HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Rpts./1996/04/10 (8) Item X.A Meeting Date: April 10. 1996 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PCM 95-09 ISSUE: Should each vlllagc within the Otay Ranch bc mastcr planned as a unitO BACKGROUND: Thc Otay Ranch General Oevclopment Plan (GOP) requires that caeh village must be mastcr- planned as a unit. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL The applicant has applicd to amcnd the Otay Ranch GOP to dclcte this rcql11remcnt from thc plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffbclieves the language proposcd by the Applicant is too broad and should bc scaled back to apply only to thosc arcas where there exist somc rationale for pcrmitting planning separate from thc rcmainder of a designated villagc or planning arca. Staff has identified three areas of the GOP Land Use Plan map whcrc it would be appropriate to amend the GOP to enable thcse areas to dcvelop separate from the village in which thcy are located: the (nvcrtcd "L", the area wcst of Pasco Ranchero and the Ranch House (Mary Patrick Estate). Thc project applicant has requested that the Freeway Commcrcial area of the Eastcm Urban Center bc ineludcd in the GDP Amcndment. Eaeh arca is prcscnted as its own issuc. ISSUE AI: Should the Inverted "L" be allowcd to develop under its own SPA? BACKGROUND: The Inverted "L" is part ofGDP Village 14 in Proctor Vallcy. This area has been mcludcd in thc City's Spherc of Influence area because it relates more topographically to the existing City than to Proctor Valley. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that it will be planned separate from the rest of Proctor Vallcy. Deleting the master planncd village requirement would allow this area to develop under its own approvals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Maintain thc requircment for master planned villagcs but provide an exccption for the Inverted "L" arca to develop under its 0\\11 SPA. This recommendation will require an amcndment to the GDP to provide an exception for the Invertcd "L" area from thc master planncd village requirement. A TT ACHMENT: See Attachment A. ISSUE A2: Should the area west of Pas eo Ranchero be allowed to develop under its 0\\11 SPA? BACKGROUND: Arcas of Village Two and Village One, located west of Pasco Ranchero, are separated from their village cores by the arterial street Those areas relatc more to master planned communities to the wcst (Sunbow) than to the villages in whieh they are located. This area also contains coastal sage scrub habitat which could bc avoidcd with the amendment. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: 8eeausc they do not scek SPA level approvals for the area located west of Paseo Ranchero at this time, the applicant applied to delete thc requirement from the GDP. The area is separated by Paseo pcgdpis.doc Page! /j,? Ranchcro, an artcrial road, and contains coastal sagc scrub habitat which would be avoided at this timc Delctmg thc mastcr planncd villagc rcquircmcnt would allow this area to dcvelop undcr its own approvals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Maintain the requircmcnt for master planncd villages but provide an CxccptlOn for thc arca wcst of Pasco Ranchcro to dcvelop undcr its own SPA. This rccommendation will rcquirc an amcndmcnt to thc GO P to providc an cxccption for thc arca from thc mastcr planncd villagc requircmcnt. A TT ACHMENT: Scc Attachmcnt A. ISSUE A3: Should thc Ranch Housc ofthc Mary Patrick Estatc be allowcd to develop undcr its o\vn SPA') BACKGROUND: Thc Ranch Housc propcrty (Mary Patrick Estatc) is part of Village 13 in thc GDP. Howcvcr. this arca is adjaccnt to thc north and south ofthc EastLakc projccts and is physically separatcd from Villagc 13. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Delcting thc mastcr planncd villagc requircl1)ent would allow this arca to dcvelop undcr Its own approvals. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Maintain thc rcquircmcnt for mastcr planned villages but provide an cxccption for the Ranch Housc arca to dcvelop undcr its own SPA. This recommcndation will rcquire an amendment to the GDP to providc an cxccption for thc Mary Patrick Estatc property from the mastcr planned villagc requircmcnt. A TT ACHMENT: Scc Attachmcnt A. ISSUE A4: Should thc Frccway Commcrcial area of Planning Area 12 be allowed to develop under its 0"" SPA? BACKGROUND: Thc Frccway Commcrcial (FC) arca on the GDP is part of Planning Area 12, thc Eastcrn Urban Ccntcr. This arca has frontage on SR-125 and is surrounded by Orange Avenue, EastLakc Parkway and Birch Road on the GDP. Thc other proposcd cxceptions to the master planned village requirementS are bascd on physical scparation and thc cxistencc of habitat on thcsc arcas from thc village in which they are planncd. Thc Freeway Commcrcial is part of the EUC which should have its own SPA. The GDP master planned village policy would requirc a SPA Plan for thc cntire EUC before the Frecway Commercial area could develop. Development of Freeway Commcrcial and thc EUC should bc linked with the timing of the SR-125 construction so precise locations of frceway interchangcs are coordinated with the demand for commercial development and to avoid premature or leap frog dcvelopment. