HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Comm Reports/1992/06/03 (5) City Planning Commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 1 1. PUBLIC HEARING: EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser permanente Chula vista Medical Center Draft SUDDlemental Environmental Impact ReDort (EIR 92-011 A. BACKGROUND proiect Description The Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) now before you for public hearing is a supplement to the EastLake I SPA General Development Plan EIR (Chula vista Number 81-03) and the EastLake I SPA Plan Final EIR (Chula Vista Number 84-1). The SEIR is an analysis of the potential environmental impacts associated with implementation of the proposed amendment to the EastLake I SPA Plan and the construction and operation of the proposed Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center. The EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula Vista Medical Center proposes to modify the adopted land use mix on 71.8 acres in the southwest portion of the EastLake I SPA Plan area. Specifically, the project proposes to change the permitted uses on 30.6 acres of the SPA Plan area from commercial/residential mix to medical center and change 2.0 acres of the SPA Plan area from office/retail to business center/employment use. Precise Plan Guidelines are being proposed to establish design parameters for the amendment area. In addition, the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit/Precise Plan for the construction of the Kaiser Permanente Chula Vista Medical Center on the northern 30.6 acres of the proposed amendment area. The proposed medical center is proposed to be implemented in three phases, and construction of the first two phases would occur over a five-year period, ending in 1997. Construction of the third and final phase of the proposal would occur once it is determined that there is sufficient demand for additional facilities within the medical center service area. At buildout, the medical center would contain 439 hospital beds (820,000 square feet of hospital) and 485,000 square feet of medical and administrative offices. Notice of Preparation The Notice of Preparation (NOP) was distributed by the City in March, 1992. The NOP and associated responses are included in Appendix A of the Draft SEIR. The following project issues were identified as potentially significant and are addressed in the Draft SEIR: Land Use/Community Character, Visual Quality, Traffic and Parking, Noise, Public Safety, Drainage, Geology, Air Quality, Socioeconomic Factors, and Public Facilities. I-I City Planning Commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 2 Discretionarv Actions This SEIR will be reviewed and considered for the following discretionary actions: 1. An amendment to the EastLake I General Development Plan to accommodate the proposed land use changes. 2. An amendment to the EastLake I SPA Plan to: a) modify the uses shown in the Village Center, and b) to incorporate a Water Conservation Plan and Air Quality Improvement Plan for the project, as required by the Chula vista Growth Management Program; 3. Adoption of the EastLake Activity Center Precise Plan Guidelines; 4. An amendment to the Planned Community District Regulations for the EastLake I SPA; 5. Approval of the EastLake I Public Facilities Finance Plan Update; 6. Approval of a Conditional Use Permit/Precise Plan, lot-line adjustment, and Development Agreement for the proposed Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center; and, 7. Reapportionment/adjustment of Assessment District 85-2 and 88- 1 to accommodate the reconfiguration of the subject parcels of land due to the proposed Kaiser Permanente Medical Center. Public and AGency Review The EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Draft SEIR was circulated through the State Clearinghouse for a 3D-day public review period starting on April 28, 1992 and ending on May 28, 1992. The city of Chula vista public review period concludes on June 3, 1992 with the close of the Planning Commission public hearing to receive comments on the EIR from the public. According to legislation which became effective January 1, 1990, the State review of environmental documents must conclude prior to local review periods. Comment letters will be forthcoming and these will be included in the Final SEIR along with all comments received at the Planning commission Public Hearing. /- ::2 City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 3 Resource Conservation Commission The Resource Conservation Commission (RCC) considered the Draft SEIR on May 18, 1992. They made no comments on the Draft SEIR and voted unanimously to recommend to the Planning commission that the SEIR be certified. B. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Planning Commission: Conduct the pUblic hearing on the Draft EIR (92-01), close the public review period, and give staff the direction for preparation of the Final EIR. C. ANALYSIS The following is an analysis of the of the issues addressed in the SEIR. Recommended mitigation measures for significant impacts that can be mitigated can be found is Attachment A of this report. 1. Land Use Impact Summary: Significant, Mitigable The proposed EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment represents a substantial increase in the amount of office use in the EastLake I Village Center. The proposed medical center represents a substantial intensification of the land use which was not envisioned in the adopted EastLake I General Development Plan or the EastLake I SPA Plan. 2 . visual Impact Summary: Significant, unmitigable Views from surrounding areas, designated scenic highways in the area and from within the Activity and Business Centers would not be significantly impacted. The proposed EastLake Activity Center Precise Plan Guidelines will set a high standard for architecture and landscape design within the project area. The view from SR 125 will be significantly impacted by the proposed parking structure which is 1200 feet long and varies in height from four to nine levels. The proposal includes architectural and landscape design elements which reduce the visual impact of the parking structure from the west; however, the bulk and scale of the parking structure is not fully mitigated by these measures. During the public review period, the applicant submitted revised plans for the parking structure which include lowering portions of it and varying the setback along the freeway. These revisions will be addressed in the Final SEIR. The SEIR includes mitigation measures to reduce the visual impact of the medical building to less than /-3 City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 4 significant. Mitigation of the parking structure can only be achieved by a major redesign of the structure to address the bulk as well as height. 3. Traffic and Parkinq Impact summary ( with SR 125): Significant, unmitiqable Impact Summary (Pre-125): Siqnificant, mitiqable SPA Amendment Development of the SPA Plan amendment area, as proposed, would generate a total of 16,700 ADT (300%) more than was originally forecast for the site in the adopted General Plan buildout condition. In the pre-125 condition, the development of the SPA Plan amendment area would generate 14,484 ADT more than was forecast for the site by the city's Transportation Phasing Plan (TPP) . In the pre-SR 125 condition, development of all the project area, except Phase III of the medical center, can occur without significantly impacting the local and regional road system, provided roadway improvements contained in the City's Transportation Phasing Plan (TPP) are implemented. It should be noted that the proposed project essentially utilizes all of the remaining roadway capacity on the street system near the project site. In the pre-SR 125 condition, the development of the project would cause Bonita Road (Plaza Bonita Road to willow Street), East H street (paseo Ranchero to Otay Lakes Road), EastLake Parkway (Future SR 125 to Otay Lakes Road), and otay Lakes Road (Telegraph Canyon Road to EastLake