HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Reports 1998/03/11
Chula Vista, California
7:00 p,m.
Wednesday, March 11, 1998
Council Chambers
Public Services Building
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Meeting of February II, 1998
Opportunity for members of the public to speak to the Planning Commission on any subject
matter within the Commission's jurisdiction but not an item on today's agenda. Each
speaker's presentation may not exceed three minutes.
PCM 98-15; An amendment to the Phase 2 Resource
Management Plan to add additional lands in the Proctor
Valley Parcel to the area currently designated as the first
ADJOURNMENT to the Workshop Meeting of March] 8, ] 998 at 5:30 p,m. in Conference
Room 5..
The City of Chula Vista, in complying with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), requests
individuals who require special accommodations to access, attend, and/or participate in a City
meeting, activity, or service, request such accommodations at least forty-eight hours in advance for
meetings, and five days for scheduled services and activities, Please contact Diana Vargas for specific
infonnation at (619) 691-5101 or Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TOO) at 585-5647.
California Relay Service is also available for the hearing impaired,
Item 1
Meeting Date: March 11. 1998
PUBLIC HEARING: PCM 98-15: An amendment to the Otay Ranch Phase
2 Resource Management Plan to add additional lands in the Proctor Valley
Parcel to the area currently designated as the first conveyance,
The Otay Ranch Company has submitted an amendment to expand the conveyance schedule outlined
in the Phase 2 Resource Management Plan (RMP 2) to add Open Space Preserve land they currently
own in the central Proctor Valley to the first conveyance, The applicant is proposing that this land
be conveyed to the Preserve Owner/Manager (POM) with their first final "B" Map which is
anticipated to be approved in April 1998
The Environmental Review Coordinator has determined that the project is exempt from
environmental review under CEQA as a Class 13 (acquisition of lands for wildlife conservation
purposes) and 25(a) (transfers of ownership of interest in land to Preserve Open Space),
. Should the conveyance requirement for SPA One be expanded to include lands in the Proctor
Valley Parcel?
. There are approximately 1248 acres ofland identified as first conveyance priority and SPA
One final maps are obligated to convey approximately 1243 acres,
. Land proposed to be added to the first conveyance priority is not within the City or the City's
current Sphere ofInfluence,
. Property owners are in disagreement.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution PCM 98-15
recommending that the City Council approve the applicant's request to amend the Phase 2 Resource
Management Plan Conveyance Schedule.
Page 2, Item: --L
Meeting Date: 3/11/98
The Phase I Resource Management Plan (RMP I) was approved concurrently with the Otay Ranch
General Development Plan/Subregional Plan (GDP/SRP), The goal of the RMP I is the
establishment of an open space system that will become a permanent management preserve dedicated
to the protection and enhancement of the multiple resources present on Otay Ranch, The RMP I
identifies the conceptual Open Space Preserve boundaries and required further refinement of those
boundaries in the Phase 2 Resource Management Plan (RMP 2). The RMP 2 implements the RMP
I and was required to be approved concurrently with the Sectional Planning Area (SPA) One Plan
for development of the first 1,000 acres located within Villages One and Five, The GDP/SRP
required the County of San Diego to approve three sections of the RMP 2, which included the
Conveyance Schedule, the Funding Plan and the establishment of the POM, These sections were
approved by Minute Order of the Board of Supervisors on March 6, 1996,
Both RMP 1 and 2 contain policies which require a total of 11,375 acres of private open space land
to be conveyed for preservation, The conveyance of open space land is required by the GDP to
mitigate the approximately 9,500 acres of development. The conveyance schedule outlined in the
RMP 2 provides for the orderly conveyance of open space land to the paM in compliance with the
conveyance criteria established in the GDP/SRP (page 376) and the RMP I (pages 97-98 and 125),
The RMP I (page 126) indicates that the goal of the conveyance schedule is to "maintain long-term
biological diversity and assure the survival and recovery of native species and habitats within the
Preserve". The RMP I also indicates that "protection and enhancement of biological resources shall
be the primary guiding principle behind development of the conveyance schedule", The RMP 2
identifies the first parcels to be conveyed to the paM based on the approved GDP conveyance
criteria and further implements the established guidelines for future conveyances, The required areas
of first conveyance are identified as Salt Creek and the vernal pools on the Otay Mesa and are
identified as Exhibits 14A and 14 B of the Phase 2 RMP (see Exhibit 1), There are currently 1,248
acres ofland in the first conveyance parcels, These areas were selected to meet the guidelines of the
Otay Ranch GDP and the Phase 1 RMP since they are "keystone" parcels and were considered
vulnerable and a high quality resource immediately adjacent to developing areas. The conveyance
of land is required concurrently with Final Map approval. The first final map is anticipated in April