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Thc applicant proposes that the FC area of Planning Area 12, the Eastern Urban Center bc allowed to dcvelop under its own SPA similar to thc other cxceptions. OTHER POSITIONS: San Dicgo County staff supports the GDP amcndments for the Invertcd "L", thc area west of Pasco Ranchcro and the Ranch Housc as rcported to the Planning Commission and are opposed to any other amendments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Do not amend thc GDP to allowed the FC area to develop under its own SPA separatc from the EUe. pcgdpis.doc Page 2 $~ AL TERNA TI VES: I. Allo\\ thc FC arca to be includcd in the Village 11 SPA. Item X B Meeting Date: April 10. 19u6 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PCVI 95-09 ISSUE: Should the Gcneral Dcvelopment Plan (GDP) be amended to allo\\ agricultural land \\Ithin the Ota\ Ranch to be irrigated as dctermincd by the Prescrve Owner/Manaagcr'l BACKGROUND: Thc GDP policIes prohibit an increase in irrigation for famling purposcs. The rationale for the irrigation prohibition in the GDP \\as to limit the introduction of non-native grasscs within thc Otay Ranch Each SPA is rcquircd to addrcss potcntial conflicts bet\\ccn urban dcvc10pment and agricultural uscs as part ofthc SPA agricultural plan. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: There arc opportunities for nursery and truck farm opcrations on the Otay Valley parcel The proposcd GDP amendment would allow irrigation if authorized by the Preservc Owner/Manager. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Amend the GDP to allow thc Prescrvc O\\11er/Managcr to dctcrminc If additional irrigated farm land is appropnatc. A TT ACHMENT: Sec Attachment A. pcgdpis.doc Page 3 "'9 .x Item X.C Meeting Date: April 10. 1996 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PCM 95-09 ISSUE: Should solar hcating be uscd to heat all domestic and swimming pool water? BACKGROUND: The Otay Ranch Program EIR Findings of Fact provide that SPA plans must incorporatc '"solar hcating to heat water for domestic uscs and for swimming pools". APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Thc projcct applicant has proposed that this standard be modified due to practical limitations of solar energy systems. Thc limitations of using passive solar water heating were reported in the 1992 Energv Tcchnologv Status Report prcparcd by the California Encrgy Commission. The report concludes that those obstacles include high capital costs, loss of tax incentives, lack of suitable sites, adverse structural requirements, aesthctic impacts of equipment, poor public opinion of solar systems and lack of manufactures and suppliers. In addition, participants in the drafting of the l79-page Findings of Fact recall that the reference to domcstic water hcating was to be delctcd from the Findings. However, an inadvertent drafting error left the language in thc text. The following amcndment to thc Gcncral Devclopment Plan (GDP) would repair the mistake. This change would not rcsult in altering the detennination of significance in the GDP EIR. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: Amended the GDP to provide for the practical use of solar energy systems A TT ACHMENT: See Attachment A pcgdpis.doc Page 4 sc Item X.D Meeting Date: April 10. 1996 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PC\195-09 ISSUE: Should the GDP be amcnded to provide flexibility m transit alignments and modi!) the tunmg of transit right-of-way dcdication'l BACKGROUND: Thc Otay Ranch GDP indicates the Village Corcs arc eonccptuall\" located on thc GDP land use maps. Thc land usc pohcics indicatc the corcs will bc precisely locatcd on the SPA land plan. In addition. the GDP plans for transit stations in the centcr of the Village Corc. TIle corcs arc conccptually shmm on thc land use map and arc allowcd to shift bascd on morc dctailcd studics at thc SPA levcl. The samc flcxibility for tranSIt alignment is not elcar in thc Land Usc and Mobility chaptcrs. In addition, the GDP requircs the rcscrvation of transit right-of-way at thc SPA level and dcdication on the Tcntative Map. Dcdication is prematurc in the devclopmcnt proccss on the Tcntative Map. Nonnalh-. all dcdications arc rcquircd at the Final Map level where prccisc engincering IS neccssary Dedication at thc Tcntati\"c Map stagc can only