HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Reports 1998/02/11 Page No. 2, Item:~ Meeting Date: 2/11/98 adopt an Ordinance and Resolution to amend the General Development Plan, Site Utilization Plan and Land Use map for Rancho Del Rey Specific Planning Area (SPA) III. MAIN ISSUES: 1. The site has been marketed for approximately 2 years and has been found unsuitable for many users, including most churches, due to the relatively small size of the site. 2. Access to the site will be limited to the northern portion along Paseo Ladera. 3. There are currently 18.6 acres designated for CFP which is 2.2 acres in excess of the required amount for the entire Rancho del Rey community. DISCUSSION: Site Characteristics The 1.8 acre project site located at the northeast corner of Paseo Ladera and Paseo Entrada is currently vacant. It is surrounded on all sides by existing single family dwellings. General Plan. Zoning and Land Use Site North South East West General Plan PQ (Pub/Quasi-Pub) Res (3-6 DUlAC) Res (3-6 DUlAC) Res (3-6 DUlAC) Res (3-6 DUlAC) Zoning(SPA Desig) PC (CPF) PC (RS) PC (RS) PC (RS) PC (RS) Existin!! Land Use Vacant Single Fam. Res. Single Fam. Res. Single Fam. Res. Single Fam. Res. Proposal To amend the General Development Plan, Site Utilization Plan and Land Use Map for Rancho Del Rey Specific Planning Area (SPA) III to change designation from CPF (Community Purpose Facility) to OS-3 (Open Space). ANALYSIS: Communitv Purpose Facility Requirement Ordinance 2452A, adopted by City Council on April 23, 1991, requires Master Planned Communities to set aside a certain amount of land for community purpose facilities. The adopted standard is 1.39 net usable acres per 1,000 project population. The first step in determining the requirement fonn Rancho del Rey is to estimate the project population. A population of 11,771 Page No. 3, Item:~ Meeting Date: 2/11/98 is expected at project build-out. Using this population estimate, the facility yields a requirement of 16.4 acres for the Rancho del Rey community. Net acres provided for CPF sites is 18.6 acres, which leaves a net of 2.2 acres in excess of what is required. Current Pennitted Uses "Community Purpose Facility" uses would include uses for a variety of community and social service groups, including churches. Day Care Facilities or private schools are only allowed as ancillary to these uses (See Attachment "4") Proposed Pennitted Uses The OS-3 designation, in addition to open space, allows a variety of low impact uses (i.e. Christmas tree sales) as well as churches, day care facilities and public-quasi public uses. For a more complete listing, see Attachment "5". Land Use Compatibility The site is a 2.2 acre vacant parcel located at the northeast intersection of Paseo Ladera and Paseo Entrada. It is surrounded by on all sides by residential development. The proposed amendment would allow a number of uses considered to be of relatively low impact. This includes uses such as churches and day care facilities along with other public and quasi public uses. Staff does not believe these uses to be more intensive or any less compatible than uses allowed under the current CPF designation. Other existing day care facilities in the area include La Petite Academy on 1.76 acres at the northeast corner of East "J" and Paseo Rancheros and at Childrens World the northeast corner of Telegraph Canyon Road and Paseo del Rey (612 Paseo del Rey) on 1.10 acres. The current enrollment at La Petite Academy is 160 children and for Childrens World is 144 children. There is also another location for La Petite Academy at the northeast corner of East "H" Street and Corral Canyon Road (795 Corral Canyon Road) which is a 1.31 acre site. The current enrollment at this location is approximately 160 children. Due to the existing grading of the site, no access will occur along the southern boundary off of Paseo Entrada. The existing slope conditions, along with the configuration of the site, will allow access to the site only along the sites northern boundary. These same conditions have resulted in the site being lower than the surrounding residential development, especially to the east, resulting in a natural buffer. Page No. 4, Item:~ Meeting Date: 2/11/98 Noise No significant noise impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed change in land use designation from CPF to OS-3. As mentioned previously, the applicants desire is to market the site for use as a day care facility as the primary use. It is anticipated the noise impacts would be similar or less than with a day care facility built as an ancillary use under the current CPF designation. Traffic/Parking The City Engineering Department has reviewed the propose project and has determined that it would not adversely affect the existing level of service on roads or intersections in the area. If a use is proposed that appears to generate a high volume of traffic (ie a day car facility for more than 45 children or greater than 3,000 s.f of building) additional traffic analysis would be required. This is based upon the proposed project, independent of whether the land use designation changes to the proposed OS-3 designation or remains under the current CFD designation. As another