Wednesday, May 21, 1997 Council Conference Room
6:14 p.m. Administration Building
PRESENT: Councilmembers Moot, Salas, and Mayor Horton.
ABSENT: Councilmembers Padilla and Rindone
ALSO PRESENT: City Manger, John D. Goss; City Attorney, John M. Kaheny; and City Clerk,
Beverly A. Authelet
Councilmember Moot stated that since we were not bndgeting tier the vacant Deputy City Manager position this
year, he felt the budget should have been reduced by his salary equivalent and benetits. Therefore, he was
wondering where that money was spread. since the department's budget didn't go down. What has happened to
bring the budget up over last years.
Dawn Herring, Budget Manager, clarified that we did not budget in the current year tbr a full year's salary li>r the
Deputy City Manager. We only had his payoff of vacation and sick leave which was approximately $26,000. That
savings was translated into hours to backtill behind him with an Administrative Analyst. The dift~rence between
the current year's budget and next year's is that we do not have any payoff now. We have no money for the DCM
position, and we have transitioned that money into a full time Administrative Analyst. There is no change between
the current year and the proposed year except the increase in the salary tier the other Deputy City Manager. That
is what the increases reflect, and it is offset somewhat with some other account changes.
Councilmember Moot asked how long did we propose to go without a second Deputy City Manager?
City Manager, John D. Goss, stated that he could not see putting money back into the budget in the foreseeable
future. In terms of the needs throughout the City, there are some greater needs which would have a higher priority.
He would not seek staffing this position until we get better economic times.
MSC (Horton/Salas) to tentatively approve the Administration budget. Approved 3-0-2 (Padilia and Rindone
Manaeement and Information Services:
Mr. Goss stated one of the things that is coming tip which will be a major issue fbr the City is developing a new
Financial Management System. MIS will be involved with this project. We are in the process of seeking Requests
for Proposals. This projiect will take eighteen to twenty months to develop.
Mayor Horton stated that during one of Council's worksessions, it was a concern to make sure our City is in a
position to meet the needs of our organization as we enter into the 21st Century and that we have the infrastructure
to help make sure that we are a more efficient organization. Would this come under this department.
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Mr. Goss replied that in a way it would be covered by all Departments because as you look at each operating
department there will be some recommendations for additional computer equipment. The overview and maintenance
of equipment would be from this department.
Louie Vignapiano, MIS Director, stated that they have done things recently that is a benefit to planning,
engineering, and building and housing. They have been trying to upgrade the level of computers where the funding
allows. Special fitnds have had more of an ability to do this than general fund departments. There are still some
really old computers in the City that will not run a lot of the newer software and have been relegated to do basically
word processing, but this is not positioning us fbr the future. If money allowed, equipment should be replaced on
regular basis. We try to do that with money that is budgeted in MIS ti>r maintenance of computers. When things
need to be repaired, they will do so from that account.
Councilmember Moot asked when do you expect the MIS Department will feel the effect of the CAD system that
we are purchasing and what effect will that have on staffing in your department when that comes on line.
Mr. Vignapiano replied that since he was involved in the development of the RFP, evaluations of the RFP, and
contract negotiations, so it has been impacting his staff tier the last year or so. This coming year is when it will
start to impact the remainder of his staff when they will have to take the old data base from the Police CAD and
start to work with Unisys to program the new system. Within six months, it will start to impact his department
more and then definitely in twelve to eighteen months his entire staff will be effected.
Councilmember Salas asked if part of the implementation and increase of staffing was included in the RFP.
Mr. Vignapiano replied no. Unisys will have a Project Manager come in about one week a month to assist with ,
the coordination to make sure that things get ordered and installed on time. There are also other subcontractors that
will be involved. This will lessen the impact on the type of project management that we need to do, but not totally.
There is a lot our staff will need to do.
MSC (Horton/Salas) to tentatively approve the MIS budget. Approved 3-0-2 (Padilia and Rindone absent).
Human Resources:
Councilmember Moot asked where was the line item that we set aside fbr on-going training on how to handle
Human Relations issues and how much of this budget was set aside tbr Human Relations staff to be attending
training and seminars, and is there a particular person in the department who was in charge of staying on the cutting
edge of these problems.