be accomplished by a grant of dced of casement for right-of-way Dedication at this stagc is prematurc since thc Final Map and improvement plans nccd to bc coordinatcd and consistcnt. Dedication of the transit right-of -way needs to be coordinated with strcet, water, sewer and drainage dedications. Also, altemati\"e alignments for SPA One werc analyzed as part of the SPA One ElR. This GDP amendment will allow transit alignment to be adjusted for habitat or othcr environmcntal reasons. Staff supports the proposcd amcndmcnt to allow thc transit alignmcnt to shift based on the flexible vlllagc core policies for prccise location ofthc core at thc SPA lcvel. Amcndments for the tcchmcal problem with the rcscrvation and dcdication rcquircmcnts at thc SPA arc also rccommcnd. Right-of-way would be dcdicated at the final map stage under the proposcd amendment. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Thc projcct applicant has applied to amcnd the Villagc Onc map in the GDP text to indicated a revised alignmcnt for thc trollcy. SPA Onc realigns thc light rail transit through Villagc One from the GDP alignment. Thc new alignment is proposed to run from Telcgraph Canyon Road up to Palomar Strect m thc area west of Paseo Ranchero in order to servc the Village One Core. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: Amcnd the GDP to allow flexibility in transit alignment at the SPA level and to rcquire transit hne dedication as a condition of tentative map approval. ATTACHMENT: Scc Attachmcnt A. pcgdpis.doc Pag~ 5 /// '" / '-"" Item X.E Meeting Date: April 10. 1996 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PCM 95-09 ISSUE: Should the Gencral Developmcnt Plan (GDP) be amended to provide for an exterior noise standard of 65 CNEL') BACKGROUND: The GDP EIR Findings of Fact prohibits residential development in noise impact areas unless the spceific noise studics indicate extcrior noise levels can bc mitigated to 60 CNEL or below The GDP Program EIR docs not explain why a differcnt standard was proposed.. This level is more rcstrictive than the City's currcnt standard. The applicable Chula Vista standard is 65 CNEL Upon further review, it is apparent the standard should have becn set at the City's curren! standard of 65 CNEL APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Amend the GPD rcsidential noise standards to 65 CNEL. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Amcnd thc GDP to providc for a 65 CNEL residential noise standard. ATTACHMENT: Sec Attachment A and SPA One EIR. pcgdpis,do<.: Page 6 .J'~ Item X.F Meeting Date: AVril 10. 1996 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PCM 95-09 ISSUE: Should the Otav Ranch General Devclopmcnt Plan Program EIR Findings of Fact bc amcndcd to pronde for a gnatcatchcr habitat noisc standard of 65 dBA" BACKGROUND: The Otay Ranch Program EIR disclosed significant unavOIdable impacts to riparian vegetation that is potcntial habitat for thc fcdcrally cndangcrcd Icast Bcll's virco. According to thc Program EIR, the San Dicgo Association of Govcrnmcnts, in a 1989 study, thcorctlcally cstimatcd that thc nOlsc lcvels abovc 60 dBA L," in virco brccding arcas may impact thc rcproductive success of this speclcs during their breeding scason which occurs from March 15 to Scptcmber 15. Thc EIR discloscd that in an arca whcrc major roadways arc loeatcd or constmction Will bc undertakcn in close proximity to least Bell's virco habitat, mitigation below a Icvel of significanec may not bc possible. Thcrc is no lcast Bcll's Vireo habitat within or adjaccnt to SPA Onc that would be affectcd by constmction noisc. Howcvcr, the Findings of Fact, adoptcd by thc City in conjunction with Program ErR 90-0 I ,cstablishcd a rcquiremcnt that noisc impacts to Lcast Bcll's Virco and California Gnatcatchcr habitat shall bc mitigatcd to achieve a Icvcl of 60 dBA L," or bclow. The rccirculatcd Biological Rcsourccs Scction of thc SPA Onc EIR dctcrmincd thcrc is no biological justification for rcquiring mitigation for 60 dccibcls, and a ncw standard of 65 dBA should bc cstablishcd APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Amcnd thc Program EIR Findings of Fact to rcduce the gnatcatchcr habitat noise standard to 65 dBA. OTHER POSITIONS: U. S. Fish and Wildlifc Servicc and California Dcpartmcnt of Fish and Game have not concurred with thc EIR biologist on this noisc standard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Amcnd thc GDP Program Findings of Fact providc for a 65 dBA noisc standard for gnatcatchcr habitat. ATTACHMENT: Scc Attachment A and SPA Onc EIR. pcgdpis.doc Page 7 ::r:? ~~ Item X.G Meeting Date: April 10. 