HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Reports/1993/10/27 (7) MEMORANDUM September 22, 1993 File No. PV-057 TO: Ken Lee, Assistant Planning Director Clifford L. Swanson, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engine~ William A. Ullrich, Senior Civil Engineer{}t1JA. VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: Vacation request of Moss Street at Naples Street " - The owners of the triangular piece of property wedged between Moss and Naples Streets at the juncture of those streets have requested that the City vacate the portion of Moss Street between Alpine Avenue and the aforementioned intersection (see Exhibit "A"). As the property exists in its triangular shape, it is not suitable for development in the manner desired by the owners. This is not the first time this item has been investigated. In 1986, by request of the City Council, this department conducted a study regarding the realignment alternatives of the Moss/Naples intersection. A report was prepared for the Council meeting of July of 1987. In that report it was recommended that Moss Street be reconstructed to bear southerly along the existing alignment of Alpine Avenue between Moss and Naples Streets. This reconstruction was supposed to occur simultaneously with an asphalt overlay project which was planned for Moss Street between Third and Alpine Avenues. However, that project never materialized and the intersection remains the same. The ideal situation from a traffic standpoint is to align the new portion of Alpine Avenue with the 1100 block of Alpine, south of Naples, making it a four-way intersection instead of two T's. However, that would involve acquiring right-of-way through the middle of the existing parcel, making the land more difficult to develop. For that reason, staff feels that the owner would resist this action and would result in the need for the City to enter into condemnation proceedings to acquire the right-of-way. The matter of the most recent vacation request and resulting realignment was brought before the Safety Commission at its meeting on September 9, 1993. A copy of staff's report to the Ken Lee Page 2 Commission is attached for reference. The Commission upheld staff's recommendation of: . Vacating Moss as requested . Widening the existing Alpine Avenue between Moss and Naples to 52 feet . Providing an all-way stop at this "T" intersection . Denying access to applicants property off Alpine Avenue It is the opinion of the Engineering staff that the current intersection configuration is not desirable, due to the acute angle of the Moss and Naples intersection. It is difficult for drivers of windowless vans and similar types of vehicles to see eastbound traffic on Naples while stopped, waiting to enter Naples from Moss. Based on the findings contained herein, Engineering staff's recommendation is to vacate the portion of Moss Street as proposed by the applicant, with minor modifications to the total area to include dedication of additional right-of-way along Alpine Avenue for widening. JWH [F:\HOME\ENGINEERING\LANDDEV\REPORTPV.057] SAFETY COMMISSION AGENDA STATEMENT Item 5 Meeting Date 9/9/93 SUBMITTED BY: Report on vacation of a portion of Moss Street between Alpine A venue and First A venue City Traffic Engineerl)fl}fJ r 1* ITEM TITLE: BACKGROUND: The City has received a request from San Diego Country Club and Country Villa Estates to vacate a portion of Moss Street between Alpine A venue and Naples Street. The proposed street vacation will necessitate a new roadway alignment in the vicinity of Moss Street and Alpine A venue. RECOMMENDATION: Approve staff's recommendation to approve a new alignment for Moss Streel which would: I. Realign a portion of Moss Street to be built to collector street design standards. 2. Striping, marking, and signing be provided for new alignment. 3. No access be permitted along the realigned Moss Street for the proposed development. DISCUSSION: Mr. Ferreira has applied for vacation of Moss Street in the area where it presently intersects with First A venue. Mr. Ferreira is proposing to realign Moss Street to intersect Naples Street approximately 130 feet west of the 1100 block of AJpine Street as shown on the attached exhibit. The proposed realignment would allow Mr. Ferreira to consolidate the triangle section piece of property into a usable, developable piece of property. Moss Street is two-Jane collector roadway approximately 50 feet in width, with full improvements on the south side and missing curb and sidewalk on the north side adjacent to the Country Club property. The existing right-of-way on Moss Street is 80 feet. Traffic volumes completed in March of 1993 between Second A venue and First A venue show an average daily traffic count of 6,050 vehicles per day. Traffic counts on Naples Street between Second Avenue and First Avenue completed in May of 1993 show an average daily traffic count of 6,790 vehicles per day. East of the intersection of Moss and First A venue on Naples Street, the average daily traffic count is approximately 10,190 vehicles per day. This count on Naples Street was taken in 1992. The circulation eJement shows Moss Street and Naples Street as Class II collectors. Therefore, the intersection of Moss Street (1000 block of Alpine A venue) as it intersects from the north to Naples Street should have a street width of 52 feet curb to curb. The right-of-way shall be 72 feet. It is hoped that the realignment of Moss Street will eliminate the acute angle which causes difficulty for motorists traveling eastbound on Moss Street to see oncoming eastbound cars on Naples Street. Page 2, Item 5 Meeting Date 9/9/93 The realignment of Moss Street would form a right angle intersection with Naples Street and would resolve this potential sight distance problem. The southbound right-turn lane would be 20 feet wide, thus moving aU left turning traffic to be at least 20 feet east of the existing curb line. A review of the traffic accidents from January I, 1990 through the end of July 1993 shows that there have been two reported traffic accidents at the intersection of Moss Street/Naples Street/First A venue. One of these accidents involved a single vehicle westbound which hit the chain link fence along the Country Club property line. This accident occurred in 1990. The other accident involved two westbound vehicles approaching the intersection of Moss Street and Naples Street when one vehicle rear-ended the other westbound motorist. In the eastbound direction, on Naples Street, there has been one reported accident which occurred in 1988 which involved a vehicle attempting a right tum onto the 1100 block of Alpine A venue. This