HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008/08/12 Additional Information /72m#s ''>-~~~~;'''' STATE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OFFICERS ~amir Salem, Chairm:fHl Srm Diego District Ace Liquor .f.I'. Sethi, Vice Chairman Central Valley District Sethi Enterprises ]'utric.k Mahan, Treasurer Sacramento District I'ine Owe BottleSltop Eisa. Joby.Stcretary Elect Los A,!geles District ,'_. . ~ RETAIL DIRECTORS Tony Konja' San Diego District.:- KegNBottle . Hasil Zetouna . .\.(]n Diego DistriCt : J'atlsLiquor ltl1mzi Murad Son Diego DhtrlCt rf jl,1art IIlI.sil Raffo San Diego District Market To Market }'atVerutti flay Area District Felton Liquor Duug Oal1o San Diego District l>tdlo Enterprises ~alld lUrmez ,Yon Diego District tIpple Tree Supermarket Bob Bbaurla' . . Central Valley Distriq Elite Liquor. -"':In iran: ',"." .: San Diego Dis/rid l'7en Dong IV Supermarket. (;onzalo Hernandez . 1.0s Angeles District :-;uDolier Directors Stephanie Shah ." Anheuser-Busch Companies I\my Elliott f}iageo ~teve Slater Southern Wine & Spirits Steve Cross Nf!stle/Dreyers ;'\'lark Gorney "'foneygram International I'RESIDENT AUJllY Ambo, Esq. CJ(lEF E"XECUTIVE OFFICER Mark Arabo (; ~;N ERAL COUNSEL ."rencer c. Skeeo, Esq: j'IIOCOPJQ, CORY, H4RGREAVES I~ SA VlTCH LLP " August 12, 2008 Dear Chula Vista Council Members: On behalf of the Neighborhood Market Association, a non-profit trade association representing over 2000 members in California, Nevada and Arizona and on behalf of our 45 members in the City of Chula Vista, I am writing this letter of support in regards to the issuance of an ABC license at Unocal.76 Gas Station located at 1495 Melrose Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911. Our objectives are to provide representation, education, leadership; and community outreach, buying power and support to our members in order to improve their quality of life and simultaneously facilitate prosperity in the neighborhoods they serve. Our 45 members in the City of Chula Vista take pride in serving the community dnring good times and bad, like the recent wildfires that plagued region. Unocal 76 is an active member in good standing oftte Neighborhood Market Association. The owner ofUnocal 76 also owns two other retail establishments in Imperial Beach and lives and works in the City ofChula Vista. All three businesses have been law-abiding in every respect and participate in various Neighborhood Market Association programs and community outreach efforts. These programs, such as the ABC Lead Program, are designed to educate retailers to comply with ABC laws and to prevent sale of alcohol to under-aged and/or intoxicated individuals. I understand that there were some objections to the issuance of a license by the California Alcohol Beverage Control at this location because of other licenses in the area and potential traffic problems. First of all, due to the formula put in place by the California Legislature ill regards to concentration of licenses, most cities, according to the Dcpartment of Alcohol Beverage Control have an over concentration licenses. Second, this retail establishment is a gas station. In our experience, most individuals visit gas stations primarily for fueling purposes and all other purposes are incidental, such as sale of alcoholic beverages. Third, we believe traffic would be increased if customers had to make two stops: one to buy fuel and a second to purchase alcollolic beverages. Finally, in light of our gas station owners plight in recent years due to high price of oil, the Neighborhood Market Association has encouraged our gas station owners to find new sources of revenue, such as check cashing, money orders, \Vestenl"Union, Lottery, and alcohol sales. Ifthe local pol ice department is concerned about other issues relating to alcohol sales, many of their concerns can be addressed by the imposition of reasonable restrictions and conditions on the license, which would distract transients who are attracted to the area due to alcohol sales. Unoeal 76 is a local family owed business and an important member of the Neighborhood Market Association. The owner works and lives in Chula Vista and will be an asset to the city. Thank you for your consideration. odc;~ Auday Arabo, Esq. "":f'lf'lr'm nee\.' T":T\I\TVm nnnU\TnalT"I T";:J....' nhbQhahATar VV.! cc;~n Jnn~/n~/l"n /T~ #~ i~\c, () \",54- 101 2a 0 8 C- ~\6{lL' ~. L0\s'hSk; rj.wf?re c< t ;s~. ,'.~ '€. + C\\\',lo.. \1, 5+';, (It \ ~.ro-VII\ i 1\ q lC( li- ~:)4- ~ fI ~, cl./ LIf V' ':) ()- , Th \s k-th.v \.5 lIJ V"\+~-eyC 6 \\. II 'l I ,\ VI'\t lVUS( I&.' 