Parkway) to exceed the planning guideline for roadway capacity. This does not constitute a significant impact since for the short term, intersections rather than roadway segments are considered to be more critical. In the buildout condition, intersection LOS was considered to be the key indicator of project impacts immediately adjacent to the site, while road segments were considered the key indicator of traffic impacts in areas farther away from the project site. Road capacity calculations were made with and without a half-diamond interchange at SR 125 and EastLake Parkway. When the proposed project is added to the adopted General Plan land use, future SR 125 (SR 54 to San Miguel Road), EastLake Parkway (Future SR 125 to Otay Lakes Road), Otay Lakes Road (Future SR 125 to EastLake Parkway), and Orange Avenue (Future SR 125 to EastLake Parkway) would exceed the city's planning capacity guideline. /-- "I City Planning Commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 5 The impact on Otay Lakes Road between SR 125 and EastLake Parkway can be mitigated by the construction of ramps to and from the north at EastLake Parkway. Furthermore, mitigation measures for the other impacted segments can be achieved by roadway widening. Mitigation of the capacity problem on SR 125 between SR 54 and San Miguel Road would require special freeway design features at the SR 125/SR 54 interchange such as transition lanes to accommodate the anticipated high traffic volumes. As no specific plans exist for SR 125, the impact of the project must be considered significant at this time even though the project traffic makes up approximately 6% of the total traffic volume on this segment of SR 125. The proposed project, without a signalized access intersection on otay Lakes Road, would have a significant impact on the intersection of otay Lakes Road and EastLake Parkway, even with the proposed half-diamond interchange at EastLake Parkway. without the project, this intersection would be expected to operate at an acceptable LOS. A signalized access for the project to Otay Lakes Road will be required in order to maintain an acceptable LOS at otay Lakes Road and EastLake Parkway. Studies show that the optimum location for this signalized access is at Otay Lakes Road and the SR 125 northbound offramp. An access road would be extended from this point along the west side of the project site to Fenton Street. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP The proposed medical center would not have a significant impact in the pre-SR 125 condition provided Phase III is delayed until after completion of SR 125 and TPP improvements are implemented. As stated above, Phase III would cause the capacity of SR 125 between SR 54 and San Miguel Road to be exceeded in the buildout condition. All other roadways would be able to handle the medical center in the buildout condition. 4. Noise (Medical Center) Impact Summary: Significant, Mitigable Future traffic noise on SR 125 could adversely impact the hospital if appropriate architectural features are not included in the facility to assure that interior noise levels will meet the State standard of 45 dBA CNEL. Standard architectural design would normally be expected to attenuate exterior noise levels by up to 25 dBA. Thus, the hospital would be able to meet interior noise levels as long as exterior noise levels do not exceed 70 dBA. Noise level projections indicate that the exterior noise level at the face of the nearest portion of the hospital would not exceed 70 /-5 City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 6 dBA CNEL. Future interior noise studies are recommended to assure that the interior noise standard of 45 dBA CNEL is achieved. 5. PUblio Safety (Soil contaminates) Impaot summary: signifioant, mitigable SPA Amendment Undisturbed soil onsite may contain pesticide residue from prior agricultural use of the site and vicinity. If pesticide residue is present on the site it may result in short term health impacts for construction workers grading those portions of the site. Long term health impacts may be associated with the potential for future human exposure if these soils are not properly removed. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP The proposed medical center complex will produce medical, biohazardous and radioactive wastes as well as using commercially- produced hazardous materials on the site. Inappropriate use, storage, or disposal of these wastes could pose a risk to persons on or near the medical center facilities or along disposal transportation routes. These activities are strictly regulated by a number of local and state laws. In addition, Kaiser Permanente has developed policies and procedures regarding the handling, disposal, storage, and transport of such materials to ensure public safety. 6. Drainaqe Impaot summary: signifioant, mitigable SPA Amendment It is anticipated that the medical center will have more impervious area than was anticipated for the residential development currently anticipated in the SPA. Therefore the proposed change in land use from commercial and residential to commercial and medical center facility could result in increased run off from the site. The increased runoff volumes would be adequately handled by the existing detention basin at the southwest corner of the site and the Telegraph Canyon Creek drainage facilities (proposed) will be adequate to handle the flows from the site. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP Grading associated with the proposed Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center would result in localized but mitigable diversion of drainage easterly to EastLake Parkway which may exceed the capacity of storm drain facilities, resulting in localized flooding. This /-~ City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 7 impact will be mitigated with improvements to the existing drainage facilities. 7. Geoloqv Impact summary: significant, mitigable Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP There are expansive soils on the site. required to mitigate the impact to less that the foundations of the medical affected. Remedial measures will be than significant to ensure center are not adversely 8. Air Oualitv Impact summary (Cumulative): significant, unmitigable Impact Summary (Short-term): significant, mitigable Grading of the SPA area will generate dust which will result in a short-term significant but mitigable impact to air quality. San Diego County is in a non-attainment basin for air quality. Therefore, any incremental increase in relevant emissions is a significant, cumulative, unmitigable impact. 9. socioeconomic Impact Summary (Housinq): Siqnificant. unmitiqable Impact Summary (Socioeconomic): Not Siqnificant Fiscal Factors socioeconomic (Housinq Issues) SPA Amendment The proposed SPA Plan Amendment may have an adverse effect on the variety of housing in EastLake and surrounding communities. The elimination of 405 high density units will reduce areas where condominium and rental units in the Eastern communities could be developed for low and moderate income housing. The SPA Plan will impact the city's overall capacity to meet regional share goals for low and moderate income households. Many of the developments in the eastern territory can not satisfy their requirement for low and moderate income housing onsite. The elimination of high density residential zoning in the EastLake Village Center could diminish options for offsite alternatives in the eastern community. It is not feasible to require that as a part of this project additional area in the Eastern Territories be designated for high density development. Therefore the impact is significant and unmitigable. /-7 City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 8 Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP Kaiser Permanente employees earning low and moderate incomes would increase the demand for rental housing and affordable for-sale units. The existing housing base is probably not adequate to absorb the number of employees who will want to live in Chula vista. Sufficient affordable housing opportunities may be provided in the future through projects such as the otay Ranch and additional phases of EastLake. Fiscal Factors The development of EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment including the proposed Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center is projected to have an overall positive fiscal impact on the City of Chula vista. The addition of the medical center and 2 acres of employment land uses could have a positive effect on employment. The proposed EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment is expected to have a neutral effect on the City's capital expenditures and revenues. The EastLake I Public Facilities Financing Plan is being updated to cover any changes attributed to the amendment of the EastLake I SPA pertaining to the construction of public facilities. The Public Facilities Financing Plan Update would detail the methods to be used to finance the affected public facilities. 