Monday, June 9, i997
6:02 p.m.
Council Conference Room
Administration Building
Councihnembers: Moot, Padilla, Rindone, Salas, and Mayor Horton.
Councihnembers: None
City Manager, John D. Goss; City Attorney, John M. Kaheny; and City Clerk,
Beverly A. Authelet.
2. REVIEW OF DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS: Supplemental Budget Reports and Carryovers.
Councilmember Salas asked if we had general fund monies, in addition to the CDBG, going to things like the
therapeutics program.
Mr. Goss stated that in some cases like the code enforcement program, it was in the block grant, but there was also
proposed a t~e that could provide further support for the community appearance program. That would not be an
additional fund revenue, hnt would he a t~e. In terms of the therapeutics program, this would be the entire amount.
There is no other general fund money other than the general supervision that is provided in the Parks and Recreation
Department for all programs. This program was originally funded at $35,000 level it was cut back to $15,000
level, and is now proposed to go back to $25,000 level. Since then a couple of things have happened, such as Camp
Sunrise that used to be general fund supported for two weeks, is now for one week, but there are donations and l~es
fi>r the other week. There are other programs where there are t~es charged for additional support.
Ms. Herring stated that the intent was the amount that we had budgeted, $25,000, would supplement the $7,480.
What we usually do is budget the full amount that we are going to pay in the general fund and then we reimburse
from CDBG whatever amoont is going to be reimbursed. So the general fund reflects the full amount.
Councihnember Moot stated that the total budgeted an~ount for therapeutics if we included the $25,000 t~om CDBG,
would bring that program to a total iff $35,000'?
Mr. Goss stated we should trail this item so that budget staff could check this. He thrther stated that what was still
on the Wish List were: (1) the Administrative Secretary for Parks and Recreation. For this it is suggested that
the existing Administrative Secretary from Community Development be transferred to Parks and Recreation and in
exchange that some funding used for clerical support in Parks and Recreation would go to Community Development
to upgrade a position and for a computer. There is also a vacant clerical position in Community Development that
would be filled. (2) Staff has identified that sume additional hours tier HVAC be included because we have
significant growth in the amount of HVACs in the City and have the inability to really adequately maintain them.
Therefore~ we are starting to see some prublems. (3) Finally. although not on the Wish List, staff is proprising to
add another landscape architecture position althuugh it may be a temporary expert professional. It is important to
have the funding in the budget. Because there will be a full cost recovery thctor, there will be a revenue officer of
approximately $20.000.
Councilmember Moot stated that under the full cost recovery program, this position will pay for itself. It will be
a plus to the spending side~ but an equal amount on the revenue side.
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Mr. Goss replied yes as many of our positions do. The position is actually generating $20,000 in revenue over and
above the expenditure.
Therapeutics Program:
Councilmember Moot stated that last year the therapeutics program was from general fhnd support and CDBG and
the total budget amount was $20,855. So this year if we fimd it out of CDBG to the tnne of $25,000, it will be
an increase from what it was fitnded last year.
Councilmember Padilia asked are we going to have a therapeutics program that is back to 100% or one at reduced
service levels.
Mr. Goss stated that it will be significantly improved, but whether it will be back to the same level, he did not
'know. To get back to the $35,000 amount, ronghly it would take the $25,000 in block grant, $5,000 to $7,000 in
general fund, and tbes and donations should take care of the rest.
Councilmember Moot stated that it appears if we budget $4~000 from general funds taking into consideration the
$6,000 raised in fees and the CDBG amount, it would be back at the $35,000 level.
Mr. Goss replied, roughly yes. He went on to state that we now have unlhnded froln the Wish List the additional
hours at South Chula Vista Library, the Juvenile Diversion Counseling request by South Bay Community Services,
and the Afterschool Program at the remaining schools two days per week.
Mayor Horton stated that with the additional $15,000 that we fbnnd, we conld fund the Juvenile Diversion program.
Exchange Program:
Councilmember Moot stated he did not understand the exchange prograln between Community Development and
Parks and Recreation. Also, is the vacant clerk position in Community Development ti~nded at the same level as
the Administrative Secretary.
Mr. Goss stated that the position and dollars were removed from one department to the other. The two positions
are not the same level. The vacant clerical position is already there.
