HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1997/09/16MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TIlE CH'V COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF CIIUI,A VISTA Tuesday, Scl~tcntbcr Ib, 1997 6:02 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: ABSENT: ALSO I'RESENT: CALL TO ORDER Council Chainhers Public Services Building Councilmembers: Moot, Padilla, Rindone, Salas,and Mayor Horton. Councilmembers: None Assistant City Manager, Sid W. Mu. is: City Attorney, John M. Kaheny: and City Clerk, Beverly A. Authelet 2. PI~EDGE OF AIA~EGIANCE TO TIlE FLAG, MOMENT OF SII,ENCE 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Niinc submitted. 4. SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY:: Oath id' Office: City Clerk Authclct administered the Oath ii10lticc tl, Dennis J. Rowley, Mobilehome Rent Review Commission. CONSENT CALENI)AR (Items pulled: none) Councilmember Rindone stated he would be abstaining on Consent Calendar Items 6A and 6B. CONSENT CAEENI)AR OFFERED BY MAVOR HORTON, headings read. texts waived, passed and uppruved 5-0 ~fith an abslenlion on Items 6A and 6B by Cotmcihnemher Rindone. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Letter frl)ul list, Cil) Athn'ney stalin~ thai the City Cuuncll did m~t uteet i. Closed Sessiun on 9/9/97. The letter was Icccixcd :t~ld lilcd. 6.A. ORDINANCE 2712 MODIFYING SECTION 10.56.040, SCIIEDULE XI OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO ALLOW SHORT-TERM METERED PARKING ON THE EAST SIDE OF THIRD AVENUE BETWEEN CENTER STREET AND MADRONA AVENUE (first reading) - Th~ t~x,vller of Third Avenue Newsstand I~lc;tt~d at 335 Third Avenue has Icqttcstcd that I,,wl {d the mettrod, two-hllur parkillg spaces located in front of her busillcss be changed to thirty-minutes each to acc~lllul/tldatc "quick turn-over customers." The Downtown Business Association and the Town Centre Project Area Committee have reviewed the request. Staff recolllulcnds C(ltll/cd illstee the ordinance (Ill lirst rcadin.~ afld apj~ft)vc Ih~ icsoJution. (Director Of Collulltsnity Developu~cnt) B, RESOLUTION 18775 APPROVING THIRD AVENUE NEWSTAND'S REQUEST FOR TWO 30- MINUTE PARKING SPACES IN FRONT OF 335 THIRD AVENUE September 16, 1997 Page 2 7. RESOLUTION 18776 SUPPORTING "VOTER OPTION TO REDISTRIBUTE TAXES TO LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT" - This pu~pl~,al wlluld allllw cities and counties to adopt an ordinance (suh. l~ct to majority approval of the voters) which wotlld irlctcase the percentage ill' sales tax retained by the point iff origin alld reduce the State's percentage of the sales tax h) a like amount. It is r~c~mm~endcd that the resolution hc approved. (Legislative Committee) 8. REPORT TERMINATION OF TIlE COUNTY HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAM AND REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH SOUTH BAY JURISDICTIONS TO DEVELOP A SUB-REGIONAL PROGRAM ALTERNATIVE - 'PIle California lntegrated Waste Management Act of 1989 requirgs that every Cily and Cilunty dcvchlp and implement a Household Hazardous Waste Element (HHWE) designed to reduce or diverl is annual HHW generation 50% hy the year 2000. In .luly the County annonnced that it wlmld no [img~.r he pillriding tile HHW services fimded by landfill tipping fees. Staff r~c{nllnlends Council accept tile rcpllrt and authl~rize tile City Manager tll negotiate with neighhlu'ingjurisdictions to develop a funding mechanism to continue household hazardous waste cllllection. drop-off. and education activities tilr Chula Vista residents. (Conservatillll Cl~oldinator) ORAE ('OMMUNICATIONS None. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RIGFATED RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES Niine subnlitted. BOARD AND (¥)t'MMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS Ntmc stthnlittcd. ACTION ITEMS Nime subnlitled. ITEMS PIlELED FROM TIlE CONSENT CALENDAR (Nil itcnls were pulled) OTIIER BUSINESS CITY MANAGER'S REPORT(S) - nlme 10. MAYOR'S REPORT(S) Ratification of aplmintments: Sat~:tv Commissum. Bob McAlister (to fill vacancy create,,] hy Commissilmer Smith whose term expired 6/30/97); anti 't'tn~th C(nlunission, David Taboada ([ lillh~p High School Io fill vacancy created hy Commissioner Monroy ~vhose teem cxlnz'es 6/30/98). MSUC (Hort0n/Padilla) to ratif) the above appoinhnents. Minutes September 16, 1997 Pa,~e 3 11. COUNCIl, COMMENTS Councilmenll~cr Salas stated she would nlll he ahle t<l go to the' LeaStic ot Calit~rnia Cities meeting, and thereti~re, she requested that Ctmncilnlenlb~r Mt~ot bc the alternate. The mcctin~ aditlumcd at 6:07 p.m. AI).IOURNMENT Rcsl~:ctfully submitted, Beverly A. AtHhclct, CMC/AAE City Clerk