10. Public Facilities Impact summary (water, sewer, Fire): Significant, Mitigable Impact summary (police, Education, Park, Energy, Library): Not significant Water EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP The proposed project represents an increase of approximately 104% over the projected demand of the adopted land use plan without conservation. The increase is primarily due to the inclusion of the medical center use. with water conservation, demand is estimated to be reduced from 0.45 MGD to 0.38 MGD for a projected increase in water use for the SPA Amendment of 0.16 MGD or a 72% increase. /- 8 City Planning Commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 9 Sewer Services EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center A number of improvements are planned to adequately serve the entire EastLake I development, including a l5-inch line in otay Lakes Road. Based on the conclusions of the previous EIR, planned improvements would adequately accommodate the sewage generated by the adopted SPA. The proposed medical center will generate an estimated 297 EDU above the original approved project. The medical center would contribute the majority of the additional wastewater associated with the SPA Amendment. The provision of adequate sewage facilities is a regional issue and is most appropriately assigned to the entire SPA Plan Amendment. The Telegraph Canyon Sewer Basin Improvement and Financing Plan is a study being prepared by the city of Chula vista that will determine offsite improvements necessary to accommodate wastewater and to establish a fee payable by all new developments within the Telegraph Canyon Sewer Basin. The four phase program for implementation of the Telegraph Canyon Sewer Basin Improvement and Financing Plan was based on projected sewage generation from approved land uses within the sewage basin. The project site including the medical center is included in Phase II of the program. The additional 297 EDU of wastewater generated by the proposed SPA Amendment may require the construction of additional improvements and may require other improvements to be developed sooner than currently anticipated. Educational Facilities The proposed SPA Plan Amendment would eliminate the residential land use within the Village Center portion of the EastLake I SPA. This would proportionally reduce the number of school age residents generated by the SPA. EastLake Development Company has entered into agreements with both the Chula vista Elementary School District and the Sweetwater High School District to fund school facilities through the provision of a community facility district. The school districts have confirmed that the proposed project would not have a significant impact on educational facilities. Police Protection The proposed SPA Plan Amendment and Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center would not effect the number of personnel or amount of facilities required in this area since department needs for /- "7 City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 10 development of the project site were reviewed and addressed with the previous EIR. Fire Protection EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment Response time to the project would be unacceptable without the addition of another fire station The city is currently developing plans for facilities to adequately respond to fire emergencies in the area. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP The Fire Department has identified the need check and fire inspection services primarily square footage of the medical center and offices. for additional plan due to the proposed associated medical Enerqv Supply and Conservation San Diego Gas & Electric currently serves the project area and has indicated that gas and electricity will be provided to the site. Parks and Recreation No impacts to parks and recreation are anticipated due to the fact that EastLake I would ultimately provide more community parkland than required by the city's threshold standards. Librarv Facilities The adopted EastLake I SPA Plan designates 19.6 acres for open space and public facility uses, such as a library. Library service should be in accordance with the city's guidelines No specific location within the EastLake SPA I Plan area or size of library has been specified at this time. It is assumed that a minimum of one acre within the Activity Center would be dedicated to library use and accessible parking. The proposed SPA Amendment would provide 11. 9 acres of open space and public facility uses south of the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center site. The size of a future library would be addressed during the Precise Planning process. Threshold Analvsis The City's Threshold Standards address Fire/Emergency Services, Police, Traffic, Parks/Recreation, Drainage, Libraries, Air Quality, Fiscal, Schools, Sewer and Water. The SEIR does contain an analysis of the project's compliance with the Thresholds /--/0 City Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 11 standards. All of the Thresholds standards are addressed in other sections of the SEIR as discussed above. D. ALTERNATIVES CEQA requires description of a range of "reasonable alternatives to the project or to the location of the project, which could feasibly attain the basic objectives of the project", and to evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. The discussion of alternatives "shall focus on alternatives capable of eliminating any significant, adverse environmental effects or reducing them to a level of less than significant, even if these alternatives would impede to some degree the attainment of project alternatives, or would be more costly." proiect Alternatives No Proiect/No Development No changes alternative. will be done. to the existing land use would occur with this The existing uses will remain and no improvements Development Accordinq to the Existinq SPA Plan This alternative would eliminate the impacts to land use, onsite drainage, air quality, sewer, visual quality associated with the medical center parking structure, the socioeconomic impact related to the loss of high density zoning where affordable housing could be located, and the traffic impacts related to SR 125. Other impacts associated with the proposed project would not be reduced with implementation of this alternative. This alternative would not allow for the construction of a medical center onsite. This alternative would make it more difficult for Kaiser Permanente to serve its existing and future membership in the southern portion of San Diego County. This alternative would not meet the objectives of the proposed project. Modified Medical Center Parkinq Structure Desiqn This alternative calls for a substantial modification to reduce the bulk and scale of the proposed parking scale to avoid the significant impact on SR 125. Such a modification could involve undergrounding a portion of the structure to reduce the perceived height and relocation of portions of the parking structure to other areas within the medical center to reduce the overall bulk of the