example, a church which is permitted by right under the CFD designation may have a greater impact than a day care facility as primary use. If a day care facility were to occupy the site, there are strict operational standards which must be adhered to. One of these standards requires that all children in attendance be signed in and out by the responsible/authorized adult. As a result, parents will be pulling into and out of the parking area and will not be stopping or parking along Paso Litera. CONCLUSION Staff has concluded that the requested amendment to the Rancho del Ray SPA III plan is appropriate based upon the above discussion. Therefore, staff recommends that Planning Commission approve Resolution PCM 98-10 recommending the City Council adopt an ordinance to change the appropriate maps and the land use designation from CPF to OS-3. Attachments 1. Existing land use regulations (CPF) 2. Proposed land use regulatious (05-3) 3. Addendum to EIR 89-tO (H:. .jeffi pcrpt\advocate RESOLUTION NO. PCM-98-10 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, SITE UTILIZATION PLAN AND LAND USE MAP FOR RANCHO DEL REY SPECIFIC PLANNING AREA (SPA) ill IN ORDER TO CHANGE DESIGNATION ON SUBJECT PARCEL FROM CFP (COMMUNITY PURPOSE FACILITY) TO OS-3 (OPEN SPACE) WHEREAS, a duly verified application for a Miscellaneous Amendment to the Rancho Del Rey Specific Planning Area (SPA) III was filed with the Planning Department of the City of Chula Vista on November 22, 1997 by Rancho del Rey Investors, L.P. and, WHEREAS, said application requested an amendment to the General Develop Plan Map, Site Utilization Plan and Land Use Map in order to change designation on subject parcel from CFP (Community Purpose Facility) to OS-3 (Open Space), and WHEREAS, the Planrring Director set the time and place for a hearing on said rezone application and notice of said hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city and its mailing to property owners and residents within an area greater than 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property at least 10 days prior to the hearing; and, WHEREAS, the hearing was held at the time and place as advertised, namely May 6, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, before the Planning Commission and said hearing was thereafter closed. WHEREAS, the Commission has reviewed and considered an addendum to EIR 89-10 and recommends the City Council consider the addendum. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT from the facts presented to the Planning Commission, the Commission has determined that the amendment to the General Development Plan Map, Site Utilization Plan Map, and Land Use District Map of Rancho Del Rey Sectional Planning Area (SPA) III Plan is consistent with the Chula V ista General Plan and will not jeoperadize the orderly development of the area contained within the boundaries of the SPA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION recommends that the City Council adopt an Ordinance and Resolution to amend the General Development Plan Map, Site Utilization Plan Map and Land Use District Map in order to change the designation from CFP to OS-3 for property described on Exhibit "A", "B", and "C". And a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the owners of the property and the City Council. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, this 6th day of May 1998, by the following vote: to-wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: Diana Vargas, Secretary EXHIBIT "A" 11 Ji ' .. I, S di it ilr IJ~ i~ i~ g! ! ~ Ii! 'II Ii 1"1 I,t ii I,ll Hi H I), till H .111 . . Iii ~ . .8_ :!! o. .- 0.... ,g 5~ EJ '! .. . . - , I l!~ ~).~ t ~ . ! , :' ' ..." ;SJ ;; . :I ..~! / . ~ ~ :! .. ; . .. J'll / .. :: " " " nn f ~ ~ 8~ " ~ n i " Ii 2 i d! 5~ :I ~ I = :;! J' . . / OJ . . 1;:: ~::J.# u ! f <:: : u~ " " " ~j I' . 7 ~ ! ,. ! :'.I ~ j ~J j I ~~ I I I I 1/ ~~ I ! II'" ' ] J a~ /, 0/ . . . / ' , Q j ~7! i z~ ;- ~ 4 ~ ~ t J .. . s A . 4 e e ~ . . u I( . 1114 n " " ~ ~HJ i . ItJ 0~~ . GG .. I r 'r , " 1-9 EXH\B\T ",," l'J'd ,\:1101 ,,,rs:r ~ \\~\ ~ Q ~ ;; H . . i a ~. · · · iI ~\H B.\ . ,\ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 i v1J~ t.BillB@illillillffiilllliffi\Ji\ pi ~ ~\ ~l . ~\" ~ '; 'A ~ , ! ! !\ ; i\~,,;:~::I-:~\:; . II "1 .. ,. 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RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA CITY COUNCIL APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA (SPA) PLAN GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SITE UTILIZATION PLAN IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE DESIGNATION FROM CPF (COMMUNITY PURPOSE FACILITY) TO OS-3 (OPEN SPACE) ON A 1.8 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PASEO LADERA AND PASEO ENTRADA. I. RECITALS A. Project Site WHEREAS, the property which are the subject matter of this Resolution are diagrammatically represented in Exhibits A ("Project Site") B. Project; Application for Discretionary Approval WHEREAS, on November 22, 1997, Rancho Del Rey Investors, LP ("Applicant") filed an application for an amendment to the Rancho Del Rey Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to the SPA Plan, General Development Plan, Site Utilization Plan and Land