1998, Final maps in SPA One will be obligated to convey approximately 1,243 acres ofland to the
As indicated above, the RMP I (page 97-98 and 125) outlines guidelines that identifY those areas to
be conveyed early in the process, but subsequent to the Salt Creek area being conveyed to the paM,
These guidelines are reiterated in the RMP 2 (page 57-58) as follows:
First priority shall be given to conveyance of highest quality resources (such resources may
include vernal pools on Otay Mesa, Diegan coastal sage scrub habitat in the Salt Creek area,
gnat catcher population areas in the western San Ysidro and central Proctor Valley areas, or
potential wetlands restoration areas in the Otay Valley [depending upon the status of regional
Page 3, Item: -L
Meeting Date: 3/11/98
park plans and wetlands restoration plans at the time Otay Valley parcels are conveyed]),
· First priority shall be given to conveyance of most vulnerable areas (i.e., those most subject to
potential or ongoing disturbance)
. Conveyance shall occur in an orderly manner beginning with an identified "keystone" parcel (e,g"
vernal pool areas, Salt Creek area, Otay Valley, central Proctor Valley, western San Y sidro) and
proceed to the next logical block ofland.
. Areas with restoration potential shall be conveyed early in order to begin long-term research and
restoration activities early in the process (eg., Otay Valley, vernal pool areas, potential Diegan
coastal sage scrub/maritime succulent scrub restoration areas north and south of the Otay Valley),
. Cumulative acreage conveyed shall be greater than or equal to the cumulative acreage of the
proposed SP AlSpecific Plan development.
. General guidelines regarding in-kind mitigation and no net loss of wetlands shall be considered
in the development of the conveyance schedule, particularly in the context of applicable State and
Federal regulations, (It is understood that in-kind mitigation may not always be the preferable
approach to achieve the goal of establishing a functioning manageable Preserve.)
. Applicable State and Federal regulations regarding protection of sensitive habitat and species shall
be followed in the development of the conveyance schedule,
. The Preserve Owner(s) Manager(s) shall participate in preparation of the conveyance schedule,
In addition, the Salt Creek area has been identified for inclusion into a "university" site as depicted
on the City's General Plan and the Otay Ranch GDP/SRP, although opportunities for core university
facilities will be limited, City ofChula Vista staff and UCSD have been discussing the potential for
siting an environmental sciences research institution on the upper site elevations in this area,
Negotiations with the Wildlife Agencies are on-going and aimed at identifYing developable areas that
might be utilized by the institute or other future university facilities, Additionally, a site in the Salt
Creek area has been identified in the City Council's "Seven Areas ofImprovement" as the potential
site of the "Higher Education CenterlEnvironmental Sciences Institute", Acquisition of the Salt
Creek area, therefore, remains a high priority for the City,
I. Proposal
The Otay Ranch Company has applied to amend the conveyance schedule to add approximately 800
acres in the Proctor Valley parcel to the first conveyance These additional lands are located north
and east of the resort site (Village 13), are currently in their ownership and meet the first conveyance
Page 4. Item: ----L-
Meeting Date: 3/11/98
criteria established in the GDP and RMP 1. At the time the conveyance plan was adopted, the various
Baldwin entities (Otay Ranch L.P" Baldwin Builders, Tiger Development II and Village Properties)
owned all of the land within SPA One and most of the land proposed for SPA One conveyance
detailed in Exhibits 14A and 14B of the RMP 2. The first conveyance parcels are currently owned
by the Estate of Patrick and New Millennium Homes. Strict adherence to the conveyance schedule,
as approved in the RMP 2, would require the current owners of SPA One (Otay Ranch Company and
McMillin Companies) to acquire land from the two entities (the Estate and New Millennium) who
now own open space within the first conveyance area. The McMillin Companies do not own any
preserve land within Otay Ranch, therefore, their alternative to land conveyance is to pay the in-lieu
fee which is currently being developed. While this option is available to the Otay Ranch Company,
they believe it to be an unfair financial burden, particularly since they currently own Preserve land
elsewhere on Otay Ranch,
The land proposed to be added to the first conveyance complies with the GDP and RMP I guidelines
since it is part of the Otay Ranch Open Space Preserve, is part of a key wildlife corridor, is
environmentally sensitive and is immediately adjacent to properties already within the San Diego
National Wildlife Refuge, Otay-Sweetwater Unit which is controlled by public entities, The San
Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Otay-Sweetwater Unit consists of approximately 43,000 acres and
will be managed by the U. S. Department of Fish and Wildlife. Gnatcatchers have been sited on the
land proposed to be added to the first conveyance, with the specific locations having been mapped,
The land proposed to be conveyed is not located within the City or the City's sphere of influence, but
is within the General Plan and GDP area, The specific proposal is attached as Exhibit 2.
