HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1997/01/25Saturday, January 25, 1997 9:19 a.m. Minutes of a Special Meeting/Workscssion of the Chula Vista City Council CALL TO ORDER Council Conterence Room Administration Building ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: Councilmembers Moot, Padilia, Rindone, Salas, and Mayor Herton. None John D. Goss, City Manager; Sid Morris, Assistant City Manager: George Krempl, Deputy City Manager: Ann Y. Moore. Assistant City Attorney: Dawn Herring, Bud.~ct Manager: Beverly A. Authelet, City Clerk: and Michelle Moomaugh. Facilitator. BUSINESS 1. REPORT ESTABLISHING CITY COUNCIL PRIORITIES - Meeting continued from the special meeting/worksession of 1/9/97. The meeting opened with Michelle Moomaugh, Facilitator, going over the list t>t things which Council wanted accomplish during these sessions which were established last meeting. They were: Framework tbr staff' of a lbw goals to provide top priority Identity longer term goals (2-3 years) with one year milestones Build in a review process/br the guals annually/biannually Look at City Manager/staff goals and pare them down Mayor Herton expressed that the City has been on the cutting edge of a lot of the issues such as planning and technology. She felt that one of our shortcomings was that wc are not going tt~ meet our technological needs as wc enter the 21st Century. We need computers and need to upgrade the technology eqnipment at City Hall. Wc need to focus on positioning ourselves so that we are prepared to enter the 21st Century. This has been weakened and constrained because of the lack of funds. but we need to start making this a priln'lty. Councilmember Rindone agreed with the concept, but limit it crossed over intt~ other areas. If someone wanted propose how to phrase it to see that it is net mutually exclusive from some of the others. Mayor Herton felt it might be included in a mission statement because it encompasses more than technology. Councilmember Padilia felt a title could bc "Modernizing or Updating Municipal lnfastructure or Capital Assets". He suggested that this might be a particular objective that may fall within a broad nmbrelta having to do with certain things which the Council may want to accomplish internally. Councilwoman Salas agreed that it was important. In talking with staff, their computers arc about ten years behind: this is a handicap. Councilmember Moot tblt it cuuld be put under Municipal Administrative Policies, Procedures, and Infrastructure. ,41Drifts January 2.5, 1997 Page 2 Mayor Horton stated that this should be the umbrella of the umbrellas because that is our immediate long-term goal. We want to position ourselves to be the best that we can he as we enter the 21st Century. Then there are all these other categories to get us to our goal. Councilmember Padilia tblt Council should come up with an organization-wide mission statement that is universal. Ciluncil discussed and refined the following umbrella and "goal areas": In i}rder to be the best the City of Chula Vista can he in preparation for the 21st Century, the tbllowing goal areas are proposed: ® Insure Long-term Financial Stability · Promote Economic Development · Promotion of Quality of Life Indicators · Evaluate and Assess Land Use and Planning · Update Administrative Policy and Procedures · Promotc and Influence Regional Issues * * * Council took a break at 10:15 a.m. * * * The meeting reconvened at 10:30 a.m. Council reviewed the subheadings under the goal, Insure Long-term Financial Stability, which was discussed at the 1/9/97 workshop. Discussion fi~llowed as to what should be included. Insure Long-term Financial Stabilitv Balance the budget Improving Revunues Reducing Expenditures Reducing Reliance on One-Time Revenues Councilman Padilia stated he would like to begin the process of examining a multi-year budget process. Mr. Goss stated he has seen this in other cities and had some reservations about this. Our Charter provides that there be an annual budget submitted. He suggested that what may be better is to have an annual budget with draft budgets which would be a planning tool tbr years 2 and 3. Councilman Padilia stated he would also like to examine initiating a three to five year Financial Plan to include examination of an investment policy, examination of potential revenue streams, and examination of future needs assessments. The financial plan would address where we want to take the City financially in the next five years. The third thing he wanted to examine was better utilization and understanding of a Performance Based Budgets which has to include establishing some measures/standards t-br evaluating the effectiveness of the organization and tying it into where you allocate resources. Councilman Moot suggested the tbllowing titles: "Study a Multi-Year Budget Process, Implement a Three-Year Financial Plan, and Further Utilize a Performance-Based Budget" Minutes January 25, 1997 Page 3 Promoting Business Projects: Mr. Goss stated that he did not want to lose this issue. Councilman Moot stated that this was not economic development. It is restructuring our relationships with di~brent entities which does business with the City. Councilman Rindone stated that these were regional issues. He stated that he agreed with the City Manager: it was major and Council needs to focus on it because Council doesn't want to lose it. Council simply does not know which of the six goals to put it under. Mayor Horton felt that when we talk about improving revenues, it could be a subcategory under that. Mr. Goss stated that was line for some of them. He did not know where Council wanted to put Metro Sewer and Trash Negotiations because those are issues where we are restructuring, but at the same time it is an