HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1996/03/12MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TtIE CITY OF C!!ULA VISTA Tuesday, March 12, 1996 6:04 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Council Chambers Public Services Building 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembers Alevy, Padilia, Rindone, and Mayor Pro Tem Moot Mayor Horton John D. Goss, City Manager; Brnce M. Boogaard, City Attorney; and Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk MSC (Alevy/Moot) to excuse Mayor Horton's absence, approved 4-0-1 with Horton absent. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO TttE FLAG, SILENT PRAYER 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 5, 1996 (City Council Meeting) and March 5, 1996 (Joint Meeting of the City Council/Redevelopment Agency) MSC (Padilla/Alevy) to approve the minutes of March 5, 1996 (City Council Meeting) and March 5, 1996 (Joint Meeting of the City Cuuncil/Redevelopment Agency) us presented, approved 4-0-1 with Horton absent. 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY: a. Proclaiming the week uf March 10 throullh March 17, 1996 as "Camp Fire Boys & Girls Birthday Week." Councilmember Padilia presented th~ proclamation to Julie Duffield, South Bay Cluster Leader of Camp Fire Boys & Girls Council of San Diego County. b. Councilmember Rindone introduced Jack Tygett representing the Chula Vista High Theater, The School for the Creative and Performing Arts. Chris Brown and Beverly Panuga pcrtbrmed a song from the play "Good News". CONSENT CALENDAR (Item pulled: 5c) BALANCE OF TIlE CONSENT CALENDAR OFFERED BY COUNCILMEMBER RINDONE, reading uf the text was waived. passed and appruved 4-0-1 with tlurton absent. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: a. Letter frum the City Attorney stating that there were no observed reportable actions taken in Closed Session on 3/5/96. It is recommended that the letter he received and filed. b. Letter from Paul Tryon, Executive Vice President, und Don Wurley, Special Counsel, Building Industry Association (BIA) of S'.m Diego County, requestinll written response regarding accountability review for the City. It is recommended that staff tbllow up with the BIA to tbrward responses and address any remaining questions. c. Letter from Robert L. McCauley, Building Chairman, American Legion, Post 434, requesting Council approve u waiver on all fees associated with an expansion to the building the American Legion is presently occupying. I~ is recommended that this item bc rd'err~d hack to staff tier ti~rther review and analysis regarding the proposed addition's sewer capacity and permit fees. Pulled from the Consent Calendar. Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 2 ® Robert McCauley, 1987 Bucknell Street, Chula Vista. CA. Chair of the Building Committee. American Legion Post 434, stated the Legion had been working with the City filr two years regarding the addition to the building. He requested that Council take action on their request. ® Bill Ayers, 44 East Mankato Street, Chula Vista, CA, stated there was a question as to whether the sewer fees could be waived legally and they needed an opinion fi*om the attorney. Mr. Boogaard stated the sewer fund was an enterprise fund and a waiver of a l~e in an enterprise fund automatically redistributed the cost to the remaining members of the limd. He had not had the opportunity to research the legality of the fee waiver, the City's prior authority, or precedence in the matter. Mr. Ayers stated he was upset with the sewer capacity fee, whether ti>r the Legion or the Veterans' Home. The Department of Veterans Affairs had indicated to him that they would not pay the sewer capacity fee. The City was in jeopardy of losing the Veterans' Home over that issne. He saggested that Council bring back the request waiver of the sewer capacity fee when an attorney's opinion was received, but take action on the waiver fi>r building fees. Mayor Pro Tem Moot stated the sewer capacity fbe was a complicated issue and he lblt Council should give the City Attorney the opportunity to research the issue. He did not know it' the issue could be bithrcated. Kenneth Larsen, Director of Building and Housing, stated the plan check process was nnderway and the permits could be issued within the next 10-14 days. He felt the issue could be addressed and bruught back to Cnuncil within that time frame. The building permit fees were under the amuunt the City Manager could waive. He felt the time frame would allow staff to bring the isstie back as a package rather than bifurcate the issue. Cliff Swanson, Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer, stated that staff had explored other options, i,e. the Legion pay the fees with an agreement that the City monitor the building flit the first year after it was occupied and base the sewer li:es and/or rebate on the basis of actual water use. By paying the l~e tip l'ront it would not delay the project. Another possibility wuuld be an agreement to alh~w them to pay a lesser an~ount tip front and any additional amount later or to pay the amount over a period of time. Councilmember Rindone stated everyone wanted to see the pr~ject move fi~rward expeditiously. hut Council did their best decision making when they had all input from stat't'. He agreed that the item should be continued. MOTION: (Rindone) to refer the item to staff for rurther re,search regarding the waiver uf the sewer capacity Councilmember Alevy stated he was concerned regarding the issue of the Veterans' Home. It was reasonable to have the City Attorney return in one week to address the legalities of a waiver. The Council had always been supportive of the Legion and the Veterans' Home. SECOND TO MOTION: (Alevy) approved 4-0-1 with ttortnn absent. 