Candy Emerson, Human Relations Director, replied that it appears in a number of places. A good chunk is spent
on training for the employees in the area of harassment discrimination which is mandatory for all city employees.
We have through the City/County Personnel Association a consortium that provides monthly training for supervisors
and managers. The balance of the training budget is available to send employees or groups on an individual basis
to sessions that we think is valuable. The Human Resources staff attends many workshop/seminars that the legal
community conducts on a low cost basis. There is no one person delegated for this purpose, but the Assistant
Director sits on the training consortlure committee which has contact with the legal community that serves public
agencies. In that way, she keeps up-to-date; we get many monthly publications from the various law firms that
provides assistance to the public section that keeps us up to date on all of the case law and what is happening both
the federal and state governments.
Councilmember Moot felt it would be money well spent, and he would be willing to support on going efforts, to
have someone within the Department capable of training and advising other people in the City as to the proper and
best way to handle these human relations issues so that they do not get to the stages of law suits and disputes. He
further stated that he would like to set as a goal tbr this Council to reduce the amount of money that we spend on
attorneys, settlements, and judgements on human relations issues. This should be a high priority. If this means
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spending money to achieve this goal, then we ought to do it, because in the long run we will have substantial
savings to the City.
Councilmember Salas stated that Council discussed during the Goal Setting Workshop about once there was an
indication that there was a problem or a complaint had been filed by an employee to have continual feedback with
that employee while the case was active so they got the sense the City was really caring about their complaint, so
it would not escalate to the point where there was a law suit. She asked if this has been implemented and was there
any one person that was assigned to do this.
Ms. Emerson stated that we have had relatively few issues since this came up. The few that we have had either
the Assistant Director or herself were working on these. They have tried to maintain a contact whether it is weekly
or monthly.
Councilmember Moot suggested a revision in the Goals Section of the budget to reduce by a realistic percentage
what we spend on attorneys, settlements, .judgements on personnel related matters. He would like to see if we can't
come up over the course of a year or two on our Performance Based Budget trying to actually relate what we need
to do and what we need to spend to make those kinds of savings.
MSC (Moot/Salas) to add as a goal to the budget (for the department head in cnnsultation with the City
Attorney to come up with a realistic number) to reduce what is spent on attorneys, settlements, and
judgemerits for personnel related issues and to tentatively approve the Human Resources Budget. Approved
3-0-2 (Padilia and Rindone absent).
Councilmember Salas asked if there was any break down that could be provided where if we did contract out the
animal control services whether there would be a savings in the public liability premium and in the worker's
Teri Enos, Risk Manager, stated she could get that information for her.
MSC (Horton/Moot) to tentatively approve the Insurance Budget. Approved 3-0-2 (Padilia and Rindone
Mr. Goss stated that in 1998-99, we will be revising our Financial Accounting System.
Mayor Horton asked if it was taking this long because of costs or fimding constraints or is it because it is going to
take that long.
Mr. Powell stated that they felt they had a handle on the timding even though it will still be an issue if we have to
deal with a consultant to help us implement the program. The longer time frame is dne to that we not only are
replacing the accounting system, we are also replacing all the ancillary systems like fixed assets, payroll,
purchasing, some of the billing systems so they will interthce with the new accounting system. The other timing
issue is the conflict with the CAD system and the impact it will have on the MIS staff.
Debt Service:
Mr. Powell stated that we will be coming back with a Supplemental because of the lease/purchase
agreements that were approved tier the CAD system, the 800 MHz, and the HVAC.
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Parking Meters:
Mr. Goss stated that there has been an ongoing program to replace parking meters. It is recommended that
it be deterred, and the money be utilized to advertise promotions for the Downtown Business Association.
This is a joint proposal coming from Finance and the Community Development Department.
Councilmember Salas asked if there was a break down on the revenue we receive from the parking meters
and the cost to service the parking meters. She further asked if this was why you were choosing not to
replace the parking meters.
Mr. Powell responded no. This was an aggressive program that was put into place several years ago, and
we wanted to phase it in. At this point, the meters are holding up pretty well and the Business Association
made a case tier this. We did not feel it was critical that we kept to the time frame. This was the only
reason we were willing to push it back. As far as cost, we receive revenues not only from the meters, but
also from the parking citations from all over the city. As thr as Third Avenue, we bring in approximately
$376,000 per year; outside Third Avenue. it is $190,000.