vehicle was hit broadside by a motorcycle also traveling in the eastbound direction who attempted to pass this right-turning vehicle on the right side. The only other accident in the area occurred along the chain link fence of the golf course along the north side of Moss Street just east of the 1000 block of Alpine A venue. This was a single vehicle accident. Staff does not have any other reported accidents in this vicinity. The existing street of the 1000 block of Alpine A venue between Moss Street and Naples Street has an existing right-of-way of 60 feet. Only the west half of the roadway is paved. The pavement width is 2O:t. feet. There is a stop sign stopping southbound Alpine Avenue traffic. The proposed street design would provide for an additional 32 feet east of the existing edge of pavement. Staff has studied five design proposals for this area. OPtion A Option A would leave Alpine A venue north of Naples Street in its present half width design and would retain only the westbound traffic on Moss Street from First A venue to the 1000 block of Alpine A venue. This alignment has the advantage that it would eliminate the eastbound Moss Street left-turn maneuver which has reduced visibility, and would channel all eastbound traffic onto the 1000 block of Alpine A venue. There would be northbound traffic between Naples Street and Moss Street on Alpine A venue. This option makes the proposed property into an island bounded by Alpine A venue to the west, Moss Street to the north, and Naples Street to the south. ODtion B This option would retain Alpine Avenue between Naples and Moss Street as a 40 foot wide street and would redesign the intersection of Moss Street with Naples Street so that it intersects at a right angle. This intersection would be approximately midway between the intersection of Alpine A venue and First A venue. This option has the benefit that the north leg of the intersection of Moss Street and Naples Street intersects at more of a right angle, thus affording the motorist with more visibility to see eastbound and westbound Naples Street traffic as compared to the existing alignment. This alternative reduces the amount of the parcel which would remain at the east end near the intersection of First A venue. This option makes this proposed parcel into an island parcel also. Page 3, Item 5 Meeting Date 9/9/93 Option C This option would realign the intersection of Moss Street and Alpine A venue to form a knuckle curve where Moss intersects Alpine Avenue. Moss Street between Alpine Avenue would be vacated. This portion represents an area of approximately 30,750 sq. ft which is being vacated. It should be noted that the existing parcel is approximately 8,323 sq. ft. This is staff's preferred alignment. Option D Option D would vacate the 1000 block of Alpine Avenue between Moss Street and Naples Street and realign the intersection of Moss Street to intersect at a right angle, much like Option B. This option would vacate all of Moss Street east of the proposed new intersection with Naples and would allow this parcel to be adjoining the existing two residences which are addressed off of Alpine Avenue (1094 and 1098) between Moss Street and Naples Street. Both these homes on the 1000 block of Alpine A venue have their driveways off of Moss Street and Naples Street, but they are addressed off of Alpine A venue. ODtion E With this option, Moss Street would be realigned to intersect with the 1100 block of Alpine A venue (south of NapJes Street) to form a four-way intersection. There is evidence that shows that some vehicle are driving across this parcel which intersects with the south intersection of Alpine A venue and Naples Street. This option would split the parcel to form a section which would be bounded by a portion of Alpine A venue to the west and the vacated portion of Moss Street to the east. This option would allow for development on either side of this realigned portion of roadway. The advantage of this option is th.at there would a four-way intersection of Naples and Alpine Avenue and a T-intersection to the east of Naples Street and First Avenue. This option would channelize all the traffic of Moss Street to intersect Alpine at the four-way intersection. This option may require that the two homes addressed off of the 1000 block of Alpine A venue to be readdressed with one being renumbered off of Moss Street and the other one being renumbered off of Naples Street. All of these options are shown on sketches as attachments. Staff has notified all the area residents within a 1,000 ft. radius of the project site. FISCAL IMPACT: Not applicable. Attachments: Area Plats (EJUsting and Options A-E) (7) Vacation Portion of Moss Street Project Location Plat Street Vacation Plat, Moss Street between Alpine Avenue and First Avenue Letters from Area Residents Dated 8120193. 8122193, 8123193, 8124193 & 8127193 FXR:Filel WP(' F:\HOME'ENGINEER\AGENDA\l281.93 ..I "" u. ~~ '" t.:I~ z. ~6 x II ""< ..I "" u ~ !i z o ~. o~ !-O' z'" oli -'" ~:q ~~ == => d ~ => o u 8 "" is ~t: o. !-~ z!!! S2~ ~. ~~ III <<..t ...... 30N3A V 3NldlV .0 \D Q,J ,08 ~ ~ V) t.TJ ~ Z ,08 Q,J 30N3A V.J.S}fJ..:l .~ ~~:I!~~ ~It~ ~~ ., - .. ~ = 8 I~ -.. II - ~ . 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II I U '- ..... ~ ::t?F:rJr.t ( . " '" . ST'tEET - - '" ~ w Z '" ,- ~ > z c w I I II ~ I I - - Q l- I z 0 u w I/) :. ~j....;\r -- -- r-- r-- .-- I I I "- PROJECT LOCATION I I-~-- I-r - ~ t-- - - I II -II-- T r-- w r- :c....m ~ r : Z w I-- CASTLE PI ~ ~ "" f- ~ I/) a: f- u. S'''EET , . OXFORD CHULA VISTA pLANNING DEPARTMENT C) APPLICANT:~.D. COUNTRY CLUB & PROJECT DESCRIPTION: COUNTRY CLUB VILLAS Vacation of a 30,000 .q.'n. portion of ESTATES ADDRU': Moss St. between Alpine 'and Fint Avenuea. 'CALE: IFILE NUMBER: . NORTH '" 1" - 400' IS - 94 - 01 , . . .. . - --.. '. . L I s"{ '- 1\ Eo II ~oo~ ~ ~ G"{ SITE ~ , , f",.ES s"{ Nt> '" ~ VICINITY MAP .~ / , .s> .,. '%: MeSS L SCALE: '"=100' - ~ ~ (N i S) MM" 1oJ2..- S?S IS LEGEND: c,I,~c:o- rz j:;~;.~:..:)il - 51REET VACATION PAPC.EL NS"l -O.Z8A:.. ~IIIIIJ - SiREET VACA-r/ON PARCEL N e,. Z - 0..44 Ac.. N40~'5B"E 40.00' ... , ,./ , , MAP N~' .34B.S ..-/' P~EPAI2.E'D BY: ALGEI<T ENGI"IEERING. INC, 428 BROADWAY CI4ULA VISiA, CA. o,ZO\O ((,,19) 4ZD-,OC.O ..JAMES H, ALGERT, RCE' 190.3 C:ITY OF C,HULA VISTA I STREET VACATION: MOSS ST.REET - BEThVEEN ALPINE AVE &i~ AVE ..- ~- ------~~. Wi~Q.-.k~ R::.Ci::'" V'::'O CITY MANAGER / ~ LU~ ~.~~" :IUIAVISTA.Oi f" - 993 AUG 2 5 1993 ( . -.. . . . - -.. -. - - .. -1?LANNIN . ~ . ~~~..fC~&~~~ :A..~1):--.,t ~~~. _l.bO~ ~.l.~ ~ . F v...&- C}L.... a - W-,,-- ~ ~ I ~ K~ .w )~_ ~~ _ I ~. . ~'UL~t:Q~. ef :A:>~~~"D -~~'I:l.t~ ~ ~- ....