Wednesday, August 28, 1991 Council Conference Room
5:11 p.m. Administration Building
PRESENT: Councilmembers Malcolm, Moore, Rindone, and Mayor Nader.
ABSENT: Councilmember Grasser Horton
PRESENT: Commission Members Compton, LoBue, Lopez, Gerber, Davis, Maslak, Tuchscher
and Chairman Read.
ABSENT: Commission Member Allen
ACTION (15072)
A. Chula Vista Economic Development Plan (Mission Statement and Goals and Objectives)
B. Economic Development Commission Mission Statement
C. Recommended Marketing Plan and Budget
D. Economic Development Commission Short-Term Projects
Chairman Read introduced the Purpose of EDC, City Mission Statement, Goals, and EDC Mission Statement.
Councilman Rindone referred to Objective 4 of Goal 1, and felt that existing data should be utilized for the
labor pool analysis. The objective would be to detail the information for the City of Chula Vista.
Mayor Nader informed the EDC that the Council had reviewed the proposed Plan and Mission Statements.
Members should not misinterpret lack of comments on behalf of Council as lack of interest. He felt the EDC
had done a good job and the next step should be prior/tization and implementation.
Chairman Read informed Council that the City had developed a Mission Statement but the EDC had further
refined that and developed their own Mission Statement.
Councilman Malcolm expressed his concem over the current fees being charged within the City. He felt it
would be difficult to attract business or industry to Chula Vista until this issue was addressed. The City had
to be able to give people a reason to come and build within Chula Vista. It was his opinion that service
sector jobs were not high paying jobs and created their own social problems. There needed to be more of
a balance within the City. Activities should be undertaken in which major employers are contacted
regarding job retention, pressure should be put on the Port Commission to not raise rents of current tenants,
and regulate fee structures in order to entice and keep business and industry in the City.
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Chairman Read stated Councilman Malcolm had many good points and felt they were all incorporated in
the action plan. The EDC felt they needed to establish the plan and have it conceptually approved by
Council before moving forward. Once the action plan is approved, they are ready to move forward with
Councilman Moore stated he had been attending the EDC meeting as the Ex-Officio Member and was pleased
with the direction the Commission had taken. This was the first time he had heard Councilman Malcolm's
concerns and comments packaged in that fashion but felt these issues were contained in the action plan.
Member Davis stated several of the short term projects addressed Councilman Malcolm's concerns. Theses
were projects that the EDC wanted to start on right away.
Councilman Malcolm referred to the new Free Trade Zone and State Enterprise Zone that would be
established south of Chula Vista on January 1, 1992. He felt these would make it extremely difficult for the
City to compete for business and industry. The first priority should be the retention of jobs in existing
businesses. The processing procedures of the City should also be reviewed and ways found to expedite the
process. Customer service is also an area of concern.
Councilman Moore felt that ways should be found to do things better, faster, with someone in management
or leadership checking to make sure the system is working.
Chairman Read stated that with the action plan in place, the EDC could begin to address these issues. He
agreed that the local cities were the competition and the process needed to be streamlined in order to be
competitive. The EDC will have to work closely with other components of the City if they are to be
Mayor Nader felt it essential to include the labor pool analysis in the 1st quarter activities.
Mayor Nader stated that existing information, i.e. San Diego and Imperial County Labor Pool, EDD, SANDAG
studies, etc. should be compiled for analysis.
Cheryl Dye, Economic Development Coordinator, responded that it was the initial intent to undertake a
specific survey/analysis but due to the reasons discussed, other information available, and census data, the
Commission decided not to undertake the costly study and utilize existing data. She felt this was a project
that the EDC would undertake immediately.
Chainan Read stated the proposed budget addressed the marketing plan only.
Councilman Malcolm questioned, in order of priorities, whether the marketing analysis was necessary at this
time due to the mount of industrial properties currently available.
Chairman Read responded that without the marketing plan and analysis, the EDC would not know who to
target. The purpose of a city-wide marketing study was to gather and analyze current Chula Vista market
data as a foundation for developing an economic development strategy. It is to define the city's current and
projected commercial and industrial base, analyze the competitive position of the city's retail office, hotel,
industrial sectors, to identify sales tax leakage and absorption rates within retail categories, and identify
specific sites for reuse possibilities. EDC felt the key components needed to be in place and a good
foundation set.
