HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Rpts./1996/04/10 (7) PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT ItemJX Meeting Date: April 10. 1996 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing: PCA 96-02: Considcration of an amendment to the Planned Community (PC) Zone. Public Hcaring: PCA 96-03 City of Chula Vista Municipal (PQ) Zonc. Considcration of an amendment to thc Code to crcate the Public/Quasi-Public Public Hearing PCZ 96-A Application of said modified Planncd Community (PC) Zonc by prczoning certam parcels of land within Planning Areas One and Thrce of the Chula Vista 1995 Sphcre of Influcnce Updatc, prezoning the Otay Water District parcel to Public/Quasi-Public (PQ) and prezoning thc Nelson/Sloan rock quarry property to Agriculture (A-8). Threc related applications have bcen initiated by the City of Chula Vista as a rcsult of non-Baldmn owncd parcels being annexed into the City. These applications are being processed in conjunction with Otay Ranch SPA One review. The first application (PCA 96-(2) involves an amendmcnt to the Planned Community (PC) Zone, Scction 19.48 ofthc Chula Vista Municipal Code. The second application (PCA 96-03) proposes an amendment to the Chula Vista Municipal Codc to creatc the Public/Quasi-Public (PQ) Zone. Thc third application (PCZ 96-A) involves applying this modificd PC Zonc and the newly creatcd PQ Zonc to miscellaneous publicly and non-Baldwin owned parcels dcscribed below and prezoning the existing Nelson/Sloan Rock Quarry to A-8. ISSUES: . Perceived downzoning associatcd with the prczoning of the Southwest Comer, Dauz and Groman properties . Creation of a new zone - thc proposed Public/Quasi-Public Zone RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission conduct a publie hearing on the proposed PC Zone amendment (PCA 96-(2), the proposed creation of the Public/Quasi-Public Zone (PCA 96-03) and the prczoning of ccrtain parcels ofland within Planning Areas One and Three of the Chula Vista 1995 Sphere oflnfluence Update Study (PCZ 96-A); and Approve the attached Resolutions of Approval and forward said recommendations and attached draft Ordinanccs to the City Council. BOARDS/COMMISSIONS RECOMMENDATION: None ~ ..:J Page 2, Item IX Meeting Date 411 0/96 DISCUSSION: 1. Amendment to Planned Community Zone (PCA 96-02) A. Background/Proposal: The primary purposc of thc Planned Community (PC) Zone (Section 19.48 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code) is to provide for orderly planning and long-term development of largc tracts of land in ordcr to provide an cnvironment of stable and desirable character, to provide thc developer with rcasonablc assurances that sectional development plans will be acceptable to the City and to enable the City to adopt measures which provide for thc development of the surrounding areas compatible with the Planned Community Zonc. lmplemcntation of the PC Zone is currcntly restricted to parcels of land under unified owncrship and of 50 acrcs or more and requircs the concurrent submittal of a Gencral Development Plan (GDP). The current amendment (see Exhibit A) would allow parcels, which arc contiguous to existing GDPs and under or over 50 acrcs in size, to be zoncd PC without the concurrent adoption of a GDP. Sevcral parcels not owned by the Baldwin Company, but surrounded by the Otay Ranch, arc Icss than 50 aercs in sizc, with one parcel larger, and are not a part of the Otay Ranch Projcct. The proposed modification to the PC Zone would enable the City to pre-zone these less than 50-acre parcels in connection with the annexation of the Otay Vallcy Parcel: Additionally, thc PC Zone amendment allows an underlying zone consistent with the gencral plan designation for those parcels which do not have, or wish to pursue, an approved GDP. The underlying land use zone would be determined at the time of prezoning. In order to devclop their properties, the affected property owners of the noted parcels would have three options: I.) the owner could amend the adjacent GDP and annex to it in order to be part of the comprehensive Otay Ranch planning effort 2.) the owner could scck an underlying land use consistent with the City's General Plan designation for the site, or 3.) the owncr could make an application to the City for a General Plan Amendment to change thc PC zone to some other designation. B. Analvsis: The proposed amendment to the PC Zone would apply not only to the non-Otay Ranch parcels as noted specifically