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Put the fun back in driving!
Project Update
Summer 2008
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South Bay Expressway
Putting the fun Back on Driving!
"South Bay Expresswa'1 represents the best in public-
private partnerships... It is probably one of the best
examples of partnership we can cite as we move forward
with infrastructure development in the State of California."
- Will Kempton, Director, California Department of Transportation
South Bay Expressway opened to traffic on
November 19,2007, immediately slashing many motorists'
driving times in half.
More than six months later, we are pleased to report that
South Bay Expressway is doing well.
. The road has carried more than 6.5 million trips to date
and averages approximately 30,000 trips each weekday.
. More than two-thirds of the trips are paid using FasTrak@;
and our customers are using their Fas Trak transponders
on other toll facilities throughout California.
. New customers are signing up for Fas Trak and experiencing
South Bay Expressway every week.
. Toll revenue is used to pay for toll road operation costs,
including CHP costs and Caltrans maintenance and project
debt. All costs are paid for by tolls - not taxpayers.
Here's what the San Diego Union Tribune
said about South Bay Expressway's first
six months':
. Nearly six months after its debut, San Diego
County's first tollway is living up to its promise
of giving harried commuters badly needed
breathing room.
. The privately run South Bay Express~ay draws
an average of 30,000 drivers each weekday, about
what state transportation officials expected.
. Ben Monzon of Chula Vista said the road has
cut about 20 minutes off the morning
drive to his Rancho Bernardo office. "And to
me, time is everything," he said.
. Transportation experts say the tollway is having
a noticeable ripple effect on other major roads.
According to Caltrans, the volume of morning
traffic on northbound Interstate 805 in Chula
Vista has dropped II percent in the past six
months. Driving speeds average 65 mph, up
from 45 mph.
ISan Diego Union-Tribune May 5, 2008
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South Bay lxpressway
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)~;_ Update from G;ca ~ /' ;, ~: SOLlth,Bcl)' Ex~)res~way h':lS ~been open for "'~1:)re than ~lX ,t ~,
/, ~ /', ~ "',.wM..,,'" ','/,;~ montfh, cll~d {:rr; l;leasea";'t~ I~I~urt that ~'e;;e~l(;,'ng ~lciif~~4; ~
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r,';Xlunks agam tor lcttll-{e; us sel ve VOll Here s'to aJllrl Slimmer and fun dnvlng! ,_0::,
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We've <ll~n heard yOllr concerns and idcflS, .lnd 'Vve afC v..'orking
hard to address them. Here':- \vhat v..'c've g,lthered so far:
"The cash machines arc difficult to lIse." While South Bay
EXr)fCSSW:1Y \V;lS designed to be lIsed with FasTrak, we know
that sl~ime llsers still prefer to pay clsh to drive the road. Some
cash'users have told llS rhat the hill acceptors are difficult to
reach. We hear YOlL \Y.Jc ;1fe :ldjusring the placement of the hill.
aCCer)tors to make them eask'f to reach. We pbn tt) cClInplere
this improvement in the next sevenl] months.
"It's dark." Some of youh"ve told liS it's cbrk \vhen traveling
,lrnight bn portions of SOllth Bay Exprcssv..'ay. Along stretches
of the road, South Bay Expressway was prohihited (rOlll
lighting certain areas due to environmentally sensitive species
habitat as well ascomtnunity concenis. Borh the communities
surrounding the road and the land we are sharing with \vildlife
and nther species arc very important to us, and 'vve feel strongly
about protecting their needs. However, \ve are happy to report
that drivers will soon see ne\v reflectors along various parts of
the mad, including Ot<l)' River Bridge and other are,lS with
I1nlited lighting.
"Traffic is light." [t's hard to believe that light traffic h,ls been
a concern for some, hut \ve\'e heard it! Rest assured - traffic is
StIppnscd to be light on South Bay Express'vv,lY. After (Ill, we
proi11ise our ClIsY(1l11erS ,1 fast, reliahle, scenic drive, free of
tc\ffic gridlock-'- and that is exactly what the n),ld delivers!
SRX is
provid ing
30,000 ""ffic-
free trips per
are largely a
road, most of
these trips are
made during
the morning
and evening
drive times -
and v..'e are
comll1g lip
soon on our
6 millionth
trip since
opening! Of course, we h:1\'e room to grow, so tell your friends
to jnin you on South 13:1Y Expressway. We'll even give them two
free weeks when they sign up for FasTrak!
