January 3, 2005
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 "F" Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Doug Reid at 6:01 p.m.
MSC (Thomas/Jasek) to excuse Commissioner Tracy Means. Vote: (6-0)
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Doug Reid, Vice-Chair John Chavez, Commissioners
Teresa Thomas, Juan Diaz, Stanley Jasek and Pamela
STAFF PRESENT: Marilyn Ponseggi, Environmental Review Coordinator
Maria Muett, Associate Planner
Marisa Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager
Dana Smith, Assistant Director of Community Development
Harold Phelps, Associate Planner
Nancy Lytle, Assistant Director of Planning & Building
Ken Lee, Principal Community Development Specialist
Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez, Associate Planner
Dino Serafini, Civil Engineer
John Schmitz, Principal Planner
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: Karyn Malmgren, NTD Stichler
David Gottfredson, RECON
1. IS-04-002 -Mater Dei High School and Church Complex, Intersection of Birch Road
and Magdalena Avenue in Otay Ranch
Ms. Maria Muett (Associate Planner) reported that the proposed project site consists of a
vacant 51-acre area in Village Six of the Otay Ranch adjacent to Birch Road, future SR-125
and Magdalena Avenue. The proposed project consists of a private high school and church
complex in either four separate phases or concurrently at one time and includes the church
complex to accommodate abuild-out of approximately 1,000-1,800 parishioners, and a high
school for 2,200 students. The project site is accessible via one public driveway, one
emergency access off of Birch Road and two driveways off of Magdalena Avenue. The site
has been graded. Environmental review for the proposed project has been required to
RCC Minutes - 2 - January 3, 2005
address any potential environmental impacts beyond those originally anticipated in the
Village Six EIR. A Notice of Initial Study was circulated to the property owners; the comment
period ended on November 8, 2004. A noise study and a traffic study were required and
addressed in the Initial Study. The required mitigation measures would mitigate short-term
construction-related air quality impacts to below a level of significance.
Staff Recommendation: That the RCC determine that the Initial Study is adequate and
recommend that the Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted.
Commission Comments
Chair Reid asked if the private school was subject to the same State regulations as the
public schools regarding hazardous materials from agricultural activities on the property?
Ms. Marisa Lundstedt (Environmental Projects Manager) stated that was an issue that was
raised at the program level. It was evaluated as an entire planning area. But it was also re-
evaluated in the Village Six EIR, and the level of pesticides was not significant in and around
the site.
Commissioner Thomas was concerned about the type of trees particularly leaf droppings
and susceptibility to infections, drainage patterns and the uses of water. She recommended
that be addressed more fully in the report. Mr. John Schmitz (Principal Planner) indicated
that the arborist on the Design Review Committee would look at these issues.
Commissioner Thomas asked if the applicant would use green energy. Ms. Ponseggi stated
that this is part of Village Six, so it will have to comply with the energy conservation measure
requirements that are already required for Village Six.
Vice-Chair Chavez inquired if the City has noise thresholds for indoors. Mr. David
Gottfredson (RECON, 1927 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101) clarified that there would
be no noise in the classrooms during normal operations due to their location. There are
mitigation measures that require monitoring to determine whether or not the construction
activities are interfering with classroom activities while the phases are being built out.
Vice-Chair Chavez inquired about where the noise monitoring would be done. Mr.
Gottfredson stated that monitoring will be at the classroom.
MSC (Thomas/Jasek) that the RCC recommend that the City Council approve the
Mitigated Negative Declaration. Vote: (6-0-0-1) with Means absent.
Agenda Item #3 was taken out of order.
3. 224 Fig Avenue - Request to Modify Mills Act Contract
Ms. Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez (Associate Planner) reported that the homeowners were not
present but had listed all their concerns in writing. The windows are currently the original
windows, and the homeowners would like to install more energy efficient vinyl windows.