below, but would also apply City-wide since the amendment is to thc City's Municipal Code, Thc amendment does not undennine the intent of the PC Zone District and will most likely be applied on a limited basis in very specific circumstances. In order for these noted exceptions to apply, a parcel must not only be under 50 acres in size, but also must be surrounded by, or contiguous to, an existing adoptcd General Development Plan. The amendment would allow parcels to annex into an existing GDP and be part of a comprehensive planning effort, which would further the goals of the Planned Community Zone District. C. Issues: PCRPT410.DOC disc if3 4/5/96 o Page 3, Itcm IX Meeting Date 4/1 0/96 No major issues have bccn identified with the propos cd zonIng text amcndments. Zoning text amendments have been addressed in the EIR for SPA One and Anncxation (EIR 95- 01) and the EIR for the Sphere oflnfluenee Update (EIR 94-03) D. Conelusion: Staff rccommends that the Planning Commission adopt thc attaehcd ResolutIOn of Approval (PCA 96-02) and draft Ordinance and forward its recommendations to the Cm Council. 2, Creation of the Public/Quasi-Public Zone (PCA 96-03) A. Background/Proposal: The Public/Quasi-Public (PQ) Zone is being created (see Exhibit B) in ordcr to bc applied as a prczoning to certain non-Otay Ranch parcels ofland, such as thc Otay Watcr District and San Dicgo Rcscrvoir parcels. The PQ Zonc may also bc applicd in the future, as nccdcd, for other public agcncies land uses within the City. The PQ Zonc will also address issues rclated to the landfill expansion should it be annexed to thc City in thc futurc. However, at this time, an agrccment betwcen the City and the County has bcen reachcd regarding thc operating proccdures for the landfill, and it will remain as a Special Study Area within the County. Thc proposed landfill agrccmcnt establishes specific rcgulations and guidelines addressing opcrations and thc eventual closure of the facility. The proposed PQ Zone also includes provisions for closure of the landfill in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local regulations, including regulations of the State Water Rcsources Control Board, thc California Wastc Management Board and the Dcpartment of Health Services in thc cvent thc landfill wcre anncxcd to the City prior to elosure. It should be noted that the proposcd PQ Zone also includes watcr rescrvoirs and parks as a pennittcd use. As noted bclow, the PQ Zone will be applied to non-Otay Ranch parcels of land (e.g., the City of San Diego water reservoir parcel and Otay Water District parcel) in advancc of anncxation. 8. Analvsis: The purpose of the PQ Zone is to provide for a limited numbcr of unique land uses In appropriate locations which are maintained by public or publicly controlled agencies such as mUnIcipal and/or County agencies, school districts or utility companies (e.g., water, gas, electricity, etc.) including, but not limited to, thc City of San Dicgo watcr reservoir and Otay Water District parccls as notcd above. C. Issues: No major issues havc been identified with the proposed creation of the PQ Zone. The creation of the PQ Zone has been addrcssed in the E1R for SPA One and Annexation (EIR 95-01) and the EIR for the Sphere of Influence Update (E1R 94-03) D. Conclusion: PCRPT4JO.DOC disc il3 4/5/96 '7 Page 4, Item IX Meeting Date 4/1 0/96 Staff rccommends that the Planning Commission approve the attached Resolution of Approval (PCA 96-03) rccommcnding that the City Council adopt the attached draft Ordinance creating the PQ Zone. 3. Prezoning of Specific Parcels (PCZ 96-A) A. Background/Proposal: The parccls noted in Section B bclow and illustrated in Exhibits C through I were initially addrcssed in the Sphere of Influence Update Study, which was approved by the City Council on March 21, 1995. The Sphere of Influence Update was partially approved by LAFCO on February 5, 1996 and is anticipated to be acted upon by LAFCO on April I, 1996. Additionally, thc City Council has approved a rcsolution to petition LAFCO for the annexatIOn of the Otay Ranch Anncxation No. I, which includes the Otay Valley Parccl, the Ranch House, the Invcrtcd "L" property of thc Otay Ranch and the Watson McCoy propcrty. The City Council also directed staff to submit an Annexation Application for Planning Areas One and Three of the Sphere Study and the Otay Ranch House property. The Annexation Application has been submitted to LAFCO. The Environmental Impact Report, which addresses