~ ~ , ~~~ . LL'~" R~~.'<!JJL~l; (_ ~~On~~ ~~(..~....QcI) ..R-~..o~ ~~La-~~&~ ~J).~ W'1~ ~ .,R'-c.," ~ o_~" . +~8~~. .. ::4~+.~ &M""~... ~~v-:t ~. ~. . 1~.. ~L- ~~~f~tl~J~ ~~cP 'f~ ~ ~-RtP..~ . (c....e...1<<t-~ cu-R.~~~.f4),"-,,{J ~. ~ ..~ . ~~ ~. ~.~ ~-.. . . . .. ~ '.' , ..,' -, - II.~'-J:.. (...6 /'(\/\ ~ -' .. -6 . . . C\__ '-e. ~ .~..~ ~.-z;~ 'f;: . ~ '~ d2,. ~''':dJJ~ ~ rr~ ~~+ ~~~ ef~(Q.i)U~~"~ ~r'~f;L~ ~~~y~~~~~~ ~ l' ~~ ~,.<>.J) ~ ~. . v.u~~, ~~~ ~A~:Z~~~~h:~C~ '-.~~~~ ~.~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, ~ .A" IJv fl.-LJ (, -Q-e.A> J' J. 'G ~ . -~, tu ~ ~_~ ~ -P_.p . x:; ~ ~ e~ 6[. .(fV.A ~ '~ &2. ~ wd!.':f:. L ~ ~::~ .k ~dn"'1' LU~ . K~~ ~~ .P~+- ~~. J , fDB'f K~L ~1~4 Vu..kI~~Hh 1- 1 ~~~- { , ~ , - . .1._ ~ ,:" ) . . --', ,) . , \' . I ~' -> ~)~ J I' ~ -,. ...I:\,..,yL. CITY MAN,~GER' JJ1J'AV ' . '- , ISTA, C' !AUG 2 5 1993. ( c A.~ ". U\,; .. '.1"\,..,.., 1::;j,J,:.; r), -_.~..' c.. ,':] . Case NOI Is-94-01 Project Locationl Moss Street between Alpine Ave. and First Ave. Project Applicantl San Diego Country Club & Country Club Villa Estates Environmental Review Coordinator POBox 1087 Chu1a Vista, CA 91912 Gentlemen! Please recheck the traffic pattern of Moss Street and Naples Street. The traffic on Moss Street has increased 100% in the last six years that we have lived here, due to the fact ~hat Naples is now a thru street to Medical Drive. Many people use Naples Street instead of Telegraph Canyon and L Street. Our small street of Alpine Ave in the 1000 block cannot handle all the traffic from Moss Street. It is too narrow to start with and many people do cross the empty lott instead of using the street. On a Friday afternoon there are as many as eight cars at the stop sign on Moss Street and First Ave. at one time and many do use Alpine to get to Naples, which also has very heavy traffic at all times. Since Chu1a Vista has grown so much in the last few years so has the traffic. Sincerely, .- {{{~J,;.' f- c:: ~,? t~ .{~(../ &-<<-~a a~~ Albert C. Cabe1la & Corinne A. Cabella 1098 Alpine Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91911-3)01 tkrd> o(~ /;1.;5 ~ l August 23, 1993 \ ~J2i ( c Douglas D. Reid Environmental ReV1e~ Coordinator P. O. Box 10B7 Chula Vista, California 91912 RE: Vacation of a 30,000 sq. ft. portion of Moss St. bet~een Alpine and First Avenues. Dear Sir, Thank you for your "Notice of Initial Study" letter of August lB, 1993. As residents at 1094 Alpine Avenue and having read the complete application for the Initial Study filed in the Planning Department ~e hereby submit the follo~ing comments: 1. Our residece is located on the corner of Moss and Alpine and therefore one of the t~o most affected households in regards to this proposal of the vacation of the portion of Moss bet~een Alpine and First. 2. Traffic on Moss, all the quite heavy. The portion of Moss Avenue is probably the heaviest. section at high rates of speed.. ~ay from Broad~ay to Naples is from Third Avenue to First At times cars come through this 3. Traffic at Moss ~here it intersects Naples is sometimes backed up, going East, five and six cars deep (usually at rush hour). What ~ill the back up be on Alpine if this section of Moss is closed~ I hate to think. The fumes from these cars ~ill certainly affect our standard of living on this section of Alpine. 4. Alpine Avenue (in front of our d~ellings) ~here all this traffic ~ould have to divert is only 20 feet ~ide! This is hardly enough room for one car, let alone cars going in both direction. Many times a car turning into this section of Alpine from Naples ~ould have to ~ait until the car leaving Alpine left! This portion of Alpine ~ould have to be ~idened to accommodate the traffic ~hich ~ould be diverted. 5. Closing off Moss Street at Alpine ~ould create a "dogleg" and ~hatever the Country Club Villa Estates planned to put up at this location ~ould be in dire jeopardy. Perhaps a solution to this ~ould be to deadend Moss at Alpine and close off this section of Alpine~ Then ~e'd have different problems. 6. The corner of Moss Street ~here it intersects Naples is, '^. l ( indeed, a dangerous corner. San Diego Country Club would trimmed at this intersection Looking right from this stop the view is quite clear. We are very aware of that. If the continue to keep the high bushes the danger is reduced considerably. sign is a bit "neck stretching" but 7. If Moss Street is closed between Alpine and this intersection the corner of Alpine and Naples WILL BE the MOST dangerous corner in Chula Vista unless the city installed a three way stop sign or light at this intersection. This would make it safe and also make Alpine traffic accessible to Naples. The traffic on Naples is so heavy that cars, even now, have problems moving onto Naples from this section of Alpine. We recommend that a very thorough study of the traffic pattern in this area be made and also the cost to the city of widening Alpine and installing the necessary stop signs at Alpine and Naples before any approval is give to the closing of Moss Street between Alpine and First Avenue. Thank you for keeping us informed in this matter. Sincerely, ~~~~~: ~~~~ --. Mr. D. P. Coug lan 1094 Alpine Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911-3301 "-~ August 24,1993 j Environmental Review Coordinator City of Chula Vista " - r ILJ...;.. I, .,....". <:: Att: Douglas D Reid ~ ,- . "-I. . ~-- Dear Sir: We wish to comment on the initial study of the request for Vacation of a 30,000 sq. ft. portion of Moss St between Alpine and First Ave. It just don't make sense to divert traffic to Alpine which would affect First ~ve., a residentual neighborhood to accommodate a Country Club. Our street is narrow with no sidewalks and since Naples St. was opened up going East, we have been experiencing much heavier traffic with speeding vehicles especially pick-ups. What will hi'ppen t') the trees along north side of ~10ss? '. ~e have lived in our h~~e on First Dvenue for thirty-nine years i'nd have seen many changes and noticed that the former owner of the property mentioned above had triec to U$e or sell that land and Was turned down by the City. Then we heard the City of Chula Vista had purchased the parcel and again a friend told us a former Mayor was part owner now. Should we think this is political? Thank you, Aaron E. Cook Margaret E. Cook 1160 First Ave. Chula Vista, Ca. 91911 P.S. We are having difficulty with long waits at our stop on First trying to get on Naples now. ( , l: ^ ,. August 27, 1993 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Willingham 122 Moss street Chula Vista, CA 91911 John Goss-City Manager 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dear