Manager Herring stated that it was their past practice to give the envelopes to the Council/Mayor Secretary
where the books were assembled; there must have been a communication breakdown this year. She stated she
would take care of this so it would not happen another year.
#43 Graffiti Eradication Budget - Reallocation Program
City Manager Goss felt that the main point of clarification was that when the staff talked about a city-wide program
costing $200,000, in terms of the program that has been proposed by Councilman Moore, when you look at the
actual funding for it without the full cost recovery factor, you were really looking at about $128,000. He
envisioned that as the program worked, the savings would come from a combination of less materials or supplies
that could be used or possibly morn donated materials and supplies and that we may have fewer staff people assigned
to it. So as we incrementally cut back, there would be freeing up of some savings to place into a graffiti savings
account that could then be implemented into an improved youth activities. This would be covered by an Oversight
Committee to promote this. We would prepare quarterly assessments that would be transmitted to Council on the
costs and projected savings
Councilman Moore stated that the Police Activity League (PAL) met recently and voted that they would accept the
task of coordinating an oversight for this. They were applying for non-profit status. PAL is made up of the
director of Boys and Girls Club, the director of the YMCA, Parks and Recreation; the only key member that was
missing was a member of the Youth Commission. He stated they would probably also need some staff help to put
this together. As a follow up, he would like a breakdown of the $128,000 into staff, vehicle operations and
maintenance, vehicle depreciation, etc. so that if we were talking about saving the City money, the best way we
could save money was to reduce graffiti so that you could reduce staff, and the funds would go to South Bay
Community Services for the diversion program.
* * * Councilman Rindone arrived at 5:25 p.m. * * *
MSUC {Moore/Horton) to approve staff's recommendation for Supplemental #43 to accomplish a funding
mechanism for community based youth activities premised upon savings in graffiti eradication costs for the
five to ten year phase-in as follows:
An autonomous account entitled "Graffiti Savings" to be established for purposes of transferring
savings of graffiti eradication revenue generated during the fiscal year;
Establishment of an Oversight Committee headed by a highly visible public organization such as the
Police Athletic League (PAL) to promote the merits of the Graffiti Allocation Program throughout
the community;
Staff to provide quarterly assessments to the City Manager for transmittal to the City Council on
costs and projected savings/deficit regarding the graffi~ eradieation funds; and
Staff to return to City Council no later than August 2, 1994 with a detailed program analysis
encompassing future funding levels via projected savings and a proposed allocation format for
distribution to various youth organizations.
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#44 Council S{affing
A report from the subcommittee consisting of Mayor Nader and Mayor-elect Horton was presented regarding the
Council Office budget. Mayor Nader stated there were three key recommendations:
1. Regarding the staffing issue: transfer funds for the Principal Management Assistant and the part-time
Council Assistant positions from Administration and move them to the Mayor/Council budget;
2. Move the funds from the Non-Departmental budget for memberships in the League of California Cities,
San Diego County Division of the League, and National League of Cities to the Mayor/Council budget;
delete the National League of Cities membership for a cut of $5,600; and leave the balance in the
Mayor/Council budget for the League of California Cities related dues; and
3. Add up to $2500 to budget for professional public relations services.
Councilman Fox asked what privileges would we lose by deleting the membership to the National League of Cities.
Mayor Nader responded that what we would be losing would be the Newsletter and voting privileges; we could still
attend conferences. There would be a higher cost as a non-member, but it would still be lower than the cost of the
annual dues. Currently, we have only been sending only one elected official and no staff. He talked with the City
Manager and he indicated that he did not feel from a city manager's point of view that there was an enormous
benefit to the National League of Cities' membership.
Councilman Moore stated he had a problem of having a Chief of Staff. He felt that the Chief of Staff would get
more attention than the elected official. The title and how the person would be utilized would be more important.
He did not want a staff member out of the elected officials' office going to meetings and speaking in behalf of the
Mayor and/or Council. If the meeting was that important, then the elected official should attend.
Mayor Nader responded that the title was important and that was why they were proposing Chief of Staff. In the
City of San Diego, the Mayor who is full time does not attend every regional meeting; no one person can go to
every meeting. When they both attend the same meeting, the staff person does not get more attention than the
Mayor. But, when the Chief of Staff attends a meeting on behalf of the Mayor and he hands out a business card
saying Chief of Staff that says something that Senior Management Assistant doesn't say. He wanted the City of
Chula Vista to have the benefit of having a Chief of Staff to the Mayor and Council.
