Duly 10, Zoos
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 `F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Reid at 4:36 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Doug Reid, Vice-Chair Stan Jasek, Commissioners
Georgie Stillman, Lynda Gilgun, Brett Davis and Eric
Mosolgo (4:43 p.m.)
STAFF PRESENT: Marisa Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager
Mary Ladiana, Planning & Housing Manager
Brian Sheehan, Senior Community Development Specialist
Silvester Evetovich, Principal Civil Engineer
Jim Newton, Senior Civil Engineer
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
Karen Bowling, RECON
MSC (StillmanlDavis) to approve the minutes of June 19, 2006 as submitted.
Vote: (4-0-1-1) with Jasek abstaining and Mosolgo absent.
1. Election of Officers
MSC (Stillman/Davis) to re-elect Chair Reid as Chair and Vice-Chair Jasek as
Vice-Chair. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Mosolgo absent.
2. Summary of Activities Report for FY 2005lOs
MSC (Stillman/Jasek) to approve the Summary of Activities Report. Vote: (5-
0-0-1)with Mosolgo absent.
RCC Minutes - 2 - Julv 10, 2006
3. EIR-06-01 --- Urban Core Specific Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report
Commissioner Stillman remained for the presentation of this item but recused herself
during the Commission comment period and voting process due to a conflict of
Ms. Mary Ladiana (Planning & Housing Manager) discussed the number of public
meetings, workshops and committee meetings that were held to solicit input and
direction in the preparation of the EIR documentation.
Mr. Brian Sheehan (Senior Community Development Specialist) and Ms. Ladiana
presented an overview of the Urban Core Specific Plan Draft EIR.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Davis had questions and a suggestion regarding:
Will there be changes on "E" Street?
How would a bike lane be incorporated onto "I" Street?
How many acres of parkland are anticipated?
The parks should have lemon trees, which would depict the City's heritage.
Commissioner Mosolgo had questions regarding:
If up to 55 acres of parkland are required, where would the parks be located?
Will it be 30 years before we see these parks?
• Are any pedestrian bridges proposed?
What is the plan to help pedestrians safely across intersections?
In terms of parking, are parking structures or underground parking envisioned?
If it is true that some of the drainage systems are already deficient, would the
new developers be required to upgrade?
Would there be a possibility of adding a regional water quality treatment facility?
Commissioner Gilgun had aquestion/concern and a suggestion regarding:
What is "smart growth" and where can information be obtained about smart
• The 350- to 500-foot buffer from freeways should be a mandatory requirement for
residential units.
The walkability and setbacks for the buildings seem like a contradiction for those
people walking pass buildings that are on the street.
If Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards are not
feasible for developers, an incentive program might be helpful.
Vice-Chair Jasek had concernslsuggestions regarding:
There are currently parking requirements for each new use proposed in the
Urban Core Specific Plan. When there is no physical land available to provide it,
RCC Minutes - 3 - Julv 10, 2006
the City policy is to buy into the Parking District. That does not create new
parking spaces.
Isn't Third Avenue between "E" Street and "G" Street in the Urban Core Specific
Plan depicted as multiple stories that set back as the height increases?
There was discussion about creating more park area and opening the village
area to the Bay. I-5 could be covered from "J" Street to "E" Street and a park built
on top if grant funds were found or State funds became available. That would
also alleviate the problem of having any kind of a setback for residential units.
A major concern over the past couple years has been the design of what is going
to be the end product. Not only in the Urban Core Specific Plan but also on an
ongoing basis. This project should include a design review process.
There are a number of historical infrastructure items that we need to start looking
at preserving and incorporating into the Urban Core document.
Chair Reid had suggestions regarding:
There are several areas in the Executive Summary where it talks about
potentially significant impacts on cultural resources, parks and noise. There
needs to be another category to distinguish between anon-significant impact and
a potentially significant impact.
The EIR contains too much emphasis on the architectural aspect of cultural
resources. There are other items that should be considered when assessing
impacts on cultural resources.
The document talks about the need for an additional high school site on the west
side. Demographics should be carefully monitored when determining the location
of a new school site.
The EIR indicates that the project may require sewer fees. The document should
clarify whether fees are actually required.
Staff provided information and clarification to the Commissioners' questions and
concerns, but not necessarily to the Commissioners' satisfaction.
MSC (Jasek/Davis) that the RCC find the EIR adequate as presented. Vote:
(5-0-0-1) with Stillman absent.
Commissioner Stillman returned to the meeting.
(Environmental Projects Manager) asked the Commissioners to pick up the "Department
RCC Minutes - 4 - July 10 2006
of Planning & Building Strategic Plan & Work Program" binder before leaving. This
document is tentatively scheduled to come before the RCC on July 17, 2006.
CHAIR COMMENTS: Chair Reid noted that the City Council still needs to reappoint the
Commissioners with expired terms.
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Gilgun asked about the status of the
Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC). Commissioner Stillman stated that she
would provide the RAC proposal for the RCC Secretary to make a copy for each
Commissioner. Ms. Lundstedt stated that she would talk to Ms. Ladiana and report
back to the Commission with any updates on the RAC.
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 6:48 p.m. to a regular meeting
on Monday, July 17, 2006, at 4:30 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430
"F" Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Lin Bond
Recording Secretary
(J:\Pla n Wing\RCC\2006\RCC071006M i n s )