6. ORDINANCE 2664 AMENDING SECTION 10.48.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, INCREASING STATE LAW SPEED LIMITS IN CERTAIN AREAS AND ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON MAXWELL ROAD FROM OTAY VALLEY ROAD TO THE LANDFILL ENTRANCE (1900' NORTH OF OTAY VALLEY ROAD) AND ON OTAY VALLEY ROAD FROM BRANDYWINE AVENUE TO NIRVANA AVENUE (first readins,) - Based on provisions of the California Vehicle Code Section 40803, and pursuant to authority under the Municipal Code Section 10.48.030, staff has determined that in the interest of minimizing traffic hazards and traffic congestion, and l~or the promotion of public safety, the speed limit on Maxwell Road between Otay Valley Road and the landfill entrance (1 900~ north of Otay Valley Road) be increased from 30 m.p.h. to 35 m.p.h. and the speed limit on Otay Valley Road between Brandywine Avenue and Nirvana Avenue be increased from 45 m.p.h. to 50 m.p.h. Staff rec{unmends Council place the ordinance i~n tirst reading. (Director of Public Works) 7. RESOLUTION 18229 APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY FOR THE YMCA'S USE OF TIlE FUTURE LIBRARY SITE Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 3 AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF EAST "H" STREET AND PASEO RANCHERO - Due to the imminent construction of the new YMCA facilities, the YMCA wishes to lease the future library site and temporarily move the soccer field to the site. The lease is liar two years, with a one-year option to renew. The rent shall be one dollar pa year and the YMCA will be responsible fi>r all site improve~nents. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Library Director) * * END OF CONSENT CALENDAR * * PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES 8. PUBLIC HEARING CONSIDERING AMENDMENT NUMBER 14 TO THE CERTIFIED LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) MODIFYING SIGN REGULATIONS FOR THE INLAND PARCEL, SUBAREA 4 OF THE COASTAL ZONE - An amendment to the LCP has been prepared to modify, the sign regnlations fi~r the Inland Parcel, Subarea 4 of the Coastal Zone. The amendment modifies the sign regulations for the Inland Parcel by deleting the 10 loot height limitation flit signs and allowing signs in Subarea 4 to be subject only to the sign requirements of the related Central Commercial Zone with the Precise Plan Modifying District and General Industrial Zone. Staff recommends Council place the ordinance tin first reading. (Director of Community Development) ORDINANCE 2665 AMENDING TIlE CERTIFIED LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IN ACCORDANCE WITH AMENDMENT 14 AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 19, SECTION 19.85.005 AND APPENDIX B, BAYFRONT SIGN PROGRAM, MODIFYING SIGN REGULATIONS FOR THE INLAND PARCEL, SUBAREA 4 OF THE CERTIFIED LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) (first readinl~) Councilmember Alevy stated he would abstain from participation in order to awfid a conflict of interest due to his emph>yment. This being the mnc and place as advertised~ th~ public hearing was declared open. There being no public testimony, the public hearing was declared closed. ORDINANCE 2665 PLACED ON FIRST READING BY COUNCILMEMBER PADILLA, reading of the text was waived, passed and approved 4-0-1 with Horton absent. 9. PUBLIC HEARING PMC-96-17; CONSIDERATION OF LOCAL/REGIONAL CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST FOR THE REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM - The Regional Growth Management Strategy which was prepared by the San Diego Associations of Governments (SANDAG) in response to voter approval of Proposition "C' in 1988 includes an annual "self certification" process tbr local and regional agencies attained via completion of a Local/Regional Consistency Checklist to determine their consistency with the standards, objectives and recommended actions for nine Quality of Life factors contained therein. Chula Vista is in substantial compliance with a majority of the checklist items. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Director of Planning) Cnntinued from the meeting of 2/27/96. RESOLUTION 18230 TRANSMITTING THE LOCAL/REGIONAL CONSISTENCY CHECKLIST FOR THE REGIONAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND CONGESTION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM TO SANDAG Robert Lciter, Director of Planning, stated that Chula Vista was in compliance with the vast majority of the items on the self certification check list. The Land Use Distribution Element of the Growth Management Strategy had been added. 