Mr. Goss: We are writing this letter in reference to the planned project of vacating a portion of Moss street between Alpine and First Avenues. We understand that the site in question may be used for future development of a few new home sites. We are delighted to learn about this drastic improvement to the unsightly lot in our neighborhood which becomes a dumping site at times for unwanted household items. Most of all, this plan will eliminate the dangerous intersection that causes a lot of traffic accidents on a monthly basis. This intersection is going to cost someone their life in the near future if something is not done about it. (If it hasn't already) We urge you to support this plan in behalf of the entire neighborhood that uses this intersection on a daily basis. Thank you for your understanding and time in regards to this matter. If there is anything we can do to help this plan become a reality, please contact us at 279-2042. Sincerely, . ~J.v.,I'\. U ~k,,,,-,, Alan Willingham _ .~~~~ Dottie Willingham cc: Barbara Reid - Associate Planner Jim Nater - Mayor MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CHULA VISTA SAFETY COMMISSION Thursday, September 9, 1993 7:02 p,m. Counci I Chambers Public Services 8uilding CAll TO ORDER 1, Roll Call: Present: Chair Thomas, Vice Chair Padilla (arrived at 7:15), Commissioners Braden, Koester, Matacia, and Pitts Also Present: Harold Rosenberg, Traffic Engineer; Frank Rivera, Associate Traffic Engineer; Agent Bryan Treul, Police Department; Shirley 8uxton, Recording Secretary 2, Pled"e of Alle"iance/Silent Praver 3. ODeninl! Statement - Read by Chair Thomas 4. ADDroval of Minutes: July 1, 1993 (Workshop); July 8, 1993 (Revised); August 5, 1993 (Work- shop); and August 12, 1993 MSC (Braden/Pitts) to acceptthe minutes of July 1, 1993 (Workshop); July 8, 1993 (Revised); August 5, 1993 (Workshop); and August 12, 1993 as presented. Approved unanimously with Commissioner Koester abstaining on the minutes of luly 8, 1993; Commissioners Pitts and Koester abstaining on the minutes of August 5, 1993; and Commissioner Braden abstaining on the minutes of August 12, 1993. MEETING AGENDA 5. REPORT on vacation of a portion of Moss Street between Alpine Avenue and First Avenue Frank Rivera presented staff's report and the realignment options staff considered, Hal Rosenberg said from a traffic engineering perspective, the realignment of Moss Street would be an improvement over existing conditions which created an acute angle for motorists and made it difficult for motorists turning east onto Naples Street. Commissioner Matacia asked how much additional traffic would be created on Alpine Avenue. Frank Rivera said the current volume on Alpine Avenue was approximately 200 vehicles per day. Hal Rosenberg said there were 6,000 cars traveling on Moss Street. Those vehicles would be transferred to the curved section of Moss Street/Alpine Avenue, Motorists making a left hand turn from Alpine Avenue to Naples Street would be on a new portion of road wider than the current 20'. The increase on Alpine Avenue would be significant. Chair Thomas asked if there was off-street parking allowed on Alpine Avenue and how many spaces would be gained by widening the street. Frank Rivera answered that off-street parking was allowed. Hal Rosenberg said when improvements were made, there would be parking allowed on both sides of the street. UNOFFICIAL MINUTES Safety Commission Minutes September 9, 1993 Page 2 Chair Thomas said there were palm trees that caused a sight problem. He asked how the realignment would take place so that the trees would not cause a sight problem. Hal Rosenberg said if there was a sight distance problem, it would be investigated, Commissioner Pitts asked staff if there was adequate room on Naples Street for vehicles making a left turn from both sides of Alpine Avenue onto Naples Street. Hal Rosenberg said the distance was short, but staff felt motorists at a stop sign had adequate time to judge the surrounding circumstances, The ability to see an opening to turn left was ample, Staff did not view that as a problem, Chair Thomas asked if there was any consideration given to an all-way stop at the intersection. Mr, Rosenberg said it could be a candidate for an all-way stop after the improvements were completed. The volumes of traffic were balanced on both Moss and Naples Streets. John Krabacher, 147 Naples Street, Chula Vista, 91911, said the Commission had addressed the angle of Moss and Naples Streets and said it was a problem for drivers, There had never been an accident at that intersection, but on Naples Street there were five, The Commission was going to double the traffic on Naples Street. He asked if the Commission was going along with the developer's idea or the City's view, With all the traffic there would be either a signal installed or an all-way stop and accidents would occur, He would like to see the intersection remain as it was or staff's option A. He asked what was going to be built on the land. Hal Rosenberg said the applicant's representative was in attendance, but he believed single family dwelling units were proposed. It was not a City project. The developer requested the City consider closing the street in turn for installing missing improvements that would beautify the area. Staff was obligated to review the project for feasibility, From that perspective and safety point of view, staff felt it could work and would improve a substandard position, Mr, Krabacher said that staff had all but ruled out Option E which would have made Alpine Avenue a cross intersection because it would go through the applicant's property, Hal Rosenberg said staff did not rule that out, but it was not the applicant's proposal. If the applicant offered that proposal to staff, it would be accepted. Mr. Krabacher said he could foresee head-on collisions occurring, Since Naples Street went through to the hospital, it had become a thoroughfare for ambulances, Greg Cox, 3130 Bonita Road, Suite 200, Chula Vista, CA 91910, represented the San Diego Country Club and the Country Club Villa Estates who were the co-applicants for the street vacation. The owner was Frank Ferreira who put the property in a family trust, and in December 1992 transferred title to his children who were the owner of record, The parcel was zoned R-1 and was a 8,000 square foot triangular parcel which could accommodate one residence, With the vacation of Moss Street, it could accommodate four to five homes, The San Diego Country Club was supportive of the application for two reasons, It would improve their operations, because there would not be the traffic along Moss Street; and if the