structure. Although the applicant is currently redesigning the I-If City Planning Commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 12 parking structure to lower the height, no redesign to address the overall bulk issue has been prepared. Offsite Alternatives Potential offsite alternative locations were selected based on a number of physical site criteria, as well as the potential meet the goals and objectives of the proposed project. The site criteria used by the applicant is outlined in the SEIR on page 6-10. The site evaluated in the SEIR were those found to be the most suitable according to the criteria. None of the offsite alternatives will meet objectives 2, 3 or 4 which call for the early development of the EastLake Activity Center and the provision of significant employment opportunities for the original EastLake I Activity Center. None of the offsite alternatives would provide for development of a regional medical facility in the EastLake Activity Center. #1 - Baldwin Property The Baldwin site is described on page 6-11 of the SEIR. The site is currently vacant and planned for residential use. This site is comparable to the proposed project but would have more potential impacts. Residential uses that abut to the north and west would have potential land use conflicts. SDG&E power lines cross the site and are incompatible with a hospital/medical center use. Drainage and biological impacts may be more significant given the fact that the existing natural drainage channel found onsite would have to be eliminated. The site is currently in the County and zoned for estate residential. Development of the medical center on this site would necessitate either annexation to Chula vista or a rezone by the County. Either action would require substantially more processing time and would delay the schedule for the medical center. #2 - Otay Ranch Property "A" The otay Ranch Property "A" site is described on page 6-16 of the SEIR. The site is currently used for agricultural use. Most of the public infrastructure which would serve this alternative is not in place at this time and is awaiting the completion of the master plans for the development of the 23,000 acre otay Ranch. The site is zoned for Single Family, Village Center and Multi Family and is designated for Estate Development in the County's General Plan. Substantially more environmental constraints would be prevalent with this site, with additional impacts on biology, geology, public /-/~ City Planning Commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 13 safety, drainage, and visual quality. Much of the area of this alternative would be considered non-buildable for a hospital/ medical center. A General Plan Amendment would be necessary for this site which would substantially lengthen the processing time. The otay Ranch is currently being master planned by the City of Chula vista and the County of San Diego. Future land uses for this alternative site, as well as the rest of otay Ranch, have not been finalized as yet. #3 - McMillin Property The McMillin Property site is described on page 6-20 of the SEIR. The site is currently undisturbed. The biological survey of the site for the Rancho del Rey SPA 3 development identified a coastal barrel cactus, disturbed and undisturbed Diegan coastal sage scrub habitat and non-native grassland/disturbed habitat along the southern border of the site. California gnat catchers have been observed on this site as well as a vernal pool just north of the site. If located at this alternative the project would have potentially significant impacts similar to the proposed project as well as a few impacts that were not found at the proposed site. This alternative would result in significant impacts to biology, geology, drainage, visual quality, and possibly public safety. The site would be less compatible with the adjacent land uses, being surrounded on three sides by residential uses and the need for a substantial amount of cut and fill to accommodate the type of construction planned. #4 - otav Ranch Property "B" The otay Ranch Property "B" site is described on page 6-23 of the SEIR. The site is currently being used for agricultural purposes and has no dedicated access at this time. The site is within the Master Planned community of otay Ranch and is planned to have access at EastLake Parkway and Orange Avenue. This alternative would not avoid or lessen significant impacts associated with the proposed project. Additional environmental impacts may occur with the development of this site. This site does not provide immediate public services. According to the Supplemental SPA Plan for EastLake I, a 10 acre public school and 25 acre park are planned in the vicinity of this site. Planning in this area is conceptual only and depending upon annexation and planning adjacent to otay Ranch. Timely development of this site would not be possible. 1-/3 city Planning commission Agenda Item for the Meeting of 6/3/92 Page 14 E. CONCLUSION The proposed EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center will result in significant impacts not all of which can be mitigated to a level of less than significant. Onsite and offsite project alternatives were analyzed, and the "No Project" Alternative was the only that would avoid all significant impacts. It is therefore environmentally superior to the proposed project. The project objectives can not be met with the "No Project" alternative, and, therefore it is not determined to be a more appropriate alternative than the proposed project. attachment: Recommended Mitigation Measurers (Kaiser\DEIR.Rpt) /-/'/ EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR 92-01) Attachment "A" Recommended Mitigation Measures Land Use Prior to issuance of any permits, the developer(s) shall obtain City Council approval of the proposed General Development Plan and SPA Plan amendments to permit a regional medical office center with supporting uses on the site. visual Parkinq Structure MitiGation Measure(s): The medical center proposal includes a number of design elements which serve to reduce the visual impact of the parking structure, but not to below significance. Full mitiGation would reauire implementation of the alternative desiGn measures described in the Alternatives section (Section 6.3) the SEIR. Medical Center MitiGation Measure(s): The mitigation measures addressed in the SEIR shall be incorporated into the CUP as follows: 1. The applicant shall submit final building and landscape plans which implement the architecture and landscape plans contained in the Final EIR and/or approved by the city's Design Review Committee (DRC). All required landscaping shall be in place prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the first building in each phase of the medical center. A final aesthetic evaluation and approval of the project shall be conducted prior to consideration of the project by the Planning Commission and City Council. Traffic and Parkinq EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP Future Precise Plans within the EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment area shall be conditioned with the following: 1. The city may withhold building permits for any units in the subject development if: /-/5 EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 2 o Regional development threshold limits set by the then current adopted Eastern Chula vista Transportation Phasing Plan have not been reached, or o Level of service exceeds the threshold standards in the then effective Growth Management Ordinance. 