thc anncxation issues regarding the properties noted below, is being reviewcd concurrently with this application. While the applicant is primarily intercsted in annexing only SPA One, City staff believes additional territory is necessary for propcr planning and future extension of City services to serve the entire Otay Valley Parcel: The parccls noted below were included in the annexation and, therefore, arc required by State law to be prezoned. The Otay Valley Planning Area is the largest of the Otay Ranch planning areas encompassing approximatcly 9,000 acres. There are several parcels that are not part of the Otay Ranch includcd within this Planning Area that are specifically defined below Gcncrally, they include parcels of between 9 to 250 acres and include the Nelson/Sloan rock quarry, the Otay Water District, the existing City of San Diego reservoir sites and several other privately owned properties. Planning Area Three is approximately 457 acres in size. Parcels which are not a part of the Otay Ranch include the Watson property and the smaller Clarkson property. B. Parcel Infonnation: The following is a list of parcels to be prezoned along with their proposed prezone designation, the City General Plan designation and the current County General Plan designation. PCRPT410.DOC disc II) 4/5/96 q- Page 5, Item IX Meeting Date 4/1 0/96 CITY COUNTY PARCEL PRE- GENERAL GENERAL INFORMATION APN ACRES ZONE PLAN PLAN San Diego Water 644-070-04 19.59 PQ P/QP Intensive Reservoir Parcel Agriculture Clarkson 595-050-05, 7.5 PC Low Res. Multiple Rural 06 0-3 du/ac Residential Dauz, AKA deGraaf, 641-030-09 7.82 PC Open Space Residential-6 Barnabas Fdn. EastLake Land Swap 643-020-40 106.31 PC Low-Med, Intensive &41;45-47 Med-High, Agriculture Comm. & Open Space Gerhardt 641-060-02, 11.84 PC L-M Res Residential-6 03 (3-6 du/ac) Intensive Ag Groman 641-030-10 1.82 PC Open Space Residential -6 Otay Water District 643-020- 56.77 PQ P/QP Intensive 08,13,25,26 Agriculture & 27 Nelson/Sloan 646-060-06 136.47 A Open Space Multiple Rural Rock Quarrv Use Ross 641-030-03 9.9 PC L-M Res. Residential 6 3-6 du/ac Southwest Corner 59.54 PC Open Space Impact Sensitive (54.4) Industrial (5 ac) Burns 645-030-10, 14.94 PC Open Space Impact Sensitive 11,12 Hofer 645-030-07, 14.62 PC Open Space Impact Sensitive 08,09 Kelstrom 645-030-04 5 PC Open Space Impact Sensitive Ostling 645-030-03, 9.98 PC Open Space Impact Sensitive 13 Rabello 645-030-06 5 PC Open Space ImDact Sensitive Rowland 645-030-14 5 PC Open Space Industrial Selman 645-030-05 5 PC Open Space ImDact Sensitive Watson 585-150-02 160 PC Low Res (0- Multiple Rural 3 du/ac) Use PCRPT41O,DOC disc It3 4/5/96 c; Page 6, Item IX Meeting Date 4/1 0/96 C. Analvsis: All out-parcel property O\\l1ers were contacted by mail during the processing of SPA One. The owners wcrc given thc opportunity to meet with staff regarding the development potcntial on thcir individual parccls which would exist after annexation into the City. While many of thc propcrty owncrs did not rcspond, some contacted staff by phonc with qucstions, and sevcral camc in to meet with Planning Departmcnt and Otay Ranch Project staff. Conccms voiccd by thc propcrty O\\l1CrS dealt with thc pcrccption that thcir propcrty would have lcss dcvelopmcnt rights if anncxcd into thc City than if it were to rcmain in thc County unincorporatcd arca. Additional mcctings were also held with thc various propcrty O\\l1CrS in thc Southwcst Corncr arca, sincc this gcncral location has uniquc issucs associatcd with it. Thosc O\\l1CrS who wcrc not ablc to attcnd the mcctings contactcd staff by telcphonc. D. Issues: No major issucs havc bccn idcntificd with thc proposcd prezoning for the parcels notcd below. Thc prczonings have bccn addrcsscd in the EIR for SPA One and Anncxation (EIR 95-0 I) and thc EIR for thc Sphcrc oflnflucncc Update (EIR 94-03). Thc spccific propcrty O\\l1crs who voiccd concern regarding the pre-zoning and annexation arc as follows: Parcels surroundcd bv the Otav Ranch Proicct on three sides and located west of Paseo Ranchcro APN: 641-030-09, Dauz, (AKA Barnabas Foundation). (See Exhibit C) Staff was contactcd by Mr. David Van dcr Ploeg who expressed concern that the property would rcccive grcater developmcnt potential within the County than in the City. Thc Barnabas Foundation is not inhercntly opposed to the prczoning or annexation but would prefer that thcir propcrty bc purchascd by the SPA Onc project applicant. If developed within thc County