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We have been dedicated customers of Mclrose 76; therefore, it will be more convenient for us to shop for more items, e.g. beer and wine at this location. 0 Sincerely, Name Signature Address {L5Qrcd.~ ~:4, ~ ~/rof..G. A--.'~ Cy. '1/7''// '} .l; fJ /"\..,./-',, ('~f-. l~ M\ 'I I>JH ,4f{.NwP~ r2rt7il16.'11- ,/;f;i./7.~ hh_dU e:re.-.v. 1(11/ ""7liJ.'6\ ,.I~/rMPb A,'~IJU. I~ rl{'(j.~ '. l~('k. ~/~ Ivt. Jj, ~NpJ,;&lfL C4- 11?f( _P:rv,t. r . '''1- ht; f /[,..-- ~ J..f-c:. t.~v\..,.lk:J", .(~. "/f7/r If L.. I 7...- I'/j V '~/ l.. / <. ,. 210,,-(-,, '/1", A~..JI';;P--< . A . "~--e 4v1'lJ\L~ ~ -y---? L,P--..... ~ tf g. ,~o\oY1l- A_ I "W 1 &j~\<, " Jh\' 7v;..:/i,~'/',.. ~ ~d. _~~M 'riA: ~ 9/9;;' <1 j~.~'n \n.1l OJ tltlr "Q, f V)", riA 'No/v.Q ~1 o'/} I/O J ~IJI! iLC:f-'1 /"1l.3 ej-:;-I\ (:I^"'~,L-, ~ .L1-'i-.' , -: ~. 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WI2.l, t\ ~ (1\"/ Cj ('1, ( /' \) ./ , To whom it may cOl/cern, We the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that we arc in favor of Melrose 76, 1495 Melrose Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 9191 I, obtaining a license to sell beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages. We have been dedicated customers of Melrose 76; therefore, it will be more convenicnt for us to shop for morc items, c.g. beer and wine at this location. Sincerely, ~ Name .--" Signature Address ~/"- A(rn{l 0 dun ~ L k 1Vl.tA CM-{ c~ rI; q 19 t I Ifbtrno..k m""" ~ /" /?('y, A ..... ,fL, :.. St- nil q , ql/ I..... ilM I. I Ot\\/:A,I..Q... .... V1. - I zt /VJ f\p,ple ~""+e sf- f'.,\/ 919/('.- t\ ~.- ('~'''\r' ('\ \".,.: \,('\. .1M I l\V\.\Q / ,.\f-r r) n 0.\3 ;: ~ ~~ ~ sc:\pe{' ~', :> p)", ).?~ i-t, ~+- %.e>t' 1\1f" n 11"(( l117Q ~ tun ( C. / CA t7j \t?\ l \ ,,^"" A //J l 'r/1!7A.. (' J (' A-- ~ I tj I 1 .~, . ') L /I 'c' 11 ('^- . . '/ . ~ .......... JOLHllI nl1V rv /~/A2v;t-~. i:/{/i1f!f;//ilt f~/~A-"'2OS Fh7ecJ I, L rot, ~'I ',. 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'1 Jv JL, /;..3 d !i>t I L/V ~- Ih-J...f,'!v,., "-- po ,,, r frr~ \pl I ~I -"-~". -'\O'il.b('" ) \j,k--- ~ MO"/' clLc (), eM (' A 9/9/:r J , '. \ .~ .... /7C/n #s- ~11-Ck: ~ UNION 76 Alcoholic Beverage License The neighboring "Union 76" station is attempting to appeal the decision denying their location an alcohol and beverage license. The initial denial for an ABC license came after the Chula Vista Police Department received numerous protests from concerned local residents. The Appeal's hearing is set for 10:00am on on August 12th, at the CVPD headquarters. If you are not in favor of this location obtaining a license, please sign the form below and it will be presented at the hearing. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. In addition, your presence at this important hearing will also be of significant impact. Thank you. Telephone Number UNION 76 Alcoholic Beverage License The neighboring "Union 76" station is attempting to appeal the decision denying their location an alcohol and beverage license. The initial denial for an ABC license came after the Chula Vista Police Department received numerous protests from concerned local residents. The Appeal's hearing is set for 10:00am on on August 12th, at the CVPD headquarters. If you are not in favor of this location obtaining a license, please sign the form below and it will be presented at the hearing. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. In addition, your presence at this important hearing will also be of significant impact. Thank you. Name: Please Print SiQnature J~~7-k--LO~:~ v 3c~7__-~/'/( L-/ Telephone Number I;;~::-== , './ /r I ( (t' C./v-v " . UNION 7.6 Alcoholic Beverage License The neighboring "Union 76" station is attempting to appeal the decision denying their location an alcohol and beverage license. The initial denial for an ABC license came after the Chula Vista Police Department received numerous protests from concerned local residents. The Appeal's hearing is set for 1 0:00am on on August 12th, at the CVPD headquarters. If you are not in favor of this location obtaining a license, please sign the form below and it will be presented at the hearing. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. In addition, your presence at this important hearing will also be of significant impact. Thank you. Siqnature Telephone Number Name: Please Print a' .., i, \I "" . ,-,-u I , A , ~,f4Z-v>, ~ / ((2P,) \. -.-.---- ~ > ,.- , . I. .. ...~~t..%....!.......:.~:...