Councilmember Moot clarified so the Conmmnity Development Department had two clerical positions with no one
occupying the positions.
Ms. Herring stated that they have five clerical positions and at this point, two of those are vacant.
Mr. Goss stated that they will be filling those vacant positions. There is currently an occupied position,
Adnfinistrative Secretary level, that is agreed between the two department heads to move over to Parks and
Councilmember Moot clarified that the clerical positions in the Community Develnpment are funded but not filled.
Chris Salomone, Conununity Development Director. stated that was correct. They have hired a number of
prot~ssional staff over the past two years. During that period, they have always had vacancies in the five-member
support staff. The professional staff that we have been hiring are computer literate and do a lot of their own work.
Therefore, they think the ability to fill the other vacant position, trans/~r the Adn~nistrative Secretary, and receive
some money from Parks and Recreation in that swap allows them to upgrade one of their other support staff and
buy another computer. It is a win-win for both departments.
Mr. Goss stated that you have a Community Development Department that is more interested in technology and
what has happened in Parks and Recreation is that they had a couple of clerical positions plus $10,000 fi~r part-time
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hours in lieu of the Administrative Secretary. They are giving the part-time hours to Community Development in
exchange for the Administrative Secretary position.
Councilmember Rindone asked if the Community Development Department would be without an Administrative
Mr. Salomone stated that they actually have two Administrative Secretary positions in their department. They will
be giving up une of those and will be filling one that has been held with a temporary person permanently and
upgrading one of their other clerical positions.
Councihnember Rindone stated he did not see why this did not get flushed out earlier because when it came to
Council on the Wish List, he thought that perhaps this could be filled with someone from another department, but
the response was that Parks and Recreation was the only one that didn't have an Administrative Secretary. It
seemed logical to him if a department had two and everyone else had one and one had none, then this would have
been done originally.
Mr. Goss stated that they had two Administrative Secretaries, and they also have a position above it which is
Secretary to the Redevelopment Agency. The point is that they have had a need fi/r that level of clerical staff.
Normally, departments are not willing to give up their clerical support.
The meeting was opened to the following speakers:
· Kathy Lembo, 315 Fourth Avenne, Chula Vista, representing South Bay Community Services, stated the
request on the Wish List for $9,000 is an increase in the City's contract, but not an increase in the Juvenile
Diversion prograin. Several years ago, when she spoke to City Council they had an 89% success rate on young
pexaple not being arrested again the second time. What they have been able to do in partnership with the Police
Department was to get some State money. That State money is starting to decline, so the $9,000 is part of the
decline Ii'om the State. With the State money, they have been able to add staff and intensity of services. They have
brought the success rate tip to 94%. So 94% of the 700 kids who get served by the diversion program each year
do not get re-arrested. The kids who fit the profile and most likely to get re-arrested. that was developed by Orange
County. have a 90% success rate. If they do not get the $9,000, they will have to decrease service level and
intensity, so there will be a waiting list again and they won't be able to do the kind of intensity service that they
do with those kids who fit the profile uf most likely to be re-arrested.
· Rod Davis, 233 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, representing the Chamber nf Commerce, addressed the lack
of service that he perceives we are receiving li-om the two Econlm~ic Devdopment Commissions to which we spend
money. He requested Council to reconsider whether or not this is a good investment. He felt there was a
tremendous amount that the City could dn with the money that we were giving away, and in his opinion, that we
are not getting a return on. He also stated how impl~rtant good public relations are, what he felt was a good return
on investments that we are getting fi~r spending on press releases. He felt we were "bargain basement" in
comparison to what other cities are spending on advertising themselves and yet don't have what we have to offer.
Councilmember Salas l~lt that his representation that there is "no value" was a little off base. She limit that we had
to work in cooperation with other organizations. If we are going to be making a decision as to whether to cut or
not, then the South County EDC really represents the interests of Chula Vista just based on their mission to bring
economic development activities to the South Bay.
Mayor Horton stated that she was not going tu be supporting the recommendation of $10,000 to be given to the San
Diego EDC, however, she did l~el that there are benefits to otlr relationship with South County EDC. She felt we
should keep the $1,000 membership l~e lilr San Diego EDC in place because we shotlld be at the same place with
every other city who is participating.