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Councilman Malcolm felt more would be accomplished if someone was sent out, under the auspices of the
Mayor's Office, to the existing businesses regarding the retention of jobs. He expressed concern that there
wasn't enough money to make the program work.
Chairman Read responded that the funding for marketing only was approximately $35,000. Once this is
accomplished, EDC will go into the overall city plan and look at those objectives that would be supported
with the marketing data complied, and tap onto other resources to raise the economic stability of the
community. Other opportunities will have to be tapped in order to make it work.
Councilman Malcolm stated that in order to make the program work there needed to be someone to put it
all together.
Mayor Nader responded that it was his understanding that was the reason the position of Economic
Development Coordinator had been created. The budget proposed with the plan tonight is exclusive of that
Chris Salomone, Director of Community Development, responded that the current Economic Development
Coordinator was doing a lot of things, all related to economic development, and that priorities would have
to be set.
City Manager Goss clarified that the position is currently doing only economic development activities at this
Councilman Rindone requested that the Economic Development Coordinator give her perception of her
Cheryl Dye, Economic Development Coordinator, responded that her first priority had been in assisting the
EDC in deeming and implementing an economic development program. The economic development plan,
as outlined, is extremely ambitious and would require additional staffing. There was a need for promotional
materials for the City to be utilized as basic tools. The market analysis was to update current information
on the community and identify gaps and opportunities. A target market needs to be identified for the
commercial and industrial areas.
Councilman Malcolm felt if the Council was trtfly committed they should be looking at the entire budget.
It should be done right or dropped, this was the reason it has failed in the past. He would like to see what
the Council needs to fund to make this work and let the EDC do their job.
Mayor Nader stated he would like staff to provide Council with an overall budget, staffing needs, reallocation
of staff, additional staffing costs, and what type of personnel is needed. He questioned whether some of the
activities could be spun off to other staff or if the work load could be prior/tized. He realized this was a long
term process and felt that an analysis should be done analyzing what the current resources were being used
Member Compton agreed with Councilman Malcolm. The Council should set the EDC priorities and then
the EDC could set their budget addressing those priorities. If the Council priority is retenrion, then the
budget and emphasis should be shifted to reflect that priority.
Councilman Malcolm felt the major commitment by the Council should be retention of existing
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Member Tuchscher stated that the Economic Development Coordinator's priority had been to assist the EDC.
It was important that the Coordinator not be overwhelmed with her other workload as the EDC continues
to gear up.
Mr. Salomone responded that the duties of the Economic Development Coordinator related to economic
development at this time. As this program is developed her duties may change.
Councilman Malcolm stated he would be surprised if one full time person could do the job that he would
like to see done regarding retention let alone attracting new business/industry. Major eommiunents in time
would be writing of grants, proposals, meeting with the State, etc.
Mayor Nader stated it was his understanding that other staff members would handle jobs such as
development agreements, and this was not part of the Economic Development Coordinator's job.
City Manager Goss responded that it was his understanding that the Economic Development Coordinator
was currently developing the tools needed at this time,
Mayor Nader requested a report back to Council which would state the duties of the Economic Development
Coordinator, responsibilities, and options. It was the consensus of the Council that there be someone, whose
sole function was to coordinate the EDC and make sure it was proceeding.
Councilman Rindone summarized that the Economic Development Coordinator was working in other areas
of economic development during this interim period, As the areas are defined, the Coordinator would not
be utilized in other areas but only for promotion of the community of Chula Vista.
Councilman Moore felt it would be best to have the City Manager furnish the job description and specifies
so the Council does not get into management/administration. If Council does not agree, there should be
options by the City Manager to expand or reduce the tasks, The budget should be utilized on what the
Council wants done regarding economic development and the only one that can put that package together
is the Council.
Member LoBue stated the EDC had come before the Council with an abstract proposal instead of ideas and
policies and everyone seemed to want to get into the action phase. He would like to hear more from the
Council on what they felt the EDC should be doing in terms of action from here on.
Mayor Nader felt the Council needed something in writing fleshing out a possible action plan focusing on
several of the areas, more detailed input on what the EDC sees itself as doing on some of the items listed
on Short Term Projects.
