December 1, 2003
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 "F" Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Teresa Thomas at 4:00 p. m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Teresa Thomas, Vice-Chair Doug Reid,
Commissioners Stanley Jasek, Juan Diaz, John Chavez and
Pamela Bensoussan (4:26)
STAFF PRESENT: Paul Hellman, Environmental Projects Manager
Alex AI-Agha, Deputy Director of Engineering
Dave Kaplan, Transportation Engineer
Dan Forster, Growth Management Coordinator
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
1. Traffic Workshop
Mr. Alex AI-Agha (Deputy Director of Engineering) stated that the main objective of
the workshop was to explain how the City of Chula Vista conducts traffic impact
studies, how the City determines project-related traffic impacts and how traffic
impacts are mitigated. Mr. AI-Agha presented a PowerPoint presentation and
expanded on the following:
• Purpose of Traffic Impact Studies
At this point during his presentation, Mr. AI-Agha handed out a report entitled
"Guidelines For Traffic Impact Studies in the City of Chula Vista".
Traffic Impact Study Study Area
Methodology -Analysis Scenarios
Significance Criteria -Project Impacts
RCC Minutes - 2 - December 1, 2003
• Short-term (Study Horizon Years 0-4)
• Long-term (Study Horizon Year 5 and Later)
• Mitigation
• Nexus
Commissioner Bensoussan arrived at 4:26 p.m.
• Transportation Development Impact Fee (TDIF) Program
Commissioner Chavez asked, if it is reasonably possible to resolve a problem
within a project with some additional measures and funding, why then would we
allocate a mitigation measure by impact fee to some other location? If we have a
problem at Otay Lakes and "H" Street, and that could be mitigated within the
project, is it allowable under the guidelines to allow a TDIF contribution
elsewhere from the developer or the project in question? Mr. AI-Agha responded
that numerous Public Facility Financing Plans and EIRs require immediate
mitigation through the construction of specific improvements. There are some
improvements that we do not want to wait until adequate funding has been
collected through the Transportation Development Impact Fee Program to build
when projects are creating substantial impacts. So there is definitely a timing
element to address, and we certainly consider this when making a determination
regarding the type of mitigation that is appropriate and the timing for needed
Commissioner Chavez asked if there is a trigger point once an impact reaches
the level of significance within the City later on. Mr. AI-Agha stated that the City
has an ongoing trigger event every year when staff determines which CIP
projects need to be constructed.
• Capital Improvements Program (CIP)
• Planned Highway Projects
o Table entitled "Reasonably Expected Revenue Scenario -SANDAL RTP
January 2003"
• I-805 and I-5 Transportation Study
All the RCC members thanked Mr. AI-Agha for his excellent presentation. Chair
Thomas and Commissioner Chavez requested a copy of the PowerPoint
Commission Comments
Commissioner Jasek expressed interest in learning about the thinking behind buses
being allowed to interrupt the flow of traffic along main thoroughfares within the City
and the reasoning behind all of the things that restrict the flow of traffic on City
streets. Mr. AI-Agha stated that the City is very aware of specific intersections that
need improvement and aware of urgent improvements that are needed right now.
RCC Minutes - 3 - December 1, 2003
The City maintains a priority list of such improvements. Funding in Western Chula
Vista is quite restricted because improvements cannot be funded in a manner similar
to how they are funded in Eastern Chula Vista. Therefore, the City is seriously
considering creating a Western Chula Vista Transportation Development Impact Fee
program. We are spending most of the available funding for Western Chula Vista
transportation improvements on traffic signal improvements.
Commissioner Jasek stated that that pertains to funding that we do not have at the
present time. What he was talking about is the thinking that goes into the design of
development projects that are being approved. Projects that would not cost any
more to do it better, to do it smart. Case in point -the project on Fourth Avenue and
"C" Street. They did not do a darn thing with the bus stop that is going to clog traffic
on a 2-lane road. They left it right out in the middle of the first lane when there is
ample room to build a pull out. Mr. Hellman (Environmental Projects Manager)
stated that MTDB does not like bus turnouts because they have a lot of trouble
getting back into traffic, and that queue jumpers will likely be used a lot more often in
the future to facilitate bus mergers into the traffic stream at signalized intersections.
Commissioner Jasek stated that he has a hard time giving MTDB priority when the
design of their operations delays numerous cars.
2. 2004 RCC Meeting Schedule
Chair Thomas did not get a chance to check the meeting schedule and asked if it
could be tentatively approved and brought back at the next meeting.
MSC (Chavez/Jasek) to tentatively approve the 2004 meeting schedule
subject to any minor changes. Vote: (6-0-0-0)
Chair Thomas stated that she would not be at the January 5, 2004 meeting. She
handed out a flyer for a USIBWC Citizens' Forum on December 2, 2003 that she
thought the RCC members might be interested in attending.
Vice-Chair Reid stated that he would not be at the December 15, 2003 meeting. Mr.
Hellman indicated that there are no items for the December 15, 2003 RCC meeting.
Commissioner Chavez stated that he had contacted a couple of organizations that have
some expertise with regard to the environmental status and impacts of the South Bay
power plant, the Environmental Health Coalition and the Beard--ef Border Power
RCC Minutes - 4 - December 1 2003
Projects. He would like to have them address RCC and give a workshop on siting and
environmental impacts related to that power plant.
Commissioner Bensoussan suggested doing it at a GPU Environmental and Open
Space Subcommittee meeting where more people could benefit.
Commissioner Chavez agreed and asked how he should coordinate the timing and
planning of such a workshop. Chair Thomas suggested that he talk with Ms. Marilyn
Ponseggi (Environmental Review Coordinator).
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Thomas adjourned the meeting at 5:36 p.m. to a regular
meeting on Monday, January 5, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference
Room, 430 "F" Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
(A:\II b\RCC#3\RCC 120103 M i ns.doc)