2. Obligations for the city's Development Impact Fee shall be fulfilled in accordance with the City's Development Impact Fee Ordinance as development occurs. Prior to issuance of either: 1) any building permit for any development within the Village Center, or Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, which would cumulatively exceed the previously approved total traffic generation for the SPA amendment area or, 2) any building permit for any development that would cause the level of service threshold to be exceeded at any location in eastern Chula vista as determined by the City's annual Traffic Monitoring Program, Transportation Phasing Plan, and Growth Management Program. The necessary TPP improvements for road segments (illustrated on Figure 4- 12 and Table 4-14 of the SEIR) and intersection improvements (shown on Figures 4-13 and 4-14), which are needed to provide the additional capacity, shall be constructed, or otherwise assured, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any building within the Village Center (VC-l), that takes access on, or is adjacent to, a needed improvement; or prior to the issuance of a building permit for Phase III of the Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center, the following project-specific improvements shall be constructed or otherwise assured to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: o EastLake Parkway shall be widened to six lanes between Otay Lakes Road to north of Miller Road; o improvements including traffic signals shall be made at the intersections of EastLake Parkway with Fenton Street and Miller Road, as illustrated on Figures 4-15 and 4-16 of the SEIR and; /-It}, EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 3 o otay Lakes Road shall be widened to eight lanes between EastLake Parkway and SR 125. 4. Prior to the issuance of any building permit within the Village Center VC-2, sufficient right of way shall be set aside for the future widening of EastLake Parkway, unless the widening has already occurred due to development within Village Center VC-l or the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center or unless the development takes access directly off EastLake Parkway. In this later case, EastLake Parkway shall be widened on the east side as a condition of the building permit. 5. Prior to issuance of a building permit for Phases I and II of the Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center, additional widening on EastLake Parkway to provide an additional westbound right turn lane at otay Lakes Road shall be constructed, or otherwise assured, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 6. The median on otay Lakes Road, between SR 125 and EastLake Parkway shall be designed to allow mid-block left turns into the properties on the north and south sides of otay Lakes Road. The driveways on otay Lakes Road shall be restricted to right turns in and out as illustrated in Figure 4-17 of the SEIR. No traffic signal will be permitted. 7. Prior to approval of the proposed SPA Plan Amendment, the Conceptual Master Precise Plan and supporting text in the EastLake Activity Center Planning Guidelines shall be revised to provide access from the future SR 125/0tay Lakes Road northbound off ramp to Fenton Street, as shown in Figure 4-18 (Interim pre SR 125) and Figure 4-19 (buildout) of the SEIR. The location of this access shall be coordinated with Caltrans. The access road shall be constructed from otay Lakes Road to Fenton Street, or otherwise assured to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, prior to issuance of any building permit for development within VC-l which requires access, or would benefit by access to this connection, or for any building permit wi thin the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center. 8. The CUP for the medical center shall be conditioned to prohibit construction of Phase III until either an /- /7 EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula Vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 4 acceptable interim facility, or SR 125, has been completed to SR 54. Earlier development of all or a portion of Phase III may be allowed if traffic studies, which may include the actual operation of Phase I and II medical facilities, indicate, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, that adequate capacity exists to accommodate the additional traffic. 9. Prior to issuance of a building permit for Phase III of the medical center, the applicant may submit a traffic study under the direction of a registered traffic engineer. This study shall compare the actual trip generation rate based on the total trip count of the medical center with that used in the EIR and determine what, if any, modifications or additions to the road improvements would be necessary to accommodate Phase III traffic volumes. 10. Prior to issuance of any building permits for Phase III of the medical center, a Project Study Report shall be approved by Caltrans for the construction of a northbound on ramp and southbound off ramp on SR 125 at EastLake Parkway unless traffic studies indicate the ramps will not be required. Then the project study Report is not required. Construction of these ramps shall be completed, or financially assured to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Caltrans, prior to issuance of a building permit for any building within Phase III. Financial assurance means any mechanism in place, either through a regional funding mechanism or payments by local development, that will guarantee that the funding is available to construct the improvements when required. Noise 1. Prior to approval of building permits for interior noise studies shall be submitted to demonstrate that interior noise levels will dB(A) . the hospital, the City which not exceed 45 2. Appropriate architectural materials shall be incorporated into the building plans to achieve this 45 dB(A) interior standard. j-/'b. EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 5 Public Safety ((Soil contaminates) EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment Future Precise Plans within the EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment area shall be conditioned with the following: 1. Prior to issuance of any grading permit, the applicant shall provide evidence to the City of Chula vista that no pesticide contaminated soil would be moved or exposed during grading. Should contaminated soil be potentially encountered, an industrial hygienist shall be consul ted to determine spec if ic health and safety measures for onsi te construction workers. The assessment should include soil sampling and analysis for the presence and/or concentration of chlorinated herbicides and pesticides. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP 1. The applicant shall prepare a Hazardous Materials Business Plan and Biomedical Waste Management Plan. These plans shall be approved by the County of San Diego Hazardous Materials Management Division (HMMD). Annual inspections by the HMMD shall be conducted to ensure compliance with county and State regulations. The applicant shall provide evidence to the city of Chula vista that these requirements have been satisfied before a certificate of occupancy is approved for the first phase of the Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center. Drainaqe SPA Amendment Future Precise Plans within the EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment area shall be conditioned with the following: 1. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, a temporary maintenance program shall be established by the developer(s) to minimize the effects of soil erosion and debris. The program shall include temporary erosion control planning during construction in accordance with standards established by the city of Chula vista such as the use of sandbags, silt fences, landscaping, and temporary desilting basins. I-I '1 EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 6 2. Development of the subject project must comply with all applicable regulations established by the united states Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as set forth in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements for urban runoff and stormwater discharge. 3 . The developer shall construction permit Control Board and monitoring plans to Board for approval permits. be required to obtain an NPDES from the state Water Resources to submit pollutant control and the Regional Water Quality Control prior to the issuance of grading 4. Prior to issuance of a grading permit, onsite facilities for storm water collection shall be designed and constructed to handle 50-year peak discharges. 