of San Diego undcr the Residential-6 designation, the owner would potentially be able to develop their 7.82-acrc parcel with 46 dwclling units. Undcr the City's current Gencral Plan dcsignation of Open Spacc, the parcel would have the development potential, or density transfer potcntial, of onc lot per 10 acres or one dwelling unit. It should be noted, however, that the enactment of the County Resource Protection Ordinance in 1986 would scvcrely restrict the dcvelopment potential of the property if it were to be developed within thc County's jurisdiction due to slopes and habitat. The impact of this ordinance on the development potcntial of this propcrty would have to be further evaluated to detennine current dcvelopment potential in the County. As indicated in the chart above, the proposed prezoning of this parcel would be to Pc. As previously indicated in Section I of this report, the owner would have thrcc options under the PC scenario. It is staff's preference that the parcel be foldcd into the overall planning cffort for the Otay Ranch. Policies are also containcd in SPA One that cncourage thc comprehensive planning of the area west of Pasco Ranchcro. APN: 641-030-10, Groman. (See Exhibit C) Staff was contacted by Ms. Groman by telephone who indicatcd thc same concerns that were voiced by Mr. Van der Ploeg. If dcveloped within thc County of San Diego under the Residential-6 designation, the owner PCRPT410.DOC disc #3 4/5/'96 /c Page 7, Itcm IX Mceting Date 4/1 0/96 would potcntially bc ablc to dcvelop hcr 1.82-acrc parcel with 10 dwclling units. Undcr thc City's currcnt Gcncral Plan dcsignation of Open Spacc, thc parcel would have thc development potential, or density transfer potcntiaL of one lot pcr 10 acrcs or one dwclling umt. Since this parccl is contiguous to the Dauz (Bamabas Foundation) parcel discusscd above, the samc constraints arc placed on thc propcrty by thc County's Rcsourcc Protcction Ordinance. As indicatcd above, thc proposcd prczoning of this parcel would bc to PC, and the owner would have the thrce options stated carlicr in the staff rcport. City staff would, again, prcfer that the parcel be folded into thc ovcrall planning effort for the Otay Ranch since the SPA One contains policies that encourage thc comprehensive planning of the area wcst of Pasco Ranchero. APN: 641-030-03, Ross. (Sce Exhibit C) Staff met wIth Mr. and Mrs. Ross who werc intercstcd in the proccss but had no real concerns with bcmg annexed into the City or the land use designation they were assigned. If developed in the County under the R-6 designation, the owner would have the potential of developing 59 units. If devcloped in the City undcr the underlying L-M Residcntial standards, the owner would have the dcvclopmcnt potential of 44 units at the mid-point of thc dcnsity range. It should be notcd, howevcr, that thc futurc trollcy alignmcnt is proposed to biscct thc Ross propcrty which would limit the developability of their parccL Again, staff would prcfcr that thc arca west of Pasco Ranchero be developcd as a unit per the policies indicated in SPA One. APN: 641-060-02 & 03, Gerhardt. (Sec Exhibit C) Staff spoke with Mr. Gerhardt by telcphone. He was satisficd with the annexation proposal. Thc propcrty is surroundcd on thrce sidcs by Villagc One. If developcd in the County under the R6 dcsignation, the owner would havc the potcntial of dcveloping up to 44 units. If developcd in thc City under thc underlying L-M Residential standards, the OW11Cr would have the developmcnt potential of 52 dwelling units at the mid-point of the density range. As indicatcd abovc, this property is proposed to be zoned Pc. Parccls Surrounded bv thc Inverted "L" Parcel APN: 595-050-05 & 06, Clarkson. (See Exhibit D) Staff was contacted by Mr. Clarkson who indicated that he was satisfied that his property was being annexed into the City and voiced his support of the annexation cffort. If developed within the County of San Dicgo under thc Multiple Rural Use designation, the OW11er would have the development potcntial of one dwelling unit per 8 acres. Undcr the City's current Gencral Plan dcsignation of Low Density Rcsidcntial (0-3 du/ac), thc 7.5-acre parcel would have the development or dcnsity transfer potential of 7.5 single-family units. As indicated above, the proposed prezoning of this parcel would be to Pc. APN: 585-150-02, Watson. (See Exhibit D) Staff met with Tim Wilson of the Watson Land Company. He voiced his support of the annexation effort and was in