'Fh~ C~ty had not lilrmall~ amended th~ General Plan t~ include the element, but staff was using that element in their review of developlnent pn~jects. Thcretk>re, staff l~lt the City was consistent with those elements. This being the time and place as advertised. the public hearing was declared open. There being no public testimony, the pnblic hearing was declared closed. RESOLUTION 18230 OFFERED BY COUNCILMEMBER RINDONE, reading of the text was waived. Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 4 Mayor Pro Tem Moot referred to the agricultural/rural land preservation and stated that it appeared the County had taken the position that the RMP t~r the Otay Ranch pr¢~ject was the functional equivalent. He requested clarification. Mr. Letter responded that the RM P liar the Otay Ranch project had policies that made sure that until certain portions of the Otay Ranch developed, they would continue agricultural uses. They telt it conl~rmed to the princspals of agricultural preservation in the regional Growth Management Strategy. Mayor Pro Tem Moot stated that incentives tier cities that complied with the element were not included in the plan. He questioned why it was not part of the plan. Mr. Letter responded that the Land Use Distribution Element did include discussion regarding incentives and encouraged various regional agencies to include those incentives when they updated their plans. Mayor Pro Tem Moot felt the incentives should be included, especially regarding housing elements. Chula Vista complied with the restrictions and there should be incentives for other cities that were not as ready to comply. It should be formally added to the plan. Councilmember Padilia stated the proposal was to have something above the county's Trip Reduction ordinance, which satisfied California's Congestion Management statutes. Mr. Letter replied that was correct, they were looking tier cities to adopt an ordinance that would set up specific trip reduction elements, i.e. van pooling, car pooling, etc. It would not .iust apply to cities. but also to all major employers within the cities. VOTE ON RESOLUTION 18230: appruved 3-0-1-1 with Ilurtun absent und Alevy abstaining. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS~ ® Robert Richards, 707 Sundance Court, Chula Vista, CA, representing the Sweetwater Kiwanis, inf~rmed Council that they had obtained a permit fi~r one week ta hold a fund raising carnival at the new WalMart site. They had just been infi~rmed that the carnival owner would be able to extend the carnival liar one additional week, but their permit was for one week only. He reqnested that Council extend their permit tier one week thrlmgh Sunday. Funds would be used for youth activities in the Southbay. Mr. Goss stated staff had been conferring with the City Attorney regarding the issue and he had been advised that the Zoning Administrator could handle the request administratively. The City had not received negative feedback regarding the carnival. Unless otherwise directed he would authorize the extension administratively. Mayor Pro Tem Moot felt the handling of the request administratively would be appropriate. · David O. Allen, 4139 Mt. Herbert Avenue, San Diego, CA, Sweetwater Kiwanis, thanked Council fbr their action. BOARD AND COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS None submitted. ACTION ITEMS 10. ORDINANCE 2666 AMENDING SCHEDULE IX, SECTION 10.48.030 OF TIlE MUNICIPAL CODE - INCREASING STATE LAW SPEED LIMITS IN CERTAIN AREAS FROM 30 M.P.H. AND ESTABLISHING A SPEED LIMIT OF 35 M.P.H. ON EAST "J" STREET FROM HILLTOP DRIVE TO CASSIA PLACE (first reading} - Based on the provisions of the California Vehicle Code Section 40803, and pursuant to authority under the Municipal Code Section 10.48.030, staff has determined that in the interest of minimizing traffic hazards and traffic congestion, and fi~r the promotion of public safety, the speed limit on East Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 5 "J" Street between Hilltop Drive and Cassia Place be increased from 30 M.P.H. to 35 M.P.H. Staff recommends Council place the ordinance on first reading. (Director of Public Works) Mayor Pm Tem Moot stated his residence was located on Cassia Place and r~luested an opinion from the City Attorney regarding his abstentitm. Mr. Boogaard recommended that Mayor Pro Tern Moot abstain from participation. Mayor Pro Tern Moot passed the gavel to Councilmember Pad ilia and leli the dais. · Steve Letchworth, 600 East "J" Street, Chtda Vista, CA, stated he reluctantly supported the staff recommendation t~ raise the speed limit. He f~lt the authority of the Council and the will of the community to regulate the speeds within the City had be~n usurped by the inadequacies of the Vehicle Code which allowed local magistrates to ignore individual street and road conditions and relied too heavily on the 851h percenttie for enforcement. He