June 6, 2005
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Doug Reid at 4:04 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Doug Reid, Vice-Chair John Chavez (4:16 p.m.),
Commissioners Teresa Thomas, Juan Diaz, Stanley Jasek,
Pamela Bensoussan and Tracy Means
STAFF PRESENT: Marilyn Ponseggi, Environmental Review Coordinator
Maria Muett, Associate Planner
Marisa Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. Ha Ta, 1450 Third Avenue
MSC (Jasek/Thomas) to approve the minutes of April 18, 2005 as submitted.
Vote: (6-0-0-1) with Chavez absent.
1. IS-04-19 ---Optima Car Wash, 1450 Third Avenue
Ms. Maria Muett (Associate Planner) described the project.
Commissioner Comments
The Commissioners raised questions regarding noise impacting the apartments
directly west of the project. Ms. Muett stated that the noise level is within City code.
Ms. Marilyn Ponseggi (Environmental Review Coordinator) indicated that, because
the existing noise level from traffic is already so high, the actual noise that will be
generated from the car wash would not exceed the existing noise level.
RCC Minutes - 2 - June 6, 2005
Commissioner Jasek mentioned a car wash that was brought to the RCC a year or
so ago located on Otay Lakes Road. In all its discussion about being a car wash,
there was nothing ever mentioned about it being a major lubrication and oil change
facility, which is what it has now become. Ms. Ponseggi stated that she would look
into that and get back to Commissioner Jasek.
MSUC (Thomas/Means) that the RCC finds the Initial Study adequate and
recommends that the Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted. Vote: (7-0)
2. Selection of Environmentalist of the Year and Historic Preservationist of the
Year Awards
Environmentalist of the Year Award
Commissioner Bensoussan nominated Teresa Thomas for the Environmentalist of
the Year Award. Commissioner Bensoussan requested that the following be placed
in the record: Terry is recently retired from Southwestern College as a tenured
professor where she worked for 25 years as professor of Environmental Biology and
Microbiology and Human Heredity. She founded the Bio-technology Education
Consortium of Southern California in 1993. She alse was a member of the team that
founded the Baja Study's Certificate Program that includes a group of environmental
courses. She did two terms on the International Boundary and Water Commission
and two terms on the County of San Diego Solid Waste Hearing Panel, etc.
MSC (Bensoussan/Reid) to nominate Teresa Thomas as Environmentalist of
the Year.
Motion amended by the second and agreed to by the maker that a resolution
be prepared by Commissioner Bensoussan and brought back to the RCC.
Vote: (6-0-1-0) with Thomas abstaining.
Historic Preservationist of the Year Award
MSUC (Bensoussan/Jasek) to nominate Rufino and Soledad Roque, owners
of the EI Primero Hotel, as Historic Preservationists of the Year and that a
resolution be prepared and brought back to the RCC. Vote: (7-0)
Commissioner Bensoussan agreed to prepare the resolution.
3. RCC's Recommendation to the Mayor Regarding an Appointment to Fill a
Vacancy on the Resource Conservation Commission
The Commissioners raised the following regarding the appointment to fill RCC
• For openings on the Commission, notify people on the General Plan Update
Environmental, Open Space and Sustainable Development Subcommittee.
RCC Minutes - 3 - June 6, 2005
• Advertisements are too generic; make them more specific to RCC.
Provide press release just for RCC vacancies.
Request that the City Clerk send out more detailed information about the purpose
of the RCC.
Recommend that the Municipal Code be amended to have specific requirements
for members of the Commission.
Vice-Chair Chavez suggested that the Resource Conservation Commission have a
name change because it's a little obscure to the average person what RCC means.
Commissioner Diaz announced that, as of July 15~, he would be submitting his
resignation because he is moving to San Diego.
MSUC (Thomas/Bensoussan) that the Chair will write a memo to the Mayor
summarizing the RCC concerns and recommending that the citizen(s)
appointed to the RCC have expertise in environmental quality, historic
resources and energy conservation/resource recovery. Vote: (7-0)
Ms. Ponseggi indicated that there might be a need for a special RCC meeting on July
11t". Members have already been polled, and there would be a quorum. Ms. Ponseggi
asked the Commissioners if they could make a quorum for 4:00 p.m. on July 11' if
The Commissioners agreed by common consent.
Ms. Ponseggi stated that Parkway Gym will be celebrating its 50t" birthday. There is a
call from Mr. Buck Martin (Recreation Director) for anyone who grew up in the City and
may have used Parkway Gym over the years to provide pictures of activities that have
happened at Parkway over the years.
Commissioner Jasek announced that Wednesday from 5:00-8:00 is the opening night
for the "Blast From The Past" old cars on Third Avenue.
Vice-Chair Chavez asked to be excused from the June 20, 2005 RCC meeting.
Commissioner Thomas announced that the International Boundary and Water
Commission is having a forum on the 16~h of this month in Imperial Beach. The main
topic will be a bi-national desalination plant presented by the County of San Diego
Water Authority. Commissioner Thomas questioned a letter she had received from Jim
Sandoval (Director of Planning & Building) regarding the Planning & Building
RCC Minutes - 4 - June 6, 2005
Department year-end report. There was nothing about historic preservation or the
accomplishments of the RCC. She asked the Commissioners to look it over to see if
they notice other gaps that should be a part of the letter.
Commissioner Bensoussan asked the status of the Historic Preservation Program
including establishing a Certified Local Government and the status of a Citywide survey.
Ms. Ponseggi stated that currently there is no staff in the budget to work on historic
preservation. Ahalf-time person has been incorporated as part of the Work Program for
the Planning Division for the upcoming budget (2005-2007).
Commissioner Bensoussan recently found out that the fees for a Mills Act application
had been raised from $0 to $500. She questioned the fee. Commissioner Bensoussan
thought it would be important for the Commission to make a recommendation about that
and asked that it be put on the next agenda.
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 5:18 p.m. to a regular meeting
on Monday, June 20, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430
"F" Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
~c~o'Q~~~~ ~
Lin a Bond
Recording Secretary