1996 PUBLIC HEARING: GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS, PCM 95-09 ISSUE: Should the grassland bird speeics prescrvation standard be amcnded? BACKGROUND: The General Ddevclopment Plan (GDP) established performance standards for four grassland bird specics requiring prescrvation of 80 percent or more of oceupicd habitat. These standards are not achicvablc due to the wide ranging, foraging and breeding habits of the birds In addition the birds usc disturbed habitat with non-nativc grasslands that arc gcncrally considered not to havc other biological valuc. In addition, thc rcgulatOlY status of the species has changed. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working on how to best idcntify futurc candidates from largc pool of at risk spccies. APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: Amend the performance standards to provide habitat within the habitat preserve for thcsc grassland birds. OTHER POSITIONS: U S Fish and Wildlife Servicc and California Department of Fish and Game have not concurred with the EIR biologist on this habitat standard. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Amend the performance standard for the four grassland bird species to provide habitat for them in thc Otay Ranch preservc. ATTACHMENTS: Scc Attachment A and SPA Onc EIR. pcgdpis.doc Page 8 :J!/ ATTACHMENT A OTAY RANCH GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT PCM 95-09 MASTER PLAN VILLAGES Chapter I Land Use Plan Section E Implementation 1. Introduction Page 113 Each village must be master-planned as a unit, except for the Inverted "L". the areas of Village One and Two west of Pas eo Ranchero. and Ranch House property which may have their own SPA Plan approved prior to development of the particular area" TRANSIT ALIGNMENT Section D Land Use Design, Character and Policies 1. Village Definition and Organization Page ] 02 j Transit Policies Each village is planned to facilitate alternative method of transportation. The land use and circulation patterns of urban villages are organized around transit service and facilities. A significant alternative means of transportation is the trolley system. Several components of the GDP/SRP Land Use Plan encourage the use of transit, such as: . Transit line rights-of-way shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and iffevoca13lynoffer-ed.will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level within Villages 1, 5,6,9 and 12. . Trolley stops and/or stations shall be reserved-imI:Jm.1Cim.,n~Iy..JQ.cal~d.nat the SP A level and iffevocalblynBfferednwill bS:._.cQ!)9itiQ.D.~.(Uor dedication at the Tentative Map level in village core areas GDPAMND.DOC April 5, 1996 -;?C" '.../ '-' 01<1\ Ranch GDP Amendments PCM95-09 The following policies are intended to ensure that village cores and surrounding areas are readily accessible to facilitate a variety of modes of transportation: . A 25-foot transit right-of-way shall be reserved-approximately located at the SPA level and ifre'iocably offcrcd nw.ULb~n~.Q.lId!1i.Ql}~dJor dedication at the Tentative Map level within Village Entry Streets designated as transit routes. . Since the GDP/SRP village core locations are conceptually located on the Land Use Map and are to be approximately located at the SPA level consistent with the GDP/SRP Boals, obiectives and policies. the transit line <11iEJ1It1.~DL.Q.D.nlh~nL<lI!.dnU~~nM-'Wnmf\Yn<1!.~Qn~hiftntQ...~.~rY~_.th~3i.!J.<lg~n~.QJ~ b<ls~dnQJL<J.!L<J.!l<lly~i.~.Ie_q)Ji.!:~.dnlJ.Y.1.b~ village cor~ policies. Precise transit alignment will be determined with the preparation of final maps and jmJ)rovement plans Village One (GDP Page 123) . Right-of-way for transit shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably offcred will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level . A tfaflsit trolley stop and/or station shall be reserved approximatelv located at the SPA level and irre'/ocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level in the village core Village Five (GDP Page 144) . Right-of-way for transit shall be rcserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevoealJly offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. . A tfaflsit trolley stop and/or station shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level in the vilIage core Village Six (GDP Page 147) . A tfaflsit trolley stop and/or station shall be reserved approximately located ift.