was adamantly opposed to higher speeds on East "J" Street, but it was obvious that if the speed limit was not adopted there conld be no effective enforcement of the speed limit. He urged Council to accept the Safety Commission and staff recommendat.ms to increase the speed to 35 mph. He further requested that Council seek a review and revision to the Vehicle Code with the ol2iective nf strengthening the requirements l-i~r magistrates to consider local conditions. Cliff Swanson, Deputy Director ot Public Works/City Engineer, stated the item was necessary to increase the posted speed limit to conli>rm with State law and the recent traffic and engineering study. The study indicated that the 851h percenttie speed was between 36-38 ~nph, therefi~re, the posted speed litnit had to he increased to 35 mph in order to enforce the limit by radar. Councilmember Rindone stated he did not support ~ncreasing the speed limit. There were two schools in the area and the street cnrved and sloped which he f~lt could be dangerous. No one wanted a situation where law enforcement could not penalize excessive speeds. He questioned the impacts it Council did not raise the speed limit due to satiety issues and tried to find an alternative. Mr. Swanson responded that the school zone and 25 mph limit would continue to he in effect when children were present. The increased speed funit would tlnly be applicable when children were not present. Staff studied the alignment, btlth horizontal and vertical, and `'vith the exception of one vertical curve by Gretchen, the design speed was 40 mph. Based {in th{,,c tactors It was stafl's beliet that the court would throw out citations as the engineering and traffic study was insutfic~ent to post a lower speed. Councilmember Rindone lblt everyone was trustrated because the City's hands were tied. He questioned if the speed was Ictt at 30 mph it' speeders over 40 mph could be prosecuted as they were way over the 851h percenttie. The City had to raise the speed '.,'hen they knew that it was not in the best interest of the community, schools, or residents in the area. Mr. Boogaard stated he was rarely involved in speeding cases and hc was not thmiliar with what the courts would do. Councilmember Alevy stated he agreed with Councihnember Rindone. It was a residential street with children in the area. He t~lt the City had their hands tied by a State code, bnt he was not com~rtable in taking action without hearing a report fi'om traffic enforcement. He requested a report back frown staff regarding the possibility of a specific waiver tbr the neighborhood which wonld allow the 30 mph speed limit and still allow enforcement. Councilmember Padilia stated it was a difficult issue and explained the need ~r an engineering and traffic survey and the 851h percenttie in order to enli~rce the speed laws. The courts would require a lot more evidence for anything under the 851h percenttie. Enti~rceability became a lot easier with radar. Councilmen~her Alevy staled he wanted infilrn~ation as to whether the City could en~>rce the speed with radar if the speed was kept at 30 mph. He wanted to do whatever needed to be done to give the police department the ability to enli>rce thv speed limit. If there was no way that ctRmld be done, he would recommend Council pass the resolution, hut if there was a possibility that a waiver or something snnilar would allow entbrcement at 30 mph he would recommend a continuance ti~r one week to obtain that inlk~rmation. Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 6 Mr. Swanson stated there was no way the City could enforce the lower speed limits. Based on what he had heard and on past studies, he did not believe that any speed could be enli~rced with radar at the present speed limit. Based on past traffic studies and speed surveys, the posting of a speed lin~it or raising of a speed limit did not change the speed in which drivers would drive, but the police department would be able to enl~rce the 35 mph speed limit with radar. Mr. Goss stated Mr. Letchworth had been through all the public hearings with the Safety Commission and had a good understanding of the issues and had reluctantly recomnqended the change in the speed limit due to enfi~rcement. He also recommended that the City contact State legislators to see it' the law could be changed to allow .judges to take into account local conditions as well as the speed limit. Councilmember Rindone felt the only prudent action for Council was tl~ approve stafl's recommendation. The City should be vigilant in seeking an alternative or change in State taw. MOTION: (Rindone) place Ordinance 2666 on first reading; direct staff to pursue legislative relief, or other similar options, and report back to Council in nu less than 90 days. Notification to be sent to residents fronting East "J" Street infiwming them: I) that Council actim~ was due tn sal'ety issueq 2) would allow enforcement of the speed limit; and 3) that Council was pursuing options tu retain local authority. VOTE ON MOTION: appruved 3-0-1-1 with Muut abstaining aud ]tnrtun absent. I 1. REPORT