Chairman Read felt a plan needed to be in place before concentrating on the specifics. Projects were placed
on the Short Term Project list as the EDC felt they were priorities and fit it with the proposed development
plan. If the overall plan is adopted by the City, an overall action plan will be put in place in order to reach
the goals and objectives set forth. The EDC is prepared to be flexible regarding these projects and priorities.
With the plan in place, Council then could come back to the EDC and either agree with the projects listed,
make recommendations for other projects or rearrange priorities. The EDC would be prepared to state their
case in the future and back it up with facts and figures. Then it would be up to the Council to "pick and
choose" from what was being presented. They hoped that a trust would be built up between the EDC and
the Council.
City Manager Goss reviewed the marketing plan budget as reviewed by staff. He supported the basic budget
as proposed by the EDC and recommended supplemental funding of $51,000. The initial recommendation
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was that the funding should be split 85% from the Redevelopment Agency and 15% from the General Fund.
He recommended funding of 85% from the Redevelopment Agency and 15% from the Economic Development
section of the Community Development Block Grant funds. Therefore, no funds would be expended from
the General Fund. The recommended budget is not intended to preclude the Commission from returning
to the Council for subsequent appropriations should they be needed as a result of a change in the
implementation schedule. The additional $51,000 will have to come back to Coune~ as a supplemental
budget memo for approval.
Councilman Moore stated he was ready to move forward on the plan as submitted including the marketing
plan budget.
MS (Moore/Nader) to amend the budget to reflect the recommended changes by the City Manager.
Councilman Malco]m stated he would concentrate first on what is here in the City and what needed to be
done to expedite the processing procedures. He would also rename the position of the Economic
Development Coordinator to "special assistant to the Mayor~. Efforts should be concenn'ated on the
inclusinn of enterprise zones and trade zones to entice prospective business/industry.
Mayor Nader stated that he would have to leave the meeting shortly in order to attend another meeting.
He did not see inconsistencies between what Councilman Malcolm, staff, and the EDC were saying. He felt
strong]y that the economic development program needed to be much more than an PR plan. He realized
that basic leg work needed to be done but suggested that the basic goals needed to be: 1) employment
security for Chula Vista residents, and 2) fiscal security for the City. He agreed that the City processes were
cumbersome and hoped that staff would be returning soon with information regarding the Council referral
that the Design Review Commission consider the economic impact of their decisions.
* * * Mayor Nader left the meeting at 6:45 p.m. * * *
Councilman Rindone stated this needed to get started. There has been no opportunity for the Commission
to speak due to the brevity of time and he felt that was inappropriate. He felt the short and long term
viability of the community rested with the Commission and the fiscal management of the staff and thrust
and support of the Council. He was not sure of what the Council was buying at this time because it hasn't
been delineated against the concept of processing before planning. Until more detail was delineated and
input gathered, he was uncomfortable. They should move ahead in a timely manner but needed to "get the
ducks in a row" and get a better feeling from the Commission where they should go. The Council is talking
to much and should be listening.
Mayor Pro Tempore Moore stated the reason he had made the motion was because Council had to approve
all expenses and therefore could use caution before moving into step two, etc. The plan is before the
Council and he can not find fault with the plan. He liked what Councilman Malcolm has said and it was
the first time he had heard ir. He felt this was a good plan and budget and it should be approved. He
would have no objection in adding to his motion "that anything above the market analysis expenses, and
before staff time or talent are spent in any other endeavor that staff will bring that forward to inform
Council why or why not they are going to pursue it and is it appropriate to do so". That frees up the
$35,000 market analysis, approves the plan and they can move forward on specifics. If Council wants staff
to pursue a Free Enterprise Zone or Free Trade Zone there should be a follow-up motion.
Councilman Rindone stated that the funding was seed money and that Council should give clear direction
of where they wanted to go. A plan needed to be addressed on how to retain businesses within the City,
review of processing fees in order to be competitive with surrounding communities, and the roll of how the
Council sees the Commission members being activated. He felt the City was fortunate to have the high
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caliber level of volunteers and felt they should know what their roll or function should be. He would like
to see how they perceive their talents and abilities to assist the City and Council most effectively.