Use Map consist of changing Parcel _ Land Use District designation from CPF, Community Purpose Facility, to OS-3 (Open Space); and C. Prior Discretionary Approvals D. Planning Commission Record on Application WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held an advertised public hearing on said Project on May 6, 1998, and voted _ to recommend that the City Council approve the Project, based upon the findings listed below; and, E. City Council Record of Applications WHEREAS. a duly called and noticed public hearing was held before the City Council of the City of Chula Vista on May 26, 1998 on the Project, received the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and heard public testimony with regard to the same. II. PLANNING COMMISSION RECORD The proceedings and all evidence introduced before the Planning Commission at their public hearing on this project held on May 6, 1998, and the minutes and resolutions resulting therefrom, are hereby incorporated into the record of this proceeding. III. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CEQA IV. SPA FINDINGS A. THE SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA PLAN AS AMENDED IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE RANCHO DEL REY SPA III GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AS AMENDED, AND THE CHULA VISTA GENERAL PLAN. The proposed SPA amendment reflects land uses that are consistent with the Rancho Del Rey SPA III General Development Plan, as amended, and the Chula Vista General Plan in that the land uses allowed under the OS-3 are similar in nature to public/quasi-public uses allowed under the "Public/Quasi Public" General Plan designation. B. THE RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA PLAN, AS AMENDED, WILL PROMOTE THE ORDERLY SEQUENTIALIZED DEVELOPMENT OF THE INVOLVED SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA. The proposed SPA amendment will allows the currently vacant site to be developed with a use that helps meet the needs of the surrounding community. The site is too small to accommodate some of the uses allowed under the current CPF designation. The SPA amendment will allow the site to be marketed for use as a day care facility which will provide a needed service for the residents of the surrounding community. C. THE RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA (SPA) PLAN AS AMENDED WILL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT ADJACENT LAND USE, RESIDENTIAL ENJOYMENT, CIRCULATION, OR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. The land uses allowed within the OS-3 designation are typically public/quasi public uses which are generally of a low impact nature. While a church or day care facility is also allowable under this land use designation, the size of such of a facility, given the size of the parcel, will not cause a significant impact on the surrounding residential development. Physical constraints of the site will prohibit vehicular access to the parcel off of Paseo Entrada. Thus, access to the parcel will not negatively impact adjacent residential development. V. COUNCIL DIRECTION The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby directs that the parcel located at the northeast corner of Paseo Ladera and Paseo Entrada, as shown on the attached Exhibit Band C, be redesignated Open Space 3 on the General Development Map and Site Utilization Map. VII. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS RESOLUTION This amendment to the General Development Plan and Site Utilization Plan shall take effect and be in full force the thirtieth day from its adoption. Presented by Approved as to form by Robert A. Leiter Director of Planning John M. Kaheny City Attorney .....-- \ \ \ \. --\-~\ \---J / \ \ , i -----.j I / ~'LyRfsm ~/--------; ,I i , / , 'I ..! / i / / ./ / / !-PRoJEcT ,~CATION "Jj I I , / / / I ; / / ./ / , , h~/ ' df .:J /& . 0; I Q! / ( "'j ~;; ;' " --.{ '- I " / ~ ~ I ,~ _ ~ r /-----;---\~; /! I \ /! I ' , I i I I ~ _____ ! ~1 ~ !!]/ ~i ~I :>: EXHIBIT "J...' L a ( ~\ \ , i , , , i , I \ PASEO ENTR' , '1DA I I ; I , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~1 , . 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E~\-\\B\" "c. ~~\ \ '2 Q ~ ;; ~ n';' ~ \\~. ~';I .~\!l'9.\ \'\ \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \)i ~\ . \,\3@B@@@@@@@%lJi\ p \ ~\ ~1 . ~\jI,~S.!'~!'\; 1\; ~ ~ ;i : ; ~ : ;\ ':; , ",I ... \"1 '1 04 C!.. ~ , ,~ :I ... \ 't "'JI~~~_1i\"- ... \H\\h\h; .1\.