expenditure depending on hnw good of a deal we negotiate. Mayor Horton lblt that all of these might fit under Economic Development in a subcategory once we get to that. Promote Econonic Development: Councilman Rindone tblt what was most important was that we should identit}' 4-6 goals that are number one. Council concurred that the Bonita Hotel was one prqiect li}r staff to look Assistant City Attorney Moore stated that we have to be sure that ~ve d{in't nlakc a procommitment t,i a pl{!lccl. especially since there is already a project submitted. Putting a hotel in Bonita is too specific. Council discussed how to handle this since talking about something in tot~ general a term would be meaningless. They felt the purpose was to/bcus staff's eflbrts to examine certain prt~lects; a general direction to look at hotels in the City was worthless as a goal. Councilman Padilia stated Council needed to be goal specific not prqiect specific, so we won't open up the city to legal exposure. He suggested the tbllowing title: Bring a hotel/convention center to the City. After further discussion, Council concurred on the tbllowing: 1. Direct staff to attain a quality four star hotel/resorts within the City limits. 2. Establish a commercial/recreational/residential Bayfront project. 3. Complete "H" Street extension 4. Establish restaurant and commercial project adjacent to the Marina. Councilman Moot l~lt strongly that the Council needed to sit down with Rohr and the Port to develop a Committee to plan the Bayfront. Nobody on the Council is participating in this process. We are hearing individually about all these things going on. Just as the Council got together with the County to plan Otay Ranch. he felt Council needed to sit down with the Port and possibly Rohr to plan the Bayfront. Establish a .joint planning process with the Port Commission and other key stake holders 10r the Chula Vista Bayfront. M inntes January 25, 1997 Page 4 Cimncihnan Moot wanted to sec if we couldn't get a viable antopark in the MCA Amphitheater and Water Park area. Councilman Rindone stated what is needed is a master plan ti3r the area with restaurants, hotels, etc. There are two major recreational venues that will draw people, but there isn't adequate restaurants and hotels to serve the area. Mr. Goss stated he looked at this as an opportunity for a regional recreational/commercial area. Mayor Horton t~l t that the City needed to work on areas that will help complement the Autopark by putting an effort into getting other anto dealers to come into the area. We also needed to help the facilities that are there to become m{~rc ecnomicallv stable. She has heard that the Chevrolet dealership was not doing well. She felt that we should add slime monumentation signage tk~r the Autopark like she recently had seen in Tustin. Assistant City Manager Morris respllndcd that the City has committed to assist the auto dealers and they have comlnitted to spend "X" dollars to make it happen. Subsequently, we have MCA and the Water Park interested. Staff' is proceeding tt> work with theIn. Councilman Moot stated wc needed to bite the bullet now if we want to change the name of the road. Once MCA and the Water Park gets up and running and has completed all of their advertising, they will not want to change the name of the road. It ~nay already he too late. Depnty City Manager Krempl stated that ,-ve have conflicting interests if the road name changed. He was with NYPRO recently. and they stated if the street name changed, it would be key in them deciding to leave Chula Vista. Thev do not want to bc on Auto Park Road. Councilman Moot stated we need a name that is less conthsing. We have Otay Valley Road and Otay Lakes Road. Th~s may need to g~l to a consultant to give us some suggestions. C{mncilwoman Salas stated that if Council is thinking about going to an outside consultant, something which has worked in other com~nunities is ti'~r the commnnity to have a "Name the Road" contest. Mayor Horton stated just change the name to Main Street would be the easiest. It is easy to identify. C<mncdwt~man Salas agreed that would he the most logical and simplest to extend Main Street. After discussing the above, Council concurred with the liMlowing: 7. Develop a Master Plan liar the Otay Valley Road Area (For April workshop). a. Explore feasibility of expanding Autopark area of Amphitheater and Water Park. b. Improve/enhance signage. c. Quickly determine whether to change the street name. d. Determine identification/image of this area. * * * Council took a lunch break at 12:15 p.m. * * * The meeting reconvened at 12:30 p.m. Mayor Horton t~lt we needed to put some emphasis on Third Avenue in order to enhance the economic viability of the downtown area. Some do not want to invest any more money, but she felt the City is going to have to make Minutes January 25, 1997 Page 5 some sort of an investment with private participation. This needs to be a priority of the City. She suggested the title of Revitalization of Third Avenue. Councilman Rindone agreed. If not, the area will decay and become a ghetto. We will end up spending more money trying to rehabilitate the area if we don't do something now. There should be some particular emphasis north of Davidson where the Leader Department store is. That cormer lot needs improvement. Councilman Moot stated that one of the problems with the downtown is that there isn't any easy access: its not near any freeway exit. Mr. Goss stated that studies which have been done showed that the downtown area wasn*t a regional center; it is more of a neighborhood center. Mayor Horton stated that we need to find our own nitch. Recently she went to a League nf Cities fimction in La Mesa. She went through their downtown area on a Thursday evening which is comparable