The amendment to the conveyance schedule will also have to be approved by the County of San
Diego. Staff met with County staff regarding this issue on February 18, 1998, They indicated that
they would have to review the proposal with the Board of Supervisors Subcommittee for Otay Ranch
and provide us with input subsequent to our meeting, Any available updates will be presented to the
Commission at the public hearing.
2. Analysis
Staff has reviewed the applicant's proposal to amend the conveyance schedule and sought input from
other affected parties, Staff has conducted several meetings regarding this issue and the related in-
lieu fee proposal with all affected property owners, the California Department of Fish and Game, the
U.S, Fish and Wildlife Service and the County of San Diego Department of Planning and Land Use
and Parks and Recreation,
A. Property Owner Concerns:
All Otay Ranch property owners met with the Executive Committee on November 12, 1997 to
discuss the proposed amendment to the conveyance schedule. The Executive Committee (formerly
known as the Policy Committee) consists of the City Manager and all department heads and was
fonned during the processing of the Otay Ranch SPA One to discuss and make decisions on policy
issues. During the meeting, the McMillin Companies stated that they would be in favor of eliminating
Page 5, Item: ~
Meeting Date: 3/11/98
all guidelines governing the acquisition of land by the paM. It is their opinion that the properties in
the preserve have essentially been preserved anyway, due to their open space designation, regardless
of the order in which they are conveyed. They believe that forcing priority acquisitions would not
benefit the purchasers of open space property and would not provide any incentive for the developer
to purchase and convey land over paying the in-lieu fee,
Greg Smith, one ofthe property owners on the Otay Ranch, was represented by his attorney at the
meeting who indicated that he was in favor of retaining the guidelines, The other property owners
have not expressed an opinion.
Staff Response:
It is staff s opinion that the guidelines are necessary to ensure that the most sensitive areas will be
conveyed to the paM early in the process, The Findings of Fact for the SPA One ErR indicate that
the first conveyance will contain substantial acreage of upland scrub habitats and populations of
California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens, Early conveyance to the paM will result in earlier
monitoring and maintenance of habitat and species.
B, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and California Department of Fish and Game
The Wildlife Agencies both commented on the applicant's proposal to amend the conveyance
schedule, Both agencies indicated awareness of the change in circumstances ofland ownership on
Otay Ranch that would necessitate amendments to the conveyance schedule, The agencies agreed
that the amendment to the conveyance schedule was acceptable as long as three provisions were
I The guidelines established in the RJ\.1P I should still be adhered to, and all of the
first priority lands should be acquired prior to starting assemblage of the lower
priority land regardless of ownership.
2 Observed cattle grazing adjacent to the SR 125 alignment, which has resulted in
degradation of vernal pool habitat, should be ceased.
3, High quality biological resource areas, such as the vernal pools on Otay Mesa and
the Salt Creek Canyon should be conveyed into the preserve early Biological
resource values are to be maintained by the current landowners until such time as
parcels are conveyed to the Preserve Owner/Manager.
Staff Response:
Staff is in agreement with the comments received from the Wildlife Agencies, The guidelines
established in the RJ\.1P 1 are not being amended and will be retained in order to guide future
conveyance of land to the paM, The land proposed for inclusion in the first conveyance is in
compliance with the established guidelines. High quality biological resource areas (as noted in #3)
Page 6, Item: -L
Meeting Date: 3/11/98
are included in the priority guidelines, which will require them to be conveyed earlier in the process
than other open space lands, Additionally, City staffhas discussed the cattle grazing issue with the
applicant. He has indicated that the rancher has been directed to relocate the cattle to a different part
of the Ranch, This will occur upon approval of the first final map, City staff has also contacted the
property owner of the subject vernal pools, New Millennium, to alert them of the problem,
3, Conclusion
Staff believes that the proposal to amend the conveyance plan complies with GDP policies and is
acceptable for the following reasons, and recommends that the Commission recommend approval of
the proposed amendments to the City Council:
1. The proposal maintains the biologically sensitive Salt Creek area and vernal pools on Otay
Mesa as first conveyance parcels and would also allow less sensitive portions of Salt Creek
to be utilized for university-related facilities, if desired,
2. The proposal simply adds land to the first conveyance and does not delete any first priority
lands, The guidelines for acquisition will remain intact.