\31313\3813\3158 i \\-'> ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA III PLAN BY CHANGING THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM FROM CPF (COMMUNITY PURPOSE FACILITY) TO OS-3 (OPEN SPACE) ON A 1.8 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PASEO LADERA AND PASEO ENTRADA. A. RECITALS 1. Project Site WHEREAS, the property which are the subject matter of this Resolution are diagrammatically represented in Exhibits A ("Project Site") 2. Project Applicant WHEREAS, a duly verified application, PCM 98-10, for a Miscellaneous Amendment was filed with the Planning Department on November 22, 1997 by Rancho del Rey Investors, PS (Applicant); and 3. Project Description; Application for a Miscellaneous Amendment WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to the SPA Plan, General Development Plan, Site Utilization Plan and Land Use Map consist of changing Land Use District designation from CPF, Community Purpose Facility, to OS-3 (Open Space); and 4. Planning Commission Record on Application WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held an advertised public hearing on said Project on May 6, 1998, and voted to recommend that the City Council approve the Project, based upon the findings listed below; and, E. City Council Record of Applications WHEREAS. a duly called and noticed public hearing was held before the City Council of the City of Chula Vista on May 26, 1998 on the Project, received the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and heard public testimony with regard to the same. B. PLANNING COMMISSION RECORD The proceedings and all evidence introduced before the Planning Commission at their public hearing on this project held on May 6, 1998, and the minutes and resolutions resulting therefrom, are hereby incorporated into the record of this proceeding. C. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION D. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH CEQA E. SPA FINDINGS 1. THE SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA PLAN AS AMENDED IS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE RANCHO DEL REY SPA III GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AS AMENDED, AND THE CHULA VISTA GENERAL PLAN. The proposed SPA amendment reflects land uses that are consistent with the Rancho del Rey SPA III General Development Plan, as amended, and the Chula Vista General Plan in that the land uses allowed under the OS-3 designation are similar in nature to public/quasi-public uses allowed under the "Public/Quasi-Public" General Plan designation. 2. THE RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA PLAN, AS AMENDED, WILL PROMOTE THE ORDERLY SEQUENTIALIZED DEVELOPMENT OF THE INVOLVED SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA. The proposed SPA amendment will allow the currently vacant site to be developed with a use that helps meet the needs of the surrounding community. The site is too small to accommodate some of the uses allowed under the current CPF designation. The SPA amendment will allow the site to be marketed for use as a day care facility which will provide a needed service for the residents in the surrounding community. 3. THE RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA (SPA) PLAN AS AMENDED WILL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT ADJACENT LAND USE, RESIDENTIAL ENJOYMENT, CIRCULATION, OR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY. The land uses allowed within the OS-3 designation are typically public/quasi-public uses which are generally of a low impact nature. While a church of day care facility is also allowable under this land use designation, the size of such a facility, given the size of the parcel, will not be a cause a significant impact on the surrounding residential development. Physical constraints of the site will prohibit vehicular access to the parcel off of Paseo Entrada. Thus, access to the parcel will not negatively impact adjacent residential development. F. COUNCIL ACTION The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby directs that the parcel located at the northeast corner of Paseo Ladera and Paseo Entrada, as shown on the attached Exhibit B, be redesignated OS-3 Open Space and that all applicable maps found in the Rancho del Rey Specific Planning Area III Plan be amended to reflect same. G. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force the thirtieth day from its adoption Presented by Approved at to form by Bob Leiter Director of Planning John Kaheny City Attorney EXHIBIT ~ .-'\" ../"\\\' \ \ \ V' \ ~W" . I / ---; I ~!LyRk19 ~/ ,/ / I , I / / NROJECT ~CATION '/' I I , I / I I ' / / , I ; I j .j! , , !f~/ ' ~ $ i (iJ i c.; I ~ / \ I / / / \--I / / \ ,;' ~ /! / i , / ; . I / i / . / '- I \! ;f ':\ 'f ., ,. / / ./ PASEO ENTR' , ADA , , ! , I , , ( ~I '-- \ i~ 'I ~ ~ ;' I,~:: / / II \ ; n I I I t i:,,~ t: !!l / \ ' <5 1 ' ~ Q:: i \ If! ~! \ 1# .:?: ' \ ~~ i ~ ~I\ \ ~ ~ ~ \ I" I ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ ~ --~---- \ 01'-'- \....~L). \ \ (/)\~'~'-"'("\~' \ I 1. .~~/,\';:''';\V'\ \ ....~. 'V...'-~\<;' ,\&. " '- \.....~-:.~;.......-':-.r...~\\~~\ // 0 . -_....f.' .'V\},,,,,V,,\' (/ (/) ~ 'I \\ -~ -' , )'\.'.>,\' 0, \ ( "1J" ;.... ,..,&~~ (/), \ '" \ (/) \, ' "':'.."'1.. 