August 29, 2005
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Commissioner Doug Reid at 5:57 p.m.
Chair Pamela Bensoussan was appointed to the Planning Commission on August 9, 2005 and,
therefore, had to resign from the Resource Conservation Commission.
Vice-Chair John Chavez moved out of state and, therefore, has resigned from the Resource
Conservation Commission.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Teresa Thomas, Doug Reid, Stanley Jasek and
Tracy Means
STAFF PRESENT: Marilyn Ponseggi, Environmental Review Coordinator
Maria Muett, Associate Planner
Mary Venables, Associate Planner
Marisa Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
Craig Keys, Weston Benshoof Rochefort Rubalcava MacCuish
Ms. Marilyn Ponseggi (Environmental Review Coordinator) stated that the minutes would have
to be continued. She spoke with the Attorney's Office on how to deal with the minutes because
there will never be a quorum for that meeting. The Attorney's Office will advise her prior to the
next meeting.
MSC (Thomas/Jasek) to continue the minutes to September 19, 2005. Vote: (4-0)
1. Election Of Officers
MSC (Thomas/Jasek) to nominate Commissioner Reid as Chair. Vote: (4-0)
MSC (Thomas/Jasek) to nominate Commissioner Means as Vice-Chair. Vote: (4-0)
RCC Minutes - 2 - August 29, 2005
2. IS-05-006 --- River Park Estates, 348 Palm Avenue
Ms. Maria Muett (Associate Planner) presented the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND).
Commissioner Thomas raised the following concerns:
• Street improvements
• Adequate parking
Ms. Ponseggi stated that the City is meeting the requirements that they have to meet for
street improvements. When each individual lot is developed, they will have to meet zoning
code requirements for parking.
MSC (Thomas/Jasek) that the RCC determine that the Initial Study is adequate and
recommends that the Mitigated Negative Declaration be adopted. Vote: (4-0)
3. IS-05-010 --- G.I. Trucking Company, 120 Press Lane
Ms. Mary Venables (Associate Planner) presented the Negative Declaration. A Noise Study
was prepared for the site. The traffic on SR-54 is the primary source of the noise. The
analysis concluded that the truck facility operations did not increase the ambient noise level
at the residential boundaries. Intermittent nuisance noise at the facility would not violate City
noise regulations.
Commissioner Thomas voiced concerns regarding:
• Impact to water quality
• Idling truck pollution
Ms. Ponseggi stated that the ambient (background) noise level is louder than any noise that
would come from the use. The noise of the use itself would not be heard over the noise of
the freeway. They are required to meet the MPDS requirements, which means they need to
employ Best Management Practices for water quality and make sure that they do not have
runoff from the site. They also have to meet the air quality pollution control requirements.
MSC (Jasek/Means) that the RCC determine that the Initial Study is adequate and
recommends that the Negative Declaration be adopted. Vote: (4-0)
Commissioner Jasek indicated that it would have been valuable to have the noise graphic
from the Noise Study included in the report.
Commissioner Thomas stated that it would have been more informative to do the noise
study during the evening and early morning hours in order to determine the impact due to
the project vs. that due to the nearby road traffic.
Mr. Craig Keys (Law Firm of Wesfon Benshoof Rochefort Rubalcava MacCuish on behalf of
the applicant) stated that he did review the staff report and found it to be very well prepared.
He wanted to urge the Commission to concur with the staff recommendation and to mention
the focus of this motion and what is being considered right now is the accuracy of
procedural purposes of the Initial Study and consideration of staffs' recommendation.
RCC Minutes - 3 - August 29, 2005
4. IS-04-035 --- Otay Ranch Village Six Mixed Use Project, East Palomar Street between
View Park Way and Magdalena Avenue
Ms. Venables made a clarification regarding the sewer at the bottom of page 6 of the MND.
It states that upgrades are necessary for the 8-inch gravity sewer line. That is not correct.
The 8-inch sewer line does not need any upgrades, and that is reflected in the checklist. The
checklist is correct; the MND is not. Another clarification on the following paragraph is that
the Reach 205 of the Poggi Canyon Interceptor is currently under construction.
There were no comments made by the Commissioners.
MSC (Jasek/Means) that, on the Otay Ranch Village Six mixed use project, the RCC
determine that the Initial Study is adequate and recommends that the Mitigated
Negative Declaration be adopted. Vote: (4-0)
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Thomas announced that the Local Government
Commission is having a very good one-day event on September 16"'. The agenda is wonderful.
Ms. Ponseggi stated that, if any of the Commissioners were interested in going, the City would
pay. They needed to contact her, and she would ask Bob McSeveney (Principal Management
Assistant) to take care of the registrations.
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 6:49 p.m. to a regular meeting on
Monday, September 19, 2005, at 6:00 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430 "F"
Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
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Linda and
Recording Secretary
(J:\P Ian ning\RCC\2005\RCC082905Mins.doc)