Mayor-elect Horton stated she did discuss placing the Senior Management Assistant position under the
Mayor/Council office with the City Manager. However, she did not discuss with him changing the title to Chief
of Staff. She felt it was important that the Senior Management Assistant position be under the Mayor's Office, so
that when direction was given, there would not be a lot of conflict between the two offices. She felt this was
important. She did not feel that the title Chief of Staff was something that was mandatory because basically this
was a title change only. If Council had a major problem with that, then she could go either way.
Councilman Rindone questioned what was the salary?
City Manager Goss stated it was $63,669 including benefits.
Councilman Rindone stated that: (1) He could conceptually approve the transfer of the Senior Management position
from the City Manager's office to the Mayor/Council Office; he felt that was needed. He felt there were times that
you did not need an Assistant City Manager or Deputy City Manager attend a function, but this position would be
appropriate to assure that we did have representation. (2) He was concerned with the proposed job description
because it was inadequate. He did not see that the position would be dramatically different except that the
evaluation would be done through the Mayor/Council office instead of the City Manager's Office. (3) He felt that
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the evaluation should be done annually by a Subcommittee consisting of the Mayor and Vice Mayor. (4) He was
also concern~l about the title of the position. (5) He was also concerned that this position not be directing the
quarter-time persons; they were to be under the diroction of the person who appointed them.
Mayor Nader stated that these suggestions were acceptable to the Subcommittee. On the issue of the title, beth
Mayor-elect Horton and he agreed that the title, "Assistant to the Mayor and Council," might be a job title which
better reflected position than the current job title.
Councilman Fox stated that the quarter-time positions were not an issue next fiscal year because they would not be
allotted money for them.
Mayor Nader replied that the money for those positions would be placed in the Mayor/Council budget instead of
the Administration budget. There will still be the quarter time positions.
Councilman Fox asked if it was the intention that this position serve at the pleasure of the Mayor/Council?
Mayor Nader stated that this position would be under the supervision of the Mayor and would be under the
Mayor/Council Office. The problem was that the Charter imposes certain restrictions on the extent of latitude.
For example, you could not fire someone without cause.
Councilman Moore asked if someone was hired by the Council would they come under the Civil Service rules?
City Attorney Boogaard responded that without a Charter change, the Charter now only allows a temporary
employee or independent contractor to be hired or fired at will. Under the Charter everyone is classified except r
the City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, temporary employees, and expert professional consultants. Everyone
else is protected by the Civil Service Rules. In order to make this position unclassi~ed, we would have to present
a Charter Change to the people.
Mayor Nader stated that we could make this change by either a Charter change or by changing the Civil Service
City Attorney Boogaard stated that he had previously discussed the formation of the Department of the Office of
Mayor and Council which was felt to be superfluous. He felt it helped to reconcile various sections of the Charter
to absolutely create hiring and firing authority. He requested the opportunity to present an Ordinance to Council
which would create such a department.
Mayor Nader responded that he could always present any ordinance that he wished to recommend at any time.
What was currently before Council was a budget item.
Councilman Rindone questioned the $2500 for contracting with a public relations firm. He asked why this wouldn't
fall under the responsibilities of our Public Information Officer.
Mayor-elect Horton stated that this was similar to what former-Mayor Cox did when he hired a public relations firm
who had the contacts with, for example, the owners of Channels 39, 8, and 10 who set up lunches. This would
include the costs for these meetings and for the public relations firm who had the proper contacts to meet some of
the different executives.
Councilman Rindone asked why these responsibilities were not currently being assigned or not currently being done?
He had a hard time understanding why this would not fall under the Public Information Officer's responsibilities.
Mayor Nader stated that currently the Public Information Officer was also under the City Manager and not the ~'~
Mayor/Council. Perhaps at some time in the future we need to discuss whether that was an appropriate place.
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What Ms. Horton was looking for was to have someone who would be under the Mayor's direction of fulfilling this
function on behalf of the Mayor.
Councilman Rindone stated that the Public Information Officer was a well funded position. It does have high
expectations. He could not support allocating another $2500 to do these things. It would be an indication that
direction has not been given or if it has been given, then it hasn't been met to the level that was desirable, then that
was another issue which needed to be addressed. Perhaps the job description needed to be reviewed.