-the village core at the SPA level and irrevocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level in the village core. GDPAMND.DOC April 5, 1996 2 ATTACHMENT A 30 Ota,. Raneh GDP Amendments PCM95-09 Village Six (GDP Page 148) . Right-of-way for transit shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. Village Nine (GDP Page 160) . A t-fafl5it trolley stop and/or station shall be reserved approximately located ifl-the villagc core at the SPA level and irrevocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level in the village core. . Right-of-way for transit shall be reser:ed approximately located at the SPA level and irrcvocably off-cred will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. Planning Area 12 (GDP Page 178) . Transit line rights-of-way and t-fafl5it trolley stop~/station~ within the EUC and Freeway Commercial area shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably off-cred will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level Village Two (GDP Page 128) . Although the village is not located along the light rail transit route, a transit stop shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrc','ocably offcred will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level Village Three (GDP Page 133) . Although the village is not located along the light rail transit route, A.<1 transit stop shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level Village Four (GDP Page 139) . Although the village is not located along the light rail transit route, A.<1 transit stop shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably off-cred will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. Village Seven (GDP Page 152) . Although the village is not located alonB the light rail transit route, a transit stop shall be reserved approximatelv located at the SPA level and irrevocably offcred will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. GDPAMI\D,DOC April 5, 1996 3 ATTACHMENT A 27 '-"" ,. Otay Ranch GDP Amendments PCM95-09 Village Eight (GDP Page] 55) . Although Village Eight is not etH! located along the light rail transit route, a transit stop shall be reserved approximately located at the SPA level and irrevocably offered will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. Village Ten (GDP Page 166) . Although the village is not located along the light rail transit route. a transit stop shall be approximately located at the SPA level and will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. Village Eleven (GDP Page] 71) . AlthouBh the villaBe is not located alonB the light rail transit route. a transit stop shall be approximately located at the SPA level and will be conditioned for dedication at the Tentative Map level. Chapter 2 Mobility Section B Goals, Policies, and Objectives Trolley System Page 234 Regional transportation plans envision the expansion of the light rail system to connect the existing system to the international border and various urban areas, including Otay Ranch. Objective: The Otay Ranch land use and mobility plans shall incorporate regional plans for the expansion of the light rail system. Policy Coordinate with MTDB, CVT and other transit agencies to provide for integration of the light rail line into Villages One, Five, Six and Nine, the Park and Ride and the Eastern Urban Center. The light rail transit alignment shown on the GDP/SRP Land Use Map is (;Q!)(;.~ptlJ<lI!J,!1dnwi.U.J:>~mQn~nPL~(;.!.~.~lyJQ.Qi!J~~L!J,Uh~._~rA,1t).Y~LQf planning. GDPAMND.DOC ^pril 5, 1996 4 ATTACHMENT A 3c6 Ota,. Ranch GDP Amendments PCM95-09 FARMLAND IRRIGATION Chapter 10 Resource Protection, Construction, and Management Page 384 8. Resource Preserve - Interim Land Uses Policy Existing agricultural uses, including cultivation and grazmg, shall be permitted to continue as an interim activity only where they have occurred historically and continually. No increase in irrigation shall be allowed except for temporary irrigation that may be installed as part of restoration plans, unless approved by the Preserve Owner/Manager. Grazing of sheep. " SOLAR ENERGY Section E Energy Conservation page 393 Building Design and Use . Use of solar energy systems, as practical RESIDENTIAL AND HABITAT NOISE MITIGATION General Development Plan Performance Standards Page 121 L NOISE . Residential development within the impact area shall not be allowed unless the site specific noise study shows that the exterior noise level can be mitigated to 6O-GNEL 65 CNEL or below and that the interior noise level can be mitigated to 45 CNEL or below . Impacts to Least Bell's Vireo and Califomia GHatcatcher habitat shall be mitigated to achieve a level of 60 dBA Leq or below . Noise levels within g:natcatcher habitat shall. to the extent feasible. achieve 65 dBA. However. for the purpose of achieving the gnatcatcher preservation GDPA1vlND.DOC April 5, 1996 5 ATTACHMENT A :l9 ~ I Ota)' Ranch GDP Amendments PCM95-09 standard of 52 %, those gnat catchers impacted by 65 dBA or greater shall not be counted as preserved. RESOURCE PROTECTION, CONSER V A TION AND MANAGEMENT Chapter 10 2. Preservation of Sensitive Resources Page 362 Include within the habitat preserve, occupied breeding and foraging habitat and sufficient potential habitat to maintain and enhance a viable metapopulation for the northern harrier. California horned lark, loggerhead shrike, and burrowing owl. GDPAMND.DOC April 5, 1996 6 ATTACHMENT A z/C