ESTABLISHING TRIAL TRAFFIC REGULATION NUMBER 145 - TWO-HOUR PARKING LIMIT 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M., EXCEPT ON SUNDAYS AND PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF KEARNEY STREET BETWEEN THIRD AVENUE AND CHURCH AVENUE - Staff has received a written request from the owner of the commercial building at 745 Third Avenue, which has businesses that front on Keamey Street, to provide time limited parking on the westerly portion of the two hundred block of Keamey Street, citing the need fbr short term parking. Staff has determined the need to establish a time limited, two-hour parking zone on the north side of Kearney Street between Third Avenue and Church Avenue. Staff recommends Council accept the report and establish a Trial Traffic Regulation. (Director nf Public Works) Those speaking in support of the staff recommendation were: ® Elizabeth Chow Lee, 745 Third Avenue. Chula Vista. CA, owner of beauty shop, stated her business could not survive without a place f~r her customers tl~ park. · Oscar Polster, 908 Nacion Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, stated his wife was a cosmetologist at the beauty salon. The cosmetologists were losing customers due t~} the lack of parking. The postal workers parked in the area along with workers on Third Street. Those speaking in opposition of the staff recommendation were: · Amy Holt, 745 Church Street, Chula Vista, CA, t~lt that the parking would then be ti~rced into the residential areas and block access to their homes. · Pandra Boyle, 739 Church Street. Chula Vista, CA, limit the sat~ty and general community f~eling of the residential area would be threatened if businesses were allowed to move their parking problems into residential areas. They currently had problems with parking due to the parole office. She noted the beauty shop had its own parking lot which was often empty. Mrs. Lee also rented office space to people that were parking in their neighborhood. She did not believe they were losing customers only due to parking problems. · Joan Berg, 270 Kearney Street, Chula Vista, CA, felt that the parking would be li~rced into the residential areas. She noted that the parole office, Park Plaza, and Post Office employees parked in the area and that the top level of the parking garage was seldom l'ull. She had been told that the people going to the parole office were not allowed to park in the parking structure. Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 7 ® Laura Fontana, 732 Church Avenue, Chnla Vista, CA, felt it would result in more traffic in the residential areas. She noted there were a lot of children in the neighborhood and expressed her concern tier their safety. · Sue Durant, 733 Church Avenue, Chula Vista, CA, stated the probation office and Post Office should provide parking tier their employees. She was opposed to increased traffic in their neighborhood. Councilmember Padilia questioned if the parole department had stated where they provided parking for their customers. Cliff Swans<m, Deputy Directo~ uf Public Works/City Engineer, responded that n was his understanding that they had stated they provided parking. but could mlt fi~rce peuple to park there. Councilmember Padilia questioned if the parking structure was restricted to only those businesses in the office building. Mr. Swanson responded that it was a private parking structure only open to those utilizing offices in the business complex. Start had explored alternatives, i.e. expand the two hour parking limit to Church Avenue and Kearney Avenue and give residents parking stickers. That had been done in other areas and allowed residents to park in the area, but kept long term parking out. Councilmember Padilia stated if there was available parking in the parking structure the other businesses should talk to the owner to work out an arrangement t~r designated areas ~r parking. He felt that should be looked at first before restricting parking in the residential areas. Councilmember Alevy tl:lt it was a problem inherent when bnsinesses were allowed in residential zones. He questioned ll' the City reqmred a certain threshold for parking. Mr. Swanson responded that ira new business went into a new building there were parking requirements. If it was an old contintUng business they cuuld hav~ been grandfathered. He was not aware of the circumstances at that site; Planning wonld have tl~ address tht,se issues. Councilmember Alevy requested that the allegation that vacant spaces were available at the back of the beauty shop be addressed. Mr. Polster resptmded that the salon and an import/export business utihzed the parking in the back. There were times when there were spaces available, but most iff the time those spaces were utilized. Councilmember Alevy qnestioned if any~lne had talked to the owner of the parking structure. Mr. Polster responded that he wa~, not aware of any contact made with the owner. Councilmember Alevy felt there were tlnanswered questions and that the item shotdd be continued in order to be fair to everyone. He also t~lt that the Post Office and parole