Substantial alterations such as installation of vinyl windows to historic properties that are
entered into the Mills Act Contract are to be referred to the RCC for consideration. In
addition, all alterations and modifications to homes entered into the Mills Act shall be in
conformance to the Secretary of the Interior Standards. Staff uses these standards to
determine whether alterations either completed or proposed are consistent with the structure
RCC Minutes - 3 - January 3 2005
and do not alter or affect the historical integrity of such structures. Based upon review of
these standards, it is staffs' opinion that the replacement of these original windows with vinyl
windows would affect the historic character of this Tutor home. The decision of the RCC
may have overarching effects due to the infancy of the Mills Act program in Chula Vista. The
City has no precedent for a request such as this. The decision of the RCC may have future
consequences or will establish policy of how staff will address these issues in the future.
Staff Recommendation: That the RCC find that replacement windows would alter the historic
character of this property and that the alteration would violate the provisions of the Mills Act
Commission Comments
Commissioner Bensoussan expressed concern about setting precedent and reminded the
Commission about the importance of the windows. She pave information on companies that
Vice-Chair Chavez asked if the property owners desired to cancel the Mills Act Contract.
Ms. Tessitore-Lopez stated that they are because they are not receiving as much of a
reduction in their property taxes as they had anticipated.
MSC (Chavez/Bensoussan) that the Resource Conservation Commission find that
replacement windows will alter the historic character of the property; therefore, the
alteration will violate the provisions of the Mills Act Contract. Vote: (6-0-0-1) with
Means absent.
2. Proposed City Council Building Energy Policy
Chair Reid announced that the staff member for Item #2 was home ill and had asked for a
continuance to the next meeting. He requested that unless there were questions, the
Commission take action.
MSC (Thomas/Bensoussan) to make a recommendation that the RCC supports and
endorses the adoption of the Building Energy Policy. Vote: (6-0-0-1) with Means
4. Discussion of 501 c3 for Redevelopment (UDC)
Ms. Dana Smith (Assistant Director of Community Development) gave a PowerPoint
presentation on the UDC to advise the RCC up on what the City Council adopted, the
community workshops and the report upon which the Council relied.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Thomas felt that with investors there are all kinds of opportunities for conflict
of interest. Ms. Smith stated that the 501 c3 is what is called for under the Tax Code as a
supporting organization to a government agency. She explained about a specific section in
the Tax Code that governs supporting organizations. She further explained that the
proposed design of the Board, with all five Council members on it, was advised by outside
legal counsel, in order to maintain the tax status of the 501 c3.
RCC Minutes - 4 - January 3, 2005
Commissioner Jasek understood Ms. Smith's presentation to mean that the City Council is
saying that it's the Design Review Committee, the Planning Commission and the Resource
Conservation Commission that had inhibited them from doing what needs to be done in the
City; therefore, they should be eliminated. Ms. Smith indicated that the July 2004 report
never denigrates the Resource Conservation Commission or stated that the Planning
Commission or Design Review did not do their job. The proposal is an effort to streamline
processes by having one Board instead of three to save time.
Chair Reid stated that the City would still have to operate under time constraints of CEQA.
There would be no timesaving.
Commissioner Bensoussan questioned how the report was paid for and by whom. She
quoted one of the Q&As from the report regarding if the new entity could assume, in an
advisory capacity, the control over planning, environmental review, and/or permitting within
designated Project Areas and/or in areas outside of designated Project Areas? She further
indicated that the report did stated t#a`r-t,,~~ ^ ''' s° `~° °`•^`^^~~ ^` `~^ °^''
serperatien--aad that it would be cost effective and benefit the Project Areas and the
developers. Commissioner Bensoussan felt the statement was vague and that the report did
not state that the three Commissions would be cut out of the process. She felt that the City
should reiy-erg take input from the three Boards to work out the details for implementation.
Chair Reid agreed that the Boards, Commissions and Committees who have been affected
by a change in the process should have been directly involved much earlier in process so
that they were aware of the potentials and given an opportunity to provide their input and
have the dialog.
