HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1997/08/19MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF CHIILA VISTA Tuesday, August 19, 1997 6:05 p.m. Council Chambers Puhlic Services Building CALL TO ORDER 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Col, lnc i J ille robe rs: Moot (arrived at 6:07 p.m.), Padilia, Rindone, Salas, and Mayor Horton. ABSENT: Councilmember: None ALSO PRESENT: City Manager, John D. Goss; City Attorney, John M. Kaheny; and City Clerk, Beverly A. Anthdet. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO TIlE FLAG, MOMENT OF SILENCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 5, 1997. MSC (Padilla/Rindone) to approve minutes of August 5, 1997. Motion carried 4-0-1 (Moot absent) * * * Moot arrived at 6:07 p.m. * * * 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY: a. Oath of Office: City Clerk Anthelet administered the Oath of Office to Barbara Worth, ex-ofticio member of the Housing Advisory Commission. b. Proclamation commending the Chula Vista Colt League San Diego County Section Champions. Mayor Horton presented the proclamation to David Samudio, President of the Chula Vista Colt League. c. Fran Larson, Chair, International Friendship Commission, introdnced the ~llo~ving foreign exchange students fi-om Sister City Odawara, Japan: Miwako Kimura, Junko Kurachi, Shiho Nishikawa, and Mariko Sano. Mayor Horton presented each one a C~rtificate of Recognition. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items indh,d.· 6) BALANCE OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR OFFERED BY MAYOR HORTON, headings read, texts waived, pa.v-sed and appn~ved unanimnusly 54). 5. WRITFEN COMMUNICATIONS: a. Letter fn~m the City Attorney sating that tn the hst of his knnwlLxlge frnm observance of ateotis taken in Closed Se~sinn on 8/12/97 in which the City Attnrney participated, that there were no rel~,rtable acfinns which are required under the Brown Act to be reported. The letter was received and filed. b. Letter frnm Anita Rivera, Commercial Sponsorship Specialist, Morale, Welfare and Recreation Division, Marine Cnrps Recruit Depot, requesting a cash sponsorship fnr the 1997 Military Children's Minutes August 19, 1997 Page 2 Christmas Party. The request was deuied hecanse it did not meet the criteria for funding organizations established in Council Policy 159-02 since Ihere was no "tangible benetlt to the City. Althongh this was a worthy cause, traditionally the Council has uol fuuded requests of tbls nature except thruugh Community Development Black Grant funds. 6. RESOLUTION 18761 WAIVING CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS AND APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH SMITH & KEMPTON FOR ADVOCACY AND PLANNING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES AND TIlE EASTERN CHULA VISTA STRATEGIC PLAN AND APPROPRIATING $110,000 FROM TIlE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE FUND - On 8/8/95. Council approved ao agreement with Smith & Kempton to imple~nent steps in the East Chula Vista Strategic Plan. A signil*icant amonnt of progress hits beeo made towards completing the tasks. Additioual advocacy and consulting work re:nains to be coinpleled. Therc~re, a new coutract needs to be approved. Staff rectumhinds approval of tbe re. solutim~. (Directur uf Public Wurks) 4/Sth's w,te required. Item pulled by Conncihnember Moot. Councihne~nber M:~ot stated that part of Ihe c~mtract was goiug to ,ongoing design efforts fiw the Telegraph Canyon Road interchange at I-805. tte asked t'~w au explauatim~ of the pruposed design changes. Cliff Swanson, Deputy Public Works Direct, w/City Eugineer, siltted that this is an extensim~ to an existing contract. The City has hired the tlnn of Rick Engineering to do the design wurk and Smith and Kempton is acting as the project manager to help us get the project through Caltrans. The ultimate project will remove the trap lane ~r the east bound traffic. In clmnection with that, some of the things that the City has to do is tu widen both the northbound and southbound ramps so the tratlic doesn't backup outo the freeway during the rush hours. This has been reviewed by the properly owners, and a preliminary proposal hits been presented to the Cnuncil. Cimncilmember Muot stated that also included with the agreement was uegotiatiug issues inw~lving SR-125. What type of issues are they goiug to be m,gotialing for SR-125. Johu Lippitt, Public Works Director. re,sponded we have to enter into a freeway agreement with Caltrans, and we will also be dealing with special agreenteuts with CTV whn are the builders of the toll road. We will be looking at such thiugs as: hmv are they ~.iug to handle hindstaping; hmv are they going tu deal with providiug certain interchanges and what rmtds will they be leaving open and what unes will be clused; how costs are going tu be shared; and hoxv tolls are goin~ to be charged. Councihnember Moat stated that $91).000 xvas a lot of money to spend on a one-year agreetnent, and he asked that the appropriate persou reviews time records to make sure that we are getting value for our money and that we are not spending mute than is necessary to dn this. RESOLUTION 18761 OFFERED BY COUNCILMEMBER MOOT, ht~tding read, text waived, pa./sed and appn~ved unanimmtsly 5-0. 