As (llways, our goal is to make. your drive with llS as enjoyable
and stress-free as possible. So keep talking ... we hear you! i-:O,:
While driving South Bay Expressw,lY, you m;IY see director of project
development Lorenzo Garrido hard at work ... or in o({-hours, you
may see him cruising the road on his Harley!
"South Bay Expresswny is
one of li1Y f,lVorire
roads," Lorenzo says.
"Not just because ['ve
'vvorked on it, bur
hecluse it's truly one of
the best stretches of road
with some of the greatest
scenery in San Diego."
A civil engineer with
morc than 18 years
experience working nn
major transportatirln
infrastructure projects, Lorenzo is the perfect person to lead the
construction m,ln,1gement team for San Diego':; first toll road. He
oversees the completion of all South Bay Expressw,ly'.S constrltCf'ion,
expansion and renovation and is n::sponsihle for Glrrying out the
rna(]'s environmental and !(lng-term improvement: progr,1ms. Whar
does that mean for you: Lorenzo will ensure that your driving
experience on South Day Expressway is first-class!
A San Diego native and San Diego State Univcrsity alumni, Lorenzo
is a big San Diego sports f,m, from the Ch'argers to the Padres to rhe
Aztecs. When he isn't busy keeping S;:)uth Bay ExpreSS\\',lY in top-
notch shapc, he enjoys being with his wife, Karen. ,~nd his 4-year-old
daughter ,1l1d I)-momh-old son. ;'O~
LDrenzD and his Harley
put the fun back in driving!
Did you knov.,.' that we have a Courtesy P,lrrol! Th,lt'S right! SBX is
monirored via video cameras, ,ll1d if we see ,1 Cllstomer in need, our
Courtesy Patrol is on the way. You eln ,llso get help by calling SBX
customer service ,lt (619) 661-7070 during business hours (Monday -
Friday, 9 a.m. - (-) p.m.), or you ((In lIse your cell phone to..;~all 511 (or
,lssist;mcc. Run out o( gas! Need :1 to\\': A jl1mpstarr! SBX Courtesy
Patrol offers complimentary service w all SBX drivers. We're
dedic(lrecl to keeping you safe! :~:
SOllth Bay Expressway rakes you to the South B'IY'S hottest ne\','
shopping :lnd dining destinatiom ~ H&M, an affordable, chic Euto-
style clothing store and Best Buy, with great deals on home electronics
and more. Both arc now open at Ot,lY l\,lnch Town Ccnter fir the
Olympic Parkway or Birch Road exits of South J-by Expressw;lY.
Hungry: Just off the Ot,lY Llkes exit, you can nmv experience quality
service, great food and good rimes at the Brew House at Easrlake. It's
located in the EnstL1ke Design Center, and the food is fantastic! You
might also W,1t1t to try the new restaurants at The Village \X1alk-
including Broken Yolk C,lte, Brigantine and others. :'Q,:
South Bay [xpressway
Put the fun back In driving!
... And just who are our customers?
When we talk about our customers, some people are
surprised. Here's what we've learned so far:
. OUf commuter customers are largely bilingual working
families with medium household incomes averaging less than
$75,000 per year.
. Many work more than one job.
. Most drive low to mid-priced cars.
. Our customers tend to be time-sensitive families with a need
to be ::It work on time and home to attend to family and
household affairs.
ClUlstiOmerr SatnsfactoiOlI1l
In April, we had an opportunity to listen to more than 50
people discuss South Bay Expressway in several small "focus
groups". Both customers
and non-customers had
lots to say about the
road, what they like and
what they think we
should change.
Here's what customers had to say:
I .
,-' "lama inom offour young children and live in the Paradise Hills
~reQ d[ San Diego. llove using the new South Bay Expressway and
- -
my new Fas Trak to streamline my grocery shopping in the new
Eastlake Village Shopping Center, popPing down to have lunch or
browsing at the Otay Ranch Town Center. It has cut at least /5
minutes off my drive time! I can also get to the YMCA and Costco
much faster, and it's a much more interesting drive without all the
stops involved in driving the surface streets or the 805 ... which
saves gas, time AND money! / love South Bay Expressway!"
- Leslie A., San Diego
. Commercial customers including UPS, Fed Ex and a host of other
local and international shippers, appreciate the speedy new
connection South Bay Expressway provides to ports, the
international border, regional highway system and local customers.
"/ absolutely love it! It's worth every dollar that I pay because now
my drive home is stress-free. I a/so save on gas, wear and tear on
my vehicle and, most importantly, time, which is priceless. It used
to take me approximately 40 minutes to get home. . now, in 10
minutes. . I'm there! Thank you so much!"