to downtown Third Avenue; it was packed with people. We need the Downtown Business Association and the Chamber of Conmmerce working together. Councilwoman Salas stated that a lot of cities have been successlh[ in revitalizing their downtown hy using the Main Street Program. it is actually a program which was formed on a Federal level, but also the State ot California hah a Main Street Program. The cities uf Coronado and Carlsbad has been very snccess~fi in using this approach. It takes a coordinated effbrt between all the business owners in the area. Councilman Moot stated that there are some that think the downtown area should be office and business uses instead of retail. He felt this should be looked at. After discussion, Council cuncurred to add, but to make it No. 6: 6. Explore Revitalization of Third Avenue. (For March workshop) Councilman Padilia stated that Broadway was a poor image fbr the entrance to the City. He t~lt the whtlle strip needed some kind nf master planning, marketing, and revitalization effilrt done tbr the west end. Mr. Goss suggested that we conld do something like what was done in the Montgomery area with the neighborhood revitalization program. In that process, the City tried to take things that we could do and identified communities to work on. There was a clear motivatiun because the people wanted to do something. Part of the problem on Third Avenue is that there is an unwillingness to use the parking lots, stay open beyond 5 or 6 p.m., or have a night where they are all open. There is not a lot of motivation. On Broadway he t~lt Council should go through the area and find out where the motivation is and then do something. He also stated that there is an area along Broadway where there is a lot of decaying trailer parks that are hacking up to the commercial strip. He t~lt that at some time this would lend itself to a redevelopment uf those areas. Mayor Horton fi:lt we needed to do some window dressing at the entries of these areas. She had talked with staff about setting up some type of a mitigation fund lbr low-income housing like th~ prQi~ct .lust approved m Rancho del Rey III. However, she had a prnblem spending so much money per unit. She would like to see the money and resources that we have better utilized. She was talking to staff about creating a mitigation fund and usin~e that money to rehabilitate homes in areas that really needed it. Plus, creating a DIF Fund tbr infrastructure needs. Councihnan Rindone emphasized that the issue is to pick a specific area on Broadway and go trot ~'om there. Hc suggested starting in the area where the Broadway Business Homes is developing. He also stated that when Feaster School expands, we need to look at all th~ bars across the street within 1,000 l~et of the school. Minntes January 25, 1997 Page 6 Mr. Gl~ss asked if he was saying fi~r staff to come back to Councd with some alternatives and options at a workshop m llrder to identify those areas of Broadway which are most in danger of falling over the edge and to see what can bc drone. Council responded, yes. Cimncil concurred to add the li~llowing: 8. Research Particular Areas of Broadway Needing Revitalization (to prevent deterioration) Focus im the Segment {~f the 4-5 mile Corridor (including old trailer parks and bars across the street from the public school) Illold a ;w~rkshop to discuss] Mayor Hotton requested that staff give Council a copy ~f the list which has been created to date and schedule another meeting. She l~lt Saturdays were more productive. Councihnan Rindone suggested that Chris Salomone. Bob Leiter, and John Lippitt be at the next workshop. Councilman Moot stated we don't have EastLake Business Park on the list (High Tech/Biotech). May{Jr Horton stated that the University shonld also be added to the list: Conncilman Rindone asked abont the Chula Vista Royal Vista hotel which is closed. He asked for an informational memo regarding this and on the Leader Department Store. The l~lh~wing is a snmmary {If the goals which Cormoil worked on during this meeting: · Insure Long-term Financial Stability I. Balance the Budget by a. Improving Revenues b. Reducing Expenditures c. Reducing Reliance on One-Time Revenues d. Continue to Bring RDA Out of Red 2. Study a Multi-Year Budget Process · Make recommendations 3. Implement a Three-Year Financial Plan a. Developing Investment Policy (3-5 years) b. Examine Potential Revenue Streams c. Examine future needs assessment 4. Continue Utilization of a Performance Based Budgeting a. Establish measures/standards b. How do we know when we "get there'?" ® Promote Economic Development 1. Attain quality 4-star Hotels/Resorts within the City limits 2. Establish a Commercial/Recreational/Residential Bayfront Project Mintires January 25, 1997 Page 7 3. Complete "H" Street Extension 4. Establish Restaurant and Commercial Project adjacent to Marina 5. Establish a .joint Planning Process with Port Commission and other key stake holders ti>r the Chula Vista Bayfront 6. Revitalization uf Third Avenue 7. Develop a Master Plan tbr Otay Valley Road Area a. Explore feasibility of expanding Autopark b. Improve/enhance signage c. Quickly determine whether to change street name d. Determine identity/image of this area 8. Research Particular Areas elf Broadway (to prevent deterioration) (ti~cus on one segment of the 4-5 mile corridor) 9. EastLake Business Park 10. University · Promotion of Quality of Life Indicators · Evaluate and Assess Land Use and Planning · Update Administrative Policy and Procedures · Promote and Influence Regional Issues Council concurred that once this has been cmnpleted, Council needed to get both staff's input and the public's input. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted. Beverly A. Authelct, CMC/AAE City Clerk