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("I ,,,.l "'r"'\ .",i I,'''', ",,) \'..f~\ I"V'II , \~,I c:,\~" o -" SDr ...... -' ~ (f) CHAPTER XIV: COMMUNITY PURPOSE FACILITY DISTRICT REGULATIONS XIV. 1 PURPOSE The Community Purpose Facility (CPF) District is established to provide designated sites for specific public and quasi-publiC' uses which are necessary to meet the social, spiritual, and service needs of the resident population. These sites are provided to meet the adopted standard of 1.39 acres of community purpose facilities per 1000 project population (Ordinance No. 2452). XIV.2 PERMITTED USES Only those uses which meet the specifications of "Community Purpose Facility" below shall be permitted in the CPF District. "Community Purpose Facility" means a structure for assembly, as well as ancillary uses such as a parking lot and outdoor activity areas, within a planned community, including but not limited to those which serve the following types of purposes: 1. Boy scouts, girl scouts, and other similar organizations; 2. Social and human service activities, such as Alcoholics Anonymous; 3. Services for homeless persons; 4. Services for military personnel during the holidays; 5. Senior care and recreation; 6. Worship, spiritual growth and development, and teaching of traditional family values; and, 7. Day care facilities and/or private schools which are ancillary to any of the above. XIV.3 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All development within the CPF District shall receive site plan and architectural approval from the Chula vista Design Review Committee. Dimensions shown on the approved site plan shall constitute the applicable development standards for the project, except that the following minimum standards shall apply where a CPF District adjoins a residential district: 7116/96 XIV-I CHAPTER IX: OPEN SPACE DISTRICTS IX.O PURPOSE These zoning districts are intended for open space, landscaping, recreation and public uses and are not to be confused with open space maintenance districts. Only those additional uses which' are complementary to, and can exist in harmony with, open space are permitted. There is no lot size limitation and it is intended that this district may be applied to a portion of a lot provided that the remainder of the lot meets the requirements of the development zone for which it is designated. In addition to the purpose outlined in Chapter VII, the Open Space Districts are included in the Planned Community District Regulations to achieve the following objectives: To preserve open space for the conservation of natural resources Maintain the natural character of the land Provide for public/quasi-public and recreational uses Conserve areas of historic and community significance for the enjoyment of future generations Provide for private use of land under limited development Promote public health and safety IX.1 PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES The following uses shall be permitted where the symbol "P" appears and shall be permitted subject to a Conditional Use Permit where the symbol "C" appears. Uses where the symbol "A" appears shall be subject to Administrative Review. Land Use Q.S..=.l * * Arboreta - (horticultural garden) Christmas tree sales Commercial recreation Day care facilities* Fruit and vegetable stands Incidental concessions Parks Parking Areas Places of worship Public and quasi-public uses Recreational facilities Tract signs and offices (temp.) Tree farming utilities (public and private) Similar uses approved by the Planning commission C P A P P A P P P A A P A P P P P P P A AA P A A C A P p *subject to City Ordinance **See NOTE on following page 7/16/96 IX-! NOTE: Any proposed use which includes non-ambulatory occupancy in OS-3 District (parcel CF-1) shall be subject to additional geotechnical review to evaluate seismic safety. The city Engineer shall determine the suitability of the site for the proposed use based on the geotechnical data. IX.2 PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The following regulations shall apply to conditional Use. The requirements are stated. the site of a Permitted or minimum, unless otherwise Density - Maximum dwelling unit per legal lot Lot width (feet) o o Lot depth (feet) o Front yard setback (feet) 20 Rear yard setback (feet) 20 side yard setback, total/each side (feet) 20/10 Building height 35 feet or two stories, whichever is less Height of poles, clock towers, or special features Per site Plan approval IX.3 SIGNS Signs approved as a component of the SPA Plan shall be permitted within open space districts included within the SPA. Other signs shall be permitted only as provided in Chapter XI of these regulations. 7116/96 IX-2 ADDENDUM TO EIR-89-10 (RANCHO DEL REY SECTIONAL PLANNING AREA III) RDR SPA III Amendment PROJECT NAME: GDP/SPA ITT Amendment trom CPF (Community Purpose Facility designation to OS-3 (Open Space-3) to allow "for profit day care" facilities PROJECT LOCATION: Northeast of the intersection of Pas eo Ladera and Paseo Entrada, one block north of Telegraph Canyon Road; Rancho del Rey, Chula Vista, CA. PROJECT APPLICANT: Rancho Del Rey Investors, L.P. (McMillin - RDR, inc.) PROJECT AGENT: Gary Cinti, Cinti Land Planning CASE NO.: IS-98-11 DATE: March 3, 1998 I. INTRODUCTION The environmental review procedures ofthe City ofChula Vista allow the Environmental Review Coordinator (ERC) to prepare an addendum to a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report (EIR) if one of the following conditions is present: I. The minor changes in the project design which have occurred since completion of the Final EIR (EIR-89-1 0) have not created any new significant environmental impacts not previously addressed in the Final EIR. 2. Additional or refined information available since completion of the Final EIR regarding the potential environmental impact of the project, or regarding the measures or alternatives available to mitigate potential environmental effects