Councilmember Salas stated there was a discussion with the business community and there was a lot of
pressure to do away with them all together. Council voted to implement immediately a warning system.
Mr. Powell stated that the Community Development Department was working on that. He had seen a draft
of an agenda item tier the June 3rd meeting that will discuss the Courtesy Ticket Program. One of the
concerns staff has is that when you eliminate the enforcement, it will have a significant impact on revenue
ti'om the meters themselves. When people know that the meters are not being entbrced, the money will
be decreased. Further, there is a further domino effect that the funds were also used to maintain the
parking lots in the downtown area which without those lots, new businesses would have to provide more
parking before they would be allowed to go into the area.
MSC (Horton/Salas) to tentatively approved the Finance Department including Debt Service and Parking
Meter Fund, budget. Approved 3-0-2 (Padilia and Rindone absent).
Councilmember Moot asked why the payments to Price Club and Palomar Trolley weren't under Debt Service.
Ms. Herring stated that it was in both places. The actual expenditure has to be reflected somewhere in the budget
and is reflected here.
Mr. Powell stated that the reason he asked to have these put into the budget was that in past years only the transfers
out were watched and monitored. Now that they are part of the accounting system, they can be watched and
monitored just like any other expenditure.
MSC (Horton/Salas) to tentatively approve the Non-Departmental Budget. Approved 3-0-2 (Padilia and
Rindone absent).
Police Department:
Kathy Lembo, South Bay Community Services, stated that they have had a contract through the Police Department
budget to provide juvenile diversion services both ti3r first time juvenile offenders who commit a crime and also
for status offenders which are run-away or truants that come to the attention of the police department. She stated
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that the program has been very successful. Therefbre, she requested an additional $9,000 for the Juvenile Diversion
Mayor Horton stated that they would not make a decision now. However, she will be recommending approval of
the request, because she t~lt it was important to spend money on prevention.
Chief Emerson stated that depending upon the status of SB- 11, there may be some additional monies this year that
we can look forward to, as we did last year. He added that there was a grant position that you will see as a
supplemental. We have received $80,000 to fund an additional police officer for a one year period to deal with
alcohol beverage control issues. We will assign that person to the street team and have them work between our
licensing people and our vice people on the streets to enhance our intervention at alcohol beverage establishments
to get them into compliance. If we can generate enough revenue through the fines tbr violations, maybe this can
be an ongoing program. This would be a new hire lbr a one-year period.
Councilmember Salas asked if the officer would understand that this was a one-year program or would he be hired
in with all of the civil service requirements.
Chief Emerson stated that we would hire the person with all the civil service requirements, and we have enough
of a turn over during the year so that they can absorb the individual.
Councilmember Salas asked if there was any kind of data available that you can do a comparison of youth which
was service by a diversion program as opposed to not being served at all to compare the rates of re-arrest.
Chief Emerson replied that he was not sure of any data. There were some agencies that were not into prevention
and do not have the diversion component, so we might be able to compare that.
Terry Strauwald, City Electrician representing CVEA, stated they had a question regarding the Senior Crime
Prevention Specialist. It was recommended by the Department to include this as a full-time position, and it was
changed to use grant monies that were available to fund half of the salary, and put the other half on the wish list.
They would like to see this position fully funded instead of each year having this half funded by grant and half by
the City. They would like to go with the Depamnent's original recommendation of funding this position fully.
Chief Emerson stated that we have that person. The grant monies that we were able to get, we used on a one-time
basis to make up that other 50% of the salary. The problem is that if that money goes away, we cannot bring in
some additional grant money that we are aware of at this point in time. Maybe there are some other grants out
there, but we have to watch the "supplanting concept". The issue is, do we have crime prevention full-time for six
months or do we have it for a full year on a part-time basis; we do not want to do without crime prevention.
Mr. Goss stated that the Council approved this position as a .5 FTE, but the employee remained as a full-time
employee. It was about September/October that we received the grant funds to cover her salary from January
through June. Therefore, she is funded tbr this current year. However, if this grant goes away, she would be
funded full time through December 31, 1997. At that point, there could be a mid-year budget review by the Council
in terms of the general fund or if there could be an additional grant.
Item was continued.
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The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.~n.
Respectlitlly submitted,
~uthelet, CMC/AAE
City Clerk