favor of his 160-acrc parcel bemg annexed into the City. If developed within the County of San Diego under the Multiple Rural Use designation, the applicant would havc the development potcntial of one dwelling unit per 8 acres, or 20 single-family units. Under the City's current Gcneral Plan dcsignation of Low Density Residential (0-3 du/ac), the l60-acrc PCRPT410.DOC disc 1i3 4/5/96 . I ,/ / / Page 8, Item IX Meeting Date 4/10/96 parcel would havc thc developmcnt or density transfer potential of 224-single family units, bascd on the mid-point ofthc density range. Planning Area One APN: 643-020-40,41 & 45-47, EastLake Land Swap. (See Exhibit E) Staff has mct with representativcs of the EastLake Company, and they are supportive of the annexation and prezoning. If dcvcloped within the County of San Diego under thc Intensive Agriculture designation, the owner would havc the development potential of 40 dwelling units. Thc Chula Vista General Plan designates 19 acres of Low-Medium Residential with a mid-point of 85 dwclling units, 45 acres of Medium-High Residential with a mid-point of 653 dwelling units, 52 acres of commercial, 11 acres of open space and 17 acres of circulation. Approximately 55 acres of this land has already been annexed into the City as part of thc EastLake Greens Expansion. APN: 645-030-3-14, Southwest Corner. (See Exhibit F) Staff met with three of the property owners (Bums, Rabello and Hofer) in October 1995 and with Mr. Bums and Mr. Hofer again in March 1996. The remaining three owners responded by telephone to the letter sent by staff. All werc concerned that their property would be potentially downzoned with annexation into the City of Chula Vista. Currently, County zoning on all of these parcels is A-70 (Limited Agriculture), which would allow them to build one single-family housc on a minimum 4-aere parcel as well as limited agricultural uses such as growing of container plants. While the area is proposed to be prezoned PC, the underlying permittcd land use would be Agriculture in order to be consistent with the City's General Plan general plan designation of Open Space. The Open Space designation within thc City allows one rcsidential unit per every 10 acres. City policies, upon annexation, would allow one dwelling unit per legal lot of record. Therefore, in actuality similar development potential could be realized eithcr within the City or the County. In a site visit to the southwest comer, staff observed that all of the parcels are currently vacant except for parcels 645-030-07, 08 and 09 owned by Mr. Hofer. Parcels 645-030- 10, II and 12, owned by Mr. Bums, have been rough graded and are otherwise vacant. Staff noted an active trucking business, trailer office building and a metal building being used for truck storage and repair on Mr. Hofer's parcels. We have not been able to verify with the County whether or not these uses have permits. In the event that they do have permits, they would be annexed into the City as legal non-conforming uses. In the event that the uses are not legal, the owner would have to pursue a General Plan Amendment and zone change in order to legalize them. Both owners have indicated to City staff that, if annexcd into the City, they prefer to pursue industrial zoning. Thc most southerly Parcel 14 is vacant but is dissimilar to the other parcels in the southwcst comer in that currcntly County zoning is M-52 (Limited Industrial). This zone designation allows for a wide variety of industrial and commercial uses. In order to be consistent with the City's General Plan, the area would still have to receive the underlying zone designation of Opcn Space. Thc property owner would have to pursue a General Plan Amendmcnt and zone changc in order to allow industrial use. PCRPT410.DOC disc #3 4/5,/96 /:<, Page 9, Item IX Meeting Date 4/1 0/96 APN: 646-060-06, Nelson/Sloan Rock Quarry. (See Exhibit G) The rock quarry has becn operating since the mid-1950's within the County of San Diego. It is the intent to prc-zone the quarry to A-8 and allow it to contInue operation as a legal non-conforming use. The quarry made application to thc County for an asphalt batch plant in the late 1980's. This application was never acted on by the Count\". Should the applicant wish to considcr a similar use once annexed into thc City, an application for a Conditional Use Pcrmit would have to bc submittcd to the City Staff has mct wIth the quarry operator. and they arc supportive of annexation as long as thcy arc allowed contInued opcratlOn of their facility APN: 644-070-04, San Diego Water Reservoir Parcel (See ExhibIt H) The site is currently operating as a rcscrvoir. The proposed prc-zoning is to Public/Quasi-Public which would allow thc site to continue operation In its current form. The sitc IS surrounded on thrcc sidcs by Villagc Five, is currently operating as a rcscrvoir and IS planned for reservoir cxpansion. APN: 643-020-08, 13,25,26 & 27, Otay Water District Parcels (Sce Exhibit 1) The above parcels arc proposcd to bc prczoncd PQ, which would allow them to function as a water rcscrvoir sitc. E. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt thc attached Resolution of Approval (PCZ 96-A) rccommcnding approval ofthc proposed prczones and forward thcir recommcndation to City Council. Attachmcnts Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D Exhibit E: Exhibit F: Exhibit G: Exhibit H: Exhibit 1 Exhibit J: Proposed amcndmcnt to PC Zone Proposed PQ Zone Dauz, Groman, Ross, Gerhardt parcels Watson, Clarkson parcels EastLake land swap parcels Southwest corner parcels Nelson Sloan Rock Quarry parcels San Diego Water Reservoir parcel Otay Water District parecl Annexation Map ResolutIOn of Approval PCA 96-02/PCZ 96-A and Draft City Council Ordinance ResolutIOn of Approval PCA 96-03 and Draft City Council Ordinance PCRPT41 O.DOC disc #3 4/5/96 /::( , -" PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS TO TITLE 19 TO PERMIT ADOPTION OF PC PREZONING DESIGNATION ON PROPERTY LESS THAN FIFTY (SO) ACRES IN SIZE WITHOUT APPROVAL OF GDP 19A8.020 Regulations generally-Minimum acreage-Ownership restrictions. A. P-C zones may be established on parcels of land which are suitable for. and of sufficient size to be planned and developed in a manner consistent with the purpose of this chapter and the objectives of this division. No P-C zone shall include less than fifty acres of contiguous lands: B. All land in each P-C zone. or approved section thereof. shall be held in one ownership or under unified control unless otherwise authorized by the planning commission. except as provided for in Section 19.48.160. For the purposes of this chapter. the written consent or agreement of all owners in a P-C zone to the proposed general development plan and general development schedule shall be deemed to indicate unified control. 19.48.030 Application-Method-Documents required. A P-C zone may be initiated by one or more owners, Bf by a developer representing said owners or by the City upon application made in the manner specified in this chapter. 19.48.070 P-C zone-City council action-Compliance with general development plan required. B. At the time of adoption of a P-C zone amendment, the city council shall adopt. by resolution. the general development plan as defined in Section 19.48.040.e~ceptaspr()Vided for in Section 19A8.160. 19.48.090 Sectional planning areas and sectional planning area plans-Reqnirements and content. A. All P-C zones shall be divided into sectional planning areas,~Ji.c~pta$prpyidedfpr in Section 19A~.160. These areas of subcommunities shall be depicted on the plan diagram of the general development plan of a P-C zone, and shall be addressed in the text thereof. 19.48.160 P-C Zone-Exceptions. Exceptions to the abpve requirements include the following: A. Individual parcels under separate pwnership pr contrPl, but adjacent to land with an approved general development plan will not require approval oia generaldeveloprnent plan concurrent with the adoptipn pf the P.C wne. However, subsequent implementation of the p..c zone pursuant to the provisions contained within this section, and development of said area will require the approval of one of the following: a) An amendment ta an adjacent general development plan and adoption and/or amendment of sectional planning area plan whiCh would include the subject area, or b} A precise plan, as defined in Section 19.14.570 through 19.14.581. for development of the area consistent with the provisions of paragraph C, below. . B. Any land area that is subject to the exceptions contained in this section will not be required to have unified ownership or control upon adoption of the p..c zone. Hawevet, unified ownership f-XfHvrr p. /// /'7 or control as defined in Section 19.48.020, paragraph B, shaH be required of the subject land area prior to adoption of an amended general development plan and adoption and! or amendment of a sectiona1 planning area plan. C. Underlying land use regulations, including permiued, accessory and conditional land uses. for P.C zone areas which do not have an approved genera] development plan shall be subject to the provisions of a zoning designation which would be consistent with the general plan land use designation for the property. Esmblishing specific underlying zoning regulations will .Kcur at the time of adoption of the PC zone, {"r<-: IOnc 11.11 Rn'l.