office should be contacted regarding their employee parking. Mayor Pro Tt.m Moot agreed with Councilmember Alevy's comments. He t~lt the residents and business owners should meet m order to reach a compromise. He requested that staff arrange a meeting and bring the item back to Council in a short period of tinge. Councilmember Rindone stated that Conncd wtmld not accept, under any c~rcumstancc, providing ti}r the additional eight parking spaces while not doing anything to protect the residents of Church Avenue. Relocating the parking problem to another neighborhood ~vas not acceptable. M inures March 12, 1996 Page 8 MS (Rindone/Moot) to refer the item back to stafr to help expedite a solutim~ with a repnrt back tn Council in three week~ nr le~s. Councilmember Alevy requested that staff: 1) meet with the Post Ofrice and parole office to make sure that their parking was not impacting the neighborhoods; and 2) the owner of the beauty parlor meet with the owner of the parking structure to see if an arrangement could be agreed upon. VOTE ON MOTION: approved 4-0-1 with tlorton absent. ITEMS PULLED FROM TIlE CONSENT CALENDAR Item pulled: 5c. The minutes will retlect the published agenda order. OTilER BUSINESS 12. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT(S) a. Scheduling of meetings. b. Mr. Goss intbrmed Council that the remote cameras fi>r the cable service had been installed. c. Mr. Goss announced that the Chula Vista Literacy Team Center was awarded lirst place li>r Exemplary Literacy Program. It was the first statewide competition among community based literacy programs. James Shoults received the first place award in the Family Literacy Learner category. 13. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) - None 14. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Padilia · Councilmember Padilia stated it was important to note that there was a large number or city employees that worked hard and diligently to make the organization a good organization. Those emph~yees were the greatest asset any organization could have. Councilmember Rindone · 1995 ACES (Assuring Compliance with the Energy Standards) Award - City of Chula Vista Building Department. Councilmember Rindone recognized Ken Larsen as the Director of Building and Housing Department. The Chula Vista Building and Housing Department was the lirst to receive the new award. Ken Larsen, Director of Building and Housing, noted that he was only one of many in the department. The California Energy Commission would be presenting the award to the Mayor and Council on April 9th. Councilmember Alevy · Councilmember Alevy expressed his concern regarding violations of the political sign ordinance by candidates for office outside of the City. Minutes March 12, 1996 Page 9 Ken Larsen, Director of Building and Housing, reviewed the City's enlbrcement policies. The City was currently removing up to 160-170 illegal signs per day. The campaign managers of all the campaigns had been contacted and given the sign regulations. Councilmember Alevy tblt stnncthing should he done to hold those candidates tbr off'ice outside of the City accountable, t.e. imposition of fines or thll cost recovery lbr staff time utilized in removing illegal signs. AD.IOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT AT 9:58 P.M. to the Regular City Council Meeting on March 19, 1996 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. CLOSED SESSION Council met in Closed Session at 7:58 p.m. and reconvened at 9:58 p.m. 15. CONFERENCE WITII LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING - Existing litigation pursuant to Govermnent Code Sectinn 54956.9 · Christopher vs. the City of Chula Vista. · Chula Vista and nine other cities vs. the County of San Diego regarding solid waste issues (trash litigation). · SNMB, L.P. vs. the City otChula Vista. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR - Pursuant to Govermnent Cnde Section 54956.8 · Properly: Approxm~atdy 72.5 acres of property located at the southwest quadrant of Otay Valley Road and Otay Rio Road, Chula Vista. Negotiating parhes: City c~l Chula Vista, Alisos Company, and MCA Concerts, Inc. Under neg~matitln: Extension of escrow lbr Ground Lease, Tri-Party Agreement and Sublease Agreements fi~r the above-d~scribed property proposed tbr development into a 20,000 seat amphitheater. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Pursuant to Gnvernment Code Section 54957.6 · Agency negotiator: John Goss or dcsignee liar CVEA, WCE, POA, IAFF, Executive Management, M id-Managcment, and Unreprcsentcd. Employee organization: Chula Vista Employees Association (CVEA) and Western Council of Engineers (WCE), Police Officers Association (POA) and International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF). Unrepresented employee: Execntive Management, Mid-Management, and Unrepresented. 16. REPORT OF ACTIONS TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION - No reportable actions were taken in Closed Session. by: RespectIhlly sub~nitted, BEVERLY A. AUTH ELET, CMC/AAE, City Clerk Vicki C. SoderTluist. CMCL.~uty City Clerk