- Patricia K., Spring Valley
"I do not know how I survived without South Bay Expressway. Thank
you to the mony individuals that made South Bay Expressway possible. It
was a determining factor for me regarding keePing my job ~'!... ~a )7;1/0_
(which I get to in 40 minutes instead of f hour f 5 minule~ !low). QK~r
'--, -.' ',- . ,
staying in the South Bay area. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, TH~NKrOUf" ,
~-,.;1',/" i '
L~' "
- Sharina 1., Chula Vista
We're also interviewing commercial vehicle operators to see
how we can better serve our business customers. Every few
months we conduct informal "customer roundtables", and we
will conduct a customer satisfaction survey this summer. It's all
part of our commitment to customer service and continuous
impmvement of every aspect of our operations.
South Bayhpressway
We continue to receive awards for
our world-class environmental
programs and construction.
.. South Bay Expressway was recently
honored with the Construction
Management Association of America
San Diego Chapter's Transportation
Project Achievement Award.
.. On May 20, South Bay Expressway received the Globe Award from the
American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) for its
environmental program.
.. Along with our partner, Caltrans District II, South Bay Expressway was
awarded the prestigious Excellence in Transportation Award in the Urban
Highway category, and for the second straight year in a row, received a
"TRAN NY" award ~ this year for "Project of the Year."
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local StimlUlhlls
Impact on the local economy continues to be positive. Local merchants report
improved access and sales. In addition, South Bay Expressway created:
. Improved access to local businesses, resulting in increased customer traffic.
A major shopping mall reported a 30% increase in traffic immediately after
South Bay Expressway opened.
. More than $64 million in contracts to 60 local small businesses exceeding the
project's Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal, earning it recognition
by the Caltrans Small Business Council as a "model project."
. Ongoing employment for more than 60 full-and part-time staff who live in
surrounding communities.
. South Bay Expressway was designed, built and maintained to Caltrans standards;
o During construction, Caltrans engineers and support staff provided more
than 100 personnel years of design review, oversight, inspection and
other services to the project.
o The road is maintained by Caltrans and patrolled by the California
Highway Patrol under a contract with South Bay Expressway. These
operating costs are paid through tolls, not with tax dollars.
. We are working with our contractors and local trails groups to complete a
large trail improvement program in the Bonita area this summer.
. We are working closely with Caltrans and SANDAG on the design and
construction of the new SR-90S in Otay Mesa, which will eventually include a
high speed connector to South Bay Expressway. The 905, the proposed SR-II
and expanded Otay Mesa border crossing are critical projects for San Diego
County and our growing cross-border economy.
. We continue our active community involvement with local organizations and
community groups.
Put the fun back In driving!
<cpublic and private partnerships like
you see here can provide a way to bring
congestion relief years sooner than
would otherwise be possible using
traditional financing methods. South
Bay Expressway accomplishes this/'
-Vice Admiral Thomas J. Barrett,
U.S. Deputy Secretary of Transportation
South Bay Expressway is a 10-mile express
toll road that provides convenienf access
to Downtown San Diego, South County,
East County, Otay Mesa and Mexico.
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South Bay hpressway
Put the fun back in driving!
1129 La Media Road, San Diego, CA 921 S4
south bayexpressway.com
~/j Uvdte&
I In ActIon
~;;'/ Unidos
I en Acc/on
Join the Progress
in Southwest
Chula Vista!
iParticipen en el
Progreso del
Suroeste de
Chula Vista!
The Southwest community is uniting to make
our neighborhoods beautiful, safe and healthy
for everyone. We want to hear your ideas!
What are the top priorities for your
neighborhood's future?
How can we work together to make
Southwest Chula Vista a great place
for everyone?
Enter to win prizesl
Spanish interpretation and refreshments
provided. For more information, please contact
Carla Blackmar: (619) 476-5355 or
c b I a c k m a r@ci.chula-vista.ca.us
La comunidad del suroeste se esta uniendo
para hacer que nuestra comunidad sea mas
bonita, mas segura y mas saludable para tad os.
i Queremos oir sus ideas!
LCuales son sus prioridades para
mejorar el futuro de su comunidad'
LComo podemos trabajar conjuntamente
para hacer del suroeste de Chula Vista un
qran lugar para todos?
iParticipe en la rifal
Proveeremos interpretacion en espanol y
refrescos. Para mas informacion, favor de
comunicarse con Carla Blackrnar: (619)
476-53550 cblackmar@ci.chula-vista.ca.us