\cu J.:4/Qh 2 /s- PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TITLE 19 TO CREATE A ;\/EW PUBLIC/QUASI-PUBLIC ZONE Chapter 19.47 P_Q - PUBLiC/QUASI-PUBLIC ZONE Se<:tions: 19.47.010 Purpose. 19.47.020 Pennitted uses. 19.47.030 Accessory uses and buildings. 19.47.040 Conditional uses. 19.47.050 Perfonnance standards. 19.47.060 Siting standards. 19.47.070 Area, lot coverage, yard requirements. 19.47.080 Site plan and architectural approval. 19.47.090 Landfill closure. 19.47.100 Exceptions. 19.47.010 Purpose. The purpose of the public/quasi-public zone is to provide a zone with uses in appropriate locations which are maintained by public or publicly controlled agencies such as municipal and/or County agencies. school districts, or utility companies (e;g., water, gas, electricity, etc.), including but not limited to uses such as the County landfill and various water reservoir sites. The regulations of this district also provide for the appropriate closure of existing landfill sites. 19.47.020 Pennitted uses. Permitted uses in the PQ zone are as follows: A. Agricultural uses including grazing and livestock raising; B. Water reservoirs; and, C. Public parks. . 19.47.030 Accessory uses and buildings. Accessory uses permitted in the PQ zone include the following: A. Caretakers units, as accessory to the principal permitted or conditionally permitted use; and, B. Public utility service and corporation yards. 19.47.040 Conditional uses. Conditional uses permitted in the PQ zone inclUde: A. Sanitary landfills unless excepted by section 19.4 7.100: 0'/L: //- /4/ . ,." ',c' y, . ,~-~ B. Schools: C. Utility substations: D. Cellular facilities: E. Fire station.s: F. Post offices: G. Land reclamation projects: H. Recycling collection centers, subject to the provisions of recycling collection centers standards in Section 19.58.345: l. Golf driving ranges, with or without lighting: J. Hazardous waste facilities, subject to the provisions of Section 19.58.178: K Unclassified uses ,as provided in Chapter 19.54; and, L. Any other. use. which. is determined by the planning commission to be of the same general character as the above uses. 19.47.050 Performance standards. All existingandfumre uses permitted by this use title shall be subject to initial and continued compliance withtheperf6rmancestandards in Chapter 19.66. 19.47.060 Siting standards. The following standards shall govern the siting of facilities in the public/quasi-public zone: A. All solid waste management operations within the PQ lOne shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, including regulations of the State Water Resources Control Board, the California Waste Management Board, and the Department of Health Services. B. The distance from the site to the nearest residential structure shall be in compliance with all of the state minimum standards for solid. waste management. The distance of such sites to residences shall be sufficient to permit adequate control of noise levels, odor nuisanccs, traffic congestion, litter nuisances and vectors. 19.47,070 Area, Lot Coverage, Yard requirements. The area, lot coverage and yard requirements will be established through the site p1an and architectural permit process. 19.47.080 Site plan and arcWtectural approval. Site plan and architectural approval are required for all uses in the PQ zone, as provided in Sections 19.14.420. through 19.14.480. 19.47.090 Landf'Ul closure. Any sanitary landfill existing within the PQ zone which is subject to closure shall be terminated in a manner whieh eomplies with any and aU applicable federal, state, and local regulations, including regulations of the State Water Resources Control Board, the California Waste Management Board. and the Department of Health Services and in accordance with any agreements entered into with the City. -2- /"'/ 19.47.100 Exceptions. Any sanitary Jandfil1 use existing prior to (adolJiion date ofthis amendmenr) shall be permitted to continue operating as a legally permitted use provided that the property owner has entered into an agreement with the City that establishes specific regulations and/or guidelines. pq 1l'1I~ /1;11 R~'.I'~u 310.1 <11' -3- /6 7500' + i'?'