street was vacated the easement on the property would be abandoned. The beneficiaries of the vacation would be the San Diego Country Club and the Ferreiras. The Ferreiras negotiated with the San Diego Country Club in order 10 dedicate their half of Moss Street to them. San Diego Country Club wanted to be released from obligations to install public improvements and wanted the Ferreiras to install the improvements (curb, gutter, street lights). The UNOFFICIAL MINUTES Safety Commission Minutes September 9, 1993 Page 3 improvements from Third Avenue to AlpineAvenue and Naples Street were valued at approximately $130,000, As a part of the application, a waiver to install the sidewalks had been filed. The rationale was there was no need for sidewalks on the north side, since there were sidewalks on the south side, It might be used as a jogging trail instead. There were many places in the City where sidewalks were not installed near open space areas. The balance of the improvements would be a condition of the proposed site, Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks would be required by the City, Mr. Cox said the vacation would be an economic benefit to the applicant as well as the City since the current intersection of Moss and Naples Streets would be corrected. He sympathized with the residents since traffic was heavy on Moss Street and travelled rapidly. He felt those improvements would slow traffic down, Installation of a three-way stop sign would be supported by the applicant. He agreed that traffic on Moss Street would decrease and Naples Street would increase, The three-way stop sign would keep traffic flowing and would not cause a back up in front of residences on the corner of Alpine Avenue and Moss Street. The intersection of Alpine Avenue and Moss Street would be improved and would provide for both a left and right turn lane on Alpine Avenue. Staff recommended that no access be permitted along the realigned Moss Street for the development. The applicant's concern was that if it was zoned R-1, it would be an awkward lot and requested the condition be modified to allow the applicant to submit a proposed design for the parcel and allow staff to look at it at that time, He felt it was a win-win solution since it would eliminate an awkward, dangerous intersection, Also vehicles were driving through the vacant dirt parcel rather than making a stop on Alpine Avenue and Naples Street. The parcel was an eyesore and a maintenance problem, but the vacation and development would bring the area up to City standards as well as improve the neighborhood, Commissioner Braden said hopefully the homes would only be one-story homes and not townhomes. Mr. Cox said there had not been any design yet, and could not respond to Commissioner Braden's comments. Charles Mitchell, 161 Naples Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911, stated he was a former police officerfor the City of Chula Vista and never had investigated a traffic accident at Moss and Naples Streets. He had seen accidents at every other T-intersection along Naples Street due to the speeds, Vehicles travelling westbound on Naples Street between Hilltop Drive and Second Avenue reached speeds of 60-70 mph. A motor officer recently monitored the area and the officer wrote tickets for speeds 15 mph over the speed limit and could not write tickets fast enough, The officer mentioned that he could write two ticket books per day at that location, which equalled 50 tickets, Mr, Mitchell said he watched motorists roll through the stop sign at Second Avenue at speeds of 30 - 50 mph and asked the Commission why they would add an additional 6,000 cars to the street. He said there would be trouble, Since Naples Street had been opened through to Chula Vista Community Hospital, ambulances used Naples Street as their access. The south side of Naples Street from Third Avenue to Dixon was unimproved. Recently, he saw an ambulance travelling eastbound on Naples Street and motorists in front of the ambulance pulled off the road at 35 - 40 mph and caused the area to be covered in dust. He wondered how the ambulance driver could see the road. If a motorist had attempted a turn from Alpine Avenue, the ambulance would have collided with the vehicle, Chair Thomas asked for accident statistics in the area. Frank Rivera said staff had accident history for the past three years. At Naples Street and First Avenue, there had been two accidents. One was a rear-end accident, and one a single vehicle accident that struck a fence. There had been an accident on Naples Street when an eastbound motorist was attempting a right turn onto Alpine Avenue and was passed on the right by another vehicle and broadsided the motorist attempting the turn, Another accident in the area was at Moss Street and Alpine Avenue in which a vehicle struck the fence near the Country Club, UNOFFICIAL MINUTES Safety Commission Minutes September 9, 1993 Page 4 Hal Rosenberg said when an unusual intersection had sight distance problems, motorists became more cautious, Staff would never allow that type of intersection to exist today as it was a liability risk to the City, The City would be negligent in allowing the intersection to exist and recommended against retaining the existing intersection, Robert Cans, t29 Naples Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911, lived on the corner of Naples Street and Alpine Avenue and stated the parcel of land used to be a vegetable field. 80b Casey owned the property and made the mistake of putting the jog in Alpine Avenue and thought the area was originally supposed to be commercial. Later Mr. Casey tried to have the area re-zoned for a home, driveway, and gas station, Residents defeated the proposal. Mr, Casey sold the land to Frank Ferreira, Mr. Ferreira also tried to develop the land which included closing Moss Street. The residents on Moss Street would be for it, because it would mean less traffic. Traffic however would back up on Alpine Avenue and the residents on the corner of Alpine Avenue would not be able to exit their homes. He hoped the Commission would take into consideration all the traffic that would be added to Alpine Avenue and Naples Street. Robert MacNear, 121 Naples Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911, said the traffic had increased and motorists used Alpine Avenue to shortcut to Naples Street. The intersection of Moss and Naples Streets was a bad location and made it difficult to see traffic on Naples Street. Motorists were apprehensive leaving the intersection, He suggested widening Moss Street. The area was not an eyesore because he cut the grass, He would like to see residents purchase