ofthe project, does not show that the project will have one or more significant impacts which were not previously addressed in the Final EIR. This addendum has been prepared in order to provide additional information and analysis concerning service impacts as a result of the proposed land use amendment trom CPF to OS-3. FEIR 87-01, for the Rancho Del Rey General Development Plan (GDP), analyzed the potential impacts of designating the subject property Community Purpose Facility (CPF) in the GDP. SEIR 89-10 was a supplemental EIR prepared for thc adoption of Rancho Del Rey SPA III. It further analyzed the impacts of designating the subject site CPF in the SPA. The site is now proposed to be re- designated OS-3 in order to accommodate a "for profit" day-care facility. As this analysis has determined, the basic conclusions of the Final EIR have not changed. As discussed below, the impacts of the proposed amendment to the Rancho Del Rey (RDR) General Development Plan (GDP)/ Section Planning Area (SPA) III land use district are substantially similar to those of the previous designation as analyzed in FEIR 87-01 and SEIR 89-10. Therefore, in accordance with Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City has prepared the following addendum to EIR-89-IO. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project proposes a change in the land use designation for a 1.9 acre site located in the Rancho del Rey SPA III Community from Community Purpose Facility (CPF) to Open Space - 3 (OS-3). According to the RDR SPA III plan, the CPF designation is intended for such uses as social and human services activities, religious institutions, etc.. The CPF zone also allows day care facilities that are ancillary to any of the other permitted uses. Also according to the RDR SPA III plan, the OS-3 zone is intended for open space, landscaping, recreation and public uses that can exist in harmony with open space uses. A day care facility is pennitted subject to City ordinance. Unlike the CPF designation, in the OS-3 zone, a day care facility does not have to be ancillary to another use. In order to accomplish the proposed change in land use designation, an amendment to the Rancho Del Rey General Development Plan (GDP) and the Rancho Del Rey SPA III Plan Land Use District Regulations will be required. III. PROJECT SETTING The site is a vacant parcel located northeast of the intersection of Pas eo Ladera and Paseo Entrada, one block north of Telegraph Canyon Road. It is surrounded by residential development. The properties to the north and south ofthe site are part of RDR SPA III and have been developed within the last two years. Properties to the east and west are bomes that pre-date RDR SPA III. The project site was fully graded as a part of the overall mass grading ofRDR SPA III and utilities have also been installed. IV. COMPATIBILITY WITH ZONING AND PLANS The present PC designation is CPF (community public facility) and the SPA Site Utilization Plan also designates the site as Community Facility. The Open Space - 3 designation allows similar types of uses. According to the applicant's submittal, even with the redesignation ofthis site, Rancho Del Rey will continue to exceed the minimum requirements for CPF uses. No conflicts with the proposed zoning and General Plan/Specific Plan designations are noted. V. IDENTIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS 1. Public Services Impacts Fire The nearest Fire Station (Station #4) is currently located approximately 4 miles from the project site. This station could provide service to the site within 5 to 5 y, minutes. This response time is within City standards. Within the next year the Fire Department will be relocating Station #4 approximately one to one and half miles from the site. This would decrease response time to approximately 3 to 4 minutes. The Fire Department can adequately deliver service to the site without an increase in equipment or personnel. The Addendum to EIR 89 10 IS-98-11 - Rancho dcl Rcy SPA III Page 2 proposed use is similar to those previously analyzed in FEIR 89-10. No additional significant impacts have been identified. Impacts and mitigation measures remain as identified in the previous FEIR. Police Department The estimated response times of 6 minutes and 30 seconds for Priority I calls and 8 minutes and 59 seconds for Priority 2 calls are below the recommended thresholds. Staff at the Police Department indicate that crime prevention personnel are available to assist the applicant with security recommendations. Pending the approval of this project, additional site plans should be forwarded to the Crime Prevention Unit for evaluation. The proposed land use designation change pennits similar uses to those currently allowed by the CPF designation. No additional significant impacts have been identified. Impacts and mitigation measures remain as identified in the previous FEIR 2. Utility and Service Systems Noise No significant noise impacts are expected to result from the proposed change in designation to accommodate a "for profit" day care facility. The impacts would be similar or less with the OS-3 designation since the "for profit" day care facility is substantially the same as a day care facility as