Vice-Chair Chavez stated that he does not believe that they are opposed to the UDC, urban
development, redevelopment, renovation and economic stimulation but that public
involvement and public review is a huge issue in Chula Vista, and the way the UDC is
currently set up with some members who may not be Chula Vista residents, the City will be
challenged to exceed the expertise that the City has on its Commissions right now.
MSC (Chavez/Diaz) that the RCC respectfully requests that the Mayor and City
Council revisit their recent Council action to proceed with the Urban Development
Corporation to specifically consider retaining the current Commission review process
for effective UDC projects.
Commissioner Jasek felt the real question here is how do you justify the un-involvement of
the public that has worked so well for so long?
Commissioner Thomas indicated that if you look at the history of those aaiai municipal
decisions and those instances where there was not opportunity for the public to give input
early in the game, it actually cost the City much more financially and ^" time-wise,
staff-wise and otherwise.
Vote: (ti-0-0-1) with Means absent.
Commissioner Diaz left the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
RCC Minutes - 5 - January 3 2005
Further Discussion
Vice-Chair Chavez was not comfortable having a project the magnitude of Chula Vista's
portion of the Bayfront redevelopment pass through Community Development as he had
seen outlined thus far and the UDC develop the plans.
Commissioner Bensoussan indicated that the public knows the City's system. Members of
the community come to meetings and express themselves during project review. The
Commissions are a terrific outreach to the community. Ms. Smith stated that the
redevelopment agencies have many different ways in involving the public. Without strong
support from the public, the redevelopment efforts would be in trouble.
Commissioner Bensoussan asked about the possible meeting on the 10th with the Planning
Commission, Design Review Committee and Resource Conservation Commission. Ms.
Nancy Lytle (Assistant Director of Planning & Building) responded that all the Commissions
have been involved in the discussion of a meeting to make recommendations. The Council,
staff and City Manager are pulling together a method of doing that.
The Commission further discussed the date for the meeting as well as the agenda and
anticipated outcome.
Commissioner Bensoussan indicated that the three Commissions would like to have a
dialog on this subject to see if there is any consensus among the three Commissions on
recommendations regarding the process of public involvement that they may make as a
recommendation to the City Council.
Vice-Chair Chavez recommended that Ms. Smith take what she had so far and go back to
the Planning Commission who originally asked for a meeting of all three Commissions and
let them define the format and the agenda.
the Draft General Plan EIR began its public review December 31, 2004. The RCC will be
conducting a special meeting on Monday, January 315`, to consider the EIR and make
comments. The Planning Commission hearing to close the public review period will be February
14'". She also announced that the Draft General Plan Update was also out.
CHAIR COMMENTS: Chair Reid requested that the RCC roster be updated.
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Bensoussan announced that the historic
calendars that the Otay Land Company donated as a fundraiser for the Heritage Museum are
out. In reference to the house on Main Street that she talked about at the last meeting...she
toured the house, which is a wonderfully preserved Victorian Orchard house. You would never
expect it to be there. You can't see it from the street, but it's an oasis when you get there. There
was a framed Proclamation from Mayor Cox on a wall saying that on such and such a date in
1986 was Walter Anderson Day, and there was a whole list of things that he and his family
contributed to the community, etc. At the end of the Proclamation it referenced the fact that the
Resource Conservation Commission had designated the house as a Historic Treasure signed
by Mayor Cox. Commissioner Bensoussan would like to know how she could research the
minutes from 1986 to find the Resource Conservation Commission meeting where this was
designated. Ms. Ponseggi would have Ms. Tessitore-Lopez contact her.
RCC Minutes - 6 - January 3 2005
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m. to a regular meeting on
Monday, February 7, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430 "F"
Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
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Linda Bond
Recording Secretary
(J:\Plann i n g\RCC\2005\RCC010305Mi ns. doc)