the lot or see Moss Street widened with a traffic signal installed, Corinne Cabella, 1098 Alpine Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, lived at the corner of Naples Street and Alpine Avenue and said the cars did not stop on Alpine Avenue, She was concerned about her health since exhaust would increase with the additional traffic. It would be easier to have Alpine Avenue north meet Alpine Avenue south at Naples Street even though it would cut through the proposed project. Her garage was on Naples Street. The sidewalks were needed and she didn't know why the Country Club could not put them in, She said children walked the area daily to get to school. jenene Boyd, 115 Naples Street, Chula Vista, CA 91911, was opposed to staff's recommendation. It would be nice if both Mr. Cox and Mr, Ferreira could make their profit, but Mr. Ferreira bought the property on a gamble. She said it would be good to install a stop sign on Naples Street, but what about at Moss Street instead of Alpine Avenue. The south side of Naples Street was unimproved and residents voted for incorporation with the assumption that it would be improved, and it had not been, Naples Street was a main thoroughfare for children going on Hilltop Drive and Castle Parks Schools, She was not for added traffic to Naples Street and agreed with previous speakers that speeds were high in the area, She was against closing any public street because then options were closed for both citizens and emergency vehicles, It happened with Fifth Avenue, Even though there was a nice shopping center, the closure had impacted other streets, It happened with Fig Avenue and motorists had to wait on H Street at a long stop light at Fourth Avenue, If an emergency vehicle saw Moss Street was backed up, it could take Alpine Avenue and vice versa, If the street was closed, that option would be gone. She didn't see any reason for going ahead with the project to benefit two individuals, She had not heard what the proposed project was, whether it was one house or five houses, All homes on Naples Street and in the affected area had their entrances and exits on Naples Street and more traffic would make it difficult to enter and exit their residences. Derry Coughlan, 1094 Alpine Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911, lived in the area for many years and would have known of traffic problems, if any, He agreed with previous speakers in that even though the corner of Moss and Naples Streets was awkward, it had never caused an accident. One of the accidents in the area was when a motorist fell asleep at the wheel and hit the fence by the Country Club, It had nothing to do with the intersection. He opposed the project because during early evening rush hours, there were five or six cars backed up at Alpine Avenue and Naples Street and there would be seven or eight cars backed up and at the corner of Moss and Naples Streets, Without the thoroughfare of Moss Street, the seven or eight cars from Moss UNOFFICIAL MINUTES Safety Commission Minutes September 9, 1993 Page 5 Street would be wrapped around from Naples Street on Alpine Avenue to where he could not get out of his driveway. A bottleneck would be created on the corner. He liked option A, but recommended staying with the current situation, Robert Vega, 1108 Hilltop, Chu/a Vista, CA 91911, lived at the corner of Hilltop and Naples Street and said trees blocked the view of drivers on Alpine Avenue trying to enter Naples Street. At First Avenue and Moss Street, there was brush that obstructed vision and he did not understand why the City could not make the Country Club keep it trimmed, At Hilltop Drive and Naples Street, vehicles travelled through the red light and traffic was bad in the area, Mr. Cox returned to the podium and said the staff proposal was predicated on the fact that Moss and Naples Streets was a substandard intersection and a potential liability problem, Even though there had not been any accidents in the last three years, there was still the potential. The Commission had an opportunity to have improvements made to the intersection with no cost to the City. It would be a condition of the vacation to have the missing improvements installed, He agreed that speeding was a problem, but it was a problem in the entire City not just in the area, He supported the installation of a three-way stop on Naples Street. The re-alignment had been looked at by the City since 1985, and was not something new, The concern about the back up of traffic on Alpine Avenue was a legitimate concern, However, there would be two lanes of traffic on Alpine Avenue, one lane to turn left, and one lane to turn right. With a better defined roadway, it would be an improvement of the existing conditions and he asked for the Commission's favorable opinion. Chair Thomas said that after listening to the public hearing, he was more in favor of adding an all-way stop at Naples Street and Alpine Avenue not as a trial traffic regulation, but as part of the recommendation, Hal Rosenberg said staff had not evaluated the intersection in accordance with the Council policy, but it would most likely be a good candidate. Even if an all-way stop was installed, traffic patterns would remain the same. Moss Street represented a short cut to Third Avenue, There was an advantage to motorists travelling westbound who wanted to go north on Third Avenue to use Moss Street, it was convenient. Motorists southbound on Third Avenue would probably continue to use Moss Street to access Naples Street. The traffic volumes would remain the same, He provided additional comment regarding the size of lanes on Moss Street. Commissioner Pitts asked to review the traffic volume data. Hal Rosenberg displayed a table of traffic volumes in the area. Commissioner Pitts asked staff to clarify the statement that because of the new turn lanes on Alpine Avenue, the resident who lived on corner of Alpine Avenue and Moss Street would not have a problem exiting the driveway, Mr. Rosenberg said there would be times when the intersection would be backed up to the curb, but with an all-way stop, the 6,000 vehicles represented a good balance, and with the all-way stop the traffic would flow adequately, Commissioner Pitts asked what the City would have to do to proceed with Option E, which would take Alpine Avenue through the property and connect on Naples Street with the south side of Alpine Avenue. Mr. Rosenberg indicated that the developer did not volunteer a redesign of the parcel to allow for the realignment. The City could negotiate purchase of the property if it felt the intersection was needed. He did not believe there was any incentive to do