an ancillary use. Day care facilities are considered sensitive receptors for noise. Uses in the immediate vicinity are all residential and will not create significant noise impacts to a day care facility or any of the other uses listed as pennitted in the OS-3 zone. Schools This project is in CFD #3 and all properties are assessed to fully mitigate impacts on school facilities. Traffic The Threshold/Standards Policy requires that all intersections must operate at a Level of Service (LOS) "C" or better, with the exception that Level of Service (LOS) "D" may occur during the peak two hours of the day at signalized intersections. No intersection may reach an LOS "F" during the average weekday peak hour. Intersections of arterials with freeway ramps are exempted from this policy. The City Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed project and has detennined that it would not adversely affect the existing level of service on roads or intersections in the area. The project would be associated with a Level of Service "C" for Paseo Ladera, Telegraph Canyon Road and East "J" Street both before and after project completion. Direct access to the project site is via Paseo Ladero and Paseo Entrada. The uses that could be developed on this site with an OS-3 designation would comply with the Threshold Policy. If a use is proposed that appears to generate a high volume of traffic (i.e. a day care facility for more than 45 children or a greater than 3,000 square foot building), additional traffic analysis specific to the proposed use, will be required at that time. Addendum to EIR 89-10 15-98-11 - Rancho del Rey SPA III Page 3 Drainage The Engineering Department has detennined that proposed RDR SPA III/ GDA amendments to the site will have no significant impacts to the existing site or adjacent properties. The stonn drain system has been installed as part of the RDR SPA III mas grading operation and it is adequate to accommodate development of this 1.9 acre site. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stonnwater Pennit currently covers all ofRDR SPA III for construction. This site will fall under than existing pennit and be subject to its requirements. Future use of the site will not require an NPDES Stonnwater Pennit. Soils No Soils Report will be necessary at this time. 3. Open Space No impacts to open space are noted. VI. CONCLUSION Public service and traffic impacts are found to be less than significant for the proposed project with confonnance to all City requirements regarding fire, police and school facilities. Pursuant to Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines and based upon the above discussion, I hereby find that the proj ect revisions to the proposed proj ect wi II result in only minor technical changes or additions which are necessary to make the Environmental Impact Report adequate under CEQA. / I Dougla:> . Reid Environmental Review Coordinator .:'~f REFERENCES Chula Vista General Plan (1989) Title 19, Chula Vista Municipal Code City of Chula Vista Environmental Review Procedures EIR 87-01 - El Rancho Del Rey (December 15, 1987) EIR 89-10 - Rancho Del Rey SPA III Final Environmental Impact Report Rancho Del Rey SPA III Plan (Fehruary 18, 1997) Addendum to EJR 89-10 15-98-11 - Rancho de! Rey SPA III Page 4 Case No.IS-98-U ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM 1. Name of Proponent: Rancho Del Rey Investors, L.P. 2. Lead Agency Name and Address: City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth A venue Chula Vista, CA 91910 3. Address and Phone Number of Proponent: 2727 Hoover A venue National City, CA. 91950 (619) 477-4117 4. Name of Proposal: RDR GDP/SPA III - CDF GDP/SPA Amendment to OS-3 5. Date of Checklist: March 2, 1998 Po I.(~ n t.i all y Sigllificant Impar.t P(]lr~nli[-jHy Signifir'anl IJn!ess Milig(jt.r~d Le::;::; lIlan Significant Impact No Impact I. LAND USE AND PLANNING. Would tbe proposal: a) Conflict with general plan designation or 0 0 0 181 zoning? b) Conflict with applicable environmental 0 0 0 181 plans or policies adopted by agencies with jurisdiction over the project? c) Affect agricultural resources or operations 0 0 0 181 (e.g., impacts to soils or farmlands, or impacts from incompatible land uses)? d) Disrupt or divide the physical arrangement 0 0 0 181 of an established community (including a low-income or minority community)? Page No.1 I\JknLiil!ly Signific;Hll I 111 p;\{;L PoLenliiJlly SignificanL Unlrs~ MiLigiJLrd Less lhdn SignificanL Imparl No Impact Comments: The proposed Open Space - 3 designation allows similar types of uses to the existing CPF designation such as day care facilities, etc. Even with the redesignation of this site, Rancho Del Rey will continue to exceed the minimum requirements for CPF uses. No conflicts with the proposed zoning and General Plan/Specific Plan designations are noted II. POPULATION AND HOUSING. Would the proposal: a) Cumulatively exceed official regional or local population projections? b) Induce substantial growth in an area either directly or indirectly (e.g., through projects in an undeveloped area or extension of major infrastructure)? c) Displace existing housing, especially affordable housing? Comments: The proposed project will not induce