5. Prior to issuance of building permits; fees shall be paid toward the Telegraph Canyon Channel drainage facility in accordance with the drainage fee program. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP 1. Prior to issuance of the grading permit for the proposed medical center, Kaiser Permanente shall submit drainage plans to the City Engineer which will confirm to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that the drainage plans conform to the drainage studies prepared for the SEIR or further environmental review will be required. All storm drain facilities downstream of the medical center shall have the capacity to accommodate the additional flow resulting from the proposed change in grading patterns, or maintain the existing direction of onsite drainage southwesterly toward the detention basin. Geoloqv EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment 1. All improvements shall be in compliance with seismic design standards of the Uniform Building Code and requirements of local governing agencies. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP 1. Prior to issuance of a grading permit for the proposed medical center, Kaiser Permanente shall provide a final Foundation Investigation and detailed soils analysis. /'';;?tJ EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula Vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 7 The final Foundation Investigation shall be approved by the City Engineer and shall satisfy the requirements of the Office of the State Architect and the California Division of Mines and Geology if appropriate for medical center building sites. Building plans for the medical center facility shall incorporate foundation design criteria set forth in the final Foundation Investigation to the satisfaction of the Office of the state Architect. 2. All improvements associated with building shall be in compliance standards of the Uniform Building of local governing agencies. the medical office wi th seismic design Code and requirements Air Oualitv EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment To reduce the cumulative impacts Precise Plans within the EastLake I be conditioned with the following: to air quality, future SPA Plan Amendment shall 1. Prior to approval of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the city that air quality control measures outlined in the EastLake I SPA Air Quality Improvement Program have been implemented. 2. The grading permits shall be conditioned that once the hospital is constructed and occupied by patients, all major grading and site disturbance in the SPA Amendment area south of the medical center should cease when the prevailing winds are from the south to the north. Construction should be stopped until the wind changes direction so as not to be blowing toward the hospital. The construction area should be watered down to minimize the potential for contaminants in the soil to become air- borne. The city or its designated representative shall be responsible for issuing a cease order and authorizing grading to resume. As an option, but not as a requirement of this project, Kaiser Permanente could install an air filtration system to reduce particulate matter to meet State and Federal air quality standards. 3. Grading permits shall be conditioned to require that all primary project construction implement an aggressive program of construction dust control sufficient to meet the requirements of the San Diego County Air Pollution /-c;;;;>/ EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 8 Control District (APCD). program is outlined in Quality) . The minimum content of such a the SEIR in section 4.8 (Air Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP To reduce the cumulative impacts to air quality, the CUP shall be conditioned with the following: 1. Prior to approval of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the city that air quality control measures outlined in the EastLake I SPA Air Quality Improvement Program, including but not limited to implementation of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program among employees, have been implemented. 2. The grading permit shall be shall be conditioned to require that all primary project construction implement an aggressive program of construction dust control sufficient to meet the requirements of the San Diego County APCD. The minimum content of such a program is outlined in the SEIR in section 4.8 (Air Quality). Water Mitiqation Measures EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer(s) shall agree to whatever water conservation or fee off- site program the City of Chula vista has in effect at the time of issuance. In addition, the developer(s) shall implement the approved EastLake Water Conservation Plan. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall comply with OWD's fee policies or existing agreements with OWD relating to terminal storage. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP 3. Prior to issuance of a building permit, Kaiser Permanente shall agree to participate in whatever water conservation or fee off-set program the city of Chula vista has in effect at the time of issuance. In addition, Kaiser Permanente shall be required to implement the approved EastLake Water Conservation Plan. /- ~;;; EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula Vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 9 Sewer EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment Future Precise Plans within the EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment area shall be conditioned with the following: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer shall satisfy the wastewater development fee obligation including current sewer capacity fees, as adopted by the ci ty of Chula vista, to fund trunk sewer and other upgrades identified by the City for the Telegraph Canyon Trunk Sewer. Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP 2. Prior to approval of final grading plans for the medical center, the Wastewater System Subarea Master Plan for EastLake shall be approved by the City Engineer and shall include changes necessary to accommodate the medical center use. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the developer(s) shall be required to pay for all costs associated with revising the Telegraph Canyon Sewer Basin Plan to include the additional flows associated with the medical center. The revised plan will stipulate any addi tional required improvements and any changes in phasing. Prior to approval of final building plans for the medical center, the developers shall pay all costs associated with these additional improvements, in addition to a proportionate share of the costs of the basin-wide improvements included in the Basin Plan. 4. Prior to issuance of the building permits for Phases I and II, sewer capacity fees shall be paid based on projections included in section 4.10 and Appendix J. 5. Prior to issuance of the building permit for Phase III, sewerage generated by Phases I and II will be evaluated. Sewer capacity fees for all three phases of the proposed Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center shall be adjusted based on the actual sewage volume generated in Phases I and II. Payment of fees shall occur prior to issuance of the building permit for Phase III. /- ';;3 EastLake SPA Amendment/Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center Recommended Mitigation Measures - Page 10 Fire Protection EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment Future Precise Plans within the EastLake I SPA Plan Amendment area shall be conditioned with the following: 1. Prior to issuance of adequately respond operational. a building permit, a facility to to fire emergencies shall be Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Center CUP 2. Prior to submission of a building permit application, Kaiser Permanente shall deposit with the City of Chula vista adequate funds to provide reimbursement to the City through a deposit account for full costs related to plan check and fire inspection services. The city, at its option, may hire contractual fire inspectors to provide this service. 