that. UNOFFICIAL MINUTES Safety Commission Minutes September 9, 1993 Page 6 Vice Chair Padilla said it seemed they were being asked to consolidate the property which would allow the property owner to have better selling options, There were also existing City-wide concerns, With a closure of a street, traffic would be moved to Naples Street or Alpine Avenue. The residents were concerned with the additional traffic but felt that it should be balanced with the City having a cleaner, safer area. Diverting directly to Naples Street would move traffic on Alpine Avenue, He would be more comfortable to go with Option A which would still allow westbound access to Moss Street from Naples Street. It was understood that it could interfere with the developers plans for the parcel. He would be comfortable with Option C with the addition of an all-way stop, MOTION: (Thomas) to approve staff's recommendation with two additions: 1) the all-way stop be incorporated in the design; and 2) the intersection of Alpine A venue and Naples Street, in conjunction with the sight distance, be reevaluated and redesigned. Vice Chair Padilla asked if he should attempt to get support for Option A and asked Chair Thomas if he would withdraw his motion. Motion withdrawn by Chair Thomas. MOTION: (Padilla) to accept Option A of staff's report. Motion died for lack of second. MsUC (Thomas/Padilla) to: 1) realign a portion of Moss Street to be built to collector street design standards; 2) striping, marking, and signing be provided for the new alignment; 3) no access be permitted along the realigned Moss Street for the proposed development; 4) an all-way stop be installed at the intersection of Naples Street and Alpine Avenue; and 5) the addition of realigning the sight distance of the intersection of Alpine Avenue and Naples Street. Hal Rosenberg asked the Commission for clarification on realigning the sight distance portion, He asked if the Commission was asking staff to do whatever was necessary to improve the visibility or if the Commission actually intend to have the developer reconfigure the intersection, Chair Thomas said his motion was to have staff redesign the intersection in relationship to the crosswalk for the sight distance. At the current location of the crosswalk, a motorist could not make a right turn, Motorists moved up 10' or 12' encroaching into the right of way in order to see past the palm trees, Mr. Rosenberg made the observation that once the all-way stop was installed, that problem should disappear. Chair Thomas explained to the audience the motion and the decision that the Commission made, He clarified that stop signs would be placed on Naples Street at Alpine Avenue. 6. REPORT on Request for crosswalk and stop signs in the vicinity of Rohr Elementary School Frank Rivera presented staff's report and the Commissioners viewed slides of the area. Commissioner Malacia asked what the school had designated as the "safe route to school" and if the area would be safer without the walkway, Frank Rivera said Rohr School did not recommend a particular route and left that decision to the parents. The School distributed the map to the parents to assist them in planning where the most protected crossings were. UNOFFICIAL MINUTES ----- . /,,;j p -,~;:;C~:;';:'-~ I ~ --~_.' ~ .--': _ . 0 .1 1,-: : ' ; [ ). rrT1 iC-" I _<~ ~"'.' L;J~'c.) [ --'I L----7 ,--,- ~... ; r '. ..J ., ---,j ." October II, 1993 Chula Vista Planning Department Public Services Building 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, California 91910 Re: Case # PCM-94-09/IS-94-01 Vacation of a 30,000 sq. foot portion of Moss St. between Alpine and First Aves. To Whom It May Concern: As residents at 1094 Alpine Avenue, in the area of the proposed vacation of Moss Street, we hereby file the following protests, with you, against this vacation: 1. Traffic on Moss and Naples from Broadway to Hilltop Drive, and beyond, is quite heavy. Most of the time cars come through these sections at high rates of speed. With the closing of Moss Street there will be that much more traffic on Naples Street. To say nothing of the increased traffic in front of our residence. 2. Traffic at Moss where it intersects Naples is sometimes backed up, going East, six to eight cars deep. Traffic will be backed up trying to get onto Naples from Alpine many cars deep if this proposed vacation is passed. The air quality caused by this back up will be very extensive. 3. Alpine Avenue where all this traffic would have to divert is only 20 feet wide at the present time' At the Safety Commission Meeting it was conceded that this street will be widened to accommodate the foreseen traffic. 4. Closing off Moss Street at Alpine would create a "dogleg" of 90. which will be quite dangerous with the rate of speed the cars traveling Moss Street are doing at present. S. The corner of Moss Street where it intersects Naples is not a dangerous corner (no accidents are attributed to this corner), as shown at the Safety Commission hearing. This is the reason given by the San Diego Country and Country Club Estates as the reason for vacation. The danger will come when this vacation occurs on Moss Street and traffic is diverted to Alpine Avenue. c...op'~ to Nc.z'" ~ "5t<>o€. . r'_U',"'1 \"..J\ .';T The Safety Commission agreed that there would be a three way stop erected at this intersection. The traffic on Naples is so heavy that cars, even now, have problems moving onto Naples from either the 1000 block or the 1100 block of Alpine. If this vacation occurs the traffic on Naples could be doubled and the traffic coming off of the 1100 block of Alpine Avenue will have the ~top heading North, turning onto Naples - then going West they will have to stop once again, within 90 feet' THIS is a dangerous situation to say nothing of the almost impossibility of moving into the West bound traffic of Naples. 6. Speaking of dangerous - what about the dangerous condition of elementary school children walking to school along Naples Street on non-existant sidewalks with 12,000 cars, trucks, buses, and ambulances a day speeding past, if this vacation passes' They walk along there now with 6,000 cars, trucks, buses, and ambulances (which is dangerous enough). 