3. The lands proposed to be added to the first conveyance parcels are of high biological
quality and falls under the priority guidelines identified in the RMP 1 and 2 (i,e., Central
Proctor Valley has been identified as one of the "keystone" parcel and is the site of
gnatcatcher populations).
1 Existing Exhibit 14A and 148 of Phase 2 RMP
2. Proposed Conveyance Amendment (new Exhibit 14 of Rl'v1P 2)
3 ResolutitJTI 9g-15
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SPA One Conveyance Areas
Exhibit 14
WHEREAS, on October 28, 1993, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors and the Chula
Vista City Council jointly adopted the Otay Ranch General Development Plan/Subregional Plan
(GDP/SRP), including the Otay Ranch Phase I Resource Management Plan (Phase I RMP),
governing the development of the 23,000 acre Otay Ranch project, and;
WHEREAS, the GDP and Phase I RMP require, as a condition of the development ofOtay
Ranch, the phased creation of an 11,375 acre Resource Preserve to be owned and operated by a
public or quasi-public Preserve Owner/Manage, and;
WHEREAS, the Otay Ranch GDP Program EIR and Findings of Fact find that the creation
of the 11,375 acre Resource Preserve mitigates identified biological impacts of the Otay Ranch
project, including cumulative biological impacts, and,
WHEREAS, on March 6, 1996, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors adopted the
Otay Ranch Preserve Conveyance Plan, which identifies specific open space areas within Otay Ranch
which must be conveyed to the Otay Ranch Preserve Owner/Manager as a condition of the
development of the Otay Ranch SPA One, and;
WHEREAS, on June 4, 1996, the City of Chula Vista City Council adopted the Otay Ranch
Phase 2 Resource Management Plan (Phase 2 RMP), including a Preserve Conveyance Plan
essentially identical to the plan previously adopted by the San Diego County Board of Supervisors,
WHEREAS, a duly verified application, PCM 98-15, for a Miscellaneous Amendment
("Project") was filed with the Chula Vista Planning Department on October] 7, ] 997 by the Otay
Ranch Company ("Applicant") , and
WHEREAS, said application requested an amendment to the Otay Ranch Resource
Management Plan, Phase 2, Exhibits] 4A and] 4B, otherwise known as the Conveyance Schedule;
WHEREAS, circumstances have changed since the Otay Ranch GDP/SRP was adopted in
] 993 which impact the Preserve Conveyance Schedule. At the time the GDP/SRP, including the
RMP ] was adopted, the entire Otay Ranch project was controlled by one entity, the Baldwin
Company Four years later, when Otay Ranch SPA One is required to convey lands to the preserve,
Otay Ranch is controlled by ten separate owners. Open space and developable lands are not
proportionately shared by all owners; and
WHEREAS, said application adds additional environmentally sensitive land in central Proctor
Valley which meets the GDP and RMP 1 guidelines to the first order of conveyance; and
WHEREAS, the applicant is currently the owner of said land; and
WHEREAS, virtually all of the eastern portions of Otay Ranch have been included in the San
Diego National Wildlife Refuge, Otay-Sweetwater Unit Furthermore, the City of San Diego and the
United States Fish and Wildlife Service have certified the EIRlEIS for the San Diego Multi-Species
Conservation Program (MSCP). Including the County of San Diego and the City of Chula Vista
Subarea Plans which incorporate the Otay Ranch preserve system. The County of San Diego has
adopted the South County MSCP Subarea Plan including the land plan changes reflected in the
agreement between Baldwin entities and the Resource Agencies; and
WHEREAS, while the multiplicity of owners seriously complicates the ordered conveyance
of preserve properties, the creation of the National Wildlife Refuge and the emergence of the MSCP
provide greater opportunities to convey preserve lands in a flexible manner; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission set the time and place for a public hearing on said
amendment application and notice of said hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its
publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and its mailing to property owners within
500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing; and
WHEREAS, the public hearing was held at the time and place as advertised, namely 7:00 p,m,
on March II, 1998 in the Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, before the Planning Commission
and said hearing was thereafter closed; and
WHEREAS, the City Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the Project and
determined that the Project is exempt from environmental review under CEQA as a Class 13
(acquisition of lands for wildlife conservation purposes) and 25 ( a) (transfers of ownership of interest
in land to Preserve Open Space).