~ ----- ~. ~F~{;~.O~~ -, C I TIE S 1400 K Street, Suite 400. Sacramento, California 95814 Phone: (916) 658-8200 Fax: (916) 658-8240 www.cacities.org Budget Talking Points for City Officials PRIMARY MESSAGE: It's time for the state to cut up its local government credit card once and for all THE BOTTOM LINE: The state should balance its budget with state revenues. SPECIFIC MESSAGES: Cities are facing many of the same budget challenges as the state-dropping tax revenue and rising energy costs and we must balance our budget with our own revenues. The state needs to close the budget deficit with state revenues, not by borrowing local and transportation revenues. Borrowing is fiscally irresponsible so cut up the credit card. Borrowing or taking local government (including redevelopment) and transportation funds deepens the structural deficit and harms local services. California voters believe it is wrong for the state to seize local government and transportation funds. A resounding majority of California voters supported local property tax protection in 2004 (84%) and transportation protection in 2006 (77%). In 1952, the voters approved a constitutional amendment providing for tax increment financing for redevelopment, not balancing the state budget. The state has the tools to produce a balanced budget. The state has a variety of viable options to achieve a balanced budget, by increasing efficiencies, cutting spending, and increasing revenues. The current budget situation is not a "severe state fiscal hardship" warranting the borrowing of local government and transportation funds through provisions in Props. 1 A and 42. And there are no "loan" or seizure provisions at all in Article XVI, Section 16 of the California Constitution, adopted by the voters in 1952, providing for tax increment financing. Two balanced budgets (the Governor's and the Budget Conference Committee) have been proposed without raiding local government funds and transportation funds. A compromise is within reach. Keep Local Funds Local! Balance the state budget with state funds - not local government and transportation funds that are needed for vital community services, infrastructure and community revitalization. Local Funds at Risk in the FY08-09 State Budget Standoff Estimated maximum exposure assuming property tax shifts allocated proportionate to ERAF II! Redevelopment #sfrOIll CalifRedeve/opelllcnl Assn asslI/JIcj1af % of gross tax increment. - ~ ., - , - . ,,'- 'GApFORNIA "'. . ;'" '. . City/County PrODcrtv Tax * Borrowinl! PrOD osition 42 Borrowinl! RedeveloomentTI Shift! Take Total . A.A _ _.. "_.~ _ _.".. _.... _" _ _ _ _ _._._ __ _.. _ - _. - _._ _. - _.. ~_. ~ - - - _._. - - _. ..~._" - _._ - - _._ - _. __._ _. _... _.A _g~!_l~~_:_ _ _ ___. u _. ____. _ _. _ _ ___ _ ._. _. 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Notes: o Assumes $2.1 B max proptax shift. o Prop1A does not specify allocation. me Aug08 These #5 assume allocation proportionate to ERAF III. Actuals may be higher/lower. !..a\iforn iac.it~financ..e. .c.om page 1 of 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO UCSD BERKFLEY . DAVIS; IRVINE. LOS A..~GELES . RIVERSIDE. SAN DiEGO. SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARBARA' SANTA CRUZ 'C::~~'MPH DEPT. OF FAMILY AND PREVENTIVE MEj)IClNE Chula Vista City Council The Chula Vista Energy Upgrade Proiect Testimony 8/12/08 SCHOOL OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. SAN DIEGO 9500 GILMAN DRIVE, 0628 LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92093.0628 . . OFFICE: 1(858)).534-4613 FAX: (858))534-7517 E.MAIL: rheifetz.@ucsd.edu The proposed expansion of the MMC Power Plant represents a serious health risk to families living near by, and especially to the vulnerable populations living in the area, or attending school or day-care, including infants and children, pregnant women, individuals with heart or lung problems, espeCially children with asthma, and our older residents. I am on the faculty of the UCSD School of Medicine, a phYSician member of the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine with a specialty in environmental health. In preventive medicine we work to identify and understand what. makes people sick, . so that people can be prevented from getting sick in the first place. We now understand that much of the heart and lung disease, (asthma in children in particular), and some cancers are associated with air pollution. We currently live in an area with air pollution above safe levels. To add to that burden, . especiaily with low particle size pollutants represents a serious threat to the public's health. I HAVE NOT had time to thoroughly review the documents that have evaluated the safety of the proposed Peaker Plant expansion However, I was impressed by how little data they presented on small particle