Saturday, June 5, 1993 Council Conference Room
8:06 a.m. Administration Building
PRESENT: Councilmembers Fox (arrived 8:12 a.m.), Moore, and Mayor Nader
ABSENT: Councilmembers Horton and Kindone
PRESENT: Commission Members Carpenter, Hall, Helton, Roland, Willett, and
Chairman Lind
ABSENT: Commission Member Sandoval
a. Youth Development
b. Cultural Diversity
c. Revenue Generation
d. Park Maintenance
e. Additional Significant Park and Recreation Issues
Commission Chair Lind introduced the Commissioners and gave an overview of the agenda. In addition, he
presented a brief history of the reasoning for the request for a Joint Meeting. He stated the purpose was
to see where the City was going and determine what place the commission could play in the City's progress.
Commissioner Hall stated there was not enough time allotted to cover specific issues, but he did want to get
an idea of what Council's direction was in certain areas such as youth development and recreation facilities.
Mayor Nader concurred that the formal agenda need not be adhered to.
Commissioner Hall felt there was a need for recognition of the Parks and Recreation Department as a lead
agency in youth development. A singular voice was needed to focus all of the youth serving agencies in the
same direction.
Mayor Nader stated the Parks and Recreation Department had done an excellent job in coordinating the
Youth Summit. He called the Commission's attention to the Youth Action Program report. He suggested
that since the Youth Commission had the authority to appoint an ex-officio member to the Parks and
Recreation Commission, it would be a good time for them to do so.
Commissioner Willerr shared observations of recreation programs he had visited on a recent trip to the east
coast. Many of the centers there, were being organized and run by youth of approximately sixteen and
seventeen years of age. The youth took fiscal responsibility as well as responsibility for programs.
Councilman Moore stated that drastic changes needed to be made in the programs because the youth of the
City were not taking advantage of the current programs. He stated the age spread of the youth using the
programs was two to three years. He discussed the need for more parks in southwest Chula Vista. He felt
joint use with the private sector was a viable solution to the problem. He also felt that was an alternative
to spending a lot of money on land acquisition. The Parks and Recreation Commission could be a major
force in consolidating the services of the youth serving agencies.
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Commissioner Willerr stated he had seen a lot of that type of cooperation on the east coats. He saw
members of YMCA and School District personnel serving on and attending City Commission meetings.
Councilman Moore stated that maybe the public sector was too structured to initiate some of the programs
that Commissioner Willetr had mentioned such as having youth in charge of centers. Perhaps, the more
flexible organization of the private sector could betrer serve that concept.
Commissioner Hall recommended to Council that the City present a singular voice when it came to
recreation programs and looking at new and different ways of doing things. In addition, he felt that s~ong
recreation programs provided a real benefit to the City as far as economic development in attracting new
businesses to the City. The City was park rich and recreation poor. Many times the two issues were lumped
together, and the City was not well served by that, as recreation encompassed a wide variety of issues. He
spoke specifically to the lack of community centers in the southern part of the City. The area could be
enriched either by expanding Loma Verde Recreation Center or looking for other alternatives. He stated
there was only so much the Commission could do without the leadership of the Council.
Councilman Fox was interested in the concept of youth running the centers. He felt public/private sector
partnerships were vital recreation programming. In addition, the City should develop partnerships with
churches and religious organizations to expand their ability to provide youth programs.
Commissioner Lind stated that in order for that to work, the Youth Action Program had to get off the Wish
Councilman Moore asked where the Commission would take the budget dollars from to fund the program.
Commissioner Willerr said the greatest need was in south Chula Vista.
Councilman Moore felt the Commission should locate a site and inform the Council so they could review it.
Mayor Nader stated that at a recent budget meeting, he had suggested areas to be cut to provide funding
for the Youth Action Program. He felt there was a way to handle liability issues and provide such activities
as skateboard parks, because the City of San Diego had a hang glider port which incurred at least as much
liability as a skateboard park. It was his opinion that if the City of San Diego could do it Chula Vista could
do it. He suggested the Commission explore other alternative to building a new community center in south
Chula Vista as it would be very costly. He felt that a lot of time was spent in master planning, and that
things could perhaps move faster if not so much planning was done. If the Commission could come up with
ideas to maximize the use of the new library in Otay that would be beneficial. He pointed out that the
Commission had the authority to place items on the Council Agenda and he urged them to do that.
Commissioner Hall stated that an overall joint use agreement needed to be developed with the school disu'ict
for use of their facilities, and that needed to be done at the Council level. The Parks and Recreation
Department was currently doing that on a piecemeal basis, which was not working very efficiently.
Councilman Moore suggested the following ten point program: 1) expansion of Commission with
representatives from social service agencies; 2) Council should authorize joint use in Otay area for use of
private facilities as more facilities were needed in south Chula Vista - it would be better than building small
parks and the Loma Verde Complex could be expanded; 3) a community center was needed in Otay -
possibly in Otay Valley Regional Park; 4) take positive action leading toward a strong, full parmership with
school districts for use of facilities; 5) pursue the idea of a teen club, new site or existing building; 6) more
recreation was needed in the northwest section of the City - private enterprise could come into play; 7)
Youth Action Program; 8) youth to help in graffiti reduction program - it would raise revenue to fund
program because money not spent on graffiti removal could be spent on recreation programs; 9) implement
park user fees for non-residents; and 10) build a skateboard park. The issues should be turned over to staff
and brought back to Council so they could be voted on.
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Commissioner Helton stated the schools in south Chula Vista were in other communities, and may not be
available for a joint use concept. She felt the City needed to look at land that was available. Most of the
land was rapidly disappearing. Immediate action was required.
Councilman Moore stated the Youth Center at "L", a new center in Otay Valley, and an expansion of Loma
Verde would pretty well cover the situation with a small void area in the middle, and perhaps that could
not be avoided.
Commissioner Roland felt that a great error had been made in permitting very small parks to be built that
were not recreationally functional.
Councilman Fox agreed that a facility needed to be built in south Chula Vista. There was a close vote in
the budget hearing on Management Information Systems. He directed the City Manager to look at the Youth
Action Program, realizing it was vitally important and to find money in the budget to fund it. He wanted
the City Manager to determine where to make the cuts. That could be done by Council, but he felt the City
Manager could do it more expertly.
Commissioner Carpenter felt there was a need to do something now, immediately for the youth of the City.
Youth did not want structured programs. The City needed to provide "hang out" areas for kids which could
be done in current facilities. A grant writing committee needed to be formed.
Mayor Nader again urged the Commission to put the issues on the Council Agenda. In addition, he invited
the Commissioners to join the Council on the CIP tour.
ADJOURNMENT AT 9:15 A.M. to the Regular City Council Meeting on June 8, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. in the City
Council Chambers.
Respectfully submitted,
by: ' Icre,