^ ",G'i'- "\",\- , ~O~ ~ ci'~ . -1--/ ,,01'0 ~-- -" 725.58' "0 ' ..",.-= ~-- 632.10' " \ @ DAUZ I GROMAN PARCELS 9,64 AC. APN'S 641,030,09 & 10 \0 o 0 -:::.\c:. .L.. z, o '-' """ .L. o 0 c1' "" c:. (j1 '; ~ L CJ 0, Ii' y Q \0 \ ROSS PARCEL 9,9 AC. APN 641,030,03 15000' -- SOURCE; G.I.S. C\CARLOS\CFDIAG01.CDR . SW CORNER OF 1/4 SEC. 41 GERHARDT PARCELS 11,84 AC, APN.'S 641,060,02 & 03 CASE NUMBER: PCZ - 96 - A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: N.T.S. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ACREAGE: SEE MAP -~ DATE: 3 - 4 - 96 CITY ClERK DATE DRAWN BY: c. d' 'J<<nanb C) ZONING MAP ~\II&- _J1__ cm-'~ (HULA VISTA CH ECKED BY: NORTH Ex ~'~'t c ;e? I I , ~ o o M 2640.00' COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO WATSON LAND CO. PARCEL 160.00 AC. 585-150-02 " N ID m M CITY OF CHULA VISTA ""w _ N ",,,, I I / . 320.00' 24' 9 25 30 CLARKSON PARCELS 7.50 AC. APN.'S 595-050-05 & 06 D ~ SOURCE: G.I.S. C:ICARLOSICFDIAG06.CDR CASE NUMBER: PCZ-96-A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CllY COUNCIL ON ACREAGE, SEE MAP SCALE, N.T.5. DATE, 3 - 4 - 96 CllY CLERK DATE DRAWN BY, C.:J. 'Jgtna.t4z C9 ZONING MAP ~!r?- __1.._ CHECKED BY, cmOf CHULA VISTA NORTH 6"k.:bnl D -'7/' c7\'-' n NW CORNER OF SE QUARTER OF SEC.3 T18S-R1W A M L K J SOURCE: G.I.S. CI\CARLOS\CFDIAG02.CDR CASE NUMBER: \ H G FEET A 790. CC B 2847 J3 C 8173" 0 172000 E 11300C F 354 59 G 327 18 H 119428 .-------- 38.23 61851 - ---~_..-.._-- K 107729 ---- L 370.00 M 877 .42 PCZ-96-A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT ACREAG E; 106.31 SCALE; N.T.S. DATE: 3 - 4 - 96 DRAWN BY C) C.:J 'Jgwandu CHECKED BY: NORTH I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ----- ---- CITY CLERK DATE ZONING MAP ~\Ir?- -3-- COY Df CHULA VISTA C:'i i,ti'bi.+- 12 " r ..;/'i / CITY OF CHULA VISTA CITY OF SAN DIEGO OTAY VALLEY RD 0'1''< 1'-\,\0 'PQ'< SOUTHWEST CORNER PARCELS * APN.'S: OSTLING: KELSTROM: SELJMN: RABELLO: HOFER: BURNS: ROWLAND, 645-030-03 & 13 645-030-04 645-030-05 645-030-06 645-030-07, 08, 09 645-030-10,11,12 645-030-14 SW CORNER OF QUARTER SEC. 45 RHO. OTAY SOURCE: G.I.S. CilCARLOSICFDIAG05CDR CASE NUMBER, PCZ-96-A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ACREA.GE: 59.54 SCALE, N.T.S. -- DATE, 3 - 4 - 96 CITY CLERK DATE DRAWN BY, c. J. 'J,w~z C9 ZONING MAP ~II&- --- CITY'~ CHULA VlSTA CHECKED BY, NORTH r:~~b+ f /7/l "'i"\ 1338 90' 3002.66' " ~ SW CORNER OF QUARTER SEC. 37 ROCK QUARRY PARCEL APN. 646-060-06 fl ~ DR PCZ - 96 - A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT -- -- CITY CLERK DATE C9 ~'I?- ZONING MAP _Jl__ cmOf CHULA Vl5rA NORTH ~/'(I.\,'ki'\-- ;: -"71 ~1 <;?<;, -- CASE NUMBER: ACREAGE: I HEREBY CERTIfY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON 136.47 SCALE: N.T.S. DATE: 3 - 4 - 96 DRAWN BY: C.:J- 'JE'n~z CHECKED BY: CASE NUMBER, SAN DIEGO WATER RESERVOIR PARCEL APN. 644-070-04 u-SE CORNER OF QUARTER SEC. 28 \\\0.00' ~. C\CARLOS\CFDIAG07.CDR PCZ-96-A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ACREAGE, 19.59 SCALE, N.T.S. DATE, 3 - 4 - 96 --.-- ~-_.- CITY CLERK DATE DRAWN BY, c. J. 'Jgno.n,kz C9 ZONING MAP ~II?- ---- ern'''' CHULA VISTA CHECKED BY, NORTH tx~bit H- /qJ TELEGRAPH K L OTAY WATER G DISTRICT PARCELS ~ APN. 'S 643-020-08, 13, 25, 26. & 27 ~ ~ '" a:: ..: "- F E o c 8 A -- NW CORNER OF SE QUARTER OF SEC, 3 T18S-R1W A 495.76 N 11610 ,----......--- B 218.34 0 200.96 C 67000 P 186.84 ------------- D 412.54 Q 75.90 E 10057 R 150.88 ------ F 628.95 5 33.31 - ----------- G 412.00 T 100.57 -i~- -- --+--..--- H i 585.63 U 332.27 ,---- 49.28 V 312.00 --_..__._~_.._--- 71.00 W 322.00 --~-- K 62.05 X 1725.00 L 156.04 Y 230.00 -~-~ M 482.35 I X y CASE NUMBER: PCZ - 96 - A CHULA VISTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT SCALE: N,T.S. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS ZONING MAP WAS APPROVED AS A PART OF ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON ACREAGE: 56.77 DATE: 3 - 4 - 96 -. - DATE CITY ClERK DRAWN BY: C.:J- 'JEwantkz e) ZONING MAP ~'I~ __"1..._ ffi'''~ CHULA VISTA CHECKED HY: NORTH f' y ~A'101 +-r /}C~ _/'I,~ AREAS OF ANNEXATION - -- r- -- Ii; "C , ~ o lID ~ r - - - - - JU Chula VI&ta I I n )..... / ~ ),. , . , , , , " .' .- r IS I Boundary ---- 0.93 o . 0.93 '-'111.5 I o Non-Dtay Ranch Parcel. fXH!bfi J ~Jft., ::-r-:: .... /7; CIlY Of 7( (C CHUIA VISTA . Annexation Areas I Qtay Ranch Area C(OGRAP'HIC I""O~"'T!O'" ~nH \!