population growth or displace housing. The propsed change is in conformance with the City's General Plan and the SANDAG population projections. The project proposes a change to the existing land use designation of a vacant 1.9 acre site. III. GEOPHYSICAL. Would the proposal result in or expose people to potential impacts involving: a) Unstable earth conditions or changes in geologic substructures? b) Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? c) Change in topography or ground surface relief features? d) The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? e) Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Page No.2 f) Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel of a river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay inlet or lake? g) Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mud slides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Comments: The site has been fully graded and is currently vacant. The average slope of the site is 2%. Any future development project would need to comply with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code. The La Nacion fault, which is considered to be potentially active, is located approximately half a mile east of the project site. PolrnUally Polenlial1y SignifirilIJt Less lhan Significant Unless Significant No Impacl MitigatE-d Impact Impact D D D ~ D D D ~ IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in: a) Changes in absorption rates, drainage D D D ~ patterns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? b) Exposure of people or property to water D D D ~ related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? c) Discharge into surface waters or other D D D ~ alteration of surface water quality (e.g., temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity)? d) Changes in the amount of surface water in D D D ~ any water body? e) Changes in currents, or the course of D D D ~ direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? Page No.3 l'oLenl.iiJlly 110i,('lIli,jlly SignificimL Less lhan Siglllfir:i:lnL lJnlrss Signifiranl No Impilct. MiLigated Jmpacl. JrnpaeL g) Altered direction or rate of flow of D D D 181 groundwater? h) Impacts to groundwater quality? D D D 181 i) Alterations to the course or flow of flood D D D 181 waters? j) Substantial reduction in the amount of 0 D D 181 water otherwise available for public water supplies? Comments: The engineering department indicates that no adverse impacts to drainage are noted since improvements for the site, including the storm drain system, have already been installed as part of the mass grading and improvements for RDR SPA III. The project will not be required to develop and implement a storm water pollution plan (SWPP) since the site falls under the RDR SPA III permit. Development of the site will have to adhere to that existing permit. No significant impacts to water or drainage are noted. V. AIR QUALITY. Would tbe proposal: a) Violate any air quality standard or contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation? b) Expose sensitive receptors to pollutants? D D D 181 D D D 181 c) Alter air movement, moisture, or temperature, or cause any change in climate, either locally or regionally? d) Create objectionable odors? D D D 181 D D D 181 e) Create a substantial increase in stationary or non-stationary sources of air emissions or the deterioration of ambient air quality? D D 181 D Page No.4 II () l ( ~ [I L i illl Y ~il~fllrlca[ll Impil(:L Polrllllillly Signifi(:,JIlI. Unh'ss Mitigated Lesslhan Significant Impacl No Impact. Comments: According to the City Engineering Department, a potential CPF user of the site would generate approximately 228 one trips which would be comparable to a day care facility of a maximum of 3,000 square feet or 45 children, however, the peak trips would be at different times of day than other CPF users. The small number of trips to be generated would not result in a significant increase in auto emissions or a substantially different impact than what was anticipated to air quality in the previous EIRs. No other impacts to air quality are noted. VI. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION, Would the proposal result in: a) Increased vehicle trips or traffic D D 181 D congestion? b) Hazards to safety from design features D D D 181 (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? c) Inadequate emergency access or access to D D D 181 nearby uses? d) Insufficient parking capacity one site or off- D D D 181 site? e) Hazards or barriers for pedestrians or D D D 181 bicyclists? f) Conflicts with adopted policies supporting D D D 181 alternative transportation (e.g. bus turnouts, bicycle racks)? g) Rail, waterborne or air traffic impacts? D D D 181 h) A "large project" under the Congestion D D D 181 Management Program? (An equivalent of 2400 or more average daily vehicle trips or 200 or more peak-hour vehicle trips.) Comments: See discussion above under Air Quality. The traffic generated would not adversely impact the surrounding primary access roads, Paseo Entrada and Paseo Ladera. These would all remain with an L.O.S. of' C. The impacts to traffic or circulation are substantially similar to those addressed in the previous EIRs. Page No.5