Mayor-elect Horton felt that Mr. Rindone "hit the nail on the head." She felt that the job description for the PIO's
job needed to be redefined. At this particular time, this person does not have the services or the proper contacts
that we need in order to set up some of these meetings.
City Manager Goss responded that this issue was one of the first major ones when he started working in Chula
Vista. One of the concerns of the Council at that time was the goal of this particular position. He felt there was
a big difference between a Public Relations Officer and a Public Information Officer. There was a concern that
if the position was in the Mayor/Council Office it would be like a political "toadie." He felt the current PIO had
the capability of doing the kinds of things that Council wants done, but he felt the priority and direction should be
looked at again.
Councilman Rindone felt that the job descriptions for both the Assistant to Mayor/Council and the Public
Information Officer should come back to Council for review. He could not support the request for $2500 because
he felt we had adequate resources to do that.
Mayor Nader agreed that there were adequate resources in the budget under the Public Information Officer fight
now to fulfill this function. Part of the issue may be the job description and part of it may be the lines of
accountability and supervision.
Mayor-elect Horton added that in order to build a rapport, we would need someone who has these contacts; she felt
quite certain that there was no one currently in the City who had the type of contacts that she needed.
Councilman Rindone felt that it was very clear that there was a strong sentiment on the Council that those
responsibilities be included in that position. He felt it was a good suggestion to have it come back, but with clear
direction to staff to look at the job description and incorporate those responsibilities and duties.
Mayor Nader stated that another way to deal with this, if ample funds were available in the existing PIO budget
under Administration, would be to transfer $2500 from Administration to Mayor/Council for this purpose. That
way the budgetary end of this will be taken care of. The job description could still come back.
Councilman Rindone stated that he was not willing to do that. He felt that the current person that held that position
could perform the responsibilities.
Mayor-elect Horton stated that this was fine with her, but that she would want to make sure that within the next
four months that she was able to perform and set up the meetings that she needed.
MSUC (Nader/Moore) to adopt the following recommendations of the Subcommittee:
To transfer funds for the part-time Mayor/Council Aide positions and the existing Senior
Management Assistant position in the Administration budget to the Mayor/Council budget for the
position of Assistant to Mayor and Council; and
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To transfer $12,240 from the Non-Departmental budget for the League of California Cities and San
Diego County Division memberships to the Mayor/Council budget and to cut the membership in the
National League of Cities.
MSUC (Rindone/Nader) to direct the Council Subcommittee, along with the Director of Personnel, to return
to Council with a eamplete job description for the Assistant to Mayor and Counci; and a revised job
description for the Public Information Officer.
MSC (Hotton/Fox) to recommend that up to $2500 to be budgeted to contract with a professional public
relations firm to initiate meetings with designated members of the media and to include other expenses that
would he needed. If our PIO is able to set up some of these meetings, then we won't have to contract with
someone rise.
Councilman Fox asked Mayor-elect Horton if this was what she really needed. It had been suggested that this
position be put under the control of Mayor/Council which would be under the Mayor's daily supervision. Was this
motion going to satisfy her concerns to get into those meetings and get Chula Vista into the spot light like she
wanted. Or, was there a better option.
Mayor-elect Hotton responded that first we needed a revised job description for the Public Information Officer
position. We could consider a change at a later date.
Motion carried 4-1 (Rindone no).
MSUC (Nader/Moore) to conceptually approve the Council budget as amended,
#45 Report and Recommendation on Budgeting, for Unpredictable but Statistically Repeated Legal Fees
City Manager Goss stated that, in appropriating $300,000 for specialty litigation expenses, data suppotted that the
range of expenditure normally happens during the course of a year. In the past, we sort of hoped it wouldn't
happen and did not budget for it. Then Council would have to authorize allocations during the year.
* * * Mayor Nader lef~ at 6:45 p.m. * * *
MSC (Moore/Rindone) to approve Recommendation No. 1, to appropriate $300,000 for specialty litigation
expenses, exclusive of Redevelopment Agency costs and "normal" tort litigation, during the 1994/95 fiscal
year. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Nader absent).
4. MAYOR'S REPORTfS) - None. ~_.
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The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. to the Regular City Council meeting on June 21, 1994 at 6:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers.
Respectfully submitted,
"~.c.Lcc:.~':l .~.,'. LL~L&~
Beverly A. Authelet, CMC
City Clerk