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT from the facts presented to the Planning
Commission, the Commission has determined that the amendment to the Conveyance Schedule of the
Phase 2 Resource Management Plan (i,e., deleting Exhibits 14A and 14B and substituting with
Exhibit 14) is consistent with the goals and policies set forth in the Otay Ranch General Development
Plan/Subregional Plan regarding the establishment ofthe Otay Ranch Open Space Preserve; and
the City Council approve the proposal to amend the Phase 2 Resource Management Plan (i, e" delete
Exhibits 14A and 14B and insert Exhibit 14), in accordance with the attached draft City Council
Resolution and that a copy ofthis resolution be transmitted to the owners of the property and the City
CALIFORNIA, this day 11th day of March, 1998 by the following vote, to-wit
Patty Davis, Chair
Diana Vargas, Secretary
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SPA One Conveyance Areas
Exhibit 14
FEBRUARY 26, 1998
To: Chairperson and members of the Plannin~,t~mission
Via: Ken Lee, Assistant Director of Planning)!:
From: Jeff Steichen, Associate Planner (Acting~
At the Planning Commission Meeting of February II, 1998, during the discussion of the
proposed Conditional Use Permit PCC 98-11 (Advocate Schools) there was some discussion
regarding an existing 32 s,f. banner which the Evangelical Free Church of Chula Vista has had
displayed for some time (located above their existing monument sign) on the corner of Paseo Del
Rey and East '']'' Street. The church had been informed by staff that the existing banner
announcing church events was not allowed per the Zoning Ordinance. This was reiterated
verbally the Planning Commission in response to a letter submitted at the Meeting of February
II, 1998 requesting to keep the banner displayed.
Staff has reviewed the content ofthe written request made by the church and in researching the
issue has discovered a little used section of the code (l9.60.310c) which will allow a church to
have a small temporary signlbanner for a special event subject to size limitations, location,
duration of time and obtaining a Special Event Permit, Staffs written response to the church
indicating what type of signlbanner they are allowed to have was sent to them on February 25,
1998 and is attached for your information.
Letter sent by staff to the church on Feburary 25,1998
Letter of request from the chruch dated February II, 1998
February 25.1998
- - --
Pastor Gary Bowman
Evangelical Free Church of Chula Vista
795 East '']'' Street
Chula Vista, CA 91910
CllY Of
Re: Temporary banners for Evangelical Free Church ofChula Vista at corner of Pas eo Del Rey
and East "J" Street
Dear Pastor Bowman:
At the Planning Commission Meeting of February II, 1998 during the discussion of the
proposed Conditional Use Permit PCC 98-11 for Advocate School, their was a brief discussion
of the existing banner( s) you have had existing near the intersection of Paseo Del Rey and East
"J" Street. In your letter addressed to the Planning Commission of that date, you indicated the
existing banner is 32 sq. feet (4' x 8') and is located immediately behind and above the permanent
monument sign. You were informed that this violated the Zoning Ordinance and that the banner
would have to be removed,
Staff has further researched the provisions for temporary signage for churches. Section
19.60.310(c) allows churches to have special event signs limited to twenty-five square feet (per
street rrontage) upon obtaining a Special Event Permit. This code section places limitations of
duration of time for wruch temporary signs can be located on the site, (See attachment). Because
your church site is a corner lot, staff has considered the current size and location of your
"existing" banner and has determined that you may combine the allowable square footage, and
keep the 32 sq. foot. banner subject to the limitations delineated in section 19.60.31O(c) with the
following exception: Since you have had an existing banner sign(s) up for some time and has
exceeded the time allotments allowed, you will be allowed only two Special Event Permits (max
seven consecutive days each) for the next twelve months.
If you desire to have the existing 32 s,f. banner or two smaller banners (see section 19.60.31 O(C)
please let me know the two periods of time you wish to have the banner up over the next year.
Prior to putting up said banner(s), you must come into the Planning Department and obtain a
Special Event Permit.