7. RESOLUTION 18762 ACCEFFING A GRANT FROM TIlE CALIFORNIA HEALTHY CITIES PROJECT FISCAL YEAR 1997/98, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING GRANT FUNDS FOR $33,500 TO IMPLEMENT THE CITY'S YOUTH TAKIN' ON TOBACCO GRANT - On 3/17/97, the California Healthy Cities Project aunouuced a grant award from the Tobacco ControI Section, California Department of Health Services. The grant will help participating Healthy Cities establish prugrams to discuurage tobacco use by youth. Due to the City's extensive inwfivement in the Healthy Cities program, the City hits beeu iuvited to apply for this tobacco grant. Staff recommends approval of the resolution. (Directur uf Parks. Recreatiun and Open Space) 4/5th's w~te required. * * * END OF CONSENT CALI'jNI)AR * * * Minutes August 19, 1997 Page 3 ORAL CO/MMUNICATIONS There were none. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES None submitted. BOARD AND COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS None submitted. ACTION ITEMS 8. RESOLUTION 18760 APPROPRIATING FUNDS FROM THE TRAFFIC SIGNAL FUND TO REIMBURSE DEVELOPER FOR COSTS INVOLVED WITH TRAFFIC SIGNAL RELOCATION AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIRD AVENUE AND PALOMAR STREET - Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), developer of the property at the southeast corner of Third Avenue and Palomar Street, plans to build a KFC fast tbod restaurant. As part of the development, KFC is required to widen both streets to meet current standards mandated in the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan. Part of that widening includes the relocation of the existing traffic signal standard on the corner. Staff recommends approval of the resoh~tion. (Director of Public Works) 4/Sth's vote required. Cnntim~ed from the meeting of 8/12/97. Councihnember Moot stated that he did determine that one of his partners, Rebecca Michaels, did do some work, although not directly related to this prqject, but on behalf of this franchisee. Therefbre, he would not be participating in the discussion and voting on this item. He left the dias. Councihne~nher Salas stated that there was a problem with the site in the way it relates to access to the Vons Shopping Center. Were they going to try to level that lot so there is not the step do~vn where people can't get from the bank lot to the Vons Shopping Center. Cliff Swanson, Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer, stated that the street work was ahnost done. The Kentucky Fried Chicken was open, so the lot may not change. RESOLUTION 18760 OFFERED BY MAYOR HORTON, headin~ read, text waived, passed and approved 4-0-0-1 (Moot abstaining). Councihnember Rindone requested the City Clerk's Office be sure that when there is a continued item, the materials from the previous meeting are included in Council packets along with any new materials. ITEMS PUI~LED FROM TIlE CONSENT CALENDAR (Item 6 was pulled from the Cnnsent Calendar, however, the minutes will retlect the published agenda order). OTIIER BUSINESS 9. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT(S) Mr. Goss presented a list of upcoming workshops: September I 1, October 9, and N~vember 13 to discuss ( 1 ) Goals lbllow-up, (2) Bayfront development, (3) Area surrounding water park, (4) Low/moderate housing: industrial land. The Mayor stated she would mlt be able to attend the November 13 workshop. Minutes Angust 19, 1997 Page 4 10. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) Mayor Horton stated that she was in receipt {if a letter fi-tm~ Supervisor Cox regarding tile 25th Anniversary of Bonitafest. As part of this year's celebration, tile County has allocated funding fi~r a fireworks display at Rohr Park on September 27. They were requesting the City's assistance in procuring additional police officers or reserves to help with traffic control and other issues at no cost to the County. She requested that staff come back with a report on how we can help out with this request. l i. COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilmember Padilia expressed thanks, on behalf of himself and his thmily, to the pnblic and staff tbr their sul~port and expressions of condolences ul~on the loss {ff his m{~ther. Councihnen~ber Rindone stated that he made a referral last week during closed session. He wanted to repeat it tar the public record. It was a referral to the City Attorney to ask him to take it to the Charter Review Commission and tn look at the potential of electing councilmembers from districts, I~ut the elections to be city-wide. All other rules to stay in place, i.e. there would have to be a majority of the electorate electing any councilmember. The reason tbr the request to examine this is so that all cemncihnenlbers might not be from the same section of the City. This is distinctly different than elections by district. If this proposal is accepted, the City would be divided into five geographic areas with c<mncilmembers living and residing in each of the five areas, but elected city-wide. The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m. A DJOURNM ENT Rcspecttidly submitted, Authelet, CMC/AAE City Clerk