3. Prior to issuance of the building permit for the proposed Kaiser Permanente Chula vista Medical Office Building, construction plans shall incorporate fire department standards. The construction plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Fire Marshall or designee. The standards shall include, but not be limited to, the following: o Fire flow shall may be reduce provided with a be 8,000 gallons per minute. to 4,000 if all structures fire sprinkler system. This are o Commercial locations to fire hydrants will be required; be determined with plan review. o A fire alarm system will be required. o The project will unimpaired vertical fire apparatus. require 20-foot access and clearance of 13'6" minimum for /- ~L( lNU,f-S "' Off\C\~\. ~TES OF A SCHED'tJLED SPECIAL MEETiNG IN . Resource Conservation Commission Chula Vista, California 6:00 p.m. Monday, May 18,1992 Conference Room 1 Public Services Building CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Meeting was called to order at 6: 14 p.m. by Chairperson Hall with a quorum. City Staff Environmental Review Coordinator Doug Reid called roll. Present: Commissioners Fox, Ray and Ghougassian. Absent: Johnson, Kracha. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There was no quorum present to approve the minutes of April 20 end May 11, 1992. Continued to next meeting. 1. Draft EIR-92-01 Eastlake I SPA Plan Amendment: Marilyn Ponseggi, Consultant, Katie Wright of Eastlake Development and Marti Borg of Lettiere-Mcintyre Associates addressed the issues of significant and unmitigated impacts as they related to traffic, air quality and housing. With the building of the' 25 freeway, the last phase of the hospital parking facility will decrease the LOS of the traffic in that immediate area. Hall stated the parking garage is probably the best mitigation for noise on the hospital. With this plan amendment, there will be 405 dwelling units lost. it was suggested by Hall to have council consider low cost and other housing be included somewhere within the project. After questions of the Commission were answered, it was then MSUP (Fox/Ray) to recommend Planning Commission certify the EIR; 4-0. 2. Bud Gray discussed the Eastlake Air Quality Improvement Plan and Water Conservation Plan. Hall questioned the use of express transportation service to the project site. The current plan is for a trolley route through Otay Ranch which could also service this area. Ghougassian asked about gray water/reclamation. A representative from Syntax Associates discussed the creation of a mini treatment plant for recycled bath and/or toilet water to water lawns, etc., however, stated it is a violation of health standards. Vance Furukawa, Kaiser representative, discussed the alternate fuel for fleet service and electrical vehicles. After discussions, it was then MSUP (Fox/Ray) to accept the Air Quality Improvement Plan and Water Conservation Plan, with the request that minimal guidelines by the city be established for future developers; 4-0. 3. Draft EIR-90-' 2, Olympic Training Center Boathouse. Lori McKinley, Consultant to the Foundation, Dave Neilson, San Diego Sports Training, and Julie McColl, discussed the issues on the EIR. It is noted that the land is owned by City of San Diego, however its jurisdiction is under the City of Chula Vista for land use. The only mitigation was to reduce the height of the main building to '4 feet. The other impacts would not be mitigated to below a level of significance. It was MSUP (Ghougassian/Fox) to recommend to certify the draft EIR. John Ray noted that this was a good project for the City of Chula Vista. 4. Negative Declaration IS.92.30 Victory Homes of San Diego. No quorum available for discussion, as Ghougasslan has a conflict of interest in this project. 1- ;:;>5- Resource Conservation Commission Page 2 [Item 6, California Custom, Terry Collier, was taken ahead of Item 5 of the agenda]. 5. Negative Declaration IS-92-36, California Custom. Terry Collier was present to answer questions on the paint booth to be located inside the cement building within the place of business. Other mitigation measures have been met. It was MSUP (Fox/Hall) to recommend adoption of the negative declaration; 4-0. 6. Negative Declaration IS-92-31, Messer Apartment complex. Discussion included the density of the complex and lack of play area. It was MSUP (Fox/Ghougassian) to recommend acceptance of the mitigated negative declaration; (4-0). A second motion was made (Hall/Ray) to recommend provisions for a play area for the children in the apartment complex; (4-0). 7. Negative Declaration IS-92-1 7, Vogue Theater - previously reviewed by RCC. 8. Mitigated Negative Declaration of IS.92-35, Brauchla Tentative Parcel Map. It was moved and seconded (Ghougassian/Fox) to recommend approval of the negative declaration; 3-1, no: Ray). Ray retracted his no vote; the same motion was again voted upon and unanimously passed 4-0. Ray requested an additionai statement be included with this motion. On negative declarations or EIR's on all projects where there is a stated impact (to schools, traffic, water. sewage, infrastructure, overcrowding, etc.) that affects the environment or cumulative impact within the city, that they not be considered mitigated just because a fee or tax was paid. The impacts and problems should be addressed directly as well as financially. STAFF REPORT: Doug Reid handed out an updated budget for information only. CHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS: Barbara Hall wrote letter to Jackie McQuade thanking her for her service with the RCC. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Ghougassian commented that there are many tire skid marks on the streets at 2nd and Las Flores, and also at "E" Street. Told to contact Public Works. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Chairperson Hall at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, EXPRESS SECRETARIAL SERVICES ~~v Barbara Taylor 1- .;;t;, ill R~ \CHO [)[! RE\ 2727 HOO\'ER An PO BOX 9016 N,ITIO',\1 CITY ClI 920jO-662j (619) 477-4117 Mr. Doug Reid Planning Department City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 92010 RECS\VEO 3 June 3, 1992 ~'LI\NN\NC Re: DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACf REPORT NO. 92-01 EAS1LAKE SPA AMENDMENT/KAISER Dear Mr. Reid: The Rancho del Rey Partnership appreciates the opportunity to review and provide comment to the subject Draft EIR. We offer the following comment to the Draft EIR. 1. Prior to certification of the Final EIR it is requested that the pre- SR-125 traffic analysis be expanded to include an additional analysis which assumes that the Eastlake SPA Amendment and the proposed Rancho del Rey SPA Amendment (Commercial Center) are in place. This additional analysis should focus on the cumulative impact of both project. However, prior to above requested analysis the TPP model should be corrected to indicate the proper segment length for East "H" Street and Telegraph Canyon Road between Interstate 805 and Otay Lakes Road. We believe that Table 4-10 (pages 4-55) overstates ADT's on East "H" Street (between 1-805 to Hidden Vista) by approximately 10,000 ADT's as a result of this error to the model. Thank you for allO\1iing us to comment. If you many have any questions regarding our comments please contact me at 477-4117 Sincerely, cc: Bob Leiter, Planning Director Hal Rosenberg, Traffic Engineer Cliff Swanson, City Engineer M E M 0 RAN DUM June 3, 1992 File # EY-057 FROM: Marilyn ponseggi, Environmental Consultant Clifford L. Swanson, Deputy Public Works Directorj~~.