7. We recommend that a very THOROUGH study of the traffic pattern in this area be made and also the cost to the city of widening Alpine and installing the necessary stop signs (it should be a stop light) at Alpine and Naples before any approval is give to the closing of Moss Street between Alpine and First Avenue. A recent automobile count was conducted at the 1100 block of Alpine. This count wasn't started until AFTER the morning rush hour traffic had finished. How does this give an accurate count? Please - have someone (a person or persons) come out to this area and observe, for a few peak hours, to see the traffic pattern as it REALLY is, at it's BEST' 8. Furthermore, as citizens, we are concerned with the "waiver" which has been requested by the San Diego Country Club and the Country Club Villa Estates that the curbing and sidewalks along Moss Street from Third Avenue not be installed because of hazards from the Golf Course. If a study were made it would show that the "hazards" (golf balls) rarely fall along the fence - they usually land in the street, in the lawns, in the empty lot, or on the cars on the South side of Moss Street. I can show you a recent broken window in my house caused by an errant golf ball' 9. As taxpayers we wonder what compensation the San Diego Country Club and the Country Club Villa Estates plans to pay for this 30,000 square foot piece of prime real estate (overlooking a country club)? At today's prices this should be a nice "chunk of change" to add to the City's coffers. 10. The Safety Commission Meeting of September 9, 1993 "... i ;' I regarding this vacation of Moss Street was a joke. The Commission did not listen to any of the many residents who came to the meeting and voiced their concerns - There was no discussion. They had already made up their minds. There were a couple people on the Commission (Mr. Pitts and Ms. Braden) who seemed to listen to our speeches and tried to get a dialog going but 'Mr. Thomas, who was the Chair (and who seemed very bored with the whole thing), was too busy having an aside discussion with Mr. Padilla to pay any attention. He called for a vote of the Commission without the least discussion of any of our concerns. Is this the way our city of Chula Vista runs all of it's hearings? Thank you for this opportunity to voice OUR protests. Does it REALLY do any good? Sincer~ _/t? ~G~<-A:.- Mr. D. P. Coughlan ~~D~'t. C~~:~ 1094 Alpine Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91911-3301 CC: Tim Nader, Mayor THE C 'OF CH1.JL6.. VISTA DISCLOsURE ~ EMD."T You arc requircd 10 file a Statement of Disclosure of. ccnain o....Tlc~hir or financial interests, payments, or C3mrai~n contributions. on all matters which will "'<Juire discretionar)' action on the pan of thc Cit)' Council, Planning Comm~ion, and all other official bodies. The 101l0\loiDg iDlomation must be disclosed: 1. List the names of all persons having a financial interest in the propert)' which is the subject of the application or the contract, e.g., owner, applicant, contractor, subcontractor, material supplier. SAN DIEGO COUNTRY CLUB 2. If an)' person" identified pursuant 10 (I) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names of all individuals owning more Ihan 10% of Ihe shares in tbe corporation or owning an)' partnership interest in the partnership. N/A 3. If any person" identified pursuant 10 (I) above is non-profit organization or a trusl, list Ihe names of an)' per>oD seT\ing as director of Ihe non.profit organization or as Irustee or beneficiary or lrustor of Ihe trusL N/A ~, Have you had more Ihan 5250 worth of business IranSaCted "ith an)' member of Ihe Ciry slalf, Boards, Commissions, Committees, and Council within the past twelve months? Yes_ No~ If yes, please indicate per>on(s): , 5. Please idenlif)' each and every person, including an)' agenls, employees, consultaniS, or independent contraclOrs wbo you bave assigned 10 represent you before the Cit)' in this matter. GREGORY R. COX JAMES ALGERT 6. Have you and/or your offirers or ageniS, in the aggregate, contributed more Ihan Sl.CXXJ to a Councilmember in the current or preceding election period? Yes_ No~ If yes, state whicb Councilmember(s): . . . (N01E: Anad! addiLionaJ pag~as n=ry') . .. ~ cJceIJ'-""i L ~". ~ Signature of ntraClor/applicant LARRY E. CUNNINGHAM, PRESIDENT Date: JULY 1. 1993 Print or type name of contractor/applicant . ~irdqua.td~: "Any indi\-itJ.w:J1, finn, co--~,joiru~ lWIXimi.or..KJCial cWb,frQU::r'n.())~.. corporaD.'01"., cs:uuc, D'W:, rcc.r:ivC', ~ :hi.s an.& 41'7)' o:hcr COWl1)', ciIJ' ar.d COUr1=')", city rr.uni..ciptJJiry, disrrjc[, or olhc po/.i:icDl 3Ubd.il7sior., Of" a7T)' olhc P'0I.l.fJ CY.' combiruuior. D...""'ting as tJ ~.. TI-!E c;r 'OF CHULA VJST A DISCLOSURE ST 'EMENf You are T"'juired to liIe a Stalement of Disclosure Of cenain ownership or financial inlercsts, payments, or campaign rontributions, on all mailers which ",ill r"'juire discretionary action on the pan of the City Council, Planning Commission, and all other official bodies. The following information must be disclosed: 1. List the names of all persons having a financial inlercst in the property which is the subjcct of the application or the contract, e.g., o","er, applicant, contractor, subronlraelor, malerial supplier. COUNTRY CLUB VILLA ESTATES Stephen V. Ferreira Nita V. Ferreira Gregory R. Cox Phillip P ~prrpir~ 2, If any person' identified pursuant to (I) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names or all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in Ihe corporalion or owning any partnership inlercst in the partnership. COUNTRY CLUB VILLA ESTATES Stephen V. Ferreira Nita V. Ferreira Gregory R. Cox Phillip P. Ferreira 3. If any person' identified pursuant 10 (1) above is non-profit organizalion or a trust, list Ihe names of any person serving as director of Ihe non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of Ihe trusL N/A 4. Have vou had more Ihan S250 worth of business Iransaeled wilh an\' member of the Cil\' slaff, Boarcis, Commissions, Com~ittees, and Council ",ithin the past twelve months? Yes_' No~ If yes, pl~e indicate person(s): 5. Please identify each and every person, including an)' agents, employees, consullants, or independent conlraCtors who you have assigned to represent you before Ihe City in Ihis matter. GREGORY R. COX JA..>1ES hLGERT 6. Have you and/or your officers or agents, in the aggr~ate, contribuled more than Sl,OOO to a Counci1member in the current or preceding elcclion period? Yes_ No_ If yes, state which Counci1member(s): 11 . . . (NO'IE: Attach additional pages as D~' . . () /7 Date: JULY 1, 1993 . I< ' (./..---1. Sig v ure(jJf contractor/applicant GREGORY R. COX, CONSULTANT Print or type name of conlractor/applicant COUNTRY CLUB VILLA ESTATES . P~OrI is dtifUd as: "An)'indi~-idu.a1..fi.rrr.. w-parrncnAip,joinJ ~ aS$t>ci.a.rior.. socU:Jl cbJ.b,jrau:tTlJJl o~ ClY.'pOf'flJum, cs:uuc, DUS::, rc::tivt::t, ~'ctut:., zhiJ and any ozht:r COI.UU)~ ciry and COW'1D')', cu)' m.uni.cipoJ.i.')~ di.nn"c;" or olha pol.iJ:icQ./ subdivision, or arI)' othc ~oup or combinazion acring AS Q uni.:....