Chairman Read responded that the Commission had defined what they felt were their responsibilities and
these were included in their Mission Statement. They were prepared to commit themselves to working with
staff and Council to make this a viable economic development plan for the City. They are not prepared to
address additional funding that may or may not be needed based on the priorities that may be set. The fmal
package is being brought to Council for approval in order to move the program off dead center. It is now
up to the Council to review and approve ff appropriate.
Councilman Malcolm reiterated that the City was 'broken' regarding the processing procedures required for
permits, etc. He felt it important to take care of the City first to see what can be offered and what the City
can do with existing businesses/industry. Once this has been done then the City can branch out in order
to attract new business/industry.
Member Gerber referenced the short term projects submitted to Council for review. The EDC needs to know
what is important to the Council.
Chairman Read responded that the Commission would be doing many different things, they are going to
have to be diversified so that opportunities are not missed. Therefore, they will not be able to place 100%
focus on any one project at a time.
Member Gerber questioned the procedure Council would prefer the Commission utilize in order to bring
requests and recommendations to Council.
Mayor Pro Tempore Moore responded that the fastest way to bring a request or recommendation to Council
would be through the 'Boards and Commission~ section on the agenda. If it is an item that Council input
is requested, a joint Council Workshop Meeting could be scheduled.
VOTE ON MOTION AS AMENDED: approved 3-0-2 with Councilwoman Grasser Horton and Mayor Nade:
Mayor Pro Tempore Moore stated that with the approval of the motion the plan was approved, budget
approved, and anything over $35,000 has to be brought back to Council for approval.
City Manager Goss stated that the funding will have to be brought back to Council as a resolution for
Chairman Read stated the EDC was now prepared to go back and address the plan that had been approved,
put an action plan together with measurable objectives, look at the priorities that the EDC has established,
and move forward quickly. It is not the Commission's intention to have the Coordinator do all the work,
EDC will look at all the human resources that are available.
Councilman Malcolm again stated that the title change to "special assistant to the Mayor' would be perceived
as a position that could get 'something done'.
City Manager Goss stated this is an evolving process and these are initial steps. It is incumbent upon the
Commission and staff to make recommendations regarding additional staffing. He felt it was clear at this
time that the present Coordinator could not accomplish everything outlined tonight.
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Councilman Rindone referred to staff for a report on the job description and appropriate title for the
Economic Development Coordinator. He felt perception was extremely important and this was something
that could be done immediately.
Chairman Read stated one of the problems the Chamber had was that it was easy for people to criticize staff
and not have specifics. There are no name badges and no one thinks to ask who they are dealing with.
Mayor Pro Tempore Moore responded that there were three sides to every story and felt there was a lot of
hearsay. The question is how to make the City work better.
City Manager Goss welcomed the EDC effort and volunteered the time of the development services
departments, i.e. Buffcling Director, Planning, City Engineer, etc., to discuss this with the EDC so they will
have a clear understanding of what the process is. When recommendations are then made they will be
based on a common information base. If the Council agrees, he would like feedback on obstacles created
by current City standards and outside standards imposed by other agencies. He expressed concern that many
of the problems may be standard issues versus process issues. There is a current Council referral for a joint
Design Review Commission/Council Workshop meeting. He assumed that Counc~ would like to meet with
the EDC after that joint meeting is held with the DRC.
Councilman Rindone reiterated that is was appropriate to utilize the "Boards and Commission" section of
the agenda to bring forth recommendations and requests. He did not see that there would be a need for
a workshop for every item brought forth by the EDC.
Chairman Read stated the EDC would be sensitive to the issues regarding what would be brought forward
on the public agenda versus a workshop setting.
Councilman Malcolm felt there were a number of issues that could be documented immediately. The
substantive issues would take longer.
Informed Council that the staff was close to completing the new design manual that will support the Design
Review Commission. It is anticipated that it will be completed within the next month.
~ 6. EDG CO~ - None.
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ADJOURNMENT AT 7:25 P.M. to the Regular City Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 3, 1991 at 4:00
p.m. in the City Council Chambers. The Economic Development Commission adjourned to the Regular
Meeting of September 4, 1991 at 12:00 noon in the Council Conference Room.
Respectfully submitted,
Beverly A. Authelet, CMC, City Clerk
Vicki C. Soderquist, Deputy~ Clerk