~. " city Engineer . ~ Harold Rosenberg, City Traffic Enginee~ . Eastlake I SPA Amendment Draft EIR Traffic Impact Analysis TO: VIA: SUBJECT: This is to inform you that during my review of the Eastlake I SPA amendment Draft EIR Traffic Charts, I discovered a minor discrepancy in the number of a.m. peak hour trips generated by the proposed project (at build out) compared to the distribution of project trips at the various access points. The sum of the project traffic at the intersection analyzed was less than the amount of traffic generated by the project. Since the amount of traffic turning or moving through an identified, critical intersection is the basis for determining peak period traffic impacts and mitigation, I am requesting that the traffic consultant analyze the sensitivity of the discrepancy noted and determine whether additional mitigation or modification to those mitigation measures outlined in the Draft EIR are warranted. I would also like to request that the analysis for the city access alternative, referenced as the modified base condition, which provides an on-site extension of the northbound SR-125 off ramp to Fenton Street and no mid-block signal be reassessed. The number of left turns into the project at the SR-125 ramp intersection may be understated. Under the city access alternative a significant number of left turns were assumed by the consultant to occur at the prosed midblock access intersection. The actual number of midblock left turns may be minimal during peak conditions because the high number of opposing (westbound) vehicles occupying four lanes will limit left turn opportunities. The potential impact of the city's access alternative should therefore utilize the most conservative estimate of vehicles turning left into the project at the SR-125 northbound off ramp intersection. The left turn estimate at the SR-125 northbound off ramp should assume no left turns at the midblock project access intersection. If the ramp intersection can accomodate the additional displaced, midblock left turn satisfactorily and the operating performance of otay Lakes Road continues to function adequately in terms of delay, then midblock left turn median opening would neither be needed nor desirable. CITY OF CHULA VISTA PARTY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Statement of di scl osure of certai n ownership interests, payments, or campai gn contributions, on all matters which will require discretionary action on the part of the City Council, Planning COlTlTlission, and all other official bodies. The following information must be disclosed: 1. List the names of all persons haYing a financial interest in the application, bid, contract, or proposal. EastLake Developrent Kaiser Foundation Hospitals If real property is involved, list the names of all persons having any ownership interest. EastLake Developrent Kaiser Foundation Hospitals 2. If any person identified pursuant to (l) above is a corporation or partnership, list the names of all individuals owning more than 10% of the shares in the corporation or owning any partnership interest in the partnership. N/A 3. If any person identified pursuant to (l) above is a non-profit organization or a trust, list the names of any person serving as director of the non-profit organization or as trustee or beneficiary or trustor of the trust. ~ n.t-r~~'hrnPnt 4. Have you or any person named in (l) above had more than $250 worth of business transacted with any member of City staff, Boards, COlTlTlissions, Committees and Council within the past twelve months? Yes NO)Q{ If yes, please indicate person(s) ----- 5. Have you and/or your offi cers or agents, in the aggregate, contri buted more than $1,000 to a Councilmember in the current or preceding election period? Yes No )Q{ If yes, state which Councilmember(s): Person is defined as: "Any individual, firm, copartnership, joint venture, association, social club, fraternal organization, corporation, estate, trust, receiver, syndicate, this and any other county, city and county, city, municipality, district or other political subdivision, or any other group or combination acting as a unit." (NOTE: Attach additional pages as sl h1q { app lcant Date: WPC 0701 P A-110 Bebe wriqht, Manaqer, Property Acquisition Print or type name of contractor/applicant This disclosure statarent only applies to Kaiser Foundation Hospitals and does not include EastLake Developrent. / ,;;; 7 ~~~ ~....:-: -------- ~~~.;t CllY OF CHULA VISTA ,"'r- 1"'(t:..C"', <.:.,f" 'f'r -.- OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER PI "\ -"-{ ; May 22, 1992 Ms. Susan Fuller 523 Welton Street Chula Vista, CA 91911 . Dear Ms. Fuller: SUBJECT: FY 92-93 proposed Budget and City Council Review Session Please advise all members of the Planning Commission that the city Council will review and discuss the FY 92-93 Proposed Budget relating to all Boards and Commissions: Tuesday, June 9, 1992 7:00 p.m. City Council Chambers 276 Fourth Avenue Chu1a vista, CA 91910 For your additional information, the attached summary shows the line item detail of the commission's budget which requested, in total, $15,350, and will be recommended at $12,370. The recommendation of the City Manager, which will appear in the Proposed Budget, was determined by analyzing your Commission's initial request and following up with your assigned city staff if further clarification was necessary. Any additional budget requests submitted by your Commission, but not included in the city Manager's recommendation, can be appealed directly to the City council during the budget review session on June 9. Your service to the city is truly appreciated, including the time you have invested providing input on your commission's budgetary needs. If you have any questions regarding the budget recommendation, you are encouraged to contact your assigned city staff or my office at 691-5031. Sincerely, clJ!n~~rrYf:1k() Budget Manager DH:Dt cc: Nancy Ripley Enclosure 276 FOURTH AVENUE/CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA 91910/(619) 691-5031 ;:;~I f of the written decision is filed, unless the date is waived by the appellate body upon a showing of good cause, any interested party who participated in the public hearing or the planning director may request an appeal to the appropriate appellate body as follows: 1. If the Permitting Authority is the zoning administrator, appeal shall be filed with planning commission; 2. If the Permitting Authority is the planning commission appeal shall be filed with the city council; 3. If the Permitting Authority is the city council no further appeal is available. The appeal shall include a statement of the reasons supporting the appeal, including a demonstration that any issues being raised were raised during the public hearing. I. After an appeal is filed and accepted, the appellate body shall hold a public hearing consistent with the provisions set forth in this section. The appellate body may, in its discretion, consider additional evidence not presented at the public hearing. J. The appellate body may reverse, uphold, or modify in any manner a written decision or take any action consistent with this section, after public hearing, upon a written appellate decision. Notice of the written appellate decision shall be mailed to the affected party and any interested party requesting such notice consistent with section 19.12.070. Said notice shall be filed with the city clerk. L. Appeal to City council: If the appellate body is not the city council, an appeal may be filed by any interested party who participated in the appeal or the planning director may request an appeal to the city council within ten (10) days after the notice of the written appellate decision is filed, unless waived by the city council upon a showing of good cause. M. Any written decision provided for in this section shall be final on the eleventh (11) day after its filing, unless an appeal is timely filed or a waiver is obtained. All written decisions issued by the city council shall become final when notice of such written decision is filed. N. After the written decision becomes final, it shall be filed with the Planning Director, Director of Building and Housing, and a copy may be filed with the County Recorder of San Diego county. Uses and structures must be brought into compliance with the final decision or otherwise brought into compliance with the underlying zone. Where a variance or conditional use permit is revoked, it shall become void.