emissions- among the most dangerous of the pollutants and there are many released by this proposed activity. There are now numerous scientific studies documenting the fact that as air pollution OF THE . .SMALL PARTICLE VARIETY INCREASES, death from all causes (1), and the increased risk of death from specific conditions ---lung cancer and heart disease occur. (1) Increased occurrence of lung and heart disease (non lethal) also have been linked to small particle pollution. (2) Recent research also suggests that there is a worsening of the symptoms of people who have common chronic diseases like congestive heart failure. (3) The well respected Harvard Six City Study that documented the association of increased fine particle air pollution with acute and chronic death (1) - had a follow-up study examining the impact of subsequent reduced levels of particle pollution in those same cities --- and found a . decrease the risk of death (4). A reversible impact!1 So reducing levels can improve health in the community!!! However, here we are talking about adding pollution to already compromised air quality. In 2005 an article in JAMA reported an increase in thickening and hardening of the arteries in individuals living in areas with> levels of-small particle pollution (S) A recent article in NEJM reported that long-term exposure to fine particles was associated with increased occurrence of cardiovascular disease and death in postmenopausal women (6). In May of this year, articles appeared in two respected medical journals documenting the link between exposure to particulate air pollution and risk of deep vein thrombosis (clotting). (9, 10) Perhaps the most worrisome impacts of this pollution are on children: * associated with associated with intra - uterine growth retardation (small babies), infant mortality (post-neonatal mortality) , increased respiratory symptoms in asthmatics, A USC study published in NEJM 2004, linked less developed lungs in children who lived in the more polluted areas of southern CA (followed between ages 10 and 18). (7) Studies have linked fine particulate matter to : increased childhood asthma occurrence a trigger =exacerbating episodes of asthma, in children with asthma Children have higher exposure to fine PM (they have faster breathing rates, the immature state of their lungs make them more vulnerable to the impacts of air pollution, in early infancy the immune system is particularly vulnerable to toxic exposures. I urge the Chula Vista City Coouncil to listen to the voices of the community. and to maintain the CV General Plan that includes vrotection of resients living closest to the plant. . Protect the health of our community- Do not add to air pollution small particle and other toxics . Develop alternative energy sources - going green- solar, wind, waves, geothermal . Promote Environmental Justice- . Protect the most vulnerable- those yet to be born, our children and those with chronic illnesses In conclusion: The human suffering and dollar costs of failing to protect our most vulnerable citizens- will leave a tragic legacy of unfulfilled potential, illness and early death- Do not permit this expansion- For the sake of our children - for they will be the most impacted by this plant and they are our future!!! R. Heifetz References I. Dockery, DW et al. An association between air pollution and mortality in six US cities. NEJM 329: 1753. 1993 2. Pope, CA et al. Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. JAMA 287:1132 2002 3. Symons, JM et al. A Case-Crossover Study of Fine Particulate Matter Air Pollution and onset of Congestive heart failure Symptom Exacerbation Leading to hospitalization. Am. J. Epidemiology :421. 2006 4. Laden, F. et al. Reduction in Fine particle Air pollution and Mortality. Am. J. of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 173: 667, 2006 5. Kunzli,N. et al. Ambient air pollution and atherosclerosis in LA. EHP: 113:201.2005 6. Miller, KA, et al. Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution and Incidence of Cardiovascular Events in Women. NEJM 356: 2007 7. Gauderman, WJ.et al. The Effect of Air Pollution on Lung Development from 10 to 18 Years of Age. ,NEJM351:1057 2004 8. Heinrich, J., Slama, R. Fine particles, a major threat to children. Int. 1. Hyg. Environ. Health 210:617. 2007 9. Baccarelli, A. et al. Exposure to Particulate Air Pollution and Risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis Archives Internal Medicine 168: 920-927 2008 . 10. Brook, R. Potential Health Risks of Air Pollution Beyond Triggering Acute Cardiopulmanary Events. Journal of the American Medical Association 299: 2194-2196 2008