Should you have any further questions, please feel rree to contact me at (619) 585-5778,
Je";~e~ -
Associate Planner (Acting)
Attachment: Section 19.60.310 of Zoning Ordinance
276 FOURTH AVENUE. CHULA VISTA. CALIFORNIA 91910. (619) 691-5101
19_60.300 Tempor.uy promotional signs.
Temporary promotional signs are peI1llined for any business, which contain appunenant sign copy to
promote the following special events: Grand openings, change of business address, change of ownership
or lessee, and business anniversaries. Said signs may consist of A and I frame signs and signs on paper,
cardboard, plastic or fabric. The signs shall be located on the premises of the business having the special
event and provided that the number and location of the signs shall not create a ttaffic hazard because of
the distractive character to motorists of any sign or the cum ulative effect of all the signs on the lot, nor shall
any sign unreasonably obscure existing signs or adjacent properties. No limitation shall b placed on the area
of the signs except that they shall not conflict with the provisions herein. Only one freestanding sign shaJJ
be allowed on each street frontage. Such sign shall not be more than eight feet in height or contain more
than forty square feet of sign area. (Ord 1575 91 (part), 1974; Ord 1436 94, 1973; Ord 1356 91 (part),
1971; Ord 1212 91 (part), 1969; prior code 933.950(G)(4)).
19.60310 Public and quasi-public signs.
Churches, schools, community centers and any other public or institutional building, in any residential
or agricultural zone, shall be allowed the following signs:
A. Churches: One wall sign, not to exceed thirty square feet in area and one bulletin board or
announcement sign, not to exceed twenty-four square feet in area and ten feet in height. Any bulletin
board Or announcement sign not anached flat against the building shall maintain a ten-foot setback
from all streets.
Other public and quasi-public uses: One wall sign, not to exceed thirty square feet in area and a
bulletin board Or announcement sign not to exceed fifty square feet in area and twelve feet in height.
Any bulletin board or announcement sign not anached flat against the building shall maintain a
ten-foot setback from all streets.
C. Public and quasi-public special event signs:
1. Churches and other public and quasi.public uses may request a peI1llit for the temporary use of
a sign announcing a special event. Wall Or freestanding signs of paper, cardboard, plastic or
fabric are peI1llined; provided, that the zoning administrator finds that the copy, color, and
design of the sign will not adversely affect the order, amenity, or residential enjoyment of the
neighborhood in which it is located,
2. Special event signs shall be located on the premises of the institution Or organization having the
special event, and shall be not mOre than five feet in height, nOr contain more than twenty-five
square feet of sign area. Freestanding signs shall maintain a minimum ten-foot setback from any
property line abutting upon a street right-of. way. One sign shall be allowed for each street
3. Upon application for a peI1llit, the applicant shaII submit a statement and diagram noting the
nature of the special event, and indicating the location, size, copy and colors of the proposed
sign. A permit for a special event sign shall be valid for seVen conse""tive days; and not more
than six such peI1llits shall be issued to anyone institution or organization in a calendar year.
(Ord 175B 91,1977; Ord 1575 91 (part), 1974; Ord 135691 (part), 1971; Ord 1212 91 (part), 1969; prior
code 933.950(G)(5)).
(R 9/92)
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February 11, 1998
City Planning Commission
City of Chula Vista
276 Fourth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Dear City Planning Commission Members,
This morning it was brought to our attention by the Planning Department that banners which we
periodically use, may be outside city codes. We had not been aware that we may be in violation
of any code. Our intention has always been to be within codes and laws, and we will, of course,
abide by whatever decision is made by the city in this matter.
If our banner usage is outside city codes, we would like to request a waiver, allowing us to
display such banners 5-6 times per year. The basis of our request rests upon the following:
.The 4' by 8' banners are located on the corner of East J and Paseo del Rey,
.immediately behind and above our permanent monument signage,
hung upon specially fabricated metal poles.
oThe banners are professionally made of vinyl and are either computer
generated vinyl lettering or are hand painted by a professional sign painter,
and are attractive and appropriate.
oWe normally hang such banners 5-6 times per year, about 2 weeks per usage.
oThe banners.are useful both to our church and our community, announcing
events and activities for our community, such as inviting our neighbors to hear
John Culea or Miles McPherson speak, announcing our Vacation Bible School,
Fall Halloween Festival and Christmas concerts.
Thanks for your consideration.
; Gary Bowman
Randy Hasper
Doug Whitmore
Church Chairman
795 EA5T J 5TREET . CHULA VI5TA, CA 9191D . 619421-7733 . FNJ. 619421-38b4