Councilmember Salas i~'lt that Council was looking at the two EDCs as if they were the same; they are not. They
are distinctly different. When yon are looking at the San Diego EDC, we are giving them $10,000. The City of
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San Diego is giving them $697,000. Then you know where the ti~cus of their service is going to be. With the
South County EDC, they are truly dedicated to serving this region. Another thing which is happening with the
South County EDC is they are in the process of finalizing a study which is already bringing results. The
comprehensive study that identifies the market for products in Tijuana. It is something which we can use as a tool
to bring those suppliers here to create jobs. Therefi~re, you are talking about two different EDCs with two very
different functions and with two very different commitments to the wellhre of Chula Vista.
MS (Rindone/Padilla) to retain membership in San Diego EDC for $1,000 and keep the full funding of $7,500
for South County EDC for FY 97/98 and that the issue of $10,000 for ConVis membership return tn Council
for discussion.
· Jane Senago Cox, representing San Diego EDC, stated that they did not service the City of San Diego first.
Their base is the client. They have worked with 150 new companies this year and worked with the cities as to the
needs that those companies have. They have done over 335 surveys which have all been sent to the City of Chula
Vista ti~r response of which half has been responded to. That inti~rmation is then sent to the client and the client
decides site versus other thctors as to where they want to go. It is exposure that the whole region gets. It is not
necessarily which companies come into this area. Jobs are being created which go into cities.
Councilmember Salas stated she would like to make a friendly amendment to the motion to bring up the litnding
to the South County EDC to a level of $10,000 and give the balance of the remaining monies to Conununity
Development for their own economic development et~i~rts.
Councilmember Rindone stated he had no problem of adjusting the South County EDC to $10,000 because that is
money here at home first. He did not know what the other needs were in Community Development that is a higher
priority than some of the other priorities that we have. He asked if Ms. Salas would oft~r a substitute motion for
.just the $10,000 and then take a look at some intbrmation that we get back as to where Community Development
Councilmember Salas stated she was willing to amend the motion so that we are still reserving the $6,500 balance
for a litture decision.
Motion carried unanimously 5-0.
Budget Supplemental #21 - Third Avenue Street Lighting
MSUC (Rindone/Moot) to accept Supplemental Budget Report #21 ~w inti~rmation and direct staff to find
an alternative funding source, work with the DBA, come up with a plan and come back to the Council fur
Budjet Supplemental #19 - City Promotion and Economic Development Marketing
Mr. Goss recommended that the $6,500 which Council had saved previously that it could be put into this account.
Mr. Salomone stated that Economic Development is driven by opportunity. If money were in that account. they
could also make discretionary decisions throughout the year.
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MSUC (Moot/Padilla) to put $6,500 intn the Professional Services, Advertising, Travel, Conferences, and
Promotion accounts to be used at the discretinn nf the Community Develnpment Director.
Councilmember Rindone stated that the purpose of the referral when it was made was to look at what we have and
staff has done that, but the other purpose was to see what new marketing strategy we can develop to be aggressive.
He felt that the report has accomplished the first objective, but he would like to refer this back to staff and the
Chamber and look at the entire area. He wasn't interested in taking any money away. He was interested in looking
at how we are doing it and look at the big picture and to give time to redesign a serious marketing strategy in Chula
Vista. He oft~red as a staff referral to this budget fi~r the first quarter of the year and then to come back within
90 days to look at the balance with the picture looking towards redesigning and attracting tourists to Chula Vista.
M (Rindone) tn nffer staff referral nn the item he had befiwe and ask staff to come back within 6 months.
Mayor Hurton stated that she would support this but she would prefer staff take the time that is needed.
Councilmember Moot seconded the motion. If it was not achievable within that time fi'ame, then Council expected
to be notified.
Council decided no vote was necessary.
* * * Cnuncil adiuarned tn Clused Sessinn at 7:35 p.m. * * *
The City Council recunvened at 8:13 p.m.
MSUC (Rindnne/Hnrton) that the adiditnnal hours for the South Chula Vista Library be brnught back in 6-10
months and the middle school program be brought back in 3-6 months when the financial situation improves
during the fiscal year.
There were none.
The meeting at~ioumed at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfifily submitted,
Beverly A. Authelet, CMC/AAE
City Clerk